• last year
Eliza, a world traveler and writer for travel magazines and websites, has returned to her small hometown after an absence. Despite the passage of time, not much has changed in the town, and her family continues to participate in the same traditions such as wearing ugly Christmas sweaters, singing at the local care center, and baking cookies. Through these activities, Eliza is reunited with Will, a former heartthrob, who helps her rediscover the significance and beauty of these unique family traditions and her hometown.

Director: Nathan Steve Smith
Writer: Jennifer Newman Kofford, Bob Conder
Cast: Krystin Arroyo, James Gaisford
00:00:00I can divide my life into before and after.
00:00:17Before the Christmas that my parents got the book, and after when my life would never be
00:00:22the same.
00:00:23The book was called The 100 Wonders of the World, and from the moment I cracked it open
00:00:28for the first time that Christmas morning, I was obsessed.
00:00:32Machu Picchu, Mostar Bridge, the Terracotta Warriors.
00:00:38Everything was exotic.
00:00:40Everything was fascinating.
00:00:43I made a promise to myself I would see them all, and I started counting the days when
00:00:47I'd break out of my teeny tiny little town, because seeing pictures in the book wasn't
00:00:52good enough.
00:00:57After high school, I had my chance.
00:00:59I left Maryville to see the world, and I haven't looked back.
00:01:06Stepping out to experience the wonders with my own eyes was more incredible than I had
00:01:11even imagined.
00:01:12Eventually, I landed my dream job, allowing me to share my adventures with aspiring travelers
00:01:18across the globe.
00:01:20Eliza, you're home!
00:01:27I thought you wouldn't be back till next week.
00:01:37There's only so much you can write about some places.
00:01:43I convinced my editor that two months in the Serengeti wasn't enough.
00:01:48In the what?
00:01:51Wildlife Park.
00:01:52Oh, Africa!
00:01:53Did you share an Airbnb with the animals?
00:01:54No, but it smells like they moved in here with you.
00:01:55How big was the party?
00:01:56Uh, let's see, it was just Fran from work, a couple of her friends, and the newbies in
00:01:58Just your standard-sized shindig.
00:01:59Oh, I'm sorry.
00:02:00It's okay.
00:02:01It's okay.
00:02:02It's okay.
00:02:03It's okay.
00:02:04It's okay.
00:02:05It's okay.
00:02:06It's okay.
00:02:07It's okay.
00:02:08It's okay.
00:02:09It's okay.
00:02:10It's okay.
00:02:11It's okay.
00:02:12It's okay.
00:02:13It's okay.
00:02:14It's okay.
00:02:15It's okay.
00:02:16It's okay.
00:02:17It's okay.
00:02:18It's okay.
00:02:19It's okay.
00:02:20It's okay.
00:02:21It's okay.
00:02:22It's okay.
00:02:23I won't tell you how big the party was.
00:02:24It was a standard-sized shindig.
00:02:25Charlie, please tell me tonight's a rare night off from your social life.
00:02:26Oh, well, nothing's planned yet, but the night is young.
00:02:27When's your next assignment?
00:02:31In a couple of days, I'm doing a piece on European Christmas markets.
00:02:37But right now, I'm going to work on sleeping off this jet lag.
00:02:43See you in the morning.
00:02:46Good night.
00:02:47Good night.
00:02:50Wait, did you see zebras?
00:02:56Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm.
00:03:02Oh, mom called.
00:03:06Hi, honey, it's mom.
00:03:08I thought this was the perfect time for, you guessed it,
00:03:11my annual holiday voicemail
00:03:13to officially invite you home for Christmas.
00:03:15Austin finished the cafe remodel.
00:03:17It would be great if you came home
00:03:19to see what he has done with the place.
00:03:21I love you, I'm so proud of you every day.
00:03:24Ugh, I miss her.
00:03:44Georgina, hi.
00:03:46Hey, Eliza.
00:03:47Outline and proposal for the Serengeti story look great.
00:03:50Consider them approved.
00:03:52One more thing, just got word that we're pivoting
00:03:55on the European Christmas markers piece,
00:03:57so you're off the hook.
00:03:58Oh, I was really looking forward to that.
00:04:01Um, so what else do you have for me for the holidays?
00:04:04Nothing, actually.
00:04:05I don't think I've ever said this to you before,
00:04:07but enjoy the holidays.
00:04:09Not for too long, though.
00:04:10Greece is still a go right after the new year.
00:04:12Talk soon.
00:04:13Okay, yeah, I'll talk to you later.
00:04:19Looks like I'm not going to Europe for Christmas after all.
00:04:22Oh, well, where are you going then?
00:04:25You're always somewhere exotic for Christmas.
00:04:29Hey, what about that little hometown of yours?
00:04:32Maybe you could go there for the holidays.
00:04:34Yeah, right.
00:04:37Yeah, right, I could.
00:04:39You really could.
00:04:41Imagine your mom's face.
00:04:42After all these years of turning down her holiday invitations,
00:04:45you could finally take her up on it.
00:04:47You know what?
00:04:48I think I'm going to do it.
00:05:05Colin Anderson, go.
00:05:07Hey, it's Eliza.
00:05:09Well, this is a nice surprise.
00:05:11Yeah, I'll make this quick.
00:05:12I know you're busy with the merger,
00:05:14and I just landed.
00:05:16Oh, you left already.
00:05:17I thought you still had a couple of days in the city.
00:05:20Yeah, the Christmas markets thing got canceled,
00:05:22so surprise again.
00:05:23I am in the last place I thought I'd be for the holidays.
00:05:27Should I guess where?
00:05:30Don't laugh.
00:05:31It's Maryville.
00:05:33Wow, really?
00:05:35Please tell me it's for an assignment.
00:05:38Nope, it's just the first time
00:05:39I don't have somewhere else to be.
00:05:41You mean that you get to be somewhere else.
00:05:44Yeah, that's a better way of putting it.
00:05:47Anyways, I figured I have no more excuses
00:05:49this time, so I just thought I'd go home for a few days,
00:05:52and that would buy me a few more years
00:05:54of spending the holidays anywhere but my hometown.
00:05:58Well, if only I weren't buried in this merger,
00:06:00I'd be able to save you.
00:06:02I think I can manage a few days.
00:06:04Let's just get together in the new year
00:06:06when I'm back in town, okay?
00:06:08It's a plan.
00:06:10I'll have my assistant get us a reservation somewhere.
00:06:12Talk soon.
00:06:13Wish me luck.
00:06:15You're gonna need it.
00:06:24Hi, love!
00:06:27I'm so excited to have you finally home for the holidays!
00:06:31I knew one day my phone calls would work.
00:06:33It's good to see you.
00:06:34Hi, Dad.
00:06:36It's good to see you, too.
00:06:38Retirement looks good on you.
00:06:41Let's get your luggage in the car.
00:06:43Oh, wow.
00:06:47I knew you would love it.
00:06:49I knew you would love it.
00:07:09Wow, this town's a lot smaller than I remember.
00:07:14Well, with all of your globe-trotting
00:07:17and big city living,
00:07:19you know what they say?
00:07:20You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't...
00:07:22You can always guilt-trip her into coming back.
00:07:24Mom, we aren't even country people anyway.
00:07:26Well, well, well.
00:07:28Look who decided to finally grace us with her presence!
00:07:32Ha, ha, ha!
00:07:34Hi, sis!
00:07:35Hey, she's back!
00:07:37It's so good to see you!
00:07:39Oh, my gosh, come on in.
00:07:41Oh, my goodness, you look wonderful.
00:07:46Give me strength.
00:07:54I can't wait to just chill and relax.
00:07:57Can't remember the last time
00:07:58I didn't have a jam-packed itinerary.
00:08:01Does anyone want to binge some of those holiday rom-coms
00:08:04while I sit here and veg for a while?
00:08:06Eliza, we don't have time for that.
00:08:08You may not have an itinerary, but we do.
00:08:11We have people arriving here soon.
00:08:12Arriving for what?
00:08:13The annual Gardner Family Ugly Sweater Christmas Party,
00:08:16the AGFUSCP.
00:08:18It's a family tradition.
00:08:19You guys still do that?
