• yesterday


00:00I was surprised you wanted to see me again after you ran out the other night.
00:26So, uh, is this a date?
00:29It's a surprise.
00:39When I came to Nevermore, romance was the last thing on my mind.
00:43But when you kissed me, and you opened my eyes, and suddenly it all made sense.
00:51Xavier warned me about you, but I didn't listen.
00:54Ironic now, huh?
00:55Ironic would have been framing Xavier for murder while the real Hyde helped me put him
01:02You don't think...
01:03I don't think.
01:04I know.
01:05Kinbot probably discovered your secret during one of your sessions, so she unlocked you.
01:08Why'd you kill her?
01:09I thought Hydes were typically loyal to their masters.
01:12Lindsay, seriously.
01:13This is nuts.
01:14On outreach day, I told you I was visiting the old meeting house.
01:17Did Kinbot send you to spy on me?
01:20The night of the raving, you overheard Eugene and me discussing your cave in the woods,
01:25and you warned Kinbot.
01:26Eugene probably saw her torching it.
01:28Then she sent you to clean up her mess.
01:31I have to hand it to you, Tyler.
01:34Wounding yourself that night at the Gates Mansion?
01:36That was a masterstroke of misdirection.
01:38Okay, stop.
01:39Do you know how insane you sound right now?
01:41I'm not a monster.
01:42And if you really thought that I was, why would you risk bringing me out to the woods
01:46to confront me alone?
01:47You said I was alone.
01:55Okay, I don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing, Lindsay, but I'm out of here.
02:00Actually, you're coming with us.
02:04I'm coming.
02:24Welcome back.
02:26Where the hell am I?
02:27Somewhere where no one can hear your screams.
02:29What's with the chains?
02:30Don't ask stupid questions.
02:33Lindsay, this is crazy.
02:34I'm a normie.
02:35That's only half true.
02:38Do you recognize her?
02:39Perhaps if I hadn't been so distracted by my own mother hogging this photo,
02:42I would have noticed yours sooner.
02:45Your father fell in love and married an outcast.
02:50My mom was an outcast.
02:51That doesn't make me a monster.
02:52According to her personal medical records.
02:53You stole her medical records?
02:55Technically, thing did.
02:56He took them from your garage.
02:57Your father's quite the pack rat.
03:00Her postpartum depression triggered her condition.
03:02My mom had severe bipolar disorder.
03:04We both know that's a lie.
03:05She was a hide.
03:07And your father has been living his life in dread.
03:09Never really quite sure whether or not she passed her condition on to you.
03:12Are you really all just going to stand there and let her do this to me?
03:15Uh, guys?
03:16Ina just texted.
03:17Don't feel suspicious.
03:19How long until he morphs into that thing?
03:21I'm not the monster.
03:22You are.
03:23I saw it in a vision of the weather van.
03:25You're basing all this on some vision you had after we kissed?
03:28I mean, is that something you can trust?
03:32Wednesday, what are you doing?
03:34Just some light torture.
03:35Don't worry.
03:36I won't leave a mark.
03:37Wednesday, hold on.
03:39You mean serious?
03:40There's only one thing that a hide understands.
03:46That's it.
03:47I'm out.
03:48Us too.
03:51No, I'm done.
03:52Wednesday, I didn't sign up for this.
03:54Let's go to Weems, explain everything.
03:56Weems won't help.
03:57And Tyler here is always one step ahead of his father.
03:59Then you're on your own.
04:03No, don't leave me here.
04:05I'm begging you.
05:15When I press on his mother or any sensitive issue, he snaps.
05:19Becoming cold or detached.
05:20It's like I'm talking to a different person.
05:22I am increasingly concerned.
05:25I believe the trauma of losing his mother may have left Tyler with deeper psychological scars that I suspected
05:39Sheriff Calvin
05:41We have a problem
05:43And her name is when a state
05:46What is Kim bot or should I say Laurel Gates using you for?
05:49Tyler the body parts in the basement of the gates mansion. What was she collecting them for? I don't understand. Why are you doing this?
06:20Sheriff Galpin isn't pressing kidnapping charges, which is a miracle given the circumstances. Of course. He's not how long have you known?
06:28Excuse me when I gave you that call from the Cape. Did you already know the truth Wednesday? That's enough
06:33Xavier Thorpe is our height. We've got evidence. Thanks to you. And that's why I'm giving you one last pass
06:38Tyler is going to turn on you too. Let's go
06:50Get up
06:53Wednesday wait
06:55Hey, no, no, what are you doing? I need to talk to her dad
07:00She was my friend
07:02We're in a police station. What's gonna happen?
