• yesterday
00:00:00some real money into your film if they like what they see and you're sure I'm the person you want
00:00:04as your expert narrator. A real meteorologist of your caliber in a documentary about the drought
00:00:08in California, yes, you're exactly who I want. And you don't have to worry about this month.
00:00:13I have my half of the rent. I'll just have to cut out non-essentials like food. We'll survive.
00:00:19All right, how about a little lipstick? You know I don't do lipstick. Makes me feel like
00:00:23I'm playing in my mom's makeup bag. Okay, we're rolling. We're here at Pacifica University's
00:00:28weather center where I'm completing my PhD in meteorology, the study of everything in the
00:00:33atmosphere. Nice. All right, I'm gonna head home and start cutting all this together.
00:00:39You're going to that reception thing for your department leader? I hate those things. You
00:00:43should probably go and mingle. You know Vera will be. She should mingle. That's what women like her
00:00:50are good at. Yes, but she's not bad at meteorology either and she's your direct competition for a
00:00:55fellowship, which is why I'm glad that there's more than one fellowship available. Dr. Harris
00:01:00already said I'm in line to get one as long as I finish strong. Stand by, Deb. You're live in ten.
00:01:06Ready. Now, local weather. Live at five from Pacifica University weather center.
00:01:13Thanks, Dan. Your listeners should know that we have a little something coming in from Hawaii
00:01:16and unfortunately it is not chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, but heavy precipitation that
00:01:23might help give us some drought relief. This is a typical storm system for this time of year.
00:01:28The result of a jet stream coming over the Pacific Ocean. Nope, it's because I just got
00:01:33my car washed. So everyone get your umbrellas ready. I'll have more details for you in my
00:01:38next report. For Pacifica University College Radio, I'm Deb Metcalf. Nice voice.
00:01:45Morning, Quentin. Morning, Kitty. Morning. Morning, Shelly.
00:01:52Josh, don't touch my big board, please. The rain's a stronger lead.
00:01:56Well, that's a creative decision, so it's my call, right? That's why I was brought in here.
00:01:59You've only been here a few months, Quentin. I know our audience.
00:02:01Josh, I appreciate your input as a news producer, but I'm a news director,
00:02:04so I have creative control. I'm not a news director. I'm a news reporter.
00:02:07I'm not a news reporter. I'm not a news reporter. I'm not a news reporter.
00:02:10I'm not a news reporter. I'm not a news reporter. I'm not a news reporter.
00:02:12But I'm a news director, so I have creative control.
00:02:14We're talking about the first major storm of the season since last year's fires.
00:02:18If we open with a bear, people will turn the channel. It's a bear in the backyard.
00:02:21Who's not going to want to watch that? Wouldn't you guys watch that? Thank you.
00:02:24We open on the outskirts of town where a wild bear has just been spotted.
00:02:27A bear this close to the city. Our bear is getting too bold. That is a lead story, okay?
00:02:32We know people want to know what the weather is, Josh, so we know they'll tune in to see it,
00:02:35especially if Grant teases the big impending storm first. So, Grant, you're going to mention
00:02:38the storm, and then we're going to go to the bear, and then Fletch, you're going to do the
00:02:41weather. Then we're going to come back to you, Grant, and you can recap last year's forest fires,
00:02:45the perilous mudslide. Write this down for me, please. The perilous mudslides caused by this,
00:02:48the first major storm of the season. And that's what we're going to do.
00:02:51Love it. Red, blue.
00:02:53Let's go blue. You think? I was just really feeling the red today.
00:02:58The way this blue makes your eyes pop. It's really striking, isn't it, Grace?
00:03:02Blue it is.
00:03:04Why don't I open the weather with Noah's Ark joke?
00:03:05Time to gather a male and female of every species.
00:03:08That's clever, Fletch. I like it.
00:03:09One way to go.
00:03:11Okay, that's it, folks. Thank you.
00:03:14Inferred ratings drop one point.
00:03:16Hey, hey, hey, hey. Last I checked, our ratings went up two full points since I've been here.
00:03:20Excuse me.
00:03:22Hey, Willie, what's up?
00:03:23Quentin. Good to hear your voice, buddy. I thought you guys were late back out there,
00:03:27but you sound busy.
00:03:29I just try to run a broadcast news program, that's all.
00:03:31San Diego. Don't you just tell everyone it's perfect rollerblading weather, then sign off?
00:03:34You just called to hassle me. I have to get back to my rollerblading story.
00:03:37I called to tell you they want to restructure the network news here in New York.
00:03:40I thought I was banished.
00:03:41You know, all loyalties are only as strong as our numbers.
00:03:44If you come up with something fresh to wow the higher-ups,
00:03:46I think I can get you back in as network news director.
00:03:49I'm back here in New York. Big Apple misses you, Quentin.
00:03:51Feelings mutual.
00:03:53This atmospheric sampling tower will advance research at the weather center profoundly.
00:03:58The aluminum tower will be 25 meters with an expanded platform at the top.
00:04:03Why aren't you giving this presentation?
00:04:05You wrote the grant.
00:04:08Vera was very persuasive about why she should give the speech,
00:04:11and it didn't seem worth fighting over.
00:04:14Now, please welcome the chair of the meteorology department, Dr. David Crenshaw.
00:04:21Oh, well, all right.
00:04:23Lovely presentation, Vera. Thank you.
00:04:25She also likes taking the credit, which means that she could edge you out for a fellowship.
00:04:30But Dr. Harris, you said there were plenty of spots available.
00:04:33That doesn't mean that you become complacent, Deb.
00:04:36Your job is to impress the committee, not blend into the background.
00:04:52All right, all right.
00:04:53Good morning, good afternoon.
00:04:56What do we got?
00:04:57Just that one?
00:05:02We just have those for today, yeah?
00:05:04All righty.
00:05:06Everyone ready?
00:05:06Here we go.
00:05:09We are live in three, two...
00:05:15KFCA News at Five with San Diego's own Grant Marshall.
00:05:21Good evening, friends, and here's the latest.
00:05:23A major storm is advancing towards San Diego.
00:05:27But first, are wild bears becoming too bold?
00:05:30We go live to Bill Pascoe in La Mesa.
00:05:34Rarely do you see bears this close to the city, Grant.
00:05:37One driver had to swerve to avoid hitting the creature.
00:05:39Moving toward a residential area.
00:05:42Moving away from the road and towards a residential neighborhood.
00:05:46Spoken like a true newsman.
00:05:47An elementary school less than a half mile away.
00:05:50Back to you, Grant.
00:05:51So listen, Bill, you guys stay close to the news van.
00:05:53You play it safe.
00:05:54We'll check back in with you.
00:05:55And now to the other major story, the weather.
00:05:58So, Fletch, just how bad is this storm going to be?
00:06:00Should we start gathering animals two by two for the ark?
00:06:05You just might have to do that, Grant.
00:06:07Go to commercial.
00:06:10And we'll be right back after a short break.
00:06:12All right, we're clear.
00:06:13Gentlemen, what's going on out there?
00:06:16Quit stealing my line.
00:06:17Which line was that?
00:06:18You know exactly the one I'm talking about.
00:06:20Unlike some people, I'm not just a talking head.
00:06:23I have my own ideas.
00:06:24I write my own copy.
00:06:25Oh, look, Fletch, it's not about ideas.
00:06:27It's about execution.
00:06:29I was just talking to my audience,
00:06:31referencing a shared idea that we all understand.
00:06:34You see the difference?
00:06:35Grant, you know what I see, Grant?
00:06:37I see an opportunistic blowhard who has poached my lines
00:06:39and insulted my work 98 times since we started working together.
00:06:43Should I get San Diego Zoo on the line?
00:06:45I quit.
00:06:48Find somebody else.
00:06:49Fletch, come on.
00:06:50Fletch, you're still mine.
00:06:50Fletch, buddy, come here.
00:06:52All right, listen up, listen up.
00:06:53We need to find a replacement for Fletch ASAP.
00:06:55So any help you can give me is very much appreciated.
00:06:59He's gonna be cute for that, correct?
00:07:01Okay, yeah.
00:07:02Hey, guys, can you give us a sec here?
00:07:06I thought you could handle this.
00:07:08Well, I didn't think you'd get so upset.
00:07:11He was upset to begin with.
00:07:13You were supposed to help the situation.
00:07:15Okay, how about Rick?
00:07:16I think he'll be excited to get off the weekend show.
00:07:18He would if he wasn't out of town on vacation.
00:07:21I'm running out of time.
00:07:21What are my options?
00:07:22What do you tell me to do here?
00:07:23How about Kaylee?
00:07:24Who's Kaylee?
00:07:25Kaylee, the new intern.
00:07:26She couldn't even get her coffee orders right this morning.
00:07:28How is she in any way qualified for this?
00:07:29She's cute.
