• 19 hours ago
مسلسل الطائر الرفراف 3 الحلقة 79 التاسعة والسبعون مترجمة القسم 1 HD


00:01:57Hayirli olsun şu düğün işini bir an önce halletmek lazım enin çabuk tut damatı
00:02:01Ha ha ne acelesi var canım ayıp örter gibi
00:02:08Elif bey bırakalım da nişanlılığın tadını çıkarsınlar değil mi merak etmeyin
00:02:14Onlar bu işin tadını yeterince çıkarmışlar zaten hatta bence biraz da kaçırmışlar dedi
00:02:22Ya birbirini görmüşler tanımışlar oldu bitti gitti işte yeter da tamam dedi biz
00:02:27Biz Ferit'le konuşur hallederiz onu aramızda sizin konuşacak zamanınız çoktan bitti kızım biz artık huzurlu bir şekilde Samsun'a gitmek istiyoruz
00:02:35işler birikiyor bu düğün en kısa sürede yapılacak işte o kadar
00:02:39madem karar verdik
00:02:41Evli evine köylü köyüne
00:02:45Bir şey diyeceğim bence İlyas reis haklı bekletmenin bir manası yok
00:02:51Ben halledeceğim tamam bu iş
00:02:55Şöyle işte ya
00:03:01Sen bunları çekmemişsin
00:03:23Oğlum yapma bunu zaten gönlümü kırdın
00:03:29Gözü kendine
00:03:34Sen o güzel canını sıkma
00:03:36Şefika abla
00:03:38Ben buradayken kimse bir şey yapamaz sana
00:03:42Rahat ol sen
00:03:44Allah'ım sen bana yardım et
00:03:46Bak oğlum sen delirdin mi
00:03:50Nereye oturmuş öyle ya iyice kafayı yedi bizim damat
00:03:55Kazım ağa gel
00:03:57Gel kambersiz düğün olmaz zaten gel
00:03:59Ne düğünü oğlum sen ne diyorsun bak benim kafamı bulandırayım
00:04:02Hadi gel bak seni almaya geldim
00:04:04Suna bekliyor oğlum karım bekliyor diyeyim la
00:04:06E karım da gelseydi buraya
00:04:11Ne şaşırıyorsunuz ya yabancı yer mi
00:04:18Kazım ağa sen böyle bol telveli acı bir kahve içersin ha
00:04:25Kazım ağa bir kahve yapsanıza
00:04:32Kazım ağa
00:04:34Kazım ağa
00:04:36Kazım ağa
00:04:38Kazım ağa
00:04:40Kazım ağa
00:04:42Kazım ağa
00:04:44Kazım ağa
00:04:46Kazım ağa
00:04:48Kazım ağa
00:04:50Kazım ağa
00:04:52Kazım ağa
00:04:54Evet korhanlar
00:04:56Ve kendini korhan hissedenler
00:04:58Düğünümüz var hazır mısınız
00:05:00Ferit sen ne yaptığının farkında mısın
00:05:04Bak pat diye geldin
00:05:06Evleniyorum dedin
00:05:10Biraz dursan mı artık
00:05:12Ne oldu baba ya
00:05:14Sıranı alıyorum diye mi böyle davranıyorsun bana
00:05:16E biraz öyle oldu ama
00:05:18Şimdi tam sırası değil mi bunun
00:05:20Tam sırası
00:05:22Ben her şeyi halledeceğim
00:05:24Evelallah bende sen rahat ol yenge
00:05:26Oğlum biliyorsun
00:05:28Seni en çok ben destekledim
00:05:30Ama çok hızlı kararlar alıyorsun
00:05:32Yani evlilik çok önemli bir yol
00:05:34Sağlıklı bir evlilik içinde
00:05:36Nişan önemli bir süreç
00:05:38Yani yangından mal kaçırır gibi
00:05:40Sakin karar ver
00:05:42E tabi
00:05:44Anneciğim evet doğru
00:05:46Evlenmeden önce
00:05:48Tanışma süresi filan
00:05:52Beni hiç tanımadığım bir kızla evlendirirken
00:05:54Aklınız neredeydi
00:05:56O zaman
00:05:58Hiç böyle laflar duymadım ağzınızdan
00:06:02Benim seyranla hikayemi siz yazdınız
00:06:06Güzel oğlu
00:06:08Tek bir anından pişman değilim
00:06:10Şükürler olsun
00:06:14Ama bundan sonra hikayemi
00:06:16Ben yazacağım
00:06:22Nasıl yazacaksan
00:06:38Ne yap et şu çocuğu durdur
00:06:40Orhan bey
00:06:42Bizim Betül ile eve varmamız lazım
00:06:44Alacağım bir kaç parça eşya var da
00:06:46Siz niye geldiniz ki zaten
00:06:48Ne alaka yani
00:06:50Tamam tamam
00:06:52Tamam hallederiz buyrun
00:06:58Efendim abla
00:07:00Seyran Sinan yanında mı
00:07:02Yanımda da
00:07:04Niye ki ne oldu
00:07:06Adil yalıya gitmeniz lazım babam aradı
00:07:08Abidin yalıya gitmiş Sinan'ı dinler Allah aşkına alın onu oradan
00:07:10Ne ciddi misin sen
00:07:12Niyeti bozmuş
00:07:14Abidin yüzleşecek Korhanlarla belli ki
00:07:16Ne olur gidin lütfen
00:07:18Tamam tamam hemen gidiyoruz
00:07:20Osman hemen dönelim buradan
00:07:22Korhanların yalısına gidiyoruz
00:07:24Ne saçmalama istersen
00:07:26Osman devam et abi
00:07:28Sinan bak sen benden dürüst olmamı istedin
00:07:30Ben de dürüst oluyorum gerçekten gitmemiz lazım
00:07:32Çünkü Abidin yalıyı basmış
00:07:34Yalıyı mı basmış
00:07:38Bilmiyorum bak şu an başı belada olabilir gerçekten gitmemiz lazım
00:07:40Osman yalıya sür
00:07:42Yalıya sür abi
00:08:04Nasıl durdurmayı düşünüyorsun
00:08:08Ne yapacağım ifade
00:08:10Kendi evladımı mutluluğumu engelleyeceğim
00:08:12Ne yapacağım
