• yesterday


00:00I enjoy funerals. I've been crashing them since I was old enough to read the obituary section.
00:18Mayor Walker was murdered, and I know the killer is here, standing innocently among us, plotting their next move. I'm watching everything I do.
00:29I know I'm close to the truth. I have all the pieces of the jigsaw. I just need to slot them into place.
00:59I must look past the tears and masks of grief. Until now, I may have been outmatched and outmaneuvered, but the final gambit has yet to be played.
01:19The killer will make a mistake, and I'll be ready.
01:50Still as sharp as ever, my pigtailed protégé.
01:58Uncle Fester.
02:15How long have you been stalking me?
02:17Just blew into town this morning and was hit by a wave of nostalgia.
02:20I thought you didn't go to Nevermore.
02:22I didn't. Your dad got all the brains. But I used to drop in on him, usually from the ceiling with a dagger clutched between my teeth, just to keep him on his toes.
02:31Of course.
02:32He filled me in on what's been going on. Monsters, murder, mayhem. What fun! I told him I had a job in Boston, but I'd be checking up on you.
02:43What kind of job?
02:44The kind that means I need somewhere to lay low for a couple days.
02:58This place belongs to a friend.
03:01You've actually made a friend. That poor kid will be going home in a body bag.
03:09I like a hideout that comes with snacks.
03:11Those bees are hibernating. They're practically Eugene's children.
03:16That means do not eat them!
03:23You know, when you give me that death stare of disapproval, you remind me of your mother.
03:29Speaking of scary things, do you know what kind of a monster you're dealing with?
03:33Haven't been able to identify it.
03:41It's called a hide.
03:43Isn't Jekyll a hide?
03:46You've seen one before.
03:47Oh, yeah. In 83, during my vacay at the Zurich Institute for the Criminally Insane.
03:52That's where I got my first lobotomy. You know, lobotomies are kind of like tattoos. You can't just get one.
03:57Tell me about the hide.
04:00Olga Malikova. Jeez, she had it all. Beauty, brains, and a penchant for necrophilia.
04:09Olga was a concert pianist, until one night she transformed in the middle of a Chopin sonata,
04:15massacred a dozen audience members, and three music critics.
04:19What triggered her? Or did she just change on her own?
04:22No idea. I only saw her in group electroshock therapy.
04:26There's never been any mention of hides in any outcast book.
04:29And nevermore is reputed for having the best collection.
04:32You tried Nathaniel Faulkner's diary?
04:36Mm. Before he founded nevermore, Faulkner traveled the world, cataloging every outcast community.
04:43How do you know this?
04:45You think your parents can't keep their hands off each other now?
04:47Oy vey. I showed up unannounced one night in Gomez's dorm room.
04:52Let's just say I wasn't interrupting a pillow fight.
04:54On Goldfester.
04:57The diary. Where is it?
04:59Nightshade's library. Your dad parked me there, said I should settle in for a long stretch.
05:03And that's when I found this nifty little safe.
05:06I was hoping for a stash of cash or jewels, but instead I found a diary.
05:12We'll sneak into the Nightshade's library tonight. In the meantime, lay low.
05:22If you are discovered, I will disown you and collect all the reward money tied to your capture.
05:27I'd expect nothing less.
05:34Leave the bees alone.
05:44My novel started out as a twisted fiction, but somehow reality has turned it into my own personal looking glass.
05:51My visit to the Gates mansion has left me with so many questions.
05:55If Laurel Gates died 20 years ago, then who was sleeping in her bedroom?
05:58Why do they have photos of me?
06:00And what is their connection to this hide?
06:03Whoever it is, they're clearly willing to kill for their secret.
06:09Goody predicted this quest for answers would become a lonely pursuit.
06:13Of course, Goody is nowhere to be found when I need her.
06:17The dead can be just as annoying and unreliable as the living.
06:25Sorry, I figured you were still at Mayor Walker's wake.
06:27As soon as the dirt hits the coffin, I'm out.
06:30I can't seem to find my bottle of silver moon nail polish. Do you mind if I look around?
