• 2 days ago
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00:00After a fight with her fiancé, Michelle packs her things and leaves,
00:04placing her engagement ring and the apartment keys on the table.
00:07She drives for a long time through the countryside,
00:10stopping at a gas station, where she notices a car that has been following her for some time.
00:15Late at night her fiancé calls, trying to convince Michelle to return,
00:19but she doesn't want to talk and turns on the radio.
00:22She hears a news report about widespread power outages.
00:25Distracted, she gets into an accident.
00:27The car flips over several times, crashing onto the roadside, and Michelle loses consciousness.
00:33Sometime later, she wakes up in a concrete room.
00:36An IV is connected to her arm, and her leg is bandaged and restrained with metal chains.
00:40Her belongings are piled in the corner of the room.
00:43Using the IV stand, Michelle reaches her phone, but there's no signal.
00:47Then she hears footsteps, and the door opens,
00:49revealing a large man who places a tray of food in front of her.
00:53She begs him to let her go, promising she won't tell anyone,
00:56but the man tells her that he's not letting her die,
00:59and after leaving the key to her shackles, he walks out.
01:02Michelle frees herself, gets dressed, and sharpens the end of a crutch,
01:05preparing to fight for her freedom, but the man is gone,
01:08so she sets a piece of clothing on fire and pushes it into the ventilation duct.
01:13The fire alarm goes off, and when the man runs in,
01:16he injects her with something, causing her to pass out.
01:19When she regains consciousness, Michelle sees the man sitting by her bed.
01:23He tells her that she's actually very lucky to be there.
01:26She must eat and take her medication because humans have been attacked,
01:29though it's still unclear what kind of attack it is.
01:32They are now in a bunker beneath his farm.
01:34He saw her crash and couldn't leave her to die.
01:37Michelle insists on calling the police,
01:39but the man explains that the outside world is contaminated.
01:43It will take at least a year for the air to be breathable again,
01:46and that's only if it was a simple attack.
01:48If it were something like Martians, humanity might be doomed.
01:52Michelle asks to contact her family,
01:54but the man assures her that everyone left on the surface is dead.
01:58As Michelle tries to process what she's heard,
02:00there's a loud noise from the next room.
02:03The man leaves, leaving the door open, and shouts at someone,
02:06then returns and angrily reminds her that she should be grateful to him for saving her life.
02:12Before he leaves, he introduces himself as Howard.
02:15The next morning, Michelle is awakened by a sound coming from the surface
02:19and sees the door open.
02:20She walks out and wakes a young man sleeping in the hallway.
02:23He tries to reassure her, but she explains that she doesn't believe Howard's lies.
02:28However, Emmett confirms that everything is indeed as Howard said.
02:32Later, Howard shows Michelle the bunker.
02:34In the center is a communal area where a special system filters the air.
02:39There's a library, a TV, and movies on disc.
02:42The kitchen is impressive, with an electric stove, fridge, and silverware.
02:46The table is a family heirloom.
02:48Access to Howard's personal room is forbidden.
02:50Michelle has to use the toilet behind a curtain
02:52because Howard fears she might try something dangerous again,
02:55like nearly starting a fire.
02:57Also, water needs to be used sparingly.
02:59After the tour, Howard invites her to sit at the table for lunch.
03:02Michelle notices a stack of women's magazines,
03:05and Howard explains that they belong to Megan, who is no longer with them.
03:09Suddenly, Michelle hears a noise outside and guesses it might be a car passing by,
03:13but Howard assures her that it's impossible.
03:16He's tired of explaining that no one is left above,
03:18even though people thought he was crazy when he started building the bunker.
03:22He offers Michelle a chance to see for herself, leading her to a staircase.
03:26At the top, Michelle sees a door with a small window.
03:29The outside world looks unchanged at first glance,
03:31but in the pen in front of the house lie dead pigs with deep sores.
03:35Howard explains that those were his pigs, which he couldn't save.
03:38Then Michelle recognizes his car as the one that had been following her
03:42the night of the accident.
03:43Howard points out that these doors are always locked and shows her the key.
03:47Later, Michelle and Emmett discuss the situation.
03:50Emmett reveals that Howard had served in the Navy.
03:52Afterward, he bought the farm and hired Emmett to help with the chores.
03:56Howard is obsessed with conspiracy theories, which is why he built the bunker.
04:00Emmett wasn't kidnapped.
04:01He ran to Howard's bunker, hoping to take shelter
04:04because he saw Howard pouring all his money into its construction.
04:07Michelle reminds Emmett that it was Howard who caused the accident and brought her here,
04:11so everything he says about an attack is a lie.
04:13But Emmett insists she's wrong.
04:15He saw the attack himself.
