• yesterday


00:00I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in
00:22underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago and I
00:30admire the sadism
00:52I want names don't know who they were honest so fast
00:57ugly emotion equals weakness pull yourself together now
01:13you okay I'm not about to confess to my brother that I've recently been plagued
01:17by visions they come on without warning and feel like electroshock therapy
01:22without the satisfying afterburn leave this to me
01:25Wednesday what are you gonna do what I do best
01:44no don't look
01:50hey this is a closed practice the only person who gets to torture my brother is
04:23darling how long do you intend on giving us a cold shoulder
04:28large please remind my parents that I'm no longer speaking to them I promise
04:35you my little viper you will love never more won't you dish of course you will
04:40it's the perfect school for why because it's the perfect school for you I have
04:45no interest in following in your footsteps becoming captain of the
04:48fencing team queen of the dark prom president of the seance society I merely
04:52meant that finally you will be among peers who understand you maybe you'll
04:56even make some friends nevermore it's like no other boarding school
05:02it's a magical place it's where my true mother
05:10you guys are making me nauseous not in a good way darling we aren't the ones who
05:16got you expelled that boy's family was going to file attempted murder charges
05:21how would that have looked on your record terrible never I don't know I
05:26failed to get the job done
05:32still be yours mine
05:42thanks sure you want to get out here the trail might look pretty but it runs
05:48right past nevermore the school for outcasts that's a polite way of putting
05:52it I never had a problem with outcasts my
05:55counselor at summer camp was a werewolf great guy yeah they're just like you and
06:00me until they rip your throat out
07:07at least it's turning into a beautiful day
07:27Wednesday is certainly a unique name I'm guessing it was the day of the week you
07:33were born I was born on Friday the 13th her name comes from a line from my
07:37favorite nursery rhyme Wednesday's child is full of woe you always had a unique
07:45perspective on the world Morticia did your mother tell you we were roommates
07:49back in the day and you graduated with your sanity intact impressive you
07:56certainly had a very interesting educational journey eight schools in
08:00five years they haven't built one strong enough to hold me I bet this place won't
08:04be any different I believe what I thought is trying to state that she
08:07greatly appreciates the opportunity
08:12nevermore doesn't usually accept students midterm but given Wednesday's
08:17perfect grades and your family's long history with the school I've spoken with
08:22the board and we've made an exception
08:29Larissa what about Wednesday's um therapy sessions the court ordered them
08:37the school has a relationship with a therapist in Jericho she can meet twice
08:41a week did you hear that my little storm cloud you're an excellent ass we'll see
08:46if she survives the first session I've assigned you to your mother's old dorm
08:52Ophelia Hall ah refresh my memory Ophelia is the one who kills herself
08:58after being driven mad by her family correct
09:04sure we don't meet your new roommate
09:16it's so vivid howdy roomie Wednesday this is Enid Sinclair are you feeling
09:27okay you look a little pale Wednesday always looks half-dead welcome to Ophelia
09:35Hall not a hugger got it please excuse Wednesday she's allergic to color oh
09:42wow what happens to you I break out into hives and then the flesh peels off my
09:47bones luckily we've special ordered you a uniform
09:51Enid please take Wednesday to the registrar's office to pick it up along
09:55with a copy of her schedule and give her a tour along the way
10:09Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us outcasts freaks monsters
10:14fill in your favorite marginalized group here you can save the sanitized sales
10:18pitch I don't plan on staying here for long why not this was my parents idea oh
10:24look there's my mother smirking at me they've been looking for any excuse to
10:28send me here it's all a part of their nefarious yet completely obvious plan
10:32what plan to turn me into a version of themselves well in that case perhaps
10:38you can clear something up rumors been swirling around that you killed a kid at
10:41your old school and your parents will string sketch off actually it was two
10:44kids pretty astounding
10:47welcome to the quad
10:53it's a pentagon the whole snarky goth girl thing might have worked at Normie
10:59school but here things are different let me give you a wiki on nevermore
11:03social scene I'm not interested in participating in tribal adolescent
11:07cliches then use it to fill your obviously bottomless pit of disdain
11:11there are many flavors of outcasts here but the four main cliques are fangs
