She Survived in a World Where Plants EAT Humans

  • 2 days ago
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00:00A little girl named Vesper and her father Darius, who is in the form of a flying drone,
00:05genetically enhance plants to save humanity from extinction.
00:08The film begins with a brief backstory presented in the credits.
00:11The Future
00:12In an attempt to deal with the ecological crisis,
00:15humanity became overly engrossed in genetic technologies.
00:19As a result, new microorganisms leaked from research laboratories,
00:23leading to the extinction of all edible animals and plants,
00:26as well as the partial extinction of humans.
00:29The remaining survivors take refuge in so-called citadels,
00:33where strict population control is enforced and modern technology helps them survive.
00:38The others struggle for survival in barren lands,
00:41forced to trade genetically modified plant seeds with city oligarchs,
00:45ensuring that the fruits grown from them do not produce offspring.
00:49In the first scene, Vesper, along with the drone controlled by her father,
00:53searches for edible roots in the dirt.
00:55After successfully digging up some provisions,
00:58she cautiously makes her way home, avoiding dangerous predatory plants.
01:02At home, the girl prepares a nutritious mixture,
01:05which she places in a bag to later feed her severely ill father through a straw.
01:10After that, she heads to the laboratory, accompanied by the drone.
01:14Inside, Vesper talks to a dead person who has become a victim of time
01:18and gathers the necessary equipment for her scientific experiments.
01:22Suddenly, she hears a suspicious noise outside.
01:26It's one of the pilgrims, sick people collecting junk and carrying it away.
01:30On her way back home, Vesper notices that the protective tentacles
01:34of the predatory plants are damaged.
01:37With a knife in hand, she carefully enters the house, but finds no one inside.
01:42Some things are damaged, including the generator that supports her father's life.
01:47The girl decides to seek help at the nearest settlement,
01:49where she witnesses a horrific scene.
01:52Local residents, showing visible signs of genetic degeneration,
01:56surround a wounded jag, an artificially created creature for labor.
02:01The village elder, Jonas, appears and orders the guilty party
02:04to finish off the jag to relieve its suffering.
02:07Though hesitant, the young man ultimately delivers the fatal knife blow.
02:11After that, Jonas orders the body to be removed and begins talking to Vesper,
02:16who turns out to be his niece.
02:18The girl asks her uncle for parts to fix the generator,
02:21but he refuses to help without compensation.
02:23Times are tough.
02:24In desperation, she offers her blood, which Jonas uses for trade with the citadel.
02:29When she asks to settle with her, her uncle says she should come back in a few days.
02:33First, he needs to sell the blood, but her father won't survive until then,
02:37and Vesper insists on getting her fluid.
02:40However, her attempts prove futile.
02:42Jonas throws her out onto the street, where his children laugh at her.
02:47Later, Vesper returns to the village to sneak inside.
02:50During her attempt to enter the house unnoticed,
02:53she encounters one of Jonas' children, a boy who had drawn blood from her finger.
02:57However, he says nothing and allows her to continue.
03:01Besides the parts for the generator,
03:03she also steals some seeds that her uncle had unsuccessfully tried to grow.
03:08On her way back, the heroine notices a fallen glider but pays it no mind.
03:12At home, she shows her father the stolen seeds,
03:16hoping to genetically activate them so they can naturally produce offspring.
03:21The next day, while wandering through the forest, Vesper finds a wounded woman,
03:25judging by her clothing, who has arrived from the citadel.
03:29She is already surrounded by blood-sucking plants.
03:32Noticing that the woman is still alive, the girl quickly detaches the tendrils
03:37and drags her home, where she begins to treat her wounds and remove the parasites.
03:42Her father is unhappy that she brought a stranger,
03:45but Vesper is convinced she did the right thing.
03:48This woman could be her chance for a better life in the citadel.
03:52Meanwhile, the woman named Camellia regains consciousness and hides a knife under her pillow.
03:58She asks Vesper about her companion. He needs to be found.
04:02Despite her father's warnings, Vesper promises to look for the second passenger,
04:06but only in the morning as the forest is dangerous at night.
