• 2 days ago
Dragon Slayer - The Legend of Heroes
00:00To understand the strange and terrible events that are about to unfold, one must understand
00:17the world in which they take place.
00:19Israelhasa, as this world is known, exists in a remote place, far removed from other
00:25worlds by time and distance.
00:27It is a land imbued with magic, where sorcery and demons are as much a part of life as night
00:33and day, where the darkest imaginings of the mind can become real in an instant.
00:41On this world can be found the island kingdom of Fahren.
00:45It was once a peaceful and happy realm, ruled by a wise king.
00:49But darkness came upon the land, in the form of the demon lord Okdam.
00:53King Aswell's armies proved no match for Okdam's demonic legions, and he was at last overthrown.
00:59It is on that evil day that our tale begins...
01:03King Aswell!
01:04Flee, your majesty!
01:05Look after my son.
01:31Defend him with your life.
01:32I will, child!
01:33I will!
01:37Where are you?
01:51The King of Darkness is approaching!
02:02Flavor, where are you?
02:09Flavor, where are you going?
02:11Flavor, don't go!
02:13No! Come back!
02:37A tasty little piece, yes, dear.
02:40Lean and strong.
02:52That should soften her up.
02:54She's not all yours, my friend.
02:57Great saves for us!
02:59There's plenty for everyone!
03:01Help! Somebody help me!
03:04There is no one!
03:16Stay where you are! One step closer,
03:19and I'll carve this sweet young thing like a suckling pig.
03:24Stay back!
03:36You weren't hurt, were you?
03:38No, I'm all right, sir.
03:42What? It can't be!
03:44I am the son of King Aswell and rightful heir to his throne,
03:47but you may call me Sirius.
03:50Prince Sirius!
03:52Well, now that you've blurted it out,
03:54we'd best move on before they come looking for you, my lord.
03:58Are you certain of this?
04:00Sirius is here.
04:02I saw him with my own eyes.
04:04And so you fled here rather than fight him, eh?
04:07I thought I should warn you, master.
04:09You thought? And who gave you permission to do that?
04:12But your majesty, I was only trying to...
04:20Yes, my lord?
04:21If you hadn't let him escape ten years ago,
04:23we wouldn't have this problem now.
04:27Here's your chance to redeem yourself.
04:30Go and find him. Bring me his head on a platter.
04:33And be quick.
04:35For until then, my own head cannot rest easy.
04:45That's enough! Stop it!
04:48Hey, I like this village.
04:50Your highness! Are you ready?
04:54Hurry up!
04:55Coming, Rias!
04:56Some time this spring?
05:04Now watch me carefully.
05:08Sirius! Will you pay attention, boy?
05:13Now then, as I was about to explain,
05:16the broadsword...
05:18When you strife...
05:19Oh, Rian!
05:20Yes, what is it?
05:23I thought you'd want to know there's venison stew for supper.
05:26Venison! I love venison!
05:28Oh, really?
05:29Yes, and I'm hungry as a bear!
05:31I hope you made a lot of it!
05:34Oh, I'm astonished!
05:36Remember you're a prince! Try to behave accordingly!
05:38Oh, right.
05:39Have you no manners?
05:40There's a proper way to respond to such hospitality.
05:43Like this.
05:45You're too kind, dear lady.
05:48Now I've got to teach you etiquette, I suppose.
05:50How in thunder are you supposed to govern a kingdom
05:52when you act like a stable boy?
05:54Well, all right!
05:55Can we get back to the broadsword, please?
05:57Oh, I almost forgot!
05:59That's right! Where were we?
06:02Now, my lord,
06:03remember the strength of a swordsman's character
06:05is more important than the quality of his weapon.
06:07Why, even this old broomstick in the right hands
06:10can defeat the mightiest opponent.
06:12The real keys to victory
06:14are purity of heart and presence of mind.
06:16All the rest is so much clearer.
06:18All the rest is so much humbug.
06:20Each man's style may differ,
06:22but the fundamentals are the same for all.
06:24Banish all worldly thoughts and passions.
06:27Gather your strength into a single point of light.
06:34Draw it down into your belly and hold it there.
06:43Then let it fly upward to the top of your head!
06:54Bravo, Riaz!
06:55Very impressive demonstration, really!
06:57And don't worry about the damage.
06:59It's just the proper way to respond to hospitality, right?
07:02Ha ha ha!
07:05Great Adel Tadders, what have I done?
