• 2 days ago
00:00The sexy star no doesn't run night she's strong and an ass-kicker gonna help me squash that book
00:13Bow down to my sister many posts the mat took his eyes off
00:20Here's your winner
00:26This trio lost the trio's championship if they do not win the title that will leave the temple forever
00:34Redemption is on the line
00:43You do not stop until you get what is yours
00:46Let nothing stand in your way
00:49It was Katrina kept Pentagon out of Aztec warfare
00:56My name is Dario Cueto and this is my temple
01:02There's one more entrant my brother the monster Matanza
01:12Monster has eliminated half a dozen fighters
01:19Rey Mysterio
01:24This guy is evil
01:49It feels good to be back in my temple
02:02Active warfare was a spectacular event
02:08This is only the beginning for what I have planned for all of you
02:16I'm happy to announce that beginning next week. I will start an all-new trio statement
02:27But that's not all
02:30What about the new number one contender for my brother's championship?
02:37For that I have a brilliant idea
02:46There's Pentagon jr. Who was left out of Aztec warfare last week
03:16Well with all due respect
03:21Maybe you didn't compete in Aztec warfare because you are not
03:28Championship material
04:48Championship match against the new monster Matanza
05:02Hello everybody and welcome this is
05:05Lucha underground and as we just saw Dario Cueto has agreed albeit coerced into giving Pentagon jr.
05:14A championship match against the new monster Matanza Cueto brother
05:20That's how you get an opportunity get grab it by the throat you squeeze it you rip it out
05:24And that's just the way it's done. It's gonna be a huge challenge
05:28It all comes your way tonight for the Lucha underground championship
05:40Is a tag-team match scheduled for one fall introducing first the team of Taya and Johnny
05:51All right, Taya and Johnny Mundo have forged a relationship here over the past few weeks and it's been a relationship of
06:00Destruction and now tag-team action Johnny Mundo on the left Taya on the right
06:10From the streets, mr. Cisco and Cortez Castro
06:18Cisco and Cortez have been working as a unit for the past two years here in Lucha underground
06:23How are Taya and Johnny Mundo gonna combat that unity forget about two years brother
06:29I told you these two kids went to preschool. They were stealing nipples and baby milk and formula all that stuff since kindergarten, bro
06:35How do you steal nipples, you know soothers?
06:40You know, I can't take you anywhere. Can I dress you up? I can't take you out
06:47Bell rings
06:52Johnny Mundo starting
06:54Although Taya seems to want to get her feet wet now. Listen, man. Yes, I understand it a very
07:02Appealing physique a very beautiful face, but underneath all that is a very
07:11Now hip attack forces I had a jump over here pass by there
07:20To count early on in the match
07:25Cortez trying to control the head
07:29Taya has a height advantage here. It's the road for momentum
07:34flying clothesline there by time
07:39After the action in the ring now roll back through quick tags in by the unit the crew
07:45Well oiled machines and tie it in
07:49They have in mind here
07:52Jesus man cover try to end the match quick. She would never break her nose
08:00Series of two counts here
08:07Hey, my the only one in the building is realizing that Johnny doesn't want to get in there help out
08:15And now Johnny Mundo
08:19Hey, man, the tag was made
08:27Shivers to the side of the face cover only a one brother. He's like just talking to Cisco man
08:48We took apart
08:51Back of the head and that is still not enough give Cisco credit. He keeps kicking out. He keeps fighting
08:58We've seen this
09:00273 million times
09:01We're talking about perhaps the end of the world and with our political climate today Cisco didn't want to see it happen
09:10Cisco needs to desperately make a tag out of the way by the wrong part of town
09:15cut for Cisco
09:20This is the opportunity Cisco needs the hand is outstretched
09:25Cisco itching
09:27Tag me here comes Castro
09:34Yeah, hell yeah, it's Johnny Mundo in goes for the back body drop Johnny using his parkour ability to roll out
09:47Tire is now legal Cortez realizes it in the action picks up inside the ring nice basement dropped it there by tire
09:54Cortez up to his feet. Hey, do you think satire is a little bit sadistic?
