• yesterday
Copenhagen 2014
00:00No, no, no. Look, I appreciate your openness to Jen coming along in the first place,
00:05but don't you want to do this trip alone anyway? Alone?
00:10Why the fuck would I want to do it alone?
00:13If I wanted to do it alone, I would have done it ten years ago.
00:16I would have stayed in a hostel, not a hotel, and I would have met plenty of people.
00:19And by people, I mean fucking hot girls. But that wasn't the plan.
00:22The plan was to do this together.
00:24You've got to put yourself in my position.
00:27What would you do?
00:29What do you mean, no?
00:30No, I'm not putting myself in your position,
00:32because I would never have brought a girlfriend on a guy's trip.
00:35Why do you listen to her anyway? I mean, you broke up with her already.
00:38No, we broke up last Christmas for three days.
00:41You remember Jason? With Penny and all that back and forth, back and forth shit,
00:45and they still got married? How did that turn out?
00:47What, you're comparing Jen and me to Penny and anal beads?
00:50It's not the beads. It's what the beads represent.
00:54You're welcome to do that.
00:56Yes, of course, of course.
00:59Excuse me, what did I say?
01:01Well, yes, of course.
01:10Can I help you?
01:13I need a map.
01:14Four hot news homes out of 49.
01:20Copenhagen, Denmark.
01:23Give that to me, Farr.
01:27Look at the timing, not bad.
01:30I'm ready, I'm waiting.
01:31It's bouncy.
01:33And I'm sexy.
01:34Yeah, come on.
01:35That's really fucking sexy.
01:37You know it's sexy.
01:50What's up?
02:09There's a bar next door. I was going to grab a beer. You want to come?
02:29You guys took long enough.
02:31Joey's not coming.
02:37So, you're tracking down your family tomorrow?
02:41That's why we're here, isn't it?
02:42I want to apologize.
02:44I honestly thought it would be okay, me coming on this trip, but...
02:50But what?
02:54It was obviously a bad idea.
02:58I agree, this was a guy's trip.
03:00You know, you have no idea how lucky you are to have Jeremy as a friend.
03:04He's funny.
03:06I mean, we have love, we have each other.
03:09I'm just worried because I think you're going to be so fucking alone.
03:12Shut up.
03:13Excuse me.
03:14What the fuck do you want from me?
03:16This is a mistake.
03:23There's something you only need to acknowledge.
03:25Yeah, and what's that?
03:29The night you met Jeremy, you wanted to fuck me first.
03:33And then Prague.
03:36Now, I know you were drunk, but still...
03:44You are the most pathetic guy I have ever met.
03:53Even now, I bet you wouldn't mind, is that it?
03:58A little cookie in the bathroom?
04:31Hey, what the fuck?
04:33We're going to London to get married.
04:36Jeremy proposed last night.
04:39You wrote your note.
04:41Just let us go.
04:53Fucking grammar retard.
05:04Give debt till men far.
05:26You drop this.
05:27You keep it.
05:33Can you help me with this, please?
05:36You speak Danish, right?
05:39Yeah, right.
05:40What does this say?
05:44Shit, the address.
05:46Read it. What's the address?
05:48You didn't make a copy?
05:52What? English.
05:54I said it was your fault.
05:56No, the truth is you suck at your job.
05:58This isn't even my job.
05:59Good, don't make a career out of it.
06:01I'm not going to tell you the address.
06:04Really? You read it?
06:06You didn't read it.
06:08The hotel's on the lane number 49.
06:10Wait, can you write that down?
06:12Where is it on the map?
06:26It's here.
06:27You're welcome.
07:04I'm here for the office.
07:28I'm here for the office.
07:47Cool hostel, huh?
07:53Do you know where this address is?
07:55I've been looking all day.
07:57Oh, I'm not from here.
08:00Right. Me neither.
08:02Where are you from?
08:04Canada. You?
08:06New York.
08:07Oh, me too.
08:09You just said you're from Canada.
08:12Isn't that what we're supposed to tell people?
08:14I think it's okay to be American again.
08:20So where in New York are you from?
08:24Oh, Jersey.
08:27What are you doing here?
08:31I have family here I'm looking for.
08:35What about you?
08:37I'm here with a friend doing like a tour thing.
08:41So what should I do?
08:43Where should I go?
08:45There's a club called Culture Box.
08:47It's awesome.
08:49A club?
08:50Yeah, like a nightclub.
08:53Here's my friend.
08:56Is that where you're going tonight?
09:00No, our bus leaves to Berlin in like two hours.
09:05Really? I heard Berlin's cool.
09:07I mean, it sucks that you're leaving.
09:10See you.
09:12I'm sorry.
09:21What can I help you with?
09:22Just the bill for that, please. Thanks.
09:25Are you here alone?
09:30You know, it is when you're all alone with no friends, no family to lean on that...
09:37that you find out if you are the kind of person that one can lean on.
