• yesterday


00:00Let's assess, shall we?
00:02Bag over my head for optimal disorientation.
00:05Wrists tied tight enough to cut off circulation. I have no idea if I'm going to live or die.
00:11It's definitely my kind of party.
00:14Who dares breach our inner sanctum?
00:16You can take the mask off, Bianco.
00:20And just like that, my hopes were dashed against the rocks of bitter disappointment.
00:24My foe was no psychotic killer. More like a bunch of high school clowns.
00:28Wait, I preferred you with it on.
00:30How did you get down here?
00:31Rowan showed me.
00:33Left pocket.
00:38I tracked the watermark from the page down to the Poe statue.
00:40Then I solved the riddle.
00:41Wait, there's a riddle? I thought we just snapped twice.
00:44Well, aren't you the brightest in the bunch?
00:46The Nightshades are an elite social club. Emphasis on elite.
00:49We have roof parties, camp outs, the occasional midnight skinny dip.
00:53And Yoko's an amateur mixologist.
00:55She makes a killer virgin mojito.
00:58Pretty wild.
00:59Wow, do you guys even have a bedtime?
01:01Last I heard, the Nightshades have been disbanded.
01:03Yeah, the group kind of lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died.
01:07But we have a lot of wealthy alumni.
01:09So Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves.
01:12Someone like Rowan.
01:13We booted that loser last semester.
01:15Question is, what are we going to do with her?
01:19Only members are allowed in this library.
01:25I said we invited a pledge.
01:27She has a legacy.
01:28After the crap she pulled in the poke up, there's no way in hell.
01:31We talk about not making waves?
01:33She's a tsunami.
01:34Just because I beat you at your own game?
01:36Let me save you the trouble.
01:37I'm not interested in joining.
01:39You're seriously turning us down?
01:41Can you believe it?
01:43Untie her.
01:44I freed myself five minutes ago.
01:50Do you want a matching black eye?
01:57It's amateurs like you who give kidnapping a bad name.
02:20There are so many threads to my investigation, I could weave a burial shroud.
02:24I still have no idea how Rowan mysteriously rose from the dead.
02:27Or why that monster is prowling the woods.
02:30But right now, nothing intrigues me more than this book.
02:33If I'm going to be responsible for Nevermore's demise,
02:36the question is, why am I sharing this apocalypse with a pilgrim?
02:46All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10am sharp,
02:49followed by a community lunch at one.
02:52As you know, this year, Outreach Day culminates in a very special event.
02:57The dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square,
03:00which will also include performances by Nevermore students.
03:05As representatives of our school,
03:07I trust you will all put your best face forward.
03:10Yes! I got Pilgrim Row!
03:12I do have natural people skills and I love performing,
03:14so it's kind of an odd choice.
03:16What'd you get?
03:19Your Eye is Heat.
03:20Whatever that is.
03:22This weird, creepy antique store?
03:24You'll love it, though.
03:26I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching to each other,
03:29but I'm sure you'll like it.
03:31I'm sure you'll like it.
03:32I'm sure you'll like it.
03:33I'm sure you'll like it.
03:34I'm sure you'll like it.
03:35I'm sure you'll like it.
03:36I'm sure you'll like it.
03:37I'm sure you'll like it.
03:38I'm sure you'll like it.
03:39Then we'll be outreaching together.
03:41Oh my God, I got the Wedding Ranger.
03:43It's so shady.
03:44So shady.
03:46Wednesday, don't worry about your cello.
03:48I'll have it brought to the Town Square this afternoon.
03:51My cello?
03:52I caught your rooftop serenade the other night.
03:57I volunteered you to accompany
03:58the Jericho High School Marching Band at the ceremony.
04:02I'm sure it won't be too challenging
04:03to play a uplifting Fleetwood Mac melody.
04:06As long as you promise to hang me as a witch afterwards.
04:23Why are you staring at a blank wall?
04:25It wasn't blank last outreach day.
04:27You're still staring because I rejected your invitation?
04:30I don't know, I did go out on a limb for you.
04:32Oh, please.
04:33I'm just cannon fodder on whatever cold war you're waging with Bianca.
04:36I have more pressing issues on my mind.
04:37Yeah, like what?
04:38Tracking down the monster that killed your former roommate.
