Rich Celebrity Injects a Substance To Become Young And Famous Again

  • 2 days ago
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00:00You are the Matrix. This is simply a better version of yourself.
00:07The movie begins by showing an egg yolk being injected with a mysterious green liquid.
00:12The yolk then divides itself and creates a duplicate. The scene abruptly jumps to the Hollywood Walk of Fame,
00:17setting up the star of celebrity Elizabeth Sparkle.
00:20She is supposed to be the most sought-after star of her time,
00:23but as the years roll away, her brilliance fades away, and soon enough,
00:27she is just a blurred memory in people's minds.
00:30However, Elizabeth has refused to give up since she hosts a TV aerobic show called Sparkle It Up.
00:35One day after her show, everyone congratulates her on her birthday,
00:39and then uncannily, she can't use the women's room.
00:41She enters the men's room and hides when she hears someone coming.
00:45In the next few weeks, we need her young. We need her now.
00:49Find me somebody new. Now!
00:53Elizabeth overhears the network's president, Harvey.
00:56After Harvey leaves, Elizabeth spontaneously checks her reflection in the mirror
01:00and sees nothing but wrinkles and lines.
01:02She later has lunch with Harvey, who gluttonously stuffing himself with shrimp.
01:06He manipulates her that the show is going through a revamp,
01:09but Elizabeth already knows that she's being tossed out like trash.
01:13I mean, that's just the way it is. I have to give people what they want.
01:18And at 50, it stops.
01:21What stops?
01:22Oh, George! Those ratings are insane! Oh, what a mature genius!
01:28While driving home, an estranged Elizabeth becomes alarmed at seeing her billboard being taken down,
01:33causing her to get distracted and get into a serious car accident.
01:37Although luckily Elizabeth was unscratched, emotionally, she is completely torn.
01:41Later, when Elizabeth checks its pocket, she finds a strange flash drive labeled The Substance.
01:47It also has a note and phone number attached to it promising real changes.
01:51On her way out, Elizabeth is met by a man named Fred,
01:54who remembers her all the way back from high school.
01:57He tells her she is still the most beautiful woman in the world, and he gives her his number.
02:01However, Elizabeth tries to lay him off since the man appears too clingy.
02:05Later, her worst nightmare comes true when she is officially fired from her show.
02:09Back at home, Elizabeth is compelled to watch the contents of the flash drive
02:13which advertises something called The Substance.
02:17Have you ever dreamt of a better version of yourself?
02:20One single injection unlocks your DNA.
02:24You are the Matrix. Everything comes from you.
02:28A perfect balance of seven days each.
02:35However, she would revert to her original state the following week, repeating this cycle continuously.
02:41Even with two versions of herself, she would never lose her original personality.
02:45She couldn't help recalling her glorious days in despair.
02:48Feeling lonely and longing for her prime days, she digs into the trash to retrieve the flash drive.
02:53She calls the number, is simply given an address, and is told to give hers.
02:58The next morning, she goes through the newspaper and bumps across an advertisement given
03:02to find her replacement in that aerobic show.
03:04The ad specified that they were only accepting a candidate aged between 18 and 30.
03:09Elizabeth crumples the newspaper in sheer frustration.
03:12Elizabeth receives an envelope bearing the symbol of The Substance.
03:15It had an ID card, 503, and an address.
03:19Elizabeth goes to the address, which is down a shady alley in a secret building through a locked door.
03:24She finds a deposit box with her number and opens it to find her required parcel.
03:29She returns home and opens the parcel to find an instruction manual, an activator, a stabilizer,
03:34the agent of change, and the necessary green liquid.
03:37Next, she stares at her reflection to scrutinize every inch and line of her body.
03:41She skeptically injects herself with the green fluid from earlier.
03:44At first, nothing happens, and Elizabeth chuckles knowingly.
03:47But then, out of sheer dizziness, Elizabeth falls to the floor in pain,
03:51while a giant slit opens up in her back.
03:54A younger, beautiful woman emerges from Elizabeth's back.
03:57The younger Elizabeth looks at the stunning version of herself in the mirror.
04:01She observes her new curves and her morning dew skin.
04:04Once the stitches are done, she directly injects The Substance into her vein
04:08and Elizabeth's body to keep herself balanced.
04:11Also, her voice was changed, and by hearing that voice, she gets a nosebleed.
04:16She quickly uses a stabilizer.
04:18The young Elizabeth quickly finds that advertisement
04:21and heads towards the studio after picking up a revealing, sultry outfit.
04:25Now the judges at the studio have seen countless women, but none met their beauty standards.
04:30However, they are speechless when they witness the fresh and curvy young woman
04:34who calls herself Sue and quickly earns a spot at Elizabeth's old network.
04:38Where is she?
04:42What a gorgeous little angel.
04:46We want a show that's just like you.
