• 2 days ago
00:00Alright, 8 months ago I did a video that was entitled
00:03I've Escaped From Apple
00:05and the video was about how and why I'd left the Apple ecosystem
00:08and as someone that was a relatively long time user of Apple's products
00:12like both their MacBooks and their iPhones
00:15it was a relatively big move for me
00:17so I switched over to the OnePlus 7 Pro
00:19the main reason why I switched over to this particular device
00:22was the display, it had this 90Hz display
00:25well, has this 90Hz display
00:27very fast, high refresh rate
00:29that just makes stuff look very smooth
00:32and when I first used this phone
00:34and I think this applies for any consumer
00:36or reviewer that just looks at a phone
00:38that has a high refresh screen
00:40it looks remarkably smooth
00:42in comparison to something that is like the traditional
00:4460Hz, but then
00:46over time, you question
00:48does this high refresh screen
00:50have an actual benefit
00:52does it bring an experience that is
00:54truly useful for the average person
00:56and I will say that
00:58my opinion of these types of displays
01:00these faster refresh screens
01:02kind of shifted over the past 8 months
01:04okay, I'll explain
01:06the majority of time that you're
01:08looking at your phone, you're doing stuff on your phone
01:10you're either looking at a still
01:12image or text because you're focusing
01:14on the content, or you're watching
01:16a video that's probably playing at 24
01:18maybe 30 frames per second
01:20occasionally 60 frames per second
01:22even Twitch streamers, they can go to
01:24120 frames per second sometimes but most
01:26Twitch streamers, even the most popular ones
01:28stream out at 60 frames per second
01:30so the vast majority of content that you're consuming
01:32on your smartphone
01:34is going to be at 60 frames per second
01:36or slower
01:38it's really only a handful of games
01:40and mainly the UI that take advantage
01:42of the 90Hz, and a fast UI
01:44is nice, I mean a lot of people talk about how it's
01:46super important, but is it really though?
01:48like it's nice to have a faster
01:50refresh screen, it's smoother, but it's not
01:52it's not a game changer
01:54I don't think at least, not until the content
01:56and everything else catches up
01:58to display higher frame rate stuff
02:00the other thing I liked about the OnePlus 7 Pro
02:02is the software, I think it has
02:04the best iteration of Android
02:06out there, I prefer it even over what Pixels offer
02:08it's super clean, but it also
02:10gives you this level of customization that
02:12I just like, like the fact that I can stick this
02:14icon pack onto this phone without
02:16having to download an extra launcher
02:18the fact that I can change the UI colours
02:20like it's just something that I like
02:22and I just really like the software
02:24the other thing I noticed about this phone
02:26the software patches, you know a lot
02:28of phones get frequent software patches, but I feel
02:30like with OnePlus, they frequently
02:32update features on this phone that I actually
02:34care about, like the RAM management
02:36the camera, the accidental touch
02:38detection on the screen, there's a lot of stuff that they've done
02:40to make this phone a better experience
02:42for me personally, and I love that
02:44I think OnePlus does their updates
02:46really well, I also want to talk about the
02:48build quality on this phone, I came from an
02:50iPhone X, a steel framed
02:52phone to an aluminum
02:54framed phone, and this stuff
02:56is soft, like I've bumped it a few
02:58times, I've dropped it a couple times, and it scratches
03:00very easily, and I've actually cracked
03:02the back glass on it
03:04I mean that's what you get when the phone is cheaper
03:06I get it, but it's something that
03:08you know, if you're an iPhone user and you're used
03:10to that durable steel frame, it is
03:12a more fragile device, but
03:14the good thing is that it's cheaper, way cheaper
03:16to repair this thing than an
03:18iPhone, like this is I think $80-$100
03:20for repair, whereas an iPhone X
03:22is significantly more expensive, because you have
03:24to replace the whole back of the
03:26phone, not just the back glass
03:28the camera, so one of the
03:30other prominent features of this phone is that
03:32it doesn't have a front facing camera
03:34well, it does, but it's not built into the screen
03:36or the bezel, it's a pop-up, and that's
03:38also one of the features that I was drawn to when I
03:40switched over to this phone, but I've noticed that
03:42it's been more inconvenient
03:44than I thought it would be, like just the whole pop-up
03:46mechanism is a little slow when I'm video conferencing
03:48and I do it pretty frequently, you gotta
03:50wait for that thing to go up and down, and
03:52it's okay, but
03:54going forward, I don't know if I would go for another
03:56phone that did the pop-up mechanism, because
03:58of just my personal use, now
04:00the OnePlus 7 Pro has been an awesome experience
04:02over the past 8 months, it's an easy phone
04:04to recommend, easy brand to recommend
04:06they do a lot of stuff right, but
04:08I feel like the initial reason as to why
04:10I switched over to this phone was
04:12a little bit short-sighted, that whole pursuit
04:14of like higher refresh, higher
04:16frame rates on my phone screen
04:18it's cool, it's just not a lot of
04:20content out there takes advantage of it, so
04:22if you're in the market for a new phone this year
04:24in 2020, because a lot of brands are
04:26pushing out high refresh screens as
04:28like a flagship feature, think
04:30about the stuff that you use your phone for, and
04:32whether or not a high refresh screen
04:34can actually take advantage of it, okay
04:36hope you guys enjoyed this video, thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it
04:38see you guys next time