11:15first stoners and scales those are the fangs aka vampires some of them have
11:21literally been here for decades that bunch of knuckleheads are first aka
11:26werewolves get pretty loud around here that's when first like wolf Alice
11:32suggest you pick up some noise-canceling headphones I'm assuming scales are
11:36sirens you catch on quick and that girl Bianca Barclay is the closest thing
11:41nevermore has to royalty although her crowns been slipping lately she sedate
11:46our resident tortured artist Xavier Thorpe but I broke up the beginning of
11:50the semester
11:53fascinating I know right my blog is like the number one source for nevermore
11:57gossip yo eat it you're not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new
12:01roommate it's human flesh totally chow down on that kid she murdered you better
12:05watch your back quite the contrary actually play the
12:09bodies of my victims and feed them to my menagerie of pets Ajax this is my
12:15new roommate Wednesday you're in black and white like a living Instagram filter
12:22ignore him Gordon spent way too much time getting stoned he's cute but
12:26clueless you know it's a small school and there wasn't much online about you
12:29you know you should really get on insta snapchat and tick-tock I find social
12:33media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation
12:40look at you my little death trap seeing you with this uniform brings back so
12:47many terrible memories doesn't it dish yes why didn't you boys wait in the car
12:53I'm saying I need a moment
13:01pugsy you're soft and weak you'll never survive without me I give you two months
13:08tops I'm gonna miss you juices any plans you have of running away and right
13:20now I've alerted all family members to contact me the minute you darken their
13:27doorstep as usual you underestimate me mother I will escape this educational
13:35penitentiary you will never hear from me again you're a brilliant girl and say
13:40but sometimes you get it your own way I'm sure you'll grow to love and find it
13:49as life-changing as I did
13:55I got you like something
13:59W and our initials it's made of obsidian which Aztec priests used to
14:09contribute it's a symbol of our connection
14:15which one of your spirits suggested this toker and Chachki I am NOT you mother I
14:22will never fall in love or be a housewife or have a family I'm told
14:28girls your age say hurtful things I shouldn't take it to heart
14:34fortunately you don't have one
14:38finally a kind word for your mother
14:43lurch the crystal ball please
14:49now we can't talk to you for the first week while you're settling in so we'll
14:53call you next Sunday
15:18don't worry my love I little scorpion will be alone
15:46there's the rest of well the torso an arm over there we found a leg by the
15:52there's an arm in that field there and the rest of the parts are so far in
15:57account for matches the profile of the other two attacks last week I'd issue a
16:03warning keep like is out of the woods don't approve any more campfire permits
16:07for the foreseeable future what do you want me to tell the press you know
16:11they're gonna be swimming like mosquitoes in July don't affairs that you
16:15don't really believe that share no I don't never did this wasn't human but I
16:22know these murders are connected to net more I just can't prove it yet so until
16:25I can you got them there
16:41what the hell did you do to my room dividing our room equally looks like a
16:49rainbow vomited on your side I silence would be appreciated this is my writing
16:54time you're writing time I devote an hour a day to my novel perhaps if you
16:59did the same your blog might be coherent I read serial killer diaries with better
17:03punctuation I write in my voice it's my truth it's what my followers love your
17:08followers are clearly imbeciles they respond to your stories but then sip of
17:13little pictures you mean emojis it's how people express their feelings you know I
17:18realize that's a foreign concept to you when I look at you the following emojis
17:23come to mind well shovel Oh by the way there are two D's and Adams if you're
17:30going to gossip about me at least spell my name correctly
17:36turn that off this is your final warning don't mess with me
17:43this kitty's got claws and I'm not afraid to use them wanted to make sure
17:52that Wednesday was settling in is this a bad time I'm miss Thornhill your dorm
18:05mom apologies I wasn't here to greet you when you arrived I trust Enid has given
18:09you the old nevermore welcome she's been smothering me with hospitality I hope to
18:13return the favor in her sleep well here's a little welcome gift from my
18:20conservatory I try to match the right flower to each of my girls and when I
18:24read your personal statement in your application I immediately thought of
18:27this one black Dahlia oh you know it of course it's named after my favorite
18:32unsolved murder thank you okie-dokie well before I leave I want to go over a
