• 2 days ago
00:00:00Let's keep going.
00:00:07Oh, that's a pan.
00:00:09Okay, you okay?
00:00:09Sorry, yep.
00:00:11No luck, guys?
00:00:17This place is supposed to be swarming with spirits.
00:00:19It's the Alcatraz door all over again.
00:00:21Empty promises and nothing to show for it.
00:00:24All right, well, let's check one more room and then call it.
00:00:30Hold up.
00:00:32I think I'm getting something.
00:00:34Yeah, let's check out in here.
00:00:42Brian, we don't have time to stop.
00:00:43What if we miss something?
00:00:44I just need one second to calibrate.
00:00:48Could that have been paranormal?
00:00:51Wow, look at this.
00:00:56Oh, hey.
00:00:57Oh, I'm sorry.
00:01:00Jana Atwell, from the moment we first met at PolterCon, I knew you were the one.
00:01:06I've spent my life seeking out lost souls and in the process, I found my soul mate.
00:01:12Almost as if it was orchestrated from the beyond.
00:01:17So I figured there's no better place to do this than an abandoned sanitarium for the
00:01:20criminally insane.
00:01:23So, in the presence of the many spirits who refuse to show themselves today,
00:01:31would you do me the honor of being my wife?
00:01:34This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.
00:01:37Yes, of course, I will marry you.
00:01:48So today wasn't a total bust?
00:01:50No, not at all.
00:01:51And maybe one day we'll find proof that ghosts really exist.
00:01:55We've got the rest of our lives together to try.
00:02:14Smudging day?
00:02:14Yeah, I got this sofa at an estate sale and just wanted to scatter any spirits that may
00:02:18have attached themselves.
00:02:19It's a thing.
00:02:21But did you take off the child lock?
00:02:29Anyway, I just, I didn't want someone to buy it and then end up sitting on old Aunt Peggy.
00:02:33Well, you know me.
00:02:34I still prefer the scientific approach.
00:02:36Ghostly phenomena that can be measured.
00:02:38That's because you're an academic.
00:02:40You just don't have it in you to trust your gut instincts.
00:02:42Oh, really?
00:02:43Well, somehow I'm still marrying you.
00:02:45And I do believe, but science requires proof.
00:02:48You ready to hit the road?
00:02:49Yes, I just wanted to say goodbye before we left.
00:02:52So my car is packed solid with wedding stuff.
00:02:54So you'll need to bring the equipment in your car.
00:02:55Do not forget it.
00:02:57Already packed and...
00:02:58Are you sure?
00:03:00We need to get going.
00:03:01Our travel time keeps ticking up on the GPS.
00:03:04We're at four hours.
00:03:06I told you guys to wait.
00:03:07Come with me on Wednesday.
00:03:09Have you met your fiance?
00:03:10She's been planning this for six months.
00:03:11Do you really think that she can show up four days before and not be completely stressed out?
00:03:14That is totally fair.
00:03:16But Ben's been taking care of most of the legwork, so we can just...
00:03:20I know, but it's my dream wedding, and I don't want a single detail to be missed.
00:03:23I know, and I want this wedding...
00:03:27I want our wedding to be everything you've ever dreamed of.
00:03:31A wedding at a haunted manor!
00:03:34Have I told you how crazy that is?
00:03:35Repeatedly, but the keystone is different.
00:03:37It was featured in Spooky Haunts of America 5th edition, and it was rated...
00:03:41Three tombstones.
00:03:43Okay, well, I'm sure that endorsement's in all the bridal magazines.
00:03:46Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:03:47Okay, well, I'll see you in two days.
00:03:49I love you.
00:03:50I love you, too.
00:03:51Drive safe.
00:03:54Bye, Brandon.
00:03:59Come on.
00:04:00I'm terribly sorry about that, sir, but you really...
00:04:03You don't have to leave.
00:04:05No, I'm not staying in this bloody tomb.
00:04:07One more minute.
00:04:08Excuse me!
00:04:10Oh, wait, sir!
00:04:11You've dropped your sock!
00:04:12Oh, keep it!
00:04:13Keep it?
00:04:16Oh, I'm so sorry that you had to witness that.
00:04:21I accidentally gave him gluten.
00:04:24Oh, that sounds bad.
00:04:27Oh, Jenna!
00:04:29It's so great to finally meet you not on a video chat.
00:04:33I know, finally.
00:04:34Marion, this is my maid of honor, Rachel.
00:04:36Rachel, Marion.
00:04:37She owns the keystone.
00:04:38And thank you so much for all the hard work you've been doing.
00:04:40Oh, it's been my absolute pleasure.
00:04:43Now, let's, um, let's get you all checked in.
00:04:48I don't think that was about gluten.
00:04:50I know.
00:04:50This place is perfect.
00:04:53I have had the best time planning this.
00:04:55I so rarely get to do it.
00:04:57Most couples choose one of the larger hotels since we have limited...
00:05:03Yeah, that's why.
00:05:05This is perfect, Marion.
00:05:06Brian and I only wanted our nearest and dearest with us anyway.
00:05:09Well, the caterer, who is fabulous,
00:05:13is very excited for you to sample some of his culinary creations.
00:05:17There's the menu.
00:05:18Not a detail list?
00:05:19Well, I intend for you to have the wedding of your dreams.
00:05:27Oh, uh, sorry about that.
00:05:30I really have to make sure to double latch that door when the wind kicks up.
00:05:34There's nothing at all to be afraid of.
00:05:36Yeah, nothing at all.
00:05:38That's okay, Marion.
00:05:39Nothing scares me.
00:05:40I teach high school.
00:05:44Well, um, I'll show you to your room.
00:05:50Right this way, ladies.
00:06:02Did you feel that?
00:06:04I can't wait till Brian gets here with the equipment.
00:06:11Oh, is that your room, Marion?
00:06:14No, I, uh, I'm across the hall.
00:06:16This room stays empty.
00:06:18No bathroom.
00:06:21That's where the ghost lives.
00:06:24This will be your room.
00:06:25Oh, uh, do you maybe have something a little farther away?
00:06:29Like, say, New Jersey?
00:06:30Don't be a baby.
00:06:31This is perfect, Marion.
00:06:33Follow me.
00:06:35Well, here we are.
00:06:37I'll let you two get settled in.
00:06:39It's gonna be an exciting few days.
00:06:42Hopefully not too exciting.
00:06:56There you go.
00:06:58And I ignored all the red flags.
00:07:01Maybe, but there's no red flags here.
00:07:04Brian's the real deal.
00:07:08Okay, yeah, I'm gonna come down with you.
00:07:11This place gives me the creeps.
00:07:12This could finally be it, Rach.
00:07:17I know you think you saw your grandmother.
00:07:19She was at the foot of my bed, and she spoke to me.
00:07:24And in the morning, I told my parents that she was gone, and I was right.
00:07:29Well, it's weird.
00:07:30I'll give you that.
00:07:31But, I mean, you were nine.
00:07:34It's like I tell my students, we set a hypothesis and we test until we know our answer,
00:07:38and I don't know my answer yet.
00:07:41Oh, yep.
00:07:43This is definitely the right place for you to get married.
00:07:46It's very on brand.
00:07:49Okay, how about I make you that tea?
00:08:18We're all set for the barbecue and bonfire on Friday.
00:08:22And I have arranged for your guests to enjoy our famous gay ride.
00:08:26It's a real hit in our town.
00:08:28Well, apparently so is the Keystone.
00:08:30To some, not all.
00:08:33I imagine you've heard the lore.
00:08:35I've done a bit of reading, but I was wondering what you could tell me that the books don't say.
00:08:41Well, it's never been a negative experience for me, per se.
00:08:48She's more of a nuisance, really.
00:08:50So you've seen her, Angelique de Mornay?
00:08:53No, no, but I can feel her when she's up to her mischief.
00:08:57Like the other night.
00:08:59I suppose it was because that guest was British.
00:09:02It's happened before.
00:09:04Not a fan of those redcoats, is she?
00:09:06Well, those redcoats killed the love of her life, so no.
00:09:11The room upstairs, was it hers?
00:09:17We rented it in the early days, but it didn't go very well.
00:09:22So we just keep it unoccupied and as close to the original condition as possible.
00:09:27That's nice courtesy.
00:09:29Oh, don't want to poke the bear.
00:09:34You're all the things one could call a lady.
00:09:38Did you say something, Miriam?
00:09:40No, I didn't say anything.
00:09:46She can hear me.
00:10:10What are you doing?
00:10:32Miriam said that this room is off-limits to guests.
00:10:35No, she said they keep it empty as a courtesy to the young woman
00:10:38who lived and died here in the 1700s.
00:10:40Well, you're not going in there.
00:10:43It's not like we're going to walk in on her in the shower.
00:10:46No, but you remember that tombstone writing?
