• 2 days ago
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00:00:00An emotional and incredible win for Mansoor here tonight at Crown Jewel.
00:00:05Well, my next guest hopes to achieve that same feat.
00:00:08So please welcome the Universal Champion, Seth Rollins.
00:00:18Seth, your Falls Count Anywhere match tonight against the Fiend, Bray Wyatt.
00:00:23And that match cannot be stopped for any reason until there is a victor.
00:00:29With that said, is this the night you end the rivalry?
00:00:37Byron, this ends tonight.
00:00:42Look, the Fiend has brought out the absolute worst in me.
00:00:47From everything that happened at Hell in a Cell, to me burning down the Firefly Funhouse,
00:00:53he's taken me to a dark place.
00:00:56The most terrifying part about all that is that there is a little piece of me that's kind of enjoyed it.
00:01:03Look, over the course of my career, I've had opponents try to get in my head, play mind games with me.
00:01:08That is the name of the game, but this is different.
00:01:11Everything about the Fiend is different.
00:01:13Being out there in the ring with him is uncomfortable.
00:01:19It is unsettling.
00:01:22But what I want everyone to remember, no matter what happens tonight,
00:01:28I didn't pick this fight.
00:01:31I didn't start this fight.
00:01:33Bray Wyatt, he brought this fight to my door.
00:01:37So I didn't start it, but I'm damn sure not afraid to finish it.
00:01:42I will walk out of Crown Jewel, the Universal Champion, whatever it takes.
00:01:48I will burn it down at any cost.
00:02:18And you heard it for the first time ever, NXT will be involved in Survivor Series this year.
00:02:23More on that in a little bit.
00:02:25Right now, you're looking at the beautiful Skybridge, which is located at the Kingdom Tower,
00:02:29which you saw earlier.
00:02:31It's based on the Gateway Arch and the Eiffel Tower, some of the great architecture here.
00:02:35Right now, you're looking at the beautiful Skybridge, which is located at the Kingdom Tower,
00:02:39which you saw earlier.
00:02:41Based on the Gateway Arch and the Eiffel Tower, some of the great architecture here.
00:02:46We are in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for Crown Jewel.
00:02:48Michael Cole and Corey Graves.
00:02:50I still can't get over what we witnessed moments ago with Mansoor defeating Cesaro.
00:02:54It takes some time to digest that, especially for one Cesaro.
00:02:57Well, we don't have much time, though, because guess what's coming up next.
00:03:00It is the battle for the ages.
00:03:02Many people have called it around the world because you take a look at the tail of the tape.
00:03:06It is Tyson Fury and Braun Strowman.
00:03:08And for the first time ever, an undefeated heavyweight boxing champion
00:03:12An undefeated heavyweight boxing champion is stepping into the ring with a WWE superstar.
00:03:18For Braun and Tyson, they first met in the heat of battle in Los Angeles.
00:03:27It is the premiere of Friday Night SmackDown on Fox.
00:03:31Many stars in attendance.
00:03:33Tyson Fury is here. He's a big night.
00:03:35The best heavyweight of my generation, by far.
00:03:38He has knocked out 20 different opponents, undefeated for over a decade.
00:03:43Most heavyweights don't move like me, either.
00:03:45The reigning lineal heavyweight boxing champion of the world here to get eyes on the situation.
00:03:52Throwing out a little fun. I don't know if you want to match hands with Tyson Fury.
00:03:56Ziggler sent right into Fury.
00:03:59Wait a minute, where's Fury going?
00:04:05Braun tried to make a fool of me.
00:04:07I'm here to demand an apology.
00:04:12You have no idea what I'm capable of.
00:04:16The monster of a man.
00:04:25I will literally eat you for lunch.
00:04:28The last thing you want is to get in my ring.
00:04:32Shoulder tackle, alright?
00:04:34Here we go, come on.
00:04:38What are you doing?
00:04:39Get him out of here.
00:04:40You're in my world now.
00:04:43Absolutely no use.
00:04:49I'm a heavyweight champion of the world.
00:04:52How many heavyweight titles have you won?
00:04:59I'll be damned if you're going to use me as a stepping stone to further your career.
00:05:04The security team tried to break his head up, they can't do it.
00:05:08Fury just ran through everyone.
00:05:10You're going to be looking up off your butt.
00:05:12Braun Strowman and Tyson Fury want to rip each other apart.
00:05:16I'm going to give you your first loss ever.
00:05:19When the heavyweight champion of the world steps into your ring...
00:05:23You're going to get...
00:05:24I'm going to knock...
00:05:46He is the monster among men, Braun Strowman.