09:47Yes, yes, it is great.
09:55I am going to take a nap.
10:01You care to lean on me?
10:08Fucking douche.
10:10What's going on? Seriously.
10:13Let's talk about this.
10:16It's bullshit.
10:18She sucks.
10:20Not in a good way. We both know it.
10:22Okay? Just call me.
10:36Not cool, you know.
10:38That place you marked on my map was way off.
10:41No, it wasn't.
10:42Look, I looked around all day. I know I'm not from here, but I asked people and everything.
10:46So where are you from?
10:50They kill baby seals there.
10:55I'm really from Canada.
10:57Actually, I'm from Denmark, kind of.
11:00My father was born here.
11:03That address you destroyed was my grandfather's.
11:06Finding him is the only reason I'm in this city.
11:12Sorry I destroyed your paper.
11:14It was an accident.
11:16Look, I really need to find it. Are you sure you read it right?
11:21The address is right.
11:25Maybe I accidentally circled the wrong spot.
11:29Don't fuck with me.
11:32Look, I already told you. If you help me, I'm gonna leave for the night.
11:39I can show you where it is if you want. It's on my way home.
11:42But I'm going right now.
11:46I need a bike.
11:47Where am I gonna get a bike?
11:56Fucking socialists.
12:00It's in here.
12:10Okay, um, what is her name?
12:13Uh, Rasmussen.
12:15Rasmussen, yeah.
12:19Rasmussen, yeah. It's here.
12:35First floor, door on the right side.
12:40Could you come in with me, please?
12:58Don't eat that shit, man. It has been there for years.
13:10This letter is for you.
13:12It's from my father.
13:14This letter is for you.
13:16It's from his father.
13:20I'm sorry, your father.
13:23You look like him.
13:27This letter doesn't belong to me.
13:30No, no, no.
13:33I'm your father's uncle.
13:36He's your father's uncle.
13:42I picked up the pictures.
13:44I mean, I have pictures of him.
13:46Excuse me.
13:51Do you know where my grandfather is?
13:53Do you know where his father's father is?
13:55He disappeared.
13:59He sympathized with the Nazis during the war.
14:02He killed more people for the resistance movement.
14:13What's he saying?
14:15Your grandfather was a Nazi.
14:19What the fuck are you talking about?
14:21That's it. We're fucking out of here.
14:28You deserve that.
14:30What? I'm just translating for that demented fuck.
14:33So I took these.
14:35We sent them to your grandfather in prison,
14:38but they just came back.
14:45After the war,
14:47your grandfather was supposed to be executed,
14:50but instead he was sentenced to prison.
14:54He came out after six years.
15:00They cut my sister's hair.
15:03They beat her up.
15:05What's he saying?
15:07They beat your grandmother for being with the Nazis.
15:10They shaved her head and spit in her face.
15:16Marie came to pick up your grandfather when he was six.
15:20At the same time,
15:22your grandfather was released from prison,
15:25so she hoped they would take all three of them to America.
15:30What happened?
15:32He was released.
15:34Then he disappeared.
15:36He disappeared from the sun.
15:38No one saw him again.
15:43So it was just the two of them who went to America.
15:48What's he saying?
15:50Keep them.
15:52You can keep them.
16:03Are you okay?
16:06Why wouldn't I be?
16:12How would I find my grandfather if he's alive?
16:15I don't know.
16:21Wait, where are you going?
16:32You're welcome.
17:03Still here.
17:12He's smiling.
17:19Never saw him smile in my entire life.
17:24So your father never told you about your grandfather?
17:30Can you ask him?
17:32He died last year.
17:34I never met my real father.
17:36Left before I was born.
17:38My father left when I was 14.
17:41When he died last year, alone.
17:44I was going through his things,
17:46and I found this letter he never sent.
17:48He wrote it when he was eight.
17:50What does it say?
17:52I don't know.
17:54It says,
17:58What does it say?
18:00I don't know. You tell me.
18:02You haven't read it yet?
18:16It's very nice.
18:20It says that he's missing Copenhagen,
18:24and that it will always be his home,
18:29and that when he gets a family,
18:32he wants them to see what made him smile.
18:41I know this.
18:43It's Tivoli.
18:46Mark it on the map.
18:50Do it.
18:52Where's Tivoli on the map?
18:55It's where it says,
19:01the little mermaid.
19:05What are you doing?
19:07I have to see what made him smile.
19:09Let's go. Tivoli first.
19:12Hey, Jer. It's me.
19:14Fuck you.
19:16Look, I didn't mean that.
19:18Look, if you get this, can you call me at,
19:20at 4-5-8-7-8-9-3-9?
19:28All right, fuck you.
19:30I forgive you. Seriously, call me, man.
19:33All right.
19:35Okay, you have to go over here.
19:37The castle's over there.
19:43Go over there and see what he saw.
19:50What do you see?
19:52A bunch of annoying kids.