00:10:49I don't need to verify its accuracy.
00:10:50I thought you weren't a believer.
00:10:52Come on, there's no harm in a quick look.
00:11:02We come in peace.
00:11:05You don't have to say that.
00:11:06They know when our intentions are good.
00:11:08You say that, and then someone's head starts spinning around,
00:11:09and you know the rest.
00:11:11Yeah, yeah.
00:11:16Angelique de Mornay.
00:11:18Very bougie.
00:11:20She was only 26 when she passed.
00:11:23She died in her sleep.
00:11:24Oh, poor girl.
00:11:26Oh, Rach.
00:11:29Revolutionary war hero, Lieutenant Malcolm Buchanan.
00:11:34Look at him.
00:11:38Wow, he looks just like Brian.
00:11:41The spitting image.
00:11:42Except for that weird little hat.
00:11:47Okay, I'm scared now.
00:11:49Let's just let sleeping ghosts lie.
00:11:56Thomas Paine.
00:11:59This is awesome.
00:12:03Oh, actually, you know, I did think of something you can do.
00:12:06When we get there, can you check the wine delivery
00:12:09and make sure it was all there?
00:12:10Yes, I would love to check the wine delivery.
00:12:13Just remember that I expect the same when it's my turn.
00:12:16Your turn for what?
00:12:18To get hitched.
00:12:20Why are you laughing?
00:12:21It could happen.
00:12:22And when it does, you know, I'm going to be like you.
00:12:25I'm going to stay in my lane.
00:12:26Let my bride take care of all the details.
00:12:28No, no, that's not what happened.
00:12:29I had no one to take care of the shop, that's all.
00:12:31Well, it's not cold feet, right?
00:12:33I mean, after what happened to her last time,
00:12:34you need to be sure.
00:12:36Who does that?
00:12:37Leaving your bride on her wedding day?
00:12:39I mean...
00:12:41It's someone who didn't know how lucky he was.
00:12:43Well, you two are perfect for each other.
00:12:46Some couples share a love of Italian food.
00:12:48You two love poltergeists.
00:12:50Match made in paranormal heaven.
00:12:52I guess we just fit, huh?
00:12:55Uh, speaking of fit, what do you think about me and Rachel?
00:12:58Oh, wow.
00:13:00Someone already forgot the vino incident at the engagement party.
00:13:04Uh, no, no, a waiter bumped me.
00:13:05Did he?
00:13:06Yeah, it's not my fault that she spilled red wine on her white pants.
00:13:10Who wears white after Labor Day?
00:13:11Anyway, listen, just remember you're supposed to be here for me this weekend.
00:13:14I will be.
00:13:15Will be.
00:13:15I... I am.
00:13:17Okay, and I will stick to clear liquids, okay?
00:13:19Everybody wins.
00:13:25Oh, welcome to the Keystone.
00:13:26Hi, Marian.
00:13:27Hey, it's so nice to meet you in person.
00:13:29I'm Brian.
00:13:30This is my best man, Steve.
00:13:32Thank you for everything you've done for us.
00:13:34It's my pleasure.
00:13:36You look like you've had a long journey.
00:13:40Welcome to the Keystone.
00:13:41Yeah, he said that already.
00:13:42Oh, did I?
00:13:44You made it.
00:13:46I cannot wait to show you something.
00:13:49Hi, Rachel.
00:13:51It's nice to see you again.
00:13:52I'm sure it is.
00:13:54Just so you know, I won't be wearing any white to the wedding.
00:14:00Why don't you have a look around and I'll have Waylon take your bags to your rooms.
00:14:06I'll just get the key.
00:14:09Did you do something different with your hair?
00:14:11Looks really nice.
00:14:15It's a nice jacket.
00:14:18All right, right this way.
00:14:33You are kidding.
00:14:35It's uncanny.
00:14:37Maybe he's like a distant relative.
00:14:39No, no, can't be.
00:14:40My family's all from Chicago.
00:14:42So he was killed by British soldiers on his way here to marry Angelique.
00:14:46And she died soon after.
00:14:47Some say of a broken heart.
00:14:49And her spirit's been stuck here ever since.
00:14:51So let's see what we can find.
00:14:57Oh yeah, there's definitely changes in the electromagnetic atmosphere.
00:15:01There's some serious paranormal activity here.
00:15:04I think we should bring out the big guns.
00:15:06Oh, the thermal radiation gauss detector.
00:15:08Yes, baby.
00:15:12Oh, this thing's gone crazy.
00:15:14Oh, there's definitely something here.
00:15:17Paranormal, you say?
00:15:18Which would mean against or contrary to normal.
00:15:24Angelique, you look just like that painting downstairs.
00:15:29You can see me.
00:15:31Oh, as I suspected.
00:15:32You are the very first.
00:15:35Is this a joke?
00:15:37This can't be real.
00:15:37This cannot be real.
00:15:39I assure you, I am quite real.
00:15:49I beg your pardon.
00:15:53It's true.
00:15:54It's all true.
00:15:55I wasn't dreaming that night.
00:15:56My grandmother was there.
00:15:58Babe, you gotta check this thing out.
00:15:59It is off the charts.
00:16:02I honestly can't believe it.
00:16:03It's Brian.
00:16:05Is that a ghost?
00:16:14My darling.
00:16:15My betrothed, you have returned.
00:16:23No, this is Brian Fuller.
00:16:24He's an antique dealer from Philly.
00:16:28He's dawned.
00:16:29Strange breach is true.
00:16:31How odd.
00:16:31His eyes present with different colors.
00:16:35But his face, it does not lie.
00:16:38I know that they look sort of identical, but it's not him.
00:16:42And Brian and I are the betrothed ones.
00:16:44We're actually getting married here on Sunday.
00:16:47That is an impossibility.
00:16:48Oh, no.
00:16:49No, no, no.
00:16:49Actually, we Zoomed with the caterer and everything.
00:16:55It cannot be.
00:16:56No one is to wet in my home.
00:16:59No one is to wet in my home ever.
00:17:01From me to my Malcolm, be gone.
00:17:08Okay, well, I think we should skip for a little quiet time.
00:17:11What do you think?
00:17:19I mean, she must have unfinished business.
00:17:24What the?
00:17:32Almost scared to go and see what my room looks like.
00:17:34Gosh, Brian, this is so heartbreaking.
00:17:37I mean, I know the pain of, you know, your wedding not going as planned.
00:17:42Hey, hey.
00:17:44Come here.
00:17:46Listen, this is not going to happen this time, okay?
00:17:51Wait a minute.
00:17:52Wait, what if that's what's keeping her stuck here?
00:17:55The separation from this Malcolm guy.
00:17:58Yeah, that makes sense since soulmates tend to be bound to each other.
00:18:01If they weren't able to complete that circle, then...
00:18:03And she said we're the only ones who've ever been able to see her.
00:18:06Maybe it's so we can help her cross over.
00:18:08It's a definite possibility.
00:18:09But we have to work fast.
00:18:10Our guests get here in two days.
00:18:11Oh, you know who we need to call?
00:18:14No, better.
00:18:14Earl Dewberry.
00:18:19No, he's a grifter, Brian.
00:18:19His show was canceled for faking encounters.
00:18:21Oh, only because ghosts don't appear on cue.
00:18:24Look, I've seen him tell people things he couldn't possibly know.
00:18:27Okay, well, a broken clock is right twice a day, too.
00:18:31That's right.
00:18:32Yeah, okay.
00:18:32That's the same.
00:18:33But listen, the cancellation messed with his head.
00:18:35Okay, so he's a bit...
00:18:37Like a bit off his game.
00:18:38Oh, great.
00:18:39He is the real deal.
00:18:42Can I call him and see if he can come up here?
00:18:44Pretty please?
00:18:46Don't do that.
00:18:46Pretty please.
00:18:47Don't be cute.
00:18:48Oh, I love you.
00:18:49Okay, I'm gonna call.
00:18:51Wait, you're dialing.
00:18:52You're dialing.
00:18:52You are dialing.
00:18:54Okay, think for a moment how insane this is.
00:18:57An 18th century ghost is threatening to ruin your wedding.
00:19:00So you're gonna call in the guy that was exposed as a fraud
00:19:03on 60 minutes to help her cross over.
00:19:06Right, yeah, no, that sounds crazy.
00:19:07But Brian swears he's seen him work miracles.
00:19:09Oh, good, miracles.
00:19:11Well, maybe he can turn water into wine.
00:19:12That'd be a big hit this weekend.
00:19:13Look, I don't like it either, but there is no convincing Brian.
00:19:16He already called him.
00:19:17But at least we finally have the proof we've been looking for.
00:19:21You have no concrete evidence.
00:19:23But we saw her.
00:19:24She's real.
00:19:25And maybe tomorrow we'll make a believer out of you, too.