00:07:30KPPQ and KQMI does the whole cute weather girl thing all the time,
00:07:33and it works out fine for them.
00:07:34No, no, no, we're not going down that road.
00:07:36We're not doing that.
00:07:36Just have her read Fletch's lines up the teleprompter.
00:07:38No, Fletch writes his own copy.
00:07:39We don't even have templates for that stuff.
00:07:41I was smart with the radio show.
00:07:46Hey, Cindy, can you connect me to Pacifica University Weather Center?
00:07:50It was Metcalf something.
00:07:53Dana, Donna, Debbie, Debbie, Debbie, Deb Metcalf.
00:07:58No idea where you're going, so...
00:08:09Deb Metcalf.
00:08:10Hi, Deb, this is Quentin Sterling, KFCA TV News.
00:08:14Oh, hi.
00:08:15Would you be willing to go on the air right away to deliver the weather over the phone?
00:08:19Right now?
00:08:20I don't have quite a jam here, Deb.
00:08:21You'd be doing me a huge favor.
00:08:23You cannot say no.
00:08:24Our viewership needs to hear the weather report, and I cannot give it to them.
00:08:26I'm no way qualified to do that.
00:08:28What do you say?
00:08:33Sorry, stay right there.
00:08:37Okay, I need you to write me an intro.
00:08:39Fletch had an emergency.
00:08:40Deb Metcalf on the line.
00:08:42Pacifica University Station.
00:08:44Meteorologist Grant, I have Deb Metcalf on the line.
00:08:47I'm going to put this intro on the teleprompter.
00:08:48I'll be in your ear.
00:08:49Do we still have Deb on the line?
00:08:50Okay, Deb, can you hear me still?
00:08:52Okay, here we are, live in three, two...
00:08:55Welcome back.
00:08:56Fletch Douglas had a sudden emergency to attend to,
00:08:59but we're very fortunate to have on the line from Pacifica University,
00:09:02meteorologist Deb Metcalf.
00:09:04Are you there, Deb?
00:09:05I am.
00:09:06Hi, Grant.
00:09:06What can you tell us about this storm?
00:09:08So, Deb, what can you tell us about this storm?
00:09:11Well, can you make the map wider to include the northern Pacific?
00:09:15Give me the Pacific on the map.
00:09:19This storm system is actually part of an atmospheric river,
00:09:22a concentrated band of moisture coming in from the tropical Pacific Ocean.
00:09:26That's way too technical.
00:09:27That's very technical, Deb.
00:09:28Well, atmospheric rivers are fascinating things, Grant.
00:09:31They're typically several thousand kilometers long,
00:09:34while only a few hundred wide.
00:09:35I like to think of it like a giant waterlogged shoelace in the sky.
00:09:39Well, that's quite a visual, Deb.
00:09:41So what is this shoelace bringing us?
00:09:43Well, a single atmospheric river can carry a greater flow of water
00:09:46than the largest river on Earth, the Amazon.
00:09:49So that's good for drought?
00:09:50A river of water should help with the drought here in California, shouldn't it?
00:09:53Well, the first storm tonight actually will just be a light shower,
00:09:56but the second storm tomorrow will drench us, which should help.
00:10:00But after the fires that we had earlier this year,
00:10:02residents in the burn areas should be on the lookout for flooding and possible mudslides.
00:10:06Well, you've come to our rescue tonight, Deb,
00:10:08and you may have just saved those residents in the burn areas, too.
00:10:11Thanks so much for your help on tonight's show.
00:10:12My pleasure, Grant.
00:10:20Apparently, Fletch's decision yesterday was final.
00:10:22He's not coming back.
00:10:24But he's under contract.
00:10:25Legal's on it.
00:10:27That puts us in a really bad spot moving forward.
00:10:29I really thought he'd cool down and I'd be able to talk him out of it.
00:10:32But he won't return my call.
00:10:33All right, let's get the guy from KBDD in here.
00:10:35I already checked on that.
00:10:36We just don't have enough money to get him out of his contract over there.
00:10:39Oh, come on.
00:10:42The social media numbers are really good on Deb.
00:10:44What do you say we get her in here?
00:10:45Let her read the weather, see how it goes.
00:10:48I've got so many questions for her.
00:10:50You come with me, I want to show you something.
00:10:57This is Deb.
00:10:58Hey, Deb.
00:10:58Quentin Sterling again.
00:11:00You were a big hit here last night.
00:11:02I was wondering if you would want to come in here and read the weather on camera for us today.
00:11:09I'm a meteorologist, Mr. Sterling, not a weather girl.
00:11:12Look, the city of San Diego knows your voice.
00:11:13I think it's time that they know your face.
00:11:16I just don't have time for this.
00:11:18I am a PhD candidate.
00:11:19I have a dissertation to finish, a fellowship to apply for.
00:11:22Hey, I think it's good for us to try and overcome our fears, right?
00:11:24Plus, this could be a great opportunity for you to raise your profile at the university.
00:11:31Have you been talking to Dr. Harris?
00:11:34Look, it's just for today, and what can I say?
00:11:40We pay far more than radio.
00:11:45I'm Kimmy.
00:11:52Hi, I'm Deb.
00:11:53Nice to meet you.
00:11:56Yeah, it doesn't match up with the other thing we filed, because the dates are wrong.
00:11:59After you.
00:12:02Well, it was revised.
00:12:03That's why it should have been.
00:12:06Good luck, golden boy.
00:12:08This one's all you.
00:12:12It's great.
00:12:13Deb Metcalf.
00:12:14You'll do fine.
00:12:16Gwen Sterling.
00:12:17Nice to meet you.
00:12:17Thanks for coming in on such short notice.
00:12:19Of course.
00:12:20Thank you, Kimmy.
00:12:21Of course.
00:12:22Come take a look.
00:12:23This is our world, KFCA TV News.
00:12:25So you're the news director, right?
00:12:27Yeah, that's right.
00:12:29What exactly does the news director do?
00:12:31Oh, I'm in charge of all the lights, camera, action stuff.
00:12:34I'm in charge of content.
00:12:35I'm in charge of talent.
00:12:37Look at you, hitting your mark like a pro.
00:12:40This box.
00:12:41I stand in this box.
00:12:42So, question.
00:12:44How does this all work?
00:12:45Like, I mean, am I going to be able to see what's on the screen?
00:12:48Hey, Curtis.
00:12:49Pull up the West Coast map here on two.
00:12:51You got it.
00:12:55Today, an enormous woman emerged from the Pacific Ocean.
00:13:04Have a seat.
00:13:05Kelly, this is Deb, Deb, Kelly.
00:13:07Oh, thank you.
00:13:11Deb, the meteorologist.
00:13:13Meet Grace, our fabulous stylist.
00:13:16Look, we don't have a lot of time here, so we need to get started.
00:13:19Time for what?
00:13:19Your makeover.
00:13:20I didn't know I had to do that.
00:13:21Think of it as a bonus perk.
00:13:23Everyone wears makeup.
00:13:25Besides, I don't even think she needs much.
00:13:26Just like a little...
00:13:28You know what you're doing.
00:13:28Okay, you got this.
00:13:29Take a deep breath.
00:13:31Enjoy this.
00:13:31Have a lot of fun.
00:13:32I'll see you in a few.
00:13:33Yeah, lots of fun.
00:13:35At the very least, you're going to need a little lipstick and some face color.
00:13:39Or next to Grant Spray's hand, you're going to look like a vampire.
00:13:42Okay, open.
00:13:44And relax.
00:13:45You should have cleared this with me.
00:13:46It's just for today, Grant.
00:13:47Besides, I don't mean to point fingers,
00:13:48but we wouldn't be in this little fix-it war for you, remember?
00:13:51That was very clear.
00:13:52We're not doing the pretty young weather woman thing.
00:13:54We're going to keep the focus on the news.
00:14:00She's perfect.
00:14:02All right, as soon as this red light turns on,
00:14:04you start talking just like you did on the radio.
00:14:05Except just look into the lens, you know, like you're talking to a person.
00:14:08This lens.
00:14:09Just follow my lead, darling.
00:14:10You'll be just fine.
00:14:11So Grant's going to give you the introduction,
00:14:13and then I'll be in your ear.
00:14:14In my what?
00:14:15That's not doing it for me.
00:14:16Kimmy, take that jacket off.
00:14:17Take off that sweater.
00:14:20Get that shine on the forehead, too.
00:14:24Put this on.
00:14:25Yeah, that's much better.
00:14:26Curtis, you got her wired?
00:14:28Okay, good enough.
00:14:29Good, Curtis, you're good.
00:14:30All righty.
00:14:32You look great.
00:14:32You feel great.
00:14:33Here we go.
00:14:34We're on at two.
00:14:36Oh, in my ear.
00:14:44I'm sorry.
