• 22 hours ago


00:00The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
00:30The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
00:46The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
01:16The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
01:46The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
02:16The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
02:46The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
03:16The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
03:31The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
04:01The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
04:31The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
04:51The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
05:11The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
05:41The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
06:06The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
06:16The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
06:46The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
06:57The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
07:27The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
07:42The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
08:12The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
08:27The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
08:42The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
09:02The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
09:32The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
10:02The New Testament, Treasures in the Sky, Brazilian version by Herbert Richers.
10:32Do you know the commandments?
10:35You will not commit adultery.
10:37You will not kill.
10:39You will not steal.
10:41You will not give false testimony.
10:44You will honor your father and your mother.
10:47You will love your neighbor as yourself.
10:51I have kept the commandments, Master.
10:54All of them.
10:55Since I was a little boy.
10:58Then there is only one thing missing.
11:01Sell everything you have and distribute it to the poor.
11:05Then you will have treasures in the sky.
11:08Come and follow me.
11:10Follow me.
11:28How difficult it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.
11:34In fact, it is easier for a camel to pass through the bottom of a needle...
11:41than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.
11:49We have to continue our journey, Master.
11:52Jericho is one day from here.
11:54Let's go.
12:03Oh, oh, oh, oh.
12:11You can not say I did not advise you.
12:15Oh, please, Zaqueu.
12:18I will spend my life in prison.
12:20But let me be here when Jesus comes.
12:25That rabbi is coming here?
12:28That's what they're saying on the streets, sir.
12:30He will pass through Jericho on the way to Jerusalem.
12:34If I can talk to him when he passes...
12:38I will be healed.
12:40I guarantee it.
12:42What an old man.
12:45Take him to prison.
12:47No, no, Zaqueu.
12:49It's true.
12:51This Jesus resurrected the dead.
12:54He healed the crippled.
12:56He drove out demons.
12:58He can change lives, Zaqueu.
13:03But it's more than that.
13:05Listen here, please.
13:08Don't you see?
13:11I am the light of the world.
13:14Come to me and I will give you rest.
13:19Love one another.
13:23Who else would preach such things?
13:29Jesus is the Messiah.
13:34I implore you.
13:36I will give you the rest of my life.
13:39But let me be there when he comes.
13:43Please, Zaqueu.
13:55Thank you, sir.
14:02Forgive me.
14:04I am so moved.
14:06He has already passed.
14:10Didn't you know?
14:12Jesus will pass through Jericho today.
14:15I will be there when he passes.
14:25I will be there when he passes.
14:48It's him!
14:56What's going on?
14:58What is he doing?
15:01Is he coming this way?
15:03Do you want to be quiet?
15:05Please, call him to me.
15:08Ask him to pass through here.
15:10Jesus, son of David.
15:16Have mercy.
15:18Have mercy on me, Jesus.
15:20Be quiet, sir.
15:22They're all looking.
15:24I don't care.
15:26I need to talk to Jesus.
15:28Jesus, have mercy on me.
15:33Have mercy on me, Jesus.
15:37Jesus, I need to talk to you.
16:07What do you want me to do?
16:13Master, show me.
16:18Your faith has saved us.
16:22Receive your vision.
16:50I can see.
17:01It can't be.
17:18I will be careful.
17:21I promise.
17:23Let me be there when he passes.
17:32Can't you see?
17:34Jesus is the Messiah.
17:38I can see.
17:41I can see.
17:44I can see.
18:13all I see is pain.
18:18Why do the things I bought...
18:21don't seem so good to me?
18:27Why is the gold I gathered...
18:29losing its price?
18:32What is all this...
18:34compared to the treasures of heaven?
18:37What are these things...
18:39compared to mercy...
18:41and love?
18:47But what will remain...
18:49if I give up all this?
18:52What am I...
18:54without my precious treasures...
18:56to display?
19:01your words and deeds...
19:03have put me on my knees.
19:07Help me.
19:09Help me.
19:29Help me.
19:54Who is he?
19:56He looks like Ezekiel.
19:58The publican?
20:00What is he doing up there?
20:02Probably spying on the Romans.
20:14Come down.
20:16Come here.
20:18For today I will visit your house.
20:23You mean...
20:27will go to my house?
20:47I am not worthy...
20:50to enter my house.
20:55I am a sinner...
21:19I did not come to this world...
21:21only for the righteous...
21:24but to seek and save...
21:26what had been lost.
21:34I will give half...
21:36of everything...
21:38I have to the poor.
21:41And if I...
21:43take from someone...
21:46I will pay back...
21:48four times...
21:50everything I have lost.
21:57Today salvation has come to your house.
22:11My hands were full of money.
22:17Empty I always had a heart.
22:22Filled it was...
22:25because everything in me changed.
22:29Evil I left behind.
22:34Now I know I feel peace.
22:38My soul suddenly revived.
22:44Loving, helping...
22:47I do not live stealing anymore.
22:51So I found...
22:56Peace, eternal peace.
23:01Treasure that never breaks.
23:07I know I found my Savior.
23:12I trust Him.
23:18Peace, eternal peace.
23:23Treasure that never breaks.
23:28The richness of Christ does not fail.
23:34I trust Him.
23:43I trust Him.
23:56There is no treasure on earth...
24:00where the trace and the rust destroy...
24:04and where thieves enter and steal.
24:08But I have gathered treasures in heaven.
24:13For where your treasure is...
24:16there will be your heart.
24:38For more information, visit www.fema.org