04:51I'm going to let you organize everything else with Cindy.
04:53I have to be out of town every other week.
04:57Gorgeous. The pure-hearted people are going to love that.
05:02Sue enjoys the newfound attention she is getting and lives her first week with high energy.
05:06But she doesn't forget to get her daily doses of stabilizers
05:09and enjoys many photo shoots she hasn't received for so many years.
05:13Soon when the week is over, and even the last drop of The Matrix is finished,
05:17she connects the IVs with her old body to allow the blood transfusion.
05:20Soon she returns to being the old, boring Elizabeth as her life remains unremarkable and dull.
05:26Soon she heads off to Harvey's studio to pick up her belongings.
05:29Harvey appears dumping a box of belongings in her arms,
05:32along with a farewell gift the staff has bought for her.
05:35Elizabeth impatiently waits for Sue to get revived.
05:38Soon she receives mail that the refill kit for the substance has been delivered to her deposit box.
05:43Meanwhile, Sue finds some space between the walls and decides to bury Elizabeth's body in that space.
05:48The noise causes an irritated neighbor to complain.
05:55Open up!
05:57I can't open!
06:03I think it's, like, awesome when there's stuff going on in the building, you know what I mean?
06:08You need me to be of aid in any way.
06:11I got a sack of tools, and I live right here.
06:14So you know where to find me.
06:18When she returns to being Sue, she has her new fitness show picked up full time.
06:22Her youth and brilliance captivate everyone.
06:24Everyone along with Harvey marveled at her charisma.
06:27Soon Sue goes for a night out with her castmates before her reign ends that week.
06:32She brings home a guy named Troy to enjoy,
06:34but she starts to become dizzy and gets a nosebleed because her time has run out.
06:38However, she wants a little time for herself, so Sue takes another capsule to stabilize herself.
06:43Even though her turn is over, Sue recycles a stabilizer tube
06:47and extracts more fluid from Elizabeth's body so she can spend the night with Troy.
06:51However, when Troy unzips her tight suit, Sue's insides begin to spill out,
06:55followed by a choked scream from Elizabeth, who rises alongside her younger version.
06:59When Elizabeth wakes up, she notices the chaotic condition of her house
07:03and the note stuck on the window by Troy.
07:05She is horrified to find that the extra time spent with Sue
07:08has caused her right hand to look older and sickly.
07:11She rushes to the bathroom to find that her whole body has this rotten and withered look.
07:17Yes, hi.
07:19This is Elizabeth Sparkle.
07:21There's been a slight misuse of the substance.
07:25What has been used on one side is lost on the other side.
07:29There is no going back.
07:31Remember, there is no she and you.
07:33You are one.
07:35Respect the balance.
07:39Soon she receives a message that her refill kit has arrived.
07:42When she goes to the shady alley to retrieve the parcel,
07:45inside the deposit room she hears strange noises that petrify her for a moment.
07:50Elizabeth finds Fred's number and decides to take him up on his offer to go to dinner.
07:54He excitedly accepts and makes a reservation.
07:57That night, Elizabeth puts on her foxiest dress,
08:00and when she is set to head out the door after getting ready,
08:03she gets distracted by seeing the billboard for Sue's show staring at her outside her window.
08:07Elizabeth keeps going to the bathroom, removing or reapplying makeup
08:11until she realizes that her golden days have gone.
08:14She just becomes so bitter and frustrated
08:16that she keeps on ignoring Fred's messages who tries to reach her out in vain.
08:19Finally, she bails on the date without contacting Fred again.
08:23Soon it is Sue's turn again,
08:25and during a taping of Sue's show,
08:27she does a bad take because she felt something bulging against her backside.
08:30Even the director thinks he saw something odd while taking a close-up of her body
08:34and calls for a retake.
08:36Sue bolts out of the room covering herself
08:38and then manages to pull out a huge chicken leg from her backside.
08:41Infuriated, Sue calls the same helpline
08:44to complain about Elizabeth's questionable eating habits that are destroying her slim figure.
09:15From that moment on, Sue starts taking the substance daily,
09:20altering the weekly schedule to ensure she has control during the New Year's week.
09:24However, side effects begin to show up on Elizabeth
09:28as a disgusting boil appears on her back.
09:30When Elizabeth wakes up,
09:32she screams upon discovering that almost half of her body has become rotten.
09:35As usual, she hysterically calls upon the operator to complain
09:38about how irresponsibly Sue is behaving
09:41as she is stealing more time than she should from the Matrix.
09:44The operator gives her a choice if she wants to end the whole situation
09:47as she has the power to stop the whole process.
09:50But he warns her that the damage done won't be reversed,
09:53but she can always stop from getting worse.
09:55Despite the warning, Elizabeth refuses to go back to her miserable life
09:58and begins to feel psychotic effects on her mind.