00:14:44I did the best I could with her.
00:14:46No, no, no.
00:14:46She looks great.
00:14:47She looks great.
00:14:48Okay, here we go.
00:14:49Cue the titles.
00:14:50Camera one, get ready for Grant.
00:14:51Camera two, get ready to start on Deb.
00:14:54And we are good.
00:14:56Three, two...
00:14:59Good evening, folks.
00:15:00And here's the latest.
00:15:01Weather, still our top story.
00:15:03Now, you know her voice from our local college radio station.
00:15:06Here she is in person, meteorologist Deb Metcalf.
00:15:09Thanks for filling in today, Deb.
00:15:11My pleasure, Grant.
00:15:12Now, you're an actual meteorologist, right?
00:15:14Yes, I am.
00:15:15I have my master's degree in meteorology, and I'm currently working towards my PhD.
00:15:20Meteorologists are involved in everything from air traffic control to researching climate trends,
00:15:25which affect things like farming, forest fires, and environmental concerns.
00:15:27At last, the newsroom sounds smart.
00:15:29No actual meteors to speak of.
00:15:31Well, actually, the Earth is about to take its annual cruise
00:15:34through the Leonid Meteor Belt, which is a spectacular sight.
00:15:38What about asteroids?
00:15:39Oh, well, you're gonna have to watch an old Bruce Willis movie from 98 if you want to see those.
00:15:45Well, if no asteroids, then what will our skies be bringing us tonight?
00:15:49Well, this high-pressure system in the north will push a dense mass of cold air
00:15:53down the west coast, acting like a big push broom, sweeping away all this tropical activity.
00:15:58We'll be back later on.
00:15:59She's pretty good.
00:16:01You're doing great, Deb.
00:16:02Come on, let's go to the traffic now.
00:16:03Thanks, Deb.
00:16:04We'll have more weather details later in the broadcast.
00:16:07Now let's get to local news.
00:16:11Gwen, I was just telling Debbie that she should apply for the job.
00:16:15She's the perfect foil for me.
00:16:18You did a good job today.
00:16:20Maybe it'll help me out versus Vera.
00:16:24I gotta go.
00:16:25I got a lot of work to do.
00:16:26Okay, I'll walk you out.
00:16:29So does the radio gig take up a lot of your time?
00:16:31I know the radio show only takes like 10 minutes a day,
00:16:34but I'm busy finishing my dissertation and trying to lock in one of the fellowships
00:16:38being awarded to graduating PhDs for next year.
00:16:43And the fellowship, that's like a research position at the university, right?
00:16:45Prestigious research job.
00:16:48It almost guarantees a professorship within a few years,
00:16:50so it is dog-eat-dog amongst the candidates right now.
00:16:55I always imagine the academic types very calmly discussing issues
00:16:58using very big words I don't understand.
00:17:00That's a cliche.
00:17:01Don't step into that puddle of dihydrogen monoxide.
00:17:10Was it any fun?
00:17:12It was in a way.
00:17:14Well, thanks for coming on such short notice.
00:17:16No problem.
00:17:30So, you were on TV?
00:17:43It was so crazy, I couldn't stop laughing.
00:17:45No, was I that bad?
00:17:46No, you were great.
00:17:48Why didn't you tell me you were doing that?
00:17:50Just kind of popped up last minute.
00:17:51It was just a fill-in, one-time thing.
00:17:53You would think I'd be used to seeing you on screen since you're in my documentary.
00:17:57I saw they got you to wear lipstick.
00:17:59I've talked more about makeup today than I have in my entire life.
00:18:05Thank you for those changes.
00:18:07You know what I like.
00:18:07Quentin, talk to me.
00:18:09The station manager wants Deb to fill in short-term
00:18:11while we look for a suitable full-time replacement.
00:18:14Phone's been ringing off the hook.
00:18:15Email's pouring in.
00:18:17I don't know, though.
00:18:17I don't think she's gonna go for it.
00:18:18Turns out she's a pretty serious academic.
00:18:20Well, I took the liberty of telling the station manager you could deliver.
00:18:23It was a big creative decision.
00:18:24McCall, right?
00:18:31Oh, hang on.
00:18:35Deb, Quentin Starling.
00:18:37Well, it's not too late, so I know better.
00:18:38Um, hi, Quentin.
00:18:40No, not at all.
00:18:41I just got home.
00:18:42What can I help you with?
00:18:43Well, uh, turns out our audience loves you.
00:18:45So we wanted to see if you would fill in while we search for a full-time replacement.
00:18:49Maybe a couple of months.
00:18:50They want me to keep doing the weather.
00:18:54Um, I'm flattered, but...
00:18:56I'm not a weather girl.
00:18:57I know, you're a meteorologist, which is exactly why we want you.
00:19:00Look, just don't rush into this decision.
00:19:03We can... we can figure something out.
00:19:06There's just not enough hours in the day as it is.
00:19:08Well, maybe I can make the day longer.
00:19:11Pull that off and we'll talk.
00:19:13All right.
00:19:14You'll be hearing from me soon.
00:19:15Thanks for the offer.
00:19:16Have a good night.
00:19:26Are you sure you don't want to do the weather on TV?
00:19:28It sounds like a really cool opportunity.
00:19:30Dr. Harris just said that I had to stand out.
00:19:32And now that that's happened, I need to focus on this fellowship.
00:19:35Everyone knows you're the best researcher.
00:19:37They have to give you one of those fellowships.
00:19:39Yeah, but it's also really political and I'm clueless about politics.
00:19:42Unlike Vera.
00:19:43You just have to stop hiding behind the weather and stand in front of it.
00:19:47Oh, you mean like with a green screen on TV?
00:19:51Just let your light shine.
00:19:52People love it.
00:19:54Yes, people.
00:19:56Including men.
00:19:57Please, I don't have time for that.
00:19:59You never have enough time.
00:20:00Speaking of time, I should probably get back to my dissertation.
00:20:03You can't ignore me.
00:20:07Maybe you can.
00:20:10I'm working on a hunch that may be of interest to you.
00:20:12What's my time frame here?
00:20:14The sooner the better.
00:20:15You're not the only name they're bouncing around for this job.
00:20:18Yeah, I know how New York works.
00:20:20I need to...
00:20:21Oh, I gotta go.
00:20:21I'll call you back.
00:20:24I told you I don't give up.
00:20:40You weren't kidding.
00:20:42Stalk people much?
00:20:44Well, I believe in being persistent when you want something.
00:20:48Oh, well, I'm sorry, but nothing's changed since last night.
00:20:52I'm sure one of these other girls can read the weather for your station.
00:20:55You'd think, but we've tried.
00:20:56No one knows how to read.
00:21:03We can set an office up for you at the studio.
00:21:06That way you won't have to go back and forth.
00:21:08Whatever you want.
00:21:09We can even connect you remotely to the computers here at the weather center.
00:21:12I already checked with your technology department on that.
00:21:15It's a bit presumptuous of you to poke around my workplace, don't you think?
00:21:18Yeah, as I said, I'm...
00:21:20Persistent, right.
00:21:22Look, we will do anything and everything that we can do to work around your schedule, okay?
00:21:26And as I mentioned, pay is much better than radio.
00:21:30What's that?
00:21:30It's your offer paperwork.
00:21:34I appreciate this.
00:21:35I really do, but this is my life.
00:21:38I know, and that's why we want you, because you're the real deal.
00:21:41I have a meeting.
00:21:42Okay, okay.
00:21:43Look, read that over and then give me a call.
00:21:49Good luck in your meeting.
00:21:58What's this I hear about you doing the news yesterday?
00:22:01KFCA called me to fill in, so I did.
00:22:03I can't imagine why they'd choose you of all people.
00:22:06I do understand, and I appreciate all the...
00:22:09Oh, it's David.
00:22:10I mean, Dr. Crenshaw!
00:22:13Ah, speaking of which.
00:22:14Vera, dear, how are you?
00:22:15Oh, it's Damon.
00:22:18How goes it?
00:22:19You look stunning today.
00:22:25Would you excuse me, please?
00:22:26I must go.
00:22:27Of course.
00:22:33Thank you for your attention, everyone.
00:22:35Dr. Crenshaw has an announcement.
00:22:37It won't take a moment.
00:22:38Thank you, Dr. Harris.
00:22:38Now, I'm afraid to say that there will be cross-campus budget cuts,
00:22:43including all of us here at the Weather Center.
00:22:45We don't know the details yet, but one thing is for certain,
00:22:48and that means there will only be one research fellowship
00:22:52awarded among this year's crop of doctoral candidates.
00:22:55As you know, at the end of the term,
00:22:58each candidate has an opportunity to make a presentation
00:23:01in front of the committee on their own behalf.
00:23:03This news makes that presentation all the more important, doesn't it?
00:23:07Now, this is the hard part.