00:05:51He won the greatest Royal Rumble here in Saudi Arabia a couple of years ago.
00:05:59And tonight...
00:06:01He hopes to hand Tyson Fury the first loss of Fury's career.
00:06:07Braun Strowman has made several very bold claims in recent weeks,
00:06:11and that's one of the luxuries of being one of the most powerful human beings walking God's green earth.
00:06:17Right now, the monster among men is laser-focused on embarrassing Tyson Fury.
00:06:22Did you see Tyson Fury was training down at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida last week,
00:06:28Braun Strowman came from out of nowhere, hit him with a shoulder tackle,
00:06:31and Tyson Fury twisted his ankle.
00:06:34Yesterday at a press conference, when Fury came to the stage,
00:06:37he was still limping, favoring the ankle, so will that come into play here tonight?
00:06:42Boxing is predicated on great footwork, which Tyson Fury has.
00:06:47Braun Strowman realizes that, trying to gain any sort of advantage that Strowman can get.
00:06:53And I also spoke to Triple H on my podcast after the bell,
00:06:56and he was singing the praises of how quickly Tyson Fury was learning the in-ring acumen here in WWE.
00:07:02How he took to it like a duck to water.
00:07:27I can't tell you.
00:07:31Show me.
00:07:33Do what you want to do.
00:07:37I can't tell you.
00:07:39Cause I need to.
00:07:56Show me.
00:08:01Show me.
00:08:04Do what you want to do.
00:08:08I can't tell you.
00:08:10Cause I need to.
00:08:15Show me.
00:08:26Show me.
00:08:39Well, ladies and gentlemen, anyone who has followed the career of Tyson Fury knows that this is vintage Tyson Fury.
00:08:47He is a bundle of charisma.
00:08:48He's outspoken.
00:08:49He's controversial.
00:08:51And he always wants to be on the main stage.
00:08:55Oh, and don't forget, he's got some of the fastest hands
00:08:58of anybody to ever step inside of a boxing ring.
00:09:01Six foot nine, hard-hitting Tyson Fury.
00:09:04Don't be fooled by the charisma and the appearance.
00:09:07This is a bad, bad man.
00:09:09Yeah, but this, uh, this show by Tyson Fury
00:09:12has seemed to upset the monster among men, Braun Strowman.
00:09:15Well, Braun Strowman couldn't fall into the same trap
00:09:17that so many of Tyson Fury's opponents
00:09:19in the boxing world have.
00:09:21You can get distracted by the entertainment,
00:09:23by the bright lights and the pyrotechnics,
00:09:26and you forget that Tyson Fury's out there
00:09:28for one reason, to knock you out.
00:09:31Tyson Fury likes to jab for the southpaw stance.
00:09:34He's got a very hard jab, perhaps the hardest jab
00:09:37in the boxing world.
00:09:39He's very smooth, but he's a hard hitter,
00:09:40and Strowman's gonna have to watch out
00:09:42for that here tonight.
00:09:44Tyson Fury's gonna wanna stay out of the vice-like grip
00:09:48of Braun Strowman.
00:09:49Stick and move.
00:09:51Listen to me, guys. Back off.
00:09:53Back off. Back off.
00:09:56Come on.
00:09:58The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:10:03Introducing first, weighing in at 385 pounds,
00:10:12he is the monster among men,
00:10:18Braun Strowman!
00:10:27And his opponent, he is the undefeated
00:10:29lineal heavyweight boxing champion of the world,
00:10:36the Gypsy King, Tyson Fury!
00:10:46So on the 45th anniversary of the rumble in the jungle,
00:10:50we could call this the showdown in Saudi.
00:10:53It's Tyson Fury, Braun Strowman,
00:10:56one-on-one here at Crown Jewel.
00:11:00There's an air of curiosity that's permeated
00:11:02the entire WWE universe regarding this matchup.
00:11:08Strowman went into a collar and elbow tie-up
00:11:10to start things off against Fury.
00:11:12Questionable decision from Tyson Fury.
00:11:13You want to avoid the grip of Braun Strowman, so powerful.
00:11:18And again, Strowman looking to back Fury into the corner.
00:11:21Back off. Back off, Braun. Back off.
00:11:24One, two, three.
00:11:26Hey! Hey, hold on, guys. Hold on.
00:11:30Braun Strowman looking to establish dominance early.
00:11:35The feeling out process between these two men.
00:11:39Tyson Fury named after Mike Tyson.
00:11:44Of course, the great heavyweight boxer
00:11:45who has a WWE history of his own.
