A street Orphan lifts a magical Sword that transforms his life...

  • 2 days ago
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00:00For centuries, humans and mages lived peacefully together.
00:04But one day, Mordred, the leader of the mages, wanted more power.
00:08He sent his army to attack the kingdom of Camelot.
00:11Hundreds of mages, along with giant war beasts, stormed the kingdom.
00:16Despite their bravery, Camelot's defenses couldn't hold.
00:19Prince Vortigern, feeling sick from the magic around him, told his brother, King Uther,
00:25to surrender.
00:26But Uther refused.
00:27With his legendary sword, Excalibur, in hand, Uther faced Mordred and defeated him with
00:32the sword's power.
00:34After the battle, Uther held a council meeting to decide what to do about the mages.
00:38Ser Bedivere and Ser William argued that the mages weren't bad people.
00:42Only Mordred was.
00:44They reminded Uther that Merlin, a mage, had given him Excalibur, and that even Vortigern
00:49had studied with the mages.
00:51Uther agreed to stop any aggression against the mages, although Vortigern was not happy
00:55about it.
00:56That night, Vortigern took drastic action.
00:59He gathered his men and led his wife to a secret underground room.
01:03There, he sacrifices his wife for some kind of power to defeat anyone.
01:08As his soldiers began to take over the castle, Uther woke his wife and their baby son, Arthur,
01:13to escape through the docks.
01:15But a demon knight found them and killed both Uther's wife and him.
01:18Baby Arthur escaped in a boat, drifting down the river to Londinium.
01:22The boat was found by Lucy and her friends, who were sex workers.
01:26They took in little Arthur, and he grew up in their workhouse, believing he was the illegitimate
01:31son of one of the women.
01:33Arthur was often bullied by the other kids, so he asked a Kung Fu master named George
01:37to teach him how to fight.
01:38Arthur became street smart, defending the sex workers from aggressive customers.
01:43He got involved in the local crime scenes, saving his money in a secret spot on the wall,
01:47waiting for the day he could afford a good life.
01:50By the time he became an adult, Arthur had risen to become the neighborhood's crime
01:55However, he was haunted by nightmares of the demon knight and a dying woman at the
02:00Meanwhile, Vortigern ruled the kingdom with an iron fist, pouring resources into building
02:05a massive tower.
02:07One morning, the water surrounding the castle receded, revealing Excalibur, the legendary
02:12sword stuck in a rock.
02:14Soldiers tried to pull it out, but none succeeded.
02:17Worried, Vortigern visited the Moat Hags, reminding them of the sacrifice he made for
02:23The Moat Hags told him that balance was inevitable.
02:25As one side of power grew, so must the other.
02:28They warned him that to stop the sword, he must find and eliminate Arthur.
02:32Back in Londinium, Arthur surprised Lucy with some money he had taken from a man who had
02:37hit her.
02:38Lucy was impressed, especially since the man was a Viking, known for their danger.
02:43Just then, Jack and a group of royal guards arrived at the brothel, searching for a rebel
02:47who had attacked the king's properties.
02:49Although Arthur disliked the king, he didn't want to endanger the women he cared about.
02:54When he found William hiding in the house, he handed him over to the guards.
02:58Jack then asked for a private meeting with Arthur and his childhood friends, Tristan
03:02and Baklak, wanting to know more about what was happening.
03:05Arthur explained that he had taken money from the Vikings because they had mistreated Lucy
03:09and George and insisted that his team hadn't used violence.
03:13Jack also inquired about the graffiti around town, announcing the return of the born king.
03:18Baklak promised that he had told his son, Blue, to stop the graffiti.
03:23Despite their assurances, Jack remained having doubts and warned Arthur to be careful, as
03:27the Vikings were under the king's protection.
03:29A few days later, Vortigern checks in with his guard, Mercia, about the sword.
03:35Unfortunately, no one in the royal army has been able to lift it.
03:38Mercia is worried because the rebels are growing stronger and the people are starting to hate
03:43The king then asks Maggie, a lady of his court, about the people's opinion of him.