04:40For the last time, Rowan was expelled. Everyone saw him leave.
04:43Have you spoken to him since?
04:45I texted him a few times, but I never heard back.
04:48I just figured he wanted to put Nevermore in his rearview mirror.
04:50Or he's dead.
04:51I don't know why you care so much. It's not like you knew the guy.
04:53I'm not sure why you care so little.
04:55People can try and see us when we make a million other excuses, but we're not going to stop.
04:59Oh, great. I guess you can add thief to your resume.
05:02I don't know what the big deal is about an old Nightshade's journal anyways.
05:05You didn't seem surprised when I showed you this last night.
05:08You've seen it before, haven't you?
05:10Yeah. A couple days before the Harvest Festival.
05:13It was open on Rowan's desk, so I just assumed he stole it after we kicked him out of the Nightshades.
05:17Then I confronted him about it, and he kind of went ballistic on me.
05:20It's not illegal!
05:21Listen, you want to do it?
05:22How can you do it?
05:25He threw you against the wall with his telekinesis.
05:31How did you know that?
05:32I'll give you a guess.
05:35It's weird that you're in this.
05:37I mean, this journal is, like, what, 30 years old?
05:39And what the hell is Crackstone doing in the picture with you?
05:41You know who that is?
05:42Yeah, it's Joseph Crackstone.
05:44He's like Jericho's founding father.
05:46He's kind of a big deal around here.
05:47Yeah, look.
05:49That's him.
06:02Remember my son Lucas?
06:03I sure do.
06:04I ran into him and his buddies last week at the weather thing.
06:07I'd better get to work.
06:08Hey, no trouble today, got it?
06:15You don't look too excited.
06:17Those outcast kids might think we're happy to have them.
06:19Still got something lurking in the woods, no doubt connected to that school.
06:22Come on, will you stop pointing fingers at Nevermore?
06:25You know how much Jericho depends on that place.
06:27Who do you think pays for our roads, our parks, even your salary?
06:31I'm just doing my job, looking out for the well-being of our town, boss.
06:34Don't lecture me, Donovan.
06:36Before the good citizens of Jericho elected me mayor, I used to wear that badge, remember?
06:41You never struck me as much of a history buff back then.
06:44If it's good for business, then it's good for Jericho.
06:46Especially if your business is Pilgrim World.
06:50Just find the damn bear and take care of it.
06:55Yes, all right, everyone take a seat.
06:57We have a special announcement.
07:02Welcome, welcome, Nevermore Academy.
07:04Now, on behalf of the entire Jericho community, we are so, so pleased to have you all here today.
07:10Your generosity and hard work are truly...
07:16Okay, everyone, we'll see you back here at one o'clock for lunch.
07:29Switch volunteer assignments.
07:31What? No.
07:32Uriah's Heath is definitely not my bag.
07:34It's an emergency.
07:35I need to check out Pilgrim World.
07:36But Wednesday, this is not a fair trade.
07:38Why would I agree to spend the entire day at some dumpy emporium of prepple?
07:42Because Ajax is going to be volunteering there.
07:44Things need to peak at a society.
07:46But if you're not interested...
07:48Oh my god, thank you.
07:49You're the best.
08:01I can't believe it.
08:06Welcome to Pilgrim World.
08:09We style every day.
08:11Two o'clock, four o'clock, amen.
08:20Hey, Wednesday, want to grab a Hummers group photo?
08:25Guess not.
08:26Good morrows, my young Nevermore kin.
08:30I am Mistress Arlene, a real OC.
08:34Original colonist.
08:36Now, pretty, put your cell phones on vibrate and make haste.
08:40For you are about to travel back in time to the year of our Lord.
08:441625, Jericho's first Pilgrim settlement.
08:54Yonder, behold.
08:56The Meeting House.
08:58Inside is a collection of artifacts related to Jericho's most beloved and pious founder, Joseph Crackstone.
09:05And beyond is our privy, America's first gender-neutral restroom.
09:10I have with a query.
09:11Pray be quick, child.
09:12In the Meeting House, which of Joseph Crackstone's artifacts are on display?
09:16It is truly a treasure trove.
09:18Including original farm tools, tableware, even the Crackstone family chamber pot.
09:22Sounds fascinating.
09:23I volunteer to work in there.