00:08:21I thought that fizzled out years ago.
00:08:23Heavens, no!
00:08:24It is bigger and better than ever before.
00:08:26You'll like it, you'll love it, I promise, I swear.
00:08:29I asked Kate to pick out an ugly sweater for you upstairs,
00:08:32unless, of course, you brought one of your own.
00:08:34You didn't.
00:08:35Okay, okay.
00:08:37Kate, ugly sweater, 9-1-1!
00:08:45Ah, roomies again.
00:08:48Yep, just like the good old days.
00:08:51Here we have a small collection of uglies
00:08:53for you to choose from.
00:08:57Oh boy, these really are ugly.
00:09:01So, first things first, tell me more about your man, Carter.
00:09:07It's Colin.
00:09:09Yeah, where do I start?
00:09:13Well, first of all, he's not really my man.
00:09:17We're just kind of talking.
00:09:20Ah, you're talking.
00:09:23God knows for you, E, he's definitely your man.
00:09:26It's basically all we can do, text, sometimes call.
00:09:32He's busy, I'm hardly ever even in the same zip code.
00:09:36We're taking things slow.
00:09:39Is he?
00:09:42You're quite the catch.
00:09:44I don't think there's any other way we can take it.
00:09:47Between my work schedule and his,
00:09:49it's like we're in a long distance relationship.
00:09:52Well, I think we should meet him sometime.
00:09:55We can decide for you.
00:09:56Now there's an idea.
00:09:59Hey, mom needs you to get downstairs right now.
00:10:01She needs you, okay?
00:10:05Dude, it's Christmas!
00:10:06Well, hurry up and get ready.
00:10:08It's time for your reintroduction to my little society.
00:10:36♪ Christmas season, it's the time
00:10:40♪ When lights are bright inside
00:10:43♪ Trees are high, carpenters
00:10:46♪ Snow is falling
00:10:49♪ And the silence is easing
00:10:54Last time I saw you, you were yay high!
00:10:58Oh, you have really grown up.
00:11:01Oh my gosh, how long has it been?
00:11:04Years, many years.
00:11:07I see you still have great taste in sweaters.
00:11:10I wear it once a year for this party.
00:11:12I look forward to it all year.
00:11:14Where have you been?
00:11:16Traveling all around the world, I understand.
00:11:18What is it you do again?
00:11:20I travel a lot, write a little,
00:11:24and take tons of pictures.
00:11:26And that's a job?
00:11:28Yep, they pay me and everything.
00:11:31Wow, I need a job like that.
00:11:45Oh, Hightown sounds like a lovely city, town, village.
00:11:50I'll have to add that to my list.
00:11:54Um, yeah, how long has your granddaughter been there?
00:11:58Oh, two years, two years.
00:12:00Two years.
00:12:02Two years.
00:12:08I see you escaped the ugly wool party.
00:12:12Barely, I've talked more about myself in the last hour
00:12:15than I have in the last decade.
00:12:18That's because you're the most famous person in all of Maryville.
00:12:22And the most interesting.
00:12:24What do you think, Will?
00:12:26I mean, she has been somewhere else
00:12:28at a 20-mile radius of this town.
00:12:31Oh, I see you're still wearing my sweater.
00:12:34Oh my gosh, you're still in love with him.
00:12:37I mean, everyone knows if you wear a guy's sweater,
00:12:40you're in love with him.
00:12:43You borrowed it the last time you were in town
00:12:45for the Christmas sweater party.
00:12:47Oh my gosh, was it that long ago?
00:12:49Well, this is embarrassing.
00:12:51I didn't realize it was yours when I put it on,
00:12:54and I just got here and didn't have one,
00:12:56so I'm just going to go change and give it back to you.
00:12:59I'll let you hang on to it for a while longer.
00:13:01Plus, I'm still waiting for you to fix it.
00:13:03Like you promised.
00:13:07You okay, Eliza?
00:13:13Okay, I'm going to go.
00:13:16Already, Will? You just got here.
00:13:18And Eliza's here too.
00:13:20You remember Eliza.
00:13:22Yes, I remember Eliza very well.
00:13:24In fact, she just promised to fix my sweater.
00:13:29Okay, I gotta head out. My pops is waiting for me.
00:13:32I'll see you guys.
00:13:34See you later, Will.
00:13:36See you tomorrow, Will.
00:13:38Take care, man.
00:13:40What was that?
00:13:43That was horrifying.
00:13:44Will's right. You are still in love with him.
00:13:47I am not.
00:13:49I mean, I was.
00:13:52Used to be.
00:13:54Everyone was.
00:13:56Didn't you and your friends used to, like...
00:14:01Used to walk back and forth in front of the hardware store
00:14:04pretending to be interested in drills and fasteners just to
00:14:08maybe catch a glimpse of him through the window?
00:14:11Yeah, we did.
00:14:14So embarrassing.
00:14:16But effective.
00:14:19I still can't believe he pretended like I didn't exist back then.
00:14:24I walked back and forth so many times.
00:14:27Why didn't you just, like, talk to him?
00:14:29I mean, he was Austin's homeboy.
00:14:31You could have, like, I don't know,
00:14:33dialed it down and been friends.
00:14:35Yeah, that's definitely far too logical
00:14:37for the teenage mind to grasp.
00:14:40Besides, I don't think he ever could have been interested in me.
00:14:44I was always just his friend.
00:14:46Well, good thing you don't have to worry about that anymore.
00:14:49You've got, um...
00:14:51What's his name?
00:14:55Wait, don't tell me.
00:15:00Yeah, I've got Colin.
00:15:02You're right.
00:15:04I don't need to worry about Will Matthews at all ever again.
00:15:09I don't need to worry about him.
00:15:12I don't need to worry about Will Matthews at all ever again.
00:15:30Up and at'em, girls! Rise and shine!
00:15:33We've got things to do and people to see!
00:15:35I'm a grown woman.
00:15:37And my mother still hollers at me to get up like I'm 5.
00:15:41I'm never getting up already.
00:15:43Day after the ugly party,
00:15:45it's cookies and carols at the care center.
00:15:48We should be sleeping in.
00:15:51Come on. Mom's not going to give up.
00:15:54Literally, it's the same plan every year
00:15:56since Grandma lived there before she died.
00:16:02I forgot about that.
00:16:05Those were some of the best times of the holidays.
00:16:09Isn't Harold still there?
00:16:11Still there and still a hoot and a holler.
00:16:21Well, looks like we're about there.
00:16:24Okay, thank you and here's your daily paycheck.
00:16:27Best hot chocolate in town.
00:16:29I'll take it.
00:16:31Okay, looks like the last thing we have is the light switch covers.
00:16:35If you have them, I'll install them real quick.
00:16:39Light switch covers, light switch covers.
00:16:41Shoot, I forgot them at home.
00:16:44And I don't have time to go grab them before we open.
00:16:47Do you by any chance have a few extra minutes to go grab them for me?
00:16:50Yeah, for sure, for sure.
00:16:54Is Eliza going to be at the house?
00:16:57Yeah, yeah, she should be. Why?
00:17:00No reason.
00:17:02Hmm. Hmm.
00:17:05Look, she just...
00:17:07She seems different.
00:17:09Okay, yeah, different. In what way?
00:17:12Like she's just not your little sister anymore.
00:17:16Technically, she'll always be my little sister.
00:17:18Come on, man, you know what I'm saying.
00:17:20Listen, I can put in a good word for you, you know?
00:17:24No, I can't.
00:17:25No, don't do that.
00:17:27I got this, okay?
00:17:31Oh, your boy's going to need all the help he can get.
00:17:37Good morning, my loves.
00:17:39Come over, I need your help.
00:17:41Mom, it smells so good.
00:17:43There's nothing in the world like your sugar cookies.
00:17:46You should open a cafe or something.
00:17:48Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:17:50I'm leaving the rest of this for you two to finish up.
00:17:53We have a very busy morning.
00:17:55Now, if you gals wouldn't mind doing your decorating magic,
00:17:59just like the good old days,
00:18:01we will be back later this afternoon
00:18:03and we can go to the care center together.
00:18:05Okie dokie.
00:18:07Hey, honey, you ready to go?
