• 10 hours ago
00:00:38They were once the leaders of this land they protected it and gave it order
00:00:48Until their kind betrayed humanity and the ones they were sworn to protect
00:00:54Once they were revered now, they're feared
00:01:07Knight gives them wings
00:01:09But they must leave their legs behind for it is their bridge between the world of the humans and the vampires
00:01:16We are the hunters. We aren't just limited to hunting vampires, but all creatures of the night. We call them the undead.
00:01:23We are the hunters. We aren't just limited to hunting vampires, but all creatures of the night. We call them the undead.
00:01:43The team from San Francisco headed by Marcus Kilmore is the most feared troop in the Western Hemisphere
00:01:53The team from San Francisco headed by Marcus Kilmore is the most feared troop in the Western Hemisphere.
00:02:06Our weapons laced with silver spice and everything that goes boom
00:02:12Can take one of them out
00:02:14As long as you get them in the heart or take off one of the head
00:02:23The rules are different for each type of creature
00:02:28The Aswang however is the fiercest and most elusive of the vampire family
00:02:34Sightings are rare, but I got my stakes on one
00:02:38For generations the hunters have kept the undead situation under control
00:02:44They know to keep themselves hidden, but there's always rebels
00:02:53As long as the undead are kept away from the human world balance is maintained
00:03:11I've been waiting all my life for a chance to slay the Aswang who destroyed my family
00:03:19My chance is near
00:03:23I've been waiting all my life for a chance to slay the Aswang who destroyed my family
00:03:25My chance is near
00:03:53Hey HD, I know you really want to hear this. Hang on one sec
00:04:40What's up, well
00:04:42Remember that Aswang case you were asking about?
00:04:45Well I think I got one
00:04:47And I can get you in if you want in
00:04:50You rock
00:04:52Let me just grab Feng real quick
00:04:54He's loose again. You know I wish they'd bury him properly or else they're gonna have to keep sending you back just to get him
00:05:00He's the only one who does that
00:05:02I wonder why. The Keonchi, they're not so smart. So lure them in with some chi energy. I'm calling when you're done. Good luck
00:05:21All right, Mr. Feng, I need you to go to the car now. I have a date
00:05:43The Aswang killed one of those TV hosts
00:05:47You know one of those shows where they play Monster Hunter and run around in the dark for hours as if they're gonna find Bigfoot
00:05:54Yeah, one of those shows. My name is John Bates, and I have seen many strange things
00:05:59I want to explain them. Tonight we travel to the Philippines in search of an elusive creature known to the Filipinos as an Aswang
00:06:06We travel to a region known for its Aswang sightings
00:06:10The Aswang is said to be a grotesque creature that feeds on the blood and the viscera of its victims
00:06:17Most shockingly it's also said to feed on the fetuses of
00:06:22Pregnant women and according to the legend it walks around during the daytime disguised as a beautiful woman
00:06:30So we found out that some of the locals had actually seen one. We're here with one of the locals now
00:06:35Have him tell me what was his experience with an Aswang?
00:07:05So my team took a treacherous hike to where our witness said he saw the Aswang. We set up some trap cams and prepared for a night investigation
00:07:36Got our base camp set up
00:07:38Time to go get us some Aswang. We split up. Zach at the base camp and I walked along the investigation area
00:07:46John to base camp, did you hear that? John, I'm hearing all sorts of weird things out here, man
00:07:50Also, have you heard from Matthias? I took a pee break and when I came back he was gone
00:07:54Right, so Matthias was there and now he's gone. Yes, sir
00:07:58Gone? Where do you think he went? I have no idea. It's way too dark out here to see anything
00:08:03All right, just hold tight. I'm on my way back
00:08:09John, can you please hurry up and make it back here? I'm hearing all sorts of weird noises out here
00:08:18Okay, John to base camp, what the fuck was that?
