• last year
"A Cinderella Christmas Ball" is a delightful 2024 Christmas movie that combines romance, comedy, and a touch of royalty. The story follows Chelsea Jones, a dance instructor from Chicago, who travels to the charming European country of Havenshire in search of her heritage. Upon arrival, she discovers she needs to teach a stubborn Prince Phillip how to dance for the Royal Christmas Ball ¹ ².

The movie boasts a talented cast, including:

- *Danica McKellar* as Chelsea Jones, a determined and kind-hearted dance instructor
- *Oliver Rice* as Prince Phillip, the prince who needs Chelsea's dance expertise
- *Niamh Carolan* as Elizabeth Kent
- *Sarah Orenstein* as Queen Isabella

Directed by Don McBrearty, "A Cinderella Christmas Ball" premiered on Great American Family on November 29, 2024. If you're in the mood for a heartwarming holiday romance, this movie is definitely worth checking out 😜