07:10Make it quick
07:12What do you want
07:15Ask a question
07:19What does it feel like what does what feel like to lose?
07:29You know first I wake up naked covered in blood no idea what happened
07:35Over time I started to remember everything
07:41Sound of their screams
07:44Panic in their eyes
07:47Fear so primal I could taste
07:54And it was delicious
07:56You have no idea what's coming
08:39The quid pro quo for Sheriff Galpin not pressing charges is your immediate expulsion from Nevermore?
08:45The others had nothing to do with this
08:47I acted alone
08:49As someone who claims to have no friends you certainly go out of your way to protect them
08:53They didn't have the guts to do what needed to be done. You mean kidnapping and torture
08:56I should hope not you do realize that Tyler brutally disemboweled six people
09:00Then harvested a variety of their body parts for good measure
09:02Perhaps if you come to me with your suspicions rather than taking matters into your own hands
09:06We could have worked together. Oh, yes, because trust and cooperation have always been hallmarks of our relationship
09:14I admire your ability to be your own person and trust your own instincts
09:18But that also makes you impatient and impulsive
09:21Your actions have put me in the school in an impossible position Tyler is the hide
09:25And he has framed Savior. He confessed everything to me. I wish I could believe you
09:34You know his mother was an outcast she was a student here you must remember her she was a hide
09:39Yes, Francois. She was a lovely woman
09:41I didn't ask what she identified as well then give me more time and I can prove to you that they are hides
09:45There is no more time and there are no more deals Wednesday
09:49Pack your steamer trunks. We will have them shipped and say your goodbyes
09:54You'll be on the afternoon train tomorrow
09:58I'm sorry. Nevermore didn't work out for you Wednesday. I'm sure your mother will be very disappointed
10:08And so am I
10:17Hey, I'm not sure how much time we have thing distracted the guards and is looping the cameras
10:23What are you doing here? I?
10:25Know you're not the hide
10:27Tyler used me to frame you he is the actual hide
10:32How do you know
10:35Sodom a vision when he kissed me
10:40Glad you were getting some action while I was falsely accused. I should have believed you
10:44But since you seem to have some sort of psychic connection to the hide I was curious to know if you've drawn anything recently
10:48That might shed some light on the whole my hell
10:55You've ruined my life
11:01No, I tried being your friend
11:03Look where that got this isn't about a savior. Oh, it's about you every time you get involved people get hurt
11:09You're toxic
11:11All you ever do is make things worse
11:19Tyler warned me that something bad was coming. I've already shown you that I don't care if you want to stop this then leave
11:26Go far away and never come back
11:29Do you understand
11:31Do you understand that can't happen if you're not here
11:37That's how you save everyone, okay
11:40So go
12:14Can't believe I'm actually gonna miss your creepy lifeless eyes waking me up every morning. It won't be the same without you
12:22So I assume you'll be moving in with Yoko leaving me in the past not ever what about you
12:29Will you forget about me
12:32You know
12:33The mark you have left on me is indelible
12:36Anytime I grow nauseous at the sight of a rainbow. I hear a pop song that makes my ears bleed
12:40I'll think of you
12:44Thanks, I guess I
12:49Always believe relying on other people to be a sign of weakness that inevitably they would lead me to disappointment
12:55Turns out I've been the disappointment. Are you kidding me?
12:59I've learned so much from you part of it is admittedly criminal behavior, but
13:04Most people spend their entire lives pretending to give zero F's and you literally never had an F to give
13:11Any chance you've got some sort of sneaky plan to elude weems
13:15Savers right
13:17This prophecy cannot come true if I'm not here
13:20But it kills me
13:23But it kills me to leave when Tyler is still walking around free
13:28If he tries anything we have a school full of Gorgon's vampires and werewolves ready and waiting you've got this Wednesday, I promise
13:38On a good note, I got a text from Eugene's mom's he woke up last night
13:42Maybe we'll let you drop by in your way to the station
13:50Think we're all set
13:53Thing I'm going to miss our makeup tutorials and you better keep sending me moisturizing tips stay in touch. Okay?