00:08:25I remember the old man, he told us something about the Aswang's upper body flying off
00:08:32I think we found the lower half
00:08:36Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. This was supposed to be, this was supposed to be fake. This was all supposed to be fake
00:08:51Friggin amateurs. Leave it to a real hunter to handle the undead. And you know, it serves them right
00:08:58If I was an Aswang, I'd do the same thing
00:09:03You don't qualify to be here
00:09:06Piss off, Kilmore. With your track record, you're more likely to do harm than good
00:09:13Look, when I work, it's best you ladies, like yourself, stay out of my way
00:09:22You might get hurt
00:09:24Why don't you go find yourself a cheaper car, right now?
00:09:26I already dispatched hunters to the scene, Mahal
00:09:28Your services are not needed
00:09:30You can't honestly assign Kilmore to this case?
00:09:32That guy can't take a piss without blowing something up
00:09:34I know how much this case means to you
00:09:36But I don't think you're ready
00:09:38It's the reason I became a hunter
00:09:40Don't do this to me
00:09:42I know more than you
00:09:44I know more than you
00:09:46I know more than you
00:09:48I know more than you
00:09:50I know more than you
00:09:52I know more than you
00:09:54I know, Mahal
00:09:56If there's anyone in this world
00:09:58That knows how much this means to you
00:10:00It would be me
00:10:02You have to trust me
00:10:04Look, I have been training my whole life for this
00:10:08I'm willing to take the risk
00:10:10You know, I don't want to lose a good hunter like you
00:10:14But I can't stop you
00:10:16Thanks, boss
00:11:04I'll be back to clean up after you
00:11:20Yes, I saw you. I saw you out there. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. It was just a show.
00:11:32It was just supposed to be a show. Yeah, I've seen it. I heard it's getting cancelled.
00:11:45Can I see their cameras? Of all the bodies, was the translator recovered?
00:12:06She was not among the victims. Where does she live?
00:12:15She lived here once upon a time. Maybe she returned to rediscover her past.
00:12:23My father was murdered by this Aswang when he was stationed in the Philippines.
00:12:27My mother died giving birth to me. This is my curse. I can see the dead, but to
00:12:55them I am their killer. I know what killed my father, and I've sworn to avenge him.
00:13:02You did this to me. You did this to me. You did this to me. You did this to me.
00:13:07The Aswang is said to be a grotesque creature that feeds on the blood and the viscera of
00:13:12its victims. Most shockingly, it's also said to feed on the fetuses of pregnant women.
00:13:20And according to the legend, it walks around during the daytime disguised as a beautiful
00:13:25woman. You said you'll take care of me. Take care
00:13:36of me. I told you, the baby's not part of the plan.
00:13:47Plan. Plan.
00:13:53You coward! You coward! You coward!
00:13:57Yeah, hon. Yeah, I know. I hate to miss your cooking, too.
00:14:18Yeah, well, another late night at the office.
00:14:23Yeah. You go to sleep. Yeah, yeah, I love you, too.
00:14:29I love you. Okay, bye.
00:14:31Ooh. Hey! Hey! Hey, little geisha girl! How about a little of this?
00:15:13Immigrants pose the greatest threat to our country's security. We need to close our borders
00:15:18for a stronger country that is free of terrorism, crime, and disease. Plus, there'll be more
00:15:25jobs for Americans, not foreigners. This is Michelle Kilman, reporting from the city of
00:15:30evil, San Francisco. Okay, that's a wrap! See you tomorrow!
00:15:38I can't believe you have the nerve to call me a sellout.
00:15:49I have no idea why you're denying the facts, my Asian sister. I mean, the latest internet
00:15:53leak suggests that you continue to support a party that supports imprisoned people of
00:15:57color like us. Me, you, your dad, your mama, your sister.
00:16:00Look who you're talking to here. Baby.
00:16:02I just don't play the race card like you do.
00:16:04Come on, people are missing.
00:16:06Are you seriously trying to blame me for the missing people?
00:16:10You don't understand. You don't count. You're no coconut.
00:16:23The story ready?
00:16:25Michelle, you're not going to believe this. Look.
00:16:31What is it?
00:16:32I think that woman just killed that man with her tongue.
00:16:35Don't be silly. It's probably some new type of taser weapon.