00:19:28Well, maybe you should have gotten married out of Radisson like normal people.
00:19:43Sorry, everyone.
00:19:55Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:20:14Oh, yes, yes, I can feel it.
00:20:18It is strong.
00:20:20That's the guy from 60 minutes.
00:20:22Yep, the fraud.
00:20:23You can't believe everything you see on TV.
00:20:26Brian, you picked a doozer for your wedding, didn't you?
00:20:32It's showtime.
00:20:37For guidance.
00:20:40For purity.
00:20:44For later.
00:20:47Palms up.
00:20:49Eyes closed.
00:20:52Conjured spirits come to me.
00:20:55Show me what I need to see.
00:20:57Oh, good.
00:20:58A poem.
00:20:58That's nice.
00:21:00Jenna, I said eyes closed.
00:21:03Oh, okay.
00:21:06Oh, how interesting.
00:21:07I see.
00:21:09Oh, wow.
00:21:13What do you see?
00:21:14Yes, what does he see?
00:21:17Angelique, you're here.
00:21:20Oh, yes.
00:21:22Yes, she is here and she's very unsettled.
00:21:27It's unsettling.
00:21:30But I believe I can help her cross over.
00:21:43Does he think he is the first to try?
00:21:45It's not just us.
00:21:46No one else can see her.
00:21:47He can see her.
00:21:48I know, yes, yes.
00:21:49I feel movement.
00:21:50Portals are opening.
00:21:52It's working.
00:21:54And yet I've not moved an inch.
00:21:57He does not know my story at all.
00:22:00What is your story, Angelique?
00:22:02Yes, yes.
00:22:03Angelique, tell us your story.
00:22:06Show me what I need to see.
00:22:12Long ago, right here in this home.
00:22:15Long ago, right here in this home.
00:22:19Oh, well, the spirit has chosen its vessel.
00:22:24Please take it away, Janna.
00:22:43Do I see an angel hovering over me?
00:22:46You were dreaming, sir.
00:22:49Well, if I am, let me never awaken.
00:22:53I am Angelique, Captain de Mornay's daughter.
00:22:56You were injured in battle and brought here.
00:22:59And I shall consider that my good fortune.
00:23:02That you lived.
00:23:04That it's you who's tending to my wounds.
00:23:08It's as if destiny played a hand.
00:23:10You are not from here, yet you fight for the colonies.
00:23:14The world is my country, all mankind my brethren.
00:23:18And to do good is my religion.
00:23:21You read Thomas Paine.
00:23:23As do you.
00:23:26It seems I am indeed in the company of an angel.
00:23:34That's all I'm getting.
00:23:36Yes, yes, me too, me too.
00:23:38She has crossed over.
00:23:44What a buffoon.
00:23:45Yeah, she has not crossed over.
00:23:48Well, these things take time, Janna.
00:23:52Her love story never had an ending.
00:23:54No wonder she's stuck.
00:23:56They're stuck.
00:23:58What? What do you mean?
00:23:59It's Malcolm.
00:24:01They're stuck.
00:24:02What? What do you mean?
00:24:04It's Malcolm.
00:24:06I can feel him, they're stuck.
00:24:08Yes, I, you know, I feel him too.
00:24:10That's right, he is, he is stuck.
00:24:12You're right.
00:24:14Is that the unfinished business?
00:24:15Soulmates who need to be reunited here in order to cross over.
00:24:19It must be.
00:24:21But where is he?
00:24:23Well, he's probably where he drew his last breath.
00:24:27Miriam, do you happen to know where Lieutenant Buchanan was killed?
00:24:30You could try the Angstadt Historical Society.
00:24:33Ken Myers over there knows the history of this town inside and out.
00:24:36Yes, yeah, thank you.
00:24:39And they say I've lost my touch.
00:24:44And if you could make sure the sound system works in the ballroom
00:24:47for the reception, we shouldn't be gone too long.
00:24:48Okay, absolutely.
00:24:51The fabulous Jean-Pierre is here for the food tasting.
00:24:54It's today.
00:24:55Oh, we forgot about that.
00:24:57Could you guys handle this too?
00:24:59Yeah, yeah.
00:25:00Hello, hello.
00:25:00Who's ready for an explosion of flavor?
00:25:03Right over here, JP.
00:25:04All right, there we go.
00:25:07I am, I'm so sorry about that.
00:25:09There will be no wedding.
00:25:11Please stop.
00:25:12No stopping until you've at least tried my quiche.
00:25:15I thought I made myself clear.
00:25:18Okay, this is getting ridiculous.
00:25:20No, it's not you.
00:25:21I promise.
00:25:22Well, I didn't get much sleep last night, but I mean, come on.
00:25:24Is she in here, Jenna?
00:25:27Angelique, please.
00:25:28Do not play games with me.
00:25:29We're going to find Malcolm.
00:25:30We think he's stuck in the same realm as you.
00:25:33Who are you talking to?
00:25:37You can find yourself another caterer.
00:25:40Oh, no, no, no.
00:25:41Jean-Pierre, Jean-Pierre!
00:25:43Angelique, please.
00:25:45We're going to find Malcolm.
00:25:46We're going to figure out a way to get him to you.
00:25:47Just give us more time.
00:25:49I suggest you two hurry.
00:25:55Okay, did everybody else just see that?
00:25:57Okay, yep.
00:26:01I like quiche.
00:26:14Ryan, no, don't touch that.
00:26:21Ah, you must be the folks from the keystone.
00:26:23I pulled some artifacts that might interest you.
00:26:26Angelique de Mornay and Malcolm Buchanan
00:26:29are part of the local lore,
00:26:30but Angelique doesn't like to show herself.
00:26:32Oh, well, seems like she's gotten over that.
00:26:36Their supposed anniversary would have been this week.
00:26:39The story goes they planned to marry on October 13th.
00:26:42That's our wedding date.
00:26:44Maybe adding some insult to injury in this scenario.
00:26:47Unfortunately, those two were doomed from the start.
00:26:51It'll surely provoke the ire of your father,
00:26:54seeing his daughter out in the field with the laborers.
00:26:59Well, I suppose I don't mind this fine company.
00:27:03I am merely here to see if you need help
00:27:05as you are not fully healed.
00:27:06Of course.
00:27:08And I am grateful to your father for the employment.
00:27:13In all our time together,
00:27:14you never did say what brought you from Scotland
00:27:17to our colonies.
00:27:18I believe in the equality of man.
00:27:21There's no difference between, say,
00:27:24oh, I don't know,
00:27:27a farm worker and a debutante.
00:27:30How very progressive.
00:27:34The promise of a new world,
00:27:36where all man may be free to exist, to live,
00:27:40to love as they please.
00:27:43And I believe in the equality of man.
00:27:45To live, to love as they please.
00:27:49So I made passage with my brother.
00:27:54I became a patriot and he found himself a lady.
00:27:59And he married a few times over.
00:28:03I come across so few honorable men in this war,
00:28:06and yet here you are.
00:28:10There are those who make us so.
00:28:15I'm told you're to be married to a fine gentleman.
00:28:19Much the opposite.
00:28:20When there are no eyes upon him,
00:28:22he is quite the charlatan, in fact.
00:28:24Performance is his art.
00:28:29It's rare to meet a lady of such intelligence and sharp wit.
00:28:34My fondness for you is quite immense,
00:28:36if I may be so familiar.
00:28:40My own fondness is equal to yours.
00:28:49Your mother needs your help with the baking.
00:28:53Until later, then.
00:28:55She'll think of nothing else.
00:29:06No, please, no touching the artifacts, please.
00:29:09They're quite precious.
00:29:11Were he not a talented craftsman,
00:29:14were he not attacked by the British,
00:29:15there's a good chance that Malcolm might have died
00:29:17at the hands of Angelique's father.
00:29:20They were planning to run away.
00:29:22They were eloping.
00:29:23Her father was set on her marrying Samuel Fremantle,
00:29:26a gambler and a scoundrel with nothing but a good name.
00:29:29Oh, Angelique was pretty savvy.
00:29:31I'm liking her more and more.
00:29:33Well, you know, except for the whole
00:29:34trying to ruin our wedding.
00:29:35Yeah, it is.
00:29:37Would you happen to know the exact location
00:29:39Malcolm was slain?
00:29:40I do.
00:29:41He was ambushed and taken to the jail
00:29:43of the local British garrison.
00:29:45He died there of his wounds before he could be executed.
00:29:48What? That's fascinating.
00:29:49Oh, well, if you find that fascinating,
00:29:51we have a whole display in the basement
00:29:52that we've never been able to show to the public.
00:29:54I could give you a guided tour if you'd like.
00:29:56Yes, yes.
00:29:57No, no.
00:29:58I think just the location for today, please.
00:30:02Well, uh...
00:30:07X marks the spot.
