• il y a 7 heures


00:00La Marseillaise
00:30La Marseillaise
00:34La Marseillaise
01:04It's too late, my darling queen. My time is short.
01:10You must bring Prince Rudolph and Prince Michael to my bedside.
01:17I must put the affairs of our country in order.
01:26My sons, you have come.
01:31Hush, my son. Let me speak.
01:37I am soon to die.
01:39It is my royal duty as King of Rotenia to appoint my heir,
01:45the new king of our beloved country.
01:50Rudolph. Michael.
01:54It is so difficult when a king has twin sons
01:58born moments apart and then must choose between them.
02:04Michael, you were born first,
02:08but you have a wildness in you that is not befitting to a king.
02:16So, Rudolph, my more gentle son, I choose you.
02:23Father, I... Michael, I always thought that you...
02:27Michael, I command of you that you serve your brother loyally.
02:33But should it be that Rudolph dies before you,
02:37then you will assume the right to be king.
02:41Do I have your word?
02:45You have my word, I promise.
02:50No more loyal servant will there be than myself to my brother,
02:55King Rudolph of Rotenia.
03:15And so it was that the proud nation of Rotenia
03:18came to mourn the passing of their beloved king,
03:21King Wilhelm VI, who had ruled the land for nearly 40 years.
03:27Then, according to tradition,
03:29the palace issued a proclamation to the people.
03:43It is the wish of myself,
03:46King Wilhelm VI,
03:48that my son, Prince Rudolph, shall become king of Rotenia.
03:53Long live the king!
03:56Thank goodness for that.
03:58It would have been a sorry day for the country
04:00if black Prince Michael had become king.
04:03Long live good King Rudolph!
04:08But we don't know anything about him.
04:11It's just as well.
04:13We know too much about Prince Michael.
04:38How dare my father do such a thing!
04:41Rudolph of all people!
04:44Ha! King Rudolph!
04:47Doesn't even sound right.
04:52My darling, please try and calm yourself.
04:55You must respect the wishes of your poor departed father.
04:58My poor departed father was an idiot!
05:02Michael, what are you saying?
05:04I'm saying that I should be king.
05:09Not my nincompoop lily-livered milksop brother!
05:13He's not fit to rule a page, let alone a kingdom!
05:16Yes, yes, yes.
05:18Michael's for king.
05:21And so I shall be king of Rotenia.
05:27On his deathbed,
05:29my father said that I should become king
05:33only if Prince Rudolph should die before me.
05:37What do you think that means?
05:40Well, I suppose he meant...
05:59I'll tell you all what it means.
06:02It means that Prince Rudolph must die.
06:11Michael, but surely you can't...
06:17What do you mean, can't?
06:20Can, my dear, can.
06:27Michael, it is horrible!
06:29I love you very much,
06:31but I'll have no part in the murder of Prince Rudolph.
06:34Silence, woman!
06:36You are offending the future king of Rotenia.
06:40How dare you!
06:42I've been a fool to love you, Michael.
06:44I wish never to see you again.
06:46Your wish is granted.
06:48Get out of my sight!
06:50Very well, Michael.
06:53Au revoir.
06:57Schmidt! Heinrich!
07:02Follow her and don't let her out of your sight.
07:09So, my dear Puzzi,
07:12another month and I'll be king of Rotenia.
07:15I can't quite believe it.
07:17Oh, Rudy, I'm so proud of you.
07:23I must be the luckiest woman in all of Europe.
07:28No, in all the world.
07:32I do love you, my darling Flavia.
07:35Soon we will be married and...
07:38Oh, bother!
07:40Come in!
07:45I'm so sorry to intrude, Your Majesty.
07:49Oh, come now, Antoinette.
07:51I'm not anybody's majesty yet.
07:53And even when I am, you must keep calling me Rudolf.
07:57Now, what brings you here so late?
07:59It's... I...
08:02Prince Michael...
08:05Rudolf, would you mind if we spoke alone?
08:08This is a very private matter.
08:10I'm sorry, Flavia.
08:12Oh, not at all, Antoinette.
