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00:00The movie begins by introducing us to the young protagonist Vesper, who lives in a dystopian
00:05world sharply divided between the privileged elites and the struggling masses.
00:10The elite reside in secure, enclosed cities known as citadels, while the rest of humanity
00:16faces the challenge of survival in harsh conditions.
00:19In this world, the key to sustenance is unique seeds provided by the citadels.
00:25These seeds are genetically coded to yield just a single harvest, ensuring a constant
00:30dependency on the citadels for more.
00:32Vesper, amidst her struggle for survival in this harsh environment, shares her existence
00:37with her paralyzed father Darius, a former army serviceman.
00:41Ingeniously, Darius' consciousness has been transferred into a drone, enabling him to
00:46accompany and communicate with his daughter as she navigates their dangerous world.
00:50Vesper is not only resourceful and brave, venturing out daily to forage, but she also
00:56possesses a keen understanding of biology and biohacking.
01:00However, their lives take a dramatic turn when Vesper returns home one afternoon to
01:05discover they've been robbed.
01:06The generator powering their home, including the critical machine sustaining Darius, has
01:11been sabotaged.
01:13Faced with no other choice to save her father, Vesper sets out to seek help from a neighboring
01:19While at the farm, Vesper encounters a troubling scene.
01:21The farm faces its own challenges with a Jug, a genetically engineered human designed for
01:27labor but devoid of intelligence.
01:30The Jug has been injured, rendering it useless, and Jonas, the farm's leader and Darius'
01:36brother, instructs a young boy to kill it.
01:39After witnessing this unsettling event, Vesper approaches Jonas with a request for bacteria
01:44to restore their generator.
01:45In exchange, she offers a blood donation, a valuable commodity used by Jonas to trade
01:51for seeds from the citadels.
01:53Jonas expresses a desire for her to join their community, offering to care for her father
01:57as well.
01:58Vesper, however, is deeply unsettled by Jonas' intentions.
02:02She suspects that Jonas wants to use her as a breeder, a role she strongly rejects.
02:08After completing her blood donation, Vesper faces a dire situation when Jonas refuses
02:13to immediately provide the bacteria she needs in exchange.
02:17He explains that he must first sell the blood, a process that will take several days, time
02:22her father Darius does not have.
02:25In desperation and anger, Vesper attempts to reclaim her blood, only to be caught and
02:29forcefully expelled from the farm by Jonas.
02:32Undeterred, Vesper returns to the farm, exploiting a secret entry point known only to her.
02:37Vesper stealthily enters Jonas' lab and retrieves the bacteria she is owed.
02:42While there, she also manages to take some seeds acquired from the citadel.
02:46As Vesper heads home, she promptly repairs the generator and begins experimenting with
02:50the stolen seeds, hoping to unlock their fertility.
02:54In the forest, Vesper stumbles upon Camellia, a woman from the citadel, lying unconscious
02:59yet alive, with plants feeding off of her.
03:03Vesper acts quickly, clearing the plants and bringing Camellia back to their home, where
03:06she treats her wounds.
03:08Camellia then reveals that she was in the crashed glider Vesper had seen, and is now
03:12desperately searching for her father, who is with her.
03:15Although not fully recovered, Camellia promises a reward for their help.
03:19Vesper agrees to assist in the search, despite Darius' objections.
03:23The following morning, Vesper sets out on her mission and soon locates the crashed glider,
03:28finding Camellia's father Elias inside.
03:30However, she's not alone in this discovery.
03:33Jonas and a group of survivalists also converge on the crash site.
03:37Darius, cold and indifferent to Elias' pleas, decides to end his life simply because he
03:43is from the citadel.
03:44When Vesper attempts to intervene, Jonas dismissively shoves her aside.
03:48He also uncovers a woman's scarf in the glider, deducing that another passenger, Camellia,
03:54needs to be found.
03:55Back home, Darius suggests informing the citadel of the situation before Camellia takes any
04:00drastic action or Jonas finds her.
04:02However, the only way to communicate with the citadel is through a transceiver located
04:07at Jonas' house.
04:08Vesper reluctantly agrees to the plan, lying to Camellia that her search was fruitless,
04:14but promising to continue the next day.
04:16After a while, Camellia earns Vesper's trust.
