In 2025, the Ocean Disappears in 1 Hour, but Appears on the Other Side of the Earth

  • 2 days ago
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00:00One day, oceanographer Tom's family, his wife Julia and two children, Cassie and Ben, set off on a yacht trip in the Caribbean Sea.
00:07While Tom and Ben are busy fishing and Cassie is absorbed in her gadget, Julia goes for a swim.
00:13Suddenly, something unsettles her.
00:15Julia looks around, but the sea remains as calm as ever.
00:18However, she feels a distinct sense of dread, as though something large and dangerous is circling around.
00:24At the same time, the instruments on the yacht start acting strangely, but Tom, preoccupied with fishing, pays no attention to them.
00:31Meanwhile, Julia feels worse and eventually begins to drown.
00:34She screams, but the family doesn't hear her.
00:37The water seems to shift and pull her farther from the yacht.
00:40As the situation becomes critical, Tom finally hears her voice.
00:44He rushes to the helm, and the yacht moves toward the distant Julia.
00:48Tom dives into the water.
00:50With the children's help, they pull her aboard and revive her.
00:53Tom is angry, as he always asks that swimmers notify the others when going into the water.
00:57Julia apologizes, and the incident is soon forgotten.
01:00Besides, the family has a reason to celebrate.
01:03Today is their son Ben's 13th birthday.
01:06Tom lights the candles on the cake, and everyone congratulates Ben, who receives gifts, while Cassie takes a group photo of the happy family.
01:13At that moment, Cassie's boyfriend calls her.
01:16He asks her about the swim, but suddenly a sudden and intense storm begins in the background.
01:21Cassie is worried, but her boyfriend reassures her that he's safe.
01:25The connection cuts off.
01:27Cassie tells her parents about the storm on land, but then everyone feels some jolts,
01:31rushes to the deck, and sees massive whale carcasses surfacing around the yacht.
01:36Tom explains that sometimes whales get disoriented during storms, but these animals are pushing the yacht, threatening their safety.
01:42Tom dives into the water and soon returns aboard, injured.
01:45While trying to figure out what's going on, he cut himself on the propeller.
01:49Julia stitches up the cut on her husband's shoulder, and he explains that the yacht's shafts seem bent, likely from a tail strike.
01:56Now they're unlikely to be able to sail away.
01:59Later, Cassie tries to reestablish communication, but there's no signal.
02:03The radio isn't picking up any signals either.
02:06Tom begins calculating their supplies.
02:08There's enough water for about four days, no more, but they're on a shipping route, so someone is bound to find them.
02:14However, ominous sounds come from outside, and when the family steps out onto the deck, they see glowing objects falling from the sky.
02:22They fall closer and closer, and Tom, taking a risk, starts the engine.
02:27He manages to steer the yacht away from the next meteorite, but the engine is finally damaged.
02:32The next object falls so close that the family can see there are artificial satellites of Earth.
02:37A strong wind starts blowing, and the instruments go haywire.
02:40The terrified family hides inside the yacht, which is being tossed by the waves.
02:45They put on life jackets and prepare for the worst when a strange, ringing sound is heard, causing nosebleeds and nausea.
02:51Tom tries to signal for help with a flare gun, but it's all in vain.
02:55The family barely survives the night.
02:57In the morning, they were relieved to find themselves alive, but there's a gaping hole in the side of the yacht, and it's unclear why they're still afloat.
03:04The family goes outside and freezes in amazement.
03:07The water is gone, and their boat is standing on a rocky outcrop in the middle of a stony desert where the ocean once was.
03:13Sometime later, Tom tries to reassure his family, saying that not everyone could have perished.
03:18He takes measurements and realizes that the compass is lying.
03:21North isn't where it's supposed to be.
03:24This means the Earth's poles have shifted.
03:26Such a thing has happened on Earth before, but a long time ago.
03:30It turns out that the sea has retreated to where the land used to be, and most likely, humanity has perished.
03:36Cassie can't bear this revelation and runs to the cabin, asking to be left alone.
03:41Julia goes to inventory the remaining supplies, while Ben releases a bunch of colorful balloons into the sky, hoping survivors will come to their aid.