00:11:49Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:11:50Look at this now, Strowman, the quickness.
00:11:51Look at the hands.
00:11:52Yeah, the rights and lefts right to the body by Fury.
00:11:55Such fluid head movement from Tyson Fury
00:11:58as Braun Strowman just figured out
00:11:59it's like trying to fight smoke.
00:12:02You can't hit what you can't catch.
00:12:04Triple H called the Gypsy King ultra elite.
00:12:08He could turn on a switch for the sports entertainment business
00:12:11much like Ronda Rousey did or Floyd Mayweather
00:12:13when he had a run back here a number of years ago.
00:12:17And Fury looks to roll through.
00:12:20Wow. Kip-up by Tyson Fury.
00:12:21And now into a side headlock on Strowman.
00:12:24Pretty impressive for a 6'8 man.
00:12:29Fury off the ropes, shoulder tackle, Braun Strowman.
00:12:32Looking for momentum in his own one.
00:12:34And a big boot will take Tyson Fury down.
00:12:36And perhaps that boot will say, welcome to the WWE, Mr. Fury.
00:12:40Yeah, Tyson Fury never experienced anything
00:12:42like that boot in a boxing ring.
00:12:46And now we truly see what the skill level of Tyson Fury is.
00:12:49Braun Strowman, oh, and a clubbing blow to the chest
00:12:53imposing his will.
00:12:56Tyson Fury needs to make it back to a vertical base
00:12:58as soon as possible.
00:13:00Otherwise, this could get very, very ugly in a hurry.
00:13:04Tyson back to his feet.
00:13:06Knocked down again by Strowman.
00:13:11Headbutt in the boxing world gets you in some trouble here.
00:13:13It's perfectly legal.
00:13:15Tyson into the corner trying to cover up.
00:13:17Strowman with a body shot of his own.
00:13:18And now a number of headbutts to the back of the neck of Fury.
00:13:21And Tyson Fury, you can see him trying to cover up here
00:13:24and is in trouble.
00:13:25Now sent into the corner again by Strowman.
00:13:27Fury did not want to get in close quarters with Braun Strowman.
00:13:29Not like this.
00:13:31This is Braun Strowman's wheelhouse.
00:13:32This is where the monster excels.
00:13:35Look out!
00:13:36Straight in the shoulder first goes Strowman.
00:13:38And now Braun is down and out outside the ring.
00:13:41And this is a critical moment for Tyson Fury.
00:13:45Fury bought himself a few seconds,
00:13:47but is the champion just delaying the inevitable?
00:13:51Strowman's been in this situation before.
00:13:52Tyson Fury, not so much.
00:13:54But a well-placed kick right to the face.
00:13:59Here, Tyson Fury to take a kill.
00:14:01Well, I guess not.
00:14:02He answered my question.
00:14:03Look at this.
00:14:04Count out victory in your first match.
00:14:06And Strowman going to make him pay.
00:14:07Drives him right into the apron and drops Tyson Fury
00:14:10and a right hand by Strowman.
00:14:11And Fury's down off the right.
00:14:13Ultimately, this is all about pride for both of these guys.
00:14:16Braun Strowman wants to prove that WWE is superior to what
00:14:19Tyson Fury comes from.
00:14:21Tyson Fury wants to prove to Strowman
00:14:23that it doesn't matter how big you are,
00:14:24the Gypsy King can knock you out.
00:14:31Fury caught him and knocked him down!
00:14:34Tyson Fury took one out of the big dog's playbook.
00:14:36It was a bit of a drive-by.
00:14:38Fury obviously has Braun Strowman very well scouted.
00:14:43Strowman is down, and Fury's got an opportunity.
00:14:46What really strikes me right now is how composed Tyson Fury is,
00:14:49even at this point, after taking some damage.
00:14:52Fury not afraid to implement his game plan.
00:14:56Beautiful counter to Strowman's momentum.
00:14:59Very impressive the way Fury was able to get up off
00:15:01the big right hand from Strowman earlier as well.
00:15:04And now Tyson Fury finds himself in control.
00:15:07As the time passes, Tyson Fury growing more and more comfortable.
00:15:11Moves into the stance, missed with the big right hand.
00:15:13Braun Strowman now, there's the power of the Maestro among men,
00:15:15looking for the running power slam.
00:15:18Fury, though, able to land on his feet.
00:15:19And now Tyson Fury with a drop toehold!
00:15:22Strowman into the ropes!
00:15:24Very basic technique.
00:15:25Big boot by Fury!
00:15:27Tyson Fury, but very, very effective.
00:15:30Fury gonna go for the first cover for himself here.