00:08:14Boğazın tuzu senin beynini yakmış galiba
00:08:16Ailede senden başka
00:08:18Herkes cin gibi maşallah
00:08:20Ya birimiz bile ayakta kalmazsak
00:08:22Mutlu olmazsak
00:08:24Aile olmanın ne önemi var
00:08:26Babam gibi konuşma Allah aşkına
00:08:28Hallet şu işi
00:08:32Oğlum Abidin bir bakma
00:08:34Bak sen oğlum bunlarla nasıl başa çıkacaksın
00:08:36Kalk gidelim
00:08:40Evladım fırtına kopacak
00:08:42Bak bir hatırlarsan git
00:08:44Oğlum gel geldilermiş
00:08:46Aha da geldiler
00:08:48Ne oluyor ya
00:08:54Öz hakiki Korhan ailesi de geldi
00:08:58Eyvahlar olsun
00:09:00Ne oluyor ya
00:09:02Asıl sen hoşgeldin abi
00:09:04Hayırdır düğün mü var
00:09:06Hoşgördük hoşgördük bizde zaten çıkıyorduk
00:09:08Ne oluyor burada
00:09:12Ferit Bey'ime özür dileriz çok affettik ama gitmiyor
00:09:14Kendine değil delirmiş galiba
00:09:16Delirmiş mi
00:09:24İyi misin kendinde misin
00:09:26Hiç bu kadar kendimde olmamıştım biliyor musunuz
00:09:32Ayakta kaldınız
00:09:34Oturun da bir konuşalım sizle
00:09:36Bu ne cüret ya
00:09:38Kalk oturduğuna
00:09:40Ne oluyor lan
00:09:42Senin o rüzgarın var ya
00:09:44Bir şey alamaz ifakat
00:09:46Boşuna diklenme
00:09:50Sen kimsin benimle böyle konuşuyorsun
00:09:52Kimsin sen
00:09:54Kimim ben
00:10:02Hattı Çola
00:10:04Kimim ben sen söylesene
00:10:10Ne oldu
00:10:12Sessiz şeytanı mı oynayacaksın
00:10:18Tamam peki
00:10:20Ben söyleyeyim o zaman
00:10:22Kim olduğumu he
00:10:32Anası babası Halis Korhan tarafından öldürülen
00:10:34Abidinim ben
00:10:36Abidin Korhan
00:10:44Ne saçmalıyor bu
00:10:50Ne diyorsun sen abi
00:10:52Deden diyorum Ferit deden
00:10:54O senin çok sevdiğin
00:10:56Deden var ya
00:10:58Hani o böyle aile aile diye haykıran adam
00:11:02Benim babama
00:11:04Öz kardeşini ve karısını
00:11:06Öldürmüş o adam diyorum
00:11:20Yalan söylüyorsun
00:11:22Lan yalan sizin ağzınıza
00:11:24Yuva yapmış be
00:11:26Siz bilirsiniz lan o yalanı
00:11:30Değil mi Hattı Çola
00:11:34Bir ben kalmışım geride
00:11:36Beni de
00:11:38Hattı Çanımla yetimhane kapılarına
00:11:40Bıraktırmış değil mi
00:11:42Ama yetmemiş
00:11:46Benim ailemi
00:11:48Benden aldığı yetmemiş
00:11:50Bir de işi almış beni
00:11:52Kapısına kıl etmiş
00:11:54Torununa köle
00:11:56Etmiş beni he
00:12:00İşte Ferit
00:12:02Senin bir zamanlar ki
00:12:06O ayak şişlerini yaptırdığın
00:12:08Kölenin gerçek hikayesi
00:12:10Senin o çok sevdiğin
00:12:12Abi var ya
00:12:14Aslında babanın
00:12:20Bir de böyle
00:12:22Sağ alt köşeye
00:12:24Gerçek hayat hikayesinden uyarlanmıştır
00:12:28Güzel dizi olur he
00:12:30Ne dersin
00:12:32Ne içtin ne yedin bilmiyorum ama
00:12:34Sen beni duymadın galiba ya
00:12:42Ofise gelirsin
00:12:44Efendi gibi konuşuruz
00:12:48Geçti onlar amca oğlu
00:12:52Efendisi benim artık
00:12:54Çok istiyorsan
00:12:56Sen geleceksin ayağıma
00:13:00Tamam bir konuşalım
00:13:02Deli deli konuşma
00:13:06Ne oluyor
00:13:12Sen benim deli deli
00:13:14Konuştuğumu düşünüyorsun değil mi
00:13:16Abi yeter
00:13:18Saçmalama abuk sabuk konuşma
00:13:20Gözünü seveyim ya
00:13:22Korumaları çağır çabuk
00:13:24Yenge bir dur
00:13:26Abi kendisi çıkar
00:13:28Bizde sonra konuşuruz
00:13:30İnanmıyorsun değil mi bana Ferit
00:13:34Sen sor
00:13:36Hadi sor
00:13:40Abidin bir sus gözünü seveyim
00:13:42Halanı mı öldüreceksin
00:13:44Kötüye bir şey olmaz merak etme sen
00:13:48Değil mi
00:13:52Yeter artık
00:13:54Yetmez Ferit
00:13:56Yetmez oğlum
00:13:58Daha dur
00:14:00Dur daha yeni başlıyoruz
00:14:02Ne saçmalıyorsun sen tamam dur
00:14:04Bunların hepsini bir konuşalım abi
00:14:06Yapma şöyle ya
00:14:08Korumaları çağır dedim sana
00:14:10Bu adamın ne işi var burada
00:14:26Deden kesin söylemiştir oğlum sana
00:14:36Bile isteyemezdin lan beni
00:14:44Ya sen
00:14:48Sen biliyor muydun
00:14:52Soru söyle bak
00:14:54Dalga geçtin mi benimle
00:14:56Abi saçmalıyorsun
00:14:58Kimsenin bir şeyden haberi yok farkında değil misin
00:15:00Kimsenin bir şeyden haberi yok
00:15:02Üç maymunlar sizi
00:15:10Buzlar kraliçesi
00:15:14Ben de diyorum ki
00:15:16Bu kadın bana böyle yüksekten
00:15:18Kibirli kibirli bakıyor da
00:15:20Niye tahammül ediyor
00:15:24Keşke tek gün bile tahammül etmeseydim
00:15:30Ben sana bu yallahları yedireceğim
00:15:36Yemin olsun yedireceğim
00:15:44Korumalar nerede ya