06:36Yoko's hosting a mani-pedi party for her crew.
06:39This is the third time in 24 hours you've forgotten something.
06:42So, how is everything going?
06:46Solitude suits me. With no annoying distractions, I'm almost finished with my novel.
06:50Was I an annoying distraction?
06:52You definitely had some annoying habits.
06:54Such as?
06:55You giggle when you text, which is a 24-7 addiction.
06:58Well, at least it's not a migraine-inducing typewriter hammering into my head.
07:01When you're not grinding your canines, you growl in your sleep.
07:03As opposed to late-night cello solos?
07:05You overcommit to clubs and activities and then complain about them non-stop.
07:08I dig that over your obsession with all things creepy and dead.
07:10You could gas an entire small village with the amount of perfume you spritz.
07:13Not just off the top of my head.
07:16Guess I'm the lucky one with a new bestie that doesn't try to find ways to endanger literally everybody she comes into contact with.
07:22In fact, Yoko and I are so in sync that she's begging me to be her new roomie. Permanently.
07:28Don't let me hold you back.
07:30Enjoy your solitude, Wednesday.
07:31It's not solitude if you're still here.
07:52Uncle Fester?
08:07Who's Uncle Fester?
08:10What are you doing here?
08:11Well, since I'm an actual nightshade, I don't have to explain myself.
08:14What's your excuse for creeping around in the middle of the night?
08:18Want a monster?
08:20I'll save you some time.
08:22There's nothing in here matching that thing.
08:24Isn't that convenient?
08:26You know what your problem is?
08:29I would love to hear your piercing insight.
08:34You don't know who your real friends are.
08:37I've been on your side since day one.
08:40I literally saved your life.
08:42I believed your theories when nobody else did.
08:44What do I get in return? Just nothing but suspicion and lies.
08:46Fine. You want honesty? Here it is.
08:49Every time the monster's attacked, you have been right there.
08:51Starting with Rone at the Harvest Festival.
08:58Then on Outreach Day, you arrived at the Meeting House just minutes after the monster had disappeared, yet you say you didn't see it.
09:06I didn't realize proximity was a crime.
09:08Then there's your drawing obsession.
09:10You have drawn the monster dozens of times, yet you've never seen it.
09:13Or so you claim.
09:15You even drew where it lived.
09:16Then when Eugene went to investigate, you tried to kill him so he wouldn't spill your little secret.
09:21You think I would hurt Eugene?
09:23Let's not forget your oh-so-convenient appearance after Tyra had been attacked at the Gates of Vengeance.
09:30If I am the monster, then why haven't I killed you?
09:37Because for some reason I cannot fathom or indulge you seem to like me.
09:43What's to like?
09:56How long have you been lurking?
09:57Long enough to feel the tension between you two.
10:02Seriously, you could cut it with an executioner's axe.
10:06I'd recognize the patter of those fingertips anywhere.
10:10Well, then.
10:13You can't still be mad about the Kalamazoo job.
10:15It wasn't my fault.
10:17You said you could crack that safe in 30 seconds.
10:19Five minutes later, we were still standing there.
10:21You're all fault.
10:28Let him go.
10:31Show me the diary.
10:38Here we are.
10:40Iggy was Faulkner's right hand.
10:43Trained a generation of Nightshades.
10:45And behind Iggy, it...
10:51Do I have time for a snooze, or can you crack this one quickly?
11:07This is turning into our replay of Kalamazoo.
11:35These are some sweet digs.
11:38How'd you swing your own single?
11:40My former roommate couldn't handle my toxic personality.
11:46Here it is.
11:49Faulkner describes Hydes as artist by nature, but equally vindictive in temperament.
11:53Born of mutation, the Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event or unlocked through chemical inducement or hypnosis.
12:00This act causes the Hyde to develop an immediate bond with its liberator, who the creature now sees as its master.
12:05It becomes the willing instrument of whatever nefarious agenda this new master may propose.
12:10Anyone willing to unlock a Hyde is a next level sickle.
12:14That means I'm not looking for one killer, but two.
