• 2 days ago
00:01It feels good to be back in my temple!
00:05I will start and hold you!
00:07They advance!
00:08Trios Tournament!
00:09They have to be the favorite!
00:13Our disciples have gained entry into the Trios Tournament.
00:17They will not fail again.
00:20It has taken years to prepare you to embrace your destiny.
00:24Nothing will stand in your way.
00:27Not even Mil Muertes.
00:28Make me proud.
00:31And bring death to the dead.
00:48You are lucky you survived your encounter with my brother.
00:51But I guess you are the man of endless lives.
01:00And I am the man of endless opportunities.
01:05And I have one for you.
01:11I need one more team in my Trios Tournament.
01:13And you guys should be it.
01:16I mean, you're practically the dream team.
01:22But wait.
01:23You were a team last year.
01:26And you lost in the first round because Drago and Aerostar couldn't get a loan.
01:34I would hate to have history repeat itself, so...
01:40I'm going to give Fenix two different partners.
01:44Tonight, Fenix.
01:47You will take on the Disciples of Death.
01:51In a Trios Tournament match.
01:53By teaming with...
01:56The Darewolf PJ Black.
02:00Jack Evans.
02:02As for you two...
02:06It seems you guys get along much better these days.
02:11But let's see how strong that friendship really is.
02:14When one of the seven Ancient Aztec Medallions is on the line.
02:19Better get ready.
02:21That match is next.
02:54What up, everybody?
02:55Me and my boy Matt Striker have been telling you all from day one.
02:58The place to be is here.
03:00Lucha Underground on the El Rey Network.
03:02I would like to thank our band, El Conjunto Nuevo Ola.
03:06Matt, Insanity is about to take place.
03:08Please school everybody as to what's up.
03:11Yeah, this is a big night.
03:12First and foremost, Mil Muertes.
03:15Challenges for the Lucha Underground Championship
03:18against the monster Matanza Guido.
03:20We have the finals of the first round of the Trios Tournament.
03:24And how about another Aztec Medallion on the line?
03:27This and more.
03:28Melissa, take it away.
03:31The following Lucha is scheduled for one fall.
03:33And it's for one of the seven Ancient Aztec Medallions.
03:38Introducing first...
03:40From the cosmos...
03:45This match, as you heard the lovely Melissa Santos say,
03:48is for one of the Ancient Seven Aztec Medallions.
03:52As of right now, only Tejano has earned one of the medallions.
03:56Vamp, your thoughts on Aerostar's chances tonight?
03:59Not very good, man.
04:00As much as I want to be his fan, he's too much of the underdog.
04:03Drago's been through hell and back, and he's willing to go there again.
04:07And his opponent, from El Inframundo...
04:14Vamp, I make no bones about it.
04:16Last year, I said that this man, along with Phoenix,
04:19were my two favorite Luchadores here in Lucha Underground.
04:21This year has been somewhat of a sophomore slump for Drago.
04:26Really hasn't hit that stride.
04:29Could tonight be the night?
04:32You gotta remember, he went through hell and back.
04:34I said it, and I'll say it time and time again.
04:36Anytime you put any kind of darkness in your life,
04:39not only are you playing with fire,
04:41but it's gonna be a very, very deep and dark hole to get out of.
04:44Drago went through hell, he came back,
04:46he fought his way to get back in the temple, here he is.
04:49There is no way Aerostar can even go up against somebody like that,
04:52here in the temple, without thinking,
04:54how much do I gotta put out?
04:56Yeah, we've had a rivalry, yeah, we're friends,
04:58but hey, this is a different ballgame.
05:00Drago's going for the big time.
05:03Alright, here we go, two of the most skilled, quickest Luchadores.
05:06Aerostar in the red, Drago in the blue mask.
05:19Shoulders are down.
05:22Too quick, these guys know each other inside out, yin and yang.
05:26Which is why they're going for pinfall so early on.
05:29See how Drago is able to evade the arm drag, only to get caught.