00:15:46Aslında bir fikrim
00:15:48Aslında bir fikrim var ama
00:15:52İyi misin
00:15:54İstersen abidini ben alabilirim
00:15:56İyiyim iyiyim hadi
00:16:04Çalıştım oğlum ben burada
00:16:08Yıllarca ekmeğimin peşinde çalıştım köpek gibi
00:16:12Gecem yok
00:16:14Gündüzüm yok
00:16:16Bir tek Ferit var benim için
00:16:18Her şeyin Ferit
00:16:20Ne için
00:16:22Kim için
00:16:24Sen yüksekte
00:16:28Sefa sürerken
00:16:30Ben bu kapının önünde köpekler gibi bekledim oğlum seni
00:16:36Bak ben
00:16:38Senin ne yapmaya çalıştığını anlamıyorum
00:16:40Senin gerçek derdin ne
00:16:42Sadede gelsin
00:16:44Ne sadede ne
00:16:46Hala utanmadan
00:16:48Konuşuyorsun mu benimle böyle
00:16:52Hakkımı alacağım oğlum
00:16:56Hakkım olanı
00:16:58Alacağım lan hepinizden
00:17:02Tek tek alacağım tek tek
00:17:04Benden çaldığınız çocukluğumu
00:17:08Annemin kokusunu
00:17:12Babamın şefkatini
00:17:16Tek tek alacağım sizden
00:17:18Ya daha ne bekliyorsunuz
00:17:20Atsanıza şunu dışarı
00:17:22Kapının önünden bile geçmeyecek
00:17:24Geçerse haberim olacak yoksa
00:17:26Hepsinizi kovarım
00:17:28Selamın aleyküm
00:17:42Sizin ne işiniz var burada
00:17:46İyi misin Abidin abi
00:17:48Yok artık
00:17:50Sizin ne işiniz var gerçekten burada
00:17:52Duyduk ki buradaymışsın
00:17:54Yol üstü geçerken seni de alalım dedik
00:17:56Seyran sen bu adamın peşini takıp
00:17:58Buraya mı getirdin bir daha
00:18:00Bu adam dediğin onun kocası yalnız Ferit
00:18:02Uyandırayım seni
00:18:04Hadi Abidin abi hadi gidelim
00:18:06Bence de Abidin
00:18:08Siz gidin artık hadi
00:18:10İyi misin sen
00:18:12Ben iyiyim kuzum iyiyim
00:18:14Ama sen şu
00:18:16Abidini bir an önce
00:18:18Buradan götür
00:18:20Bir an önce götür
00:18:22Kimse karışmayacak
00:18:24Benim meselem bu
00:18:26Bir dakika ya
00:18:28Arkadaş ya ben
00:18:30Görünmez falan mıyım ya
00:18:32Neden kimse
00:18:34Dediğimi yapmıyor çıkarsanıza
00:18:36Şunları bu evden
00:18:38Önce ben size bir dip not geçeyim
00:18:40Bu evin sahibi Seyran
00:18:42Sizde kiracısınız
00:18:44Tamam mı
00:18:46Biraz sakin olur musun
00:18:48Adam korkanımdı ya korkanım ne yapacaksın
00:18:50Hepimizi yaladan dışarı mı çıkartacaksın
00:18:52Kapıya dinlemedin mi
00:18:54Yine tutundun değil mi korkanı
00:18:56Orhan Orhan bak
00:18:58Ex dünürümsün
00:19:00Yemin edeyim eğer ben sinirlenirsem
00:19:02Beni hiç kimse tutamaz
00:19:06Dediğimi yapmayanı kovarım
00:19:08Hiç sıkıntı yok
00:19:10Ben işe alırım onları
00:19:18Bana bak
00:19:20Elbet geri geleceğim zaten
00:19:24O zamana kadar kendinize iyi bakın
00:19:28İhtiyacınız olacak
00:19:58Anne ne yaptın
00:20:00Ne yaptın sen
00:20:02İsteyerek mi yaptım kızım
00:20:04Ne yaptıysam senin için yaptım
00:20:06Foyanı ortaya çıkmasın diye yaptım
00:20:10Nereden bileyim ben böyle olacağını
00:20:12Nereden bileyim
00:20:14Bak diye gideceğini
00:20:18Bitti mi hayatım
00:20:22Tamam sakin ol gel
00:20:24Tamam bulacağız bir çaresini tamam
00:20:26Sakin ol
00:21:00Esma hanım
00:21:02İnsan bazen
00:21:04Kime gideceğim
00:21:08İyi misiniz
00:21:12Her şeye değilim
00:21:14Gülgün hanım
00:21:16Ben ne yapabilirim sizin için gelmişsiniz
00:21:18Kapalı ben ne diyeceğimi şaşırdım
00:21:20Kime gidecektim ki
00:21:24Ben bu koca şehirde
00:21:26Kimseyi tanımıyorum
00:21:28Olur mu öyle şey
00:21:30Geçin içeri lütfen buyurun
00:21:40Ne oldu Esma hanım
00:21:42Hadi anlat bakalım
00:21:44Evde mi bir sıkıntı var bana bak
00:21:46De bakayım
00:21:50Sıkıntı evde değil
00:22:00Gülgün hanım
00:22:02Ben sana şey diyecektim
00:22:08Senin bir doktor tanıdığın vardı
00:22:14Kadın doktoru
00:22:20Beni ona bir götür diyecektim
00:22:22Ne oldu
00:22:24Esma hanım anlamadım
00:22:26Bu konuda neden bana geldin
00:22:28Ya ben
00:22:30Ben galiba
00:22:34Şeye girdim
00:22:40Yaşlanayım galiba
00:22:42Bir akranımda sen varsın
00:22:44Bunları anlatacak
00:22:46Benim senden başka
00:22:48Arkadaşım yok ki
00:22:50Kime gidecektim
00:22:54Ay sana ne oldu
00:22:56İyi misin
00:22:58Kötü oldu
00:23:00Öyle değildi
00:23:06Yaşlanmak çok zor değil mi
00:23:08Yaşlı değiliz öyle deme
00:23:10Ama yani
00:23:12Sen de girdin mi
00:23:14Hayır hayır hayır
00:23:16Orhan'ın yaptıkları orada da
00:23:20Ferit'le zaten ayrıldık baksana
00:23:22Hayat daha güzel olur sandım
00:23:26Hiçbir şey daha güzel olur
00:23:28Ay tamam
