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00:00I can make you very special.
00:08Hundreds of years ago, people completely exhausted the planet's resources, leading to a total
00:12degradation of the population.
00:14The best scientists took it upon themselves to save the dying world.
00:17A renewable energy source was found.
00:19However, the greatest danger remained humanity itself.
00:23Differences led to divisions between the best and the worst.
00:26It was then decided to improve humans as a species.
00:30On their 16th birthday, everyone undergoes a procedure that makes them physically perfect.
00:34No longer does anyone need to envy others or prove their superiority.
00:38Tali is one of those waiting for that day.
00:40For now, she is called an ugly, but she has the opportunity to see what she will look
00:44like as she can choose her eye color or skin quality.
00:48That evening, she sneaks onto a bridge where her friend Paris is waiting for her.
00:52They watch a party in the city of the beautiful, envying those who are already there.
00:56Paris is three months older than Tali, and tomorrow he will undergo the operation and
01:01move to the city.
01:02Tali will have to wait her turn, and she fears that Paris will forget about her.
01:06But he assures her that she will always be his squints, and he will always be her nose.
01:11He arranges to meet her in a month.
01:13The next day, the students gather in the main hall to greet those whose time has come.
01:17Dr. Cable talks about all the advantages of being beautiful, and calls forward the
01:21future beauties.
01:22Paris says goodbye to Tali, and a girl named Shay, sitting next to her, notices this.
01:27In the evening, Tali returns to her room and remembers how she and Paris met when they
01:31arrived at school.
01:32He called himself Nose, and she called herself Squints.
01:36One day, the boy hurt his hand, and the girl intentionally cut her palm.
01:40From that moment on, they shared a mark of ugliness, a scar on their palms, and the belief
01:44that they were perfect for each other.
01:46The next morning in class, Tali talks about the White Tiger Orchid, which supplies energy
01:51to the cities and decorates the fields.
01:53That evening, she undergoes the mandatory scan for her future transformation, where
01:57she chooses gold for her eye color and dreams of reuniting with Paris, from whom there has
02:02been no news.
02:04The day of the arranged meeting arrives.
02:06The girl sneaks onto the bridge, but Nose is not there.
02:09Tali decides to sneak into the City of Joy.
02:12She reaches the outskirts, where a party is in full swing.
02:15Suddenly, a mask falls from above, allowing its owner to change their clothing.
02:19Tali puts it on, selects a dress, and heads out to search for her friend in streets filled
02:23with lights, laughter, music, and celebration.
02:27Miraculously, she finds Paris, who barely recognizes her.
02:31Even the scar on his hand is gone, though he swore he wouldn't remove it.
02:34It turns out that after the transformation, an ugly person's life becomes entirely
02:39different, where an eternal friendship oath no longer matters.
02:42Tali removes the mask to remind him of herself, but immediately becomes an unwanted presence.
02:47She runs, grabbing a rescue vest on her way.
02:50Realizing she is about to be caught, Tali jumps from a skyscraper.
02:54The vest saves her, and she manages to reach the bridge.
02:57But she is pursued, and just as she is about to be caught, Shay arrives to rescue her on
03:01her hoverboard.
03:02The girls immediately feel a kindred spirit.
03:04Tali shows Shay how to sneak into the locked kitchen and tells her that her meeting with
03:08Paris left her disappointed.
03:10One day, Shay suggests that Tali learn to ride the hoverboard and gives her a forbidden
03:14book to read.
03:15Tali learns that Shay told her friends about her jump with the rescue vest, and now she
03:19is the heroine of the entire campus, which could lead to her being denied the operation.
03:24But she continues with her lessons and masters the hoverboard.
03:27Later the girls discuss beauty, and unexpectedly, Shay reveals that she doesn't want to change
03:31at all.
03:32For now, she takes Tali to a training ground, where, choosing the most difficult track,
03:37she puts on a masterclass.
03:38After riding, Tali returns the book, in which she enjoyed the free flow of everything in
03:43the world, from natural seasons to relationships.
03:46Then Shay suggests that they both refuse the operation and escape with her to The Smoke,
03:51a place where people live freely.
03:53She takes her friend to the edge of the school grounds, and after leaving their tracking
03:57rings on a branch, the girls fly into the wildlands.
04:00Crossing a river, they arrive at the ruins of an old city.
04:03Shay shows her the remnants of a rollercoaster, lamenting that it is destroyed.
04:08She takes her friend to a tall building, where they can call her friends from the wild
04:11world by lighting a signal fire.