18:38few house rules lights off at 10 no loud music and no boys ever what's the
18:44story about going into the local town passes to Jericho are a privilege not a
18:48right it's a brisk 25-minute walk or there's a shuttle on the weekends the
18:52locals are a tad bit wary about nevermore so please don't go making any
18:57waves or perpetuating any outcast stereotypes that means keep your claws
19:01to yourself and no smothering people in their sleep are we clear
19:08great talk
19:38coach coach you treat me it was a clean strike rolling maybe if you wind less
19:43and practice more you wouldn't suck seriously coach when am I gonna get some
19:47real competition anyone else want to challenge me I do
19:53you must be the psychopath they let in and you must be the self-appointed Queen
19:57B interesting thing about bees pull out their stingers and they drop dead
20:02Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense he's not hopeless he's lazy are
20:07we doing this or not
20:13I got
20:38point Wednesday
20:46the score is even that first point was clearly beginners luck let's finish this
20:56for the final point I would like to invoke a military challenge no masks no
21:01tips when it draws first blood
21:09it's your decision Bianca let's see if you bleed him black and white
21:47your face finally got that splash of color it's so desperately needed
22:00you're Wednesday right Rowan I know how you feel I guarantee you don't my mother
22:10promised me I'd finally fit in somewhere I never thought it was possible to be an
22:16outcast in a school full of outcasts but it looks like you're gonna give me a run
22:21for my money sorry about that Nick no good deed goes unpunished
23:05welcome back just take it easy the nurse said you don't have a concussion but you
23:11probably have a pretty nasty bump huh the last thing I remember I was walking
23:15outside feeling a mixture of rage pity and self-disgust I've never felt that way
23:20before yeah losing to Bianca has that effect on people I think and then I
23:23looked up and I saw that gargoyle coming down at me and I thought at least I'll
23:26have an imaginative death then you tackled me out of the way why call it
23:35instinct see you were guided by latent chivalry a tool of the patriarchy to
23:40extract my undying gratitude mm-hmm you know most people just say thank you I
23:43don't want to be rescued so I should have just let that thing smash you to
23:46mush I would have rather saved myself it's good to see you haven't changed if
23:51it makes you feel any better let's just say I return the favor
23:54Xavier Thorpe you probably don't remember me at last time we met I was
23:58about two feet shorter 40 pounds heavier what happened puberty I guess I meant
24:04what happened the last time we met oh yeah it was my godmother's funeral
24:10apparently she was friends with your grandmother and they spent their 20s
24:13together in Europe swindling the rich and notorious I don't know but we were
24:1810 and we were bored decided to play hide-and-seek I had the inspired idea to
24:23hide in her casket I got stuck as it was headed to the crematorium I'd heard
24:27muffled screams I just figured your godmother had somehow cheated death and
24:30was trying to claw her way out either way you hit the big red stop button and
24:34save me from being flame-broiled so now we're even
24:40I knew it hello thing did you really think my highly
25:09trained olfactory sense you don't pick up on the faint whiff of neroli and
25:12bergamot in your favorite hand lotion I could do this all day surrender mother
25:23and father sent you to spy on me didn't they not above breaking a few fingers
25:28the fact that they thought I wouldn't find out just proves how much they
25:31underestimate me Oh saying poor naive appendage my parents aren't worried
25:37about me they're evil puppeteers who want to pull my strings even from afar
25:41the way I see it you have two options option one I lock you in here for the
25:48rest of the semester and you go slowly insane trying to claw your way out
25:52ruining your nails and your smooth supple skin and we both know how they
25:56move option two you pledge your undying loyalty to me our first order of business
26:07is to escape this teenage purgatory of course I have a plan it begins now
26:38Dr. Kimber's office is on the second floor other nevermore students swear by
26:44her and you'll be waiting here until I'm done perhaps afterwards we can visit the
26:49weather fame for hot chocolate principal means this feeble attempt at bonding is
26:52beneath you and chauffeuring your students around is clearly below your pay
26:58grade given your history I'm sure your intent on running away I'm here to
27:05prevent that from happening I wish you luck I read the notes from your school
27:15counselor mrs. Bronstein she had a nervous breakdown after a last session
27:18how to take a six-month sabbatical go ahead and take a seat how did you feel
27:25about that vindicated but someone who crochets for a hobby isn't a worthy