00:16:39That comes out of her mouth? Bullshit. We've got breaking news on our hands.
00:16:44You're not serious about running this as a story, are you?
00:16:47Are you kidding? This is a story of a lifetime. We finally have the chance to prove that the
00:16:52undead exist. We can't pass on this.
00:16:56No, seriously. We can't run this. No one will ever believe it.
00:17:00It's probably some computer geek's practical joke.
00:17:03It's right there. Let the skeptics have it, but we've got a great story.
00:17:10I don't think you understand. We're not running this.
00:17:14Try and stop me.
00:17:41Latte's ready.
00:17:49You're welcome.
00:17:50Oh, sorry. I found this article from Louisiana that mentions killings matching Edward Oswong.
00:17:57The oldest one dating back to the 1700s.
00:18:00Have a look at this. There's more.
00:18:04What makes you so sure she's even here? You should have done more investigating in the Philippines.
00:18:09No, most of the sightings there are just scare tactics the government uses to distract people during voting time.
00:18:17It's an age-old trick they use to scare superstitious people.
00:18:21No, Edward Oswong isn't a political figure. She was just visiting.
00:18:27You mean like an undead vacation?
00:18:29Right. The ticket I found had a return flight, but she used an alias.
00:18:35I know she's here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Somehow she's been here all these years, undetective.
00:18:42It seems she may be trying to come out of hiding.
00:18:45Maybe, but why?
00:18:51It's time for some action.
00:18:58You know what? I think you're right. Victim, in the upper eight, male, Caucasian.
00:19:04Oh, and get this. Cause of death, disembowelment.
00:19:09Okay, I'm out.
00:19:11Check in 0800.
00:19:14Aye-aye, Capitan.
00:19:24HD has been my only real friend among the hunters.
00:19:28He's always got my back.
00:19:31And his intel will get me closer to my target.
00:19:46Sucks to be him.
00:19:48Never seen anything like that.
00:19:51You sure the zoo ain't missing anything?
00:19:53Not that I'm aware of.
00:19:55Who or whatever did that must have been pissed.
00:20:14Come on.
00:20:26Why does she only hunt men?
00:20:43I don't know.
00:21:43I don't know.
00:22:14What's that?
00:22:17Oh, this. This is my name in Chinese.
00:22:20It says Stanley.
00:22:26And yours?
00:22:30That's my history.
00:22:32I see your favorite color is black.
00:22:34Are you, like, all into vampires or something?
00:22:37Sorry, I don't know.
00:22:39Are you, like, all into vampires or something?
00:22:42Something like that.
00:22:44So, um, are you gonna drink my blood?
00:22:48That and more.
00:22:52I like that.
00:22:54Don't tempt me. I might take your offer.
00:22:58How about some sake?
00:23:00I don't drink rice wine.
00:23:02I only drink chocolate soup.
00:23:05It's a delicacy where I'm from.
00:23:08That sounds delicious.
00:23:13You have no idea.
00:23:16Let's get out of here.
00:23:30Welcome to the love den.
00:23:32Me so horny.
00:23:34Me love you long time.
00:23:41Oh, yeah, baby.
00:23:43That's it. Come to papa.
00:23:47Yeah, I'm waiting for it.
00:23:55Breaking robbery story.
00:23:57I thought it was over.
00:23:59The robbers had the entire bank.
00:24:01Then one of them got edgy.
00:24:03I wasn't fast enough.
00:24:05I thought it was my time.
00:24:07Then there was this light.
00:24:09A tremendous force barreled down these tracks today.
00:24:12When the car started, I couldn't get out.
00:24:15The light just got brighter.
00:24:17Blinded me.
00:24:37Oh, yeah, baby, I'm waiting for it.
00:24:40Come on.
00:24:43I didn't figure for you to just lay there.
00:24:46Oh, yeah?
00:24:47That's not how it was with Marites.
00:24:51Oh, did she give it to you good?
00:24:54Don't tell me you forgot.
00:24:56I can't.
00:24:57Wait, what are you talking about?