10:01Elizabeth cooks innumerable dishes calling Sue her cheap imitation.
10:05Elizabeth's ears prick up when the talk show host hits the last question
10:09about Sue's glowing beauty secret.
10:40Whether I like that or not.
10:42She slams the TV and locks the window so that she doesn't have to see that dimwit siren.
10:46Elizabeth knows the whole situation,
10:48but is unable to control it as she maniacally talks to herself cursing Sue.
10:52When Sue returns, she is disgusted by the mess Elizabeth has made,
10:56and in retaliation for Elizabeth's disgusting habits,
10:59Sue ends up spending more and more fluid from the Matrix
11:02in order to avoid going back.
11:04Three months later, the New Year's program is about to take place.
11:07Sue is all geared up for the moment that will eventually lead her to stardom.
11:11The night before her big break, she goes into the bathroom looking for more stabilizers,
11:15but all she finds is a rotten substance in the capsule threatening to ruin all her plans.
11:20In a frenzy, she tries to contact the supplier for some more stabilizers, however.
11:24To get more, she would have to wait for the liquid to regenerate.
11:27Sue battles against the excruciating pain and nosebleeds.
11:31She notices a wound that starts to look like an infected sore.
11:34She is told that the only way to save herself is to swap with Elizabeth.
11:37She tries to gather the things she needs,
11:39but instead swipes off the stuff creating a clattering noise.
11:42Now this alerts her boyfriend in another room.
11:45The curious man comes in for an investigation,
11:47but luckily he doesn't come across the hideous and rotten figure stumbling in the bathroom.
11:52Elizabeth decides to terminate the substance and makes a call to the supplier,
11:56but he responds that they will deliver only what is needed as soon as possible.
12:00Elizabeth desperately covers herself with whatever rags she can grab and hits the shady alley.
12:05She grabs the parcel and quickly returns to the safety of her apartment.
12:21Just as she was about to plunge it into Sue's chest,
12:23the man's voice echoes in her mind whether she really wants to do this.
12:27He warns her that this will not reverse her effects,
12:29but will let her continue to live the rest of her life as she is.
12:33She suddenly spots a bouquet with a motivational note
12:35and other messages received for her upcoming debut.
12:38Then she recalls her own glorious days when she was always in the spotlight.
12:42Suddenly, a wave of remorse crosses her heart for taking away the chance.
12:46She immediately stops short and doesn't inject the whole substance into Sue's body.
12:50Elizabeth tries to wake Sue up.
12:52However, despite Elizabeth's hysterical pleas,
12:55Sue's nose begins to bleed continuously.
12:57Sue wakes up abruptly, spitting blood.
13:00Both are bewildered to see each other as they had never been conscious at the same time.
13:44Sue then goes to the network to get ready for the New Year's Eve special.
13:47Everyone is admiring her ethereal beauty,
13:50but something is not right since Sue is also getting affected
13:53because of the death of her matrix, Elizabeth.
13:55The side effects forced her to rush to the bathroom.
13:58Unfortunately, her body starts to literally fall apart,
14:01with three of her front teeth falling out,
14:03her fingernails coming off, and her left ear sliding off.
14:06As she desperately comes out of the bathroom trying to avoid people,
14:10a Mary Harvey arrives with a group of investors,
14:13but Sue smiles forcefully with pursed lips.
14:15Sue runs back home in a dizzy state, desperate to fix things,
14:19and then finds the vial of the activator fluid
14:21and plunges the syringe into her body,
14:23but it was only designed for one-time usage.
14:26Thinking it will create another young body,
14:28it instead gives birth to an utterly disgusting creature
14:31almost like a hideous brain-like crumpled monster.
14:34The monstrous Sue goes back to the studio
14:36with Elizabeth's face from a poster taped to it
14:38and fitting into Sue's dress.
14:40Now the people were waiting for the iconic debut of the beautiful aerobic girl Sue.
14:44Instead, a hideous monster approaches the stage alarming everyone.
14:48Firstly, the face falls off and reveals its hideous visage to the audience,
14:52even some children.
14:53An infuriated Harvey attacks the monster
14:55and blows its head off with a mic stand,
14:57but the head regenerates.
14:59Its arm falls off and sprays the audience
15:01covering the entire room in nothing but red goo.
15:04In a desperate attempt, the monster manages to leave the studio
15:07until it collapses and splatters into nothing.
15:10Emerging from it is a fleshy mass with Elizabeth's original face attached.
15:14She slowly creeps towards her Walk of Fame star,
15:17looking up with joy and imagining sparkles raining down on her
15:20as she is still hungry for fame, glory, and attention.
15:23Elizabeth flashes a final smile before she dissolves into a puddle of goo.
15:27In the morning, a floor scrubber washes away the puddle,
15:30leaving no trace of Elizabeth behind,
15:32indicating that every glory comes to an end.
