• yesterday
00:00What I want to know are the whereabouts of Dario Cueto,
00:04officer of the A.S.
00:06Well, it looks like I have to clean up your mess.
00:08The Sexy Star, I know, doesn't run and hide.
00:11She's strong and an ass-kicker.
00:13At the Mac, he's trying his best to get Sexy Star
00:15out of that funk-ditching shit, man.
00:19Butterfly effect!
00:21Very concerned Mac just got the boot.
00:23Sexy Star is clearly not the same.
00:25It feels good to be back in my temple.
00:29Quiero a tu hermano aquí
00:31para que veas quién es el verdadero campeón.
00:35Pentagon Jr. made a name for himself by breaking arms.
00:39I want you to break his back
00:41so he never returns to my temple again.
00:43He's going to work on the lower back.
00:45Oh, wrath of the gods there!
00:48This one's over.
00:50Uh, Bamba's gone into the ring.
00:52Both of them!
00:53That zero fear may very well be the end
00:56of Pentagon.
01:13Ian Hodgkinson.
01:17Oh, I'm sorry, you don't use that name anymore.
01:21Now you are just Vampiro, Pentagon's master.
01:26And I imagine there's some part of you
01:28that wants to do something stupid,
01:30like bash my brains in and then go looking for my brother.
01:39It's not just part of me.
01:42It's all of me.
01:48My brother went too far.
01:50But truthfully, we are lucky
01:53that Pentagon is still alive.
01:56Lay a hand on me, or worse, my brother,
02:02and I don't think you will be so lucky.
02:15You're very valuable to me.
02:17You're practically the voice of Lucha Underground.
02:20Tonight, I have a huge main event,
02:23and I need you out there doing commentary.
02:31Ian, Vampiro, the master, whomever you are,
02:34please, don't make the same mistake as Pentagon.
02:50I'm sorry.
03:15So, Dario Cueto is back.
03:18Just doing my job.
03:20He didn't have anything to do with it.
03:22Then who did, Reyes, you?
03:24No, he just came back.
03:27And get this, Captain,
03:29he's let his brother out of that cell.
03:31He's loose.
03:32You sound scared.
03:33Doesn't he sound scared, Captain?
03:35I'm not scared.
03:36Shut up.
03:37I need some real evidence,
03:39something that will help me build a case against Dario
03:42now that he's back.
03:43I want you both on him.
03:45Tag team if you have to.
03:47Get the job done.
03:50It's funny you should use the phrase tag team.
03:53See, I actually made sure to introduce myself to Dario,
03:56and I could tell that he liked me,
03:58so much so that he entered me into the Trios tournament,
04:02which starts tonight.
04:04And guess who he paired me up with?
04:07Yup, Reyes and his boy, Sisko.
04:11That's Mr. Sisko.
04:14If that gets you closer to El Jefe,
04:17then you win those Trios titles.
04:20You understand me?
04:26Good. Now run along.
04:28You don't want to be late.
05:04Hey, everybody, I'm Vampyr with my homeboy, Matt Stryker.
05:07We are schooling it, obviously, from the ground up.
05:10We're schooling it, obviously, from the temple in Boyle Heights.
05:12I would like to thank the band El Conjunto de Nuevo Boyla
05:15for schooling it, Matty.
05:17Well, Dario Cueto has granted Phoenix a rematch
05:20for the Lucha Underground Championship
05:22against the band that annihilated the field at Aztec Warfare,
05:26our brand-new Lucha Underground Champion,
05:29the Monster Matanza.
05:31I can't front what that sick bastard did last week to Pentagon.
05:34For any amount of money, I wouldn't want to be in Phoenix's shoes, bro.
05:37All right, with that said, let's lucha!
05:42The following lucha is scheduled for one fall.
05:45Introducing first, currently in the ring,
05:48from San Juan, Puerto Rico,
05:50she is one-third of the Lucha Underground Trios Champion,
05:54Eva Lee!
05:57Well, Eva Lee has really made a name for herself
05:59in the Trios division,
06:01about to have a one-on-one encounter
06:03with an undefeated newcomer
06:05here in Lucha Underground.
06:11And her opponent,
06:13from Tuxla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico,
06:16Cobra Moon!
06:19Phenomenal. I like anything that's a little bit different,
06:21as you well know, Matt,
06:23and she is definitely slithering her way in
06:25to Lucha Underground Temple in the right way,
06:27don't you think? Absolutely.
06:30Take nothing away from Eva Lee,
06:32so, of course, her success in Trios competition.