00:18:09Ready, and I have another family craft idea.
00:18:14Now, don't make a mess.
00:18:17Bye, Mom.
00:18:23Feels like the perfect time for meleklikimaka.
00:18:30Merry Christmas?
00:18:31That's how they say it in Hawaii?
00:18:33I know what it means, I just did not understand you.
00:18:36Oh, another fun fact, in Ghana,
00:18:38they have four wise men in their nativity scene.
00:18:44Here's my fun fact.
00:18:46In this house, we eat cookies and drink wassail.
00:18:50Oh, a really fun one is in Bali,
00:18:53they light sparklers and firecrackers.
00:18:56Now, that's what I'm talking about.
00:18:58Well, I guess we learned something out there.
00:19:01We should put firecrackers in the brownies.
00:19:07Hey, Eliza.
00:19:17Do you need help?
00:19:23I'm sorry, you're...
00:19:25I can't see a thing.
00:19:27It's probably a good thing,
00:19:29because you look ridiculous.
00:19:33Thanks, this is so embarrassing.
00:19:39Um, Austin's not here, by the way.
00:19:42Oh, yeah, I know, he's at the cafe.
00:19:44He sent me over here to pick up a package.
00:19:47Oh, yeah, I can't wait to see it.
00:19:50I know he's been working nearly 24-7 on it.
00:19:53Um, has he roped you into helping out?
00:19:56I mean, a little.
00:19:58Well, a lot, actually, but, um...
00:20:00You should come by and see it.
00:20:02You know, we could, uh...
00:20:04go together before you leave town.
00:20:08That sounds fun.
00:20:10Well, it's, uh...
00:20:12it's a date.
00:20:17Well, I better go get that package.
00:20:20Okay, yeah, see ya!
00:20:26Did he just say date?
00:20:33Clara! Hey!
00:20:35Oh, hey! You made it!
00:20:37We almost had a riot on our hands.
00:20:39Oh, boy.
00:20:40Can I help you with these?
00:20:41Hold on. Clara, you've met everybody in the family
00:20:43except for Eliza.
00:20:45Eliza, this is Clara.
00:20:47Oh, Eliza, it is so nice to meet you!
00:20:51I've heard so much about you.
00:20:53Really? Yikes.
00:20:55Good things, I hope?
00:20:57Oh, only good things, I promise.
00:21:00Uh, you must be so happy to be home.
00:21:03Austin tells me it's been quite some time.
00:21:06Well, there is no place quite like Maryville.
00:21:10I've only been here a few months,
00:21:12but it's already starting to feel like home to me, too.
00:21:15Well, hopefully this guy is helping with that.
00:21:19He definitely is.
00:21:21He's quite charming, this guy.
00:21:25Austin? This Austin?
00:21:27Yeah, that's me.
00:21:29I can be charming, sometimes.
00:21:31Okay, okay, okay.
00:21:32Let's just get these cookies over to the table, all right?
00:21:39So, what's the story with those two?
00:21:42I haven't heard anything about her.
00:21:44Clara's an interior designer,
00:21:46and she moved here to live with her aunt.
00:21:49Austin needed help with the cafe's remodel,
00:21:52and she was the one.
00:21:54They hit it off immediately.
00:21:56We all love her.
00:21:58Aw, who would have thought?
00:22:00Our little Austin.
00:22:02I'm happy for him,
00:22:04but it is weird to see him like this.
00:22:06Oh, believe me, for us, too.
00:22:08But we're getting used to it.
00:22:11Thank you so much for bringing the cookies.
00:22:14Of course.
00:22:15Oh, what time is it?
00:22:17Okay, it's showtime!
00:22:19Should we get ready?
00:22:26Hello, everyone.
00:22:27If we could please take a seat and turn this way.
00:22:31It is my privilege to introduce,
00:22:33for the 15th year in a row,
00:22:35one of our Maryville Care Center
00:22:38favorite Christmas traditions,
00:22:40the Gardner Family Singers!
00:22:42We didn't even practice.
00:22:44We never do, and they never care.
00:22:57Dashing through the snow
00:22:59In a one-horse open sleigh
00:23:01O'er the fields we go
00:23:03Laughing all the way
00:23:05Bells on bobtails ring
00:23:07Making spirits bright
00:23:09What fun it is to ride
00:23:11And sing the sleighing song tonight
00:23:13Jingle bells, jingle bells
00:23:15Jingle all the way
00:23:17Oh, what fun it is to ride
00:23:19In a one-horse open sleigh
00:23:28Up on the housetop
00:23:29Bring your paws
00:23:31Out jumps good old Santa Claus
00:23:34Up on the housetop
00:23:37Down through the chimney
00:23:39With good safe place
00:23:40Sleep in heavenly peace
00:23:49Sleep in heavenly peace
00:24:10Your performance was lovely.
00:24:13Oh, thank you.
00:24:15Oh, Christmas carols always remind me
00:24:17of my late wife Margaret.
00:24:20Oh, she could sing like an angel.
00:24:23Sounds like you loved her very much.
00:24:25Hey, pops, I got you a Eliza.
00:24:29Um, I see you've met my pops.
00:24:33Uh, pops, this is Eliza.
00:24:36It's Austin's little sister.
00:24:38Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
00:24:40Is she the one you were telling me about?
00:24:42Um, yeah, I was telling you
00:24:44about all of the gardeners,
00:24:46all of them.
00:24:47As I recall,
00:24:49you said, how did you put that?
00:24:52She has a very nice frame.
00:24:56Um, yeah, I said that.
00:24:59Thanks for that reminder, pops.
00:25:02Anything for you, Will.
00:25:04Pops, it's been a pleasure.
00:25:08Later, Will.
00:25:18Up and out, girls, rise and shine.
00:25:20We have got things to do and people to see.
00:25:26Does this all happen every morning?
00:25:29Yep, every morning.
00:25:32She's especially chipper during the holidays.
00:25:36We can't have Christmas without a tree.
00:25:39That's why we waited until you came home
00:25:41so we could pick it out together.
00:25:43Come on, time's a-wasting.
00:25:47Hey, see you downstairs in a few.
00:25:50Bus leaves in ten.
00:25:57Oh, hey, you missed breakfast.
00:25:59Well, there's fruit in the bowl.
00:26:01Where's Will and Clara?
00:26:03Wait, Will's coming?
00:26:04Oh, so Clara had a last-minute client consultation,
00:26:07but she'll be back over to help with some decorations.
00:26:09And Will's gonna be meeting us over at the tree lot.
00:26:12Yeah, he'll be, uh, looking for one for Pops.
00:26:15Are you okay there, E?
00:26:18I need a minute.
00:26:20Where's my lip gloss?
00:26:21I didn't touch it.
00:26:23Lip gloss?
00:26:25It's a city thing, Mom.
00:26:32I still can't believe they waited so long to get the tree.
00:26:38I mean, this is tradition.
00:26:40The Gardner family always pick out a tree together.
00:26:43I mean, I understand doing them all when you were kids.
00:26:46It was, you know, to make Christmas magical.
00:26:49And it always was.
00:26:50But now that we're adults, why still do them all?
00:26:54Some of them seem kind of silly.
00:27:00I mean, maybe silly to you, but...
00:27:04I mean, for your mom?
00:27:06It probably reminds her of all the past Christmases,
00:27:08you know, all the magic, the love.
00:27:11I don't know, I just always felt lucky to be included.
00:27:15So, have you decided which one's perfect for Pops?
00:27:20This one's a strong contender.
00:27:23I don't know, I just...
00:27:25This is his first year in the care center.
00:27:28I really want to make it special.
00:27:30It won't matter which one you choose.
00:27:33If I know you, you'll make it look amazing.
00:27:38He's lucky to have you.
00:27:44But, I mean, you should really lower your expectations.
00:27:47No one can match your mom's decorating skills.
00:27:50You're 100% right, no one can.
00:27:53Eliza, over here, we need your vote!
00:27:56Duty calls.
00:28:07All right, Mom, I think my decorating duties are complete.
00:28:11Wow, great job on the wreath, Austin.
00:28:15Now it smells like Christmas.
00:28:17Thanks, Mom.