00:23:32Tamam ya
00:23:48Bir de
00:23:50Biriyle tanıştım
00:23:54Bana nasıl hediyeler
00:23:58Böyle bileklikler falan
00:24:00Neler iyi ki duyuyor
00:24:02Ben de boş bulundum
00:24:04Ben de böyle iyi ki duydum
00:24:12Senin gibi fıstık bir kadını kandırmış
00:24:16Hiç yani
00:24:18Hiç şimdi ne mesaj ne telefon
00:24:20Aptal kafam
00:24:22Hay boyu devrilesice
00:24:26Öyle işte
00:24:30Ay senin de derdine şaşırdım
00:24:34Doktor işimiz var dur ben arayacağım o doktorı şimdi
00:24:36Merak etme sen en azından
00:24:38Kafan dağıldı bak biraz
00:24:40Dur arayacağız şimdi işini
00:24:42Girmemişsindir ya
00:24:44Mevsim değişikliğidir o
00:24:46Belki girmemişsindir doğru
00:24:48Mevsim mevsim o
00:24:50Mevsim değişikliği
00:24:52Mevsim değişikliği
00:24:58Gerçekse ben ne yaparım
00:25:00Nasıl yaparım
00:25:02Böyle bir şey
00:25:06Asla yapmamıştır böyle bir şey
00:25:10Özbeöz yeğenini yıllarca kapısında
00:25:14Kimin aklına gelir ki böyle bir şey
00:25:16Hayır çalıştırsa yine iyi
00:25:18Yine iyi
00:25:20Anamla babamı da halis ağa öldürdü diyor
00:25:28Böyle bir durumda
00:25:30Ne yapabilir yani
00:25:32Neye hakkı var avukat
00:25:34Lütfen doğruyu söyleyin bana
00:25:38Var mıydı babamın böyle bir kardeşi
00:25:40Hele bir yardım et
00:25:42Ağam bir dur daha tansiyonum düşmedi
00:25:50Abidine yardım et oğlum
00:25:52Oğlanın gözü göz değil
00:25:54Birine çok fena patlayıcı
00:25:56Engel ol
00:25:58Evdekilerde çok kötüymüş
00:26:00Patlarsa patlasın
00:26:02Kim o
00:26:04Az önce sustum sesimi çıkartmadım
00:26:06Bunların hesabını tek tek soracağım ona
00:26:08A oğlum
00:26:10Sen böyle edersen biz ne edeceğiz
00:26:12Sen bari yapma
00:26:14Son, for God's sake, look, I'm such a bad son.
00:26:18Promise me, Ferit, promise me, son.
00:26:21Aunt, look...
00:26:22Aunt, look, no.
00:26:24Help me, please.
00:26:26Please promise me.
00:26:28Look, you'll solve this in peace.
00:26:31You'll solve it without harming us. Do you hear me?
00:26:34How can I solve this in peace, aunt?
00:26:37He came here, he's judging us in front of everyone.
00:26:40Who is this? Who is this?
00:26:54Is this real?
00:26:58Abid's being Korhan.
00:27:02What my grandfather did.
00:27:05Is it real, aunt?
00:27:30Ferit! Ferit!
00:27:57Look at my luck in life.
00:28:10We are your luck in life, Abid.
00:28:12And you are our luck, brother.
00:28:18But this is different.
00:28:19No human being would do this to you.
00:28:24Even I get angry as I think about it.
00:28:27Because this is not a human job.
00:28:29But we'll be calm, okay?
00:28:32Because they'll play us in all kinds of trouble.
00:28:35We'll be smart.
00:28:37We won't let this happen.
00:28:39And relax.
00:28:40Our company lawyers will show us a good path.
00:28:43Don't worry, brother.
00:28:47These are not lawyer jobs, Sinan.
00:28:49What do you mean?
00:28:54Look, I've seen a lot in this life.
00:28:57I've learned a lot.
00:29:00But there are some things...
00:29:03...that neither law nor justice can solve.
00:29:07Do you understand?
00:29:10Brother Abidin.
00:29:11Wait a minute, brother Abidin.
00:29:13What does that mean?
00:29:15Brother Abidin, what does that mean?
00:29:17Feride, I won't do anything, Seyran.
00:29:20Don't be afraid.
00:29:22But what about the others?
00:29:23Okay, but Halis is the one who did this.
00:29:26What did the others do?
00:29:28Seyran, how can you still protect this family?
00:29:30I'm not protecting anyone, brother Abidin.
00:29:33But there's only one culprit here.
00:29:35And that's Halis.
00:29:36Because of him, everyone is paying a price.
00:29:39I'm just telling you...
00:29:41...not to give this bill to the wrong people.
00:29:43The bill is a mess, Seyran.
00:29:47You're not the only one who can pay it.
00:29:50Do you understand?
00:30:02Don't be upset.
00:30:04I can't, Ms. Gülgün.
00:30:07But don't be upset, either, okay?
00:30:11Ms. Esin, come in.
00:30:14Come on.
00:30:16Come on.
00:30:23Hello, welcome.
00:30:24Hello again. Come, Ms. Esin.
00:30:29I'm fine.
00:30:36Are the results clear?
00:30:38Yes, it's clear.
00:30:40Is it over, doctor?
00:30:43There's no egg left.
00:30:45There is, Ms. Esin.
00:30:46There is.
00:30:48I mean, praise the Lord, you didn't go into menopause.
00:30:54But you're pregnant.
00:31:03I'm kidding.