06:35She's an exciting singles competitor as well,
06:38well-versed in the mixed martial arts,
06:40highly proficient in strikes as well as ground wrestling.
06:43Let's see how Cobra Moon can count.
06:45Bro, Evie is sporting a fresh new look.
06:49Looks like a ninth.
06:52Cobra Moon will have a speed advantage here
06:55as she tries to capture the hammer lock there.
06:57Goes into the standing side headlock.
06:59I think more than that,
07:00it's kind of like the element of surprise, right?
07:02Being a newcomer,
07:03Evie really hasn't had a lot of time to study here,
07:05wouldn't you say?
07:06That's a great point.
07:08Eva Lee's with some good chain wrestling.
07:10Lucha Libre Underground.
07:12And there is the mixed martial arts background,
07:14trying to hyperextend the arm,
07:16and Cobra Moon, wise to sit up.
07:18Very smart.
07:19One of the only ways to get out of that arm bar
07:21is a jiu-jitsu move that's kind of old.
07:23You just kind of press down on the chest,
07:24put your weight on it, and you could pop it out.
07:26A lot of people don't teach that anymore.
07:28All right, the rope forces Eva Lee to break the hold.
07:31Now back to the action.
07:34Eva Lee's parried off the jab, trying to capture.
07:36Now Cobra Moon with head and neck control.
07:38Eva Lee sits out, back to the hammer lock.
07:40A lot of pressure on the shoulder there.
07:42Everybody thinks it's a wrist lock or an elbow lock,
07:44but I'm telling you,
07:45it strains the shoulder, could pop it right out.
07:47And you can hear that ssss from Cobra Moon.
07:51Is that what that is?
07:54That doesn't hold, yeah.
08:00Normally called a fish out of water,
08:02I'll call that a snake out of water there.
08:05Both luchadores come up, ready to fight some more.
08:08Cole Nelson now by Cobra Moon into a dragon sleeper,
08:12Cobra Moon has won both her matches here by submission.
08:16Something to point out,
08:17and Eva Lee's starting to get a little pissed off here, man.
08:21Yeah, she's hot.
08:23And angry.
08:24There you go.
08:26Nice throw there by Eva Lee's.
08:32Nothing pretty about this.
08:37Eva Lee's on the move, big back elbow,
08:39puts Cobra Moon down a notch.
08:42Oh, great counter there.
08:44Hang on.
08:45Choke her out.
08:47A rope-assisted choke by Cobra Moon.
08:52Cobra has still five to break.
08:54Utilized all of the five count there from referee Rick Knox.
08:58She's kind of bending in strange ways,
09:00almost like there's no bones.
09:03She's just kind of like, I don't get it.
09:05Snake, I guess?
09:06There you go.
09:08Now Cobra Moon slithering into an exotic cover.
09:12Not enough.
09:13Powerful kick out by Eva Lee's.
09:20Liver shot.
09:21Bas Rutten would say liver shot.
09:27Over with a shoulder into the gut.
09:30Over with a shoulder into the gut.
09:32Creating space now.
09:33Cobra Moon gets down and starts to move.
09:37Eva Lee's out of the way.
09:39What are we going to see here?
09:42A modified tarantula, if you will.
09:44That is another submission hold, but because it's on the ropes,
09:47it is illegal, but damage may be done then.
09:52I mean, it doesn't matter.
09:53She's breaking the rules.
09:54She's taking a toll.
09:55You're right.
09:59Trying to use those things.
10:01I think she should have wore her down just a little bit more,
10:04because Eva's got a lot of experience fighting with the guys,
10:06being a champion, all that kind of stuff, don't you think?
10:08Yeah, and a lot of Cobra's moves here involve the ropes
10:11and pressure on the head and neck.
10:13Maybe trying to go into the submission.
10:19Fingers clasped in an odd way.
10:23Normally an S grip or a gable grip there,
10:26but Cobra Moon chooses to lock her fingers.
10:28Why gable?
10:31Well, just any other grip that doesn't put your fingers in jeopardy.
10:34Great Northern Lights counter, not enough.
10:36I thought it had something to do with the great Dan Gable.
10:38No, that's of course what the gable grip is for.
10:40Okay, all right.
10:42Back to the action now.
10:43Eva Lee's with a front chancery here.
10:46Dan Gable being one of the greatest amateur wrestlers of all time,
10:49by the way, in case anybody's not familiar with the name.
10:52A lot of rope breaks, a lot of submissions here.
10:54It looks like both these luchadoras almost want bragging rights.