08:14I'll be in the library, darling.
08:18Now, my dear, what on earth is this all about?
08:31It can't be. I don't believe it.
08:34Michael plans to kill me?
08:36No, no, quite preposterous.
08:38You must believe, Rudolf, please.
08:41I heard him say it from his own mouth.
08:44I came as quickly as I could.
08:46You're in great danger.
08:49I suspected he took the news rather badly.
08:53But to murder his own brother?
08:55No, surely not.
08:57Prince Rudolf, I find myself in a dreadful dilemma.
09:02On one hand, I have...
09:04had certain feelings for your brother Michael.
09:08But on the other,
09:10you have my absolute loyalty as a future king of Ruritania.
09:15Very well, Antoinette.
09:17What we must do is ensure that Prince Michael doesn't kill me,
09:21if he really means to.
09:26Maybe I have a plan.
09:29Yes, I do.
09:31But I'll need your help.
09:46Oh, my God!
09:51Ah, gadzooks, old boy, what a get-up.
09:54Couldn't get you a banana, eh, what?
09:56No, thanks, old man.
09:58But I must say, I've never seen you looking so well.
10:01I say, hang on a minute.
10:05That's not very nice, Rudolf.
10:07Oh, look out, Charlie. Here comes Lady F.
10:10I wonder who she's with.
10:12Ah, Mr. Rassendeau.
10:14Oh, I presume that is you, is it?
10:18At your service, madam.
10:20May I present the Princess Antoinette of Ruritania.
10:25How do you do?
10:27Ah, this is my friend, Mr. Absworth.
10:30Ah, Mr. Absworth.
10:33Perhaps if you'd be kind enough to escort me to the dance floor,
10:38I'll allow you two to get to know each other.
10:43Thank you, no.
10:45But perhaps you'd lead me to the balcony.
10:48I am feeling a little faint.
10:50Why, of course.
10:52Here, take my arm.
11:13Thank you, Mr. Rassendeau.
11:15I've been travelling all over Europe for nearly three weeks.
11:19I am so tired.
11:21My word, you're so beautiful, if I may say.
11:26Thank you, Mr. Monkey?
11:29Oh, I'm so sorry. Rudolf Rassendeau.
11:33Oh, my God! Prince Rudolf!
11:42My God in heaven! It can't be!
11:45Yes, yes, it is!
11:47Prince Rudolf with a moustache!
11:51I can't believe it!
11:53Hang on a minute, it's not that bad, is it?
11:56Oh, my dear Mr. Rassendeau, it's not at all bad.
12:02You see, it's identical to that of Prince Rudolf of Ruritania.
12:08Good Lord! Did you say Rudolf?
12:11It's my name, too. What a coincidence, eh?
12:14Oh, Mr. Rassendeau, you have no idea how pleased I am to meet you.
12:19I can't explain, but I must ask you to go at once to Ruritania.
12:24Please trust me, sir. It is a matter of life and death.
12:29A matter of life and death, did you say?
12:32Well, I'm sure the foreign artist wouldn't mind if I took a week or two off.
12:42So, Schmidt, Prince Rudolf has an identical twin, no?
12:49Ja. What shall we do?
12:52What we do, Schmidt, is very simple.
12:56We exterminate him.
13:12I say, Rudolf, this is a dash queer business, eh, what?
13:16Rushing off to Ruritania, a matter of life and death, no details.
13:20I mean, what's it all about, old boy?
13:23Justify no, Absworth.
13:25But by the way, what's the matter with you?
13:28Well, it's a matter of life and death.
13:31I mean, what's it all about, old boy?
13:34Justify no, Absworth.
13:36But by the way, what's the matter with you?
13:39Justify no, Absworth.
13:41But by the way, the princess gave me this.
13:44What do you think of that?
13:47Good Lord! Rudolf! It's you without a mustache!
13:52It happens to be Prince Rudolf of Ruritania.
13:55He'll be crowned king in two days.
13:57How extraordinary!
13:59I say, old boy, are you sure you're not in some kind of danger
14:02of being mixed up in all this, eh, what?