00:24:59She told me what you did.
00:25:03The pretty young bride you paid to come here.
00:25:08How did you know that?
00:25:10She wanted to leave you and you couldn't handle it.
00:25:15She sends her regards.
00:25:33What the hell?
00:25:55What the hell?
00:26:00What the hell?
00:26:03What the hell?
00:26:33What the hell?
00:27:03What the hell?
00:27:27I've been waiting for you.
00:27:34I've been waiting for you.
00:27:46Where did you bring me?
00:27:48The person you once were is fading, dying.
00:27:51Before you cross over, I need to show you something.
00:27:54The day your father died, I smelled an unborn.
00:27:57You said you'll take care of me.
00:27:59I told you, baby is not part of the plan.
00:28:02You want it, you can keep it, but that's not my decision.
00:28:04You coward.
00:28:06It's your baby too.
00:28:10That thing is not a baby.
00:28:12I don't know what that thing is.
00:28:21Are you trying to ruin me?
00:28:33I can take the pain away.
00:28:35Please leave.
00:28:38You know I've chosen this life without the money.
00:28:41If you keep her, she'll have a difficult life.
00:28:43No, I will love her.
00:28:54I can't.
00:28:56I can't.
00:28:58I can't.
00:29:00I can't.
00:29:02I can't do it anymore.
00:29:04It's not too late to leave this life.
00:29:07Come with me and we can retake what was once ours.
00:29:10Remember what the elders said.
00:29:12An Aswan cannot carry a human child.
00:29:15We'll die.
00:29:16It will create an unbalance in the two worlds.
00:29:19That's the risk I'm willing to take.
00:29:22I can't stop you, but I can stop him.
00:29:27My mother was an Aswan.
00:29:30And your father was a true human.
00:29:32Boring and typical.
00:29:34Unable to recognize our true power.
00:29:37And in the end, you lived.
00:29:40Murdered him.
00:29:41The death of your father brought you here.
00:29:42Why do you have to say that, you monster?
00:29:45We were not always monsters.
00:29:47Centuries ago, my mother was a healer and a leader of our community.
00:29:51She gave purpose to our kind.
00:29:53The mana were no monsters.
00:29:55The most sacred duty we performed was never spoken of.
00:29:59One day, a young girl was brought to us.
00:30:01She was sick and looked as if she was near death.
00:30:04My mother blessed her.
00:30:05I can lift your curse, but if I am to help you,
00:30:08you must not eat anything with salt or garlic
00:30:12and be sleeping at the center of the house tonight.
00:30:15Do you know what I'm asking you to do?
00:30:18Your training begins tonight.
00:30:20I was a young Aswan,
00:30:22so I didn't separate from my legs for night flight.
00:30:25My mother still taught me our sacred duty for the day would come
00:30:28when I would have to feed.
00:30:33What right does a man have to force upon a child so young?
00:30:37What choices does she have to make right what was so very wrong?
00:30:41As shocking as it may seem,
00:30:43not every pregnancy was meant to be.
00:30:47Our kind maintained balance.
00:30:49But when Christianity came to our village,
00:30:52we became the demons that our people feared.
00:30:55We protected them, but in return, we were hunted.
00:30:58How did you become so evil?
00:31:01Evil is in the eyes of the beholder.
00:31:04Haven't you killed someone too?
00:31:08My mother was attacked and killed by the townspeople.
00:31:11I tried to stop them, but a young Aswan is weak.
00:31:15An elder of the mana stopped me.
00:31:19They mustn't know who you are.
00:31:25Your mother will be fine.
00:31:27We will reclaim what was once ours.
00:31:31This is one of the benefits of being what we are.
00:31:34An Aswan is hard to kill.
00:31:36And the last thing you want to do is be on her bad side.
00:31:40The Aswan's greatest weakness is her legs
00:31:43that allow her to live and walk in the day world.
00:31:46I was chosen to protect her day legs.
00:31:49But I failed.
00:32:03I no longer have my legs to walk the day.
00:32:06Anak, you are the one to restore the integrity of the mana.
