• last year
"A Novel Christmas" is a heartwarming 2024 Christmas movie that follows the story of Chloe Anderson, a beloved children's book author. She meets Ethan, a devoted single father, and his book-loving daughter Alex, at her final book signing in Noelleville. As they bond over their shared passion for literature, Chloe must decide between her flourishing career and her newfound personal connections ¹.

The movie features a talented cast, including:

- *Brigitte Kingsley* as Chloe Anderson, a successful children's book author
- *Landy Cannon* as Ethan Carter, a single father and bookstore owner
- *Ariella Cannon* as Alex Carter, Ethan's daughter and an aspiring writer

You can catch "A Novel Christmas" on UPtv, where it premiered on December 15, 2024. The movie is also available for streaming on UP Faith & Family ².