00:30:09Liberty's Sun.
00:30:10A microbrewery dedicated to Malcolm's memory.
00:30:13Oh, okay.
00:30:14This has been so helpful.
00:30:16Of course, of course.
00:30:24Are you feeling anything in here?
00:30:27Maybe just a little annoyed by the singing.
00:30:28What are you talking about?
00:30:29This is a beautiful song.
00:30:38Party, party nights on the Clone Island.
00:30:43Very good.
00:30:43You have such a nice voice.
00:30:45Karaoke's Tuesdays, honey.
00:30:47Uh, what can I get you?
00:30:48Oh, can I try the haggis and harps IPA and, uh...
00:30:51Oh, same for me, please.
00:30:52You got it.
00:30:54Can you?
00:30:55Hey, can I ask,
00:30:57have you ever seen any, like, strange occurrences around here?
00:31:00I don't know, bar handsome.
00:31:01What do you think?
00:31:02Oh, that's right.
00:31:03I'm engaged.
00:31:06He means strange in a supernatural way.
00:31:08Oh, ghost hunters come here to check out the Keystone?
00:31:11Oh, yeah, something like that.
00:31:13But have you ever experienced any phenomena in the pub or maybe just outside?
00:31:17Uh, shot a TV show here once.
00:31:21Poor about the place.
00:31:23Hey, what an idiot he was.
00:31:25Are you that angelic voice luring me as a siren to the rocks?
00:31:30Well, I wouldn't give for a mere sip of good stout.
00:31:34It's actually an IPA.
00:31:38Falcon Buchanan, I presume?
00:31:40You presume correct, milady.
00:31:42Yeah, well, the kilt was kind of a giveaway.
00:31:44Thank the heavens, someone can finally see me.
00:31:47It's a tough road for a man to be invisible, you know.
00:31:55It's like looking in a mirror.
00:31:58Hey, and a time machine.
00:32:10Hey, you got a handsome fella too, that's for sure.
00:32:17Oh, I'm sorry.
00:32:18I'm sorry.
00:32:18I'm sorry.
00:32:19I'm sorry.
00:32:19I'm sorry.
00:32:20I'm sorry.
00:32:20I'm sorry.
00:32:21I'm sorry.
00:32:21I'm sorry.
00:32:22I'm sorry.
00:32:22I'm sorry.
00:32:23I'm sorry.
00:32:23I'm sorry.
00:32:25So are you.
00:32:26Well, I suppose you lot are looking for me.
00:32:30Oh, yeah.
00:32:32Sorry, wow.
00:32:33Yeah, we need to talk to you.
00:32:35Well, seeing as I've been fixed here for centuries with nearly a glance,
00:32:39I'm at your service.
00:32:42Oh, I don't...
00:32:43Never do that again.
00:32:44Oh, I did that.
00:32:55You're telling me my morning bride is still waiting for me.
00:32:58I thought I was all alone in this world.
00:33:01But it's a cruel feat to find yourself in, eh?
00:33:03You weren't kidding, but you are the key to appeasing Angelique
00:33:06so that we can get married on Sunday.
00:33:08How could you not marry somewhere else?
00:33:10No, no, we are getting married at the Keystone Manor on Sunday.
00:33:13It is happening.
00:33:15Yeah, I mean, we've been...
00:33:16She's been planning for months and our guests have booked plane tickets
00:33:20and hotel rooms and they've taken time off work and she's...
00:33:25My loss, she always was a fatty one.
00:33:27Anyway, we think you might be stuck here
00:33:29because your love story never got its conclusion.
00:33:31I get to see my bride again.
00:33:34Let's surely give my right arm to leave this wretched pub.
00:33:38The beer is great.
00:33:40Oh, sorry.
00:33:43We want to help you and Angelique to be reunited.
00:33:45Who's Angelique?
00:33:46Huh? Oh, no.
00:33:51I hate that man.
00:33:52Well, I think I might know someone who can help.
00:33:55Not Earl.
00:33:58I trust him completely.
00:34:06Oh, good, you're back.
00:34:08What's going on in here?
00:34:09Cooking, lots of it.
00:34:11Yeah, Marianne is giving us a crash course on wedding catering.
00:34:14We're full service here at the Keystone.
00:34:16I think I'm really getting the hang of this cooking thing.
00:34:19Oh, close.
00:34:20Got it, got it.
00:34:21Well, since ghost number one chased away the caterer
00:34:24while you two were out hunting ghost number two,
00:34:27Marianne started planning the menu.
00:34:29So we're assisting with prep.
00:34:30Oh, you should taste the wine.
00:34:33So, how did it go?
00:34:34Did you find your war hero ghost?
00:34:36You know, saying that out loud will never feel normal.
00:34:39We did.
00:34:40And he's in the same predicament as Angelique.
00:34:41He can't leave this brewery in town.
00:34:43But you know what?
00:34:44Earl's on top of it.
00:34:45He just texted me, told me he has a plan.
00:34:46So I think...
00:34:50So how'd it go over here today?
00:34:51Any more happenings?
00:34:53Actually, it's been eerily quiet.
00:34:55Except for Steve, who likes to sing way off key when he cooks.
00:34:58It's very jarring.
00:35:00Relaxes me.
00:35:01That's good.
00:35:02Well, maybe Angelique has settled down.
00:35:04This happens from time to time.
00:35:06There'll be an upset and then she's just done.
00:35:11All right, well...
00:35:12Is there red?
00:35:13Or you can stick with white.
00:35:15Or white.
00:35:15White is fine.
00:35:16Nice choice.
00:35:18Well, then I would like to propose a toast to nothing else going wrong.
00:35:21And to Marion and the best friends anyone could ask for.
00:35:29Is that vinegar?
00:35:31Bit tart.
00:35:31It's good.
00:35:36Okay, all of these have been turned into vinegar.
00:35:40How does that happen?
00:35:41Yeah, I don't think that she's settled down.
00:35:48Angelique, show yourself.
00:35:53That was fast.
00:35:55Turning all that wine into vinegar would be very powerful.
00:35:58And you are not.
00:36:00That's true.
00:36:01I do not see my Malcolm here, as you promised.
00:36:03I know, but we did find him and he's just as heartbroken as you are.
00:36:06I do not believe you.
00:36:08Were that true, he would surely move heaven and earth to come to me.
00:36:11He would.
00:36:12But just like you, he's stuck in the place where he took his last breath.
00:36:17Has he longed for me as I have longed for him?
00:36:20He's thought of nothing else for centuries.
00:36:23I'm so sorry, Angelique.
00:36:24No one should have to experience this kind of pain for an eternity.
00:36:28You do not know pain.
00:36:29No one knows.
00:36:30Oh, I do.
00:36:31Here we go.
00:36:34I was left once, too, and I never thought I would recover.
00:36:38But I think I know of a way to reunite you and Malcolm.
00:36:41I have given you much time.
00:36:43Bring him to me.
00:36:45You will not like what happens to your wedding if you do not.
00:36:48All right, okay.
00:36:54Her little temper tantrum seemed to be escalating, huh?
00:36:57It's not a temper tantrum, Brian.
00:36:58It's grief disguised as anger.
00:37:00I mean, I know that feeling of being robbed of what you thought your life would be.
00:37:06Is that the life you want?
00:37:08What Alec was going to give you?
00:37:09The condos and the cars and the 401k?
00:37:11No, Brian, I'm not emotional right now because of Alec.
00:37:14It's because of you.
00:37:16I see the pain in Angelique's eyes, and I don't know what I would do
00:37:19if that ever happened to me again, if I couldn't be with you.
00:37:29I don't know why, but I feel like we can figure this out on our own.
00:37:33It's like my grandmother said.
00:37:34She said you'll know, and I do, Brian.
00:37:37A little out of our depth here.
00:37:38We don't have much time.
00:37:39And I feel that together, we can accomplish anything.
00:37:42I do, too.
00:37:44Anything, you know, except this.
00:37:48We're going to figure something out.
00:38:04Gather around.
00:38:06I have procured the instrument that will save the celebration of your union.
00:38:11Thank you, Earl.
00:38:12We owe you.
00:38:13Don't worry about it.
00:38:14It's all itemized on your invoice.
00:38:19Genuine, bona fide, 19th century ghost house.
00:38:23Pretty cool.
00:38:25Now, who remembers the famous haunting of Lady Winifred at Parker Manse?
00:38:32Oh, yeah.
00:38:34Well, this is the very ghost house used by the famous medium Constance Lafarge
00:38:39that fateful night.
00:38:41Now, it is said Madame Lafarge gained her clairvoyance when she freed the spirits within.
00:38:50What's the point here, Earl?
00:38:52Young lady.
00:38:55Remember, you're an academic.
00:38:58My level of expertise doesn't fall within your science world, does it?