00:15:33Can he put Strowman away?
00:15:34Actually hooks the leg, good technique.
00:15:36Obviously, Tyson Fury not used to having to pin in a bone.
00:15:39Usually puts him down with his fists,
00:15:41but that could have cost him in that moment.
00:15:46It's a little bit of unsurety.
00:15:47Understandable that that could be the flaw
00:15:50that defines this matchup.
00:15:52Yeah, Fury gonna learn quickly that you cannot get frustrated.
00:15:57A guy like Braun Strowman's still got a lot left.
00:15:59He's gonna kick out first cover of the match.
00:16:03And now Tyson.
00:16:06Gotta figure out what he does now
00:16:07as he's driven into the turnbuckle.
00:16:09And now the body shots by the Maestro among men.
00:16:12And Tyson trying to fight out of the corner.
00:16:20Braun Strowman trying to replan his own game,
00:16:23able to withstand the offense.
00:16:25Primal concrete sledge to the heart
00:16:29of the lineal heavyweight champion.
00:16:39We knew Tyson Fury had a healthy respect.
00:16:42He was a big WWE fan, but he's certainly not the dead man.
00:16:48Strowman looking to close in,
00:16:50maybe finish this off with a boot.
00:16:52Right on the jaw of Strowman.
00:16:57Fury with a slight hesitation,
00:16:58trying to figure out how to strike next.
00:17:02But the hesitation cost him.
00:17:06Oh, man!
00:17:07Strowman, the power of the monster.
00:17:10Braun just depositing Tyson Fury in the center of the ring
00:17:13in a painful fashion.
00:17:17385 pounds of Braun crushing down
00:17:21on the Gypsy King.
00:17:24Actually a very wise decision.
00:17:27Tyson Fury able to take a few seconds.
00:17:30Closest thing he'll get to a standing eight
00:17:32down here in WWE.
00:17:36And Strowman this time is going to try to make it count.
00:17:44Braun Strowman, 385 pounds.
00:17:48Fury couldn't avoid that one.
00:17:51And Braun going to look to do it again one more time.
00:17:58Fury back to his feet, again, run over by Braun Strowman.
00:18:03The monster among men flattening the Gypsy King
00:18:05for a second consecutive time.
00:18:10Come on, let's go!
00:18:11Braun's got to be able to taste victory right now.
00:18:14Everything is coming up.
00:18:16Strowman heading back into the ring now
00:18:18to try to take Fury out once and for all.
00:18:20Tyson Fury!
00:18:23A right hand!
00:18:24Down goes Strowman!
00:18:25Fury hit him with a right, and Strowman may be out.
00:18:29That right cross connected flush on the jaw
00:18:33of the monster among men.
00:18:34This could be it.
00:18:36The official at a count of four.
00:18:38Braun Strowman trying to make his way back to his feet
00:18:41and back to the ring.
00:18:42We're going to have to wait and see.
00:18:44Strowman can't make it to his feet.
00:18:45The official now at a count of eight.
00:18:48A count of nine.
00:18:49Strowman's going to lose via TKO.
00:18:52Tyson Fury with the win at Crown Jewel.
00:18:57Here is your winner by count out, Tyson Fury!
00:19:05Well, you got to give Tyson Fury credit.
00:19:07He walked into a WWE ring.
00:19:08He was opening his eyes, and he was looking at Tyson Fury.
00:19:12He walked into a WWE ring.
00:19:13He was over-matched at times by Braun Strowman,
00:19:16but when it counted, he delivered the big right hand
00:19:19for the TKO win.
00:19:21Take a look at the impact.
00:19:23No one does it better.
00:19:25Tyson Fury with a right hand connecting.
00:19:28Clean flush on the chin of the monster among men.
00:19:32I don't think that the reigning lineal heavyweight
00:19:35boxing champion can often be considered an underdog.
00:19:38Oh, Braun Strowman.
00:19:39Well, you knew he was going to take this.
00:19:41Power slam by Strowman to Fury.
00:19:45The monster among men has got to be embarrassed.
00:19:47This is my ring, you piece of crap!
00:19:50Strowman understandably upset.
00:19:52You have to imagine embarrassed to an extent.
00:19:59Fury, I don't think, realizes what he just experienced,
00:20:03almost instinctively back up to his feet.
00:20:05Yeah, the boxer mentality, but nonetheless, Braun Strowman.
00:20:12Take a look at this.
00:20:13The throw followed through.
00:20:15Strowman unable to even get his hands up to protect himself.
00:20:21But Braun ultimately getting the last laugh.