09:58You see the smile on her face every time she rocks somebody she kind of likes the pain type thing. Yeah, I see in that
10:06Back elbows there by
10:16Strike oh
10:19Oh, there you go, here we go had enough and if this breaks down into a fight it definitely benefits the crew
10:43Now the swolverine begins to stalk
10:47Dude, not only did he bust that cinder block over his melon tire got the pin because of it
10:53He's got to be hot
10:59I mean he'd be pissed off to if he cost you the title possibly Johnny has the best back pedal in the business
11:06I've never seen anybody run that fast as Carl Lewis
11:08Oh the match goes on in the ring tie and Cortez are legal forearm strikes by tire kick to the gut doubles over. Mr
11:17Cisco gets back into the ring cuts tire off
11:22The psycho realm is it
11:35Wow, did you see that cage to stop Johnny like a freight train?
11:41But still to come the trio's
11:44champions son of having evil lease and an helico must defend their titles their newly regained titles
11:51Against the former champions Katrina's disciples of death. It comes your way tonight here on lucha underground
12:20Long time ago a moth tribe ruled the Aztec Empire
12:27We were known for two things our Aztec pride and our wealth
12:34The moths were drawn to Aztec gold like our namesakes to a flame
12:42As you can see that wealth is still important to my tribe today
12:49But when you possess what others want they get jealous
12:57Thank you for me
12:59The moth tribe knew the envy of the other tribes would bring war
13:04But we had a secret weapon
13:10Many posa
13:13The greatest warrior the Aztecs have ever seen
13:19Many posa destroyed anyone who tried to take our tribes gold
13:26And her viciousness
13:34Became legendary
13:47The mariposa mask was passed down over generations
13:55Now the deadliest mariposa of them all
13:59Where is it?
14:20Beware my sister
14:25The mariposa
14:30Or she will lead the moth tribe to rule again
15:16Didn't see you coming
15:18But that's kind of your thing, isn't it?
15:20Going in and out of places like a ghost. I
15:23Wanna thank you for keeping my temple going on my absence. But as I said tonight, this is my temple
15:30I'm the rightful owner of it
15:33Maybe so
15:35But your brother is not the rightful owner of that championship and sooner or later
15:41Death will come for it
15:46My brother does not fear death
15:53But you do listen, I'm no beef with you I didn't get your disciples of that rematch for the tires tonight
16:02You and I we have common enemies working together we could be unstoppable
16:12When the time is right your brother will face death and this temple will be mine again
16:53We've talked at length about how dysfunctional this team once was but now that they've newly regained the trios championships
17:22They seem to be on the same page
17:26And their opponents the challengers accompanied by Katrina the disciples
17:40All right, so man
17:41This is an elimination style match meaning all three members on one team have to be eliminated for the match to end
17:48Does that change the strategy at all? I think so
17:52It's more complicated
17:57But now you're gonna have to earn
18:00So, let me ask you something. So when one dude gets eliminated
18:03He's got a leave and it could be three against two three against one type. There you go. Really Wow
18:09All right, it will be an helico to start and barrio negro will start
18:16These two teams have an extensive history they know each other's very well
18:21Expect a lot of counter Lucha
18:25For the collar elbow tie up here
18:28Notice that barrio comes in with the left hand
18:31I think the only way to go there is to cheat like the neither did a helico towers over him
18:38Watch out watch out
18:43Again and helicos athleticism is long legs
18:46It's certainly a great part of his arsenal here is barrio. Negros on my child is an arm drag
18:53Japanese on drag their roll through keeping the arm nicely done
18:58The kid is coming to his own here Lucha underground. I've been watching him for a while. He's quick. He's so tall so fast
19:07Son of havoc makes his way into the ring
19:10Since barrio negro into the ropes barrio with the reversal son of havoc with a reversal and a leg trip using the ropes momentum
19:15Nice senton there. Cover. Smart. Gets a quick two count. Smart. Very smart. Hey, man, go for it, right?