04:19Vesper then decides to reveal her secret greenhouse.
04:22This greenhouse is a testament to Vesper's ingenuity.
04:25Housing a variety of bioengineered plants, each with unique abilities and characteristics,
04:31Vesper takes pride in her creations, but still hopes to develop a plant capable of producing
04:36edible seeds.
04:37While Vesper tends to her plants, Darius quietly confides in Camellia.
04:41He admits he knows they can never gain access to a citadel, but implores her to be kind,
04:46as Vesper's dream of reaching the citadel means everything to her.
04:50Later, Vesper questions why they are excluded from the citadel, to which Camellia explains
04:55the leadership's fear of resource scarcity.
04:58Vesper suggests they could take on the worst jobs, but Camellia points out the citadel's
05:02preference for control.
05:04Unlike humans, the genetically engineered laborers, or jugs, don't resist.
05:09That evening, they share a musical moment, with Vesper singing while Camellia plays her
05:14mother's old instrument.
05:15The next day, Vesper once again sneaks into Jonas' house to use the transceiver.
05:19This time, however, Jonas spots Darius' drone and seizes it.
05:24While pretending to repair the drone, Jonas confronts Vesper about the missing seeds and
05:28the unidentified passenger, expressing his hatred for liars, especially within his own
05:35Vesper, refusing to admit anything, snatches the drone and flees, only to find it can't
05:40fly and crashes.
05:42In her attempt to recover the drone, Vesper stumbles upon a grim sight.
05:47The body of Jonas' assistant, who helped here before, left to die under a tree.
05:53Before she can process whether he was killed for aiding her, Jonas' followers apprehend
05:59They forcefully mark her hand with a seal, symbolizing her as Jonas' property.
06:03Distraught and overwhelmed, Vesper returns home, where Camellia immediately offers comfort.
06:08Guilt-ridden by her own deceit, Vesper breaks down and confesses to Camellia that Elias
06:14is dead.
06:15In a moment of stark revelation, Vesper decides to show Camellia the truth by taking her to
06:19see her father Elias' body, now tragically floating in the river.
06:24The sight overwhelms Camellia, leading to an intense emotional breakdown.
06:28She clings desperately to her father in grief, forcing Vesper to intervene and pull her from
06:33the river.
06:34During this intense moment, Vesper notices an unusual scar on Camellia's back that
06:39reacts peculiarly to her touch.
06:42This discovery leads to a shocking truth.
06:44Camellia is not a human, but a highly advanced jug, a creation of Elias who was expelled
06:50from the Citadel for creating an intelligent slave.
06:54Camellia confesses her deception.
06:56She had been on the run and never had the capability to get Vesper and Darius into the
07:01Angered by this betrayal, Vesper confronts Camellia physically before they return home.
07:06Once there, Vesper coldly tells Camellia to leave after she cleans up.
07:11Meanwhile, Vesper repairs the drone and shares the day's events with Darius.
07:15Darius, understanding the complex situation, urges Vesper to be more compassionate towards
07:20Camellia, explaining that jugs are bound to their programming and have no real choice
07:25in their actions.
07:26At the same time, Camellia, grappling with her lost purpose and fearing capture by the
07:30Citadel, contemplates ending her life.
07:34However, Vesper, influenced by her father's words, intervenes just in time.
07:39Realizing Camellia's potential contribution to her research, Vesper proposes to use a
07:43sample of Camellia's cells.
07:45The process proves challenging, as Camellia's cells are secured just like the Citadel's
07:50In an attempt to ease Vesper's frustration, Camellia plays music.
07:54Miraculously, the music unlocks Camellia's cells, allowing Vesper to modify the Citadel's
08:00seeds successfully, creating a sustainable food source.
08:04And all it took was a little nickelback.
08:06Needing more supplies for further research, Vesper briefly leaves for the old lab with
08:11the drone.
08:12During her absence, Camellia stays to watch over Darius, which leads to a dangerous encounter
08:17when Jonas arrives.
08:18Initially, Camellia tries to feign innocence, but Jonas sees through her act and threatens
08:23Darius's life.
08:24Camellia agrees to go with Jonas, without resistance.
08:28However, Jonas soon discovers the mark on her back, identifying her as a Jug, and attempts
08:33to reprogram her to obey him.