00:20:25The exclamation point, a power slam
00:20:29in the center of his world, his ring.
00:20:34But the Gypsy King with a victory that some
00:20:37may consider unlikely.
00:20:41Tyson Fury victorious at Crown Jewel.
00:20:58For I am the advocate for the greatest.
00:21:03Hey, brother.
00:21:05What's happening?
00:21:29Best ever for Rock!
00:21:39I am the advocate for the greatest.
00:21:42I am the advocate for the greatest.
00:21:46Step inside my yard and wait a tee and a tee.
00:21:51Would you make me a beer?
00:21:59Oh, hell yeah.
00:22:02You can't see me!
00:22:04She's out, Doc.
00:22:05I-O-N. Submission.
00:22:08This is great.
00:22:10This is awesome.
00:22:11And it's boom drop time for Kofi.
00:22:13With an RKO out of nowhere.
00:22:15RKO the queen.
00:22:17What is this maniac doing?
00:22:21The Deadman has risen!
00:22:25Oh, no!
00:22:26What is that smell?
00:22:27If you smell what The Rock is cooking!
00:22:391, 2, 3!
00:22:41We got a new champion!
00:22:42We got a new champion!
00:22:50I want to take you back to what happened earlier on in the
00:22:53kickoff show here tonight.
00:22:55Sunil Singh, the 24-7 champion, had been eliminated.
00:22:58Which meant the title would be up for grabs again.
00:23:01R-Truth, also eliminated from the battle royal, would take out
00:23:04Samir, and then he would pin Sunil Singh to Corey, once again,
00:23:08become the 24-7 champion.
00:23:10R-Truth has been champion 24-7 so many times, I've lost count.
00:23:15R-Truth, very excited that he, once again, won the very
00:23:19coveted 24-7 championship.
00:23:21He is the most prolific 24-7 champion of all time.
00:23:24But, of course, when you become champion, there are many, many
00:23:27superstars who want that coveted title.
00:23:30So, they were in pursuit of R-Truth.
00:23:32No rest for the weary when you're the 24-7 champion.
00:23:35The title always on the line.
00:23:37Tonight, here at Crown Jewel, no different.
00:23:39Well, you know what's interesting about all this, and you had
00:23:42mentioned it, R-Truth has won the 24-7 title about a billion
00:23:45times, and he still loves being champion.
00:23:47He loves representing the title, which has to be defended 24 hours
00:23:50a day, seven days a week, anywhere in the entire world.
00:23:53I mean, listen, if I...
00:23:54Wait a minute.
00:23:56We're being told this is live.
00:23:58This is live now, back in the locker room area here at
00:24:01King Fahd International Stadium, and there is your 24-7 champion
00:24:06eluding the mob.
00:24:09Oh, there you go.
00:24:13Oh, there you go.
00:24:16How many of y'all is there?
00:24:20Okay, guys.
00:24:22One thing about being 48-7, 24-7, 7-11 European champion,
00:24:27you always have an escape plan.
00:24:30See ya!
00:24:33Ref, ref, ref, ref!
00:24:34Ref, ref, ref!
00:24:35Go, go!
00:24:361, 2, 3!
00:24:38Balé, balé, balé!
00:24:39Balé, balé, balé!
00:24:41Hey, hey, hey!
00:24:42Balé, balé, balé!
00:24:43Balé, balé, balé!
00:24:45Samir Singh is the new 24-7 champion.
00:24:48That family get bigger and bigger.
00:24:52I hope they make a Bollywood film about that.
00:24:54It could be like as inspirational as Rudy,
00:24:55both Samir and Sidney have been 24-7 champion.
00:24:58Seriously, what's wrong with you?
00:25:00Is it the jet lag?
00:25:01It's probably the heat, and I didn't sleep last night.
00:25:05Time for the United States Championship match.
00:25:09Here comes the phenomenal one.
00:25:11They don't want none, no, they don't want none.
00:25:14They look scared, no, they don't really want none.
00:25:17We some Southern boys with the proper strength.
00:25:20Ain't nobody man enough to feel the pain.
00:25:23And who could be next?
00:25:25You better give respect.
00:25:26There ain't nobody breaking this friend's neck.
00:25:29No, they don't want none, no, they don't want none.
00:25:32Oh, look who's here.
00:25:34And they've got the cup.
00:25:35There's the cup.
00:25:36The World Cup.
00:25:38The OC, the best tag team in the entire world
00:25:41after winning the tag team turmoil match earlier tonight.
00:25:45It's a country boy working overtime.
00:25:47The following contest scheduled for one fall.