05:33Now Aerostar with the drop toe hold on the move now.
05:36Drago, nicely done, good take down there,
05:38the two back up to their feet.
05:40Now controlling the left arm and wrist of Aerostar.
05:43Aero rolling forward to alleviate the pressure.
05:45Changing courses.
05:47Nicely done.
05:48A little bit aggressive.
05:50A little bit aggressive.
05:52But I always think that Drago is letting him,
05:54almost went out of gas,
05:56giving him a few jabs here and there,
05:58seeing how he's going to react.
06:00Drago's no dummy, believe me, he's been there,
06:02he's going to, you know, make him put all his cards on the table up front.
06:05Two friends here.
06:07That's not friendly, but a back fist to knock your teeth out, my friend.
06:10And you mentioned early on how these two know each other so well.
06:13Of course, last year in Lucha Underground,
06:15a best of five series between these two.
06:19They got to learn a lot about one another,
06:21but now the stakes are even higher
06:23because an ancient Aztec medallion is on the line.
06:26Drago on the move now, uses ropes for momentum,
06:28ducks the clothesline, flips over his opponent.
06:31To the leg sweep, Aerostar too quick.
06:33Aero with the kick to double over Drago.
06:35And now Aerostar trying to slow things down,
06:37reposition his opponent.
06:39Matt, can you see the look on Drago's eyes?
06:44Sorry, I was looking at the stars.
06:46Don't doubt about it.
06:48Very determined, very malicious.
06:53Drago, one of the best of using his environment.
06:57It's been Drago!
06:59Drago! Drago! Drago! Drago! Drago! Drago!
07:06Now friendship goes out the window
07:08when pride, prestige, and money are on the line.
07:11And prestige?
07:13That was French for prestige, I would think you're getting at.
07:18Oh, man! Did he land hard.
07:22All the sweat that accumulates on the ropes,
07:25that's why it's called high risk.
07:27That's why the temple is so dangerous.
07:29Aerostar took a chance, and this may be Drago's opportunity.
07:32That's what makes lucha libre so different
07:34than any other style in the world.
07:36When you're going for the medallion,
07:38you gotta be willing to accept the fact that you could die.
07:42What about the slight sportsmanship
07:44that Drago seemed to show to his friend right there?
07:47Yeah, it was pretty friendly
07:49when he slammed him into the steel barrier.
07:51See, again, Drago's stopping, waiting.
07:54Aerostar may have a serious injury to his lower extremities,
07:58but he's still on the move,
08:00still fighting for an ancient Aztec medallion.
08:02Drago spills to the floor.
08:04Aerostar now showing no ill effects,
08:06and here comes Aerostar!
08:09And Bob Ross's youngest son loves it.
08:12Happy little trees for everyone.
08:14Wow, wow, wow. Hey, man, it's a risky business.
08:18Everybody's saying lucha, lucha, lucha.
08:20Exactly, that's what it is. You take your chances.
08:23Sometimes you hit a home run, sometimes you strike up.
08:25Brother, that's what it is.
08:27Life in the big leagues, take it or leave it.
08:32Drago back in. Aerostar close behind.
08:35Still moving slowly, though.
08:37But, Vamp, you know adrenaline is an amazing drug.
08:40No doubt about it.
08:42I don't know anything about drugs, but yes, adrenaline does kick in.
08:46And again, remember earlier the way Aerostar landed?
08:50Now we have to start to think.
08:52If the legs and the hips are compromised,
08:54half of Aerostar's offense is out the window,
08:56and the dragon burns with desire here in the temple!
09:03Highlight reel match.
09:05The fans feel it. The fans respect.
09:08It is what it is. This is lucha underground.
09:11And it's telling as to the chant.
09:14They're chanting for the style, they're chanting for the sport,
09:17for the brand itself.
09:19They're chanting for the life or death situation
09:22that these athletes put them in every match.
09:25Speaking of which, now Aerostar trying to breathe some life
09:28into his quest to become lucha underground champion.