00:23:09This is simply a dreadful case of either best man or woman win.
00:23:15Thank you, Dr. Harris.
00:23:18Thank you, everyone.
00:23:44I didn't know that I was going to have to be competing
00:23:46with my colleagues for one fellowship.
00:23:48You're going to be fine.
00:23:49Now, I saw you on TV the other night.
00:23:52You were great.
00:23:53Yeah, only because the anchorman was feeding me questions
00:23:55and I was reporting the facts.
00:23:58I was just me talking about what I loved,
00:24:00and now I have to sell some perfect, polished,
00:24:03rehearsed version of myself like Vera?
00:24:06Says who?
00:24:08Let Vera be Vera.
00:24:10You be Deb, because that'll work.
00:24:19All you have to do is keep your eyes on the prize
00:24:23and do everything in your power to win this fellowship.
00:24:27I already am doing everything I can.
00:24:30Tell me about this job offer.
00:24:32It's the on-air weather position for KFCA TV.
00:24:36It's the same thing I did last night, except for many nights to come.
00:24:39This is perfect.
00:24:42So I told them I couldn't do it.
00:24:43I told them I couldn't do it.
00:24:44I told them I couldn't do it.
00:24:46So I told them I couldn't do it.
00:24:48Deb, I told you that you need to stand out.
00:24:52Now, this could give you an edge over the competition
00:24:54because hard work and dedication aren't enough.
00:25:00How badly do you want this?
00:25:16We are thrilled to have you here, Deb.
00:25:19Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.
00:25:22Oh, we'll take care of that.
00:25:23Explain to me the hierarchy around here again.
00:25:26Okay, so Josh, the guy in the suit, he's the news producer,
00:25:29which means he oversees this whole operation.
00:25:31And then I'm the news director,
00:25:32which means I'm in charge of the talent on the continent.
00:25:34Oh, so you do the hiring and firing.
00:25:37Yeah, but this is the most important department here.
00:25:39This is craft service.
00:25:41This is the marketing department.
00:25:42This is the marketing department.
00:25:45This is craft services.
00:25:46Ah, Ms. Metcalf, I'm delighted you decided to join the team.
00:25:52My first piece of advice, enjoy the perks.
00:25:56It's true, boy.
00:25:58Oh, excuse me.
00:25:59You know, for the last 15 years,
00:26:02people have been tuning in, not to hear the news,
00:26:05but to hear me tell them the news.
00:26:07For some, I'm a father figure.
00:26:09Others, a big brother, perhaps a husband.
00:26:12Oh, you're all that and more, Grant.
00:26:13Hush, I'm imparting wisdom here.
00:26:17Always remember to be yourself,
00:26:20or at least an on-screen version of yourself that they can count on.
00:26:23That makes sense.
00:26:30Well, he is really something.
00:26:31Oh, yes, he is.
00:26:33Here, let me show you the newsroom.
00:26:35This is the newsroom.
00:26:36This is where we meet to write, research, plan every single broadcast.
00:26:40We board the show here.
00:26:42My best friend is a documentary filmmaker.
00:26:44She said that the motto for the news is,
00:26:46if it bleeds, it leads.
00:26:47I don't believe in exploiting other people's misfortunes.
00:26:50I just really try to focus on telling a great story.
00:26:53And, you know, finding that thing,
00:26:55that one thing that really grabs the viewer,
00:26:56and that is where you come in.
00:26:59Yeah, here you go.
00:27:00I have a feeling you're going to bring something new to the weather.
00:27:02Oh, well, I'm afraid we're stuck with rain, wind, hail, if we're lucky.
00:27:06Hey, Deb.
00:27:07Glad you're back.
00:27:08I've been pulling looks for you.
00:27:11Yeah, wardrobe, hair, your on-screen persona.
00:27:15Oh, uh, well, Grant was just telling me to be as much myself as possible on camera,
00:27:20so this is pretty much it.
00:27:24Maybe just a bit.
00:27:25No, I don't think Deb needs a new look.
00:27:27I think, uh, you know, the viewers like her old look, right?
00:27:34Don't worry.
00:27:35She's an artist.
00:27:35It's okay.
00:27:38And this is your office.
00:27:42Oh, wow.
00:27:47This is the biggest cubicle I've ever seen.
00:27:49Yeah, just a little something.
00:27:53Miss Metcalf, here's your contract.
00:27:57We're very protective of our on-air talent,
00:28:00so you're exclusive while you're here,
00:28:02which means you'll have to quit that college radio gig.
00:28:08Oh, uh, okay.
00:28:17Welcome to KFZA News.
00:28:23Man, this is so surreal.
00:28:25You're gonna be great.
00:28:27I'm telling you, I have a great feeling about this.
00:28:29Hey, Quentin.
00:28:32I think in all the craziness, I forgot to say thank you.
00:28:34Oh, no.
00:28:35Thank you, Deb.
00:28:41I don't— I have no idea how she plans to be respected as an academic.
00:28:49She's parading around like a weather girl.
00:28:52It's ridiculous.
00:28:53Tell me about it.
00:28:53All right, well, I'll see you guys next week.
00:28:55Okay, okay, bye.
00:28:58Oh, hello, Vera.
00:28:59Oh, hi.
00:28:59There's a difference between a speech and a presentation, all right?
00:29:04Thank you so much.
00:29:05Oh, you're most very welcome, all right?
00:29:06Ta-ta, gotta go.
00:29:07Okay, bye.
00:29:11I'm Grant Marshall.
00:29:18Thanks for watching.
00:29:19We'll see you tomorrow.
00:29:25Hey, what's up?
00:29:26You didn't seem like yourself tonight.
00:29:31Can we get up to the roof?
00:29:36How is it possible I've never heard of this annual meteor shower?
00:29:40Well, it's like my dad the physicist says.
00:29:44There's so much to know, you can't know it all.
00:29:46So your mom, was she a scientist, too?
00:29:49No, she was an artist and a bit of a hippie.
00:29:54I guess that's where you get me, a nature-loving science nerd.
00:29:58And you grew up here in San Diego?
00:30:00Born and raised.
00:30:01I can't imagine any place better.
00:30:04Yeah, it is a great little city.
00:30:07What about you?
00:30:09Oh, gosh, I've bounced all over the country, you know.
00:30:13Oh, I've been working my way up the broadcast news food chain.
00:30:17So, you know, that's just how it goes.
00:30:20You get a job, you boost the ratings, then you move on.
00:30:22And that brought you here?
00:30:24I didn't mean, no offense.
00:30:27No taking.
00:30:28I, um, I had a fall from the network news level in New York.
00:30:34Long, boring story.
00:30:39Tell me why meteorology?
00:30:40Well, when I was a kid, I saw this display at the Children's Museum about the atmosphere.
00:30:46You know, like clouds the size of mountains, lightning storms, the aurora borealis.
00:30:52I mean, all natural occurrences, real life.
00:30:57But, uh, at the time, it just seemed so magical.
00:31:04Probably seems pretty silly.
00:31:07Not at all.
00:31:18Hey, what's going on today?
00:31:21It's nothing.
00:31:23Talk to me.
00:31:24This job's just getting me noticed at work.
00:31:29That's great.
00:31:29No, not in the way that I want it to be.
00:31:32Not in the way that I want.
00:31:34Oh, they're just jealous.
00:31:36Or I look foolish.
00:31:38Okay, I'm sorry.
00:31:41I've directed network news.
00:31:44I can promise you, you don't look foolish.
00:31:50You look fantastic.
00:31:55Hey, do you wanna, do you wanna get out of here and,
00:31:58uh, I don't know, go get some coffee or something?
00:32:07Uh, I can't.
00:32:13I have a paper to write.
00:32:30I thought you were watching the meteor shower.
00:32:32I did, on the roof of the station with Quentin.
00:32:37It was just stargazing, Fran.
00:32:39Yeah, I always go on roofs with my boss.
00:32:42He did wanna get coffee after.
00:32:44Don't tell me you said no.
00:32:46I panicked.
00:32:47I said I had a paper to write, which I do.
00:32:49I knew it.
00:32:49You wouldn't have panicked if you didn't like this guy.
00:32:52At first, I thought he was too slick, a player, but now I find him very interesting.
00:32:58Well, maybe tomorrow you take him up on that coffee.
00:33:01See what happens.
00:33:05So, as hot air rises, cold air is brought in from the ocean.
00:33:10Uh, do you guys think we could come up with, like, an animation for that?
00:33:19Take a chance.
00:33:21Just try it on.
00:33:23It's perfect.
00:33:24Not too over the top.
00:33:25Let me add a little color to your eyes.
00:33:27Maybe lose the glasses.
00:33:28I really don't do pantsuits.
00:33:56Hey, weather girl.
00:33:58I'm really busy right now, Vera.
00:34:01I just want to take a minute to congratulate you.