00:25:50He's for the United States.
00:25:53The United States Championship.
00:25:57Introducing first, accompanied by the best
00:26:01tag team in the world, Luke Gallows and Carl Anderson.
00:26:06Representing the OC, the United States champion,
00:26:11the phenomenal AJ Styles.
00:26:16You know, Corey, there's many who believe that AJ Styles
00:26:19may be the best in the world.
00:26:21A strong argument can be made each and every time
00:26:24Styles steps inside the ring.
00:26:26Former WWE champion, reigning United States champion.
00:26:30And unfortunately for Humberto Carrillo, a veteran,
00:26:34who although Styles wasn't prepared for Carrillo
00:26:36in particular tonight, AJ was able to watch,
00:26:39not to mention the fact that they collided this past week
00:26:41on Monday Night Raw, where Styles emerged victorious.
00:26:44Yeah, Styles beating Carrillo with a calf crusher,
00:26:47getting the young man to tap out the middle of the ring.
00:26:49And tonight, Humberto Carrillo with an opportunity
00:26:51to win the United States Championship.
00:26:54Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
00:26:57AJ Styles just declared that the United States
00:27:01title ain't going nowhere.
00:27:02Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
00:27:07You know, for one, can't wait till the flight home
00:27:09with the World Cup and the Good Brothers.
00:27:11There's bound to be some shenanigans.
00:27:13I'll be good, though.
00:27:14I got to work tomorrow.
00:27:15I want to set a fight for the World Cup.
00:27:16Nonetheless, it's Humberto Carrillo.
00:27:19We're going to show you how he earned this opportunity here
00:27:22tonight against AJ Styles in just a moment.
00:27:26And introducing the challenger from Colorado, Mexico,
00:27:30weighing in at 198 pounds, Humberto Carrillo.
00:27:39You know, Corey, there's no doubt
00:27:40that this already may be the biggest night
00:27:44of this young man's career.
00:27:46We're going to show you what happened in the WWE
00:27:48crown jewel kickoff show, a battle royal,
00:27:50to earn the opportunity to face AJ Styles.
00:27:53Luckily for Humberto Carrillo, he kept his head on a swivel,
00:27:57as is so important throughout the matchup,
00:27:59a chaotic scene, to be sure.
00:28:02But Carrillo would outlast 19 other superstars,
00:28:05including these two behemoths, Harper and Rowan.
00:28:08The final three men, Harper, Rowan, and Carrillo.
00:28:11Eric Rowan, as he went into the shoulder.
00:28:14And right here, we thought it was over for Carrillo.
00:28:16Luke Harper dominating.
00:28:18Harper and Rowan working together as a cohesive unit
00:28:21with a common target, that being Carrillo.
00:28:23But Humberto was able to withstand the punishment,
00:28:27withstand the brutality, and pick the perfect opportunity
00:28:31to strike.
00:28:33Yeah, first it was Eric Rowan turning his back
00:28:35on his partner, eliminating Harper.
00:28:37And then Carrillo taking advantage
00:28:39to eliminate Eric Rowan and win the battle royal
00:28:42to earn this opportunity tonight.
00:28:43And now a chance to win the United States
00:28:47Take nothing away from Humberto Carrillo.
00:28:49Spent about six years winning multiple championships
00:28:53in Mexico, spent a stint in Japan,
00:28:55has been wowing audiences on 205 Live
00:28:58until recently being drafted to Monday Night Raw,
00:29:01where Carrillo has more than held his own first
00:29:03against universal champion Seth Rollins, and more recently
00:29:06Against Styles.
00:29:06Against Styles.
00:29:07Styles not wasting any time,
00:29:09going right after Carrillo.
00:29:10A veteran move here, Corey, by the champion.
00:29:13AJ Styles realizes what Humberto Carrillo
00:29:15has already endured tonight, the 20-man battle royal,
00:29:17but beating at the hands of Harper and Rowan.
00:29:20There's no way Carrillo is near 100% right now.
00:29:24AJ Styles, I guarantee you, knowing his instincts,
00:29:28learned a lot in their matchup Monday night on Raw.
00:29:31Carrillo bounced off the top turnbuckle,
00:29:33and Styles in control early.
00:29:36What does Carrillo have to do, Corey,
00:29:37to have any type of chance against AJ Styles tonight?
00:29:40Humberto has an incredibly deep arsenal.
00:29:42He's going to have to show Styles something
00:29:44that AJ hasn't seen before, which is tough,
00:29:46because AJ Styles, at this point in his career,
00:29:49has seen just about everything.
00:29:51And the OC hanging out at ringside.