14:11So we're gonna
14:15You're right not hugging is kind of her thing
14:28The plan wasn't to get you expelled. We're sorry the night sheets need to be ready for what's coming
14:35Where a lot of people are going to die
14:39I'm so glad I caught you. I was weeding my wolf's pain and I just completely lost track of time
14:45This is a parting gift
14:47What only under
14:49What a major step this it also symbolizes destiny and renewal. You're a very talented young woman Wednesday
14:56I can't wait to see what you do next
14:59Wednesday this time. I'm personally escorting you to your train. I have one final favor
15:19Wouldn't say
15:23Glad to see you're finally awake. I heard you visited me all the time. Don't ever mention it again
15:28Listen, I've been meaning to tell you I
15:31Shouldn't have gone to the dance should have been with you when the dance floor calls you got an answer
15:38It's not your phone it's the monsters it's actually called a hide and it's still out there
15:43Which means you can't go back to nevermore not even a check on your bees
15:46You have to listen to me this time. I thought hummers were supposed to stick together
15:53That night in the woods
15:55Someone set fire to that cave. Yes, dr. Kim bought it's so crazy that it was her
16:00I don't really remember any of it. I just saw someone wearing black
16:06What about her boots
16:08There was an explosion of light and just for a moment I thought that they weren't black they were red
16:35Thought you'd be halfway to New Jersey by now you can drop the act Laurel should have known it was you
16:41Faking your death securing a job at nevermore
16:44Unlocking a hide typically I have great admiration for well-executed revenge plots, but yours was a bit extreme even for my high standards
16:53Means was right
16:56You do need psychiatric help
16:58Can't throw out wild accusations without consequences. They may be wild
17:04But the truth Tyler told me everything
17:13You know initially I incorrectly accused Kim bought of using hypnosis to unlock him, but you use the plant-derived chemical didn't you I
17:21Know your father kept tabs on all the outcasts in town
17:23So I assume he told you all about the Galvin family secret when you're just a girl. That's why you targeted Tyler
17:29He manipulated him by showing him what his mother truly was
17:32Tyler didn't realize is that the truth wouldn't free him
17:37It would enslave him to you and I was scary at first I used the cave in the shackles
17:44Eventually he willingly became your servant and when Kim bought him close to discovering the truth you had Tyler kill her and pin it on Xavier
17:53That's enough
17:56Tyler honey make mama happy and shut her up permanently. He's not on your side. Tyler will do anything for me
18:06Remember what I told you I showed you who you really are
18:10What they did to you
18:17If you only hate outcasts, why is he killing more of us as well
18:21They're just pawns in a bigger game
18:24Just like you Wednesday once again. You've underestimated the situation
18:29You were never getting on that train. I sent Tyler to intercept you. I
18:33Never made it to the station
18:46If slave is probably still at the station, please don't make this more difficult than it already is Marilyn
19:19Take poison a fitting end, don't you think?
19:43Are you okay?
19:44You're not gonna like wolf out on me. Are you it is a full-blood moon? I'm okay, I think
19:52But this is helping
20:05Hey, you just got a new phone
20:09How are you have you seen Wednesday?
20:12No, she left this afternoon. Didn't she swing by to see you?
20:14Listen principal weaves and her wedding confronted miss thornhill, but I haven't heard a feed from either of them
20:19Why would they confront miss thornhill because she's behind everything that's happened. She's the bad guy bad woman
20:24She's a really bad person. Okay, uh ajax and I will go check out the conservatory
20:29Yo, b-boy. Welcome back. What's he doing in your room?
20:40Slow down what happened?
20:47What about wednesday tyler and thornhill took her where rexton's cramped what the heck
20:56Who are the nightshades
21:00I'll i'll explain on the way
21:04Guys guys
21:07Calm down eugene that gorgon is a moron
21:11It it could be dangerous if enid's right and wednesday's been taken. We need to call the sheriff mom
21:16I've got to go wednesday's my only friend and if she's in trouble, i've got to help her
21:20It's hive code
21:58Kind of deja vu thing we got going on, huh?