27:29adversary adversary I hope we can forge a relationship based on trust and mutual
27:34respect this is a safe space Wednesday a sanctuary where we can discuss anything
27:39what you're thinking feeling your views on the world personal philosophy that's
27:44easy I think that this is a waste of time I see the world as a place that
27:48must be endured and my personal philosophy is kill or be killed so for
27:52instance when someone bullies your brother your response is to dump piranha
27:55in the pool you know the old saying never bring a knife to a sword fight
27:59unless it's concealed the point is you assaulted a boy and showed no remorse
28:03for your actions that's why you're here he lost a testicle I did the world a
28:08favor people like Dalton shouldn't be allowed to procreate I've answered all
28:11your questions we're not done yet
28:16therapy is a valuable tool to help you understand yourself it can teach you new
28:21ways to deal with your emotions it can also help you build a life that you want
28:24I know the life that I want tell me about it everything said in these
28:30sessions is strictly confidential
28:33do your plans involve becoming an author I understand you've written three novels
28:38about a teen girl detective Viper didn't wear tape can you tell me about her
28:42ever smart perceptive chronically misunderstood any luck getting your work
28:46published editors are short-sighted fear-based life forms one wants to
28:52describe my writing this gratuitously morbid and suggested I seek psychiatric
28:55help ironic isn't it how did you take that I sent her a thank-you I've always
29:10been open to constructive criticism I'm glad to hear that because I was sent the
29:15manuscripts as part of your psych evaluation the relationship I found most
29:18intriguing was that of Viper and her mother Dominica why don't we dig into
29:23that Wednesday part of this journey requires us going to uncomfortable
29:29places emotional I don't travel well would you mind if I use the powder room
29:45okay is everything okay you can't hide in there for the rest of the session I'm
29:52preparing myself for our uncomfortable journey
30:53oh crap do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people it's more of a
30:58hobby no good or never more didn't realize it
31:03changed up the uniform I need a quad over ice it's an emergency it's four
31:08shots of espresso yeah I know what a quad is but I mean spoiler alert the
31:12espresso machines having a seizure so all we have is drip but drip is for
31:16people who hate themselves and other lives have no real purpose or meaning
31:22what's wrong with your machine it's a temperamental beast with the mind of
31:26its own and it doesn't help that the instructions are Italian I need a
31:34tri-wing screwdriver and a four millimeter allen wrench wait you read
31:38Italian of course the native tongue of Machiavelli here's the deal I'm going to
31:44fix your coffee machine then you're going to make my coffee and call me a
31:47taxi no taxis in Jericho by uber I don't have a phone I refuse to be a
31:53slave to technology you're out of luck where are you going anyway that's on a
31:58need-to-know basis what about trains your station is Burlington it's half an
32:04hour away you have a valve issue I've seen it before
32:07here you have one of these monsters at home steam powered guillotine I built it
32:12I wanted to decapitate my dolls more efficiently sure Grammy for Barbie
32:19makes perfect sense Wow thanks never met a nevermore kid who got their hands
32:30dirty I'm Tyler by the way I didn't catch your name or is that on a
32:35need-to-know basis to Wednesday I'll tell you what Wednesday to show my
32:41appreciation how about I drive you to Burlington myself perfect put that
32:45quad in it to go cup I don't get off for another hour
32:49I'll sweeten the pot $20 tempting but no I'll make it 40 listen Wednesday one fun
33:02fact about me I can't be bought so either way or find someone else to drive
33:26what happened
33:37what's the nevermore freak they're not in the wild this is our booth why are
33:44you three just like religious fanatics we're Pilgrims potato potato we work at
33:49Pilgrim world
33:53it takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots
33:57responsible for mass genocide my dad owns Pilgrim world you calling stupid
34:02if the buckled shoe fits guys back off stay out of this gulping yes stay out of
34:07this tell me break you ever been in an army
34:14never found one that handled me
34:32so where do you learn those kung-fu moves my uncle taught me he spent five
34:44years in Tibetan monastery was he a monk prisoner yeah Tyler what the hell's
34:53going on here they were harassing a customer and she put them in their place
34:58this little thing took down three boys do you help her that I swear wasn't
35:04involved apologies sheriff this one slipped away from me come on this Adam
35:10it's time to go wait a minute hang on you're in Adams
35:19don't tell me Gomez Adams is your father that man belongs behind bars for murder