00:31:05What did you say?
00:31:14At this age?
00:31:17I mean, is it possible?
00:31:19Without treatment?
00:31:20I mean, of course, it's not impossible.
00:31:21We've seen cases like this before.
00:31:26I'm in shock.
00:31:27I mean, I'm...
00:31:29I'm in shock.
00:31:31I hope there's no mistake on those papers.
00:31:34No, Ms. Esin, there's no mistake.
00:31:37I mean...
00:31:38You said...
00:31:40I'm pregnant with a baby, right?
00:31:46I'm pregnant with a baby...
00:31:50I mean, I don't have a baby.
00:31:53I can't believe it.
00:31:58Wait a minute.
00:31:59Is there a risk for Ms. Esin at this age?
00:32:03Of course.
00:32:04Ms. Esin is at a risk for the baby and her mother.
00:32:07But if we're careful, nothing will happen.
00:32:10We can't be careful.
00:32:12We can't be careful, okay?
00:32:14Don't worry, we'll think about it.
00:32:18That's not right.
00:32:19We need to think about it.
00:32:22But let me congratulate you first.
00:32:25I'm sorry.
00:32:28Look, did you see that?
00:32:30We came for the menopause.
00:32:36The baby is out.
00:32:44I'm Abidin, who was killed by his mother and father, Halis Korhan.
00:32:49Abidin Korhan.
00:32:51The childhood you stole from me...
00:32:53I will take my mother's scent, her love, my father's affection from you one by one.
00:33:04Grandpa, what did you do?
00:33:17Ferit, where are you going?
00:33:18Your father is gone, where are you going?
00:33:22I'm going to talk to Abidin.
00:33:24Don't tell that woman.
00:33:26After all, my brother is carrying her blood.
00:33:29What should I say?
00:33:30What should I say?
00:33:32For God's sake, what could be more important than the situation we're in right now?
00:33:36Someone has to be dead.
00:33:38What are we going to do?
00:33:42As I think about all this, I can't help but go crazy.
00:33:48How could my grandfather do such a thing?
00:33:51I don't want to believe it, but...
00:33:53...he did it to Hatice.
00:33:56How? How?
00:33:59You know your grandfather.
00:34:00If he did it, he must have a good reason.
00:34:03I never believe it.
00:34:05But there must be something else in this.
00:34:11So, as a result, they've been hiding this from the kid for years.
00:34:16This kid worked like a dog at our door for years.
00:34:21I can't believe it.
00:34:23Because of my grandfather...
00:34:25...this kid grew up without a mother or a father.
00:34:29As I think about all this, I go crazy.
00:34:31Ferit, you should poison your ears first.
00:34:35Don't believe everything you hear.
00:34:52How did this woman die, Betül?
00:34:54Can you tell me?
00:34:55Well, Feride, my friend...
00:35:01...was hit by a car.
00:35:04I mean, first, there was nothing. We were just sitting there.
00:35:07Then, all of a sudden, she started arguing for some reason.
00:35:12She said to me, ''What do you think you are?''
00:35:17And I said, ''Uh-uh.''
00:35:20I said, ''Uh-uh, what's going on, Feride?''
00:35:24She got up and attacked my mother.
00:35:26Oh, yes.
00:35:29What attack?
00:35:32I thought she was going crazy.
00:35:34She clung to my arm. How did she squeeze it?
00:35:38She started shaking me.
00:35:42I thought she was going to strangle me.
00:35:44Suddenly, I pushed her to her death.
00:35:49I mean, what would you do if you were me?
00:35:59Orhan, can't you do something?
00:36:02What if we get out of this?
00:36:05Get out of this?
00:36:09What do you think I am, Betül?
00:36:11Am I a mafia?
00:36:23I'm going to call the police.
00:36:26There's no other way. You're right.
00:36:28Right? You'll be fine.
00:36:30No, no, Orhan Bey. Don't.
00:36:32There's no police.
00:36:33What do you mean, there's no police?
00:36:35You'll be fine.
00:36:37She came to your house and attacked you.
00:36:40You're the ones who are right.
00:36:41We're not going to call the police. Who are we going to call?
00:36:49Well, he's not at home.
00:36:53What do you mean, he's not at home?
00:36:56This is not our home, Orhan.
00:37:02I'm the maid of this house.
00:37:09I've been here before.
00:37:12We didn't want to show you our house.
00:37:17I wanted to think she was a moneylender.
00:37:20That's why I came here.
00:37:31How could I trust you?
00:37:34How could I trust you, Betül?
00:37:38Orhan, please help us.
00:37:42If my mother goes to jail, I'll be ruined.
00:37:46My baby. I'm so scared that something will happen to my baby.
00:37:49Orhan, please help us.
00:37:50Look, my mother is not guilty. I swear.
00:37:52She did this because she thought about my future.
00:37:57I'm not guilty. I'm not guilty.
00:38:02My God.
00:38:04What are you saying, Suna?
00:38:06I can't believe it, dear.
00:38:08Mother, Abidin admitted his own truth.
00:38:13He found peace.
00:38:15We were living together.
00:38:23Now everything is messed up. God, help me.
00:38:29Are you okay?
00:38:31You've been acting strange since you came.
00:38:33I'm fine, dear. I'm fine.
00:38:35I'm okay.
00:38:37Forget about me.
00:38:40Well, Suna, how did the people on the street react to this?
00:38:45Do you know how they reacted, mother?
00:38:47No one hugged him.
00:38:50That hypocrite.
00:38:52He tried to kick him out of the house.
00:38:54No one listened to him, no one tried to understand him...
00:38:57...no one asked him the right questions. Even Ferit.
00:39:00They were brothers.
00:39:01He didn't pull them aside and say, what's going on?
00:39:05He didn't ask anything.
00:39:07No, sister. Ferit didn't do anything like that.
00:39:10He just tried to understand.
00:39:12What he's going through is not normal.
00:39:15It's not normal for him, but is it normal for us, Seyran?
00:39:17The situation is abnormal.
00:39:19So let's not defend Ferit right now.
00:39:21Why do you keep saying the same things? I don't understand.
00:39:24I'm not defending anyone.