03:49Meanwhile, Tom turns on the radio, sending out distress signals.
03:53Unexpectedly, he hears a response.
03:55It's from Naoto, the captain of a small submersible.
03:59They were deep underwater when the catastrophe happened, and that's why they survived.
04:03However, all communication systems have failed, and expecting help is futile.
04:08According to his calculations, the sea will return in about a week, and it will be harsh.
04:12So the man advises them to find higher ground and stay there.
04:15Julia orders the children to pack their things.
04:17Tom directly asks the captain if he can save their children.
04:20Naoto explains that the submersible is very small.
04:24Unfortunately, Naoto's partner died, and he can only take one person.
04:28After some persuasion, Tom convinces Naoto to take both children, and he provides his coordinates.
04:33Tom charts a course on the nautical map and promises to reach the location in a couple of days.
04:38The next morning, the family is almost ready to embark on their journey.
04:42Tom steps onto the deck and suddenly sees a man with a dog approaching.
04:46He walks toward him and greets him, but notices that the man is injured.
04:50He offers the traveler some water.
04:52The man drinks it and then suddenly punches Tom in the face, which Julia sees.
04:56She rushes to her husband as the traveler plunges a makeshift spear into Tom's chest.
05:01The dog keeps Julia at bay, though she freezes in horror herself.
05:04Realizing there's no saving her husband, she runs to the yacht.
05:07The man pursues her, injuring her arm.
05:10Nevertheless, Julia climbs onto the deck, and the children, hearing her screams, run to her aid.
05:15Together, they barricade the doors to the cabin.
05:17After that, Julia hides Cassie and Ben in a locker,
05:20giving her daughter the flare gun and instructing her to shoot only as a last resort.
05:24Meanwhile, the killer tries to break down the doors and eventually succeeds.
05:28Julia hides in the bathroom, patching up her wound,
05:31entering the intruder head straight to the galley and grabs some food.
05:34It's clear that he's very hungry.
05:36Holding a can of food, the man begins searching the yacht, while Julia arms herself with a kitchen knife.
05:42He enters the cabin, but the woman jumps overboard, hiding beneath the yacht.
05:46The killer peers through the hole, but doesn't see her.
05:49However, the dog attacks Julia, forcing her to kill it.
05:52The man hears the yelp, goes outside, and finds the dog's body.
05:56Meanwhile, Julia climbs back onto the yacht through the portholes on the opposite side.
06:01She falls straight into the killer's hands.
06:03He beats her, throws her onto a couch, and grabs her throat, intending to strangle her.
06:09Cassie witnesses all this and realizes it's the last resort.
06:13She opens the locker and fires at the man.
06:15The shot throws him to the side, but the flare sets the yacht on fire.
06:19Julia orders the children to flee, while she sneaks into the galley.
06:23The killer, only injured, tries to attack again.
06:26Julia kicks him away, grabs the packed bags, and jumps overboard, where Ben finds his father's body.
06:33Cassie runs to the corpse and sobs over it.
06:36Julia kisses her deceased husband, but seeing the killer leap from the burning yacht, she takes the children and leaves.
06:42The boat explodes behind them.
06:44The family runs across the stony desert and soon takes shelter in a rocky canyon, where a stream flows.
06:49However, the water is salty and undrinkable.
06:52Cassie shares a small amount of water with her brother, but he refuses to drink.
06:56The boy feels guilty, believing the killer came because he saw the balloons.
07:00Cassie also voices this thought, but Julia orders her to stop and defends her son, explaining that he didn't mean any harm.
07:07She tells the children to gather themselves, as a long journey awaits.
07:11And then she spots the killer again, still relentlessly following their trail.
07:15The family hurries onward.
07:17That evening, Ben finds the carcass of a hammerhead shark and tries to butcher it.
07:21But Julia sees the pursuer and orders the children to run.
07:24They soon come across a field of once-flooded toxic waste barrels.
07:28But Julia urges the children forward, despite the threat of contamination, knowing the killer is still on their heels.
07:34The family walks along the former ocean floor, weaving through piles of plastic and other trash dumped by humans.