00:32:09No, Nanay. Please don't leave me.
00:32:11The world has changed.
00:32:12The village will no longer have our kind.
00:32:14You must leave here and go to the new world.
00:32:17Maybe there you'll be safe and begin your work.
00:32:25It was in the 18th century when I changed my appearance to look like a boy
00:32:29so I can join the crew of a Spanish ship to the new world.
00:32:37The men were cruel.
00:32:39I didn't like them,
00:32:40taking the lives of people they felt were in their way of conquest.
00:32:44But you can call me Bam and Nanay.
00:32:55I've built my life around the belief that the Aswan took my family.
00:33:00But if it were not for the Aswan, I wouldn't be.
00:33:05It seems I have more in common with the ones I hated.
00:33:11Morning, sleepyhead.
00:33:14I know it's a stereotype but we don't sleep all day.
00:33:18Speaking of your friend Mr. Fang, he's sleeping in a catacombs below.
00:33:21Where am I?
00:33:23That's if you need a place to stay.
00:33:32Not that big yet.
00:33:34In another 50 years or so, an Aswan's power is earned over time.
00:33:38You turned me into an Aswan?
00:33:40No, silly. You always were one.
00:33:43I just woke that side of you up.
00:33:47That's the tricky part.
00:33:48You're half human in your father's side.
00:33:51But let's forget about that asshole.
00:33:54I'm not sure what Aswan powers you'll get but
00:33:57you should know what good things that tongue is used for.
00:34:00Only time will tell.
00:34:03Should I do that disgusting splitting in half thing?
00:34:06How should I know?
00:34:08I'm not sure you'll get wings either.
00:34:11That'd be kind of cool.
00:34:13So if my father was human, then what was your dad?
00:34:16I don't want to talk about it.
00:34:18Get up. I made you some blood soup.
00:34:21It's pork, of course.
00:34:24Finding suitable human meals runs scarce these days.
00:34:33What's up, H.D.?
00:34:34Hey there. It's 0800 and you didn't check in.
00:34:37You know the rules.
00:34:38A hunter goes in the field and goes off the grid.
00:34:41You have to send backup.
00:34:43And I know how much you hate backup.
00:34:46I'm fine. Sorry about not checking in.
00:34:49Not a word about this to anyone, huh?
00:34:52You want me to cook?
00:34:55Something big must have happened last night.
00:34:57What happened? You get laid.
00:35:00Uh, that is none of your business.
00:35:03Oh, I see. I wouldn't want to interrupt.
00:35:06I guess I'll see you later, then.
00:35:08Thanks, H.D.
00:35:12Sooner or later they're going to find out.
00:35:14You already know.
00:35:16I thought you already had psychic abilities.
00:35:20Best find a new career.
00:35:23The undead signed a pact long ago that we will not hunt others like us.
00:35:27So I'm... I'm fucked.
00:35:30No. You'll be fine.
00:35:33Remember you're a swan now.
00:35:35We're immortal. We always find ways to survive.
00:35:41I appreciate what you're trying to do, really.
00:35:44But I am a hunter.
00:35:47I can't just go around making friends with the undead.
00:35:50I can't make you accept your destiny.
00:35:52You can't run from what you are.
00:35:54I have to go before they get suspicious.
00:36:01I already told you.
00:36:03They already know.
00:36:39So, boss, you wanted to see me?
00:36:41I thought Mahal retrieved Mr. Fang.
00:36:43Oh, well, that. Yeah, she's going to bring him back when she's finished.
00:36:47Did she tell you when?
00:36:49I checked in with her at 0800.
00:36:51I can give her a call. She can come back right away.
00:36:54Don't bother.
00:36:56The more I tell you, I think Mahal has turned.
00:37:00How do you know that?
00:37:04I've seen this many times before.
00:37:07An inexperienced, hotshot hunter going in way over her head.
00:37:19If she doesn't come back herself, consider her dead.
00:37:26I know she was a friend of yours.
00:37:29She was like a daughter to me.
00:37:32You know what you need to do.