22:01Except I won't cry and whine like a child tyler
22:05Go wait by the boat. Yes
22:08Listen to your master and be a good little hide
22:17I have to admit that shape-shifting stunt with wings almost worked
22:22As my father always said if you want to outsmart an outcast you gotta outthink them
22:28You know, we have roots that go all the way back to joseph crackstone
22:32So you come from a line of psychotic killers, too. Joseph crackstone was a visionary
22:37Dedicated to protecting normies from outcasts until his life was cut short by your ancestor goody adams
22:44And then to add insult to injury they stole his land to build that abomination of a school
22:57Throughout the centuries my family has remained committed to crackstone's mission. My brother died serving that cause
23:05I decided to take a different approach
23:07the supernatural
23:09Tyler's been collecting all of his body parts to resurrect crackstone the one man who nearly succeeded in eradicating the outcast
23:17You can't wake the dead
23:19Believe me i've tried
23:20I believe your ancestor goody adams
23:23Would disagree
23:24Goodest book of shadows. You're the one that stole the original from pilgrim world
23:29It wasn't enough for goody to kill crackstone
23:31She had to curse his soul, too
23:34What does all of this have to do with me
23:37My dear wednesday
23:39You are the key
23:41Your arrival at nevermore set the chubby wheels of my plan in motion
23:44Goody sealed crackstone in his sarcophagus with a blood lock
23:49Only one of her direct descendants can open
23:52You are the key a living descendant on the knife of a blood moon
23:57I bided my time
23:59And I made you feel special
24:02Until you were ready to be sacrificed
24:10Santiago what's up?
24:11We got a situation eugene odding's mom just called frantic something's going on at nevermore
24:16Okay, get a couple cars over there asap
24:20The tires of all the squad cars have been slashed every damn one of them. All right, my my way
26:11I am of your blood. I have summoned you to rid the world of outcasts once and for all
26:29My vengeance will be swift and true
26:34As will mine
26:37Bloody atoms
26:51Where have you been now?
27:14I can't believe you're in a secret society and you didn't tell me
27:19you know
27:21It's a secret
27:24Bianca divina and kent
27:28Seriously, even kent is here. How exclusive does this club?
27:31So what's the deal with thornhill being a psycho?
27:33She murdered weens and then took wednesday to crackstones
27:37We have to get everyone in the school to safety before it's too late because this is what's coming
27:41So do we pull the firearms? We don't want to cause a panic and alert tyler or thornhill
27:46So, how do we get everyone out?
27:49We'll use our siren song to convince them
27:57Thing and I will go look for wednesday, okay nightshades forever
28:04Seriously a secret snap too
28:18You're here to take me to the other side listen crackstone must be stabbed through his black heart
28:24It's the only way he will be vanquished now and forever
28:27Is your spectral vision impaired? I'm dying your necklace
28:31He's a powerful talisman
28:34My mother told me it's for conjuring visions. It is also a conduit for conjuring spirits
28:39It will allow me to pass through you and heal you
28:41Just know once I do you will never see me again
28:45The school needs you wednesday
29:34Why are we stopping in the middle of the woods you're tracking your little monster you shut it
29:43Hey, wait, wait, hey, what about me?
29:48Oh you asshole
29:57What the hell's wrong
30:23Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, it's happening
30:44Laurel said you were dead. I'm feeling much better now like a cockroach, please flattery will get you nowhere
30:54This will not end well for you
31:29Eat it
32:08I will expunge you abominations from this
32:29Yes, yes
32:59Tyler is that really you?
34:04How do you
34:09How can my heart skip beats what demon sorcery is this
34:14Away from her
34:32Go get them out of here now, okay
35:20I will send you back to hell
36:28You brought a gun to a sword fight
36:30Probably the first smart decision you've made today
36:33I might not get to kill all the outcasts, but at least i'll get to kill you
37:03Yeah, that's what you get for messing with them more bitch
37:09Bombers stick together, right?
37:21I'll take it from here. Maybe we should call the sheriff turn around
38:20Who's lindsay
40:19I hate to admit but I am gonna miss principal weems. She could be a real pain
40:27But she was tough and she died for the one thing she truly loved this school
40:35For that I have immense respect she was one of us
40:50Now that classes are canceled for the rest of the semester you have to come visit me in san francisco
40:54I can pretty much guarantee fog and drizzle every day. Sounds tempting
41:00I owe you a thank you
41:02We're getting that fencing title next year. So don't like killing one supernatural bogan get to your head
41:41I hear you're free man now
41:45All charges dismissed
41:47Listen when I was in the cell, I said a lot of things
41:52Being your friend should come with a warning label, but I don't know a lot of people who would take an arrow for me. So
41:59Welcome to the 21st century adams
42:07My number's in there already
42:09That's a bold move
42:12I hope you're not expecting me to call you. No never
42:17I'd settle for a text though
42:21You know what a text is, right
42:25Goodbye savior
42:29Hey, you're gonna be back next semester
42:33Yes, no, maybe
43:06My very first stalker
43:08Maybe this forced vacation will be more interesting than I imagined
43:13Unlike my novel not every thread has been tied up nor the question answered secrets are still lurking in the dark corners of jericho
43:25Or laurel gates and tyler just pawns in the bigger game will today's stalker become tomorrow's nemesis