00:28:18Will, you can fill this box up with anything you like to decorate Pops' tree.
00:28:23Are you sure?
00:28:24Of course, we have plenty.
00:28:26Wow, thank you.
00:28:30Okay, I'm going to resume my position on the couch.
00:28:34Kate, I'm going to supervise from here.
00:28:37Keep up the good work, you two.
00:28:39Nice try, buddy, but you have to put the star on top of the tree.
00:28:44Yes, you are the tallest one here, so you need to do it.
00:28:47Plus, it's not going to pass Mom's tree test until all the ornaments are evenly distributed.
00:28:52Or mine. You can do this.
00:28:55I was about nine when I made these.
00:29:01I'd forgotten all about them.
00:29:03You know, there might be some of my masterpieces in here.
00:29:06I think you're right.
00:29:08Mom never passed up a chance to have someone make an ornament for her tree.
00:29:13Oh, yeah. Yeah, I remember this one. This one's one of mine.
00:29:18Well, that's the thing about them. They all had meaning.
00:29:21They were all special and beautiful in their own way.
00:29:28Even this one?
00:29:31Especially that one.
00:29:35All these little things are flooding back to me.
00:29:39It was out of sight, out of mind for so long, I didn't even really miss it.
00:29:44But the more I'm here, the more I realize, I don't know, I do kind of miss it.
00:29:50It's weird.
00:29:52Yeah, I get that.
00:29:54I remember it was kind of the same for me when I moved back for Pops.
00:29:58I mean, the big things are important, but really I think the small things are what anchor us to our past,
00:30:05remind us of who we are.
00:30:09You know, no matter where we've been.
00:30:14I'm so glad to have Eliza home for Christmas.
00:30:17Me too. This house hasn't felt this full in years.
00:30:26Who's up for some wassail?
00:30:28Wait, but first, for the big moment.
00:30:32All right. Ready.
00:30:38That's my best one yet.
00:30:40It's definitely the best one.
00:30:56Morning, Dad.
00:30:57Oh, you're up early. Any big plans today?
00:31:01Um, no, nothing planned.
00:31:04Just thought I'd go into town, see what's new.
00:31:07You know, like I do when I travel.
00:31:09After all, this is an exotic and distant location for me.
00:31:13Hey, listen, before you head out on this grand local adventure,
00:31:18I wanted to talk to you about this Colin fellow.
00:31:21Would I like him?
00:31:23Dad, you never like anyone.
00:31:25That's true. I just want to make sure whoever it is deserves my little girl.
00:31:31And let's be honest, there are very few who measure up to you.
00:31:35Well, there might be someone who comes close.
00:31:38I'm still getting to know Colin, but so far he might be a good candidate.
00:31:43He's successful, hardworking.
00:31:46As long as you're happy, that's what matters.
00:31:50And whoever makes you happy makes me happy.
00:31:54Oh, Dad.
00:31:55Listen, kiddo, you better head out before your mom asks you making angels out of toilet paper rolls.
00:32:00Thanks for the heads up.
00:32:02You better watch out, too. No one's safe.
00:32:05Have fun out there.
00:32:06I will. Love you, Dad.
00:32:08Love you.
00:32:10Great news. I found more toilet paper rolls.
00:32:14If you don't put a twinkle in both your eyes,
00:32:18Lights you up and make you shine,
00:32:21Oh, baby, it ain't Christmas.
00:32:27If you don't make your jingle bells ring,
00:32:31My lady, it ain't Christmas.
00:32:36If you don't put a twinkle in both your eyes,
00:32:40If you don't make your jingle bells ring, my lady,
00:32:43I'll give your heart a reason to sing.
00:32:46Oh, baby, it ain't Christmas.
00:32:50I am so sorry I didn't see you.
00:32:57I'm sorry. I didn't see you.
00:32:59It's okay. I didn't see you there either.
00:33:02Sorry that my frame got in your way.
00:33:06Wow. Yeah.
00:33:10I'm sorry. I was just, I was talking to Pops,
00:33:13and he's kind of old-fashioned, and it just kind of came out.
00:33:16It's really okay.
00:33:19What is that? That smells really good.
00:33:22Well, it was hot chocolate, but, I don't know.
00:33:26It's the best in town, but, of course, you know that already.
00:33:30Why would I know that?
00:33:32It's from your family's cafe.
00:33:35Have you still not been?
00:33:38Um, well, is now an okay time to take you up on that offer
00:33:43to show me around?
00:33:45If you have a minute, we could go over together.
00:33:49Yeah. I have a few minutes. Let's go. Here.
00:33:54Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
00:33:58Here you are. Can I get you anything else?
00:34:01All right. Let me know if you need anything.
00:34:04Hey! Welcome, welcome, welcome.
00:34:07Austin, I'm impressed.
00:34:10The pictures don't do it justice.
00:34:13This is amazing.
00:34:15Yes, well, that's, uh, that's really high praise
00:34:18coming from somebody who's been all over the world
00:34:20and seen every charming little cafe.
00:34:22Thank you. Yeah, I, uh, I did it myself.
00:34:26Well, I may have had a little bit of help.
00:34:28Clara may have pitched in an idea or two, but...
00:34:32Okay, she did everything, I'm gonna be honest.
00:34:34But I was really good at supervising and writing checks,
00:34:37and that's about it.
00:34:39Will here, on the other hand, got in on the action.
00:34:42Hey, I mean, when your best friend
00:34:43is remodeling the family business,
00:34:45an architecture degree comes in handy.
00:34:48Clara here, hardest project manager I've ever worked for.
00:34:52Oh, I think they did okay.
00:34:54So, uh, you two walked in together, huh?
00:35:00No, we...
00:35:01Yeah, we, we did.
00:35:03We didn't, like, plan to come together.
00:35:05We just sort of ran into each other.
00:35:07No, literally, we...
00:35:08Outside the bookshop, and decided to, uh,
00:35:12come check out the new place
00:35:14and try some of the famous fancy hot chocolate
00:35:17I've been hearing about all over town.
00:35:19Wait, really? Like, all over town?
00:35:22Yeah, Will just told me about it on the way over.
00:35:24That's basically all over town.
00:35:26Okay, good enough for me.
00:35:28Two café au mains famous hot chocolates coming right up.
00:35:34An architect, huh?
00:35:36That seems so professional and mature.
00:35:40Why do you sound so surprised?
00:35:42I just remember a guy hanging out with my brother
00:35:45and getting into trouble.
00:35:47I don't know what you're talking about.
00:35:50Okay, we were pretty good at that.
00:35:52And look at you, though.
00:35:54Big shot travel writer?
00:35:56I mean, that's everyone's dream job.
00:35:58And you have it.
00:36:00I still can't believe it actually happened.
00:36:03I dreamed about it and worked really hard,
00:36:06and here I am.
00:36:08I know I'm lucky.
00:36:10But it's not as glamorous as it sounds.
00:36:13It is work.
00:36:15I mean, it sounds and looks pretty amazing.
00:36:21I may follow you.
00:36:26Look, you're quite popular.
00:36:28People love your work.
00:36:31Well, so what about you?
00:36:33Why are you still here?
00:36:35Well, I left right after high school.
00:36:38I moved out to Chicago and got my degree
00:36:41and actually got my dream firm.
00:36:45But later that year,
00:36:47Gramps wasn't doing so well.
00:36:49She got sick, and so I moved back.
00:36:53Then she passed, so...
00:36:56I didn't realize all that was going on.
00:36:59I'm really sorry about Gramps.
00:37:01I know she meant a lot to you.
00:37:05She did.
00:37:07And Pops does, too.
00:37:09He tried living on his own for a bit, but...
00:37:12Yeah, you know,
00:37:14even with my help, it's not enough.
00:37:16So we decided on the care center.
00:37:20But, you know, my firm's been great.
00:37:23They are allowing me to work remotely,
00:37:25and they say they're ready for me to come back whenever I am.
00:37:29So you are the adventurous type, after all.
00:37:33Okay, a little bit.
00:37:35Not as much as you.
00:37:38This is on the house.
00:37:40So generous.
00:37:43You're welcome.
00:37:45All right.
