• 22 hours ago


00:00Thank you for not allowing this tape to be copied. We appreciate your honesty.
00:30This is an animated story from the New Testament, erected on a rock.
00:50I fear that this is the end for him.
01:09My time has come.
01:12Sarah, as my eldest son, you will now take care of the vineyard.
01:24But remember, half belongs to Thomas. I hope you work together.
01:33Of course, my father.
01:40I know, Thomas. I know.
01:45We will meet again.
02:16These grapes are not ready to be harvested.
02:26What's going on?
02:28I'm sorry, Master Thomas. Your brother sent me to harvest them.
02:32But they will only be ripe in a few days.
02:35He asked me to mix them with the ripe grapes we've already harvested.
02:39He says no one will notice, and we'll make more money that way.
02:49So you know about my plan.
02:53I won't let you ruin this vineyard.
02:55We're far from being ruined.
02:58Our father said we should work together.
03:00He also said I would take care of it.
03:02You have no right to continue making decisions without me.
03:06Very well. Let's split the vineyard.
03:11I want my share. You can do whatever you want with your share. Sign this now.
03:15I'm not signing anything.
03:17Sign it!
03:19This vineyard will make me the richest man in Israel.
03:22I will die before I split it.
03:26I will get my share.
03:29I don't think you will.
03:30As soon as we start making money,
03:33you will also get your share.
03:52Excuse me.
03:54Josias is no longer here.
03:56How did you know?
03:57Everyone who comes through this door is looking for Josias.
04:01I'm also a lawyer. I studied the same things.
04:04I speak the same language, but someone asks for me.
04:07Where can I find him? Do you know?
04:09See what I said? I'm no more than a bag of potatoes.
04:13And old ladies.
04:15If you could tell me where he went.
04:17He went crazy. That's the truth.
04:19He left here to follow that Jesus.
04:24He's a prophet, a holy man.
04:25I don't know what.
04:27The fact is that he gave up the laws and is no longer here.
04:30Meanwhile, I come to work every day and everyone keeps asking.
04:34Do you know where I can find Josias?
04:36I didn't say.
04:38Find Jesus and you will find Josias.
04:41As far as I know, he's on the hills west of here.
04:47My mother told me.
04:49Be a baker, she told me. People need bread every day.
04:52And lawyers need one once a year at most.
04:56You were right, mother. You were right.
05:03God knows how much I owe your father.
05:06Please, Josias. You are the only one who can inherit my inheritance.
05:10There are many good lawyers.
05:13My father always said you were the best.
05:15But I'm not working anymore.
05:17I'm begging you to come back.
05:18My brother is ruining the vineyard, Josias.
05:21And the good name of our father.
05:23It's not that I don't care, Thomas.
05:26It's that I chose the most important things.
05:32Come, listen to the teachings of Jesus.
05:35Maybe you'll find the answer you need.
05:49Blessed are the poor in spirit.
05:53For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
05:56Blessed are those who suffer.
05:59For they will be comforted.
06:02Blessed are the humble.
06:05For they will inherit the earth.
06:07Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for justice.
06:11For they will be satisfied.
06:14Blessed are the merciful.
06:16For they will have mercy.
06:19Blessed are the pure of heart.
06:23For they will see God.
06:26Blessed are the peacemakers.
06:29For they will be called sons of God.
06:32In past times, you heard, you will not kill.
06:37But I tell you,
06:40whoever wants to be angry with his brother without cause,
06:43is in danger of being judged.
06:49In past times, you heard eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
06:55But I tell you,
06:58if someone hits you on the right side,
07:02offer him the other side.
07:05In past times, you heard, you must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
07:10But I tell you,
07:13love your enemies.
07:16Bless those who blaspheme against you.
07:19Do good to those who hate you.
07:22Pray for those who mistreat you,
07:26who abuse you.
07:29You must do more than believe in these things.
07:32You must practice my teachings.