10:59Forearm shiver to soften up Eva Lee's now.
11:01Evie on the ride into the ropes for momentum.
11:04Maybe going for a tilt-a-whirl head scissors.
11:06No, Eva Lee's lands on her feet.
11:13Fans very appreciative.
11:15I've seen a lot of maturity from Evie this match.
11:18Patience, not losing control.
11:23Taking advantage, weathering the storm.
11:27Getting her ass kicked.
11:28Watch the maturation of both fighters here on Lucha Underground.
11:31They begin to trade hard blows.
11:52Nice kick there by Eva Lee.
11:54Sends Cole to move down,
11:55and now Eva Lee's just starting to get going here.
11:58Wow, wow.
11:59Very cool.
12:00T-bone exploder-like suplex there.
12:04Brother, that was so awesome.
12:06Cover, two.
12:07Not enough.
12:08No, not enough.
12:09Evie should know better than that.
12:14And this has been an ugly fight here,
12:17but any way you look at it, the win and the loss,
12:19no one's going to ask how pretty it was.
12:22As Cobra Moon looks like she may be going for a backslide here.
12:31That was pretty cool.
12:32Is it enough?
12:33You can't do that to a champion.
12:35You've got to hook the leg.
12:37Very rookie mistake.
12:38I get the whole deal, but, hey, man,
12:41you can't do that to somebody who's a veteran.
12:43In a business like this with Eva Lee,
12:45it's not that easy, Matt.
12:47Cobra Moon's going to have to figure out a way to dispatch Eva Lee.
12:51Ducks the kick.
12:52Gets caught on the way back.
12:54Cobra Moon pretty.
12:56A little exchange, a little martial art-y.
12:58A little slap in the head.
13:04She got her!
13:05Here's your winner, Eva Lee!
13:08That wasn't a period at the end of the sentence.
13:10That was an exclamation point.
13:12Yeah, the sunset flip powerbomb called the code red.
13:15Call it what you will.
13:16A victory for Eva Lee, and the believers appreciate it.
13:20No doubt.
13:21No doubt.
13:23Hey, well, every win streak's got to come to an end sometime.
13:26An impressive win for Eva Lee.
13:28One of the most dangerous women here in Lucha Underground.
13:30One-third of the current Trios champions.
13:33And speaking of danger, speaking of Trios champions,
13:36tonight, our giant Trios tournament
13:39kicks off right here on Lucha Underground.
13:43Who is Killshot?
13:46That's an interesting story.
13:49I enlisted the day I turned 18.
13:51Was shipped overseas.
13:53I was good with a gun.
13:56They said I had a killer's instinct.
13:59When they made me a sniper,
14:01Killshot quickly became my nickname.
14:0437 confirmed kills.
14:07All bad guys.
14:08Or so they told me.
14:16I was good with my bare hands, too.
14:19So they put me on an elite squad,
14:21going into hostile territories,
14:23getting the job done.
14:26We were the best.
14:27But sometimes, even the best isn't good enough.
14:30My team was captured.
14:32I was the enemy's prisoner for 13 months
14:34before I was finally able to escape
14:36and find my way back home.
14:45Let's go.
15:15I don't know if my brothers made it out alive.
15:18According to the U.S. government,
15:20we never existed.
15:23I fight a different kind of war now.
15:27In Lucha Underground,
15:29I fight to forget.
15:31I fight because I can't.
15:36Who is Killshot?
15:38I'm a man with no identity.
15:40No face.
15:41All I have left is that killer instinct.
15:44And hope that one day,
15:46my brothers will find their way back, too.
15:58Well, well, well.
16:01If it isn't El Pequeño Tigre Blanco.
16:08I'm here to give you my business card.
16:11I think you're a real talent, Mascarita Sagrada.
16:14And you could be a huge star.
16:18So call me.
16:20There's my number.
16:25Hit me up,
16:26and I'll make you famous.
16:41Hey, sexy.
16:45That damn Rat Dario put me on Trio's team
16:48with Mario Posa in the mall.
16:52I want you to come out there,
16:54show me some moral support.
16:57You know,
16:58I don't know if I can do that.
17:01I don't know if I can do that.
17:04I don't know if I can do that.
17:06I don't know if I can do that.
17:08Show me some moral support.
17:12After what those two bugs did to me last week,
17:15I'm gonna need your help.
17:18I'm sorry.
17:23Sooner or later,
17:25those two are gonna have to pay for what they did to you.
17:28I just hope you're there to collect.