03:48Maggie secretly works with the resistance and lies, telling him the people love their
03:54Satisfied with her answer, Vortigern orders Mercia to focus on finishing the tower.
03:58In the middle of the night, Arthur is woken by his friends who warn him that the royal
04:02guards are coming for him.
04:04He tries to escape but is captured on the streets and taken back to Camelot.
04:08At the harbor, there's a long line for the test, so Arthur cuts in to avoid waiting.
04:13As soon as he grabs the sword with both hands, the entire kingdom begins to shake and the
04:18runes on the sword glow.
04:20To everyone's surprise, Arthur pulls the sword from the rock, but the power overwhelms
04:24him and he passes out.
04:27Arthur wakes up in a cell with Vortigern standing over him.
04:30He tells Arthur that the sword proves he is Uther's son, but Arthur denies it, insisting
04:34he's just a sex worker's bastard who wants nothing to do with this.
04:38However, Vortigern has already sent his men to investigate the brothel and finds Arthur's
04:43hidden money, revealing his ambition for power and making him a threat to the throne.
04:47Meanwhile, in the rebels' hideout, Rubio brings a mage sent by Merlin to guide Arthur.
04:53She needs Bedivere's help to reach the castle.
04:55Soon, the people of Camelot gather around the castle to see the born king.
05:00Vortigern plans to use this opportunity to gain their respect through fear, and Arthur
05:04must play along.
05:05If Arthur doesn't surrender his power to Vortigern, the king's guards will kill Lucy.
05:10When Arthur and Vortigern appear in front of the public, Arthur is given a chance to
05:14grab Excalibur and defend himself.
05:17But thinking of the safety of his friends, he turns it down.
05:20The crowd calls him a disruptor of peace, and he is sentenced to die for the kingdom's
05:26Just as the guards are about to kill Arthur, the mage sends an eagle to disrupt them, causing
05:30all the horses and dogs to go wild.
05:32The crowd starts running in panic, and the guards focus on protecting the king.
05:36This chaos gives Bedivere and the rebels the opportunity to rescue Arthur and retrieve
05:42As the working girls escape, Arthur fights off the guards alongside the rebels and the
05:47In the midst of the chaos, two rebels are killed, but the rest manage to escape by jumping
05:52into a river.
05:53Eventually, they reach the rebels' hideout, where Arthur is surprised to find that William
05:57has escaped arrest and made it there too.
06:00Bedivere and William inform Arthur that his neighborhood has been torched, and he can't
06:04go back.
06:05They also want to see what he can do with the sword.
06:07Arthur pretends he doesn't want to fight, but when he begins sparring with the rebels,
06:11he easily defeats them.
06:13When it's William's turn, Arthur grabs Excalibur with both hands, and his mind is
06:17flooded with visions, causing him to pass out again.
06:21Hours later, Arthur wakes up from his usual nightmares, this time triggered by the mage
06:25performing a ritual to understand the sword.
06:28The nightmare shows his younger self handing the sword to Uther, explaining the scars on
06:32his hands.
06:33The mage tells him he is resisting the sword, but Arthur denies it, saying he isn't the
06:38legendary king they need.
06:40However, he agrees to give it a chance when the mage points out she can help rid him of
06:44the nightmares.
06:45Afterward, the mage asks Bedivere to take Arthur to the Darklands.
06:50Arthur is dropped off on an island where the mage tells him he must reach the tower and
06:54touch the altar stone with the sword.
06:56Thinking it will be like camping, Arthur isn't too worried.
06:59But once he is left alone, he discovers the island is full of terrifying creatures.
07:05Forced to use the sword to defend himself, Arthur fights and kills any monster that crosses
07:10his path.
07:11After several days of raw survival, Arthur finally reaches the top of an old tower and
07:15places the sword on the altar stone.
07:18Immediately, the stone glows, and all the beasts are scared away.
07:22The magic takes over Arthur's mind, revealing the night his family died.
07:26The demon knight killed the queen, prompting Uther to attack with Excalibur.
07:31During the fight, Uther dropped the sword, and young Arthur handed it back before being
07:35told to run.
07:37Arthur boarded a boat, closing his eyes to avoid seeing his father's death.