09:25Pray no.
09:26That exhibit is being renovated.
09:27Today, thou will all be working at the beating heart of Pilgrim World.
09:35Ye olde fudgery?
09:37More like ye olde diabetes in a box.
09:39Volunteers, prick up thine ears.
09:42Fudge is the lifeblood of our humble community, and samples equal sales.
09:47So, grab a uniform and a box, and make our forefathers proud.
09:53Are these for Muslim tourists?
10:05I'm pretty sure it's dead.
10:07See the tire treads across its tail?
10:09Local artists scooped that fella up right here on Route 22.
10:12You're telling me someone actually goes out and collects roadkill and turns them into that?
10:17Can't keep them on the shelves.
10:18Got a whole section dedicated to these beauties.
10:20Squirrels, skunks, snakes.
10:22And my personal fave?
10:25Family of ferrets at a clam bake.
10:27Too cute.
10:29You two want to make yourself useful?
10:31I reckon they could use a good brush with a tangle teaser.
10:33Freshens up the fur.
10:36Maybe we can do that after, like, an extended coffee break.
10:40Right, Ajax?
10:42Uh, yeah, we'll head to Weathervane.
10:45Want us to pick you up something?
10:47No need to pay for that overpriced hipster swill.
10:50I'm brewing chaga.
10:52It's my own blend.
10:54Mushroom tea.
10:56I forge the little buggers myself.
10:58Better get teasing.
10:59You're in for a treat.
11:22Pretty dance.
11:23Fudge with AES-258.
11:24Yadda spade, there you'll find it.
11:26Had you mind interested?
11:47Check out this greedy little freak.
11:49Please, I need to get back to the...
12:00Come here.
12:03Get in.
12:05Howdy, pilgrims.
12:09Let him go.
12:10What, you want to end up in the stocks, too?
12:12Remember what happened the last time we did this dance?
12:21Get him!
12:31Are you two still here?
12:33I can't get in any more trouble with my dad.
12:40Let's get you cleaned up.
12:46Principal Weems.
12:48It looks like another successful outreach day is upon us.
12:53And thank you for your generous donation to my re-election campaign.
12:59Consider it a token of our ongoing cooperation.
13:06Apparently, everyone is after their assignments, and so far, no incidents.
13:11Mayor Walker, I'd like you to meet Marilyn Thornhill.
13:14In the spirit of outreach, she's Nevermore's first normie teacher.
13:19Well, the pleasure's all mine.
13:22Have we, uh... Have we met before?
13:24Not officially, but I see you in here every morning.
13:27You're always tucked into that little back booth when I come in for my daily matcha latte.
13:31I knew it.
13:32Miss Thornhill, please keep me posted.
13:34Especially about a certain pigtailed upstart.
13:44Nobody's ever stood up for me before.
13:47You said Hummers stick together.
13:49I know this might come as a shock, but I don't have any friends.
13:56You remind me of my brother.
13:58Sam's the desire to strangle him every waking moment.
14:03Now follow me. I need to know more about this crack stone.
14:06So we have a meeting that has to break in, too.
14:09Give me your retainer.
14:10What? Why? Your teeth are really good.
14:12Not as straight or white as Enid's, but still.
14:14Hand it over.
14:16What if Mistress Arlene catches us?
14:18Hive code. Deny everything.
14:20That's not hive code. What's the big deal, anyway?
14:23The fudge is definitely the best thing about this place.
14:25Stop talking. Keep watch.
14:39My grandmother once told me secrets are like zombies.
14:44They never truly die.
14:47I'm not sure what secret crack stone is hiding.
14:50But I have a strange feeling the answers to my future lie in the past.
15:00The old meeting house. 1625.
15:09I think this is the girl from my vision.
15:12She's even holding the same book.
15:14That black one she had outside Crack Stone's crypt.
15:23I don't know.
15:24You're an Evermore, sister.
15:26The one with the dark eyes and the sour face.
15:28Where has she hithered?
15:29You mean Wednesday Addams?
15:31Knowing her, she's hithered somewhere she shan't be.
15:35This is the book.
15:41Codex Umberum.
15:43That's Latin for Book of Shadows.
15:48It's a fake.
15:51I don't know who Etsy is, but I doubt it's the real thing.
15:53It's a fake.