09:32Still clutching. Clutching his knee, clutching his back,
09:34clutching his shoulder, just like an out-of-control comet
09:37falling down to earth.
09:41What does Drago have in mind here?
09:43Oh! Ro-Pung DDT!
09:51Sometimes it's hard to watch, because you never want to see
09:53an athlete suffer a serious injury,
09:55because then you're taking food off of the table.
09:57But at the same time, if you choose to enter into the ring,
10:01if you choose to enter into the sport,
10:03it's hard to have sympathy when the guy gets injured.
10:06No doubt, especially guys of his caliber.
10:08You almost don't believe it.
10:10The incredible talent that's on display
10:12every time we see the temple on fire like this.
10:15You almost can't believe it that these guys hurt themselves.
10:17And I'm telling you now, don't do this at home, kids.
10:19These guys are seasoned pros.
10:22Aerostar has to make up quite a bit of distance here.
10:25What type of unique offense does Aerostar have in mind?
10:31Oh, lands on his feet.
10:33Drago, nice drop kick.
10:35And again, Aerostar clutching the knee.
10:39Drago, sensing that his opponent may be primed.
10:50Man, he is taking a beating.
10:52You can see he's holding it.
10:54He's definitely hurting.
10:56Aerostar got out of the way of the basement drop kick,
10:58and now Drago moves out of the way of the senton.
11:02It's hard for Aerostar to get going,
11:04but listen to the believers.
11:08Let's go, Drago!
11:10Aerostar! Let's go, Drago!
11:13The fans respect what Drago has given them,
11:15and the fans respect what Aerostar is giving them right now.
11:18Both men on the move.
11:20Very unique.
11:31What the hell was that?
11:34And now the celestial body about to fall to Earth.
11:37In the form of Aerostar, leg is hurt.
11:40He got it!
11:41Here's your winner, Aerostar!
11:45It was cheating to become a theme here in Lucha Underground.
11:49Overcoming the odds, standing against adversity.
11:52Drago and Aerostar, they have a long history.
11:55They continue to show class and sportsmanship,
11:58no matter the outcome of their conflicts.
12:00Tonight, Aerostar was the better Luchador,
12:04and he will be one of seven Luchadors
12:07competing for the gift of the gods.
12:09Ladies and gentlemen, take a breath, because still to come,
12:13Katrina's disciples of death
12:16seek to reclaim their stake in the trio's division
12:19as they face off against Phoenix, Jack Evans,
12:23and the darewolf PJ Black.
12:25That match is next.
12:28Is it possible?
12:31Is what possible?
12:34That you look even better today than you did yesterday.
12:42Damn right it's possible.
12:44I'm not just a man.
12:46I'm the man.
12:55Um, so I have news from the temple.
12:59Lay it on me.
13:01Well, I spoke to Dario, and I demanded
13:04that he give you one of the Aztec medallions.
13:09Did you mention I didn't get a chance to compete for one last year?
13:12Yes, just like you said.
13:16Where is it?
13:19Well, he has you scheduled in an Aztec medallion match next week.
13:24Making me work for it, huh?
13:27Classic Kwaito.
13:29So who's my unlucky opponent?
13:42If I have to take Cage to Slamtown one more time,
13:45that's what I'll do.
13:48And besides, if Cage tries anything machiney,
13:51you'll be there to even the score.
13:54Well, not exactly, because it's a steel cage match.
14:02in a cage.
14:07Don't worry.
14:09I'm not worried.
14:12You're gonna shut that machine down.
14:28The following lucha is a first-round trios tournament match
14:31scheduled for one fall.
14:34Introducing first, the team of Jack Evans,
14:38PJ Black,
14:41and Venus!
14:45Well, ladies and gentlemen, check the date on your calendar
14:48and see how high we can get
14:50with Phoenix, the darewolf PJ Black,
14:53and Jack Evans, a trios team
14:56put together by Dario Kwaito.