00:37:49I'm sorry.
00:38:37Sorry, Mahal.
00:38:39You've reached HD. Speak now.
00:38:49I'm sorry.
00:39:19I'm sorry, Mahal.
00:39:21Koji, what are you doing?
00:39:23Doing a little test.
00:39:25You know the code.
00:39:27If a hunter joins the undead, they have to kill themselves.
00:39:30And if they don't, someone else will.
00:39:34Get off me!
00:39:38Quick, heal him.
00:39:40Now, that's what I'm talking about.
00:39:42You are undead.
00:39:44But I'm not a killer.
00:39:46You are undead.
00:39:48But I'm not a killer.
00:39:50That's what they all say before the hunger sets in.
00:39:53It was nothing personal, Mahal.
00:39:55You were a great hunter.
00:40:02You got a lot to learn.
00:40:04I had this.
00:40:05Really, Mahal?
00:40:06You should have killed him when you had the chance.
00:40:10I could have killed him if I wanted to.
00:40:12So what held you back?
00:40:15Sometimes you have to kill or be killed.
00:40:19You're not safe here.
00:40:21Come with me.
00:40:45Let's go.
00:41:03That's all of them.
00:41:10Looks like she has the hats for me.
00:41:23Kilmore, I have a cleanup job for you.
00:41:27Anything for you, boss.
00:41:44Believe it or not, I have a day job.
00:41:49You're the best form of birth control.
00:41:57No one ever asks a tiger why it kills.
00:42:00It feeds on the weakest disease-spreading member of the flock
00:42:03and keeps the rest healthy.
00:42:05Your prey awaits.
00:42:07Politicians are so yummy.
00:42:10The taste of power and all their hidden secrets.
00:42:13Are you ready for this?
00:42:14Tonight will be your first.
00:42:23Oh, yeah, baby.
00:42:26I always wanted two cute Asian girls at the same time.
00:42:31You want to start?
00:42:36More for me.
00:42:40Come on.
00:43:05Come. I want to dance.
00:43:11Come on.
00:43:27I'm really sorry I didn't join you for dinner.
00:43:30I can't kill someone like that.
00:43:33Don't feel bad for that asshole.
00:43:35We had it coming eventually.
00:43:37It would just be someone to it.
00:43:39He was a creep, sure.
00:43:41But did he really deserve to die?
00:43:46With all the lives lost to that man and his greed,
00:43:49you'd understand.
00:43:54He is a cancer.
00:43:56We just acted like white blood cells and got rid of him.
00:44:01Oh, hey.
00:44:03Take an old unsolved murder mystery like a...
00:44:06Jack the Ripper?
00:44:10My friend Vlad took care of good old Jack.
00:44:20The undead have ways of dealing with their flock.
00:44:39Hold your breath.
00:44:53I told you I'd be back to clean up after you.
00:44:57Kill more?
00:45:00I have to leave you for a moment.
00:45:09Looks like your new friend abandoned you.
00:45:13They think they're gods, you know.
00:45:15And I bet you think you're a god too now that you're one of them.
00:45:52The details of the murders are yet to be disclosed.
00:45:55However, a full investigation is underway.
00:45:58Earlier today, authorities...
00:46:00Well, now they know for sure that I've turned.
00:46:02Need I remind you, you weren't turned.
00:46:05Time to come out to mom and dad.
00:46:07You are such a closet piece.
00:46:09Is this all some kind of joke to you?
00:46:11I mean, yeah, you've been doing this for the past, what, 400 years?
00:46:14But it's all pretty new to me.
00:46:17Not four.
00:46:19But ain't it fun?
00:46:21Do you have any idea what they do to the undead if we're caught?
00:46:24We need to do something before they come after us again.
00:46:26We should go somewhere.
00:46:28You should know better than me, Mahal.
00:46:30As long as they think that we will make the world aware of the presence of the undead,
00:46:34they'll come after us no matter where in the world we hide.
00:46:38I'm just tired of playing their games.
00:46:42How about we go take out their headquarters?