15:54It's a fake.
15:55It's a fake.
15:56It's a fake.
15:57It's a fake.
15:58It's a fake.
15:59It's a fake.
16:00It's a fake.
16:01It's a fake.
16:02It's a fake.
16:03I don't know who Etsy is, but I doubt she was an outcast settler.
16:08Just what the fudge are you doing in here, missy?
16:10Mr. Sarlene.
16:11How now?
16:12How now, indeed.
16:13I proclaim the Meeting House is under repair.
16:15I know.
16:16Thou hast heard me.
16:17I told her the door's unlocked and you were dying to learn more about Crack Stone.
16:22And this display case was already open.
16:25That book's a replica.
16:26You don't say.
16:27The original was stolen last month during the 2 o'clock witch trial.
16:29It's probably the only authentic thing you have in here.
16:31Yet you still charge $29.95 a ticket?
16:33Hold thy tongue.
16:35I'm reassigning you both.
16:37To fudge-churning duty.
16:39The original Meeting House.
16:41The one shown in that painting.
16:42Where is it?
16:44How the hell should I know?
16:46I only moved here from Scottsdale in April.
16:58Can I help you?
16:59Can I help you?
17:11Oh, that gives me the heebie-jeebies.
17:14I don't know.
17:16Do you think squirrels and rats could ever work out?
17:19I mean, they're two totally different species.
17:22Oh, yeah.
17:23I mean, totally.
17:25Why not?
17:26They both have more in common than you think.
17:28And most people are scared of them.
17:29So it would just be us.
17:31Against the world.
17:35That was...
17:38You know, by the way,
17:39I totally dug the way you scratched out the bottom of our boat at poke-up.
17:42It was pretty badass.
17:45You're not mad you lost?
17:47I was just doing a solid for Xavier.
17:48I mean, he's my boy, but he's super competitive.
17:51Seems so laid-back.
17:53Rose got a darker side most people don't see.
17:55I think it's because his dad is...
17:57You know, famous.
17:59All that pressure.
18:01You realize this is, like,
18:02the longest conversation we've ever had?
18:07Gorgons are taught not to engage.
18:11I don't want to accidentally stone someone.
18:16I'm not afraid of being stoned by you.
18:18It's just temporary.
18:22You mean that?
18:23One hundo.
18:24So, um,
18:25I was thinking of sneaking behind the greenhouse tonight.
18:27There's supposed to be a blue moon.
18:28Only happens once every 23 years or something crazy.
18:32Should get a killer view from there.
18:35Hey, have fun.
18:37By the way, you...
18:38You know that's where a lot of kids go to hook up, right?
18:40I mean, you could get all...
18:41Hey, Jax!
18:42I just spent all morning flirting and hinting and trying to act cute
18:45while bursting some roadkill just so you would ask me on a freaking date!
18:50Oh, that's what you were doing?
18:53I kind of wondered when you spent so long busting that opossum stale.
18:58you want to meet up behind the greenhouse tonight?
19:02Yes, I do.
19:04Hey, hey, Jax!
19:05Can you help me move the badger dungeon to the front window?
19:09I can't believe he asked that.
19:17I thought you were supposed to be the badger.
19:20I thought you were supposed to be at Pilgrim World.
19:23I deserted it while my sanity was still intact.
19:25Oh, yeah?
19:27You want a coffee?
19:28It's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment.
19:31I'm actually here for Tyler.
19:34I told you he was bad news.
19:36But who I speak to is my business.
19:43You rang?
19:49Not the usual.
19:50And some help.
19:52You know the original Pilgrim meeting house?
19:54The one from the 1600s?
19:56Do you know if it's still around?
19:57What's left of it is out in Cobham Woods,
19:59but it's pretty much a ruin.
20:01Show me.
20:03I don't know.
20:05But, look, it's kind of sketchy.
20:07Squatters and meth heads use that place as a crash pad,
20:10and my dad has to clear it out every couple weeks.
20:12What's this about?
20:16You're really becoming obsessed with this whole monster in the woods thing.
20:18Would you rather I develop an obsession with horses and boy bands?
20:21Thank you for the help.
20:23Hey, listen.
20:24The ruins are kind of tricky to find.
20:27I could take you this afternoon, and we shift into two.