04:14Shay explains that in the outside world, people work for themselves, love, and have children.
04:19There are even old people there.
04:20Everything is like in the book they read.
04:22Shay was planning to escape with her friend David when she saw Tali on the bridge and
04:26came to her rescue.
04:27She wants to read books and have hobbies, because after the operation, a person no longer
04:32decides how to live.
04:34Tali doesn't understand this, as she has dreamed all her life of being beautiful.
04:37So Shay leaves her with a coated path to the smoke and departs with David, whose fire
04:42lights up on the neighboring rooftop.
04:44Tali returns to the city, where the day of her transformation soon arrives.
04:48Unexpectedly, instead of the operation, she is taken to Dr. Cable, who turns out to be
04:52well aware of her friendship with the missing Shay.
04:55She insists that David is holding Shay against her will, brainwashing her.
04:59And only after Tali finds Shay and returns her to the city will she be allowed to become beautiful.
05:04A distressed Tali returns to her room, where Paris visits her.
05:08He advises her to do as Dr. Cable asks, as it is the only way they can be together.
05:13Tali agrees.
05:14Dr. Cable explains that the residents of the smoke are planning to destroy the city and
05:19have developed a weapon that Tali must find and neutralize.
05:22She sets off, receiving a pendant to activate when she finds the weapon.
05:26Tali follows Shay's instructions and after reaching the ruined rollercoaster, rides it
05:30until she reaches an old railroad track.
05:33She camps in the forest for the night, lighting a fire, and unexpectedly finds charm in the
05:38surrounding nature.
05:39Later, she has to climb a steep cliff and cross the ruins on her hoverboard.
05:43The last stop is a white sea of orchids, where Tali settles in for the night.
05:47Meanwhile, Dr. Cable calls Paris and offers to further enhance him.
05:52That night, Tali wakes up surrounded by burning orchids.
05:55As she is about to lose consciousness, David finds her.
05:58He checks her over, discards the transmitters he finds, ignoring the pendant, which is not
06:02yet active, and takes her with him.
06:04However, the tracker informs Dr. Cable that Tali is in the right place.
06:08In the morning, David brings Tali to the smoke, where she reunites with Shay.
06:12However, the others find it strange that she managed to get there alone.
06:16Tali expresses her concern for Shay and believes she should return, but Shay has no intention
06:20of doing so and asks Tali to take a closer look at this way of life.
06:24The next day, Tali comes across a group of young people preparing for an expedition.
06:29It turns out that the fires are set by them because the orchids are toxic and drain nutrients
06:33from the soil, killing the planet.
06:35David offers her to join them and see the truth.
06:38The group flies on a mission aboard an ancient modified helicopter.
06:42From above, they see fields and forests destroyed by the orchids.
06:45Shay sets the plants on fire and a blaze erupts, suddenly revealing figures of people walking
06:50through the fire unharmed.
06:53Suddenly the helicopter shakes and Shay falls down.
06:56Tali immediately jumps after her.
06:57She finds her friend and grabs her, just as she sees a figure in a blue suit running
07:01towards them.
07:02But Tali grabs onto a rope thrown down from the helicopter and the two girls are pulled
07:06out of danger.
07:07Later, they discuss what happened, confused about how the city's scouts found them.
07:12Tali feels guilty and torn, as after getting to know the inhabitants of the smoke better,
07:16she has started to think differently.
07:18Here everyone works but doesn't use money, they just trade.
07:21The elderly aren't a burden because they contribute in their own way.
07:25Most importantly, the people have chosen to be here.
07:27They melt down old iron and make useful things.
07:30When Tali asks about weapons, Shay simply shrugs, saying, why would we need them?
07:35Tali joins in the work and even though it's hard, she enjoys the process.
07:38In the evening, everyone gathers around the campfires, where she is treated to natural
07:43David tells the people that scouts have been spotted, meaning the city hasn't stopped
07:47pursuing them.
07:49While the smoke believes in controlling nature, the city has perfected controlling people.
07:53By focusing on appearance, people stop reading, learning, dreaming and choosing who they want
07:58to become.
07:59That's why they are ready to defend their freedom.
08:02The next day, David teaches Tali how to shoot a bow, noticing the calluses on her hands
08:07and gives her his gloves as a gift.
08:09At that moment, the flamethrowers arrive, having encountered scouts again.
08:13However, these are not typical beauties, but very fast and strong guys.
08:17Later, Shay notices the gloves and explains that in this world, things are different from
08:21the city.