07:08There, it's not so bad,
07:09and it brings to mind another skill
07:11I was going to teach you, my lord.
07:14Let's begin with this table, shall we?
07:19Not again!
07:24It's inhuman, that's what it is.
07:26Who was it who did this?
07:28It was Zanji.
07:30One of Akdam's minions.
07:32The beast who rules this part of the kingdom,
07:34oppressing the people and forcing the young men
07:36to work in the mines against their will.
07:38Each day we bury another.
07:40Akdam must be stopped!
08:04What's wrong?
08:05Get up!
08:06On your feet, peasant!
08:07Stand or die!
08:10Can't watch this.
08:12I'm not taking any longer!
08:14Are you insane?
08:15Settle down!
08:17An intruder's loose in the mines!
08:19Get him!
08:20He's mine!
08:39These lackeys are a waste of steel.
08:41It's their master I want!
08:48I am he!
08:50Now stand and fight, villain!
08:52The sword of Sirius will give you a taste of your own medicine.
08:55Ready to die?
08:57Your time has come.
08:59So you're the one the king is searching for
09:01while your sword is longer than you are!
09:03Sorry, but it's you who'll have to die!
09:06Now get ready, young pup!
09:10On your guard, boy!
09:21This is bad! I have to help the villagers!
09:28The mine is caving in! Run!
09:32What happened to all the guards?
09:33One guess.
09:36They all had the same unfortunate accident.
09:38They stumbled onto my sword.
09:40And the villagers?
09:41Don't worry, they're safe. I got them out.
09:44Be careful!
10:04I'm coming, my lord!
10:11Well done, stranger.
10:21Now to end it!
10:29For King Asgore and victory!
10:40Zagi, punish them.
10:41Of course.
10:46So you're the monster killer.
10:47Not much to look at.
10:49Call me Galen.
10:50That's my name.
11:04Not again!
11:50I got him wait be careful don't get too close to it stay away
12:12forgive me my prince I committed the cardinal sin of a swordsman I let down my guard
12:18no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
12:48why if it isn't the son of King as well of blessed memory traitor tyrant and murderer
13:03you repaid my father's trust and friendship with betrayal well don't get too comfortable
13:08on that throne your reign of terror is nearing its end your dog dog am I pardon me boy but
13:15you're the one on all fours snarling and spitting like an animal very undignified should I cut off
13:23your head right now no I think I'll wait and kill you along with your mother what a public execution
13:29a splendid show for the peasants you're so fond of she's alive the Queen is still alive you say yes
13:36that old fool Rios neglected to mention it did he how annoying if he had told you you might have
13:42come much sooner we could have finished this years ago aha what's this the stone of Gilmore
13:48symbol of the heir apparent you won't be needing this fine bobble anymore my young friend soggy
13:57yeah show the prince some of the changes we've made to his father's palace with pleasure hear
14:03this I swear to you traitor I will avenge the king and my mother I'll make you pay do you hear me do
14:12what a bold fellow I know I should be frightened for some reason I'm not take him away
14:25your highness Prince serious those animals have nearly killed him my lord your highness wake up
14:48are you now is not the time for me to explain are you able to walk your highness I get it you've
15:00come all this way here to rescue me thanks a lot no no my lord wake up wake up damnation
15:07do this the hard way put him here your highness your highness what has happened to Sonia someone
15:23bring her here at once you say he regained consciousness before yes Rios is that you
15:34no I'm afraid not Prince serious I am his brother Aaron Rios lies buried somewhere beneath the
15:40ruins of that village my lord he's so weak you must do something with your healing powers Sonia
16:00now this is terrible huh what do you mean you don't mean to say that the princes
16:06I was right in the middle of a game of dice and I was winning for the first time in my entire life
16:12the numbers are all following my way oh god thank you to me to killing and you told me away for this
16:17didn't need me for him a few days in bed and he'll be perfectly fine now that I see him he's
16:29not a bad-looking Prince Izzy I'd better stay and make sure he recovers I think they want you
16:40you've my permission to go now be careful don't worry I will I hope she remembers that young man
16:49is in a very weakened condition well I guess there are worse ways for a man to die ha very funny
16:55my very own Prince
17:09so you're out of bed at last feeling better are we uh-huh
17:24yeah better thanks well that's splendid the prince is up Aaron pardon me hmm may I pass
17:32sure sorry thank you lousy warlock who's that fellow that fellow someone I don't trust as far
17:46is he really a warlock hey Aaron here I am glad to see you well again your highness though a poor