00:34:04For becoming a big shot on local TV news, of course.
00:34:08How very brave of you to put yourself out there like that.
00:34:16Oh, and don't worry about the naysayers.
00:34:18That guy Marv on the media?
00:34:20He doesn't know talent when he sees it.
00:34:34I'll be out in a minute!
00:34:48If you haven't been following the battle of the local weather women,
00:35:03KPPQ and KQMI are continuing the catwalk weather...
00:35:07Oh, look at all this stuff.
00:35:09We hit the lottery?
00:35:10But it is nice to have some actual money coming in.
00:35:13You absolutely rock.
00:35:15Are we still on for our shoot tomorrow?
00:35:18Don't tell me you forgot.
00:35:19No, no, no.
00:35:20Just what time is it again?
00:35:21I have to be at the disc golf tournament at two.
00:35:23Oh, it's not until four.
00:35:25I'll meet you there.
00:35:26It shouldn't take us long.
00:35:27And then it's intense dissertation writing for me for the rest of the weekend.
00:35:31Let me ask you a question.
00:35:32Have you ever heard of Marv on the media?
00:35:36He's just some entertainment gossip weasel.
00:35:41This low pressure system will cause some wind coming in from the west.
00:35:45That's so wrong!
00:35:46I know.
00:35:46Why do they have a model doing the weather?
00:35:48No, it's a high pressure system.
00:35:51But KFCA has made a bold move by bringing on radio meteorologist Deb Metcalf,
00:35:57who, without adornment, brings us the weather.
00:36:01Who cares if she has the proverbial face for radio?
00:36:03Oh, Deb, whatever.
00:36:05He's just some snarky little gossip geek.
00:36:10Oh, no.
00:36:13She posted the link on the Pacifica Weather Center website
00:36:16and probably the laughingstock of the whole department now.
00:36:19What are you gonna do?
00:36:24Play the game.
00:36:34Hey, thanks for coming in on Saturday.
00:36:36Are you kidding?
00:36:37I've been dying to do this.
00:36:39You've got terrific bones and your hair is made for shaping.
00:36:43I still want to look like me.
00:37:08Florida, yeah, that's it.
00:37:14Well, what's it you?
00:37:19I think we went a little beyond.
00:37:21There's more.
00:37:27Just try it on.
00:37:30Oh, come on.
00:37:31Trust me.
00:37:34Got here as soon as I could.
00:37:36Shopped by an eight-year-old with a smartphone.
00:37:38We have this exclusive?
00:37:38We do.
00:37:39Branch just got here.
00:37:40I already sent Bill out.
00:37:42Try to get hold of Deb.
00:37:42It's so far.
00:37:44She's here.
00:37:45She's been with me in makeup all morning.
00:38:00Wow, Deb, look at you.
00:38:02Okay, yeah, that's good.
00:38:02Now, what's next?
00:38:07I heard you were looking for me.
00:38:09You look like a million bucks in market shares.
00:38:13What did you do?
00:38:14Thought I'd try something new.
00:38:15Oh, no, that was completely unnecessary.
00:38:19Is it a problem?
00:38:21No, no, it's not a problem.
00:38:23You look great.
00:38:25About 20 minutes ago, a funnel cloud touched down in Escondido.
00:38:27Here, show the clip.
00:38:29If it touched down, it's a tornado.
00:38:30We haven't had one in San Diego since the early 90s.
00:38:32This one looks pretty strong.
00:38:33No, it's about an F1 on the weaker side.
00:38:36Okay, well, don't say that on the air until I tell you.
00:38:38Play up the wind, the flying debris.
00:38:39There's lots of great flying debris clips here.
00:38:41Has anyone heard?
00:38:42Apparently not, no, but don't mention that either.
00:38:43People will want to know.
00:38:45Right, I know.
00:38:45We always reveal the details of a story a little bit at a time.
00:38:48You never cut to the chase.
00:38:48That's just how we do it.
00:38:49Okay, come on, guys.
00:38:50We gotta wrap this up.
00:38:50We have to go.
00:38:51Where are we going?
00:38:52We're going live, breaking news.
00:39:01All right, let's go.
00:39:02Let's go, people.
00:39:05Quentin, what am I saying?
00:39:07Okay, so Grant's gonna lead us in.
00:39:09He'll announce the tornado.
00:39:10Then we're gonna show the footage that we have.
00:39:11We're just gonna play that tornado footage over and over again, Grant, okay?
00:39:14Then we're gonna come to you.
00:39:15All you need to do is talk about tornadoes.
00:39:16Make it exciting, okay?
00:39:17Curtis, are you good?
00:39:18Hey, I'll be in your ear, all right?
00:39:23We good?
00:39:23I don't even recognize myself.
00:39:25You look beautiful.
00:39:26Just be you.
00:39:31She looks just like everyone else now.
00:39:32She looked perfect before.
00:39:35All right, got it, everyone.
00:39:36We're live in 10 seconds.
00:39:37We're gonna start with Deb.
00:39:38We're gonna go to Bill and then come back to Deb.
00:39:40No one mentioned that there weren't any injuries until later in the broadcast.
00:39:43I don't think that's right.
00:39:44Just follow directions, please.
00:39:45All right.
00:39:46Okay, here we are in five, four, three.
00:39:50Live from the KFZA newsroom, we bring you breaking news with Grant Marshall.
00:39:54Morning, friends.
00:39:55Here's the latest.
00:39:56A tornado has touched down in San Diego.
00:39:59Let's go to KFZA meteorologist Deb Metcalf.
00:40:02Deb, what can you tell us?
00:40:03This is Deb Metcalf in the KFZA newsroom.
00:40:06She's been here as long as I've been here.
00:40:07Anyway, not in Kansas anymore.
00:40:09I'm here.
00:40:10I heard there's a tornado.
00:40:13I thought perhaps you might need...
00:40:14There hasn't been a tornado in San Diego since 1992.
00:40:17It's a very rare and dangerous event.
00:40:20Fortunately, at this time, there have been no reports of injury.
00:40:23Go live to Bill.
00:40:24Is that our Deb Metcalf?
00:40:25She looks uncomfortable, don't you think?
00:40:26Au contraire.
00:40:28She looks rather good.
00:40:29...where witnesses described it as 15 seconds of sheer terror,
00:40:33toppling trees and hurtling debris.
00:40:36This tornado really took San Diego by surprise.
00:40:38Tornadoes are rare in our region,
00:40:40and as is usually the case following a tornado,
00:40:42we will be looking at clear skies.
00:40:44In fact, I'm headed to the Palomar Disc Golf Course
00:40:47for the Children's Museum fundraiser
00:40:48following this broadcast.
00:40:50Tell them to watch at six.
00:40:51Join the weekend team for more on this story.
00:40:53For KFZA News, this is Deb Metcalf.
00:40:55We'll keep you informed throughout the day.
00:40:57Hey, you understand the basic division of labor here, right?
00:41:07Is this about the lack of casualties?
00:41:09Is my direction not clear enough?
00:41:10People want to know what's happening.
00:41:12Well, we could have stretched that segment for 20 minutes.
00:41:14I thought you weren't one to exploit the situation.
00:41:16This was a tornado in San Diego.
00:41:19That's potential for a great story, a real story.
00:41:22So if this isn't working out,
00:41:23then maybe you should look into replacing me.
00:41:25I can make that happen.
00:41:26You got to do what you got to do.
00:41:33Come on.
00:41:44Come on, come on, come on.
00:41:56She'll start again in a half hour, but then I'll be late.
00:41:59Where did you say you were going?
00:42:01Fundraiser for the Children's Museum.
00:42:04I can drive you.
00:42:06I thought you were angry.
00:42:08No, no, no, I'm not angry.
00:42:09I'm not angry.
00:42:11I just get, I get very passionate about my job.
00:42:14Look, I think you look great.
00:42:17I just didn't think you needed to change.
00:42:19You have something very special about you.
00:42:27Okay, come on, let me, let me give you a ride.
00:42:33Besides, it sounds like a good cause.
00:42:39You know how to throw a frisbee?
00:42:56Palomar Mountain's beautiful, huh?
00:42:58What a day, too.
00:42:59This is spectacular.
00:43:03Oh, excuse me.
00:43:09You excited?
00:43:10I am, I'm curious.
00:43:16What do I do with these?
00:43:18This is disc golf.
00:43:20Disc golf, huh?
00:43:22Follow me.
00:43:26Excuse me, sorry, you're Deb Metcalf, right?
00:43:34I am, yes.
00:43:36My wife was really freaking out about that tornado
00:43:39and flipping back and forth between all the newscasts,
00:43:41which, you know, were really hyping the so-called danger.
00:43:44Your honest report really calmed her down.
00:43:46We're both very appreciative.
00:43:49That's so nice to hear.
00:43:50And I gotta say, I love the new look.