14:04No, Charlie, I shouldn't think so.
14:09Prince Rudolf! What was that all about?
14:12Princess Antoinette!
14:14Gentlemen, may I join you?
14:17Why, of course. Delighted. Honoured.
14:22Mr. Razendale, I'm afraid I owe you an apology.
14:26Apology? What on earth for?
14:29You see, I have put your life in great danger.
14:33I'm sorry.
14:35But, my dear, so are you.
14:37I'm afraid so, Mr. Razendale.
14:40You see, someone has already tried to kill you.
14:46I say!
14:52Damn! Damn it!
14:54Why haven't we heard from Schmidt and Heinrich?
14:57The last I heard, they were in London, and then... nothing!
15:01The last I heard, they were in London, and then... nothing!
15:07Maybe they got lost, boss?
15:10Lost? Don't be a bigger numbskull than you already are, Gottfried.
15:15How can anyone get lost in London?
15:21Hey, boss, when we going to kill the prince?
15:23Yeah, kill!
15:26Ah, yes, the prince.
15:30How are we going to do away with my charming little ninny of a brother?
15:42Well, gentlemen, a toast to your good health.
15:46Autumn's up, eh, what?
15:48Yes, chin-chin.
15:50Look, gentlemen, the lights of Zander. We're almost there.
15:55Well, good luck.
15:58And you too, sir.
16:09Good Lord! Bit of a stiff drink, what?
16:13I suppose you had nothing to do with that, Princess Antoinette.
16:17Well, maybe just a little teensy bit.
16:21Now, gentlemen, you must leave the train at Zander,
16:24and make your way to the King Wilhelm Tavern.
16:27Prince Rudolf's men will make contact with you there.
16:30And you?
16:31I will journey on to Straussau.
16:33God willing, we will meet again after the coronation.
16:37Be careful, my friends.
16:39Ah, the boss won't like this.
17:10I'll get it, Charlie.
17:12Thank you.
17:18Meet me in the reading room at 9.30.
17:21Signed Fritz von Tannenheim.
17:23Evans, it's after 9.30 already.
17:25Come on, Charlie, we're late.
17:29What do you mean, they're dead? How can they be dead?
17:32How dare they?
17:37But I got some other news, boss.
17:40And make sure it's better than your last lot of news.
17:44Someone has seen Princess Antoinette get off the train at Straussau Station.
17:49Oh, did they?
17:52Well, Siegfried, she's back, yeah.
17:55That is good news indeed.
17:58Now go and find Guttwit.
18:00We are going.
18:03Welcome to von Tannenheim.
18:05What's all this about, eh?
18:07I'm sorry, gentlemen.
18:09I can't tell you any more than I know.
18:11I was sent here by Prince Rudolf to ask you to take a walk in the Black Forest
18:16near the Zender Lodge at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
18:19Take a walk in the forest?
18:21Odd sods, that's a desk job.
18:23I'm sorry, gentlemen, I can't tell you any more than I know.
18:26I was sent here by Prince Rudolf to ask you to take a walk in the Black Forest
18:31near the Zender Lodge at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
18:34Take a walk in the forest?
18:36Odd sods, that's a desk job.
18:38Perhaps it is. I do not know.
18:41You see, the Prince is working to a plan only he alone knows.
18:45Perhaps we'll all learn more tomorrow.
18:48Very well, Captain.
18:50But there's one thing you might clear up for me.
18:53I'd be only too happy if I know the answer.
18:56It's most odd.
18:58Why would that be?
19:00You see, Prince Rudolf spent most of his time abroad,
19:04going to school and university.
19:06He came home only because King Willem was dying.
19:10Apart from those in the royal court,
19:12most people have no idea what he looks like.
19:18I think I'm beginning to make a little sense of this whole thing,
19:20but I'm not sure that I like it.
19:22Well, old boy, we could always pack up and tootle back off to London.
19:26Gentlemen, I'm sorry, but that will not be possible.
19:31I have my instructions to keep you here at centre.
19:34You are not free to leave.