00:39:25Are you sure?
00:39:26Yes, sister.
00:39:28I'm just saying we don't know why.
00:39:30Halisa is his own sister.
00:39:33Why? I'm questioning the situation.
00:39:35Okay, let's go to Halisa and ask her the same question.
00:39:39I'm sure she'll say something that will make herself right, right?
00:39:43Can you tell me that Halisa wouldn't do that?
00:39:47You can't. Why?
00:39:49Because she would.
00:39:51Because I'm sure she would.
00:39:53These Korhans are like that.
00:39:55All of them are like that.
00:39:57What more do you want from this boy?
00:39:59He's suffering.
00:40:01Okay, then let him go.
00:40:02Let him go and apologize to everyone.
00:40:06I don't know anything like that, sister.
00:40:08Don't talk nonsense.
00:40:09Don't say anything right now, Seyran.
00:40:11This is not the time to say anything.
00:40:13Go away.
00:40:14You're defending Ferit and Halisa.
00:40:17Why do you keep saying the same things?
00:40:20Are you trying to understand? Go and understand.
00:40:22This boy is suffering here.
00:40:24He's been through a lot.
00:40:26No one is trying to understand this.
00:40:28Ferit and Halisa.
00:40:30That's enough.
00:40:32After you have this Korhan, you're like a curse.
00:40:35What are you talking about?
00:40:37What are you talking about?
00:40:38Just listen to what I have to say.
00:40:42Okay, calm down.
00:40:44I'm sorry for you.
00:40:45You're talking like this because you're sorry.
00:40:47I'm not aware of it, but you're hurting me...
00:40:50...just because you're sorry.
00:40:52I'm sorry, but I don't want you to get hurt.
00:40:54I hope you don't get hurt.
00:40:56I hope everyone gets hurt, not just you.
00:40:59Girls, what's going on?
00:41:00Sinan, come here.
00:41:02They're fighting.
00:41:04Here's the door.
00:41:06I'll go and check.
00:41:07Go and check, son.
00:41:18Are you a needle?
00:41:21Oh my God.
00:41:25Where's brother?
00:41:27He went to the garden.
00:41:31Feyza, wait a minute.
00:41:34If you let me, can I spend some time alone with my future husband?
00:41:38Just two minutes.
00:41:41Okay, I understand, but you'll take care of it.
00:41:45Okay, I'm hanging up.
00:41:48I'm really nervous right now.
00:41:50I think it's because of the wedding.
00:41:53We're going to plan the wedding, Ferit.
00:41:56Thank you, I'm hanging up.
00:41:58Okay, bye.
00:42:01We're going to plan the wedding.
00:42:03If he comes, of course.
00:42:11Put your head down. We'll talk.
00:42:16What's up?
00:42:19Are you here to cut the radio by pretending to be Halis Korhan?
00:42:24You're going to sit on my grandfather's chair today...
00:42:28...and cut the radio. What are we going to do about that?
00:42:32Ferit, your grandfather's chair...
00:42:36Calm down.
00:42:38What's up, son?
00:42:40Are we going to talk about Mr. Ferit's problems?
00:42:47Don't you understand what your grandfather is doing?
00:42:50What are you going to do?
00:42:53What are you going to do?
00:42:54Are you going to take revenge on us?
00:42:57Are you going to take revenge on us? What are you going to do? Let's talk.
00:43:00Don't talk nonsense, Ferit.
00:43:03Don't make me mad.
00:43:05What's your purpose?
00:43:07Do you want to get me out of prison? What do you want from me?
00:43:16I want to give you your right.
00:43:17What's my right?
00:43:20Wait, let me tell you.
00:43:22Money. Exactly.
00:43:25Or whatever.
00:43:28You're going to get what you get from Korhan's inheritance.
00:43:30Give me my childhood.
00:43:33Give me my mother.
00:43:35Can you give me?
00:43:38Is this what you get?
00:43:40That precious Korhan's inheritance?
00:43:44Look at me.
00:43:45You have that Korhan's inheritance that grew with my family's blood.
00:43:49I spit in it.
00:43:56What do you want then?
00:43:58What do you want from us?
00:44:01You come to the middle of our house and judge us.
00:44:04I want justice.
00:44:06I want a real justice, Ferit.
00:44:11Shall we talk about you, son?
00:44:15Shall we talk about the bloodsuckers?
00:44:18Shall I talk about your grandfather?
00:44:21Shall I talk about the bloodsuckers?
00:44:24Look, don't drive me crazy.
00:44:26Look, don't make me go back to my old self.
00:44:31Don't make me go back.
00:44:32You don't want Korhan's inheritance.
00:44:36Then shoot me.
00:44:37What do you want?
00:44:39Tell me.
00:44:41Ferit, go to hell.
00:44:42I'm sick of this.
00:44:44Stop it, girl.
00:44:45Why are you in the middle of the man?
00:44:47Get out of the house.
00:44:48Get out of the house.
00:44:52What kind of a human are you?
00:44:54Are you human?
00:44:56This child grew up without a mother or a father.
00:45:00Why do you treat him like that?
00:45:02Sister, stop.
00:45:03Are you human?
00:45:04Suna, don't interfere.
00:45:06This is between me and my brother. Don't interfere.
00:45:10What do you want?
00:45:11Do you want blood?
00:45:12Don't interfere.
00:45:14Get out of here.
00:45:15Sinan, don't interfere.
00:45:17What are you doing?
00:45:18Am I the only one?
00:45:20What's going on?
00:45:21What's going on?
00:45:22Ferit, please don't do this.
00:45:24Stop it.
00:45:25I'm sorry.
00:45:27We're doing stupid things in your house.
00:45:29But your stupid son-in-law...
00:45:32...doesn't understand a word.
00:45:34He doesn't understand good intentions.
00:45:35You're still saying good intentions.
00:45:37Ferit, go away.
00:45:38You'll stay in my hands.
00:45:39Go away.
00:45:40I'll stay in your hands.
00:45:42I'll stay in your hands. Come on.
00:45:44Don't come closer.
00:45:45All of you, stop.
00:45:49Come with me.
00:45:49Seyran, wait.
00:45:50Shut up. Don't talk. Come on.