19:21Don't let him tag out. Keep working on him. Don't you think absolutely controlling the left arm with the arm bar and now the tag in to his ex-girlfriend
19:28Let me point out something
19:30The champions have improved a lot
19:33And the believers see it as well getting behind evil ease who won the admiration of the believers in the temple with her showing against
19:40Bill Muertes, but oh barrio using his power and to your point
19:44It looks like the disciples of death are gonna isolate the smallest
19:49Dare, I say only the smallest of the believers in the temple
19:52I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I don't know if that's a good thing
19:56I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing
19:58It looks like the disciples of death are gonna isolate the smallest dare
20:03I say weakest member of the team brother. You said it not me. I was gonna say smallest. It's okay weakest
20:08I think not she may be the smartest and the quickest as well. The baddest pitch in the building evil east
20:15Northern light suplex with the bridge. Thank you. Oh my god, bro
20:22That's the line waistlock ropes, hold on roll through O'Connor shoulders aren't all the way down there. Oh, she almost had it man
20:30You gotta love evil easy
20:36Got just enough distraction here and now this all breaks down, but let's not forget who's legal here
20:45Okay, so give the assist to Katrina here evil
20:48He's has been eliminated and now it's three disciples of death again son of havoc and in helico
20:54Yes, son of havoc on the mat looking cross taking quite a beating brother. You've never said nothing about hurt
21:01That's like four against three right off the bat
21:03Okay, this is what it is, right?
21:05Well, your math includes Katrina while she may not be an active member of this match as we just saw she certainly can
21:12affect the outcome
21:15And to your point eliminated members must leave ringside by order of Dario Cueto
21:20So now three on two or four on two if you like the four on two, come on
21:32Right by the short and curly is flung him across the ring
21:36efficiency as to race a now
21:38Maneuver son of havoc up. Oh very smart using the momentum to his advantage, dude. That's so fresh. Come on, man
21:54No, we go there man
21:59Those line block full Nelson now on the move the disciples death takes the shuri knee right to the face
22:04Backs the other one up into the ropes now
22:07So that's not that I'm working with the assist for trace a to receive the need of the face a
22:14Home run out of the park don't do it there kid
22:21Negro got caught coming in but turn around and helicopter
22:24Nice drop kick from trace a get you schooled son
22:28Check this chin with the boots and smart strategy here by the disciples of death to slow things down. They have the numbers advantage
22:36Brother, they're kicking the living jesus out of them. What kind of strategy is that?
22:40Helico perhaps going for the fall of the angels here. This is a signature maneuver and helico has used this many times
22:47Including wants to win the trio's championships. Is this enough? Will we have the elimination? Yes, we're even wow
22:54that was
22:56Pretty intense man. I saw it here point blank. He landed on his cranium right on the top. He can break his back
23:03From a momentum point of view though that victory is very important just to kind of even the ring out
23:11So, how come he's still skulking around why doesn't he get out
23:14Right breaking the rules everywhere. We go referee doing his best to try to get barrio out of there
23:20We've talked about high profile matches. The referees are instructed to have leniency watch out. Oh
23:26Man, let's kill it. He's got the like 45 inch long legs
23:33Smart well with the new trio's tournament being announced by our owner. Dario cueto and helico and summer
23:48Pretty impressive stuff pretty impressive stuff looks like the x-games
24:00Helico sent sinestro back into the ring
24:05Pretty obvious who the fans love. Yeah, not like love but in helico has been known to take risks just to impress the crowd
24:13sometimes at his own detriment
24:18What are you calling for here go for the win kid
24:23Could it be the fall of the angels into the turnbuckle?
24:27We talked about how this team has to get more aggressive
24:32Sinestro recognized the urgency
24:37That was ugly and effective and it looks like an helico has been eliminated
24:46Son of havoc who we have referred to as the ultimate underdog
24:50all alone
24:52In the ring with the disciples of death, bro. He just got his face driven through the mat
24:59Son of havoc now showing the fight
25:06Still he's just still one man
25:10But with athleticism like that he could be able to change the scope of things no, whoa
25:16What do you think he's thinking now man, there's no way he's going to give it up get a guy down and pin him
25:20Get a guy down to make him submit fight dirty fight clean break the rules. Hell. Yeah, what would you do?