00:37:50Okay, well, this has been a great conversation.
00:37:53Really thrilling.
00:37:55But I've got to get to the more important matter of wooing a lady.
00:38:01Doesn't seem like much wooing is needed.
00:38:04Austin, she's into you.
00:38:06All you have to do now is not screw it up.
00:38:09But for some reason, that's the hard part, isn't it?
00:38:12But she's cool, though, right?
00:38:14She's very cool.
00:38:16I don't know if my opinion matters or anything, but so far, I approve.
00:38:20Listen, your opinion matters more to me than you think.
00:38:23Aw, are we having a moment, Austin?
00:38:25We sure are.
00:38:27Yours matters to me, too.
00:38:29Okay, well, if that's the case, then I approve of this.
00:38:34I approve.
00:38:35It's nothing.
00:38:36It's nothing.
00:38:40Okay, well, hope you enjoy the hot chocolate,
00:38:42and please leave a five-star review on the website.
00:38:46Yeah, the website.
00:38:47You're not the only one in the family with an online presence.
00:38:50I'm modern.
00:38:57Now that you've had the famous café on Maine hot chocolate, what do you think?
00:39:01You think you're up for another family tradition?
00:39:04Uh, I might be.
00:39:07What is it?
00:39:09Gingerbread houses with pops.
00:39:11Oh, one of yours.
00:39:13I've been so caught up in my family stuff, I haven't even stopped to think about what anyone else does.
00:39:18Has the Matthews family always done gingerbread houses for Christmas?
00:39:23Grams and pops have always made sure that we've done it.
00:39:25I love that.
00:39:27Maybe that explains why you're such a successful architect.
00:39:31You know what, I never thought about it, but you might be right.
00:39:36Anyways, I should get going, but, uh, pick you up in a couple of hours?
00:39:42Can't wait.
00:40:04Are you okay?
00:40:05I'm fine.
00:40:06I'm fine.
00:40:09Because you're acting weird.
00:40:10I'm not acting weird.
00:40:12I'm just in a hurry.
00:40:15For what?
00:40:16This is the one night mom has nothing on the calendar.
00:40:19Well, my calendar has the care center on it.
00:40:22I'm going to decorate gingerbread houses with pops.
00:40:26Oh, and, uh, anyone else?
00:40:30And Will.
00:40:32What is going on with you and Will?
00:40:34Uh, we're just friends, and I'm having a good time getting to know him again.
00:40:39Apparently he is too.
00:40:42And, uh, Colin, remember him?
00:40:45Yeah, I remember him.
00:40:47And as far as I know, we're friends too.
00:40:56Okay, gotta go.
00:40:57Um, don't wait up.
00:40:59You're telling me everything the second you get home.
00:41:05I'm staying.
00:41:08I have to say, I did not quite expect this.
00:41:13You've got blueprints.
00:41:15I've only ever made gingerbread houses with graham crackers.
00:41:18Oh, this is serious business.
00:41:21Pops and I are the Christmas Festival reigning champs.
00:41:25We're hoping for a repeat this year.
00:41:27Well, you've got a professional architect on your team.
00:41:30Of course you'll win.
00:41:32You'd be surprised.
00:41:33The competition is fierce.
00:41:36But I like our chances.
00:41:38I think Eliza's our lucky charm.
00:41:41I'm just following your lead.
00:41:43I think the, um...
00:41:45The millwork?
00:41:46Yep, the millwork, yes, I think is what's going to give us the edge.
00:41:49I think you might be right.
00:41:51Pops, our months of planning might pay off.
00:41:55So, how close is gingerbread design and construction to your real job?
00:42:01It's pretty much the exact same.
00:42:03Lots of frosting, long hours, you know.
00:42:06Okay, better question.
00:42:09Um, what do you love about your job?
00:42:12Because if it's anything like this gingerbread house,
00:42:14I can only imagine how much heart and soul you put into your actual work.
00:42:18I mean, I'd like to think so.
00:42:22Um, I don't know, I kind of like everything.
00:42:25You know, the creativity, the challenge, I mean, even the budget.
00:42:30But if I had to pick my favorite, um...
00:42:34Maybe the end result.
00:42:36Just because I love creating something, you know, a space that people love.
00:42:41That's kind of beautiful.
00:42:43And, I mean, you have quite the portfolio already.
00:42:46Between the gingerbread house and the café remodel,
00:42:50I think I've seen enough.
00:42:52Next time I build a real house, or gingerbread house,
00:42:55you're my architect.
00:42:57Well, I would be honored.
00:43:01I think we're going to have a winner.
00:43:04Yeah, me too.
00:43:08It's... you need more frosting.
00:43:11I've never done this before.
00:43:17I just love what Austin's done with the place.
00:43:20It's so modern and homey.
00:43:23Ooh, and the hot chocolate is amazing.
00:43:28A little hungry today?
00:43:31Let her be. Come on.
00:43:33This is so good. I can't remember the last time I had homemade waffles.
00:43:38Oh, don't forget, tonight is the Maryville Christmas Festival.
00:43:41It's the biggest show in town.
00:43:43We're all going together. Kate's trio's going to be performing.
00:43:47We know.
00:43:50How did they know I was going to say that?
00:43:52It's a mystery.
00:43:58It's not really your style, is it?
00:44:01Oh, no, not for me.
00:44:04My mom has a shelf full of these.
00:44:06I just thought it'd be nice to add to the collection.
00:44:09Well, I mean, the shape and the size, the finish,
00:44:14it's really just immaculate.
00:44:20It's also really pricey for such a little thing.
00:44:23Yeah, it's kind of a mystery.
00:44:25What do you think?
00:44:26Yeah, it's kind of a make-up gift for all the years I've missed.
00:44:30Well, in that case, maybe you should get three or four.
00:44:33Okay, I'm getting two.
00:44:39Let's see what we got.
00:44:41We got My Fair Lady.
00:44:43We got Wing Golden Baby.
00:44:48That's a front-runner for sure.
00:44:51Treehead Gnome.
00:44:55And there's a Minnie.
00:44:57That's adorable.
00:45:01But what about this one?
00:45:05Yeah, because you know her so well.
00:45:12Well, it's not a bad idea.
00:45:18Yeah, I'll take it.
00:45:23And I fell in love with the world and found the perfect job to see it.
00:45:27Well, most of it anyway.
00:45:30You know, most people only dream of traveling the world.
00:45:33You've done it.
00:45:35So how does a small-town girl dream of all these big ideas?
00:45:39Well, it started with a book I got one year for Christmas when I was 9,
00:45:43The 100 Wonders of the World.
00:45:45That's right, that's the one you always carried around with you.
00:45:48Yeah, I, wait.
00:45:51You remember me doing that?
00:45:54Yeah, of course.
00:45:56I mean, you barely came up for air from that thing.
00:46:01Come on.
00:46:06So when you're not out in the world, where are you?
00:46:11Oh, I'm a big-city girl. That's where the magazine is.
00:46:15And I live with my roommate, who is a classic social butterfly.
00:46:20He knows everyone and is always down for a party.
00:46:23A partier? Huh.
00:46:26I mean, I kind of thought that after all that travel you might want some peace and quiet.
00:46:30I don't mind it, really. I'm hardly ever there.
00:46:33And I meet a lot of interesting people because of Charlie.
00:46:39My roommate.
00:46:44Oh, no, no, no.
00:46:47Charlie is short for Charlotte, who's my best friend and a girl.
00:46:54She's just trying to find herself in this world.
00:46:57Well, she sounds like a lot of fun.
00:47:02Oh, we gotta...
00:47:04Hey, it's Christmas festival time. Let's get down there.
00:47:07Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:47:08Claire's just helping me close, so we'll meet you up front.
00:47:12Let's do this.
00:47:14All right, you ready?
00:47:15Oh, hey.
00:47:17Gotta hang this on the tree.
00:47:21This has been great.
00:47:23You know, I don't usually get the opportunity to shop for figurines, so thanks.
00:47:27Yeah, it was fun. I didn't think that was how my day was going to go.
00:47:32But I'm glad it did.
00:47:35And I'm glad it's not over yet.
00:47:42Oh, hey, you guys are still here. You waiting for us?