19:46So, what has a poor humble old winemaker like me done
19:51to deserve a visit from you, Prince Michael?
19:55Not a great deal, Elgrin, you old fool.
19:58But you make a certain kind of wine.
20:06A magnificent kind of wine.
20:09What did you have in mind?
20:13I want the most powerful wine you've got.
20:16A wine strong enough to send a man to sleep for two days.
20:22Three days.
20:24Oh, that's easy.
20:48This area, specialty of the house,
20:52Cabernet of Deadly Nightshade,
20:55written in 1892.
21:00Let me drink it myself.
21:09You guarantee it?
21:11Hundred percent.
21:13But you must be very careful then.
21:15Too much can easily kill a man.
21:20Funny you should say that, Elgrin.
21:23I'll take it.
21:25Siegfried! Gottfried!
21:27Take the cars back to the castle.
21:30And you, Elgrin, will forget this little visit ever took place.
21:40Oh, don't worry.
21:43Old Elgrin never remembers anything,
21:46especially in the mornings.
21:50Ah, yes, dear Prince Rudolf, my dear brother.
21:55Come to the castle for a brazzly chat.
22:02And now, a little toast.
22:05For you, father.
22:07Long live the King of Ruritania.
22:24His Royal Highness Prince Michael.
22:30Ah, Rudy, my dear brother.
22:33How good to see you.
22:36I am Prince Rudolf.
22:38I am Prince Rudolf.
22:40I am Prince Rudolf.
22:42I am Prince Rudolf.
22:44I am Prince Rudolf.
22:46How good to see you.
22:52Princess Flavia.
22:54I've come to apologize to you, Rudolf.
22:57Apologize, Michael.
22:59Whatever for?
23:00Well, after father's funeral,
23:02I must admit to feeling resentful about the whole business.
23:06You becoming king, even though you were younger than I.
23:10Having spent much of your life outside Ruritania.
23:15All of that.
23:17Yes, I can understand.
23:19You know I understand.
23:20Well, Rudy, I just want you to know that
23:23I've got used to the idea of you being king.
23:27You have my full support.
23:29Michael, I don't know what to say.
23:32Say nothing, my dear brother.
23:35Except that you'll come to Zender Castle tomorrow night
23:39and have a pre-coronation drink with me.
23:43What do you say?
23:44Why, Michael, I'd love to.
23:46Yes, of course.
23:58I say, old boy, this is a sticky wicket, isn't it?
24:01I'm afraid you're right, Charlie.
24:03We need a bit more for a little more than we can chew.
24:06Chew, right.
24:07I say, old man, why don't we make a run for it?
24:11I wouldn't do that if I were you, gentlemen.
24:15I must repeat that for the time being
24:18you're not free to leave Ruritania.
24:25Perhaps we owe the gentlemen an explanation.
24:31Allow me to present myself.
24:33I am Prince Rudolf of Ruritania.
24:36Good Lord!
24:39By Jove, Charlie, it's quite uncanny.
24:42Well, Mr. Azzendale, I'm most impressed.
24:45Without the moustache, you're my exact double,
24:48or I'm yours.
24:52I say, old fruit, I mean, Your Majesty,
24:56would you mind telling us just what we're doing here?
24:59All in good time, Mr. Upsworth.
25:01Now, gentlemen, if you'd be kind enough to walk with me to my hunting lodge.
25:05Come, Fritz.
25:09So you see, Mr. Azzendale,
25:11I've brought you here to Ruritania purely as a kind of insurance.
25:15Antoinette has succeeded beyond my wildest hopes.
25:19So you are taking her warning seriously?
25:21Well, let's say forewarned is forearmed, shall we?
25:25And if something does happen?
25:28Then you, Mr. Azzendale, will take my place on the throne in Strelsow tomorrow.
25:33You see, I rather suspect my father's dying wish was not so much that I be king,
25:38but rather that my unfortunate brother Michael never be king.
25:43I say, what a jolly old hoot, Rudy, you being king.
25:48I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I didn't quite mean it like that.
25:52Quite all right, Mr. Upsworth.
25:54Now, gentlemen, I must ask you to remain here at the lodge until after the coronation.