07:40Soon, Julia notices that Ben is severely dehydrated and gives him the last drops of water.
07:45Cassie has a breakdown, convinced that they have no chance of survival.
07:48But Julia commands them to keep moving.
07:51Eventually, they find the fuselage of a plane that crashed into the sea long ago and crawl inside to rest.
07:57Julia examines the last photo of their family and recounts the story of her first meeting with Tom,
08:02which happened at her hospital, where Tom was brought with decompression sickness after a failed dive.
08:07The children weep, remembering their father and saying their final goodbyes to him.
08:11At night, Cassie is awakened by a noise and steps outside to sit near the plane.
08:15Out of the darkness, the killer approaches her, unaware that the girl is acting as bait.
08:20As he prepares to grab her, Julia ambushes him, stabbing the man with a knife.
08:25At dawn, the family prepares to continue their journey, only to discover the killer's body has been scavenged,
08:31a sign that something even more dangerous than humans lurks in the desert.
08:35They move on.
08:36Julia consults the map when Ben suddenly rushes ahead.
08:39His mother yells for him to stop, but the boy sprints toward a salty puddle and manages to drink a few gulps.
08:45Julia drags him away, but the boy becomes sick.
08:48Soon they come across some plastic chairs and build a makeshift shelter from the sun, resting inside it.
08:54Suddenly, Julia hears strange sounds.
08:56She steps outside and sees something that forces her to wake the children.
09:00Realizing the new danger, they begin running.
09:03Soon they spot a large ship in the distance, surrounded by crashed containers and a few wandering people.
09:09Julia calls out to them, but they, seeing thousands of giant crabs, dash into a container and lock the doors, ignoring her pleas for help.
09:17The three climb onto a container, though the crabs manage to wound Julia in the leg.
09:21Nevertheless, Julia, Cassie, and Ben sit on top, watching the crabs penetrate through a crack in the doors,
09:27killing everyone inside despite the people's attempts to fend them off.
09:31Julia ties a scarf around her leg and passes out.
09:33The next morning, she wakes up alone, terrified, and calls for the children.
09:37But it turns out the crabs have moved on, and the children had gone down to search for food and weapons.
09:42Julia cauterizes her wound while Ben examines the found weapons.
09:46Searching through the containers, they find a small amount of food and water.
09:50In the pocket of one of the deceased, Julia finds a radio and contacts Naoto.
09:54He responds, explaining that he was also attacked by deep-sea arthropods.
09:58Based on his observations, the sea will return soon, which is why the creatures have emerged.
10:03Julia begs him to save her children, but she's unsure where to go because she's lost the map.
10:08Naoto fires a flare. Ben sees the direction, and the family rushes toward it.
10:13Soon they see a yellow submarine in the distance, but reaching it is difficult due to the terrain of the former seabed.
10:19Cassie dislikes her mother's talk about saving the children, but Julia refuses to answer and pushes the family onward.
10:26They are forced to pass through a canyon contaminated with toxic waste.
10:30At one point, they are caught in a rock slide, and Julia becomes separated from the children.
10:35She orders them to continue, and when Cassie refuses, Julia pleads with her to save her brother.
10:41Cassie and Ben make it out of the canyon and reach the submarine, but inside, there's no one.
10:46Suddenly, Naoto, badly wounded, emerges from behind the boat.
10:50He admits that he has no chance of surviving and orders them to climb aboard,
10:54but Cassie goes back for her mother, who is fending off the emerging crabs.
10:58Her bullets nearly depleted, Cassie climbs the rock barrier and extends her hand to her mother.
11:04They manage to reach the submarine just as the crabs overrun Naoto, who dies in their claws.
11:09The family climbs aboard, and just then an ocean wave crests over the horizon.
11:14The water lifts the submarine and drags it across the rocks,
11:17and as Julia watches everything that happened over the past few days flash before her eyes, she passes out.
11:24When she awakens, she finds the vessel at a standstill.
11:27Julia opens the hatch, and the family emerges to find themselves in a ruined city carried there by the wave.
11:33Despite a great concept, the film failed to make an impact, largely due to the many mistakes made by its creators.