14:58Maybe Dario's trying to, once again,
15:00cause some schizophrenia amongst the teams,
15:02mixing it up, putting in who doesn't belong with who,
15:04et cetera, et cetera.
15:06All right, already advancing in this tournament,
15:08the crew and Joey Ryan,
15:10along with Prince Puma, Dragon Azteca, and Rey Mysterio.
15:13And their opponents,
15:15accompanied by Katrina,
15:18the team of Trece Barrio Negro,
15:22El Siniestro de la Muerte,
15:25the Disciples of Death.
15:27Well, now, this is a true trios team.
15:30The Disciples of Death will certainly have the cohesion advantage,
15:33as they are former trios champions,
15:36as Katrina leads the Disciples of Death into the temple.
15:39When we come back, the final match
15:41in the first round of the trios tournament
15:43comes your way here on Lucha Underground next.
15:49Welcome back to Lucha Underground.
15:51This is the final match
15:53in the first round of the trios tournament,
15:56the Disciples of Death
15:58against the team of PJ Black,
16:00Jack Evans, and Phoenix.
16:05All right, so let's see who's gonna start here.
16:08You know what I like about Phoenix,
16:09aside from everything else that he does in the world?
16:11He fits in anywhere.
16:12What I mean by that is,
16:13he can adapt to pretty much any situation
16:16in a combat ring here in Lucha Underground.
16:17It could be by himself, tag team,
16:19three guys, six guys, ten guys, 21 guys.
16:22Phoenix always manages to rise to the top.
16:25All right, now, PJ Black has a side headlock on Trece.
16:29Trece backs PJ into the ropes,
16:31gets him off of the headlock,
16:32but Trece receives a tackle for his trouble.
16:36Drop down, PJ with the cartwheel out.
16:38Arm drag.
16:41Pretty quick, pretty quick, pretty quick.
16:45Now the arm ringer.
16:57Okay, while all that went on,
16:59PJ had to get the advantage back.
17:06Phoenix wanted in, but PJ wouldn't let him.
17:07He was going for his boy Jack,
17:08and Jack just kind of backed off and said,
17:10hey, man, you're doing so well.
17:11Keep going, brother.
17:13PJ over the back of Trece.
17:16Trece catches the boot,
17:17puts PJ back onto his feet.
17:19PJ ducks the line, thrust kick to the face.
17:22Very high kick.
17:23The more he puts his shoulders towards the mat,
17:25the higher he...
17:27Speaking of high flying.
17:28Yeah, talk about Phoenix fitting in.
17:32Oh, nice drop kick there
17:33by Sinestro de la Muerte.
17:35Now Jack Evans wants to go in.
17:37Maybe not.
17:40Hey, not for nothing,
17:41but PJ and Jack work well together.
17:44Albeit, Jack hasn't gotten in yet.
17:46Do they work well together,
17:47or is Jack being a smartass and playing a game here?
17:49He doesn't want to get in for some reason.
17:50Wait, wait, watch Phoenix.
18:00Back to the action in the ring now.
18:01Full arm drag and twist by PJ Black.
18:15And now Jack Evans.
18:18One of the most talented luchadores we have here.
18:27In spite of his attitude, but...
18:29Sinestro de la Muerte has got Jack right in the Evans.
18:35Horrible! Horrible!
18:37Get me out of here!
18:38Get me out of here!
18:42Tag puts PJ back in.
18:44Wow, common relief aside.
18:48I'm not used to seeing Jack use this strategy
18:53for the greatest luchador ever, according to him.
18:56We talked about the cohesion of the disciples of death,
18:58and now they will work well together here.
19:00Hey, but let me just speak a little bit
19:02about the fortitude here of PJ Black.
19:03I mean, he's been taking a lump in and giving a lump in
19:05since the minute this match began,
19:07and he's still on his feet.
19:08That speaks volumes, I would say.
19:13And as we alluded to,
19:14former Trios champions and disciples of death.
19:18That was like a gunshot, bro.
19:21That's Barrio Negro tagging in Trese now.