00:43:54I'm Sal.
00:43:55Nice to meet you.
00:43:57Where's the basket?
00:44:00It is right around the corner there.
00:44:04So, it's all about the wrist.
00:44:07You just have to flip the wrist, release it level, and it'll go in.
00:44:11You gotta trust.
00:44:13That's deep.
00:44:15Okay, all right.
00:44:16Level release on the wrist.
00:44:22That was embarrassing, but fun.
00:44:24What do you normally do for fun?
00:44:28I generally just work and eat.
00:44:36Yeah, I never really thought of it that way.
00:44:40I just do what I need to do to keep moving forward.
00:44:42Besides, I never really had a reason to settle down.
00:44:50Oh, there's Finn.
00:44:56Whoa, I didn't even recognize you.
00:44:59I got a new hairstyle.
00:45:00You got a new head.
00:45:03Hey, this is Quentin.
00:45:05The famous documentarian, I presume.
00:45:06You write a note to my mom that says that?
00:45:09What is your documentary about?
00:45:10It focuses on the current drought and the looming water crisis that we're facing here in the southwest.
00:45:16I want to get a shot of you in front of the display so you can talk more about the watersheds.
00:45:21I have to go and get a bounce card.
00:45:23I'll be right back.
00:45:26So wait, so are you actually in Fran's documentary?
00:45:30Well, the contract we have with you is exclusive, so you're not...
00:45:32You're not supposed to do any other kind of outside media work.
00:45:35Oh, I didn't even think of that.
00:45:37I don't think anyone would really care for something like this, but just keep it under wraps.
00:45:42Um, you don't have to stick around, you know.
00:45:44I kind of like to stay and watch you work, if you don't mind.
00:45:55It's nice of you to help Fran with her doc.
00:45:57A project means everything to her.
00:45:58That's what friends are for.
00:46:01Still, I mean, I know how busy you are.
00:46:04With everything I have to do at the station and the university,
00:46:08this is the closest I've gotten to eating out.
00:46:09It's nice to get out, though.
00:46:13We need to organize a tour of San Diego for you.
00:46:17Yes, absolutely.
00:46:18I'm all for that.
00:46:20No, seriously, I've had no chance to explore at all.
00:46:22Every city I've ever lived in, I feel like I've really got a chance to know them.
00:46:25It's amazing what you can find when you settle down.
00:46:30Excuse me, are you Deb Metcalf?
00:46:34I love your weather broadcast.
00:46:36Oh, thank you.
00:46:40Holy cow.
00:46:46I'm telling you, I know you think of this news gig as a part-time thing,
00:46:50but you could be huge.
00:46:53No way.
00:46:54No, I'm dead serious.
00:46:56I mean, you saw the way that people reacted to you.
00:47:00Just think about it.
00:47:03I'll think about it.
00:47:16Lucky me, she started.
00:47:17I was kind of hoping it wouldn't.
00:47:21I have a dissertation to finish.
00:47:34I had a great time with you today.
00:47:37Me too.
00:47:42See you tomorrow.
00:47:50Hi, Deb.
00:48:09I'm glad that you're finally starting to see her potential.
00:48:12She's dignified, smart, real class act.
00:48:14I think she could bring both credibility and notoriety to our institution.
00:48:19Exactly what I've been trying to tell you.
00:48:21The way I see it, it's certainly between her and Vera for the fellowship.
00:48:24This presentation, before the committee,
00:48:27will give them both one final chance to show us what they've really got.
00:48:31Deb will be ready.
00:48:41Ah, any tornadoes to report on today, Ms. Metcalf?
00:48:45Good morning, Dr. Crenshaw, sir.
00:48:47Good morning.
00:48:47Please call me David.
00:48:48Just came by to say how impressed we all were with your performance on KFCA News.
00:48:52It was lovely.
00:48:53Oh, thank you so much, sir.
00:48:57David, sir?
00:48:58Wait, not Sir David.
00:49:01Well, actually, I don't know you that well.
00:49:02Maybe you have been, maybe.
00:49:05Have a good day.
00:49:09So where are you with your dissertation?
00:49:12And have you thought about your presentation?
00:49:15It's coming along.
00:49:16Deb, you've come too far to drop the ball.
00:49:20I know.
00:49:20I'm just trying to keep my head above water.
00:49:22You have worked toward this academic opportunity your entire life.
00:49:26You need to knock this committee presentation out of the park.
00:49:30Now, I can actually help you get started with that if you like.
00:49:33I'm wide open this afternoon.
00:49:35I can't.
00:49:36They want me at the station for a promo shoot.
00:49:41Well, I want a draft of that presentation speech on my desk as soon as possible.
00:49:54That's good.
00:49:56One sec.
00:50:00Thank you, ladies.
00:50:03Thank you, April.
00:50:03I just want to get a few with Grant and Deb alone.
00:50:06I feel so awkward.
00:50:07What's your secret?
00:50:09I just love having my picture taken.
00:50:12The camera loves you too, Grant.
00:50:14Yeah, that was good like that.
00:50:18I think we might have turned her into a real newswoman.
00:50:22Her short-term agreement is set to expire soon.
00:50:25We need her to re-sign long-term.
00:50:27What if she doesn't want to?
00:50:28You seem to have her...
00:50:32Convince her.
00:50:40Hey, Willie.
00:50:41What's up?
00:50:41That door is opening up for you here real soon.
00:50:44Why? What's the scoop?
00:50:45The execs here are interested in what you've done with Deb Metcalf.
00:50:48I told them all about how you turned that diamond in the rough into a shining star.
00:50:51Well, that's not exactly what happened.
00:50:53Who cares?
00:50:54Now make me a killer presentation so I can sell this to them.
00:50:57Uh, wait.
00:50:58What are you saying?
00:50:59Package deal.
00:51:00That's how I get you back in.
00:51:01You and Metcalf together.
00:51:03What if she doesn't want to?
00:51:04She'd be crazy to turn it down.
00:51:06The prestige of network news, New York City.
00:51:08Did I mention the money?
00:51:09Well, there's something else.
00:51:10Her contract here is almost up.
00:51:12KFCA is already pushing to renegotiate.
00:51:14No problem.
00:51:14KFCA is an affiliate.
00:51:15We can buy out her contract.
00:51:17Have her sign here or there.
00:51:18It doesn't matter.
00:51:18Just lock her up.
00:51:20I'll try.
00:51:21Sell it to her, Quentin.
00:51:23That's what you do.
00:51:34Thank you, Grant.
00:51:34I want to get a few with just Deb.
00:51:36I don't know if I can do this by myself.
00:51:39Try pretending you're me.
00:51:40You'll love it.
00:51:46Tell me, what are those big white fluffy clouds in the sky?
00:51:55What is the Aurora Borealis?
00:51:57Uh, it is a natural light display.
00:52:01Hey, nobody cares about this.
00:52:02Hey, yes, they do, Professor.
00:52:04Come on, just tell us everything you know and make it exciting.
00:52:07That's what you do.
00:52:11We're on it by legal again, but I'm pretty sure we have to have that cleared.
00:52:15Um, that one.
00:52:20Deb, what's up?
00:52:21Can you come help me outside with Zephyr?
00:52:31I really love that car.
00:52:33Might be time for you to win it.
00:52:34I don't know.
00:52:35It'd be too hard to say goodbye.
00:52:37Plus, I can't afford it.
00:52:38A TV job can help in that department.
00:52:41Come on, I'll be right.
00:52:50So, you never told me your long story.
00:52:52What long story?
00:52:53Well, about how you lost your job at the network.
00:52:56Oh, right.
00:52:57Well, um, I mean, in a nutshell, um, a scandal story was leaked about a U.S. senator.
00:53:06And then every station ran with it.
00:53:08And I just, I didn't think the source was credible, so I refused.
00:53:12What happened?
00:53:13In the end, the story wound up not being true.
00:53:16Well, then why did they fire you?
00:53:18Sometimes networks, they like to have their audience that night and then just issue a
00:53:22retraction later rather than actually, you know, report the truth.
00:53:27Well, you did the right thing.
00:53:31Yeah, I've been paying for it ever since.
00:53:36I got you here.
00:53:40I'm really glad I followed my instincts on you.
00:53:59I was supposed to work with Fran today.
00:54:03I'm so sorry.
00:54:05Dr. Harris has been on my back about my dissertation.
00:54:07And then I had my photo shoot, and then my car died.
00:54:10Zephyr finally died?
00:54:11Well, not died, died, I hope.
00:54:13I don't know.
00:54:14I had her towed to a mechanic.
00:54:15It's just been one of those days, you know?
00:54:21I'm so sorry.
00:54:22I forgot about our session.
00:54:25Can we reschedule?
00:54:29Look, I'll make it work.
00:54:32I'll pull audio clips from other stuff we shot.