12:18The monster and its master.
12:26I didn't mean to startle you.
12:30I was just working on my novel.
12:33Enid has requested to room with Yoko for the rest of the school year.
12:38She did?
12:39When there's a falling out, I like to get both girls' perspectives on what happened.
12:44You two seemed as thick as thieves.
12:46Ultimately, thieves turn on each other.
12:48I've seen it with my own eyes.
12:50Deflect all you want, but you and I both know that you care about Enid.
12:54And you have to admit, she managed to bring out a spark of warmth in you.
12:58Oh, don't worry. Just a tiny spark.
13:00Barely perceptible to the average eye, but I noticed.
13:05Part of the dorm experience is making friends with people that you wouldn't normally connect with.
13:10And those friendships often turn into lifelong bonds.
13:14I would rather buy a rope.
13:16Is it really so difficult for you to admit that you made a friend and now that she's gone, you might actually miss her?
13:23I'll survive alone. I always have.
13:27Well, if that's your decision, I'll submit the forms to Principal Weems.
13:42Uncle Fester?
13:53Hey! Being a solo Lobo has its perks.
13:56Get to live by your own rules, do whatever you want.
13:59Just look at me!
14:06Hi. Um, I need to talk to you.
14:08No, like, like right now.
14:11Yeah, I know where that is.
14:13Okay, I can meet you there in like, five minutes.
14:19Yeah, I know where that is.
14:21Okay, I can meet you there in like, twenty minutes.
14:24Okay. Bye.
14:25Who are you talking to?
14:27It's none of your goddamn business.
14:28I know what you are, Xavier.
14:30Can you stay the hell away from me?
14:42Did you place a tracker?
14:45Don't worry. Uncle Fester's got you covered.
14:50Let's hit the road.
14:56What? I picked it up on my way out of town.
14:59You know me. I like to travel incognito.
15:10Come on, let's roll!
15:19Come on, let's go!
15:45What happened?
15:49I don't know.
16:03Principal Weems, it is imperative I speak with you about Dr. Kinbot.
16:06Wednesday. We were just talking about you.
16:08Speak of the devil.
16:11And she shall appear.
16:12Dr. Kinbot was just discussing your assessment.
16:14I need to sign off on it before she hands it into the court.
16:17Well, what's the verdict, Doctor? Am I cured?
16:20I'm glad you find it amusing because the judge assigned to your case won't.
16:23I've explained to Dr. Kinbot that you've recently been taking small but meaningful steps towards embracing your new Nevermore family.
16:33You know, I think I've actually reached the half-hug stage.
16:36I've been reading about hypnotherapy.
16:38I think it might be a good technique to unlock my inner Wednesday.
16:41Are you a devotee?
16:43Yes, very much so.
16:44I applaud your new willingness to delve deep into yourself.
16:47I'm seeing you on Monday. We can start then.
16:50What did you so urgently need to discuss, Wednesday?
16:54I can wait.
16:56Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some homework I need to finish.
17:08Kinbot has to be Sager's master.
17:11The hide lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event or unlocked through chemical inducement or hypnosis.
17:20Are you listening?
17:22She must have figured out he was a hide and used hypnotherapy to unlock him.
17:25That would explain their secret sessions.
17:28I think the kid behind the counter has clocked me.
17:32Yeah, he's walking over. I'm going to put him in a Romanian sleeper hold.
17:36Relax. He's not interested in you.
17:39Made you a quad. On the house.
17:42Hey! Thanks, kid.
17:44Need a refill on this puppy, too.
17:48Tyler, this is my Uncle Fester.
17:51Oh. Hey, it's nice to...
18:00Is that...?
18:04It's called a hide.
18:08Well, that's it from that night.
18:12Your father gave you explicit instructions not to be near me.
18:16My dad's not here, and I want a break.
18:19Well, apparently a hide needs to be unlocked by someone.
18:21It's Master.
18:22Oh, shit.
18:27What'd I say?
18:33For the record, Wednesday was trying to keep a distance. I was the one that sat down with her.
18:39All right.