19:24Trese, the more aggressive of the three,
19:27each of these disciples of death
19:29bring a unique aspect to the trio.
19:31Well, let's not forget about that little fourth man they have.
19:35Talking about Katrina, anything but a man.
19:38PJ, finally, out of necessity,
19:40makes the tag to Phoenix, and here we go.
19:43Kick to the gut, Sinistro de la Muerte.
19:47Sends Phoenix in. Phoenix jumps over.
19:50Moonsault onto the small of the back.
19:53Phoenix! Phoenix! Phoenix!
19:56Many do say that Sinistro de la Muerte
19:58is the lifeblood of the disciples of death.
20:04Hooked the leg.
20:05I'm even more surprised that he didn't do that.
20:08Somebody, an experienced champion,
20:10whatever you want to say, he should have hooked the leg.
20:14Phoenix on the move.
20:16Big kick.
20:17Phoenix at home on the ropes.
20:19Oh, wow, that was so solid.
20:21My God, kicked the lungs out of his ears.
20:29Phoenix now.
20:41And you know, Vamp, while I'm watching this,
20:44think about the long torrid history
20:46between Katrina and Phoenix.
20:48I'm staying out of that one, man.
20:50You know, she bitch slapped me like a month ago, dude.
20:54You know, all the matches,
20:55they have a red thread that tie them all together here.
20:58Of course, talking about Katrina and Phoenix,
21:00let's not forget.
21:01Oh, God.
21:02Let's just stick with this instead.
21:07Don't worry about it.
21:08It's just a matter of time.
21:09It's just a matter of time.
21:10It's just a matter of time.
21:13Don't worry about later.
21:14Later will have enough problems of its own.
21:16Oh, DDT.
21:18Phoenix has been spiked too.
21:21My God, that kick.
21:22That would have been a...
21:23If that was a Yankee stadium,
21:24that would have been right out of the park.
21:29Yeah, you heard it.
21:32Yeah, Phoenix got spiked on that DDT,
21:34and now Semestre De La Muerte
21:36focusing his attack on the head and neck.
21:38Almost like a wild animal, you know,
21:39like when you break open that crocodile's jaw there.
21:44Barrio Negro now.
21:46Staying on the head.
21:54What do you think is missing right now?
21:56From what?
21:57The will to...
21:58What are they doing not going for the win?
22:00He's out.
22:01Well, again, it goes back to Katrina's beef with Phoenix.
22:05You can only imagine that Katrina has instructed the DoD
22:08to finish Phoenix.
22:13Mil Muertes has a huge championship match tonight.
22:16Wait a second.
22:17I'm going to contradict you there for a second.
22:19It almost is like Katrina asked Miller,
22:22or instructed Miller, to save Phoenix.
22:25Oh, that's two weeks ago.
22:29And now tonight,
22:30Jack Evans finally going to get himself in.
22:33And there's the talent of Jack we've been waiting to see.
22:37Nice evasion there.
22:39Oh, wow.
22:43Yeah, man.
22:45Let me tell you, when Jack wants a go, he's pretty dope.
22:50Whenever he smokes, I want three of them.
22:53Well, today's the day.
23:09Oh, wow.
23:10That got Phoenix right underneath the chin.
23:13And Phoenix is still standing,
23:14but Barrio Negro has him up on his shoulders here.
23:17What could he have in mind?
23:18Phoenix has other plans.
23:20Leg hug.
23:25Phoenix now, no wasted movement.
23:27Staying on the offense.
23:28Oh, nice counter there.
23:30Bounced his lips right off the mat.
23:37That was something weird.
23:38PJ Black actually offering support.
23:43Talking about making me feel uncomfortable.
23:49Phoenix sent in now.
23:50Barrio Negro follows.
23:51Phoenix catches him.
23:52Oh, nice leaping palm strike.
23:55Oh, my God.
23:56PJ's enjoying it.
24:00He's out.
24:02He's out.
24:08He tied PJ.
24:10Tag made to PJ Black.
