• 2 days ago
The Lockdown (2024)

Siblings Charlie and Jack are trapped in Myanmar's toughest prison and accused of a crime they didn't commit. Forced into televised fights against other inmates, they must work together and fight for their freedom.

00:37Water come on
00:38Let's see some aggression. All right, can you get here in the clinch near up?
00:43That's what she's doing to you. You do it to her near up
00:47Exhale maybe start. Okay, you take care of her this round this round. All right, set her up for the spinning kick
00:55Go go get her
01:34Sure high-speed stuff will be insane
01:51There's only two ways to leave content first is in the box the second is by victory in the ring
02:00The only way to live a life is as a champion
02:06What's your life on the fighting for freedom app
02:15It's the perfect setup
02:17freedom from captivity
02:19Violence rewarded regardless of the cross. What's all this? Who are these guys?
02:23Max meet my nephews. They both just earned graduate degrees in marketing in America
02:30I'm kukrit. I create the content
02:33Satra here does our analytics and social media
02:37You must be very proud. We're taking the summer away from Bangkok to help uncle monetize the fight promotion
02:45That's a big word max. Let me explain
02:48Well, you see in the age of devices everyone now watches TV on their phones
02:52We're live sports a market as a must-see event fans pay to watch right?
02:57Look at the UFC
02:58They proved it. My nephews have assured me that this will pave the way for an early retirement
03:04We use all the platforms tick tock
03:07Instagram Facebook Twitter
03:09We're selling heroes and villains. So we either want the fans to love or hate the fighters so far
03:14They don't think our challenges are good enough. They gotta be better a lot better
03:20something with a
03:24Okay, well sounds like you got it all figured out we're not done
03:29We know nothing about matchmaking
03:32But uncle here tells us that you're the best. I
03:35Want to make you an offer?
03:37If you can deliver what my nephews need I'll grant your release
03:42My release barring the platform is successful, of course
03:47You need fighters villains foreigners ideally, huh?
03:53Well, that's gonna be a problem because
03:56We don't have any of those here. I trust you can figure it out
04:01Show me the girl again
04:11There's only two ways to leave Kent that first is in the bar
04:41Clearly a thinly sliced I swear to God
04:57Thank you
05:19Hey there, mr. Bolo, how is my little monster? I know you're not talking about me. I'm gonna need the number to HR
05:28It Wells check out this view
05:33And here you sir, thank you, sir
05:39Like we got the short end of the stick
05:41You did so when you're coming home Friday
05:44You just got there and I'm anxious to get back because you never sent me the files
05:49Maybe you should stay a little longer funny. Oh, I feel like underdog shit. Say hello to Wells
05:56Hello Wells
05:58Hey Wells
06:00Just give me server access not gonna happen Charlie, come on say bye Bolo. Wait Wells don't
06:08Damn it
06:14Mr. Hightower, I'll call for you
06:21Well, I'll see who it is
06:38His only condition was that you talked to him here aren't I
06:52We're here to see backside tower, please place your back on the table and complete comps
07:30Don't know what's going on here. Hey, you'll bring your body to the prison. Yeah, but what is yeah, but
07:49Miss you
07:53Be cool be cool. Hang on a second
08:31Stop stop stop
08:33Just wait we're cooperating
09:49We need to talk
11:14This is not what I meant exactly what you asked for
11:20Foreigners trained to fight worthy his own children
11:27Jesus Christ
11:30How'd you pull this off so fast
11:32Sometimes you gotta think outside of the box. This carries a considerable degree of risk max
11:39They're perfect
11:41They really are perfect
11:43You sure?
11:48We have a limited amount of time before someone comes looking
12:27Met you motherfucker
12:36Wake you and lamb
13:08Mean Annabelle
13:25There are police and there are real courts in this country
13:31Welsh knows we're here, huh?
13:37We'll get yeah, we'll get a lawyer. We'll get this US Embassy. He screwed us
13:43He fucking screwed us
13:48You think max had something to do with it, I know he did how he's an inmate
13:53Chuck think about it. Why did he change his mind? What are you? What are you saying the gym Jack?
13:59Why did he reconsider you think he just had this change of heart all of the sudden?
14:04No, Charlie
14:27Jack and Charlene Hightower
14:30My name is Warden Sita
14:33You speak English
14:35Thank God. Look we have not been given access to counsel or a phone call
14:39That's what happens when you assault my god. Okay, this has all been a misunderstanding
14:43We came here to visit our dad. You are being held for intent
14:47To distribute illegal drugs, okay, is there a legal right to be given access?
15:00Everything here is under my discretion
15:04Including a right to counsel. What are you talking about? It means I can keep you both here indefinitely
15:20You have two options
15:23Fight for your freedom or rot in this cell
15:29Today you'll both be introduced to the general population
16:11My name is Jack Hightower my sister Charlie and I've been falsely accused of drugs
16:46Have been falsely accused of drugs
16:48I have been falsely accused of drugs
16:50I have been falsely accused of drugs
16:52I have been falsely accused of drugs
16:54I have been falsely accused of drugs
16:56I have been falsely accused of drugs
16:58I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:00I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:02I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:04I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:06I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:08I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:10I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:12I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:14I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:16I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:18I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:20I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:22I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:24I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:26I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:28I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:30I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:32I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:34I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:36I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:38I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:40I have been falsely accused of drugs
17:46Are you British?
17:52Dallas, Texas
17:56Haven't met many yanks since I've been in here
18:02How long has that been?
18:04Long enough
18:06What's it like?
18:08What's it like?
18:12Total fucking shit
18:14But it can be better if you know how to work the system
18:16But it can be better if you know how to work the system
18:26What do you really mean by that?
18:28The only reason I'm not starving to death
18:30Is I work for the fight team
18:32Is I work for the fight team
18:36There must be an execution today
18:56What's their deal?
18:58They don't like Farang
19:08Careful mate
19:10I can smell fear
19:18I want you to give them a pack of cigarettes everyday
19:20Or they'll fuck you up
19:26Tell them I don't smoke
19:30He don't smoke
19:32No smoke
19:34No smoke
20:04I'm not really having it
20:06I'm not having it
20:08I'm not
20:32Where do you learn to fight like that?
21:02You must be new here
21:06How does this work?
21:10You got cigarettes?
21:14I'll spot you
21:24Thank you
21:30So everyone here has to buy food?
21:32They give you two bowls of rotten rice everyday
21:34And if you don't want to eat that
21:36Then you have to buy your own
21:38The only exception is if you're on the fight team
21:44You don't seem much like a criminal
21:48I crossed the border
21:50After a full moon party
21:52And got popped with seven hits of ecstasy
21:54And a life sentence
21:56Can't your family do anything?
21:58They tried
22:00Did they at least let you talk to a lawyer?
22:02A lousy public defender
22:04It didn't do much
22:08How about you?
22:10Long story
22:18Hey, will you tell me more about the fight team?
22:20They get better food?
22:22Better everything
22:26And who's that old white guy
22:28That I saw training them?
22:30That's Max
22:32Total asshole
22:34He runs the fight teams
22:36Rumor has it
22:38He introduced the pardons
22:40So the pardons are real?
22:42Sure, but they're rare
22:44And he's an inmate?
22:46As much as any of us, I guess
22:50He's constantly warned
22:52He lives in his own private part of the prison
22:56Everyone comes here before lock up
22:58When's that?
23:003.30 in the afternoon to 6.30 in the morning
23:04Jesus, 15 hours?
23:08What the hell?
23:26You need to apologize
23:28For what?
23:32For what?