20:29Principal Williams would hang, draw, and quarter me
20:31if I missed the big statue dedication.
20:33And as enticing as that sounds, I'd prefer to keep a low profile.
20:36Besides, I know my way around the great outdoors.
20:39Don't tell me you were a Girl Scout.
20:40I could eat Girl Scouts for breakfast.
20:43Actually, I have an uncle who went to prison for that.
20:49Come on.
21:15I was expecting more, too.
21:18Who are you talking to, little girl?
21:22Use the words little and girl to address me again,
21:24and I can't guarantee your safety.
21:26This is my place!
21:27Get out!
21:28Being a hand here?
21:49There's nothing here.
21:54No, I can't just touch something.
21:56My visions seem to happen spontaneously.
22:01I'd rather dye my hair pink than ask my mother for advice.
22:06You want me to prove it to you?
22:13Ah, I bet this will give us some real insight.
22:16Your visions are about as predictable as sharp attacks.
22:37That was smart!
22:39Go, go, go!
22:41That was smart!
22:44That was smart!
22:52Take this!
22:56Be gone!
22:58Hold the sword!
23:01Goody Adams!
23:03You have been judged before God and found guilty.
23:07You are a witch,
23:09a sorceress,
23:10Lucifer's mistress herself.
23:13For your sins,
23:15you will burn this night
23:17and suffer the flames of eternal hellfire.
23:22It is you, Joseph Crackstone, that should be tried.
23:24We were here before you,
23:26living in harmony with the nature and the native folk.
23:29But you have stolen the land.
23:31You have slaughtered the innocent.
23:32You have robbed us of our peaceful spirit.
23:35You are the true monster, all of you!
23:44The devil may send such a demon.
23:48And I will send you back!
23:59You are abominations in the devil's grip!
24:01I will not stop until I've expunged this new world of every outcast.
24:06Godless creatures!
24:23Set it ablaze!
24:48There is no time, child.
24:51Leave me. Save yourself.
24:53He's chained us all to the floor.
25:01We can't leave without you.
25:05Avenge us!
25:06Find the others!
25:07And save our future!
25:10My sweet man!
25:12Run! Run as fast as you can!
25:14You are our only hope!
25:47He won't stop until he's killed us all!
25:54There will be no escape for you.
25:56Bing, I saw her.
25:58The girl from my visions.
26:00Her name is Goody Adams.
26:02And I believe she's my ancestor from four hundred years ago.
26:22Must have been the bearded man from my visions.
26:25Must have been the bearded man from earlier.
26:26Must have been the bearded man from earlier.
26:53Monstrous human.
26:55What the hell are you doing?
26:58I was following the monster.
26:59You saw it?
27:00It's here?
27:01Do you think death was your something?
27:03What exactly are you doing here?
27:05I overheard you say you were checking out the old meeting house.
27:07Guess it's lucky I showed up when I did.
27:09I did learn one thing.
27:11The monster is human.
27:13Its tracks turn from monster prints to human ones.
27:15Show me.
27:17The rain washed them all away.
27:20I know what I saw.
27:22I'm trying to keep an open mind.
27:23Don't be a dicky.
27:24I do think you might be right about Rowan.
27:26Why'd you suddenly change your part?
27:28I texted him again today.
27:30Said maybe we could meet up over spring break and go snowboarding like we did last year.
27:34This time he texted right back.
27:36Said he wouldn't be able to make it.
27:38Only you never went snowboarding last year.
27:40I don't know.
27:42I don't know.
27:43Part of me wanted to blame his recent weirdness.
27:45I didn't want to think something bad had happened.
27:47The cover up is always worse than the crime.
27:49No, I need you to be honest with me.
27:51Why'd you come back to the old meeting house in the first place?
27:53I was trying to learn more about Paxton.
27:55Figure out how he's connected to all of this.
27:57Yeah, and you were trying to use your psychic abilities.
28:01What makes you think I have them?
28:03Lucky guess.
28:05When did they start?
28:07About a year ago.
28:09I don't know.
28:10It doesn't happen.
28:12It feels like I'm touching live wire.
28:14I usually enjoy that sensation.
28:16Yeah, but you can't control it and that freaks you out.
28:19My dad's a psychic.
28:21Vincent Thorpe.
28:23My brother's his number one fan.