00:39:03Oh, no, it definitely does not, no.
00:39:05So, stay within your lane.
00:39:08Thank you very much.
00:39:11So, all you do is open the door and entice the spirit inside.
00:39:16And once it's inside, you close it and bam, trapped.
00:39:22Just like a genie in Aladdin's lamp.
00:39:24Oh, well, now I feel stupid for doubting you, too.
00:39:28Oh, that's very big of you.
00:39:30Now, we need to trap in order to free.
00:39:34We trap in order to free.
00:39:36With me.
00:39:37Trap in order to free.
00:39:39Trap in order to free.
00:39:41Trap in order to free.
00:39:43Stop it!
00:39:43All right.
00:39:45Now, once the spirit's inside, you simply take it wherever you like, open the door—
00:39:51Reunite lost lovers, and they live happily ever after.
00:39:56Well, they don't live, you know, because they're dead.
00:40:01Actually, that's true.
00:40:03Okay, so you expect me to believe that we can physically move the ghost from one place
00:40:08to the other in this ghost house?
00:40:13Yeah, it's foolproof.
00:40:20Behold, a genuine—
00:40:22We've seen it.
00:40:24All right.
00:40:30No, no, I'm sorry.
00:40:32I'm not sensing his presence.
00:40:34I'm standing right here.
00:40:35Uh, he's, he's standing right there.
00:40:38Right there.
00:40:41Yes, yes, I can feel he just joined us.
00:40:44Oh, who is this daft wallopo?
00:40:46Well, that's Earl.
00:40:47Oh, that makes sense.
00:40:49Okay, Earl, um, I got this one.
00:40:52All right.
00:40:56Though, it is an impressive miniature.
00:41:01And your certainness can reunite me with my beloved.
00:41:04Mm, well, we, we don't have a lot of options,
00:41:07but if you could have seen Angelique's face when we told her we found you.
00:41:11Oh, that face is burned into my memory.
00:41:14I never feared anything like the terror that she might not love me back.
00:41:18And I've stared down the barrel of a British musket.
00:41:20Oh, I can relate.
00:41:23Yeah, no.
00:41:23Oh, no, not to the, to the musket thing.
00:41:26I'm really sure what a musket is.
00:41:28But when you, when you meet someone that makes you feel complete,
00:41:33you almost feel unworthy of that love.
00:41:38My bounty is as boundless as the sea.
00:41:41My love is deep, the more I give to thee.
00:41:43By Sir William Shakespeare.
00:41:46Just in case you ever foolishly forget,
00:41:48I'm never not thinking of you, Virginia Woolf.
00:41:51Oh, oh, uh, floating like the heavens above
00:41:54looks like muskrat love.
00:41:56The cabinet's an eagle.
00:41:59That's a good one.
00:42:00Yeah, I won't forget that.
00:42:02It's good.
00:42:03So, what'd I miss?
00:42:10Oh, right.
00:42:11I guess we should get to it then, right?
00:42:13Tick tock, huh?
00:42:13So how am I supposed to fit through that wee little duel?
00:42:16What, he wants to know the plan?
00:42:19Oh, yes.
00:42:20Okay, well, tell him he needs to concentrate
00:42:24and make his spirit small.
00:42:26Very, very small.
00:42:28Tiny, even.
00:42:29And then he needs to imagine that his spirit resides inside.
00:42:37How scientific.
00:42:38It is scientific, Jenna.
00:42:40Well, whatever you say, sir.
00:42:42Here we go.
00:42:43Bottoms up as they say.
00:42:46You've got this.
00:42:55I can't believe it.
00:42:57It's, it's working.
00:42:59It's working.
00:43:01Brian, it's working.
00:43:06Can you believe it, Brian?
00:43:14Sorry about that.
00:43:15I guess I don't know my own strength.
00:43:17I guess my work here is done.
00:43:21Jenna, darling, what time is the wedding?
00:43:23Get out.
00:43:25Hey, no smoking.
00:43:28What is wrong with you people?
00:43:29There's always something with that man.
00:43:35Do not believe a word you say.
00:43:40You lie.
00:43:41You have not seen Malcolm.
00:43:43It is trickery so that you may wed.
00:43:45I understand your pain, Angelique,
00:43:47but I promise we did find Malcolm
00:43:49and we're figuring out how to bring him to you.
00:43:51And I'll prove it to you.
00:43:52We won't stop until you're reunited.
00:43:53We just need a little bit more time.
00:43:59You okay?
00:44:01Oh, is everything all right?
00:44:04Well, your parents just arrived.
00:44:09Oh my gosh.
00:44:10They cannot go in there when she's like this.
00:44:11I know.
00:44:12What are we going to do?
00:44:12I don't know.
00:44:13Oh, oh, Marion, the hayride.
00:44:15I want you to throw every penny imaginable at the hayride.
00:44:16I want to rent it out for the entire day.
00:44:18Yes, thank you.
00:44:19Thank you, mom.
00:44:20Hello, darling.
00:44:25I hope this place has firm mattresses.
00:44:27My back is killing me.
00:44:29Stop complaining, Vern.
00:44:31No one cares.
00:44:32Oh, mom, wait.
00:44:34Waylon, actually, who's not there right now,
00:44:37but he can help you with the bags.
00:44:38He can take them up to the room.
00:44:39Well, you can't go in because you can't go in
00:44:42because we have the thing.
00:44:43Oh, we have a special surprise for you guys.
00:44:46Just you guys.
00:44:47Welcome to the wedding.
00:44:48Yes, our wonderful, wonderful parents.
00:44:51We've arranged a VIP hayride
00:44:53through the Rustic Trails of Einstead someday.
00:44:55Well, I'd like to go freshen up first.
00:44:58It was a pleasure.
00:44:58Oh, mom, it's so good to see you.
00:45:01Oh my goodness.
00:45:02It is just a two-hour ride
00:45:03and you're going to be more than pampered on the hayride.
00:45:06So they have the champagne and charcuterie.
00:45:11Here come my allergies.
00:45:16Is this real hay?
00:45:17Oh, loosen up, Vern.
00:45:18Dad, are you okay?
00:45:20Got them all?
00:45:21Everyone have one?
00:45:22Oh, yeah, you bet.
00:45:23Everyone cheers to the beginning of a fun-filled, relaxing weekend.
00:45:33How long is this ride?
00:45:35We have some charcuterie, I guess.
00:45:37Whale and smoke, that is.
00:45:40I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:45:42Another nap.
00:45:44Hey, isn't this fun?
00:45:50So Mariam was saying that all of the farms around here are family-run,
00:45:54or they used to be back in the day,
00:45:55and they would average around 130 to 135 acres.
00:46:00You know, Ryan, you have some ancestors who came from this very area,
00:46:06on your father's side.
00:46:07What? I thought we were all from Chicago.
00:46:10No, your dad's family originally settled here.
00:46:15He had a great love of the area.
00:46:16That's why we moved to Philly after you were born.
00:46:19I hear I thought it's because he liked the eagles more than the bears.
00:46:22Your family settled here,
00:46:24so maybe the resemblance to Malcolm is not just a coincidence.
00:46:28Um, do you still have access to that ancestry site?
00:46:31Uh, yeah, I mean, I haven't checked it in a while,
00:46:33but I don't think it expires.
00:46:35Check it when we get back.
00:46:36Yeah, okay, and we need to bring Anjali some proof
00:46:38so that she doesn't think we're just stringing her along about Malcolm.
00:46:40That'll buy us some time.
00:46:42We need to stop.
00:46:43I know.
00:46:44Yellow making excuses.
00:46:45Uh, can, can you please stop the hayride?
00:46:47Oh, wonderful, wonderful, thank you.
00:46:49What's wrong? Why are we stopping here?
00:46:51It's nothing, it's not a big deal.
00:46:52We just, we just have to go.
00:46:54Oh, it's something for the wedding that we totally forgot,
00:46:56and we, we, we need to go do that now.
00:46:58Oh, hell no.
00:46:59No, no, no.
00:47:00I think everybody's gonna have a ride.
00:47:02It's fine, it's fine.
00:47:03Enjoy, take care.
00:47:04Bye, have so much fun.
00:47:05Steve, sorry, uh, you, you guys.
00:47:08What? Enjoy, enjoy, have fun.
00:47:10Why won't you let us leave?
00:47:12Bye, guys.
00:47:12Giddy up, Tex, go, go.
00:47:17I can understand why she's upset.
00:47:19I'm starting to get a wee bit frustrated with you lot myself.
00:47:23Yeah, we, we, we just need you to share a memory with us, like a moment.
00:47:27Something that she would know only came from you.
00:47:32You will marry Samuel Fremantle.
00:47:34There is to be no more discussion.
00:47:38But I love Malcolm, father.
00:47:39It's not about love, Angelique.