17:39I'm coming with.
18:05The following lucha is a first-round match
18:07in the Trio's Tournament.
18:11Introducing first, the team of Cortez Castro,
18:15Mr. Sisko, and Joey Ryan!
18:20All right, trio's tournament kicking off.
18:23We know that Dario likes to put together
18:26these hodgepodge or dysfunctional teams,
18:30and Joey Ryan is gonna try and steal the spotlight
18:34from the crew.
18:35I have no idea what you're talking about.
18:37They look like three brothers.
18:38Well, not at all.
18:40The crew has slowly been winning the favor of the believers
18:43ever since they walked away from Chavo Guerrero,
18:46and now trio's tournament is a great opportunity
18:50for the crew to show what they've got,
18:52as well as Joey Ryan to just be Joey Ryan.
18:58Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey,
19:06Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey,
19:11and their opponents,
19:12the team of Marty the Moth Martinez,
19:15Mariposa, and the Mag.
19:21And to my point, how can the Mag co-exist
19:24with his bitter rivals, Mariposa and her brother, the Moth?
19:28I mean, I guess the presence or the possibility
19:32of trio's gold can put some of this personal animosity aside.
19:37Let's just say the truth for the fans.
19:39Dario Cueto likes to provoke schizophrenia
19:41amongst the staff here.
19:42He's got everybody in up in arms,
19:44and then again, he puts them in the ring
19:45when there's hate between each other.
19:46He's a sick, twisted guy.
19:48You know that.
19:49I'm sorry. I'll take the heat for it.
19:51But, hey, it is what it is.
19:52Whether Dario is sick and twisted
19:54remains to be proven in a court of law,
19:57but last year's trios tournament was very exciting.
20:01It crowned the first ever trios champions.
20:04Now, while it's still up to debate
20:07what the winners of this trios tournament will receive,
20:10knowing Dario's history
20:12and how he likes to manipulate people,
20:15it's going to be certainly interesting, bro.
20:17Well, hey, whether you like it or not,
20:19at least the Mag came with matching colors.
20:23Big Daddy Bumblebee, he looks like to me.
20:26I want to give him a hug and rub his head.
20:27Well, the Mag debuted in the trios tournament,
20:31made it all the way to the finals last year,
20:33understands what it takes in trios competition.
20:37I'm really surprised he let this Marty
20:39the Moth out of the hospital, you know what I mean?
20:42Kind of get that feeling.
20:43Okay. You want to handicap this match,
20:45break down the two teams?
20:47Who do you give the advantage?
20:50Well, let me see.
20:51Really quick, probably Cortez y Castro.
20:55Why? Because they know how to work together.
20:57So maybe, look, the Mag is a team by himself.
21:01Joey Ryan, who knows what he's going to do.
21:04I just feel that Cortez and Castro,
21:06they've been together the longest.
21:10Well, Cortez and Castro are the same person.
21:12You're obviously referring to Cortez and Sisko.
21:15I'm sorry. It's my meds, man.
21:18All right. So that is Mr. Sisko tagged in.
21:21I've gone on record to say that I think
21:23he is one of the most dangerous competitors
21:26here in Lucha Underground,
21:28going in there against a man that's built Mack tough.
21:32Maybe I'm the one who shouldn't be
21:33let out of the hospital on the weekends.
21:36Mr. Sisko, he's been in this situation since day one, bro.
21:39A little bit of respect here.
21:40Ooh! Leapfrog by the big man now.
21:43Big shoulder tackle puts Sisko down.
21:45That was a Hyundai hitting a bank brick wall.
21:48Booyah! Two count there.
21:51Mack now picks Sisko up, sends him in.
21:54Sisko, great block and stop.
21:56Big back elbow caught the Mack coming in.
21:58I think you're... Oh!
21:59There you go.
22:02And the crowd is starting to warm up to the crew.
22:05There you go.
22:11Nice! Big arm drag there by Lucharon Funches,
22:15who happens to be in the front row today.
22:18Sisko now poised and ready.
22:22Where has this Sisko been?
22:25Listen to the people.
22:28That's a broken shoulder.
22:30Certainly not affecting him in this little situation.
22:32Leg sweep, leg sweep, cover.
22:35Yeah. Let's stand up and clap for that.
22:38The ever-evolving fighters.
22:42All right, Moser doesn't look too impressed.
22:47A little bit of respect there between these two.
22:51Sisko wants more.
22:52Mack's ready for more.
22:55Ah, Joey tags himself in.
22:58Mack's ready for Joey.