35:24guessing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree I'm gonna keep my eye on
35:30you okay
35:36the first day I'm already on sheriff Galvin's radar
35:40surprised what did he mean about my father I have no idea but a word of
35:44advice stop making enemies and start making a few friends you're gonna need
35:52looks like an accident I hope the driver's okay he's dead
35:59rub his neck
38:21no I don't really feel better there's just something wrong about this place
38:25not just because it's school how the hell did you get that oversized violin
38:31out the window I had an extra hand well where's the rest of him it's one of the
38:38great Adams family mysteries
38:42why aren't you wolfing out cuz I can't it's all I got my mom says some wolves
39:00are like bloomers but I've been to the best like an old just had to play to
39:04Milwaukee would you believe it yeah she says there's a chance I'm in the
39:09you know what happens then I become a lone wolf
39:18sounds perfect are you kidding me my life would be officially over I'd be
39:24kicked out of my family pack no prospect of finding a mate I'm failing to see the
39:28problem here we all die alone Enid you really suck at
39:36cheering people up why are you crying cuz I'm upset haven't you ever cried are
39:46you about that too
39:52it was the week after Halloween I was six years old
40:00I took my pet scorpion Nero out for his afternoon stroll and we were ambushed
40:08they wondered what kind of freak would have a scorpion for a pet
40:14two of them held me down and made me watch
40:26the others ran Nero over until
40:37it was snowing when I buried what was left of him
40:42I cried my little black heart out
40:49but tears don't fix anything
40:53so I vowed to never do it again
41:04your secret safe with me I still think you're weird as shit though the feeling
41:11is incredibly mutual how would you like your single room back you just need to
41:19show me how to use your computer
41:22okay I'm taking orders from a hand
41:51this isn't weird at all
42:04hi that's thing see like your pet okay I know nevermore is ground zero for all
42:16things weird but this is the next level so what happened to not wanting to be a
42:22slave to technology desperate times are you still willing to help me escape
42:25well after what happened at the weathervane today I figured they'd have
42:28you in solitary there's the Harvest Festival this weekend attendance is
42:31mandatory I'm going to use it as a cover if you're still willing to drive me to
42:34the train station I can make it worth your while now I'm in and no charge
42:41consider it a freebie why I wish I was going with you at least one of us will
42:48get out of this hellhole town
43:00are you sure you can trust that money I trust that I can handle myself
43:07talking to her and I went home by 12 one stop there
43:10well good luck and safe travels still not a hugger
43:37oh geez get any better at this you'll be taking home a whole pack
43:53pandas don't travel in packs they prefer the solitude all right subtle hint taken
43:59you should know I'm waiting for someone oh yeah there's a lucky guy or girl what
44:05does it matter to you didn't mean to interrupt you're not
44:13this is gonna be trickier than I thought that hit me at the curfew I need to go
44:17if I'm gonna make it back in time I've got some dead weight I need to lose
44:19first leave me behind the parking lot when the fireworks start
44:26you see that sad lonely woman over there she needs this pathetic validation more
44:32than I do would you mind distracting her
44:49hey before you leave I wanted you to have this it's your dad's police file
44:55probably was it never more I think it's the reason my dad hates him okay I'm not
45:04used to people engaging with me I'll see me coming in across the street
45:08you're not scary you're just kind of kooky I prefer spooky oh now my train
45:17leaves in an hour we're burning no night
45:25come on Quincy Quincy
45:56we need to go Quincy come on
46:14wait ah what do you want why are you following me I don't have time to
46:26I think you've got it backwards
46:33you're the one who's in danger what are you doing saving everyone from you I
46:37have to kill you the gargoyle that was you
46:44so is the quietness
46:49girl in the picture that's you
46:56you want to kill me because of some picture my mother drew that picture 25
47:00years ago and she was a student at nevermore she was a powerful seer told
47:06me about it before she died put me down no my mother said it was my
47:11destiny to stop this girl if she ever came to nevermore because she will
47:14destroy the school and everyone in it
48:25hello my little black cloud so tell us darling how was your first week let's
48:32see I narrowly avoided death twice discovered that my father may be a
48:36murderer learned that I could potentially destroy the school and was
48:40mysteriously saved by a homicidal monster as much as it pains me to admit
48:45you were right mother I think I'm going to love it here