07:34Whoever hears my words and puts them into practice
07:38will be compared by me to a wise man who built his house on a rock.
07:59But what are you doing?
08:01But what are you doing?
08:04I'm digging for the foundation of my house.
08:09The ground is sitting on a huge rock and you're going to take a long time digging here.
08:15Yes, but the house will be strong when it's ready.
08:20Think about all the time you've lost.
08:24I'll get it somehow.
08:26Oh, feel free. I'll build there.
08:32But this ground is very sandy. You shouldn't build there. It's not safe.
08:37Nonsense! I'll build right there and I'll finish in half the time you're going to take.
09:26I'm done and just in time for the rainy season.
09:29Don't mind him, kids. We're doing the right thing.
10:39Don't worry. The river won't affect the rock that's under us.
10:44Stop complaining! Not a drop went in!
10:48It's not with the roof that I'm worried.
11:23Hold the rope!
11:25I don't want your help!
11:27Come with me! Come!
11:31Where are you going? We can save her! Come back here!
11:44Please! Save her! Please!
12:37It's always a pleasure to do business with my favorite vineyard. Here it is.
12:44I think we're missing three shekels. We've increased our prices.
12:49Oh, good! I hope I'm at least getting the same quality grapes.
12:57We never sell anything that doesn't sell.
13:01Ah! What did I say?
13:04I just took some extra coins from that old man, and my little brother is coming home.
13:11About that other day, Sahara, I was angry.
13:30I apologize.
13:32What I was trying to say was that we owe our father to manage this vineyard like he did.
13:38You haven't changed a thing. Get out of here!
13:41Sahara, we're brothers. I know we can come to an agreement.
13:45There's nothing to come to an agreement. I'm in charge, and I'm going to do exactly what I say.
13:51How stupid I was to think I could make him change his mind.
13:54You've always been so stupid.
14:03Now get out of here, and come back when you're ready to do things my way.
14:09Wait, I'll take care of you.
14:13Love your enemies? That's absurd.
14:16Jesus never promised that your enemies would love you too.
14:20I want my inheritance. Are you going to help me or not?
14:23Look for Jesus.
14:25I tried to be like him. That's why I almost died.
14:29I mean, talk to him.
14:31Tell him about your situation.
14:33He's a hundred times wiser than all the lawyers who try to catch him by the words.
14:40You know he's the only one who has the answer.
14:45You want your inheritance, don't you?
14:47You want your inheritance, don't you?
15:04We won't be able to transport the rest.
15:08That's the problem I like the most.
15:11More grapes than the space I have to store.
15:14Your father used to give the leftovers to the poor.
15:18The poor?
15:20I'm going to sell them, even if it's for half the price, before I give a grape to those bastards.
15:26Wait a minute.
15:28Sell them for half the price?
15:31The other producers can't afford to do that.
15:35I'm going to take everyone out of the business.
15:38And then everyone will be forced to buy from me.
15:40I'm going to raise my prices and make a lot of money.
15:44Don't just stand there.
15:46Spread the word.
15:48Grapes for half the price.
15:55Tomorrow the workers will spend the day setting up tents.
16:00Yeah, I need more space for my plantation.
16:03So I'm going to take down their little houses.
16:05But, Mr. Sahara, when winter comes...
16:07They're going to have a lot of time to make blankets.
16:11But you're already very rich.
16:14How much money do you need?
16:16Just a little more, my friend.
16:18Just a little more.
16:30I thought you bought your grapes from the children of Gideon.
16:34Well, I always bought them.
16:37But since Gideon died, things have changed a lot over there.
16:42Sahara is very dishonest.
16:44He's buying all the small properties, trying to throw us out of the business.
16:49Don't buy anything here.
16:51Sahara is selling his grapes for half the price.
16:54Half the price?
16:56Come on, we need to get there before everyone else.
17:01Don't you see what he's doing?
17:16We shouldn't ask these buyers to come back tomorrow.
17:19The kids will have to work all night.