23:02Joey wants Mariposa.
23:26Face palm by Joey Ryan now.
23:28That was cool.
23:30Joey trying to set up Mariposa, wheels out.
23:32Greco-Roman knuckle lock, now using the ropes.
23:35Scaling the top rope.
23:36Nicely done by Mariposa into the Lucha arm drag.
23:40Joey Ryan up onto his feet.
23:41Mariposa takes advantage of the momentum
23:43with Arana and the leg hook.
23:45Not enough.
23:47Joey is up in the middle of the ring.
23:48Pass by, dropped down.
23:50Mariposa with a unique way to get into that.
23:54Kick to the knee. Ooh!
23:55Nice kick to the back.
23:57Andy Hoog, I'm telling you, rest in peace.
23:58One of my favorite K-1 kickboxers.
24:00That was his deal.
24:01Mariposa tags in her brother,
24:03Marty the Moth Martinez,
24:06coined the Creepy Bastard by the Believers.
24:09Oh, my! Look at the face!
24:11Oh, my.
24:13I didn't know he was a dentist.
24:15He checked his chin.
24:17Tag made now to Cortez Castro.
24:19You got it, you got it, you got it!
24:22Pound for pound, Cortez Castro
24:24may be the best wrestler in this match.
24:29That knee to the gut may have taken a lot
24:31out of Cortez Castro there.
24:33Did you see that there's a little bit of animosity
24:34between those two guys?
24:35I'm talking about Joey and Cortez.
24:37Oh! Oh, my God.
24:39The treatment by the crew.
24:40They couldn't get a closer shave than that.
24:44He's coming alive, this kid.
24:45Cover by Sisko.
24:51You know, I've been talking about how tough Sisko is,
24:54and let's not forget that...
24:56I was gonna say that Sisko and Cortez are a cohesive unit.
24:59They work very well together.
25:01Cover by Marty, and he elects to throw down punches instead.
25:06Use your stuff! Use your stuff! Use your stuff!
25:10The crowd letting Marty know how they feel.
25:12Mariposa on the move now.
25:14Hey, look at that!
25:18Marty wearing the boots of war on the mouth of the Boca.
25:26Sisko redirected by Mariposa.
25:29Oh, my God.
25:32Sisko redirected by Mariposa.
25:36Sunset flip. Sisko rolls through,
25:38misses the basement dropkick.
25:39Mariposa got out of the way
25:40and connects with one of her own.
25:43Man, is she on fire.
25:49Yeah, I notice, of course,
25:51the instinct is to tag in her brother and not the back.
25:54Sisko! Sisko! Sisko! Sisko!
25:58I think that's on purpose.
26:00My friend.
26:03Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
26:08The moth, as much as you want to laugh at him,
26:11as some people do, I'm not saying me,
26:14he is extremely violent.
26:15Absolutely. That's what Dario wants, violence.
26:18But he's like one of the weirdos
26:19who's gonna dig a hole in the basement
26:21and put little kids in it, you know what I mean?
26:23As long as he doesn't dress up like a clown,
26:25I think we're good.
26:26You never know.
26:27Now trying to wear down Mr. Sisko.
26:30Notice Marty's placement
26:31between himself and his opponent's corner.
26:33But you know what? He kind of turned it up
26:35and got more sadistic ever since his sister showed up.
26:38Have you noticed that? Absolutely.
26:40That neckbreaker may be the reprieve that Sisko needs.
26:43Cortez has his arms stretched out looking for the tag.
26:46Tag him! Tag him!
26:48These two have trio's experience.
26:50Here comes Cortez Castro.
26:52Marty ducks the kick, sends Cortez into the corner now.
26:54Marty follows in, Cortez dips out,
26:56waits for Marty to turn around,
26:58catches him with his shoulder to the gut.
26:59That doubles the mock over now.
27:01Cortez uniquely getting back into the ring with the DVD.
27:05Is this it? Cover?
27:06Deep. Oh, Josa saves her brother.
27:09She rocked him.
27:12Oh, wait. Cortez was going to tag his boy, Sisko.
27:15Joey stole the tag.
27:17I'll show you how it's done.
27:19He's like the captain of the team, you know what I mean?
27:20Gets himself in there.
27:23Tag! Tag! Tag! Tag!
27:26Tag! Tag! Tag! Tag!
27:29And now the Mac is on the move.
27:32Flying European uppercut sends Joey Ryan down
27:35into the big body slam.
27:38Come on, Mac!
27:42Big leg drop by the Mac.