08:36Vesper returns just in time, and a fierce struggle ensues, with Vesper, the drone, and
08:41Camellia fighting against Jonas.
08:43They manage to overpower him, but Vesper refuses to kill him.
08:46Instead, she strikes a deal.
08:48She will share the secret of the fertile seeds with Jonas, if he agrees not to alert
08:53the Citadel.
08:54Despite Jonas's apparent agreement, he betrays them by contacting the Citadel and revealing
09:00Camellia's location.
09:01As night falls, and Vesper completes her work on the seeds, their moment of triumph is cut
09:07Darius's drone detects an external threat, signaling the Citadel's approach.
09:10A weird organism invades their home, releasing a toxic substance.
09:15Darius, with his military background, quickly recognizes the danger, and instructs Vesper
09:20and Camellia not to breathe until the threat subsides.
09:24Camellia, feeling responsible for the imminent danger, offers to surrender herself to protect
09:29Vesper and Darius.
09:30However, Darius refuses to let her sacrifice herself, knowing the Citadel will pursue Vesper
09:37Instead, he devises a plan to distract the soldiers, giving Vesper and Camellia a chance
09:41to escape.
09:43Vesper is initially reluctant to leave her father behind in the face of the impending
09:46threat from the Citadel's soldiers.
09:49However, Darius persuades her to take cover nearby, assuring her that he will handle the
09:54He plans to tell the soldiers that there is no Jug present, drawing on his experience
09:59as a former army man to communicate effectively with them.
10:02As the soldiers approach, their first stop is Jonas's farm, where they eliminate him
10:07and his group.
10:08Meanwhile, Vesper and Camellia take painstaking efforts to make Darius's home appear abandoned.
10:13They cover everything up and take the valuable, unlocked seeds with them as they hide in the
10:19Unbeknownst to Vesper, her father's actual plan is to sacrifice himself by self-destructing
10:25the drone, hoping to take the soldiers down with him.
10:28From their hiding spot in the forest, Vesper witnesses the explosion and, driven by desperation,
10:34tries to rush back to aid her father.
10:36Camellia, recognizing the danger of this action, stops her, reminding her that it's too late
10:41to do anything for Darius.
10:43Their situation worsens when two soldiers, having survived the explosion, start pursuing
10:49Vesper leads Camellia through a swamp, aware that it is filled with dangerous plants that
10:52could potentially eliminate their pursuers.
10:55Their tactic proves effective, as the first soldier falls victim to one of these lethal
11:01The second soldier, however, learns from his comrade's fate and cautiously avoids the
11:05same trap.
11:06Vesper and Camellia, in an attempt to remain undetected, crawl on their knees and hide
11:10behind bushes.
11:12Unfortunately, another plant betrays their position with a noise, alerting the soldier
11:16to their location.
11:17Facing imminent danger, Vesper and Camellia decide to take the offensive.
11:21They attack the soldier, seize his weapon, and manage to force him into the deadly plant's
11:25trapping zone, resulting in his death.
11:28The distant sound of approaching gliders signals more danger.
11:33Realizing that the Citadel will never cease their pursuit as long as she is with Vesper,
11:37Camellia makes a difficult decision.
11:39She understands that Vesper and the precious seeds will always be in danger as long as
11:43she remains.
11:45Despite Vesper's protests, Camellia gently puts her to sleep and conceals her under fallen
11:50leaves before surrendering to the soldiers.
11:53The next morning, Vesper awakens to find her home reduced to ashes.
11:57She plants some of the unlocked seeds in the remnants of her old garden, a symbol of hope
12:02and renewal.
12:03In the aftermath, she encounters a group of children who survived the attack on Jonas'
12:09Together, they decide to follow the mysterious people that wander around, seeking to uncover
12:13their destination.
12:14Their journey leads them to a towering structure constructed by these people.
12:18Driven by a sense of purpose, Vesper climbs to the top of the tower.
12:22There, she releases the seeds from her hand, allowing the wind to carry them to various
12:27corners of the land.
12:29This symbolic act represents her hope that the seeds will grow and multiply, providing
12:34sustenance for all.
12:36The movie concludes on this note, leaving a lasting impression of resilience and the
12:40enduring power of hope.