00:47:42It is an arrangement with a suitable husband.
00:47:45Malcolm could never provide for your needs,
00:47:46and I will not have my daughter marry one beneath her.
00:47:51You will wed Samuel Fremantle, or you will be on your own.
00:48:01I cannot wait any longer.
00:48:03I am to marry Samuel in six days.
00:48:05Then I shall come for you in four.
00:48:07I'll get my affairs in order at once.
00:48:10And then I will be yours, and you will be mine.
00:48:14Forever and ever.
00:48:18I've no ring to give.
00:48:20But, I swear on this.
00:48:26My Mare Lavala,
00:48:29granted to me by General Washington himself.
00:48:34I entrust it to you until marriage.
00:48:37And in your return,
00:48:40the heaven on earth I have won by wedding thee.
00:48:46The most beautiful words anyone has ever spoken to me.
00:48:50They are the bards, my love.
00:48:53William Shakespeare.
00:48:55And they speak straight to my heart.
00:48:59Then I shall hold those words close in my heart as well.
00:49:03Forever and ever.
00:49:07Until we meet again.
00:49:13Four days.
00:49:26A heaven on earth I have won by wedding thee.
00:49:30She'll understand.
00:49:32I shall be yours.
00:49:33By wooing thee.
00:49:35She'll understand.
00:49:37All right, I'll relay the message.
00:49:40Oh, it's fine penmanship you've got there.
00:49:43Yeah, you should have been a doctor.
00:49:45I wanted to be a doctor.
00:49:48And all of a sudden I'm happy I'm dead.
00:49:51A heaven on earth I have won by wowing thee.
00:49:54No, sweetie, it's wooing.
00:49:55Wooing, wooing thee.
00:49:57With the words of Shakespeare,
00:49:59he made me a promise he could not keep.
00:50:01A promise he wants to keep now.
00:50:03Please, bring it back to me.
00:50:05We're doing everything we can.
00:50:14Hey, look at this.
00:50:16Yeah, my family was definitely in this area in 1885.
00:50:20I just, I need to, I need to trace back several earlier
00:50:23generations to see if I have any connection to Malcolm Buchanan.
00:50:33Keep looking, I'm gonna go talk to her, okay?
00:50:45Angelique, may I sit?
00:50:48If you must.
00:50:51I'm so sorry that our wedding has stirred up all this grief for you.
00:50:55Brian is working on something right now.
00:50:58And I want you to know that I don't just hear your story, I feel it.
00:51:02Deep down in my soul.
00:51:04And I want you to have your happily ever after as much as I want my own.
00:51:16You were left once, brokenhearted as well.
00:51:20It was a little different than your situation, but
00:51:22on the day of our wedding, he sent me a text
00:51:25saying he wasn't ready for marriage.
00:51:27And then five months later, he married someone else.
00:51:30I know not what a text is, but how very rude.
00:51:34I believe that you and Malcolm are stuck here because a love as powerful as yours
00:51:38has to sustain, even in death.
00:51:43Perhaps the connection with your Brian is equally as powerful.
00:51:47I hope so.
00:51:50But sometimes things that seem too good to be true are.
00:51:53And many times, they are not.
00:51:55They are not.
00:51:58You were so sure about Malcolm from the beginning.
00:52:00How did you know that he was your soulmate?
00:52:03When you cannot live without him and you cannot die without him, that is how you know.
00:52:11I wish I had that clarity, but it's scary to put your trust in someone
00:52:15when you've been let down in the past.
00:52:18Wow, I can't believe I'm sitting here confiding in a ghost.
00:52:24You were lucky.
00:52:25You get to choose.
00:52:28In my youth, all decisions were made for me.
00:52:31Malcolm was the first man ever to take an interest in me for me and not for my family.
00:52:38He wanted to know my mind.
00:52:40We spoke of politics, literature, religion.
00:52:45Subjects quite unbecoming for a young lady, but for once, I was truly seen.
00:52:53That's how I feel about you.
00:52:56This intelligent, exceptional, beautiful woman chose me.
00:53:04Gets me.
00:53:07Loves me.
00:53:10And I don't know what I did to get so lucky.
00:53:15It seems we are not so different after all.
00:53:17Love is love, no matter the era.
00:53:19No matter the era.
00:53:22I found something that might be helpful.
00:53:24It seems Lieutenant Buchanan is one of my ancestors.
00:53:28It is impossible.
00:53:29Malcolm had no children.
00:53:31No, he didn't.
00:53:32But his brother did.
00:53:35I met him once.
00:53:37He came to visit when Malcolm was unwell.
00:53:40I am Malcolm's great, great, great, great.
00:53:45There may be a few more greats in there.
00:53:47Grand nephew.
00:53:48Maybe the ancestral connection is the reason you and I are the only ones that can see them.
00:53:53You share his DNA, and I...
00:53:54You're soulmates.
00:53:56You're already connected.
00:53:59Yeah, I suppose that's a possibility.
00:54:05Well, there's another medium, Claudia Ling.
00:54:07She may know how to help us.
00:54:08I don't need another person.
00:54:09Please, I need my Malcolm back.
00:54:12I cannot remain in this much pain forever.
00:54:15It is too much for anyone to bear.
00:54:19So, I met Brian in Little League.
00:54:22I was six years old, and I was terrible.
00:54:26So, Brian invited me back to his house to practice with him and his dad,
00:54:33because that's the kind of guy he is.
00:54:35He would do anything to help a friend.
00:54:38And that hasn't changed in 24 years.
00:54:43Brian, I'm so grateful for you.
00:54:44I'm so grateful for you.
00:54:46Brian, I'm so sorry that your dad couldn't be here today.
00:54:50But I know that he's looking down on you,
00:54:54and he is so proud of the man that...
00:54:58Well, that you've always...
00:55:01That you've always been.
00:55:01Okay, to Brian.
00:55:05Can somebody else...
00:55:07Okay, I've got something to say.
00:55:09Oh, no, you don't.
00:55:10Okay, it's my turn.
00:55:12When life throws you a curveball,
00:55:14you can crumble or persevere.
00:55:17Janna wasn't going to let it break her.
00:55:20And though dating wasn't on her radar,
00:55:22in walks Brian with the latest ghost hunting equipment money can buy
00:55:28to show her that it's safe to open your heart again when it's right.
00:55:35I'm so proud of you, Janna.
00:55:38And so thankful to you, Brian,
00:55:39for seeing in her what we always have.
00:55:45Hey, you okay?
00:55:47I think I just inhaled a bit of the smoke.
00:55:49With all that smudging you do,
00:55:51I would have thought you'd be used to it by now.
00:55:52Yeah, what is smudging, anyway?
00:55:54It sounds unhealthy.
00:55:57Brian thinks that spirits can attach themselves to objects.
00:56:03A week ago, I would have thought somebody was crazy for saying that,
00:56:05and now it's me.
00:56:06I'm the crazy one.
00:56:08You're not?
00:56:09You're not.
00:56:12Do you really think that spirits can attach themselves to things?
00:56:16Well, I mean, if the spirit had an emotional connection to the object,
00:56:20then yeah, absolutely.
00:56:21We are doing a full sweep of the house when we get back, Byrne.
00:56:25What if we were to bring something of Angelique's to Malcolm
00:56:28with her spirit attached?
00:56:30I can't believe I didn't think of it before.
00:56:33All those antiques, all those books,
00:56:35I didn't think of it before.
00:56:37All those antiques in her room, she must be connected to one of them.
00:56:40Yes, yeah, let's do it.
00:56:42See, we don't need anybody else.
00:56:43We've got this.
00:56:45You and me.
00:56:56Rachel said that you were looking for me?
00:56:58Oh, Marian, yes.
00:56:59We need to find something in this room that had sentimental value to Angelique.
00:57:03Oh, I'm so sorry, but nothing in here ever belonged to the de Mornay's.
00:57:07Well, what about all this stuff?
00:57:08Antiques that I've collected over the years.
00:57:10I wanted to make it feel like home,
00:57:12but all of her actual possessions would be long gone.
00:57:15What about the paintings?
00:57:16The one over the fireplace or Malcolm's portrait?
00:57:19Both commissioned after their deaths.
00:57:23Maybe, maybe we can't do this on our own.
00:57:25Should I call Claudia Ling?
00:57:27No, we should, we should go talk to Malcolm.
00:57:29Maybe he has something that once belonged to him, right, Marian?
00:57:31Malcolm died in a jail and he's stuck in a bar.
00:57:34Okay, but I still think the logical thing to do would be to focus on Malcolm.
00:57:37Marian agrees.
00:57:39You think the contents of his pockets have been under a bar stool for 240 years
00:57:42and they built the bar around him?
00:57:45Sure, that sounds reasonable.
00:57:48That's not helpful, Brian.
00:57:49I'm sorry, but neither of us know the solution here.