17:57substitute for my brother I hope you will call me friend thank you come you're going to be
18:04impressed I think this chamber is the heart and soul of the rebellion here we're planning the
18:09campaign that will ultimately overthrow the tyrant Octa bring freedom to foreign and restore the
18:14crown to its rightful heir that's you serious son of as well you can save your cheering in that
18:23castle there in one of Octa's dungeons the Queen my mother still lives were you aware of that we
18:29are my lord then why haven't you tried to rescue her why don't you attack I don't understand how
18:34can you leave her there my dear prince I sympathize with your impatience and I too am tired of waiting
18:40I want desperately to strike back against he that killed my brother but it's an unwise man
18:45who lets his rage dictate strategy come I will show you I will back any of our men against any
18:52three of those demons but Octum has an army of 40,000 to ours of only 5,000 and then there's
18:58his monstrous henchman Zagi whose power is almost limitless no we cannot attack yet to risk meeting
19:05his army now would be suicidal madness in the meantime what of the Queen may merciful gods give
19:11her strength for the moment there is nothing we can do but wait and stay our hand until the time
19:16is ripe pardon me Prince but more than your own kingdom hangs in the balance here you know Octum
19:23has his greedy eye on many other kingdoms as well reunion speaks for such passion because he is from
19:28one of those other kingdoms say stay out of this warlock forgive me yeah you're not my young lord
19:35though we cannot attack him directly we are not standing idly by we are drawing his blood little
19:41by little weakening him with small skirmishes like the attack on that demons on G in the mind
19:46that was reunions idea and a very good one oh forgive me your highness lend us your sword and
19:53your strength stand side by side with us in our cause once word goes forth the prince serious
19:58himself is with us men will flock to our banner by the hundreds thousands the entire kingdom man
20:04woman and child will rise up to follow you and then at last that blessed day will come when we
20:10strike down that monster who murdered your father and imprisoned the Queen are you with us
20:28dogs where's your master
20:40you're free go
20:57insolent young pop so he fights side-by-side with rebels does he
21:12If the rebel Sirius does not surrender himself to the king, Queen Felicia will be executed at sundown tomorrow at the bay of Aswell's tomb.
21:21Let me through, please!
21:24What? Has the prince heard of this?
21:27I've sent Sonia to find him.
21:29Aaron, you know what he'll do! We can't let him fall for this trick! It'll be the ruin of everything!
21:34On the other hand, it might provide us the perfect opportunity for taking the castle.
21:39Sirius, have you heard?
21:41I have! That hound of hell! I'll teach him to threaten the queen! Hi-ya!
21:46No, wait! We must first visit the abandoned temple of the Old Ones!
21:50Why's that?
21:51Trust me, there's a great and powerful weapon in those ancient ruins that will help us in our fight!
21:55All right, then we'll go.
21:57You men, now listen! Ride back to our stronghold and wait there!
22:02Tell Aaron that Sonia and I have gone to the temple ruins!
22:05Let him have everything ready for the attack upon my return!
22:08Sonia, lead the way!
22:11Good luck, your highness!
22:13Our cavalry now numbers 2,000 horse.
22:16Combined with bowmen and foot soldiers, the army's strength stands at 5,000.
22:20All are ready to attack the castle at your command.
22:23All that and still no match for Ockdam's legions.
22:26No. But then we can never hope to defeat him in pitched battle.
22:30Brave as they may be, our men cannot overcome such odds,
22:33especially when the enemy's numbers include that demon Zoggy.
22:36We can only hope that the prince arrives in time to divert their attention by rescuing the queen.
22:41But there's no guarantee he'll succeed!
22:44There is! Or if not a guarantee, at least a very real chance of success.
22:49That is why I sent my granddaughter Sonia to him.
22:54Are you sure?
22:55The temple of the Old Ones?
22:59Send the Imperial Guard. That's an order.
23:01I fear they will be too late, my lord.
23:07Of course, you have the wing of Wapur.
23:19Come on, Sonia. We better go now.
23:21There'll be another sunrise tomorrow morning.
23:23Time is short!
23:29Are you coming?
23:36Know what I like more than anything?
23:39I'd like to see the sun rise tomorrow morning!
23:42I can't hear you!
23:44What did you say?
23:46I want to see the sun come up again tomorrow morning!
23:49That better help you!
23:51What was that for?
23:52A shouty in my ear!
23:54I want to see the sun come up tomorrow morning!