04:17A flash, an explosion, and the horizon turned red.
04:20He's glad he made it to the bunker before Howard locked the door.
04:23Michelle tries to refute Howard's claims,
04:26unaware that he's been standing in the doorway,
04:28listening to their conversation.
04:30Howard invites them to dinner,
04:32remarking that the two seem to have gotten along well.
04:34During dinner, Emmett talks about his unfulfilled dreams
04:37and then notices a Monopoly game,
04:39suggesting they pass the time playing it.
04:41Howard gets annoyed by the chatter,
04:43and Michelle flirts with Emmett, provoking Howard's outburst of anger.
04:46He yells at her, demanding respect because he saved her life.
04:50While Howard is scolding them,
04:52Michelle manages to steal the keys from his belt.
04:54Howard notices her strange behavior and realizes the keys are missing.
04:58But before he can react, a noise from above distracts him
05:01and Michelle hits him over the head with a bottle,
05:04running for the bunker exit.
05:05Emmett shouts after her to stop,
05:07but Michelle reaches the door and slips into the airlock
05:10just before Howard can catch up.
05:12Michelle sees a car approaching the farm.
05:14She screams, trying to get the driver's attention,
05:17but a woman suffering from a severe skin infection
05:20runs to the window, desperately begging to be let into the bunker.
05:23Howard forbids Michelle from helping the woman,
05:26saying it's too late to save her.
05:28Realizing that some sort of attack has indeed happened,
05:31Michelle returns to the bunker.
05:33Later, Howard admits that he caused Michelle's accident,
05:36but it was this accident that saved her life.
05:38Howard lends her some of Megan's clothes
05:40and sends her to shower since she was near the door.
05:42He reveals that he recognized the infected woman as his former neighbor.
05:45Since most people knew about his bunker,
05:47others may come here too.
05:49Howard demands that Michelle stitch up the wound she caused
05:52and starts telling funny stories from his time in the Navy.
05:55Michelle begins stitching up Howard's wound
05:57as he continues to share stories,
05:59praising her for her efforts.
06:01Later, he brings a box containing her belongings from the car
06:04and asks her about her life.
06:06Michelle admits that she had dreamed of becoming a fashion designer.
06:09Howard in turn shares that his daughter Megan had wanted to be an artist.
06:13He shows Michelle a picture of Megan, a young girl,
06:16and laments that after his divorce,
06:18Megan's mother turned her against him and took her to Chicago.
06:21Howard expresses frustration that people don't care about their safety,
06:24but at least he tried to protect them.
06:26Later, Emmett comforts Michelle,
06:28telling her she couldn't have saved the woman outside
06:30even if they had let her in.
06:32She would have died anyway.
06:33They reminisce about their past lives.
06:35Emmett, who had been awarded a scholarship to a polytechnic school,
06:39admits he got scared and never left for it.
06:41Michelle, meanwhile, reveals how her father used to beat her,
06:44leaving her terrified of confrontation throughout her life.
06:47Emmett reminds her that, despite everything,
06:50they're the lucky ones.
06:51They survived.
06:52Over the next few days,
06:54the three of them begin to coexist somewhat peacefully.
06:56They play games, prepare meals together,
06:59and make small attempts to adjust to their new lives.
07:02One day, a loud noise echoes from above.
07:04Howard suggests that if it's the military,
07:06it's not Earth's military.
07:08The flashes they saw earlier were just the first phase.
07:11Now, the second phase, clearing out the territories,
07:13has begun, likely by alien forces.
07:16Suddenly, the air filtration system fails.
07:18Howard asks Michelle to climb through the ventilation shaft
07:21to restart the system,
07:22as she's the only one small enough to fit.
07:24She agrees and begins crawling through the ducts.
07:27Eventually, she reaches the filtration unit
07:29and manages to restart it,
07:30but while she's there, she spots something disturbing,
07:33a message etched into the glass that reads,
07:36HELP, along with a bloody earring lying beneath a ladder.
07:39The earring looks exactly like the one Megan was wearing
07:42in the photo Howard showed her.
07:43Shaken, Michelle tells Emmett about her discovery,
07:46suspecting that Howard might have done something to Megan.
07:49Upon closer inspection, Emmett recognizes the girl in the photo,
07:52not as Megan, but as Brittany,
07:54a classmate of his sister who went missing years ago.
07:57A second photograph falls from the book,
07:59showing Howard and Brittany dressed in the same clothes
08:02that Michelle now wears, standing together in the bunker.
08:05Realizing the danger they're in,
08:07Michelle and Emmett decide to plan an escape.
08:09They quietly start gathering materials.
08:11Michelle cuts a makeshift biohazard suit from a shower curtain,
08:15and Emmett constructs a homemade gas mask.