04:10In the evening, the girl tries to feed her guest,
04:13but Camellia refuses the soup with larvae and caterpillars,
04:17even though Vesper carefully selects the juiciest ones.
04:21Camellia mentions that her father is an influential man and can help them.
04:25Vesper shares about her own father, who was a soldier in the citadel until he was injured.
04:30The drone became the only gift he received for his service.
04:34Suddenly, the sick man has a seizure. Camellia calms him with a kiss,
04:39after which he falls into a deep sleep.
04:42In the morning, the heroine sets out with the drone to search for the crashed glider.
04:46Following the debris, she finds the vehicle in a ravine.
04:50Just as Vesper is about to open the door, Jonas appears with some henchmen.
04:54Upon seeing the injured man from the citadel inside,
04:57Jonas chokes him instead of helping, ignoring the tears and pleas of his niece.
05:02Realizing there is a second passenger somewhere,
05:04her uncle asks Vesper if she has seen anyone, but she lies to protect Camellia.
05:09Upon returning home, she also lies to her guest, claiming she found nothing.
05:14That night, Vesper takes Camellia to her garden, where her unique plants are growing.
05:19Vesper strives to demonstrate her skills and genetics,
05:23hoping that Camellia will speak up for her in the citadel.
05:26During their conversation, the girl talks about her mother,
05:30who once left with pilgrims when she fell ill.
05:33They then start looking at a book about animals, Camellia,
05:37who grew up in more comfortable conditions,
05:39shares interesting facts about extinct creatures with Vesper.
05:43After discussing with her father the need to call people from the citadel for Camellia,
05:47the girl tries the next day to sneak into her uncle's house,
05:51where the only transmitter for communication in the area is located.
05:55The drone goes on a reconnaissance mission.
05:57When Vesper arrives, her uncle is tinkering with its insides.
06:01He asks why she came, and mentions that someone stole his seeds,
06:05for which he had to punish his son, who was on duty that day.
06:09Scared by his grim tone, Vesper finds a moment and grabs the drone, running away.
06:15Jonas follows her and whistles for his sons.
06:18In the forest, the girl launches the drone into the air,
06:21but after the repair, it barely stays airborne and falls into a ravine.
06:25As she descends after it, Vesper discovers the body of a dead boy,
06:29the same one who had previously not raised the alarm.
06:32Soon, boys sent after her run up and catch her.
06:36Two of them hold Vesper while the third brands her wrist with a hot iron.
06:40Back home, feeling down, the heroine tries to fix the drone.
06:44Camellia comforts her, and ultimately Vesper confesses that her father,
06:48the second passenger of the glider, is dead.
06:51She takes Camellia to the forest, where her father's body lies in the swamp.
06:55The girl notices a scar on Camellia's back,
06:58and realizes that she is an artificially created jag, unique and endowed with full consciousness.
07:04She escaped from the Citadel with her creator for violating the law regarding sentient jags.
07:10Vesper understands that Camellia cannot take her with her to the Citadel,
07:14as she herself cannot return there.
07:16This enrages her, and she throws dirt at the woman.
07:20Returning to her father, the girl recounts what happened.
07:23He notes that she still needs to run.
07:26Jonas has marked her as a victim and will punish her for stealing.
07:30Meanwhile, in another room, Camellia tries to commit suicide with a hidden knife but misses.
07:36Hearing her scream, Vesper rushes to help, preventing the tragedy.
07:40After making up, the girl asks Camellia for permission to examine her genetic material.
07:45During the DNA analysis,
07:47Vesper finds a blocked code similar to that found in the seeds that cannot reproduce.
07:52Camellia reveals that her creator viewed her not as a daughter, but as a wife.
07:56Remembering him, she begins to play on the local variant of the liar.
08:00Suddenly, the DNA reacts to certain notes, and Vesper manages to unlock the code.
08:06By adding Camellia's genetic material to the seeds,
08:09she successfully removes the block on reproduction.
08:12This discovery changes the foundations of commodity relations,
08:16and thus the entire existing world order.
08:19Upon learning of this, Vesper's father instructs her to go with Camellia to another citadel
08:24and exchange the unlocked seeds for safe shelter.