07:41Excalibur fell into Uther's body, turning him into the stone that took the sword underwater.
07:46The demon knight lifted his magical veil, revealing the sinister face of Vortigern,
07:51who transformed into the demon from powers obtained from the Moat Hags.
07:55Arthur passes out and is rescued by Bedivere and the mage.
07:59Arthur realizes that the tower on the island is like the one Vortigern is building in Camelot.
08:04The mage explains that Vortigern will become as powerful as Mordred when the tower is finished,
08:08which is why the sword appeared now.
08:10Bedivere reveals Vortigern started the war against the mages, making a deal with Mordred
08:15to share power if he killed Uther.
08:17Mordred agreed, killed the mage king, and took the royal staff to the tower to unleash
08:21dark forces.
08:23However, Merlin later stole the staff, made Excalibur with it, and destroyed the tower.
08:28He then gave Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake, binding it to Uther's bloodline.
08:33When they return to the hideout, Arthur's friends inform him that their neighborhood
08:36was burned down by Jack and Mercia while searching for him.
08:40They manage to rescue some working girls and friends, but most people fled.
08:44This enrages Arthur, who vows to kill Vortigern for revenge.
08:48Afterward, Arthur introduces his friends to the rebels, and they begin planning.
08:52William suggests meeting with the kingdom's most influential barons for support, but Arthur
08:58He believes those high lords would never accept a poor, uneducated leader like him, insisting
09:03the rebels must lead the charge.
09:05Instead, Arthur proposes luring Vortigern out of his castle and into Londinium by targeting
09:11what he values most, the tower.
09:13They start by sinking barges carrying stone supplies and blocking the river.
09:18Using William's intel on the king's transportation routes, they rescue children being used as
09:23A working lady with connections to Vortigern's favorite palace helps them blow it up by sabotaging
09:28the brandy supply.
09:29This forces Vortigern to strike a desperate deal with the Vikings, despite the shady terms.
09:35The Vikings, aware of the rumors about the born king, express concern over Vortigern's
09:40power being weakened.
09:41Desperate to regain control, Vortigern calls a meeting with all the barons in Londinium
09:46and retreats to the tower to increase his powers.
09:49Soon after, Maggie arrives at the hideout with news of Vortigern's meeting, inspiring
09:53the rebels to plan his assassination during his visit.
09:56To execute their plan, they need a safe standpoint.
09:59William demonstrates his archery skills by proving he can kill from 175 yards, solidifying
10:05their strategy.
10:06When the day arrives, Arthur watches the king approach in a carriage, feeling worried about
10:11how easy it seems.
10:12It's a trap.
10:14Vortigern is hiding on a boat with Maggie, aware she's been spying on him and using
10:17her to set this up.
10:19Arthur realizes the king on the street is an actor, but William shoots anyway to kill
10:24Guards raise the alarm and start searching for the rebels.
10:27Arthur's group tries to blend into the crowd, but the guards find them, leading to a fierce
10:33Backlack is injured and urges them to go on without him.
10:36The group fights through the streets, and Rubio gets hurt too staying behind to distract
10:40the guards.
10:41They sneak into George's school, which has a secret tunnel for escape.
10:45However, everyone there decides to stand and fight instead of running.
10:49The guards burst in, and a massive battle occurs.
10:52The mage commands her birds to help, but her plan fails, and she is captured.
10:57Enraged, Arthur grabs Excalibur with both hands and defeats the entire army in seconds
11:02with its power, a display of force that startled people from their windows.
11:06Afterward, the rebels hide in a safehouse, waiting until dark for Backlack and Blue.
11:12Meanwhile, riots break out as word of Arthur's power spreads, but Arthur still hesitates
11:17to lead.
11:18Hours later, Blue arrives with a dying Backlack, who urges Arthur to leave without him.
11:23Arthur drags Blue away just before Vortigern and his guards arrive, having tracked them
11:28to the safehouse.
11:29Backlack pretends to know nothing, but Blue, unwilling to abandon his father, returns,
11:35pretending to be a cleaner who knows nothing.