18:41Putting these up around town is a bank robbery, suspect.
18:43And he's a real creep.
18:45You haven't seen him, have you?
18:48Yeah, he'd be pretty hard to miss.
18:50I'll put it on the bulletin board.
18:57Why waste my breath?
19:03Thank you, but you don't have to do that.
19:05Yeah, your family's very... colorful.
19:09Lerona considered Fester as the bog sheep. He's harmless.
19:13So, about rescheduling our date...
19:17Well, between the monster and my uncle...
19:18Yeah, no excuses.
19:20Figure after what happened last time, you owe me.
19:23Well, I can't sneak off of campus. All eyes are on me.
19:26You won't have to. I'll come to you. 9 p.m., Craxton's Crip.
19:36I don't miss her.
19:38Friends are a liability and can be exploited.
19:40That makes them weaknesses.
19:42Your job is to guard that diary while I'm gone.
19:44I'll be back as soon as I can.
19:46I'll be back.
19:48I'll be back.
19:50I'll be back.
19:52I'll be back.
19:54I'll be back.
19:56I'll be back.
19:58I'll be back.
20:00I'll be back.
20:02I'll be back.
20:03I'll be back as soon as I can.
20:06It's not a date.
20:08It's a quid pro quo for almost getting him disemboweled.
20:11Watch that diary.
20:20The last time somebody threw a surprise for me here, it did not go as planned.
20:24I guarantee this one won't make you pass out cold.
20:27But you do have to close your eyes.
20:30Are you serious?
20:35I'm only doing this because I owe you.
20:37Okay. Watch your step.
20:40Wait here. Close your eyes.
20:50Right here.
20:51One second.
20:57Okay. You can open your eyes now.
20:59Okay. You can open your eyes now.
21:20No one's ever taken you on a picnic inside a crypt before?
21:30How do you feel about scary movies?
21:36Prepare to be horrified.
22:00On this perfect day.
22:05That is definitely our suspect's bike.
22:07Looks as weird as he does.
22:10All right. He couldn't have got too far on foot, so you guys spread out.
22:14I'm gonna check down by the lake.
22:22That was torture.
22:30Okay. Don't hate me. I'm just gonna come out and say it.
22:35I want us to be more than friends.
22:39You'll snap out of it.
22:41Don't do that. Discount my feelings.
22:43I'm not friend material, let alone more than friend material.
22:47I will ignore you, stomp on your heart, and always put my needs and interests first.
22:54Hey, you can keep trying to push me away. It's not gonna work.
22:57I almost killed you.
22:58I survived.
22:59Beginner's luck.
23:00I'm tougher than you think.
23:07You're making a mistake.
23:21What the hell?
23:25What are you doing here?
23:27The school groundskeeper found a motorbike by the lake.
23:29It matches the description of the one the bank robber stole.
23:32There's a canoe missing. Figured he might be holed up on Raven Island.
23:36I'm not gonna even ask what this is, but I never sell it to you here.
23:40You got it?
23:43Come on.
23:45The diary.
24:15Doctor, help!
24:16Help, help, help!
24:17Fing's not moving!
24:18He was stabbed!
24:19Get him on the table!
24:45Oh, come on, Fing.
25:06He's gone, Wednesday.
25:08No, he's not.
25:10If you can hear me.
25:11If you can hear me.
25:14If you die, I will kill you.
25:17Go again.
25:19Now, again, please!
25:42For a minute, we thought you'd picked your last lock, buddy.
25:47Who did this to you?
25:51Knife from behind the back.
25:54Promise that whoever did this to you will suffer.
25:57And it will be slow,
26:01and excruciatingly painful.
26:12I'll stitch it back up.
26:15I found your motorbike, so
26:17the sheriff won't be far.
26:18You need to go.
26:20Maybe next time steal something a little less conspicuous.
26:23Well, where's the fun in that?
26:26All right.
26:27I'll lay low here tonight,
26:29keep an eye on the patient,
26:30and I'll skedaddle in the morning.
26:34I guess I'll see you at your arraignment
26:35at the next family reunion.