23:56What in thunder is that supposed to mean?
23:58Shut up!
23:59You first!
24:07Be careful, Sirius. Go slowly.
24:09There are many things in here we don't understand.
24:14What are you doing? Using me as a shield?
24:16That's disgusting!
24:17Let go of me, you coward!
24:19You scared? What's wrong?
24:24I see someone.
24:36What is that?
24:37The wing of Wapur!
24:54Watch out!
25:00I've seen these brutes before.
25:02I know I'm attractive, but hey!
25:04Keep your hands off my buttocks!
25:08Galen, many thanks!
25:09It was a pleasure.
25:11Do you know who those four are?
25:13Yes. Those are Octom's Imperial Guard.
25:17More demons?
25:18And as soon as they're done materializing, things are going to get ugly.
25:23Let's not wait!
25:26I'm ready now!
25:27Come on!
25:57Do your worst, but I swear by this sword you shall not pass! Ever!
26:06Well, I'll be Poleaxed!
26:08You're so young to be a sorceress!
26:10I'm not!
26:11No? But I thought you said...
26:13I'm in training!
26:18Do you know what you're doing, girl?
26:20Well, do you?
26:21Now you die, Hellspawn creature!
26:25Sorry, I'm not impressed.
26:28The Imperial Guards are immune to your cheap and pathetic sword tricks, young princeling.
26:32Are they?
26:33Now you shall see!
26:41Which one of you is next?
26:44Let's not be hasty.
26:45Now wait!
26:46Do you know what's behind that door?
26:56No! Wait!
27:07Stop, Sonia!
27:31Don't follow me!
27:39You don't know what you're doing!
27:40If you become one with the beast, you'll never be able to free yourself, Sonia!
27:44You will remain that way! A curse! Forever!
27:48Leave me, Galen!
27:50I beg of you, please go!
27:52I must do this.
27:54Do not fear for me, I am not afraid.
27:57But if the worst should happen, and I cannot return to what I once was,
28:01please do not tell the Prince what I have become.
28:04I cannot bear the thought of him knowing.
28:06Tell him only that I failed.
28:09That I did my best.
28:11And that I did it for him.
28:14Now go!
28:16Listen to me, Sonia!
28:17Don't do it!
28:25Arise, great dragon.
28:27Your ageless sleep is at an end.
28:30It is time for us to become one.
28:33You shall be my strength, and I your soul.
28:56What the devil?
29:02Your Highness!
29:05Climb aboard!
29:07Hurry! We don't have all day!
29:15Where is he?
29:16Where is Prince Sirius?
29:18It has been too long.
29:20Something must have happened to them.
29:22What next?
29:23Without the Prince's diversionary effort to rescue Queen Felicia,
29:26our army doesn't have a chance of taking the castle.
29:30Aron, send your forces against the castle as planned.
29:33Sirius will come, of that I'm certain.
29:36And how can you be so sure?
29:38Would you stake your life on it?
29:40Or the lives of our warriors?
29:43Well, I cannot afford to.
29:45Tell our commanders to withdraw from the castle
29:47and assemble at the Bay of Aswell's tomb.
29:49Once there, we shall attempt to rescue the Queen ourselves, if possible.
29:54Is that clear?
29:59The fool!
30:00What is he trying to do?
30:02Wait! Don't send those orders yet!
30:09Who is he?
30:11It can't be.
30:16The hour has come.
30:18But Sirius hasn't shown himself, my lord.
30:20You may start.
30:22Yes, sir.
30:35Kill her!
30:39Who dares?
30:45And someone else.
30:47One you haven't seen for a long time, Sir Octam.
30:57Though we share the same teacher, you and I have traveled very different roads.
31:01Now, our roads converge at last, villain!
31:24The Queen!
31:28Who is that?
31:29I am the rightful heir to the throne of King Aswell!
31:33The Grand Sirius!
31:36I am vengeance!
31:37Come to repay you for the murders of Aswell and Rias!
31:40I am justice!
31:41Come to punish you for the imprisonment of the Queen!
31:44I am freedom!
31:45Come to end your bloody reign!
31:47I am all these things, you tyrant!
31:49I am death!
32:00Join the others and see that no harm comes to the Queen!
32:04Now, fly!
32:10Prince Sirius, your sword!
32:13Thanks, friend!
32:14Now, we must draw the beast away from my mother!
32:17Hurry, dragon!
32:18Or should I call you by your true name, Sonia!
32:31Now, attack!