27:44Cover. Referee down.
27:45No. Damn.
27:49Mac's got a better advantage than most guys in the ring
27:51because he can see both corners at the same time, man.
27:55You know, all he saw was Joey's boots, but hang on.
27:57Samoan drop.
27:59Oh! Kip-up by the big man.
28:04Two! Oh, and the crew sensed the urgency.
28:07Wow. And now it breaks down.
28:09This match is turned up.
28:11Not lose sight of who's legal here.
28:14Jusa! Jusa! Jusa!
28:16Jusa! Jusa! Jusa!
28:18Jusa! Jusa! Jusa!
28:22Oh, Mariposa
28:26denied the Mac his dive by Mariposa's set.
28:30Jusa! Jusa! Jusa!
28:34This is future underground!
28:38The first match in our trios tournament
28:41is a hell of a fight.
28:43Jusa! Jusa! Jusa!
28:44Brother, he just took out the whole...
28:48everybody, his own teammates and everything, man.
28:51He's on fire.
28:53Remembering who is legal here
28:55as the Believers are behind the Mac.
28:57Joey Ryan's flat on his back.
28:59The Mac slithers in.
29:01What does the Mac have in mind here?
29:04Getting ready, set up, hitting the ropes,
29:06and, oh, tag by Lamar.
29:09This is what Dario loves.
29:12My tag!
29:17So now they're just tagging each other.
29:19I mean...
29:21I mean...
29:28Oh, my God.
29:30Stunner! Stunner!
29:32Sisko taking advantage.
29:34Oh, he is legal!
29:36Joey swoops in.
29:38Take advantage.
29:40Here are your winners, and amazing in the trios tournament,
29:43Dark Dad Scott Joe, Mr. Sisko,
29:46and Joey Ryan.
29:49Joey Ryan wants to take the credit for the win.
29:52It was a group effort.
29:54Sisko, Cortez Castro, and Joey Ryan
29:57advance in the trios tournament.
30:00Oh, wow.
30:02Oh, my God.
30:04Oh, my God.
30:06Oh, my God.
30:08Oh, my God.
30:10Oh, my God.
30:12Oh, Cortez looks like he wants to punch him right in the face,
30:15and that wouldn't blink, but he did.
30:18Oh, wait a second.
30:20Wait a second. While Cortez, Sisko, and Joey advance
30:23as a team, Mariposa now advances on the mat.
30:27Mariposa letting out her frustrations.
30:30And we've got Sexy Stomp!
30:33Wow. Hey.
30:35Sexy! Sexy!
30:37Sexy! Sexy!
30:39Sexy! Sexy!
30:41Sexy! Sexy!
30:43Look at this.
30:45We've speculated this, I don't know,
30:48that Mariposa has over Sexy Star.
30:50Sexy seems intimidated.
30:53Sexy's gonna pop.
30:55Hang on.
31:02That's the Sexy Star we came to know and love
31:04in the first year of Blue Giant and Grand.
31:06And finally, she's back.
31:08What are you doing?
31:10Wow, she's gonna rip that right off her melon.
31:14Can only imagine what Mariposa has done to Sexy Star.
31:18That can bring out such venom.
31:21Sexy said, never again will she be a victim,
31:23and she is proving it right now.
31:29Sexy trying to push Mariposa's guts right out of her.
31:33Sexy! Sexy!
31:35Sexy! Sexy!
31:37Hey, Mariposa!
31:39What the hell is Marty doing here now?
31:41Oh, Sexy came to the aid...
31:43Wow. ...of Mac.
31:45The same way Mac has come to the aid of Sexy Star.
31:47You got that ass, man!
31:49This is a professional relationship.
31:52And while the Mac didn't advance in the Trios Tournament,
31:55he got a modicum of revenge on the moth in Mariposa
31:59thanks to Sexy Star.
32:01Ladies and gentlemen, still to come,
32:03our huge main event for the first time ever
32:08for the Lucha Underground Championship,
32:10the challenger Phoenix takes on the champion,
32:13the monster Matanza Cueto.
32:16Matanza Cueto, it comes your way tonight
32:19here on Lucha Underground.
32:32I know what you're thinking.
32:36The monster killed Artesia.
32:39And now you are going to kill him.
32:43Sorry for a hard dose of reality,
32:45but he kicked your ass in Aztec Warfare.
32:50You now fight for the pride of our tribe.
32:54But you've still got a lot to learn.
32:58You're right.
33:00You wear his mask,
33:02so fight for honor, not revenge.