00:47:45Yeah, we're waiting for you guys.
00:47:47Well, let's get going.
00:48:00Hey, do you guys want to go see Santa really quick?
00:48:03We have a few minutes before Kate's trio performs.
00:48:05See who's been naughty or nice, yeah?
00:48:08Let's do it.
00:48:09I think I've been pretty nice.
00:48:10I think so.
00:48:11Eliza, come on.
00:48:15Where are we going?
00:48:16We're going to the North Pole.
00:48:19Over here.
00:48:20One, two, three.
00:48:23Merry Christmas.
00:48:24All right.
00:48:25Okay, come on.
00:48:26Come on.
00:48:27Merry Christmas, kids.
00:48:29Hey, Merry Christmas.
00:48:30Hey, Santa Claus.
00:48:31Hey, Santa.
00:48:32How are you doing on the night?
00:48:36Oh, my goodness.
00:48:37They look so cute, don't they?
00:48:39No, but a little bit tight.
00:48:43Hey, I want to dance.
00:48:45We dance while our favorite carols play.
00:48:48Getting cozy by the fireplace.
00:48:51Staying up late.
00:48:54So let it snow, snow, snow.
00:48:57So we can stay up, up, home.
00:49:01I've got the tree.
00:49:03You string the lights.
00:49:05You bring the naughty.
00:49:06I've got the nice.
00:49:08I'll hang the mess.
00:49:09So you bring the kisses.
00:49:11Baby, you'll be merry in every Christmas.
00:49:17Hey, hey, hey.
00:49:19You're the happy in my heart.
00:49:22Thank you so much.
00:49:26So let it snow, snow, snow.
00:49:28Oh, it's hot.
00:49:29Let's pour more chocolate.
00:49:41There it is.
00:49:42And look, you won first place.
00:49:44We won.
00:49:45Pops is going to be so proud.
00:49:47I think a speech is in order.
00:49:53Maryville, this is the highest of honors.
00:49:56None of which would be possible without one person.
00:49:59Thank you, Gardner.
00:50:00Your understanding of millwork and weight-bearing structures is unparalleled.
00:50:05Well done.
00:50:07I'm so flattered.
00:50:13All right, let's keep going.
00:50:15What's the verdict?
00:50:16Well, I give my first Maryville Christmas Festival five stars.
00:50:20Wow, wow, wow.
00:50:21Well, it's not over yet.
00:50:23The grand finale is just about to start.
00:50:25You ready?
00:50:26Yeah, let's go see.
00:50:29Be right there.
00:50:30Hello, Will.
00:50:31Hey, Charlie.
00:50:32Still alive?
00:50:33I haven't heard from you in a few days.
00:50:35I thought maybe you fell into a deep Christmas movie marathon or something.
00:50:39Alive and well, I think.
00:50:41Oh, I'm going to send you something.
00:50:49All right, girl, details.
00:50:52Hot guy is hot guy.
00:50:54It's too many.
00:50:55I'll tell you when I get back.
00:50:57Oh, can't wait.
00:50:59Sure miss your face.
00:51:00Get back soon.
00:51:02Oh, I miss your face too.
00:51:04And your more than a month's rent Miracle Face Serum.
00:51:07Oh, I knew you were using it.
00:51:10I gotta go.
00:51:11Wait, we need to talk about this.
00:51:13You're breaking up.
00:51:14It must be a bad connect.
00:51:16There's only one of us who can actually afford this stuff.
00:51:19And it's not me.
00:51:28As your mayor, I want to officially welcome you to the annual Maryville Christmas Festival.
00:51:36As we all know, Maryville is a magical place where we never lose our small town charm,
00:51:42where neighbors help neighbors, and where everyone you meet is a friend.
00:51:46Let's get this show started.
00:51:48We have a wonderful night, and our first number is Joy to the World.
00:51:53Go, Kate!
00:51:56That's my sister.
00:52:02Joy to the world, the Lord is come.
00:52:07Let earth receive her King.
00:52:12Let every heart prepare Him room.
00:52:18And saints and angels sing.
00:52:21And saints and angels sing.
00:52:24And saints and saints and angels sing.
00:52:35That was amazing.
00:52:37Well, on behalf of Kate and her estate, I'd like to say thank you very much.
00:52:41Hey, babe.
00:52:46Eddie, what are you doing here?
00:52:52This is a big surprise.
00:52:57Everyone, this is Colin.
00:53:00Um, Colin, this is my dad, Jim.
00:53:03Good to meet you, Colin.
00:53:04Nice to meet you.
00:53:06This is my mom, Nora.
00:53:09This is my big brother, Austin.
00:53:13His girlfriend, Clara.
00:53:15And this, this is...
00:53:19Uh, I'm Will.
00:53:21I'm sorry, I'm an old family friend.
00:53:23Who are you?
00:53:31I, you know what, I better get going.
00:53:33Um, I should go check on Pops.
00:53:38We'll see you tomorrow at the house, right?
00:53:40You're coming over, Will, for Christmas Eve?
00:53:43Yeah, yeah, maybe.
00:53:46See you, Will.
00:53:47Bye, Will.
00:53:52Well, I bet you two have a lot to catch up on.
00:53:57It was such a pleasure to meet you, Colin.
00:54:00You as well.
00:54:03See ya.
00:54:04See ya.
00:54:08So, what are you doing here?
00:54:12Just drove into town and followed the sounds of the hoots and hollers.
00:54:17This is a small town.
00:54:21Like, an incredibly small town.
00:54:24What happened to the big deal you were working on?
00:54:27I thought I was going to take you the rest of the holiday.
00:54:30Out of nowhere, the bigwigs decided to take a couple of days off.
00:54:34So, inspired by the lovely Eliza, that's you,
00:54:39I thought I'd drop in on my family for a spontaneous hometown holiday celebration.
00:54:44It had been a while for me, too, and since I was going to be traveling anyway,
00:54:50I worked in a little layover here with you.
00:54:53A layover in Maryville, huh?
00:54:56It was right on my way.
00:55:00Do you want to go see if somewhere's open?
00:55:04We could get a late dinner.
00:55:07I'd better not.
00:55:08I'd better not. I've got plans and, um...
00:55:12But tomorrow, you should come tomorrow and spend the day with the family.
00:55:17And what exactly does one do at the Gardiner Family Estate on Christmas Eve?
00:55:21You'll just have to wait and see.
00:55:26Uh, yeah, so I'll see you tomorrow?
00:55:39Up and out of burrows, rise and shine, we have got things to do and people to see.
00:55:47And I need your help with brunch.
00:55:53Her secret weapon? Cinnamon rolls?
00:55:57That woman is evil.
00:56:00I would literally do anything for her cinnamon rolls.
00:56:04Give up state secrets?
00:56:08Give up ten years of your life?
00:56:11A thousand percent.
00:56:13Give Austin a foot massage?
00:56:16I have my limits.
00:56:25So, I guess I'll address that elephant in the room.
00:56:29Colin, here, out of nowhere.
00:56:32Oh, elephants. I love elephants.
00:56:35Have I told you about the herd I saw in Tanzania?
00:56:39I'm sure they were amazing, and I'd love to hear about them later.
00:56:43But the elephant I want to talk about now is Colin.
00:56:46I think he'd be pretty offended he just called him an elephant.
00:56:50Ha ha, come on. Spill the tea.
00:56:53Why didn't you tell us he was coming?
00:56:55Because I didn't know he was coming. He just showed up.
00:56:59That seems pretty romantic. That's big gesture, I'm-in-this-for-real kind of stuff.
00:57:05Yeah, he's a go-big kind of guy.
00:57:09Especially when it's something that he wants.
00:57:12Which brings me to elephant number two.
00:57:15Will. What about Will?
00:57:19What about Will?
00:57:21He's cool, amazing, and we're friends.
00:57:25Oh, I'm his best friend's little sister.
00:57:28Eliza, I think we can all tell it's a lot more than that.
00:57:36Looks like I have two really big elephants.
00:57:39Yep, two very handsome, very eligible elephants.
00:57:44Sounds like a problem only a cinnamon roll could fix.
00:57:47Or it doesn't.
