• 10 hours ago
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most frightening scenes in Netflix’s smash-hit Spanish horror films, “The Platform” and its prequel.
00:00Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most frightening scenes
00:07in Netflix's smash-hit Spanish horror films, The Platform and its prequel.
00:12Beware of spoilers.
00:14As the first film opens, audiences might have wondered if they were really in for a scary ride.
00:33A refined overseer inspects lavish dishes as a violinist plays.
00:38It seems like a scene more akin to something in the menu.
00:41The food in the movie was considered to be another character by director
00:44Galder Castelluruzia, and this is really its introduction.
00:56Suddenly, the film does a switcheroo as we arrive in the pit,
00:59and Trimagasi explains the nightmare situation to Goring.
01:11The high-end kitchen juxtaposed with the gray concrete platforms is jarring,
01:17setting us up for the bumpy ride to come.
01:24Goring's third cellmate is Barat,
01:25who has a plan to escape the pit now that he's on level 6 and has his trusty rope.
01:32Barat speaks to the residents of level 5 to get their help in tying the rope so he can climb up.
01:37After some chit-chat about what god he follows, the couple agrees to Barat's plan.
01:51However, just as he reaches the top,
01:54the woman suddenly bends over and hits him with a nasty surprise.
01:58Yikes! The gross action causes Barat to lose his rope down the hole
02:02and nearly fall down after it.
02:07When entering the pit, the participants select an object to take with them.
02:20Some shows entertainment like Goring's book Don Quixote.
02:23Many bring weapons to defend themselves in the chaos.
02:38However, there are some very odd choices too.
02:41One inmate brought a surfboard to catch the concrete waves,
02:44another brought an intimate mannequin, and another a hoard of money.
02:48But perhaps the most disturbing choice is Emogiri's.
02:51Having worked for the administration, she knew what the pit was about,
02:54yet she went with her little dachshund, Ramses II.
03:03As a result, it wasn't surprising when Miharu killed the pup,
03:06but it was still upsetting.
03:19The prequel introduces two factions in the pit,
03:22the loyalists who try to impose rules on food distribution,
03:25and the barbarians who eat whatever they can get.
03:37After losing an arm to the brutal leader Dagen-Babi,
03:40Perampuan defects to the barbarians, and a violent battle ensues.
03:46Trimagasi accidentally takes the life of his own love interest.
03:50Everyone dies except for Perampuan and Trimagasi,
03:53who find a dying Dagen-Babi.
03:55Perampuan then torments the baddie with a detailed plan to hurt him before he expires.
04:06Talk about awful last moments.
04:12Every character has a different reason for being in the pit.
04:19Goring enters in exchange for a diploma, Emogiri has terminal cancer,
04:23others are there as punishment for various crimes.
04:26When Trimagasi tells his tale, it seems amusing at first,
04:30until it takes a twisted turn.
04:37He bought a knife sharpener called a Samurai Max that he saw on an infomercial,
04:41only to then see an ad for a self-sharpening knife the Samurai Plus,
04:45making his purchase pointless.
04:58In a fury, he threw his TV through the window, which killed someone.
05:02Rather than feel guilt, Trimagasi blames the victim for being a quote,
05:06illegal immigrant.
05:07He chose the pit over a mental health hospital, taking the Samurai Plus along.
05:22When the platform of food arrives at their level,
05:25prisoners have two minutes to feast before it moves on to the level below.
05:32If they try to save something for later, they're punished.
05:39After Goring holds on to an apple, the temperature in the level increases.
05:49Trimagasi explains it'll either get hot or cold until the prisoner gives back
05:53what they took or they perish.
05:55In the platform 2, we witness that punishment in full.
05:58After a fight between the loyalists and barbarians breaks out,
06:02a woman panics because items from the platform have fallen onto her level.
06:10Within seconds, the temperature increases so much that she's set ablaze.
06:18Early in the first movie, the platform descends with a woman riding down on top of it,
06:24Trimagasi explains that she travels up and down the pit looking for her son.
06:32She regularly kills her cellmates, hoping that she'll be paired up with her child instead.
06:37However, when Imogiri arrives, she tells Goring that it's not true.
06:44Instead, Miharu is an actor who brought a ukulele as her object
06:48to emulate Marilyn Monroe from Some Like It Hot.
06:50The prequel reveals that Miharu was actually once part of the administration,
06:54helping to select children to place on level 333 to manipulate the inmates.
07:02In the first film, Goring and Barhat descend down the pit,
07:06armed with a panna cotta to send back up top as a message.
07:15On the way, they make people take fair shares using force.
07:19When they arrive at one particular level, they find a man ill in bed.
07:23As Goring feeds him, he's told that he's been poisoned.
07:27When they arrive at one particular level, they find a man ill in bed.
07:31As Goring feeds him, Barhat tends to the cellmate.
07:34From out of nowhere, the cellmate tells his rescuer
07:37that he intends to murder the sick man and consume the meal inside him.
07:48This chills the duo to the core, which takes a lot considering the violence they've witnessed.
07:53The calicelmate returns in the prequel, snitching on Perampuan and Sahabat.
08:13The Platform is the bringer of both life and death, sustenance if you're lucky, and if you're not,
08:18hunger and even injury. In the first film, this threat is showcased when Goring is nearly
08:23struck by it. The prequel takes this even further. Sahabat details how she lost her
08:34arm when clashing with the Anointed One Dagenbabi, who used the Platform to take her limb.
08:39The sinister leader also tied her cellmate to the Platform,
08:51to be consumed by lower-level prisoners. If that description wasn't enough for the audience,
08:56we see it in action when Perampuan's arm is removed the same way.
09:03Sahabat is then tied to the Platform and sent down to her doom.
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09:27Imagine being in an environment where there's constant danger,
09:30but you've developed a warped comradeship with your cellmate.
09:37Then, when you wake up, your apparent friend has tied you to your bed and is
09:44detailing their plan to consume you. Well, that's what happens to Goring.
09:56Stuck all the way down on level 171, Trimagasi restrains Goring so that he'll have something to
10:02eat if no food makes it that far down. In a creepy montage, Trimagasi reads Goring's book
10:07and dances on the table. Finally, Trimagasi enacts his plan. However, before Trimagasi
10:14can do too much damage, Miharu arrives. Injured, starving, and livid,
10:18Goring finishes the job and makes a meal out of Trimagasi instead.
10:23Which Netflix movie do you want a sequel for? Let us know below.