25:26Same thing as the stone is held high
25:28We've come to learn that the disciples of death almost impervious
25:32To any type of offense when katrina has that dark piece of rubble held high. This is about to get ugly
25:41Double whip in
25:43Havoc ducks the double lines uses his environment to his advantage crossbody son of havoc creating space now
25:50Using the ring as only he can it's almost as if it's his partner here
26:05Amazing turtle double stomp and now it's one on one
26:13That was crazy
26:18Let's not forget that the titles are on the line here the trio's title and yet it comes down to a one-on-one match
26:25They knock them like in a loop
26:27And some would say that these two are the strongest members of their respective teams if you go by the elimination
26:34This is the moonsault does sinestro de la muerte son of havoc now on the apron
26:42Trying to catch his breath
26:46The badass biker from the open road climbing the turnbuckle
26:51Katrina climbing as well. What did I tell you?
26:59Ivelisse has seen enough and the bitch is back the other bitch is down. Hell. Yeah
27:08Son of havoc now on the move
27:26Really hit it this time katrina has been neutralized
27:41Ivelisse and son of havoc
27:45With this new trio's tournament upon us it shows us how important these trio's titles are but now the question is what lies next
27:54for this trio
27:57Ladies and gentlemen still to come tonight the first ever title defense of our new champion the monster
28:05Matanza cueto will be here tonight on lucha underground. We'll be right back
28:31I still can't believe that you're here. I'll be honest. I'm a little starstruck
28:41I'm here because of el dragón azteca
28:47Ah, well, it was good to see him back in action during aztec warfare
28:54No, no, no
28:56El no, that is el dragón azteca jr
29:00I'm talking about his mentor
29:02my mentor
29:04The man who came into this temple and never came out
29:09Know nothing about that
29:12Well, he's dead
29:16I'm pretty sure your brother is responsible
29:20I swear to you and to the gods that my brother had nothing to do with whatever happened to him
29:27Your mentor and my father whatever their beef was it has nothing to do with us
29:31I respect the old ways, but i'm a man of the new world
29:34And all I want is to make this temple the best fighting arena that's ever existed
29:41I was very impressed by you during aztec warfare
29:44And of course, I recognize that you are the most famous luchador in the world
29:49So it would be my honor if you
29:53and el dragón azteca jr
29:55competed here
29:57As long as we both agree
30:02To leave the past
30:05In the past
30:11To el dragón azteca
30:35The following lucha scheduled for one fall
30:38Introducing first currently in the ring accompanied by the mac
30:46She is
30:56And inspired a generation
31:05And her opponent accompanied by marty the moth martinez from la joya california
31:22We were introduced to mariposa as marty the moth martinez's sister
31:28This will be the first time we will see her in singles action and what a lot to draw
31:35Sexy star no doubt about it. It's almost kind of like if you're thinking about rocky balboa and mick, we got the mac
31:40He's trying his best to get sexy star out of that funk that she's in man
31:44Yeah, when we were first introduced to mariposa sexy star appeared to me
31:49terrified almost
31:51Subservient and if we're being honest
31:54She still looks pretty scared
31:59Sometimes those emotional scars
32:02they come up again, but
32:04Anyway, we look at it here. We're set to go. That's the clothesline now sexy star being evasive
32:13This is probably the first time that i've seen sexy bail out of the ring there's that creepy bastard the annoyance marty the moth
32:29Oh, ow ow ow damn I felt those over here
32:34You want sexy
32:43Up high here
32:46Sexy got out of the way though and here may come sexy star
32:50This is the opportunity this young lady needs get her career back on track right now
32:57Sexy on the move now tilt the world head scissor block into the submission that is a submission hole
33:03Mariposa way too strong slithered right out of it
33:10Mack no matter what he says she's just not snapping out of it man, and he's putting it all look at this
33:15She's going for it here
33:18Arms are hooked
33:19Spin through
33:21Oh, this doesn't bode
33:36The butterfly effect the broken wings split sexy star in half and mariposa is
33:43victorious in a very convincing fashion
33:53Very concerned man checking on sexy just got the boots from money from the back
34:04This year a lot of new faces in lucha underground everyone looking to make a statement
34:17Mariposa has proven she's a dominating force and sexy star is clearly not the same lucha daughter that we once knew
34:25And ladies and gentlemen speaking of dominating forces the man who single-handedly took out eight
34:31Other fighters in aztec warfare and captured the lucha underground championship the monster matanza cueto
34:39Defends his title for the first time ever against pentagon jr. And that epic main event is next
34:56You've done well my brother better than I could have hoped for
35:01But our work is far from over
35:04Pentagon jr. Made a name for himself by breaking arms. I want you to break his back
35:12So he never returns to my temple again
35:48The bow and lucha scheduled for one fall and it's for the lucha underground championship
35:55Introducing first from
35:58Mexico pentagon
36:03Ladies and gentlemen, when we came back to the temple, we promised you a darker more disturbed more violent lucha underground and that is what I
36:13Anticipate our main event will give us here tonight
36:16Has that man right there the breaker at bones pentagon?