28:25Watched his Vegas special so many times,
28:27I'm surprised it's not imprinted on his eyeballs.
28:29So I've lived with a self-described master,
28:32and the first thing they'll tell you is that psychic visions can't be trusted.
28:34They only show you what's in your head.
28:36So I've lived with a self-described master,
28:38and the first thing they'll tell you is that psychic visions can't be trusted.
28:40I see one part of the picture.
28:42I saw Joseph Crackstone in front of me, as clear as I'm seeing you now.
28:44He gathered all of the outcasts in the meeting house and burned them alive.
28:47Okay, he was a sadistic asshole.
28:49So what? It was 400 years ago.
28:51It's got nothing to do with now.
28:53Well what if it does?
28:55You saw how wrong's wrong.
28:57Crackstone is standing in the quad.
28:59You're creating a story in your head and using visions to back it up.
29:01They're telling you what you want to see.
29:03Are you mansplaining my power?
29:05All I'm saying is my dad, the expert,
29:07would warn you that psychic ability isn't rooted in logic.
29:08isn't rooted in logic it's triggered by emotion let's be honest emotion isn't
29:13exactly your strong suit
29:18I believe Ron is right something bad is going to happen and I need to stop it
29:23starting with that monster whoever it is
29:30I thought nothing scared me but that was before I stared into the eyes of
29:38Joseph Craftson
29:43I don't believe in heaven or hell but I do believe in revenge
29:48I usually serve at one with a side of pain but I've never faced an adversary
29:52cast in front
30:07thank you it is my honor to celebrate our town's
30:11history and Jericho's noble forefather Joseph Craxton now he believed that with
30:18a happy heart and an open ear there was nothing our town couldn't achieve so
30:23together as one our community and our friends at Nevermore Academy we've built
30:29a monument to celebrate his memory now may the spirit of Joseph Craxton be
30:34memorialized for eternity
32:18disaster the mayor is furious I've lost count of the number of angry phone
32:22calls emails and people in the town alumni and parents they want answers and
32:26so do I I would lead the Inquisition but I left my thumb screws and racket home
32:30miss Adams you're already on thin ice wait for thin ice I swear on my late
32:37scorpion soul my hands are clean
32:48I may not have hard evidence but I see you you're a trouble magnet if trouble
32:55means standing up to lies decades of discrimination centuries of treating
32:59outcasts like second-class citizens or worse what are you talking about Jericho
33:03why does this town even have an outreach day don't you know it's real history
33:07with outcasts the actual story of Joseph Craxton I do to an extent there might be
33:15complicit in its cover-up those who forget history are doomed to repeat it
33:20that's where you and I differ where you see do I see opportunity maybe this is a
33:27chance to rewrite the wrongs to start a new chapter in the normie outcast
33:31relation nothing has changed since crack stone they still hate us only now they
33:36sugarcoat it with platitudes and smiles if you're unwilling to fight for the
33:40truth they don't think I want the truth of course I do but the world isn't
33:44always black and white there are shades of gray maybe for you but it's either
33:49they write our story or we do you can't have it both ways you're exhausting I
34:02good night miss Adams
34:06but you should know
34:10I don't tire easily
34:31who the hell's there
34:51too much I feel like you just need to call me in it so glad I have my date
34:57with Ajax tonight get my mind off that train wreck of an afternoon I'd
35:01literally think I have PTSD I mean I didn't even get to do my dance routine
35:04what a tragedy twisted cycle want to sabotage such a life-affirming event
35:10you're going to be late wish me luck if he breaks your heart I'll nail gun his I
35:20don't believe in mandatory volunteer work sugar-coated history or happy
35:26endings but most of all I don't believe in coincidences
35:58to paraphrase Agatha Christie one coincidence is just a coincidence to our
36:04and three are proof
36:35happen sometime in the future goody-adams warnings about crack stone
36:41in the past and the monsters here in the present
36:47three coincidences that I know are connected
37:35that monster could be anyone
37:45the sheriff thinks they only sits behind the walls of the school
37:53the truth is there are monsters everywhere
38:02and sometimes the monsters we suspect are the most dangerous
38:10they don't need teeth and claws to terrify
38:15they hide in the shadows until no one's looking
38:19a strike
38:30and I won't stop until I find the truth