08:27To complete her experiments, Vesper heads to the laboratory.
08:31Meanwhile, Jonas comes into the house and finds Camellia.
08:35He threatens her, insisting that she come with him or he will kill her sick brother.
08:40However, upon noticing that Camellia is not human, but a jag,
08:44Jonas tries to rape her and then kill her.
08:47The returning Vesper and the drone intervene.
08:50A struggle ensues between Jonas and the girls,
08:53ending when Vesper pins his hand to the table with a knife.
08:56Vesper offers her uncle a deal.
08:58They stay in peace, and he receives the unlocked seeds.
09:02This would ensure him a harvest,
09:04and he wouldn't have to collect blood from children to trade with the citadel.
09:08However, upon returning to the village,
09:11Jonas contacts the citadel using the transmitter and reports the escaped jag.
09:16In the evening, while Vesper conducts her experiments, an attack begins on their home.
09:21First, something resembling rapidly spreading mold seeps through the crack under the door.
09:26People climb onto the table, trying to take cover, but the mold continues to advance.
09:32At the last moment, it stops and begins to evaporate into a poisonous smoke that dissipates quickly.
09:38Understanding that soldiers will soon arrive,
09:41Vesper's father tells her and Camellia to run to the garden
09:45while he tries to convince his former colleagues that no one is there.
09:49Meanwhile, soldiers arrive at Jonas' house.
09:52He goes out to meet them,
09:53but receives a bullet to the head without any unnecessary conversation,
09:57as a well-deserved fate for an extra witness.
10:00The drone encounters the soldiers near the generator,
10:03which explodes after the shot,
10:05taking not only Vesper's father's life, but also the soldiers who came for him.
10:11Seeing the flames, the girl runs back in tears,
10:14but Camellia holds her back and brings her to her senses.
10:17They continue their way to the garden, but silent soldiers from the Citadel follow them.
10:22Vesper uses her knowledge of the area and the properties of the plants
10:26to lure one of the soldiers into a trap between the red bushes.
10:30The plan works on the first soldier,
10:32but the second one bypasses the bushes, trying to find the fugitives.
10:36The girls hide behind the bushes until one of the plants gives them away with its squeak.
10:41The soldier returns, and a fight ensues between them.
10:45Vesper throws dirt at the glass of his helmet, causing him to lose his weapon.
10:49Picking up the gun, the girl doesn't know how to shoot,
10:52but realizes it's better to throw it into the bushes.
10:55A swarm of agitated fireflies bursts from the thicket and attacks the motionless soldier.
11:01Realizing she won't be left in peace, Camellia decides to return and surrender.
11:06Vesper, crying and pleading for her to stay, cannot hold back her bitterness,
11:11but the jag uses a soothing kiss to put the girl to sleep.
11:15Covering her body with dry leaves, Camellia heads to the garden, where soldiers find her.
11:21In the morning, Vesper wakes up on the ground in the forest,
11:24feeling as if she has come from a wild party.
11:27She returns to the ashes where her house once stood,
11:30and plants a few seeds in the scorched earth.
11:33While she works, she is caught by a group of Jonas' children,
11:36miraculously surviving the night's attack.
11:39When Vesper sets off in search of a new citadel, they decide to follow her.
11:44The children travel alongside her,
11:46joining a procession of pilgrims who carry collected debris in one direction.
11:51After a few days, they reach a massive man-made tower built by the pilgrims,
11:55at the base of which a tent city has sprung up.
11:58Approaching the tower, Vesper, like Roland from Jilliad,
12:02realizes that her journey is coming to an end.
12:05Leaving her companions below, the girl begins to climb the fragile structure.
12:10Almost falling, she reaches the very top,
12:13where an observation deck rises above the surrounding forests.
12:17Looking around, Vesper spots nearby giant domes of another citadel.
12:22Instead of descending and heading there,
12:24she takes out the unlocked seeds and throws them into the wind,
12:28hoping they will spread throughout the area.
12:30Wishing for vegetables and fruits to fill the land once again,
12:34she completes her journey.