36:20Makes his way into the temple
36:22Every time I hear that
36:26I get migraines
36:31And his opponent accompanied by owner and promoter of lucha underground
36:38He is the lucha underground champion the monster
36:47For those of you that are just joining us last week dario plato introduced us to his brother
36:55The monster latanza cueta the brother came and absolutely annihilated everyone in aztec warfare
37:02Capturing the lucha underground championship
37:05This is his first title defense and after what I saw last week
37:10If there's anyone
37:15That could strike fear in the heart of that man, it may very well be pentagon
37:21Dario has often gone on record saying how much he loves violence
37:29Pentagon often talks about zero miedo zero fear. He certainly will need to have none
37:36None at all in his heart tonight
37:40Man he just looks he just oozes intensity matanza
37:45damn, bro
37:47Of course aztec warfare featured 21 of the greatest fighters in the world that man right there took out eight of them
37:59This is going to be a straight up fight the power of matanza and the submission prowess of pentagon look at his hands
38:06He's just poised to rip somebody's flesh apart
38:08Look at not even marty elias to take his eyes off of the monster matanza cueto. Look at brother. Dario just
38:15Just just just oozing pride just paying attention to everything that little bro does
38:26Telling him in spanish, bro, that's not even fair
38:28Here we go
38:30pentagon on the left in the black the monster matanza cueto in the gray
38:42Quick look at his hands. He wants to pull his face apart
38:50It looks like pentagon is doing with a little bit of a martial arts movement they're getting him out of the way
38:55Normally when a fighter does that he's trying to gauge his opponent's feet
39:03Doesn't do much
39:05My mom
39:08I think it did a lot this matanza right off
39:13Pentagon trying to take out matanza's base matanza with a shove pentagon ducks the clothesline thrust kick matanza barely moves
39:24Baseball back to the thigh god
39:27Forearm strikes pentagon backs the monster matanza cueto into the corner now
39:32Goes for the whip matanza way too strong follows in pentagon with the lock blower for the first time
39:38I was going to say matanza's off his feet, but he's not
39:50You think of the great champions in all types of fighting sports whether it be a mike tyson or a randy couture
39:57Lend itself. However you want. I don't think i've ever seen a dominant champion in his first defense like this
40:04Now this ugly fight retreats to the floor. He's just going to work on the lower back. It's like you can't pentagon can't get up
40:16What's he doing man
40:36Again important to point out
40:38Oh dario cueto has
40:41Instructed our officials to exercise great leniency
40:45When titles are on the line
40:47That's why this carnage not only is allowed it's encouraged pentagon
40:52Is hurt. I don't care. I'm, sorry, man
40:55He's working on he's beating him to death. He was lower back. He's just pounded him pentagon
41:03Of course last week matanza ripped the steel beam that joey ryan was handcuffed to right in that area right there
41:13Trying to tear the mask of pentagon
41:30We've never seen pentagon this vulnerable before I don't even know how to answer you
41:42You can almost hear the fear in the chants of the believers pentagon asked for this match
41:49Demanded it if you will he demanded and he's telling the ref he's hurt
42:00Well, he's telling the referee he's hurt man, he's telling us back and see you can hear in spanish right now
42:09Hey matanza doesn't care pentagon's hurt it's almost as if matanza thrives off of that doesn't really get going until there's pain
42:19Wrath of the gods their shoulders down this one's over
42:35A dominant title defense by the monster matanza
42:47Vamp has gone into the ring
43:01Calling for the medics here
43:25Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know if we're still on the air
43:49That zero fear may very well be the end of pentagon
43:57If the will of a group could ever raise anyone's spirits this crowd is getting behind pentagon