33:06No por venganza.
33:08And that will come in time.
33:13for the good news,
33:15I got us in that Trios Tournament.
33:18And we have a match next week.
33:21Who's our partner?
33:34You know something?
33:35I discovered Puma fighting on the streets
33:38just like El Dragon Azteca found you.
33:41Well, next week, we fight together.
33:45Damn right we do.
34:04The following lucha is scheduled for one fall.
34:07And it's for the Lucha Underground Championship!
34:11Introducing first, from Mexico City, Mexico,
34:17Welcome back to Lucha Underground.
34:19It's main event time, and we are about to see the man
34:22that won the Lucha Underground title a short while ago,
34:25but lost it in Aztec Warfare.
34:28He was one of eight fighters that Matanza pinned,
34:31but Phoenix came in at number one.
34:34Matanza came in at number 21.
34:37It's an even playing field.
34:39An even playing field here tonight.
34:41The question is, can Phoenix rise
34:44to regain the title here tonight?
34:46Matt, he always rises.
34:49If I'm gonna bet some money tonight, though,
34:51I don't know iffy-iffy.
34:53You called it, even playing fields.
34:56The chant of Animo is echoing through the temple.
34:59Definition, please.
35:01Animo, you would have to almost cuss to say it on TV,
35:04but Animo means just don't quit.
35:06It's like a Rocky Balboa moment.
35:08Your vision is blurry, but get up, man.
35:10Fight Animo. See what I'm saying?
35:12Absolutely, and there he is.
35:14There it is.
35:15Phoenix, with all of the fight in his heart,
35:17he's gonna need every ounce of it here tonight.
35:19Here it goes.
35:20Let's go, Phoenix!
35:22Let's go, Phoenix!
35:24And his opponents,
35:26accompanied by Dario Cueto.
35:28He is the Lucha Underground champion,
35:31the monster Matanza Cueto.
35:35Oh, man, the word Matanza translates into slaughter.
35:39It's been a bloodletting, a massacre,
35:42ever since the eater of worlds,
35:44this monster Matanza Cueto
35:47has put his stamp, his lamb's blood,
35:50on the door here at the temple.
35:53You know for a fact that Dario Cueto is in a sick mind,
35:57and he likes to mix things up and provoke violence.
36:00Who knows what kind of torture and mind games
36:03he's played on his own family member
36:05to get him where he is today.
36:07Ladies and gentlemen, one month ago,
36:09Phoenix pulled off a miracle when he beat Mil Muertes
36:13to win the Lucha Underground championship.
36:16Can Phoenix do it again tonight?
36:18Our main event for the Lucha Underground championship
36:21is coming at you next.
36:23Welcome back to Lucha Underground.
36:25It's main event time, and that's what it's all about.
36:28The Lucha Underground championship.
36:30The challenger in the mask in the red and orange,
36:33Phoenix, the champion, Matanza in the gray.
36:36Before we went to break, I heard Dario
36:38talking to Matanza in Spanish.
36:40Vamp, can you translate?
36:42He said this.
36:43Cut his wings.
36:45Don't let him fly.
36:47Cut his wings.
36:49Don't let him fly.
36:51There you go.
36:56From what we've seen from Matanza, it's all about power.
36:59From what we've seen from Phoenix,
37:01it's about speed and athleticism.
37:03Well, let's not forget courage and heart.
37:06The go-behind.
37:08Listen to Phoenix.
37:13Kick to the gut.
37:14Barely doubles over the monster.
37:17Blocks that.
37:18Kick does Matanza.
37:20Phoenix out of the way of the clothesline.
37:22Both men off the ropes for momentum.
37:24And wow.
37:25Oh, my God.
37:34The viciousness of Matanza.
37:39Brother, he just played basketball with his head.
37:44He could have killed him.
37:45Played basketball with his head.
37:46He could have crushed his brain.
37:50He's trying to pop his head off.
37:55Very methodical, very eerie have been the movements
37:59and matches of Matanza from what we've seen.
38:02How about very violent?
38:05It's the chance of animo.
38:06Ring down from the believers.
38:08Phoenix begins to get some momentum here.
38:11I don't think so.
38:14Not enough.
38:16Where are you going, buddy?
38:21Released German suplex into the turnbuckle.
38:24The back of Phoenix's head bounced off of the turnbuckle.
38:27Underneath that little pad is a steel nut
38:30that holds everything together.
38:33It's a hook and a clamp, and it might have went
38:35right into the back of Phoenix's head.
38:37Brother, he's about to broke his neck.