00:57:50All right, everyone, we are done.
00:57:53All right, everyone, we are here. Let's get this party started, shall we?
00:57:57Ooh, not so fast. We still have people coming, and you're ruining the arrangement.
00:58:02How can I help?
00:58:04Can you finish up with the cinnamon rolls and keep this guy, Austin, out of trouble?
00:58:09Thanks, Mom.
00:58:20I'll get it.
00:58:23I'll get it.
00:58:29Merry Christmas Eve, you two.
00:58:33Thanks, babe. Lovely to see you today.
00:58:38Yeah, thanks, babe.
00:58:49Hello, hello.
00:58:52May I?
00:59:00Everything looks and smells amazing.
00:59:03So glad you came.
00:59:08Please take a seat, Carter.
00:59:10It's Colin.
00:59:14Before we dig into this amazing meal,
00:59:18can I just say how great it is to have you all here in our beautiful, festive home?
00:59:24Thank you, Nora.
00:59:26I'm so happy to have my sweet Eliza home.
00:59:30It's not often that we get to be together as a family,
00:59:33and when we do, it just feels good.
00:59:36Dear Lord, as we gather together to celebrate the birth of thy son,
00:59:41may we have gratitude in our hearts for the wonderful blessings we enjoy.
00:59:47We thank thee for this bounteous meal
00:59:50and ask that those that have traveled to be with us today
00:59:54may be safe in their journeys.
00:59:59I'm sure there's more for everybody else.
01:00:02I'm sure there's more for everybody else.
01:00:06Can I have these two, please?
01:00:07Yeah, absolutely.
01:00:09So, Carlos, big city guy.
01:00:11It's actually Colin.
01:00:12Oh, so sorry.
01:00:14What do you do out there?
01:00:18Uh, no, banking.
01:00:20Like, investment banking.
01:00:32I'm crazy about Christmas
01:00:36It's the best time of the year
01:00:39I love toasting marshmallows in the fire
01:00:42And jolly cups of cheer
01:00:45I'm crazy about Christmas
01:00:47Let those bells ring loud and clear
01:00:50Oh, I can't wait for Christmas
01:00:53Santa be my witness
01:00:56I can't wait for Christmas this year
01:01:02I love gifts to wrap big ginger snaps
01:01:05With angels in the snow
01:01:08Writing letters to Santa Claus
01:01:11Everybody knows
01:01:14I'm crazy about Christmas
01:01:16Let those bells ring loud and clear
01:01:19Oh, I can't wait for Christmas
01:01:22Santa be my witness
01:01:25I can't wait for Christmas this year
01:01:29Footloose, singing in the rain.
01:01:31Singing in the rain.
01:01:32I think she's ready.
01:01:35While you were sleeping.
01:01:36Alice in Wonderland.
01:01:38Brother Bear.
01:01:40Doctor Who.
01:01:42Quantum Leap.
01:01:43It's a Wonderful Life.
01:01:46Oh, man.
01:01:47Black and white.
01:01:48That was close.
01:01:49Good job, Kate.
01:01:50Okay, Colin, it's your turn.
01:02:00I really must get going.
01:02:02Early flight in the morning.
01:02:05But thank you so much for your kindness and hospitality.
01:02:09It was delightful to have you here.
01:02:12Nice to meet you.
01:02:13Nice to meet you.
01:02:14Merry Christmas.
01:02:16Have a good time in New York.
01:02:19I didn't tell you before, but this is a rescue mission.
01:02:26A what?
01:02:27A rescue mission.
01:02:29I'm busting you out of this nightmare.
01:02:32You said you'd rather be anywhere else but here for Christmas.
01:02:35So here I am.
01:02:36Like a wee little elf granting your Christmas wish.
01:02:40You can't be serious.
01:02:43Are you?
01:02:45We'll be at my parents' house in Boston by noon.
01:02:48Having a proper Christmas.
01:02:53I am glad I took this little detour to get a look here for myself
01:02:56instead of taking your word for it.
01:02:59It really is as awful as you said.
01:03:03I never said awful.
01:03:06Maybe you never said awful, but over the past year
01:03:08I believe I've heard you describe it as awful.
01:03:11You never said awful, but over the past year
01:03:13I believe I've heard you describe it as
01:03:22and pedestrian.
01:03:25And I think you also said
01:03:27just stringing up a few strands of twinkle lights
01:03:30in the middle of nowhere USA
01:03:32doesn't make it charming.
01:03:35It's still nowhere.
01:03:37You're absolutely right.
01:03:39Go get your stuff packed.
01:03:41I'll be back here bright and early to get you.
01:03:44Flight leaves at seven.
01:04:03Okay, now what?
01:04:04Time for another
01:04:10The door
01:04:13was open.
01:04:16I'm gonna leave.
01:04:18Sounds good.
01:04:20See you, Will.
01:04:30You heard?
01:04:35Loud and clear.
01:04:37Sorry to embarrass you.
01:04:39Good night, Chris.
01:04:47Lucky kiddo.
01:04:50Mom, I...
01:04:58You could've told us the truth about why you never came home.
01:05:03It would've hurt.
01:05:05But it would've hurt a lot less than you...
01:05:10You lied to us all these years.
01:05:15We've been nothing but supportive of you and your dreams.
01:05:20Our lives and dreams are here.
01:05:23The least you could've done was return the favor.
01:05:39I love you.
01:06:10Hey, babe.
01:06:12Where's your bag?
01:06:16I'm not going.
01:06:20What's that?
01:06:22I'm staying.
01:06:23I'm choosing to spend Christmas here in this
01:06:28wonderful, magical, heartwarming, teensy-tiny
01:06:34middle-of-nowhere town.
01:06:36You sure?
01:06:39Alrighty. Suit yourself.
01:06:42Give me a call when you get home, when you've gotten all this out of your system.
01:06:47I am home, and I don't think I'm gonna be calling you or getting anything out of my system, for that matter.
01:06:54What are you saying?
01:06:57I'm saying...
01:06:59I think you're a great guy, I just...
01:07:02I don't think this is gonna work out.
01:07:04The girl you've been talking to, it was me, it just wasn't the complete me.
01:07:12This here in Maryville,
01:07:15this is the real me, and I don't think it's what you're looking for.
01:07:20If you really mean that, Eliza,
01:07:23I can't believe I'm saying this, but
01:07:27I agree with you.
01:07:29I can't believe I'm saying this, but
01:07:32I agree.
01:07:35I think we're best as friends.
01:07:38The friend zone.
01:07:44Not where I thought I'd end up, but I appreciate the honesty.
01:07:49If you do ever decide to leave here,
01:07:53give me a call.
01:07:55I still owe you the insider info on the best French pastries in the city.
01:07:59Like I promised.
01:08:03Goodbye, Eliza Gardner.
01:08:10Good luck.
01:08:11Good luck.
01:08:29Hey, Kate.
01:09:06Hey, wait until you open that one up! I wanna see you do it!
01:09:12Hmm, hmm, hmm.
01:09:17Kate, when are you gonna learn?
01:09:19Sorry, it's mine.
01:09:23My stars, you scared me!
01:09:27What are you doing here?
01:09:28We all thought you left up in Atom Grove, rise and shine!
01:09:32Please don't say it, Mom.
01:09:35I've literally got nothing to do, and
01:09:37I know people do not want to see me right now after everything that happened last night.
01:09:43Oh, sweetie.
01:09:47Mom, I really messed up everything.
01:09:53You certainly made some mistakes, but it's pretty hard to mess up everything.
01:09:59I broke things off with Colin, whatever that was.
01:10:06I hurt and betrayed the most important people in my life by saying some really stupid things.
01:10:14And Will,
01:10:18I think what I did was the worst to Will.
01:10:24Mom, I'm at a loss, honestly.
01:10:29I've traveled everywhere.
01:10:32I've lived on my own, thinking it's made me mature.
01:10:37But now I realize I know so little.
01:10:43When did you learn to do all this?
01:10:46How to be good at life?
01:10:52You never really figure it out.
01:10:54You never feel like you know what you're doing.
01:10:57That's reassuring.
01:10:59Welcome to adulting.