00:57:52Claudia Ling might.
00:57:54Fine, go ahead and bring in another outsider
00:57:57and I'm gonna go talk to Malcolm.
00:57:58Thank you, Marian.
00:58:02Take it from someone who's been divorced.
00:58:07Follow her.
00:58:13What are you looking at?
00:58:17Oh, well, well, well, look who it is.
00:58:19A couple who takes great pleasure in teasing a man in love.
00:58:22Oh, yeah.
00:58:23Believe it or not, we were actually trying to help, Malcolm.
00:58:25And a fine job you're doing.
00:58:27By any chance, is there an object around here that belonged to you?
00:58:30Something special from when you were alive?
00:58:34Oh, come on.
00:58:34We're wasting our time, Jenna.
00:58:36Actually, there is one thing.
00:58:40A medal of valor.
00:58:43A symbol of the injury that fate brought me to Angelique's duel.
00:58:46And it meant a lot to you?
00:58:49With it, I sealed my promise of my undying love to Angelique.
00:58:55Uh, oh, excuse me.
00:58:57Hey, what can I get you?
00:58:58Book of matches?
00:58:59What are you burning down today?
00:59:01Yeah, sorry about that again.
00:59:04That's fair.
00:59:05Um, the medal on the wall?
00:59:07By any chance, would you be willing to, like, loan it out?
00:59:13Malcolm Buchanan's medal is the centerpiece of this place.
00:59:16What do you guys want it for?
00:59:17Well, it has historical significance to our wedding.
00:59:21And, and, uh, Malcolm Buchanan happens to be one of my ancestors.
00:59:25Yeah, so.
00:59:25Is that so?
00:59:27Well, it's really just too easy on the eyes then, eh?
00:59:30Both of them.
00:59:32We would really love to show it off at our wedding to our family.
00:59:36And it has deep, deep sentimental value for us.
00:59:39It would mean so much.
00:59:41Oh, that's sweet.
00:59:42Well, in that case, $2,400.
00:59:45Oh, that's random.
00:59:47I was short for that.
00:59:49Hey, wiggle room.
00:59:51Do I look like I wiggle?
00:59:52Last offer, no refunds.
00:59:55Yeah, Ted.
00:59:57It's okay, okay, okay.
00:59:58Just take it.
00:59:59I don't want to see.
01:00:00Yeah, I'll take plastic.
01:00:07Okay, well, I promise we're going to guard it with our lives.
01:00:09I don't care what you do with it.
01:00:11It's yours now.
01:00:12Hey, hey, hey, you guys.
01:00:13What did I say?
01:00:14No, no, no.
01:00:16That's it.
01:00:17Stupid hooligans.
01:00:18That man is a buffoon.
01:00:19Get out.
01:00:19Get, get out of my bar.
01:00:21Keep moving.
01:00:21Hey, well, here's the medal.
01:00:24Uh, this is, it's kind of like the ghost house,
01:00:27but just please, please don't destroy it this time.
01:00:29Remember what it meant to you.
01:00:31The honor, the glory, the promise of a new life with your beautiful bride.
01:00:44It's working.
01:00:47I can feel it.
01:00:49I'm connected to it.
01:00:52Take it.
01:00:52Take it.
01:00:53Take it to it.
01:00:54I'll follow it.
01:00:55Come on, let's go.
01:01:00Malcolm, come on.
01:01:00You did it.
01:01:01Come on.
01:01:02What are you guys waiting for?
01:01:03Let's go.
01:01:03Let's get him home.
01:01:05On my side.
01:01:08On my side.
01:01:09We're gonna get you to her.
01:01:11Watch out.
01:01:11Come on.
01:01:24Hey, time out, boys, time out.
01:01:26Okay, yeah, hit the showers.
01:01:28Grab a beer.
01:01:36Oh, Brian.
01:01:54If you don't mind, I'm gonna go shed a tear over my lot,
01:01:58and I'd rather the lady knows, yeah?
01:02:16Hey, don't worry.
01:02:17We're gonna figure something out, okay?
01:02:24I think it needs a little more.
01:02:28Oh, maybe something on the top, like there.
01:02:30A little on the nose, Mary Ann.
01:02:32Don't most wedding cakes, or whatever this is, come already decorated?
01:02:39It's a cupcake tower, madam.
01:02:41A what?
01:02:42A cupcake tower.
01:02:44We are full service here at the Keystone.
01:02:46I'm the caterer, the baker, and I can even be a pretty good bartender when I put my mind to it.
01:02:53Yeah, and we begged to help because this is something that I've always wanted to do.
01:02:58Um, has anyone heard from the florist?
01:03:00Oh, they'll be here first thing in the morning.
01:03:03Any word from the war hero?
01:03:06Um, yes and no.
01:03:07Last night did not go as planned.
01:03:10I don't know how to tell Angelique.
01:03:12So you have failed again?
01:03:16I'm sorry, Angelique, yes.
01:03:20Who's Angelique?
01:03:22She, that's an inside joke.
01:03:26For Steve.
01:03:27Because you hate cake.
01:03:28Doesn't like cake.
01:03:29Remember that you hate cake.
01:03:30It was funny.
01:03:31Yes, that's.
01:03:32You promised and you have failed again.
01:03:36There will be no wedding.
01:03:41My cake, it's completely ruined.
01:03:44What on earth just happened?
01:03:46Um, not to worry, we'll just whip up another one.
01:03:50Is that what we'll do?
01:03:52Oh, a better one.
01:03:53Yes, a better one.
01:03:54Much better.
01:03:56Give me a minute.
01:03:57Okay, it was a lot of work.
01:03:58I know, it's heartbreaking, but we'll.
01:04:14If you want to use it for the rehearsal.
01:04:19Are you okay?
01:04:22Not really.
01:04:23I just, this is supposed to be the happiest weekend of my life and it is a complete mess.
01:04:28Jenna, do not go there.
01:04:30This is what happened with Alec.
01:04:32He was pulling away and I pretended that everything was fine.
01:04:35Okay, but you know, this is a completely different scenario.
01:04:39I mean, there were zero ghosts last time.
01:04:44I wish there was more I could do to help.
01:04:46Are you kidding?
01:04:47You've been amazing.
01:04:49You and Steve both.
01:04:52You two seem to be getting along well.
01:04:56Okay, he's not who I thought he was.
01:04:59Gosh, it's funny how this ghost has been the catalyst to bringing you and Steve closer together,
01:05:04but me and Brian further apart.
01:05:06And my wedding hangs in the balance.
01:05:09You are getting married tomorrow.
01:05:11Oh, is something wrong with, no, no, no, no, no, you can't quit.
01:05:15Not now.
01:05:16We need you.
01:05:17What happened?
01:05:18It has not been an easy morning.
01:05:20Okay, you know what?
01:05:21We will just power through.
01:05:22It's going to be fine.
01:05:25Oh, great start.
01:05:27Oh no, these were all blooming this morning.
01:05:30We've got nine other arrangements just like this.
01:05:33Oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening.
01:05:35Oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening.
01:05:37Oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening.
01:05:39Oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening.
01:05:41Eh, you know what?
01:05:43Waylon, can we maybe just get rid of those?
01:05:45Let's get rid of them.
01:05:46I can't even look at them.
01:05:51I'd stand up here and quote Plato for my father's guests.
01:05:56She's right there.
01:05:56Give soul to the universe.
01:05:57What is she pointing at?
01:05:58Wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.
01:06:05Oh, she's a lot of things, but she is well read.
01:06:09I was to behave as expected and deprived of my happiness.
01:06:14Had we not been forced to sneak off under the cover of night,
01:06:17Malcolm would have never been killed.
01:06:26My goodness, the weather has turned.
01:06:28Looks like we might not have a wedding after all.
01:06:30Don't say that.
01:06:31We'll just get Waylon to check the weather report.
01:06:36Meanwhile, why don't we go inside and have some scones and tea until we have this all figured out?
01:06:45So many issues with this so-called manner, darling.
01:06:48I would ask for my money back, but since you refuse to let me contribute this time,
01:06:52I will, as usual, keep my mouth shut.
01:06:56Now, come, come.
01:06:59We have to talk about this humidity, darling, but your skin does look amazing.
01:07:08No, thank you.
01:07:11So, you were right about Claudia Ling.
01:07:14What'd she say?
01:07:16She said we need to find something that belonged to them and attach their spirits to it.
01:07:20Well, that's a fresh idea.
01:07:22How much did that cost us?
01:07:24Oh, you know, it wasn't that much.
01:07:28I put in a call to a guy who does these Houdini seances.
01:07:31He's pretty booked up.
01:07:32Maybe he could help.
01:07:34It's not supposed to be this way, Ryan.
01:07:36No, I know.
01:07:37It's supposed to be moist and delicious.