00:46:44I have a friend there.
00:46:45That's so cute.
00:46:46Cut it out.
00:46:48The increase in violence we are seeing on the streets of the city of evil is a sign.
00:46:52We need to get rid of all the undesirables who bring disease and misfortune to this country.
00:46:58Who's that?
00:46:59My boss.
00:47:00Don't you watch TV?
00:47:02She's a pretty popular TV personality.
00:47:05She does this to keep the undead situation under control.
00:47:11She's the one responsible for the hunters who attack us?
00:47:14The reason why we live in hiding?
00:47:21We will reclaim what was once ours.
00:47:33I knew there were others, but I didn't think it was her.
00:47:37She told me that everything was going to be okay,
00:47:39that we would be strong again, and that she'd send for me when everything got better.
00:47:44It was so long ago, I just thought she was dead.
00:47:50She betrayed the mana.
00:47:52She must have been looking for you.
00:47:54She used you and she betrayed us both.
00:47:56That's not possible. She helped me when no one else would.
00:47:59She helped me become a hunter.
00:48:02That was all part of her plan, and you fell right into her trap.
00:48:06Fuck that!
00:48:07You have any other explanation?
00:48:12No, I don't.
00:48:15Seems like I don't know anything anymore.
00:48:17As of yesterday, I didn't even know what the hell I was.
00:48:20How should I know why Michelle pretended to care?
00:48:22She didn't.
00:48:24She was just looking out for herself.
00:48:28Looks like I need to have a heart to heart.
00:48:31That's not a good idea.
00:48:33She's stronger than both of us.
00:48:35I want to hear it from her, and I deserve to know why.
00:48:42Out of my way.
00:49:15You'll be a great hunter one day.
00:49:18You'll destroy those Aswaks that did this to your family.
00:49:30I've done everything you've asked.
00:49:32Good, Michelle.
00:49:33You've come a long way, but you left a lot of loose ends.
00:49:36I assure you, the situation's under control.
00:49:41Maybe you got what it takes.
00:49:43See to it.
00:49:44I will.
00:50:31Let's go.
00:50:42Allow me.
00:50:47You're so subtle.
00:50:49You won't need them.
00:50:51Power's out means they know we're here.
00:50:53Something's coming.
00:50:54I'll hold them off for you.
00:51:00I see you come to daddy.
00:51:54I'm not done yet!
00:52:01The knife!
00:52:02Drop it!
00:52:08That's better.
00:52:11What are you, a vampire now?
00:52:13Sucking blood?
00:52:14Sucking human blood?
00:52:15Is that what you're doing?
00:52:18You're not going to need these anymore, are you?
00:52:20These are for hunters!
00:52:23But you're not a hunter, are you?
00:52:26All you were good at...
00:52:28All you were good at was strutting around in your sexy little pants.
00:52:41What's wrong, Mahal?
00:52:43It doesn't work, does it?
00:52:45New issue.
00:52:46It only works for me.
00:52:51That sting, Mahal?
00:52:52Did you ever imagine it would sting so much?
00:52:54It's like throwing salt on a snail, isn't it?
00:53:13Where are you going?
00:53:14Where are you going?
00:53:15Come back here!
00:53:17Oh, you. I see you.
00:54:25Come here!
00:54:28Come and get it!
00:54:55Where were you?
00:54:56Doing my hair, getting my nails done.
00:54:59We're doing fine!
00:55:00I could have been killed!
00:55:02You're right, you could have been killed.
00:55:04I need to see you handle this on your own.
00:55:07You passed the first test.
00:55:12We'll talk later.
00:55:40She still needs to feed.
00:55:43That's great. So do you.
00:55:46So will you.
00:56:02Looks like we have an undead suicide bomber.
00:56:04He was human once.
00:56:05Now he's doing the evil bidding on Michelle and her cronies.
00:56:08Must have been one of her secret projects.
00:56:11They did the same thing in the Philippines to scare anyone who rebelled.
00:56:15If you control people's fear, you can make them do anything.
00:56:24She's through here.
00:56:32I can't let you enter.