24:14Springboard 450 isn't enough.
24:18I don't think PJ was expecting that.
24:20Well, not for nothing.
24:21When PJ, Phoenix, and Jack are all on the same page,
24:24they're an incredible trio.
24:28Forget about it.
24:29Come on, guys.
24:35That landed like a lump of taco potatoes.
24:46Phoenix made the tag in midair.
24:48Did you see that?
24:49I did not.
24:50Phoenix made the tag in midair.
24:54I'm going to show you how it's done.
24:56Pay attention.
24:59Certainly a lot of personality in Jack Evans,
25:02as well as athletic ability.
25:04The angry young man brings the believers to their feet.
25:08But look at Phoenix.
25:09Oh, oh, oh.
25:10This is going on.
25:11Shoulders down.
25:12They win.
25:14Here's your winners,
25:15and advancing to Katrina's tournament,
25:17Phoenix, Jack Evans, and the terrible PJ Black.
25:25Katrina does not look happy at all
25:27that her disciples have again come up short.
25:31But nevertheless, the wildcard team of Phoenix,
25:34Jack Evans, and the darewolf PJ Black
25:37are now one step closer to winning trio's gold.
25:41Man, Katrina must be hoping, praying,
25:44that Neil has better luck tonight.
25:46And that's coming in our main event,
25:48because the Lucha Underground Championship
25:51is on the line, and it's next.
25:59To think, a year ago,
26:01when I introduced my ingenious concept of a trio's tournament,
26:06you guys hated each other.
26:09I mean, Angelico,
26:10they both thought you were nothing more than a perverted pretty boy
26:14and son of Havok.
26:15You had just been dumped by Belize.
26:17Actually, I dumped her.
26:19No, you didn't.
26:20Pretty boy?
26:21The point is,
26:23you came together and you pulled off a miracle
26:26by not only winning the trio's title,
26:28but still holding them today.
26:30Yeah, well, it doesn't matter
26:32who wins this year's trio's tournament.
26:34In the end, we're still going to be champions.
26:38Oh, I must have not made it clear.
26:42You guys are in the trio's tournament.
26:44But what? We're already the champs.
26:46Isn't the point of the tournament
26:48to determine the number one contender?
26:50The winners of the trio's tournament
26:53will be the trio's champions.
26:56That's so bad.
26:57Calm down.
26:58I'm a fair man.
26:59I'm giving you a bias straight to the finals.
27:02Next week,
27:03you'll be in a four-team elimination match
27:06with the winners
27:08becoming the new trio's champions.
27:12Good luck.
27:13I know Team Havok can pull off another miracle.
27:16Actually, why not call Team Havok?
27:19No, it's Team Ivalice.
27:21That sounds ridiculous.
27:23Yeah, that name sucks.
27:24Get out.
27:26Mill gave you one last chance
27:29to prove yourselves.
27:32And you failed.
28:00And the worst?
28:04Phoenix is the one to take the victory.
28:17Give me one good reason
28:23to not destroy all of you
28:29right now.
28:52What was that, Ed?
29:22He's an underdog!
29:38The Bowling Lucha is scheduled for one fall and it's for the Lucha Underground Championship!
29:48Introducing first, accompanied by Katrina from beyond the grave, Mil Muertes!
29:59Here comes the devourer of souls, the dark heart that beats black blood,
30:06led by the High Priestess of Hades, Katrina, Mil Muertes.
30:11And bam, this is going to be Mil's toughest challenge in his Lucha Underground career.
30:18We've watched Mil Muertes annihilate countless fighters, but no one ever liked his opponent tonight.
30:25CRK! CRK! CRK! CRK!
30:30I totally agree with you, Matt. We're listening to the fans.
30:33Everybody is pumped on this one, but people don't really understand.
30:36Maybe at home you're going to get it.
30:38When you put somebody who is a monster and you put another guy who comes straight from hell,
30:43who has lived through it, died through it, and came back again,
30:47when you put them two in the ring, nothing good is going to happen.