25:59If nothing goes wrong, you may leave for England tomorrow night.
26:03And if something does go wrong?
26:06I'm sure you'll cross that bridge when and if you come to it, Mr. Azzendale.
26:11Your Majesty, have you told Princess Flavier about Mr. Azzendale?
26:17No, Fritz. I'll tell her tomorrow in Strelsow. I've sent her on ahead.
26:29C'est bon, c'est bon.
26:59On y va, c'est bon.
27:30Welcome back to Zenda, my darling.
27:34Did you go to London to visit the Queen?
27:37Michael, I...
27:39Michael! Your Majesty to you, woman!
27:45Welcome back to Zenda, my darling.
27:49Did you go to London to visit the Queen?
27:52Michael, I...
27:54Michael! Your Majesty to you, woman!
27:58Your Majesty, I had to get away.
28:02After we fought, I was so upset.
28:05I thought you didn't love me anymore.
28:08I don't believe you. Bring her inside.
28:14Now you are in Zenda
28:17to visit the king.
28:36So, Rudolph,
28:37this time tomorrow
28:39you will be king.
28:41Are you nervous?
28:43No, actually, not at all.
28:45I must say, Michael,
28:47you're being awfully decent about this.
28:49Oh, it's nothing.
28:51Perhaps we should have the drink I promised you.
28:55I have a superb red for you to try.
28:58Thank you, Michael.
29:02It's a French Bordeaux, 1892.
29:05I'm afraid red wine sends me to sleep these days.
29:10I'll stick to the white.
29:12Well, Rudolph, to you.
29:16For as long as you may live.
29:19Oh, no, Michael.
29:21For as long as we both may live.
29:29Yes, Rudolph?
29:30What a beautiful wine.
29:32May I have another?
29:34Why, yes, of course, Rudolph.
29:42Why, it seems to get better by the glass.
29:45Ah, does it?
29:48You really should have some, you know.
29:50No, I don't think so.
29:52Are you sure?
29:54It's so nice.
29:55Michael, it's brilliant.
29:58Well, I must dash.
30:00I have to pack for Streltsau in the morning.
30:03Are you sure you wouldn't like just one more?
30:07No, thank you.
30:08I need a clear head for the coronation tomorrow.
30:11But we'll do this again soon, I promise.
30:20You know, this evening really meant a lot to me.
30:24Yeah, it meant a lot to me too, Rudolph.
30:29Good night, Michael.
30:31Good night, Rudolph.
31:02Hmm, maybe.
31:05I'll put a guard on tonight, just in case.
31:10Mr. Rosendal, Mr. Upsworth.
31:13I'll be too good night.
31:16Strange, all of a sudden I feel terribly tired.
31:20Are you all right?
31:22Oh, yes, quite, just tired.
31:26Actually, I am too.
31:28I must be there.
31:31Well, good night, everyone.
31:38What on earth is the matter with you, Michael?
31:40Is there something I did?
31:42He didn't die, you fool.
31:45He didn't even go to sleep.
31:47Who didn't die or go to sleep?
31:49No one did.
31:51I am completely confused.
31:54Why are you coming here in the middle of the night telling me these things?
31:59The wine, you old fool!
32:02The wine you gave me didn't work.
32:06Oh, that wine!
32:08I almost forgot.
32:10And why was that, I wonder?
32:12Oh, yes, that was because you told me to forget.
32:16I don't care!
32:18It didn't work!
32:20How long ago did this nobleman drink the wine?
32:23About 20 minutes ago.
32:26Well, that's all right, then.
32:29He's got a delayed reaction, you see.
32:31It takes about 30 minutes to work.
32:34I forgot to tell you.
32:44Mr. Rasseltier, come, quickly.
32:46Something is terribly wrong.
32:51I say, he's not...
32:55You know, is he?
32:58No, he's not dead.
33:00I think he's been drugged.
33:02He's in a very deep coma.
33:04Dear God, this is disastrous.
33:07The coronation is only four hours away.
33:10We must wake him.
33:12I'm afraid there's little chance of that.