08:22When a guy cares for a girl, it means she's important to him, so Tali has to make a choice.
08:27One day, Tali asks David about the weapons.
08:29He takes her to his parents.
08:31They reveal that they used to be plastic surgeons.
08:33It turns out these operations are not as safe as people believe.
08:37There were even fatalities.
08:38While studying these cases, David's father noticed changes in the brain of the beautiful,
08:43realizing that after the procedures, people's thinking became clouded and they experienced
08:47a false sense of happiness.
08:48But only Cable realized the secret was uncovered and they were removed from their work and
08:53their research results were confiscated.
08:55It became clear that the brain was being intentionally damaged to control people.
08:59David's parents were lucky to find themselves in a community of dissenters where they were
09:03given a medicine that helped them stay sane.
09:06That's why they fled and dedicated the rest of their lives to creating a cure.
09:10But one of the main components remained in the city.
09:12The serum is the weapon, though it's not yet completed.
09:15Once they obtain what's missing, they will need to test it on a person, but only if that
09:19person agrees.
09:21That night, Tali reflects on everything she's learned, takes off the pendant, and throws
09:25it into the fire, not realizing that by doing so, she activates it.
09:29She tells David what happened, but he reassures her that she has chosen the right path.
09:34He tells her she is beautiful and kisses her.
09:36The next morning, the city attacks the smoke.
09:39Men in blue suits trap the residents of the smoke in nets and gather them in the square.
09:44Tali holds back David, and they watch the events unfold from a distance.
09:48Cable interrogates David's parents, and when she gets no answers, she orders Paris to kill
09:52David's father.
09:54He reaches out and with one swift movement, snaps the man's neck.
09:58David rushes out, and together with his mother, they cry over his father's body.
10:02Paris sees Tali but doesn't touch her, while Cable thanks her for her cooperation, revealing
10:07her true mission.
10:08As Shay expresses her disgust towards her, David's mother secretly slips a vial of the
10:12medicine into her son's pocket.
10:14Tali breaks free, runs to David's house, and sets it on fire.
10:18In the chaos, David escapes into the forest.
10:21Tali, shooting her pursuer with a bow, also runs while the townspeople burn down the settlement
10:26and take its residents away.
10:28Later, Tali finds David and tells him that she didn't know the whole truth, and the residents
10:32of the smoke paid the price.
10:34She is ready to help him get to the city and fix her mistake.
10:38She takes him to the school, introduces him to Shay's friends, and asks them for help.
10:42The young people start a rebellion, writing the words, Smoke Forever above the city, diverting
10:46attention from the main goal.
10:48Taking advantage of this, Tali and David sneak into the laboratory, but to access the right
10:53level, the school ring is not enough.
10:55David takes it from a guard, and the pair find and free the residents of the smoke,
10:59but Shay has already been taken for the operation.
11:01Tali, David, and his mother rush after her, but it's too late.
11:05Shay has been turned into a beauty, and she really likes it.
11:08At that moment, Paris and Dr. Cable enter the laboratory, urging people to finally make
11:12a choice.
11:14All three step into the transformation booths, but just as the process begins, a helicopter
11:19flies overhead, and David's friend uses a flamethrower to melt the outer glass.
11:23The system collapses, Tali pulls Shay out, and while David's mother finds the necessary
11:28component for the medicine, they escape.
11:30The group makes it to the roof, where they are stopped by Paris.
11:33Tali tries to remind him of their friendship, but he reaches out, and David, remembering
11:38his father's death, attacks the handsome man.
11:41After a struggle, Paris dangles over a waterway, and at the last moment, he recognizes Tali,
11:46but he slips and falls down.
11:48David leads Tali away.
11:49Later, the group gathers in the ruins of the ancient city.
11:53David's mother shows them the retrieve component and pulls the vial from her son's pocket.
11:57The medicine is finally ready, but Shay refuses to be the test subject, as she loves being
12:02So Tali volunteers to return to the city, undergo the procedure, and then become a volunteer.
12:07It's very risky, but she is confident in her strength.
12:10Sometime later, the beautiful Tali admires the city and, when asked by the system, assures
12:15it that she is completely happy being perfect.
12:18The movie raises more questions than it answers.
12:20The city's motivation is unclear, as the beauties produce nothing but self-admiration, and the
12:25danger posed by the smoke isn't fully explained.
12:28But the visuals allow viewers to simply enjoy the beautiful scenes, forgetting about the
12:31absurdities of the plot.
