• last year
Catch the official trailer for The Night Before Christmas in Wonderland, streaming November 15th on Hulu! In this festive twist, St. Nick (voiced by Gerard Butler) finds himself on an unexpected adventure when a long-delayed letter from the Princess of Hearts reaches him just in time for Christmas Eve. With his loyal reindeer in tow, he journeys to Wonderland, where he faces the chilly Queen of Hearts (voiced by Emilia Clarke), a holiday-hating royal with a particular disdain for presents. Joined by Alice (voiced by Simone Ashley), the Mad Hatter, and the March Hare, St. Nick takes on the challenge to bring the magic of Christmas to Wonderland and show the Queen the season’s true spirit—before time runs out!

The Night Before Christmas in Wonderland Cast:

Emilia Clarke, Gerard Butler and Simone Ashley

Stream The Night Before Christmas in Wonderland November 15, 2024 on Hulu!
00:00Christmas Eve, it's finally here.
00:04The best, busiest night of the year.
00:07It's showtime!
00:10It's a last-minute letter.
00:12Dear St Nick.
00:14Yep, that's me.
00:15What are you doing?
00:17Making a plan to take a detour to Wonderland.
00:21It's showtime!
00:22Oat milk latte with extra cream.
00:26It's showtime!
00:28There's to be no celebrating Christmas Day.
00:32It's working as a team with the whole world.
00:34You're Alice from the book.
00:35We're late, we're late.
00:40Wonderland, here we come!
00:45Oh, that wasn't right.
00:48It's you!
00:53Look inside the chimney and under the bed when I find St Nick.
00:57It's off with his head!
00:59Don't mind us.
01:00Coming through!
01:04What are you doing here?
01:06It's Queenie!
01:09Remind me next week to hand in me notice.
01:12Was that something I said?
01:14I'm fatigue.
01:16What on earth's going on?
01:20We're all here.
01:22All red, rosy cheeks and happy and jolly.
01:25Merry Christmas to you.
01:27What an absolute wally.