00:45:52Go away.
00:45:56We're in trouble.
00:46:00Wait. I won't leave until I solve this.
00:46:02Is this how you're going to solve this?
00:46:04Are you going to solve it by stepping on Abidin's veins?
00:46:06Seyran, you don't understand.
00:46:07I'm going to kill you.
00:46:09I'm saying I'll give you your rights.
00:46:11I'm saying let's talk.
00:46:13What should I do? I don't understand.
00:46:16Sinan, there's no problem.
00:46:18Everything is fine. Okay?
00:46:19Ferit, this is not how it works.
00:46:21You're here to say,
00:46:22I'll give you whatever you want.
00:46:24Shut up.
00:46:25You're here to make a scene.
00:46:28Ferit, look.
00:46:29If you don't do this the right way, Abidin won't understand.
00:46:34Use your head.
00:46:41Calm down.
00:46:43Calm down.
00:47:00Shall we measure your blood pressure again?
00:47:06Your eyes are turning to one side and to the other.
00:47:09What's going on in your head?
00:47:11Abidin won't let us go without sucking our blood like a vampire.
00:47:14They're going through my head.
00:47:16We have to do something.
00:47:18We'll wait for him to listen to us...
00:47:22...in a moment when he'll scream like a lioness.
00:47:24Is it easy?
00:47:25His heart is on fire.
00:47:27There must be a way to put out that fire.
00:47:30As long as he doesn't find the justice in him,
00:47:34nothing will help.
00:47:36Don't bother.
00:47:37Don't bother.
00:47:38If we put the money he's never seen in front of him,
00:47:42I feel like he's going to lose his mind.
00:47:46Where's Orhan?
00:47:47He ran to Betül.
00:47:49He had something very important to do, so he ran.
00:47:52Can you imagine?
00:47:53He's not answering my calls.
00:47:55I just found the time to disappear.
00:47:59Come in.
00:48:04Ms. Ifakat, Mr. Orhan is here.
00:48:07I'll go and check on him.
00:48:11Ms. Hatice, I made tea for you.
00:48:15You'll feel better.
00:48:16I can't bear the weight of tea and soup in my heart, Ifakat.
00:48:21Put it down.
00:48:29What happened? I thought you were staying with your mother.
00:48:31Couldn't you bear to be apart for a night?
00:48:37Why are you looking at me as if you've seen a ghost?
00:48:40What is this important thing? Tell me.
00:48:42It's nothing, Ifakat.
00:48:44I don't want Betül to stay there.
00:48:46I want her to be here, right in front of me.
00:48:49Is there any other problem?
00:48:52Don't go to bed right now.
00:48:53Ferit went to see someone. Maybe we'll learn something.
00:48:56Okay, fine.
00:48:58What is this important thing?
00:49:00Why don't you tell me? Why are you looking at me?
00:49:03It's nothing, Ifakat.
00:49:04It's nothing, Ifakat.
00:49:06Good God.
00:49:07We solved it.
00:49:08It's about the house.
00:49:10It's a problem about the house, okay?
00:49:11Go to bed.
00:49:22Good night, Sevda.
00:49:26Good night, Sevda.
00:49:29Why are you looking at me like that?
00:49:31Why? Sinan, I mean...
00:49:34You met Ferit, you know.
00:49:37I mean, are you nervous, angry, sad, angry right now?
00:49:41Are you going to take the pain out of me? What are you going to do?
00:49:44I don't know. That's why...
00:49:49You did something strange tonight.
00:49:51You're not even aware of it.
00:49:53I don't know.
00:49:54You did something strange tonight.
00:49:56You're not even aware of it.
00:50:00What did I do?
00:50:01You stayed calm despite everything.
00:50:03You went after Ferit.
00:50:05You tried to find a way.
00:50:07And you found it.
00:50:09You're very brave, Seheran.
00:50:12You always do what you think is right.
00:50:16You take the consequences into consideration.
00:50:18I mean, you say, I'll do what I have to do.
00:50:21You say, I'll face the consequences like a young man.
00:50:25You're a real girl, you know?
00:50:27I didn't fall in love with you for nothing.
00:50:33I mean, right now...
00:50:37I don't know what to say, to be honest.
00:50:39You don't have to say anything.
00:50:41Let me put it this way.
00:50:43Look, I'm never going to react like a fool again, okay?
00:50:47I'm not going to get into jealous crises for nothing,
00:50:48I'm not going to yell at you.
00:50:50Whatever you say after this hour, it's on me.
00:50:59...the biggest luck of a man is to be with someone like you, Seheran.
00:51:09Come on, you're cold. Let's go inside.
00:51:11Come on.
00:51:12I'm so curious. He doesn't even let me know.
00:51:15Okay, I wanted them to see each other, but...
00:51:18Look at me.
00:51:19What if Ferit did something when he saw Seheran?
00:51:23I mean, when we were talking about getting rid of the girl...
00:51:25Mom, don't say I'm scared after you've set Fitil on fire.
00:51:28I hope nothing's wrong. He'll be here soon.
00:51:30I don't know. I'm so worried.
00:51:32I really hope nothing's wrong.
00:51:35Oh, he's here.
00:51:36I think he's here.
00:51:41Seheran, you're here too.
00:51:43Did you meet on the way?
00:51:46Sinan, I've been calling you, but you're not answering.
00:51:50Come on in.
00:51:52We're tired, mom. Let's sleep. Good night.
00:51:54Good night, Seheran.
00:51:58I haven't seen Sinan well lately.
00:52:02Do you think he's been upsetting my son too much?
00:52:05Our son is an adult, Ms. Ayla.
00:52:07If someone upsets him, he can handle it himself, right?
00:52:12Even if he can't, he has a mother who gives him a chance to make up for it.
00:52:40Sorry, buddy.
00:52:43Don't go. I'm here. I'm so sorry.
00:52:45You're right. I'm a little late, but I'm here.
00:52:49Ferit, at least you should have answered my message.
00:52:54I mean...
00:52:56Should I tell you?
00:52:58Okay, come on, sit down.
00:53:04What's with the face?
00:53:07What happened to you?
00:53:09What's the reason for making me wait so long before the wedding?