00:29:52But as we learned earlier tonight,
00:29:54in the match between Mansoor and Cesaro, anything can happen.
00:29:58You're absolutely right.
00:29:59I mean, in the event that AJ Styles is overly confident,
00:30:03it could come back to bite and maybe cost
00:30:05Styles the United States championship.
00:30:10That said, I think the reason AJ Styles is at the level
00:30:13that he is, that he has been for so long in his career,
00:30:16is he always approaches every matchup as a unique situation.
00:30:19Doesn't overlook opponents.
00:30:21Doesn't get too confident.
00:30:23Carrillo, oh, great move on the ropes into the arm drag.
00:30:27One thing you learn about Humberto Carrillo,
00:30:28if you haven't watched him much, he uses that Lucha Libre style,
00:30:31loves to fly around the ring.
00:30:32Very proficient on the ropes.
00:30:35Also not afraid to strike when it comes down to it.
00:30:38And again, up to the top rope now.
00:30:40Disorienting style of offense.
00:30:42And again, into the arm drag.
00:30:44AJ Styles has to try to slow this match down, slow the pace.
00:30:49Carrillo looking to push the pace.
00:30:50Styles on the outside.
00:30:52And Carrillo looking to launch himself outside the ring.
00:30:55AJ Styles takes a walk.
00:30:59Humberto giving chase, but needs to be cautious.
00:31:01Could be walking into a trap.
00:31:03AJ Styles, oh, right off the back of the knee
00:31:06to the back of the neck.
00:31:10And Styles now, again, turns the momentum in his favor.
00:31:15Such a cagey competitor, as we saw just for a moment,
00:31:18it appeared as though Styles was retreating,
00:31:21that AJ was on the run.
00:31:23But it was a well-laid trap to lure Carrillo in.
00:31:26The United States champion now in control.
00:31:28Yeah, this is what Styles needs to do.
00:31:29We touched on it earlier.
00:31:30Slow down the pace.
00:31:32Control the pace of the matchup.
00:31:34It's difficult to do once Carrillo gets rolling.
00:31:37You see that disorienting offensive style of Humberto.
00:31:41You might look at it as pomp and circumstance,
00:31:43perhaps unnecessary.
00:31:44But what it does is it throws your opponent's timing off.
00:31:47When Humberto's bouncing off the ropes two, three, four times,
00:31:50you can't predict when exactly he's going to strike.
00:31:52It makes it very hard to counter.
00:31:54That right hand caught AJ right on the ear.
00:31:56And AJ Styles, though, backbreaker.
00:31:59Is it enough to put Carrillo away?
00:32:00Cover by the champion.
00:32:02Kick out at one and a half.
00:32:03Great strategy by AJ Styles to focus on the lower back,
00:32:06on the core of Humberto Carrillo.
00:32:08You know, moments ago, Corey, you
00:32:09saw the prestigious United States championship.
00:32:11It's a title that's been held by over a dozen
00:32:14WWE Hall of Famers, including the late great Harley
00:32:16Race, the first champion back in 1975.
00:32:19And AJ Styles is so, just so happy
00:32:22and just loves being the United States champ.
00:32:25It's a championship to be worn proudly.
00:32:27There's a long, rich heritage of the United States title.
00:32:30Styles has no intention of relinquishing the title.
00:32:33But Carrillo truly could take the next step in his career
00:32:36if he could become United States champion tonight.
00:32:38And a lot of people have said a lot of great words
00:32:40about Humberto Carrillo, about the potential
00:32:42that this young man has, about the sky's the limit for him.
00:32:48You can have all the potential in the world,
00:32:50but when it comes crunch time, when the time is the big stage,
00:32:54crown jewel in front of the entire WWE universe,
00:32:57if you can't succeed, potential doesn't mean anything.
00:33:02Think about what the OC have right now.
00:33:04The United States title and the best tag team in the world
00:33:08Oh, trust me.
00:33:09I know.
00:33:09I'm all too familiar.
00:33:10I can't wait for the after party.
00:33:12And Carrillo.
00:33:14Handspring elbow.
00:33:16Once again, catching Styles off guard.
00:33:18It's hard to prepare for an opponent
00:33:20when you don't know which direction
00:33:21they're going to strike from.
00:33:22That's what makes Carrillo so dangerous.
00:33:24Carrillo looking to put some sustained offense together.
00:33:26Again, using the ropes to his advantage.
00:33:28But he's planted by Styles.
00:33:30That's the problem with AJ.
00:33:31You can't cover here.
00:33:33Is it enough to put Carrillo away
00:33:34in an air fall by the champ?