17:22If you don't like it, you can go.
17:33If you are called to testify about me,
17:37do not worry about what you must say.
17:40The Holy Spirit will tell you what to say at the time.
17:46Master, please, talk to my brother and convince him to share our inheritance.
17:52Thomas, who am I to judge the division of your inheritance?
17:59Beware of greed and envy, Thomas.
18:02Because the value of a man's life has little to do with the material things he possesses.
18:08Once upon a time there was a rich man,
18:11and his lands produced a harvest so great that he said to himself,
18:16What should I do?
18:18I don't have room for all these fruits.
18:21But he was so attached to his possessions
18:24that he cut down all the ceilings and built new ones.
18:29Then he said to himself,
18:32Now I have enough for many years.
18:36Now I can eat, drink, and even get married.
18:40But God said to him,
18:43You fool!
18:45Tonight your life on earth will end.
18:50And the things you have gained on earth are worthless to your soul.
19:00The same happens to those who seek only treasures on earth,
19:05but are poor in the things of God.
19:10What was he trying to say with that parable?
19:13What does that mean?
19:15I think he explained it very well.
19:18Yes, I know.
19:20The rich man loved the treasures of the earth more than the things of God.
19:24But why did he tell me that story?
19:27Because I want my inheritance?
19:30Yes, because I want my inheritance.
19:33But why did he tell me that story?
19:36Because I want my inheritance?
19:39Is that wrong?
19:41Beware of greed, he said.
19:43But that is not greed.
19:45It is justice.
19:47My inheritance was stolen from me.
19:49That is wrong.
19:51And I will not rest until I get it back.
19:53That is why I will live to the end of my days.
19:59Just like the rich man.
20:03I am just like the rich man.
20:07My life is based only on obtaining material things.
20:13It is based on...
20:15A foundation of sand.
20:20I am also inconsequential.
20:24I have been very fruitful.
20:28Did you know this was going to happen?
20:33Because it happened to me in the same way.
20:43I'm sorry I sold your property.
20:46It belonged to my family for 200 years.
20:51Do not worry.
20:53I will take good care of it.
20:55Your father would be ashamed.
20:57My father did not understand business.
21:00It is true.
21:02But he understood kindness.
21:13The administrator told me you were here.
21:16I came back to...
21:18I know exactly why you came back.
21:21Our little vineyard is now the largest in all of Israel.
21:24But if you think I'm going to split it in half, you're very, very mistaken.
21:29I do not want these lands anymore, Sahara.
21:32I just came to...
21:34Say goodbye.
21:36Say goodbye?
21:40I wish you all the best.
21:42I know what you want.
21:45Do you really expect me to believe that you are giving up all this?
21:52I do not think so.
21:54Goodbye, my friend.
22:17This is all mine now.
22:21Thomas, there has never been an idiot greater than you.
22:29Administrator, more wine.
22:34I will not have to work a day in my life.
22:37Just eat and drink.
22:51Master Sahara!
22:54Master Sahara!
23:08Do not look for treasures here on earth that can be devoured by trace and rust,
23:14and taken away by thieves.
23:17Look for treasures in heaven where neither trace nor rust can corrupt them,
23:24and where thieves can neither invade nor steal.
23:30Because wherever your treasure is, there will also be your heart.
23:46Brazilian version by Centauro
24:16I saw a master and he saved me,
24:22he brought me faith,
24:27stronger today I am.
24:35I lived wandering,
24:41I lived wandering,
24:46alone without a home,
24:51and happiness,
24:56trying to find.
25:04Then I heard the master,
25:09and he showed me,
25:13he brought me faith,
25:16stronger today I am.
25:25And today faith makes me much greater,
25:33nothing can destroy me,
25:41there are no difficulties,
25:46strong I am.
25:53And every day more.
26:14I do not want futile things,
26:19I do not want vain things,
26:24my greatest treasure
26:30is much more than gold,
26:34my greatest treasure is faith.