11:37Vortigern doesn't believe him and cuts Backlack's ear, causing Blue to scream.
11:42Arthur returns, threatening a guard, prompting Vortigern to kill Backlack.
11:46This distraction allows Arthur to grab Blue and escape to the boats, ensuring the rebels'
11:51safe getaway.
11:52Vortigern orders his guards to capture or kill any rebels on the streets.
11:56Back at the hideout, Arthur reflects on the lives lost because of him and decides to throw
12:01the sword into the lake and flee.
12:03The Lady of the Lake finds the sword and pulls Arthur into her lair, showing him a vision
12:09of Camelot in ruins under Vortigern's rule.
12:12Arthur finally accepts the sword.
12:14The Lady reminds him to fight Vortigern in the tower and to trust the mage.
12:18When the rebels find Arthur, he is roaring with the power of the glowing sword.
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12:27Meanwhile, Vortigern captures and tortures Rubio until he reveals information.
12:32Soon after, Arthur learns that riots are spreading across the country in his name.
12:37Determined, Arthur declares he's ready to storm the castle, and the rebels return to
12:42their hideout to prepare.
12:43To their horror, they find a massacre and a royal guard with a message from Vortigern.
12:48Arthur must come to the castle before dark, or Blue and the mage will be killed.
12:52Bedivere volunteers to go, ensuring the hostages are alive.
12:57Vortigern agrees to exchange Excalibur for the mage and to wait for Arthur until morning.
13:02Once the mage is reunited with the rebels, she decides it's time to awaken Arthur's
13:06inner power.
13:07She summons a snake to bite Arthur's neck, and its poison allows him to see all the magical
13:12creatures hidden in nature.
13:14The mage also assures him that this poison will protect him later.
13:17A few hours later, Arthur arrives at the castle as the mage's eagle drops a snake inside.
13:23Arthur is brought before Vortigern, who, just as he's about to kill Arthur, notices the
13:28snake on a pillar.
13:30Vortigern kills the snake, but accidentally gets the sword stuck in the stone, unable
13:34to take it out.
13:35At that moment, the mage sends a giant snake into the castle, and the beast slaughters
13:40all the guards while Arthur retrieves Excalibur.
13:43Meanwhile, in the streets, the rebels free all the prisoners, igniting the riots once
13:49Desperate for more power, Vortigern approaches the hags and is reminded of the price he must
13:55With no other choice, Vortigern kills his daughter, crying in agony, then brings her
13:59body to the hags and transforms back into the demon knight.
14:03Outside, Arthur battles every guard in his way, easily defeating them with the power
14:08of Excalibur.
14:09The guards, terrified, drop their weapons and let him pass.
14:13As the rebels take over the castle, Arthur enters the tower, where Excalibur reacts to
14:18the magic, teleporting him to the top where Vortigern awaits.
14:21A fierce battle occurs.
14:23Vortigern, empowered by his sacrifice, quickly overpowers Arthur.
14:28As Vortigern claims the sword is his, the poison in Arthur's veins triggers another
14:33This time, Arthur doesn't close his eyes when Uther dies.
14:37He grabs the sword before it sinks into his father's body.
14:40Uther tells Arthur the sword is now his.
14:43Arthur awakens to find Excalibur glowing with power.
14:46He grabs it and fights Vortigern again, now with better control of the sword's powers.
14:51Arthur strikes Vortigern repeatedly with all his might and newfound motivation, finally
14:56killing him.
14:57He points out that he became who he is now only because Vortigern sent him to the streets.
15:02To make his point even more ironic, Arthur kisses Vortigern's hand.
15:06Arthur activates Excalibur's magic, causing the entire tower to crumble.
15:10The next day, the kingdom mourns the lives lost during the war.
15:15Arthur reveals the round table for their meetings and asks Bedivere to knight his friends.
15:20William then knights Arthur, officially making him king.
15:23Later, when the Vikings demand their part of the deal, threatening war, Arthur reminds
15:28them of his power, causing them to kneel and accept him as the new king of England and
15:33an ally.
15:34In front of a huge crowd, Bedivere crowns Arthur, who raises his sword and swears to
15:40protect his people.