33:14I'm afraid so.
33:16We must wake him.
33:18I'm afraid there's little chance of that.
33:20But the coronation...
33:22The coronation, my dear boy, will take place exactly on time.
33:26But Prince Rudolf...
33:28Prince Rudolf will be crowned King of Ruritania exactly as planned.
33:52Now, we don't have a moment to lose.
33:54Between now and the coronation, you must tell me all about myself.
33:58Charlie, old man, I want you to stay here and guard the prince.
34:01Please, Mr. Absworth.
34:04You will guard him with your life.
34:08Now, Captain von Tannenheim, come.
34:11We must leave for Streltsal.
34:16Ladies and gentlemen, all citizens.
34:19Your new king, King Rudolf of Ruritania.
34:29How can that be? How can that be?
34:33Answer me, you fool!
34:35It's meant to be that way.
34:37It's meant to be that way.
34:39It's meant to be that way.
34:41It's meant to be that way.
34:43Answer me, you fool!
34:45It's meant to be that...
34:47Why isn't he dead, you idiot?
34:49Maybe you're asking the wrong people, boss.
34:51Maybe Princess Antoinette knows something about this.
34:54Princess Antoinette?
34:57You might just be right for a change, Siegfried.
35:03This is your last chance, princess.
35:06Either you talk or die.
35:08Now, tell me everything you know.
35:12Oh, Michael.
35:14It's too late for you now.
35:16The coronation has taken place.
35:19You see, Prince Rudolf has a double.
35:23A man who looks exactly like you.
35:26A double?
35:29A double?
35:31You fool!
35:34Why didn't I think of that?
35:37You two, go to the hunting lodge immediately.
35:41I'm not wrong. You will find Prince Rudolf there.
35:44He will either be very asleep or very dead.
35:50You must bring his body here to the castle immediately.
35:56Too late, huh?
35:58Maybe for you it is too late, but I...
36:02I still intend to become king.
36:06By hook or by crook.
36:11By hook or by crook.
36:16Prince Rudolf
36:39Yes? What?
36:41No, surely not!
36:43Oh my god! Are you sure there's no reply?
36:49I have very bad news, sir. It seems that Princess Antoinette has been kidnapped.
36:56She left her home yesterday and hasn't been seen since.
36:59Heavens! Prince Michael, do you think?
37:02Certain of it. But there's more.
37:05My men have been trying to telephone the hunting lodge and there's no reply.
37:09I think something nasty has happened to Mr. Absworth.
37:13Then we must go to Zender at once.
37:40It is. I'm sorry, but he's only asleep.
37:44That's even better. Good work, boys.
37:48So, my brother, the sleeping prince, at last you are my prisoner.
37:54A prisoner of Zender.
37:59As for you, my two-faced little dove, take her down.
38:04She has one last duty to perform.
38:10Oh, no! The king! He's gone!
38:14I say. This is rather ticklish, what?
38:18That Michael fellow's got them both in the castle. Antoinette and the king.
38:22We must do something. I'm afraid Prince Michael is capable of nothing.
38:28I'm afraid so.
38:30I'm afraid so.
38:33I'm afraid so.
38:36I'm afraid Prince Michael is capable of anything.
38:40Even murder.
38:45I say. Poor old Charlie.
38:50Look, Mr. Assembly. It's a message.
38:56It's from Princess Antoinette.
38:58Oh, thank God she's alive.
39:01Meet me at midnight at the drawbridge of Zender Castle. Signed, Antoinette.
39:08I say, old bean, I keep getting conked on the old bozo.
39:12Would someone mind telling me what's going on?
39:14Ah, Charlie, there you are. I'm afraid we're all rather in the dark at the moment.
39:19But it seems I have an appointment at midnight.
39:22I'm certain it's a trap.
39:25You may well be right, old chap, but I don't think there's any alternative.
39:29Princess Antoinette's life may depend on it.
39:48Princess Antoinette.
39:50I'm so sorry, Mr. President. It's a trap.
39:54I say, nice shot, old fruit.
39:57Jump, madam, quickly.