26:37I'll see you there.
26:39I guess I'll see you at your arraignment
26:40at the next family reunion.
26:42It'll always be my favorite Wednesday.
26:45Be sure to tell Pugsley that.
26:47Don't give him a complex.
26:55I'm guessing that's not some kind of random prank.
26:57Whoever ransacked my room
26:58also stole Nathaniel Faulkner's diary.
27:01That's supposed to be safely locked
27:02in the Nightshade's library.
27:03So you do know about the diary,
27:05which means you also know the monster we're after
27:06is called to hide.
27:09Thank you, Miss Thornhill.
27:10I'll take it from here.
27:12Of course.
27:13If you need anything,
27:14I'll be right down the hall.
27:34Faulkner spent years studying.
27:36Faulkner spent years studying hides.
27:40He wanted to determine
27:41if they were just mindless killers
27:42or conscious of their actions.
27:44What was his conclusion?
27:47He was killed by a hide before he could reach one.
27:50Others tried to carry on his research,
27:51but the hides were too unpredictable and violent.
27:55They were officially banned from Livermore 30 years ago.
28:00All of this time,
28:01you've known the monster was a hide.
28:03Why didn't you tell the Sheriff?
28:06Because then Livermore is done.
28:09Shut for good.
28:10And that's not happening on my watch.
28:12But I'm not the only one withholding.
28:14If you suspect someone,
28:15you need to tell me.
28:18All you've ever done is gaslight and obstruct me.
28:21You don't care how many people die
28:22as long as your reputation is safe.
28:26I am protecting our Livermore family,
28:28which also includes you, Miss Adams.
28:37Come with me.
28:38I have information about Mayor Walker's murder.
28:50I printed these off my dad's computer.
28:52It seems he was trying to track down someone.
28:54Laurel Gates?
28:57I'm sure he's got a lead.
28:59I'm sure he's got a lead.
29:01I'm sure he's got a lead.
29:02I'm sure he's got a lead.
29:03I'm sure he's got a lead.
29:04He was trying to track down someone?
29:05Laurel Gates?
29:06Looks like he started right after Average Day.
29:08He must have recognized her there.
29:09According to the British Police Report,
29:10Laurel was presumed drowned,
29:11but no body was ever recovered.
29:14Apparently, the Gates Mansion
29:15was purchased a year ago by
29:16a 90-year-old candy heiress.
29:18She then mysteriously died
29:19and gave all of her belongings
29:20to her caregiver,
29:22Teresa L. Glow.
29:25It's an anagram for Laurel Gates.
29:27Laurel secretly buys her old house
29:28and then comes back to Jericho
29:29with someone else.
29:35Revenge on all the people she blames for her family's misfortunes.
29:37Your father, the coroner, my parents.
29:41Most of all, Nevermore.
29:43How exactly does the monster fit into all of this?
29:45The monster is called to hide. It's been doing Laurel's bidding. She controls it.
29:49You know who Laurel is, don't you?
29:57Wednesday? We don't have an appointment scheduled for today.
30:00I wanted to return something.
30:03I found it in your old childhood room.
30:11I know you're Laurel Gates. You've come back to Jericho to seek your revenge.
30:16And so did Mayor Walker, which is why you had to kill him.
30:19I mean, who better to slide in and out of the hospital undetected than a psychiatrist under the guise of visiting another patient?
30:26You're not actually accusing me of murdering the mayor.
30:28The roses you left in Eugene's room were your mistake.
30:30They're the same variety I found in your childhood bed.
30:33I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
30:36There's only one reason an overqualified psychiatrist like yourself would settle in the inconsequential backwater that is Jericho.
30:41It allowed you to crawl through the troubled, young minds of outcasts until you found one that you can manipulate to exact your revenge.
30:49You know what? I don't have time to deal with your delusional fantasies.
30:53I have a patient emergency.
30:57I know all about the secret sessions you've been holding in your car.
31:00I also found the cave in the woods where you've been holding sessions to unlock his hide.
31:04You are so out of line.