32:44Thank you for everything!
32:46Oh, please, your highness!
32:47We have other things to think about at the moment!
32:52Did you see that?
32:53He tried to grab my breasts!
32:56Sonia, you don't have any breasts!
32:59It must leave me!
33:01Prince Sirius!
33:02Come back!
33:03He's little more than a boy, yet already brave as his father!
33:07He fights for us all while we stand and watch!
33:14Hey, old man!
33:15What are you doing?
33:16What do you think I'm doing?
33:22Octum is the real enemy!
33:24Forget all else but him!
33:25This battle can never be truly won while he is free!
33:28Don't worry!
33:30Are you going to stand there all night?
33:32What's going on?
33:33Forgive me!
33:35Now what's the matter?
33:45What's all this?
33:46We've come to protect the queen!
33:49You're going to save the queen, are you?
33:53Well, holy thunder!
33:54You fellows all have courage!
33:55I'll give you that!
33:56All right, then!
33:57Close ranks and show these devils what you're made of!
34:29Merciful gods!
34:30Don't let her die!
34:43Fly away!
34:44Please don't die!
34:45No, Sirius!
34:46I wouldn't leave you even if I could!
34:54For that, you monster!
34:56I damn you to hell!
34:59Now, Sirius!
35:09He did it!
35:10Look, sir!
35:12What does it mean?
35:13That fire beyond the ridge!
35:15The castle!
35:16They've taken the castle!
35:21Aron did it!
35:22We've won!
35:23Not yet!
35:25We have only scorched the evil one, not killed him.
35:29Now, prince, make yourself ready.
35:31The final battle approaches.
35:33I'm ready.
35:38Are all of you ready?
35:41Let Sirius your strength!
35:42He will need all our prayers to succeed.
35:46And so all who stood there bowed their heads as one.
35:49And the wizard's words traveled many leagues beyond that place.
35:52They echoed through the valleys of the north,
35:54and in the deep, far-off forests of the south they were heard.
35:59In the ruins of the castle, Aron and his men also heard them.
36:03From every corner of the kingdom,
36:05the people of Fa-Ren answered the wizard's appeal
36:08and sent their prayers flying toward their prince.
36:11At last!
36:13That light!
36:14What is that light?
36:16Like a thousand rivers meeting to form one mighty river,
36:19Like a thousand rivers meeting to form one mighty torrent,
36:23the prayers of his people converged on the prince's sword,
36:26imbuing it with a power beyond mortal reckoning.
36:30Zagi, why do you delay?
36:32Remake yourself and rise, slave!
36:40We shall not!
36:53Vanish forever!
37:07Thank the gods it's over!
37:09Don't be a fool!
37:10You didn't see Octum die, did you?
37:12He's still alive!
37:14Oh, he's right! He's right!
37:17Yes, but for now he's gone.
37:19Be thankful for that.
37:25Mother! Mother!
37:29Oh, my son!
37:33Are you all right, Mother?
37:34Yes, now.
37:35Your Highness.
37:36Can you help me bring Sonya back?
37:40All right, then.
38:09I've come to bring you home.
38:12This girl gave herself willingly to me,
38:15and I as willingly now set her free that she may return to her own kind.
38:20This is a brave and noble spirit.
38:23See that you take good care of it, Prince.
38:48The sun's coming up, and I'm here to see it.
38:53Yes, Sonya, but why stop at that?
38:55Everyone! We must see to it that the sun rises every morning over a land that is free!
39:02You'll help me make the sun come up, won't you?
39:05Tomorrow? And the morning after?
39:07Tomorrow and the morning after.
39:09And the morning after that. And the morning after that.
39:41Tell me, Sonya, what happened to your arm?
39:44Let's just say somebody got overly familiar.
39:55Where is my son?
40:02This is from Sirius?
40:04Dearest Mother, by the time you read this, I will be gone.
40:07Pray forgive me, but I cannot join in any celebration while the man who murdered my father and my mentor still lives.
40:14I will return one day with Ogdum's head. Until then, Mother, be well.
40:19I'm sorry, ma'am. I guess he snuck off while I wasn't looking.
40:23Well, it's good riddance if you ask me.
40:26Oh, well. He has his father's wandering blood in him.
40:29We shall eagerly await his return, but in the meantime, I command that the celebration continue.
40:59To be continued
41:29To be continued
41:59To be continued
42:29To be continued
42:59To be continued
43:29To be continued
43:32To be continued
43:35To be continued