00:53:14Diyar, you're going to be mad.
00:53:16I know, but I'm not going to hide anything from you. I'm going to tell you everything honestly.
00:53:21You didn't keep your word, did you?
00:53:24I know. I knew it.
00:53:27Ferit, look, if you're going to do this...
00:53:29Stop, it's not about Zehra.
00:53:31Okay, what is it then?
00:53:33I went to Esma's mother's today.
00:53:39Still to her mother?
00:53:41Diyar, don't get involved in little things. We can't go on like this.
00:53:45Little things? What's so little about it, Ferit?
00:53:48How many times will I talk to you about the same thing?
00:53:52Okay, I'll tell you. Then you do whatever you want to me, okay?
00:53:57Okay, I'm listening.
00:54:10What are you doing?
00:54:26What are you doing?
00:54:32It's not the time right now, Sinan.
00:54:37Do you like that music?
00:54:42Let's not go back to our agenda.
00:54:45I'm so sorry.
00:54:47Do you want me to give you a massage?
00:54:50You must be nervous now.
00:54:51Sinan, I'm really tired. I just want to sleep today.
00:55:00What did we talk about with you, Zehra?
00:55:03What did you promise me?
00:55:05Okay, but you know what happened today. You saw it.
00:55:09Okay, I saw it, but something else happened today, something else will happen tomorrow.
00:55:13Isn't that how it's gonna be?
00:55:14Besides, I'm tired of waiting. I don't want to live like this anymore.
00:55:21What do you say?
00:55:57Now you tell me, shouldn't I have gone to see Abigail?
00:56:01I can't believe it. No, you're right, you're going to go.
00:56:04Well, Ferit, I was about to kill you when you came here, but after what you've said, you're right.
00:56:12You're not mad at me, are you?
00:56:14No, no, I'm not mad. I'm even upset.
00:56:18Abidin is even your enemy, look at him.
00:56:22Anyway, okay, never mind. Don't worry about it now. I'll take care of it.
00:56:27Don't cut me off, okay?
00:56:29No matter what, what Abidin is going through is not easy.
00:56:34So think calmly about what you're going to think, okay?
00:56:40Okay, okay.
00:56:44I'll go and talk to him clearly tomorrow.
00:56:51The man is right, there is nothing to say.
00:56:55Anyway, we'll find a middle ground, don't worry.
00:56:59Tell me, have I been forgiven?
00:57:03You tried to come here in all this, didn't you?
00:57:09It's a story of languages.
00:57:12Come closer.
00:57:14Is there a light?
00:57:16Come closer.
00:57:17Is it from the cheek?
00:57:19Oh, it's a happy ending, my favorite.
00:57:29Look, if we look at it like this, we'll be here in the morning.
00:57:34Let me tell you.
00:57:36So let's go home, sleep sweetly, rest.
00:57:42Then we'll get up in the morning and buy you a beautiful bride.
00:57:45No, I was going to talk to you about this.
00:57:48I don't need a wedding dress, I'll wear a nice dress like this.
00:57:52Okay, it's over.
00:57:54But what does that mean?
00:57:56I can't get a wedding dress for his wife.
00:57:59No, no, you're so sweet, but I really don't want a wedding dress.
00:58:03What do you mean I don't want it?
00:58:05I want it, I want to see you in a wedding dress.
00:58:08I mean, I want to see my wife in a wedding dress.
00:58:11For me, please.
00:58:13Okay, whatever, we'll talk about it.
00:58:16You'll be beautiful in white.
00:58:42I love you.
00:59:12I love you too.
00:59:28What happened now?
00:59:30No, Sinan, I can't.
00:59:35I'm so nervous, I can't.
00:59:43I mean, no, I can't.
00:59:47Sinan, I can't.
00:59:51Seher, what do you want?
00:59:54What are you trying to do?
00:59:56Look, you wanted one thing from me, Sinan.
01:00:01You wanted me to be honest.
01:00:03And I am.
01:00:07I'm being honest.
01:00:08I'm being honest.
01:00:11I can't, Sinan.
01:00:13Look, I really wanted to keep my promise, but I can't.
01:00:21Look, you're right, Sinan.
01:00:24We're married.
01:00:26It's ridiculous for me to act like this right now.
01:00:29It's really ridiculous.
01:00:31You haven't asked for anything from me for two years.
01:00:34You waited.
01:00:36You never insisted.
01:00:39We got married.
01:00:42You waited again.
01:00:44You're so right to react right now.
01:00:47But I can't.
01:00:50I can't.
01:00:52I really can't.
01:00:54I'm so nervous.
01:00:56Because you still have Fedit in your mind, don't you?
01:01:01No, Sinan, he has nothing to do with it.
01:01:05I pushed myself so hard.
01:01:12I wanted to keep my promise.
01:01:16But I can't.
01:01:25I should go, Sinan.
01:01:29Because it won't be good if I stay here.
01:01:35We'll talk tomorrow, okay?
01:01:55I'm so sorry.
01:02:04I'm so sorry.
01:02:18We got rid of this girl.
01:02:20We got rid of this girl.
01:02:22I hope this issue will be closed forever.
01:02:24I hope this issue will be closed forever.
01:02:33Oh, my child.
01:02:35It'll pass. Don't worry. It'll pass.
01:02:38I'll make you forget that girl.
01:02:41I don't know.
01:02:43Short, short, long-armed, short, long.
01:02:49You'll see.
01:03:24I'm sorry.
01:03:25I'm sorry.
01:03:27I'm sorry.
01:03:29I'm sorry.
01:03:31I'm sorry.
01:03:53Because you still have credit in your mind, right?
01:03:57Did you miss me?
01:03:58Who are you to me?
01:04:00A lot.
01:04:03I missed you so much that I never missed you.
01:04:28I missed you so much that I never missed you.
01:04:32I missed you so much that I never missed you.
01:04:36I missed you so much that I never missed you.
01:04:40I missed you so much that I never missed you.
01:04:44I missed you so much that I never missed you.
01:04:48I missed you so much that I never missed you.
01:04:52I missed you so much that I never missed you.
01:04:55I missed you so much that I never missed you.