00:54:34Stitch it together.
00:54:36Fix it in post, as they say.
00:54:53Did you write this in 15 minutes?
00:54:55Because that's how it reads.
00:54:58I can revise it.
00:55:02There's no you in here.
00:55:04I mean, where's the truth?
00:55:09The truth is, I'm stressed.
00:55:12This fellowship is between you and Vera.
00:55:14And you know what?
00:55:15She is giving 200%.
00:55:17Where are you?
00:55:19Maybe Vera's more cut out for the job than I am.
00:55:23Do you know that there are opportunities in life that only come once?
00:55:28And you either grab them with everything you have,
00:55:31or you let them slip through your fingers.
00:55:34How's the speech coming, weather girl?
00:55:42Vera, you're smart.
00:55:43You're successful.
00:55:44And almost everyone likes you.
00:55:46Isn't that enough?
00:55:47Do you really have to try and step on me on your ascent, too?
00:55:50I don't know.
00:55:51I mean, what's enough?
00:56:05What do you think?
00:56:06I'm so big.
00:56:08Yes, you are.
00:56:09The sky's the limit.
00:56:10You look gorgeous up there, Deb.
00:56:12Almost as gorgeous as me.
00:56:19You sure went to a lot of trouble, considering I'm on a short-term contract.
00:56:22Everybody here loves you.
00:56:23The audience loves you.
00:56:24How does it feel?
00:56:27Feels pretty good.
00:56:31So this probably won't come as much of a surprise,
00:56:33but KFCA's talking about resigning you.
00:56:36Long term.
00:56:40I'll be there.
00:56:49You know what?
00:56:49I'll try.
00:56:53Does that mean you would actually consider it?
00:56:57What's in it for me?
00:57:02We could do great things together, you and I, Tim.
00:57:05Like the song says, we are having a heat wave!
00:57:09This week, temperatures should be in the 80s.
00:57:11A nice southwesterly flow will be hitting our beaches,
00:57:13so make sure you get out soon.
00:57:15Rumors abound, my friend.
00:57:17That open door may be closing soon.
00:57:19The execs are warming up to someone else to fill that job opening.
00:57:22Can you buy me some more time?
00:57:23I'll do what I can.
00:57:24Remember, it's you and Metcalf, or no deal.
00:57:27Yeah, I know. I got it.
00:57:30I consider myself a kind of a documentarian.
00:57:33I'm sure I could lend some insight.
00:57:34I can give you a rough cut if you'd like.
00:57:36Can we? Nice meeting you, friend.
00:57:38Nice to meet you, too.
00:57:40Hey, this place is so cool.
00:57:42And Grant is so nice.
00:57:43I even got a tour and everything.
00:57:44I'm so glad you got to come check out the studio.
00:57:46Let's go get some pizza. I'm starving.
00:57:48I was going to stay late and work on some school stuff.
00:57:51You got to eat, though, right?
00:57:52Yeah, but I have to spend some time in hair and makeup, too.
00:57:55Grace and I are going to try a couple new looks.
00:57:58These just came in for you.
00:57:59Ooh, this I love.
00:58:01And this is great.
00:58:04Maybe tomorrow we could do something...
00:58:08Come on, let's try them on.
00:58:12Yeah, the rain bit makes me laugh. That's good.
00:58:14So we'll keep that. And then what's two?
00:58:15Yeah, no, cut the beginning. Cut the beginning.
00:58:18Oh, sorry.
00:58:25Uh, keep going. Fast forward through this part.
00:58:28Yeah, yeah, so cut that out. I don't like that.
00:58:30Um, but then use this. Use the end.
00:58:37Yeah, hey.
00:58:38What are you still doing here?
00:58:40Working on my speech.
00:58:41How's it going?
00:58:42Could be better.
00:58:43Oh, here, may I?
00:58:45I mean, you got all the facts here, but...
00:58:48Where's your voice here? I mean, this...
00:58:50This kind of reads like a science textbook.
00:58:52Yeah, I don't know.
00:58:54I'm really struggling with it for some reason.
00:58:56You just need to channel the person that blew off my directions and told our audience
00:58:59they didn't have anything to fear from a little tornado.
00:59:02What are you working on?
00:59:03I have a potential New York job thing.
00:59:07Oh, back to New York.
00:59:10Back to New York.
00:59:12Well, it's actually...
00:59:18Nothing. Um, nothing.
00:59:20Are you hungry?
00:59:23No, but the crazy thing is, I mean, I grew up in San Diego my entire life,
00:59:28and I never had to branch out.
00:59:30Never had to change.
00:59:32Well, maybe it's time you lived somewhere else.
00:59:35Where would I live?
00:59:37I don't know.
00:59:40New York?
00:59:45I feel like everyone should live in New York at least once in their lives.
00:59:48Look, the world's always changing. You can't fight it.
00:59:50You gotta change with it, or you're left behind.
00:59:54No, see, when everything around me is changing,
00:59:58it gives me comfort to think that the most important parts of ourselves,
01:00:02the truest parts,
01:00:04they never change.
01:00:11If I could change one thing in my life right now...
01:00:18I wish I could finally see a shooting star.
01:00:30You know, that feeling I had about you?
01:00:34It had nothing to do with our working relationship.
01:00:57You scared me.
01:00:59What are you doing?
01:01:01Looking at cars. I thought you got Zephyr fixed.
01:01:04I did. I was just thinking maybe it's time to retire her.
01:01:08Dr. Harris left you, like, three messages here.
01:01:10I know. She just left messages on my cell phone, too.
01:01:13Your presentation's, like, right around the corner.
01:01:20Maybe it's just not in the cards for me.
01:01:22You've worked your whole life for this,
01:01:25and you go and change your hair and put on a little makeup and get some attention,
01:01:29and you're just gonna throw it all away?
01:01:47It's an HR issue.
01:01:49Yeah, I've been thinking about it.
01:01:51Okay. What can I do to help?
01:01:54You know, um...
01:02:00You all right?
01:02:06Fran and I had a fight.
01:02:08Not, like, a fight fight, but whatever.
01:02:11What was it about?
01:02:15She thinks I'm giving up on the fellowship.
01:02:17She thinks I've changed, not for the better.
01:02:19Have you changed?
01:02:23What do you think?
01:02:25I didn't think you needed to give yourself a makeover.
01:02:29I thought you were beautiful before. You just didn't realize it.
01:02:33I think that what you told me the other night is true.
01:02:37That the truest part of yourself never changes.
01:02:43You're gonna be fantastic at whatever you decide to do, Deb Metcalf.
01:02:50We'll see if that's true tomorrow.
01:02:52Your speech. You prepared?
01:02:56Not at all, but I still have tonight to work on it.
01:02:59Down to the wire.
01:03:01Hey, Quentin.
01:03:03I would love for you to be there.
01:03:10I wouldn't miss it for the world.
01:04:24I'm staring at the place where, in an hour,
01:04:26I'll be giving the speech that determines the rest of my life.
01:04:29Give yourself pep talk.
01:04:31Okay, you try.
01:04:33Listen to me. You're articulate, you're amusing, you've got nothing to worry about.
01:04:36Yeah, except a room full of highbrow academics judging me.
01:04:39Find me in the audience, tell it to me.
01:04:41You're gonna be great.
01:04:42Are you gonna be here soon?
01:04:43Yep, I'm leaving right now. I'll see you soon.
01:04:52All right, put him on.
01:04:54Hey, Willie, can I call you back? I'm running late right now.
01:04:57We got you on speakerphone here, buddy.
01:04:59You're with the CFO, the station manager, and the general manager.
01:05:04Yeah, sure, go ahead.
01:05:07If you want to be on the cutting edge, you have to keep your tools sharp.
01:05:11And those wielding the blade better know what they're doing.
01:05:16I am honored to have studied here,
01:05:18and hope to continue my work for many years to come.
01:05:28Thank you, Vera.
01:05:30We're gonna take a short break and come back with our next fellowship candidate,
01:05:34Deb Metcalf.
01:05:58Nice job on your speech, Vera.
01:06:01I thought it went well, but then again, I was made for this type of thing.
01:06:07You actually surprised me how well you were able to step it up.
01:06:11You really are learning how to play the game.
01:06:14Good luck, weather girl.
01:06:27Good luck.
01:07:31I had a speech prepared,
01:07:33but I was having a really hard time with it because I thought it had to be perfect.
01:07:40But it's just occurred to me
01:07:43that I'm not the right candidate for this fellowship because I'm perfect.
01:07:47I'm the right candidate for this fellowship
01:07:51because I have loved meteorology since I was a little girl.
01:07:57It has been my focus for most of my life,
01:08:00and with your help,
01:08:02I can continue to bring that focus to this university.