00:56:35It's me, Mahal.
00:56:37I know.
00:56:39But you've turned.
00:56:42I haven't turned.
00:56:43I'm exactly the same person.
00:56:46Give me a chance, H.D.
00:56:47I wish I could help you.
00:56:49But I can't.
00:57:17I can't.
00:57:37You played your part perfectly.
00:57:40Come out and face me!
00:57:43You were the best bait.
00:57:45The undead couldn't resist the little halfling.
00:57:51You can't win this.
00:57:53You're not powerful enough.
00:57:55Let's find out!
00:57:56You disgust me, Mahal.
00:57:58What do you think? That I really care about the undead?
00:58:01You think I survived all these years playing the undead card?
00:58:05You're a monster!
00:58:06You kill your own kind!
00:58:08You threaten the world with your kind.
00:58:10The undead are a threat to this world's safety.
00:58:12And someday, you'll be a threat too.
00:58:15You're just pretending to be something you're not.
00:58:18I've accepted what I am, and it doesn't make me less of either.
00:58:22I'm not a real assassin, Mahal.
00:58:24You disgusting halfling.
00:58:26You're nothing.
00:58:56Hold your fire! Hold your fire!
00:58:59There's a hunter in the room.
00:59:05Where's that punk kill more at?
00:59:09Why don't you ask the Aswang?
00:59:33Nice outfit.
00:59:35Yeah, well, I'll give it a try.
00:59:52The sun's almost up.
00:59:54Relax. It's not dangerous until it's fully raised.
00:59:57You're not separated. What are you worried about?
00:59:59You're flying! Get us home in one piece, please!
01:00:02You gotta learn to trust me.
01:00:05How'd you get HD to call the reinforcements?
01:00:08You know men can't resist my charm.
01:00:09Besides, the hack daddy of yours is such a sweetheart as long as he's not playing with all his toys.
01:00:17You did good. Without Michelle and the rest of them, we actually have a chance to take it to the next level.
01:00:22What if I'm not ready for the next level? You saw what they do to our kind.
01:00:26We're Aswang. We can do anything.
01:00:28You want to end up all crazy like Michelle?
01:00:30That won't happen to us.
01:00:32It's like you said. No one asks why the tiger kills, but that's not going to stop them from hunting it.
01:00:37I guess there's nothing we can do.
01:00:40Looks like we're not done with her yet.
01:01:07They're mine now!
01:01:09Beth! Beth, get out of the way!
01:01:11Not my fault, this girl is yours!
01:02:04You're going to be okay.
01:02:08You didn't like her much, did you?
01:02:13No. She was hot, but she was a piece of shit.
01:03:07By accepting what I am, I left my old life behind.
01:03:09I know I can't go back, but I found I have a new purpose.
01:03:38I'm sorry.
01:03:39I'm sorry.
01:03:40I'm sorry.
01:03:41I'm sorry.
01:03:42I'm sorry.
01:03:43I'm sorry.
01:03:44I'm sorry.
01:03:45I'm sorry.
01:03:46I'm sorry.
01:03:47I'm sorry.
01:03:48I'm sorry.
01:03:49I'm sorry.
01:03:50I'm sorry.
01:03:51I'm sorry.
01:03:52I'm sorry.
01:03:53I'm sorry.
01:03:54I'm sorry.
01:03:55I'm sorry.
01:03:56I'm sorry.
01:03:57I'm sorry.
01:03:58I'm sorry.
01:03:59I'm sorry.
01:04:00I'm sorry.
01:04:01I'm sorry.
01:04:02I'm sorry.
01:04:03I'm sorry.
01:04:04I'm sorry.
01:04:05I'm sorry.
01:04:06I'm sorry.
01:04:07I'm sorry.
01:04:08I'm sorry.
01:04:09I'm sorry.
01:04:10I'm sorry.
01:04:11I'm sorry.
01:04:12I'm sorry.
01:04:13I'm sorry.
01:04:14I'm sorry.
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01:04:16I'm sorry.
01:04:17I'm sorry.
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