• avant-hier
00:00Hey guys, Jean from Jean Video Productions here, and today I'll be doing a video on showing you how to export videos in Final Cut Pro X.
00:05Let's get started. All right guys, I've made a video for this for an older version of Final Cut Pro X.
00:10However, today we'll be doing it again for the latest version, which is currently version 10.1.4.
00:15If you're coming from an older version of Final Cut, things have changed a little bit.
00:18There's different ways to access the export menu and you have a few extra options. In this video,
00:22I'll be looking at the options and showing you my favorite way to export the videos that I do for YouTube.
00:27Anyway guys, let's go ahead and get started.
00:29All right, so first of all, once you open up Final Cut Pro X,
00:32you will notice that there is no more export button in the menu bar that you may be used to seeing.
00:36The export options are now found in a different location that can be found in two ways.
00:40One, you can go under the file button and select share,
00:44or you can go down to the right of the screen and hit the share project option right here.
00:49Let's go ahead and go back under file.
00:52Let's take a look at these options. First of all, we have the project export XML option.
00:57If you do not know what this is, this will basically export your project as a project file that can be read by other editing programs,
01:03for example, Adobe Premiere or of course other Final Cut Pro versions running on different computers.
01:08This is a great way to export your projects from computer to computer and continue editing as you go.
01:13However, most of you probably want to share your video as a movie file that can just be uploaded or shared.
01:18And this is where the share menu comes in.
01:20Let's go ahead and get through these options here.
01:21Now, you have a few basic options to export directly to social media such as YouTube, Vimeo or Facebook.
01:27However, I personally do not really recommend these as I've tried doing this with directly uploading to YouTube.
01:31However, I've seen some audio sync issues, so I'd rather export it to a file first and then upload it straight through youtube.com.
01:38The next option is the master file, which is the default setting on Final Cut Pro 10.
01:43Now, there's a few reasons why I would and wouldn't recommend this.
01:46First of all, this will export your project in the exact
01:49file size and files that you have imported or recorded your video at, and what this will allow for is optimum quality.
01:55However, the file size is relatively big. As you can see, we're looking at 3.25 gigabytes for a few minute video,
02:00which is very big considering if you'd like to upload to the internet or have limited space on your computer.
02:07The next option that we'll be looking at is to export to DVD.
02:10Of course, you can do this if you want to use programs like iDVD or, you know,
02:14export your video, basically burn it to a disk.
02:17However, the next two options are the options that I like to use for my video,
02:20particularly the first one, and that is the Apple devices to 1080p.
02:23Now, if your video is recorded in 1080p, as you can see, as mine is at 25 frames per second,
02:28your video will export in those exact specifications. However, at a much smaller file size. As you can see,
02:33we're looking at only 251 megabytes,
02:35which is very small considering the length of video and the quality of the video,
02:38and this makes it perfect for uploading it to the internet like I do.
02:42Of course, if your video is shot and edited in 720p, of course, you want to export it to Apple devices in 720p.
02:47However, if you can, make sure you do 1080p.
02:50And this is also how I like to export all my videos and, in fact, also how I export this video,
02:54as this will give you optimum quality with minimal file size.
02:58Anyway, guys, thank you very much for watching this video.
02:59We hope this helped you out and hope you now know a little bit more about exporting videos in Final Cut Pro X.
03:04If you have any questions or comments, be sure to let me know in the comments section and I'll be happy to answer them.
03:08Thanks for watching.