01:08:08I got distracted by the attention and praise that I received because I was on TV,
01:08:14but I took that job in the first place
01:08:17because it provided me with an opportunity outside of this university
01:08:21to educate the people about the weather.
01:08:25I consider it a privilege to be able to share my knowledge
01:08:30and continue this inspiration through my work.
01:08:36I just want to continue doing that here.
01:08:59You think I did okay?
01:09:00Deb, you nailed it. It was so amazing.
01:09:03And it was from your heart.
01:09:05So that reminds me.
01:09:06Lydia, are you all right?
01:09:08I told you. I told you later.
01:09:10But she's...
01:09:11I guess Dr. Harris didn't think so.
01:09:14Thank you very much.
01:09:15Looks like it's going to be Vera.
01:09:17You don't know that.
01:09:24I'm so sorry.
01:09:28I had to take a phone call.
01:09:31I'll leave you guys to it.
01:09:33I'll see you at home.
01:09:42How did it go?
01:09:44I don't think I got the fellowship.
01:09:46I am so sorry.
01:09:49Look, maybe it will help.
01:09:52The phone call I really had to take.
01:09:54New York wants both of us.
01:10:00Wait, what?
01:10:02Is that why you gave me that speech about
01:10:04how everyone should live in New York once in their life?
01:10:07No, I meant that.
01:10:10It's New York.
01:10:13I mean, both of us together.
01:10:16Our dream job.
01:10:18Your dream, not mine.
01:10:22I know you didn't plan this.
01:10:24But that's one heck of a consolation prize.
01:10:33I mean, you're used to jumping around from city to city, so you...
01:10:37You just go. I live here.
01:10:40Well, no. If you don't go to New York, I'm not going to New York.
01:10:47You'd do that for me?
01:10:52I don't... I don't think you understood me.
01:10:57It's you and me together.
01:10:59That's what they want. That's the packaging.
01:11:04Have you been dropping me around this entire time?
01:11:12Is that all there was between us? Was that it?
01:11:15No. No, it wasn't.
01:11:18I never lied to you about anything.
01:11:24You just didn't reveal the details of the story.
01:11:28Yeah, let's just keep that pace clipping along today.
01:11:31Grant, I love you. Not as much ad-libbing.
01:11:34You're getting angry letters, but okay.
01:11:37All right, come on. Let's get to it.
01:11:40All right.
01:11:41No, I'm going to get right on it.
01:11:44Yeah, tell him to stop.
01:11:45Yeah, tell him to stop.
01:11:57All right, so I was thinking, how about we mix it up a little bit and shoot a weather segment from the roof tomorrow?
01:12:02There's a great view up there.
01:12:04Let's just stick to the set, huh?
01:12:14A little chilly with the weather girl?
01:12:16Oh, that was nothing.
01:12:18Oh, great, so she'll renew her contract.
01:12:20Look, I think we need to move on.
01:12:27Now, it really is quite good.
01:12:29I think with the changes that I've outlined, it could even be great.
01:12:33Really? I'm so glad you liked it.
01:12:35Josh, you should watch Fran's documentary.
01:12:37This young lady is quite the filmmaker.
01:12:40Yeah, sure.
01:12:41Deb's in it?
01:12:45I'd love to take a look.
01:13:02Come see me.
01:13:04Make it official, I suppose.
01:13:07A word?
01:13:09Why don't you take a minute and look this over?
01:13:12What is it?
01:13:13Your new contract.
01:13:14Your short term's almost up and we're all eager to have you re-sign.
01:13:17I know it seems strange, but I still want to be an academic.
01:13:20It's a very generous offer.
01:13:22At least look at it.
01:13:35And I appreciate it, I do.
01:13:37But I'm not interested.
01:13:39I want to stay in academia.
01:13:41I've got to run to the university.
01:13:43I'll be back later.
01:13:48I'll try this another way.
01:13:54I want legal in my office in ten minutes.
01:13:56I have a contract issue.
01:14:06Hey, Deb.
01:14:09Hey, Deb.
01:14:25Come on in.
01:14:27Listen, I'm really sorry that I had to rush out yesterday.
01:14:30I had a family emergency.
01:14:32Is everything okay?
01:14:34No, everything's fine.
01:14:36But that's not why I brought you in today.
01:14:42You got the fellowship.
01:14:50They announced it this morning.
01:14:52I got it?
01:14:55I got it?
01:15:00You won!
01:15:06Are you kidding me?
01:15:07No, why would I kid with you?
01:15:09Look at all this hard work that you did.
01:15:11I'm so proud of you.
01:15:13I'm so proud of you.
01:15:21Soft breezes provide an opportunity to play with the weather this week.
01:15:24So hey, go fly a kite.
01:15:28I think she's talking to you.
01:15:30Go to Grant now.
01:15:32Thanks, Deb.
01:15:33And when we come back, the Grunion are running and...
01:15:36I bet you assumed because you couldn't get Deb to re-sign it was a done deal.
01:15:39They offered the fellowship. It's over.
01:15:41We'll see.
01:15:51Hey, Deb.
01:15:58I wanted to say congratulations on the fellowship.
01:16:02Of course I had a few clinging hopes.
01:16:04Don't really want to talk about that.
01:16:07Look, I know this seems like a sham, but it wasn't.
01:16:12I'm so sorry if you think that...
01:16:14You know what, Quentin?
01:16:16It's been a long couple days. I'm just going to say goodnight.
01:16:27I was kind of hoping we wouldn't start.
01:16:58Get an early start on tomorrow's board?
01:17:00Yeah, something like that.
01:17:02How about this for a segment?
01:17:21I'm not sure how much you think you know.
01:17:26You don't last as long in this business as I have on personality alone.
01:17:32So you know about me and Deb?
01:17:34I know about you and Deb. And the New York offer.
01:17:37Your friend Willie likes to boast to his friends.
01:17:40And some of his friends are my friends.
01:17:43Does wanting New York make me a jerk?
01:17:45No, no.
01:17:47Using Deb to get it does.
01:17:52I tried to apologize to her.
01:17:57I've been married for over 30 years, Quentin.
01:18:02Here's my advice to you.
01:18:04Being sorry isn't enough.
01:18:09A woman needs to know that she can count on you.
01:18:14Should Deb ever be able to trust you again?
01:18:20If so, you need to show her.
01:18:26I will.
01:18:56I love you.
01:19:26I love you.
01:19:44What? No, she's leaving when her contract is up.
01:19:46I already confirmed that.
01:19:47Why? Who's hung off on a new contract?
01:19:51Hey, I'll be right out for those.
01:19:55What's going on? Why did you want another contract for Deb?
01:19:57I told you, she got the fellowship.
01:19:58While you were out getting your heart broken, I was taking care of business.
01:20:02What does that mean?
01:20:05Fran's documentary, starring Deb.
01:20:08I say the word and it's our property as evidence in a lawsuit.
01:20:11Whoa, whoa. A lawsuit? Why would you want to do that?
01:20:14I don't really. And I can make everything okay if Deb just agrees to extend her exclusive contract.
01:20:20And what a wonderful working relationship you'll establish.
01:20:24I did what I had to do.
01:20:28You know, what you don't know in all of this, Josh, is that the network wants Deb.
01:20:34So they're going to come in here and buy her little affiliate contract right out from underneath you anyway.
01:20:40So there's no point in this.
01:20:43You were using her to broker a deal with New York to get you back in the door.
01:20:49Does she know that?
01:20:53Well, that'll cost them a pretty penny, which is more than we'd get from Deb if we just let her walk.
01:20:57The suits will appreciate that.
01:21:00And you get to go back to New York. Everybody wins.
01:21:04I'm impressed, golden boy.
01:21:07Everything I want, wanted, at the cost of losing, the best thing that's ever happened to me.
01:21:16So what are you going to do?
01:21:21It must be something I'm not thinking of.
01:21:24Well, maybe this is one thing you can't fix.
01:21:28I just, I at least have to warn her before she gets in here.
01:21:31What kind of a person smiles at you one minute and stabs you in the back the next?
01:21:35It's just business. Don't take it personally.
01:21:38You obviously have a lot of growing up to do.
01:21:40Don't talk to her like that.
01:21:41You knew about this? Was this the ace up your sleeve the entire time?
01:21:45No, uh-uh. I had no intention of it ending up like this.
01:21:50Oh, he had it all figured out.
01:21:52As soon as you sign with us, New York will buy out your company.
01:21:54You're going to have to sign with us.
01:21:57Oh, he had it all figured out.
01:21:59As soon as you sign with us, New York will buy out your company.
01:22:01So Quentin gets it all.
01:22:03You warned me you didn't give up.
01:22:06I just didn't know you'd go this far.
01:22:09Let's finish this, please.
01:22:11Here's your contract.
01:22:12Sign it, and Fran's happy, Quentin's happy, I'm happy, you...
01:22:18Well, three out of four ain't bad.