19:54Okay, I'm going to take the picture now.
19:56You're one of those people?
19:59You mean this?
20:02It's cool.
20:06Okay, smile like your father.
20:11Is this really what we're gonna do all day?
20:13You don't like Tivoli?
20:15It's boring. It's for kids.
20:17I can show you Sweden if you want.
20:20That's not boring.
20:22Shit. I need to get off this right now.
20:25Oh, God. Oh, God.
20:27Look, that's Sweden.
20:31I told you I would show you Sweden.
20:33That's Sweden.
20:35Sweden is on the other side of the water.
20:37I don't want to open my eyes.
20:39You can't have your eyes closed.
20:41Open them.
20:43Oh, I hate you.
20:45Oh, shit.
20:47Oh, fuck. What's happening?
20:49Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
20:51It's beautiful, right?
20:55What's happening?
20:57Is it stopped?
21:01Jesus, fuck, yeah!
21:03Oh, God. Oh, no, no, no.
21:05Oh, my God.
21:11That was fun, right?
21:13Many thanks.
21:15Many thanks.
21:17What else?
21:19How do you say, uh, what's your name?
21:29Yeah, perfect.
21:43Something's written here.
21:47It's very faded, though.
21:49I think this is where your father was born.
21:53It's on Vanadam, so I know where it is.
21:55Let me see.
21:57Hey, we can go and check if your grandfather still lives there.
21:59The chance of that is zero.
22:01Yeah, but we can check.
22:03Maybe he does.
22:05Then you can give him a letter.
22:21Let's, um, let's go.
22:23Sit down.
22:27What are you doing?
22:37Are you insane?
22:49These people are not related to me.
22:53Don't be a racist.
22:55I'm out of here.
22:57No, wait.
22:59I think this is where the stove was.
23:01Who's name?
23:05That was my father's name.
23:07Was his last name Bittner?
23:11It's my father's birthday.
23:31All right, let's go.
23:33No, we need to take a picture.
23:35Just stand where he is in the photo.
23:39So, if you want me to get caught,
23:41you can just go.
23:45All right.
23:47Come on.
23:51Okay, smile.
23:55That was stupid.
23:57All right.
23:59I broke into someone's place.
24:01You didn't break anything.
24:03Apologize if you want to.
24:15So, your father was born Winter.
24:17Winter wasn't my father's last name.
24:19But then it must be your grandfather's.
24:21No, we can actually find out.
24:23My uncle, he works at
24:25the People's Registry.
24:27He can look it up.
24:29Then we can find your grandfather
24:31and you can give him the letter.
24:33All right.
24:35All right.
24:38Oh, that's hard.
24:40Fight! That does it.
24:42Stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop.
24:44Swap. Stop, stop.
24:46Switch parts.
24:54I'd say...
24:58I don't think I've ever been in love.
25:01I said it. There you go.
25:04I said it.
25:06I said it.
25:09Of course you've been in love.
25:20What is it?
25:22My chain fell off.
25:29Hold on.
25:46Got it.
25:48Then the music started
25:50and, uh...
25:52Then I fainted.
25:54I don't know why.
25:56I really... I wasn't nervous.
25:58And, you know...
26:00Well, I...
26:06Yeah, on the stomach, right?
26:08Like, down.
26:10And you know, I don't know if you know it,
26:12but when you faint,
26:14your body, like,
26:16stops working.
26:18No, I've seen a lot of girls faint.
26:20Yeah, yeah, I can see that.
26:24I shit my pants.
26:26And everyone saw it.
26:28No, wait, wait, wait.
26:30I gotta stop.
26:32I literally evacuated your bowels.
26:34I fell.
26:44Hi, is Peter there? It's Elfie.
26:48He's out right now,
26:50but he'll be back soon.
26:52Would you like to come up and wait for him?
26:56No, we'll be back.
26:58See you later. Call me when you get back.
27:02Okay, he's on a break,
27:04but he'll be back soon.
27:06Do you want me to show you something really cool?
27:14Wait, don't we have to pay?
27:18Address for the people.
27:24So, um...
27:26Elfie tells me that
27:28you are her French cousin from America?
27:30Canada, actually.
27:34Canada's not America.
27:36Right. North America, I guess.
27:38Well, Mexico's America, then, as well.
27:42there were
27:44165 children
27:46born in Denmark
27:48on January 15, 1944.
27:50Is any of them called Daniel Rasmussen?
27:54No, there's no record of a Daniel Rasmussen.
27:56What about, uh...
27:58Daniel Winter?
28:02You needed Rasmussen?
28:04Rasmussen, right, yeah.
28:06First, Rasmussen, then Winter.
28:08But it's because William, he's like...
28:10I don't know.
28:12He's a bit...
28:14I don't know.
28:18Daniel Winter.
28:22There is a Daniel Winter born that day.
28:24Is there any way to check that?
28:26If that's the same Daniel, that's the same person?