01:11:01It's the secret no one ever tells you.
01:11:03I've been so confused ever since I've been back.
01:11:08It's like there's two versions of me.
01:11:11The world traveler, big city me, and the me that grew up here and left here behind.
01:11:19Maybe I've been running away for so long that I just don't even know who I am anymore.
01:11:29Maybe I shouldn't have come back.
01:11:32That's exactly what I've been afraid of.
01:11:35That you would never come back home again.
01:11:39When you left here, you made it quite clear that this house, this town, this place was too small for you.
01:11:47And I agree, it was.
01:11:51I'm so proud of you for leaving the nest, flying, soaring.
01:11:59You're amazing.
01:12:03But it's really hard not to see you.
01:12:07I miss you terribly.
01:12:11It's been so great for all of us to be together.
01:12:14It's been magical.
01:12:16And maybe I've been trying to bottle all this magic up in cookies and carols and Christmas trees and toilet paper rolls.
01:12:25We never got to that.
01:12:28You're right.
01:12:29And every other celebration and tradition I can think of, because I'm so afraid it won't happen again.
01:12:39I want you to chase your dreams and live your life.
01:12:44And I also want you to come home.
01:12:49I will, Mom. Of course I will.
01:12:54I better get back down there.
01:12:57I want to give this gift to your dad.
01:13:00They're going to think that I got lost up here.
01:13:03It's a ratchet set. It's been on your dad's wish list for months.
01:13:08Oh, how romantic.
01:13:10It's another secret about adulting. The older you get, the increasingly more practical the gifts become.
01:13:18Now come on, get up. Come on down.
01:13:21Mom, I don't think I can go down there.
01:13:26I wouldn't know what to say, and I think my being there would just ruin Christmas for everyone.
01:13:32No one knows I'm here, right?
01:13:35Yeah, they all think that you left with Colin this morning.
01:13:40You've missed so many Christmas mornings already.
01:13:44It would be a shame to miss another one.
01:13:47Mom! Today, Dad's losing his mind!
01:13:52Did you forget where you put it?
01:13:53I just found it. I'll be right down.
01:13:58Alright, well, we'll see you down there?
01:14:13Merry Christmas.
01:14:23Merry Christmas.
01:14:43Merry Christmas, roomie.
01:14:45Merry Christmas. Opened my gift yet?
01:14:48Just did. Cost more than a month's rent face serum.
01:14:51You shouldn't have.
01:14:53Oh wait, you totally should have. You used half of mine.
01:14:56How's Smallville anyway?
01:14:58Uh, Maryville has been unexpectedly action-packed, and the plot's still unfolding.
01:15:05Hmm, I'm intrigued. Hope it involves Hat Guy.
01:15:09I bet you do. I just wanted to call and let you know that I'll be staying here a little bit longer.
01:15:15Have to see how this all plays out.
01:15:17Okay, but don't be too long. It's not the same without you occasionally here.
01:15:22Okay. Talk to you later.
01:15:24Wish me luck. I think I need a Christmas miracle.
01:15:27Good luck!
01:15:47That's a good one.
01:15:50Hey, you guys.
01:15:52Eliza's new article just got posted.
01:15:55Listen to this.
01:16:00It's a good theme for a Christmas Day post, especially since it's what I write about.
01:16:05Usually, when you read these articles, you're seeing overwater bungalows in the Maldives or the Northern Lights in Iceland.
01:16:13This one looks a little different, but I promise it's still me.
01:16:17It's the new improved me.
01:16:19For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to see the world.
01:16:23To break free, to go everywhere, to do everything.
01:16:27As long as it was anywhere but my small hometown.
01:16:30Luckily for me, I've been able to live out my wildest dreams with all of you along for the ride as my faithful travel companions.
01:16:37But while I was expanding my vision of the exotic and far-flung, I lost sight of the wonders in my own world.
01:16:45My family.
01:16:48My old friends.
01:16:51My new friends.
01:16:55My roots.
01:16:57The past few days have shown me how much I've missed and how much I need those wonders to be part of my life, my dreams, and my checklist, too.
01:17:06I will always be a wanderer.
01:17:08I will keep exploring and discovering the wonders of this big, beautiful world.
01:17:13But now I know that you don't always have to travel far and wide to find them.
01:17:17They're all around you, and most of the time, have been right in front of you all along.
01:17:22Maybe even where you least expect.
01:17:25I'll keep chasing the big ones until I get to all 100 and far beyond.
01:17:30But from now on, I'm not going to miss the little wonders along the way.
01:17:40What are you doing here? We thought you left.
01:17:44I couldn't miss Christmas with the family again. I've done that enough already.
01:17:49Have you guys done the Christmas mornings at the top of the stairs pic? Did I miss it?
01:17:54We haven't done that in years.
01:17:56Well, come on, Mom. Time to start it up again. Up and at them. It's tradition.
01:18:18For Clara.
01:18:20Oh, thank you.
01:18:23Thanks, sis.
01:18:25That'll be mine.
01:18:29For you.
01:18:32So cool.
01:18:40I like this.
01:18:45Oh, it's so pretty.
01:18:50How did you make this?
01:18:55I'll open this one first.
01:18:59Oh, it's so pretty.
01:19:06You're welcome.
01:19:16What are you working on, E?
01:19:18Oh, just a project that's been years in the making. Something I should have done a long time ago.
01:19:25I'm intrigued.
01:19:27I can't wait to see how it turns out.
01:19:30Yeah, I can't either.
01:19:36I can't either.
01:19:55Oh, Liza. It's a pleasure seeing you again. Merry Christmas.
01:19:59Merry Christmas. I'm sorry to barge in on you.
01:20:02No apology necessary. What brings you here today? Are you singing again?
01:20:06No. Not today.
01:20:08I was hoping to run into Will. I checked by his place and I thought I'd come here too.
01:20:14Just trying to track him down.
01:20:16Well, he was here. We opened some presents together, but he left. He said he had somewhere he needed to go.
01:20:23I can tell him you stopped by.
01:20:25Would you please?
01:20:27You bet. You want to play some Christmas bingo? It starts in five minutes.
01:20:32I wish I could, but there's something I really have to do.
01:20:35Well, Merry Christmas.
01:20:36Merry Christmas.
01:20:43Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't see where I was going and I just...
01:20:50Uh, you.
01:20:52It's for you, actually.
01:20:58Well, it's a good thing we bumped into each other again.
01:21:04You seem to be getting good at that.
01:21:10I was actually looking for you.
01:21:12You were?
01:21:14Yeah. I was.
01:21:18Well, you found me.
01:21:23Are you going to open it?
01:21:35I love it.
01:21:37You never cease to surprise me.
01:21:40And you fixed it!
01:21:45I read your article, by the way.
01:21:47Oh yeah? What'd you think?
01:21:51It's your best one yet.
01:21:55And I meant every word.
01:21:57I'm really sorry about everything that happened the last couple of days.
01:22:00I just got so caught up with everything.
01:22:01And my family, and then it was all so unexpectedly magical, and then I fell in love...
01:22:06with this town.
01:22:11I realized you were right about what you said at the party.
01:22:17I am still in love.
01:22:20With you.
01:22:24Wow. That's really good to hear.
01:22:33I've always been in love with you, Lizzie Carter.
01:22:37Wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:22:39Am I still competing with...
01:22:46It's Colin.
01:22:48Oh, Colin.
01:22:50We realized that we weren't quite right for each other.
01:22:54Because I think there's someone else who might be.
01:22:57Do I know him, or...?
01:23:24I love you.
01:23:54I love you.
01:24:24Don't put a twinkle on your eyes
01:24:27Light you up and make you shine
01:24:30No, baby
01:24:33It ain't Christmas
01:24:36If it don't make your jingle bells ring a ring
01:24:40Give your heart a reason to sing
01:24:43No, baby
01:24:46It ain't Christmas
01:24:54If it don't make your jingle bells ring a ring
01:25:01Give your heart a reason to sing
01:25:04No, baby
01:25:06It ain't Christmas
01:25:08If it don't make your jingle bells ring a ring
01:25:12Give your heart a reason to sing
01:25:15No, baby
01:25:17It ain't Christmas