01:07:40It's just gross.
01:07:41No, no.
01:07:42This is not how we're supposed to be starting our lives together.
01:07:45Look at Angelique and Malcolm.
01:07:47Nothing could fracture their love, not even death,
01:07:49and we can't even get through our wedding rehearsal without something going disastrously wrong.
01:07:52Hey, hey, hey.
01:07:53It's okay.
01:07:54It's just a speed bump.
01:07:55All right?
01:07:55I'm going to put out more feelers.
01:07:58I want you to be in this with me.
01:08:00It almost feels like if we can give them their happily ever after,
01:08:03then we can get ours, too, and that's why we're here.
01:08:05No, it's not.
01:08:07No, we're here to pledge our lives to each other,
01:08:10and it's starting to seem like you care more about Angelique and Malcolm
01:08:12than you do about you and me.
01:08:16Unless that's the point.
01:08:19What point?
01:08:19What are you talking about?
01:08:23I don't know.
01:08:26Sabotage our wedding, maybe, so you don't get hurt again?
01:08:31You can't really believe that.
01:08:36Well, what do you propose we do?
01:08:39I don't know.
01:08:40I don't know.
01:08:41We could walk through the fields where they had their rendezvous or meditate or something.
01:08:47It's clear we have a connection to them.
01:08:48We don't have time for afternoon strolls and meditation circles.
01:08:52The wedding is tomorrow, Jenna.
01:08:53What I know is when we put our heads together, we can accomplish anything,
01:08:57but you refuse to put your trust in that, so who's doing this sabotaging here?
01:09:05Oh, man.
01:09:36Good evening.
01:09:40I know you can't knock, but there has to be some sort of ghost equivalent.
01:09:43Perhaps I could proceed my entrance with a nice breeze.
01:09:48Yep, that works.
01:09:50I do feel I must apologize for things going so awry.
01:09:55I suppose I do not know my own power at times.
01:09:58I'm sorry, too.
01:10:00I wanted so much to do this for you and Malcolm,
01:10:03as if I had the power through you to prove that true love really does exist,
01:10:09like that might somehow erase the pain of my past.
01:10:14Do not despair.
01:10:17Perhaps if it is not you to reunite us, then it will be another.
01:10:22Your presence has shown me that love does indeed persevere.
01:10:26Nothing would keep me from Malcolm were he not killed,
01:10:30and I will never give up on him.
01:10:33I cannot, nor can you.
01:10:37That is the blessing and the curse of soulmates.
01:10:41You're stuck with each other.
01:10:43For eternity.
01:10:47You have a chance tomorrow that I did not.
01:10:50Do not allow your fears to get in the way.
01:10:52So, you're going to allow this wedding to happen?
01:11:12You're lovely.
01:11:13I'm so sorry.
01:11:14I'm so sorry.
01:11:15I'm so sorry.
01:11:16I'm so sorry.
01:11:16I'm so sorry.
01:11:17I'm so sorry.
01:11:18I'm so sorry.
01:11:19I'm so sorry.
01:11:20I'm so sorry.
01:11:20I'm so sorry.
01:11:25Maybe don't do that to people.
01:11:27Malcolm had bought me a ring, and one for himself as well.
01:11:32They were on his person when they captured him.
01:11:36I asked for them to be returned to me, but they were not.
01:11:43He was revered, a soldier for the colonies to be honored in death,
01:11:48but still my father would not allow his rings in our home.
01:11:52A sad end to a forgotten love story that was not to be.
01:11:58You're not forgotten.
01:12:00They built a tavern to honor him,
01:12:02and the Historical Society still tells your story.
01:12:08The Historical Society?
01:12:11I'm sorry, I need to talk to Janet.
01:12:17It's just all so unresolved.
01:12:18I should go talk to him and make sure we're okay.
01:12:20It's bad luck for him to see you before the wedding.
01:12:22No, it's bad luck for him to see the dress before the wedding.
01:12:26Brian, she's getting ready.
01:12:27Yeah, I know, I know.
01:12:28I just, I need to talk to Janet.
01:12:31It's okay, Brian.
01:12:32Angelina's gonna let us get married.
01:12:34I know, I know, but we all deserve our happy ending.
01:12:41Rach, can you stall everyone, please?
01:12:43As long as you can.
01:12:44Stall? How am I supposed to stall?
01:12:46I don't know.
01:12:46Ask your boyfriend, Steve.
01:12:48Hey, I'll tell you about this on the way,
01:12:50but you and me, we got this.
01:12:56He's not, he's not my boyfriend!
01:12:59Okay, so we're gonna need to stall.
01:13:01Brian and Janet had to go into town.
01:13:03They think they have a lead on something.
01:13:04Is that why it's so quiet here this morning?
01:13:06Well, I've managed to reassemble the tower
01:13:07without incident or apparition or in-laws.
01:13:09Thank you for that, by the way.
01:13:11It's not as good as it was, but it'll do.
01:13:13Wow, I think it's just beautiful.
01:13:17So do I.
01:13:23We should give snacks to everybody.
01:13:25Yes, good idea.
01:13:26Oh, there's no room for my snickerdoodles.
01:13:28Okay, wait, you made snickerdoodles?
01:13:31Oh, you have so much to learn about me.
01:13:34I can't wait.
01:13:40Small fire!
01:13:42There's a small fire!
01:13:43Marianne and I are dating!
01:13:44I told you, you had one job, one job!
01:13:48Oh, hey, buddy.
01:13:50You tall boy!
01:13:51Brian, what are you doing?
01:13:52I've got a dog.
01:13:53Come on!
01:13:59Ah, back for the tour.
01:14:01Not quite.
01:14:02We were actually hoping that maybe you had something
01:14:04that might have belonged to Malcolm.
01:14:06I thought you might be back.
01:14:09The contents of his saddlebag.
01:14:15Some coins.
01:14:21And these.
01:14:25The rings.
01:14:27Ken, would you mind if we borrowed these
01:14:29just for like a couple hours?
01:14:31I could never let an artifact leave the historical society.
01:14:36Ken, you would be doing a great service
01:14:38to two people who are hopelessly in love
01:14:42and have been waiting an eternity to be together.
01:14:49Never let it be said that an old archivist
01:14:53doesn't understand love.
01:14:57We will guard them with our lives.
01:15:00Oh, my!
01:15:01Got him.
01:15:02Good catch.
01:15:02Got him.
01:15:02Sorry, Ken.
01:15:03Sorry, Ken.
01:15:03Thanks, Ken.
01:15:06Nope, not yet, Wylan.
01:15:09I'm so sorry.
01:15:10Are you okay?
01:15:11This way, yeah.
01:15:13More champagne.
01:15:14Oh, thank you.
01:15:15Oh, don't mind if I do.
01:15:17You've already had two.
01:15:18Enough is enough.
01:15:19Three is enough.
01:15:20Tell me it isn't happening again, Rachel.
01:15:22It absolutely is not.
01:15:25They will be right back.
01:15:27I promise.
01:15:28Chin, chin.
01:15:43It's your wedding day.
01:15:45I helped, too.
01:15:47Brian, please.
01:15:51Who's ready to have a good time?
01:15:57Angelique, come out.
01:16:00You were not able to find anything.
01:16:05My bonny bride.
01:16:09Even more beautiful than the memory
01:16:10that's been seared into my brain.
01:16:15It is really you.
01:16:17You've really come back.
01:16:20I can feel this.
01:16:21The day is long.
01:16:22I can feel you.
01:16:23I haven't been able to touch anything at all,
01:16:25but I can touch you.
01:16:30Does this seem for me?
01:16:37All right, guys.
01:16:37Maybe there'll be time for that after the wedding.
01:16:40Brian, you're interrupting mine.
01:16:43Well, then you can keep going.
01:16:47It's time to complete the circle.
01:16:53Oh, who doesn't wait?
01:17:06Jana and Brian have chosen to write their own vows.
01:17:09I promise to cherish you.
01:17:11I'll never let you forget the gift that you are in my life.
01:17:14I promise to put my trust in you,
01:17:16now and forever,
01:17:18and to never question your love for me.
01:17:28I vow to have the patience that love demands,
01:17:32to speak when words are needed,
01:17:35to be true to myself,
01:17:36to speak when words are needed,
01:17:38and to share in the silence when they are not.
01:17:42I promise to be your hearth.
01:17:45I keep a flame of life for you in my heart.
01:17:48Now, do you, Brian, take Jana to be your lawfully wedded wife?
01:17:52I do.
01:17:54I do, Angelique.
01:17:55And do you, Jana, take Brian to be your lawfully wedded husband?
01:17:58I do.
01:18:01I do, Malcolm.
01:18:02Then by the power vested in me
01:18:04by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
01:18:06I now pronounce you husband and wife.
01:18:09You may kiss your bride.