40:00I say, Princess Antoinette, are you all right?
40:02Oh, yes, but His Majesty is in terrible pain.
40:07Oh, I see.
40:09I'm afraid you're in great pain, Princess Antoinette.
40:14I'm afraid you're in great pain.
40:16You're in great pain?
40:18It's just that I don't know what to say.
40:20I'm afraid I'm in great pain.
40:24You're in great pain.
40:26Mais, sa majesté est en terrible danger.
40:30Le prince Michael va lui tuer.
40:37Boss !
40:39Boss, nous avons des problèmes !
40:41Des problèmes ? Désolé, Boss.
40:44Et la princesse Antoinette ?
40:48Quoi ? Vous ne l'avez pas laissée partir ?
40:51Imbéciles ! Je suis ennuyé par les imbéciles !
40:59Vous dites que le roi est un prisonnier sous la gauche ?
41:02Oui, il y a une petite fenêtre juste au-dessus de la porte.
41:07Voyez-le ?
41:09Très bien.
41:11Cela signifie que nous devons attaquer la gauche, là-bas.
41:15Oui, ça devrait le faire.
41:17Vite, mesdames. J'ai peur que le roi n'ait que quelques instants pour vivre.
41:26Charlie, avez-vous notre armée en position ?
41:28Tout est présent et correct, mon vieux.
41:30Et l'artillerie lourde, la princesse Antoinette ?
41:33Tout est en position, Mr. Russell.
41:35Donnez-moi le mégaphone, Fritz.
41:41Tout le monde prêt ?
41:43Attendez jusqu'à ce que je vous dise d'attaquer.
41:47Attention !
41:49Attention !
41:51Princesse Michael et d'autres !
41:53Le palais est entouré !
41:55Vous devez libérer le roi et laisser vos bras en place.
41:59Je répète, le palais est entouré !
42:03Entouré ?
42:05Comment pouvons-nous être entourés ?
42:07Combien y a-t-il ?
42:09Je ne sais pas, boss. Il fait froid là-bas.
42:12Libérez le roi et laissez vos bras en place.
42:16Vous le garderez.
42:18Dépêchez-vous, à la toile de base !
42:23D'accord, Charlie. Amenez les troupes.
42:37Hey, boss, ça ressemble à l'armée.
42:40C'est impossible !
42:46Dépêchez-vous !
42:48Vous avez cinq secondes avant que nos troupes s'éteignent.
42:53Je n'aime pas les sons de ça.
42:55Deux, trois, quatre, cinq !
43:02Maintenant, Princesse, feu les canons !
43:07Feu !
43:16C'est bon, Prince. A l'ouest, vite !
43:18Vous deux, gardez la barrage.
43:20On reviendra.
43:46C'est un truc ! A l'ouest, vite !
43:57Vite, Prince !
44:15C'est bon, Prince ! Maintenant !
44:46Vite, Votre Majesté !
44:51Arrêtez les troupes !
45:16Arrêtez !
45:38Siegfried ! Gottfried !
45:40Laissez-moi sortir de là !
45:42Laissez-moi sortir de là !
45:45Laissez-moi sortir de là !
45:59C'est pas bon, boss.
46:01Boss, vous êtes coincé !
46:03Laissez-moi sortir !
46:05Fous, idiots, imbéciles !
46:08Fous, idiots, imbéciles !
46:10Fous, idiots, imbéciles !
46:16Je vous verrai bientôt à Londres, je vous en prie.
46:19Oui, Mr. Rosendale.
46:21Avec plaisir.
46:23Et votre frère, Prince Michael ?
46:26Je vais lui laisser s'occuper de son casque dans Zendercastle.
46:30Je pense qu'il a appris quelque chose de valable de tout ça.
46:33Au revoir, mes amis.
46:35Je ne vous oublierai jamais.
46:37Au revoir.
46:38Au revoir à tous.
46:40Et bonne chance, King Rudolph.
46:45Sous-titrage FR :)
48:15Avec le soutien de SWIT Airsoft
48:18Merci à mes Tipeurs et souscripteurs