30:50No one is safe here in the temple.
30:52It is two monsters, toe to toe, and there's only going to be one survivor.
30:57The dark apocalypse may be upon us here.
31:00Here, our main event for the Lucha Underground Championship, the challenger, Mil Muertes.
31:15As the believers get behind essentially the lesser of two evils here,
31:19they start to chant as the blood boils underneath the chest of Mil Muertes.
31:25And his opponent, accompanied by Dario Pueto,
31:29he is the Lucha Underground Champion, the monster, Matanza Pueto.
31:36We were first introduced to this man at Aztec Warfare.
31:41He is the eater of worlds, the slayer, the massacre himself, Matanza.
31:49Hey, Matt, let me ask you something, man.
31:52Straight up, tell me the truth. Do you have any relationship with our owner, Dario?
31:56Other than a professional relationship, no.
31:59Because I'm sure, like anybody else, I'm very curious,
32:03what exactly does that key mean to Matanza? What's the deal there?
32:07I mean, it obviously is something very precious to Dario.
32:10He wears it around his neck. He carries it over his heart.
32:14Remember, once you finish with Mil Muertes, we are unstoppable.
32:18We will be free spontaneously.
32:21He just said, if you don't finish with Mil Muertes, it's over.
32:26Because we're together spiritually. What the hell is he talking about?
32:31I'm not sure if that was fear in the eyes of Katrina.
32:35Finish him, Matanza! Finish him!
32:45Dario play the same. Finish him, brother. Finish him.
32:48Wow. Look at that.
32:50This is what it's all about, the Lucha Underground Championship.
32:54It makes good men do evil things, and tonight will be no different.
33:00Bro, this is monster meets monster.
33:04Here we go. This is Galactus versus Thanos.
33:07This is Odin versus Zeus. The war of the gods happens now.
33:12Look at his fingers. He wants to rip flesh.
33:16Bloody knuckles.
33:19This is insane.
33:27First strike thrown by Mil. Big right hand.
33:32They look about the same in size.
33:35Doubles up Matanza. Matanza down to a knee.
33:38Mil Muertes beating down the monster.
33:45As Dario's voice cracks in desperation.
33:48He's saying for the family.
33:50Sorry, man. I'm sorry. The violin.
33:52He's saying for the family, for the family, for the family.
33:57The power of Matanza able to reverse Mil Muertes.
34:00The power of Matanza able to reverse Mil Muertes.
34:03And now the ropes.
34:05Down goes the man of a thousand deaths.
34:09Knocked off his feet is more like it.
34:12Matanza now back up.
34:14Grabs Mil by the throat.
34:23The believer is clamoring for blood and violence.
34:27Big power slam there. And the mount.
34:36From underneath Matanza.
34:54Listen to the shots.
34:56It's like thunder. Two giant mounts colliding.
35:01Colossal violence.
35:06Mil, the head's gonna come off. The head's gonna come off.
35:16And for the first time we see that Matanza is in fact human.
35:23Katrina raises the stone high and listen to the believers.
35:28Listen to the believers, but I'm paying attention to our boss.
35:31He's saying kill him now. Kill him.
35:33Not even beat him. Kill him.
35:36Can only show you how much of a threat Dario sees Mil.
35:41And Katrina has gut wrench.
35:43Holds on. Matanza, does he have the power to get Mil up again?
35:47Hold on.
35:50This is ugly.
35:53This is due damage.
35:56Wait. Mil shifted his weight and landed on his feet.
35:59Matanza realizes where his opponent is now.
36:03He may have broken his leg.
36:05He may have broken his leg.
36:07Muertes may be sensing Matanza's vulnerability.
36:14Mil Muertes. Mil Muertes. Mil Muertes. Mil Muertes. Mil Muertes.
36:28Yeah. Wrong move, boss.
36:31Matanza. Matanza. Matanza. Matanza.
36:35No. There is nothing standing between Mil Muertes and Dario Cueto now.