38:39Dario's loving it.
38:42Now Matanza dragging Phoenix by the lip of his mask.
38:47I almost see Dario getting excited.
38:50Sangre, sangre!
38:52He's crying for blood.
38:53He loves this.
38:55Phoenix sent in, holds on to the ropes,
38:57and that may have been Phoenix's only reprieve.
38:59Draws the monster in.
39:02A couple of kicks to the mush do nothing.
39:06Uh-oh. Phoenix's speed.
39:09Hang on.
39:10Phoenix found a streak in the armor.
39:12Rung his bell.
39:13Sangre, Matanza, sangre.
39:15Oh, man.
39:16Phoenix, springboard.
39:18Raph, no.
39:21Phoenix on to his feet.
39:23Can't believe it.
39:24Near peril there, near death.
39:26Springboard, catch.
39:28Sorry, handspring, catch.
39:31Nice tilting German suplex there.
39:34Oh, my God.
39:38Oh, brother, he almost broke the ring with that.
39:41The eater of worlds, Matanza stalks his prey here.
39:45Phoenix has got to be digging down.
39:47We know he rises from the ashes, but hell, Jesus.
39:51Jesus, God.
39:54Of course, Matanza has been laying waste.
39:56Names like Pentagon and Phoenix are already on Matanza's list.
40:01Dario Cueto just said, that's enough, brother.
40:03Take him out.
40:06Oh, no.
40:08Through a point here.
40:10Phoenix went for the dropkick, but Matanza got out of the way.
40:13Now, Phoenix on the move here.
40:16Wait a second.
40:17Backdrop to the apron.
40:18Did you hear what Dario Cueto just said?
40:21Remember mom, remember mother.
40:23What the hell is that all about?
40:25Oh, big right hand there.
40:28And Vamp, all this damage to the head and neck of Phoenix.
40:32Anything to the rumors that Pentagon has a fractured
40:35at the hands of Matanza?
40:36Dude, I don't know anything now.
40:39Sorry, bro.
40:45Phoenix back in now, using space as part of his offense.
40:49Drive, and he's caught.
41:00I'm trying to control myself here, but holy shit.
41:03Make it bleed, Matanza.
41:04Make it bleed.
41:06Well, you heard that, right?
41:07Ooh, ooh.
41:14Of course, Dario instructs our officials for extreme leniency
41:18when titles are on the line.
41:21He said more, told the ref to get the hell out of my grill.
41:25Phoenix, lifeless.
41:27Matanza picks up Phoenix's carcass.
41:33And perhaps the wrath of the gods is upon Phoenix,
41:37the bird of war, finally grounded.
41:41And Matanza retains the title.
41:44I don't even think that was a match.
41:46That was a slaughter.
41:47That was a beating.
41:48That was hurting somebody.
41:53Phoenix gave everything he had.
41:55Seemed to rock Matanza with kicks to the face.
42:03And now more.
42:04Like a beast.
42:05More violence.
42:06It's as if all this violence has been pent up for years.
42:09And finally now, Matanza gets to unleash it.
42:12And his brother is loving it.
42:14He's going to pull his head off.
42:16What's going on?
42:17Shut up.
42:18Shut up.
42:20I'll fire you.
42:21Shut up, or I'll fire you.
42:23Your last day in the job.
42:24The referee pleading with Dario Cueto.
42:26It's become obvious Dario's the only man
42:28that can control Matanza here.
42:32Don't stop.
42:33Don't stop.
42:35And where there is Katrina, not too far behind
42:39is Mil Guertez.
42:41Mil was gone from Aztec Warfare.
42:43And when Matanza arrived, that's the first time
42:45we've seen Matanza handled like this.
42:48Look at the key.
42:49Look at the key.
42:50Look at the key.
42:51Come with me.
42:54Then either Mil inadvertently saved Phoenix.
43:01Is Mil Guertez showing mercy, a human side,
43:04or is there a burning desire to regain the title?
43:08I don't even know how to answer you.
43:11I'm just looking at Katrina with a smile on her face
43:13and a rock in her hand.
43:14And Matanza goes up with the key.
43:16I don't know what to tell you.
43:18The devourer of souls, the man of 1,000 deaths,
43:22Mil Guertez has sent a message.
43:26Matanza is still our champion.
43:29But it looks like Mil Guertez wants a piece of him.
43:33When these two monsters meet, it's
43:35going to be an all-out war for Vampiro, Outback Striker,
43:41from the temple.
43:42Good night, everybody.