31:06Do you know how violently unpredictable a hide can be?
31:08Where's your plan to have Xavier committed before he could turn on you, too?
31:11Wednesday, you need help. More help than I can give you.
31:15Who are you calling, Xavier?
31:17Judge Reynolds. I'm going to recommend you stay in a juvenile psychiatric facility for observation.
31:21Oh, please. You and I both know I'd be running that place in a week.
31:28Time's up, Laurel.
31:40Principal Weems, it's Valerie Kingbott. Wednesday Adams just barged into my office.
31:44I wasn't aware that Wednesday had a session today.
31:46She didn't, and her behavior was completely irrational.
31:52Dr. Kimber?
31:53Dr. Kimber?
32:23She's gone. Dr. Kimber's dead.
32:29This ends now.
32:54Okay, you know what? You need to stay out of my space.
32:57You need to take your own advice.
33:00You left that in my room.
33:02Actually, you left it in Thing.
33:05How long have you been seeing Kimbott?
33:07Have you...
33:10What am I saying? Of course you have. You've been spying on me, right?
33:18Because I'm the villain in your fantasy.
33:22My father thinks that my mental health is a PR problem that he needs to manage.
33:28He wanted to keep his troubled son out of the tabloids.
33:33I wasn't in your room.
33:35Believe me or don't believe me, I don't care.
33:46Your painting's been improving. I enjoy this one in particular.
33:52Feels like you really lived it.
33:56What do you want?
33:57I'm asking the questions.
34:03What is Rowan's inhaler doing in your shed?
34:09Are you Jean's glasses?
34:11Whoa, whoa.
34:13Are these stalker images you took of me?
34:16Don't forget your latest edition.
34:21Kimbott's necklace.
34:23No, no, no. Somebody planted that stuff!
34:25Freeze! Drop the knife!
34:27Get down on your knees!
34:30You have the right to remain silent.
34:32Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
34:34You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
34:38Appreciate the help, Adam.
34:40You! You framed me!
34:43I'm being set up!
34:44I should have let Rowan kill you.
34:55You're back.
34:56I'm gone for a few days, the place gets trashed, and Thing almost dies.
35:00Someone's got to look out for you, too.
35:02What happened to rooming with Yoko?
35:04Yoko's great. I just decided I needed a few more boundaries.
35:08Skip the tape.
35:10Don't tell me Wednesday, Adams is mellowing down.
35:12I don't care.
35:13I don't care.
35:14I don't care.
35:15I don't care.
35:16I don't care.
35:17I don't care.
35:18I don't care.
35:19I don't care.
35:20Don't tell me Wednesday, Adams is mellowing out.
35:24More like evolving.
35:26Well, one inch of duct tape at a time.
35:29Why the sudden change of heart?
35:32Because we work.
35:33We shouldn't, but we do.
35:35It's like some sort of weird friendship anomaly.
35:37Everything you said about me is true, but I don't apologize for it.
35:42Not anymore.
35:45It's just who I am.
35:51Bing said he missed you.
35:54I missed him, too.
35:58I'm sorry about Xavier.
36:01I'm not.
36:02He's a liar and a killer.
36:04Besides, there's nothing quite like the feeling of being proven right.
36:08Except maybe someone to share it with.
36:11Bing may have blabbed about your date with Tyler.
36:13So how'd it go?
36:15It was interrupted.
36:18Well, I heard Tyler's working the late shift.
36:30We're closed.
36:32Then you should lock your doors.
36:36There's some real sick people out there.
36:40Yeah, my dad told me what happened to Xavier.
36:43Pretty nuts.
36:45That guy always seems so normal.
36:47You know, for an outcast.
36:50Well, you know.
36:52It has made me reevaluate things.
36:57Like what?
36:59Like who I can trust.
37:04Does that mean you're ready to be more than friends?
37:07Ready to be more than friends?
38:03You okay?
38:05I need to go.
38:09What's wrong?
38:11What do you say?
38:17Of course the first boy I kiss would turn out to be a psychotic, serial killing monster.
38:23I guess I have a type.