08:18Their plan is to take Howard's gun, tie him up,
08:20and then one of them will go for help.
08:22One evening, while playing a game of charades,
08:25they almost give themselves away
08:26when Howard starts suspecting that something is off.
08:29A few days later, Howard calls them into a room
08:31and shows them a barrel of hydrochloric acid,
08:33which he claims is for waste disposal.
08:35He then accuses them of plotting against him,
08:37revealing the tools they had hidden for their escape.
08:40Furious, Howard dissolves the tools in the acid
08:42as Michelle and Emmett look on, horrified.
08:45Trying to protect Michelle,
08:47Emmett takes the blame for the attempted escape,
08:49admitting that he used the tools to try and make a weapon.
08:52Howard, seemingly accepting Emmett's apology,
08:54coldly shoots and kills him.
08:56Shocked and heartbroken,
08:57Michelle watches as Howard calmly reassures her,
09:00promising that no one will ever harm her again.
09:03He begins taking care of her, offering her ice cream,
09:05and talking about how they'll create a happy life together in the bunker.
09:09Determined to escape,
09:10Michelle rushes to finish her biohazard suit while mourning Emmett.
09:13But one night, Howard discovers the suit hidden among her belongings.
09:17Michelle manages to slip past him,
09:19but Howard catches up, scolding her for her ingratitude.
09:22In a desperate move, Michelle knocks over the barrel of acid onto Howard,
09:26causing a fire to break out in the bunker.
09:28She grabs her biohazard suit
09:29as the severely injured Howard tries to attack her,
09:32but she traps him under a heavy shelf and makes her way to the exit.
09:35By now, the bunker is engulfed in flames.
09:37With the fire spreading, Michelle crawls through the ventilation shaft,
09:41dodging Howard's attempts to stab her through the vent grates.
09:44She reaches the air filtration room and quickly dons her biohazard suit.
09:48Using a can of nitrogen,
09:49she freezes and breaks the lock on the outer door,
09:52finally escaping the bunker.
09:54Outside, Michelle heads toward a car,
09:56but tears her suit in the process.
09:58Panicking, she seals the rip with duct tape she finds in the vehicle.
10:01Just as she's about to relax,
10:02she notices a flock of birds flying freely overhead.
10:05Realizing that the air isn't toxic,
10:07Michelle removes her gas mask.
10:09But before she can celebrate,
10:10she spots an alien spaceship hovering in the distance,
10:13behaving almost like a living creature.
10:16As Michelle watches in horror,
10:18the bunker explodes behind her,
10:20drawing the attention of the alien ship.
10:22She frantically searches for the car keys,
10:24but can't find them.
10:25She runs to the car of the woman
10:27who had tried to get into the bunker earlier,
10:29but the car alarm goes off,
10:30alerting the alien.
10:31Terrified, Michelle hides in a nearby shed,
10:34where she finds the corpse of the infected woman.
10:36Searching the body,
10:37Michelle locates the car keys
10:39just as the alien creature begins investigating the shed,
10:42trying to force its way through the animal door.
10:45Taking advantage of the alien's distraction,
10:47Michelle sprints toward Howard's house,
10:49but as she reaches it,
10:50the alien ship flies overhead,
10:52releasing a poisonous gas.
10:54Michelle quickly puts on her gas mask
10:56and survives the chemical attack.
10:58She hides in the car,
10:59but the alien begins probing the vehicle,
11:01testing its defenses.
11:03When it becomes clear
11:04that the car is too difficult to breach,
11:06the alien ship lifts the vehicle into the air.
11:08Inside the car,
11:09Michelle finds a bottle of flammable liquid
11:11and a lighter.
11:12She quickly makes a Molotov cocktail
11:15and throws it into the alien ship's mouth-like opening.
11:18The resulting explosion destroys the alien
11:20and the car crashes to the ground.
11:22Michelle survives the fall,
11:24climbs out of the wrecked vehicle,
11:25and drives away in the woman's car.
11:27While driving,
11:28she tunes the radio
11:29and hears news reports of humanity's victories
11:31over the alien invaders.
11:33There are instructions for survivors to evacuate
11:35and a call for those with medical training
11:37or combat experience to head to Houston.
11:40As Michelle stops to listen to the full message,
11:42she notices a sign pointing toward Houston.
11:44She drives in that direction,
11:46determined to help,
11:47and as lightning flashes,
11:48she glimpses an even larger alien ship
11:50looming in the sky.
11:52The film may not be a masterpiece,
11:53but the team's skillful execution is undeniable.
11:56The script draws you in gradually,
11:58raising unsettling questions
11:59about who can truly be trusted.
