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00:00What's up guys, today we're going to be talking about some tips to help speed up your Samsung Galaxy phone
00:05Today we're running the new One UI 5. Samsung has added like I think a few things or maybe like one thing
00:11But I'm going to show you all the things that you can do to speed up your device
00:15Especially if you have a mid-range or a budget phone because the update is going to be rolling out for those phones
00:21I noticed with the flagship phones
00:22You really don't have to do this but to keep your phone like running the smoothest and having the smoothest animations
00:29I would definitely turn this stuff on as well too. So let's go ahead and get started here
00:34We're going to go to settings and then we're going to go to battery and device care
00:38Now this is actually new and you'll see a new option here called auto
00:42Optimization so device care automatically performs optimizations to keep your phone running smoothly
00:47This includes closing background apps and cleaning memory
00:51So we're going to hit restart when needed restart your phone automatically to keep it in the best condition
00:57Automatic restart will only happen when you're not using your phone after your phone restarts
01:03You need to unlock it before you can receive notifications and alarms
01:06From apps and you see the name of incoming callers and stuff like that. So definitely turn this feature on
01:12I really do like this. So it just automatically we'll go ahead and optimize it automatically restart it when needs to
01:19So that is definitely a very helpful feature. Definitely turn that one on. Alright next is something that I do for all of my
01:26Pretty much all my phones
01:28So it could be any Android phone really is we're going to go to developer options. If you don't have developer options. Let me
01:35cover that up
01:37Software information. So we go to about phone software information. Just keep tapping on the build number and then it'll let you into
01:44Developer options. So we're gonna go back to settings scroll all the way down and now you'll see it right there
01:50And we're gonna scroll down until we get to the drawing category right here
01:55And then you can see window animation scale. This is on 1x. We're gonna turn everything to 0.5
02:01I like to do this because it just makes everything feel extremely smooth when it comes to the animations and stuff
02:07You can see it. It should feel much quicker. You should instantly feel
02:12The animations being much quicker here and when you are 5 also has just smoother animations as well, too
02:18So it really does feel like buttery smooth with this one UI 5 update
02:22So definitely I like to do that see if you like it you can also turn it off if you want
02:28But yeah, that's something I would do to make your phone feel smoother
02:30Alright, so the next thing I like to do especially with these big updates like this is to wipe the cache
02:35so we're gonna go power our device down here and
02:40You can do this for any like I do this for big updates love
02:45So if you get like an actual next version of Android, so I like to do this so hold the power button volume up
02:55Then it's gonna put us give us our recovery options and this is not gonna delete anything off your device
03:01I want to make that clear. Alright, so you can see now we're in here. We're gonna go down
03:09Wipe cache partition click the power button and click. Yes
03:16I'll always do this and it really helps the performance and again
03:22That's not gonna delete anything. Also if you ever
03:26Need to like wipe your device from there or there's a lot of settings in there
03:30I actually might make a video about that because a lot of people don't know about that
03:34the recovery
03:36Menu in Android phones a lot of people who are not like tech savvy don't know about that
03:40But definitely do that you should notice and I noticed this works best on
03:44The older ones like my note 10 plus was like freaking out and I went and wiped the cache partition and it really helped
03:50Alright, so this next tip is for mid-range and budget devices here
03:54So you don't really need to do this on the s22
03:56We're gonna go into settings you can but it's not gonna make a difference
03:59And then we're gonna go to accessibility and then you see visual or not visibility enhancements
04:07Now you're gonna see something right here calls reduce transparency and blur. This works wonders for
04:14mid-range and budget phones, so it takes away the
04:19Sort of like that the blur effect
04:22As you can see and I'll show you guys what it looks like with it off
04:25Just in case you don't notice that will help a lot with performance there
04:29so all these like fancy little blurs and stuff like that Samsung does that does take a toll on speed and for
04:36Phones that don't have the processor to be able to handle all that
04:39Then you know you want to go ahead and turn that off now
04:43Honestly, you can remove animations if you want to prevent some screen effects useful
04:48If you're sensitive to animations or screen movement that will also help a little bit
04:52But honestly, I don't think it'll help too much, but I know that the transparency that does work
04:58So the next thing we're gonna do is head into settings here. We're gonna go down to battery and device care here
05:05We're gonna click on memory right here
05:07All right
05:08So the RAM plus RAM plus uses your phone storage space to provide virtual memory choose more virtual memory to allow
05:16More apps to stay open in the background choose less virtual memory to keep more storage space free
05:23So if you are somebody that let's say you have a galaxy a 13 a 52 or something like that you need more
05:31You know RAM basically to run application in the background if you this is for people who multitask a lot
05:36Then we can go ahead and set that to 6 gigs 8 gigs
05:40Like I said, I'm not gonna do that because I don't I'm not a heavy multitasker
05:44But if you're somebody that constantly it's like switching between applications
05:47This is something that you're gonna want to turn on
05:49To get just better performance as far as keeping apps open and your device should overall just be a little bit smoother
05:56From that. But like I said, if you're on a flagship device, you don't really have to do that
06:00Because the the flagship phones are pretty well optimized to handle multitasking
06:05All right. So the next thing is we're gonna go into settings. We're gonna scroll down here
06:10developer options again here and we're going to
06:14And this is something for people who do not multitask at all
06:19Where is it background pop process limit? So it's under apps
06:22So you can see the standard limit here
06:25But if I'm somebody that does not multitask at all
06:27I would straight up turn it off like if you only use one application at a time
06:32Right, you're not switching between I would turn it off
06:34And if you're somebody that's a light multitasker, you want two applications running in the background at most this works wonders for budget devices
06:42It just works wonders because that's a lot of time
06:45They lag because you got too much stuff in the background
06:48you might have a game or just whatever running in the background and
06:51You know, it just can't keep up. So I would put it at most one two
06:56Or I would just turn it off completely if you find yourself not multitasking in the quickest way to do that
07:01You can do don't keep
07:03Activities in here as well. All right, lastly would be widget stacking. So I noticed this just helps
07:10because you got to think about it like on a Windows computer if you have just a ton of
07:14Widgets on your home screen and just a bunch of clutter on the on the desktop, right?
07:20It just feels like a kind of a laggy experience at least for me sometimes
07:24So you always want to make sure that's clean Samson has implemented the widget stacking
07:28so you just long press create stack and
07:31You can go ahead and add your widgets
07:35Here on top of each other
07:37It's better to add them on top of each other than to have them like scattered around everywhere in my opinion
07:43Overall, it's just more efficient and smoother. So that's pretty much my tips
07:47Be sure to let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one