36:55The boss wanted violence. He's certainly getting it here.
36:59Matanza. Limping.
37:03But still in this fight.
37:05No. No. No.
37:09Matanza blocks.
37:10Those big hands into the gut of Mil Muertes.
37:16Muertes' head bounces off the table.
37:24Katrina with the stone to the back of the head of Matanza.
37:27And now the roles are reversed.
37:29Nothing stands between Katrina and Matanza as the monster stalks.
37:34Oh. Wait a minute.
37:36Handful of gullet.
37:38His back's full of steel.
37:43Bent that steel chair on his back.
37:46Didn't hit him with it. He bent it.
37:48This has been a fight.
37:50Nothing more. Nothing less.
37:53All of it for the Lucha Underground Championship.
37:56And perhaps the power over the temple.
37:59And perhaps the power over the temple.
38:02This is just atrocious.
38:05Oh. Wow.
38:07Damn, dog.
38:11What is that?
38:12A gasoline can? A water can?
38:15I have been here.
38:16I have crossed this line myself.
38:18And I'm telling you right now.
38:20You don't come out of this without scar tissue on your soul for the rest of your life.
38:26Amidst the steel and the cement.
38:29At the breath of the believers.
38:31Mil Muertes and the monster Matanza Cueto.
38:34Ascend to the top of the temple.
38:41This is just.
38:42Who's gonna stop him?
38:51The referees are encouraged to use leniency.
38:54Especially in a match of this magnitude.
39:12They are on top of Dario Cueto's office now.
39:25As you can see.
39:27You don't need me to tell you how dangerous this is.
39:32Matt, I'm scared that somebody's gonna die.
39:37Could this be the end of the monster?
39:40Holding on to the steel railing.
39:48Just that one foot hanging off brought the believers.
39:54Look at Dario's face.
39:57Mil's trying to German suplex Matanza off.
40:00If he slips, he falls.
40:08Mil Muertes! Mil Muertes! Mil Muertes! Mil Muertes!
40:14Hang on. Flatliner here.
40:17Get the f*** outta here!
40:29Oh my God.
40:32Through the roof of Dario Cueto's office.
40:37The referee is left with no choice but to end this match.
40:40Guerra! Guerra! Guerra!
40:46He's saying war.
40:47Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't just about titles.
40:51It isn't just about monsters.
40:53It's about the crumbling foundation of Lucha Underground.
40:58For Vampiro, I'm Matt Stryker from the temple.
41:02Good night, everybody.
41:10Good night.
41:30Come in.
41:33Hello, Marie.
41:35Well, well, well.
41:37Councilman Delgado.
41:40To what do I owe the pleasure?
41:42Well, rumor has it that you're sniffing around my jurisdiction.
41:46Sorry, I fail to keep a close watch on your career.
41:51Where exactly is your jurisdiction these days?
41:55Boyle Heights.
41:59You see, Marie, my employer feels that it would be in your best interest if you dropped the case against Dario Cueto.
42:10Your employer? You think I give a damn about what the mayor wants?
42:17Don't be naive, Marie.
42:20I'm talking about someone much more powerful.
42:29Just a little friendly advice.
42:35From an old friend.
42:59I'm sorry.
43:00I'm sorry.
43:01I'm sorry.
43:02I'm sorry.
43:03I'm sorry.
43:04I'm sorry.
43:05I'm sorry.
43:06I'm sorry.
43:07I'm sorry.
43:08I'm sorry.
43:09I'm sorry.
43:10I'm sorry.
43:11I'm sorry.
43:12I'm sorry.
43:13I'm sorry.
43:14I'm sorry.
43:15I'm sorry.
43:16I'm sorry.
43:17I'm sorry.
43:18I'm sorry.
43:19I'm sorry.
43:20I'm sorry.
43:21I'm sorry.
43:22I'm sorry.
43:23I'm sorry.
43:24I'm sorry.
43:25I'm sorry.
43:26I'm sorry.
43:27I'm sorry.