00:33:36Styles always learning.
00:33:37You can't use the same maneuver multiple times.
00:33:40AJ figures it out, as Carrillo just learned.
00:33:47Does the style of someone like Carrillo,
00:33:49does it upset the normal match flow
00:33:51for a guy like Styles, Corey?
00:33:53For a lot of superstars, I would say yes.
00:33:55For AJ Styles, maybe not quite as much.
00:33:57Styles, boom!
00:33:58Oh my god!
00:33:59That's got to be it.
00:33:59Here's the cover on Carrillo.
00:34:02Is it enough to put him away?
00:34:03And a kick out this time by Carrillo again.
00:34:06You can't discount the ability that AJ Styles has
00:34:09to push the pace, to use aerial offense.
00:34:11AJ Styles is a multifaceted competitor.
00:34:14So maybe not as many as, maybe not as much
00:34:17as many other superstars.
00:34:19But look at this.
00:34:20Brainbuster delivered.
00:34:22Center of the ring.
00:34:23I'm kind of shocked that Carrillo survived that.
00:34:28Carrillo showing guts here tonight,
00:34:30much like he did Monday night on Raw,
00:34:32the match against Styles.
00:34:33But much higher stakes here tonight at WWE Crown Jewel.
00:34:39Thanks for joining us around the world on the WWE Network.
00:34:43Here tonight, we are in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
00:34:46And Humberto Carrillo, with the opportunity
00:34:48of his young career, facing the veteran AJ
00:34:50Styles for the United States Championship.
00:34:56Carrillo able to fight his way out
00:34:58of the clutches of the United States champion.
00:35:00But Styles missed wild with that backhand.
00:35:04And Carrillo able to counter.
00:35:06Jawbreaker rocked Styles for the moment.
00:35:08But can Carrillo capitalize?
00:35:10Great move by Carrillo.
00:35:12Using the ropes to his advantage yet again.
00:35:15And Carrillo trying to fire himself up.
00:35:19Rolls through right into a moonsault.
00:35:20Cover now by Carrillo.
00:35:22Up Styles for the title, and a kick out at two.
00:35:29Much like Mansoor we saw earlier tonight,
00:35:31you have to wonder how deep into the matchup
00:35:33it will be before Carrillo begins to question himself,
00:35:36before doubt creeps in.
00:35:37Because when you're a young competitor
00:35:38looking to make a name for yourself,
00:35:40doubt can be your worst enemy.
00:35:42No doubt there, Carrillo, top rope, cross body,
00:35:45lateral press for the United States Championship.
00:35:49And an air fall again.
00:35:52Two, AJ.
00:35:54Come on, AJ.
00:35:57Carrillo looking to rally the WWE universe here in Riyadh.
00:36:01Needs to keep pushing the pace on AJ Styles.
00:36:04You can offer Styles no quarter to recover.
00:36:07Case in point.
00:36:08Right to the throat.
00:36:12AJ thought he bought himself a little time.
00:36:14Carrillo, though, still on the apron.
00:36:18Caught by Styles.
00:36:25Oh, and there it is.
00:36:26Insegari caught, Styles with a kick.
00:36:29The overhead kick by Styles.
00:36:31AJ Styles answers with a Pele, takes down Humberto Carrillo.
00:36:38This match could go either man's way at this point.
00:36:42Playing field level at the moment.
00:36:45Who will make it to his feet first?
00:36:51Will AJ Styles' chance of ringing through the arena?
00:36:56Listen, like him or not, like his attitude or otherwise,
00:36:59AJ Styles, one of the most highly respected competitors
00:37:01in WWE around the globe.
00:37:05Styles looking to do damage now outside the ring on the apron.
00:37:07Carrillo able to block.
00:37:11Desperate body shots from Humberto Carrillo.
00:37:13Desperate body shots from Humberto,
00:37:15able to create some separation.
00:37:17Kept kick.
00:37:17I don't know that Humberto connected fully.
00:37:20But it stunned AJ nonetheless.
00:37:23There's the quickness of Carrillo.
00:37:25Open hand strike caught AJ that time.
00:37:28And Carrillo, drop kick, Styles knocked to the outside.
00:37:31But remember, it's champion's advantage for Styles.
00:37:34Carrillo's got to pin him or submit him in this match.
00:37:39Carrillo launches himself over the top rope.
00:37:42Beautiful twisting body attack to the outside
00:37:47by Humberto Carrillo.
00:37:48Takes down the United States champion.
00:37:50Carrillo needs to get Styles back in the ring.
00:37:56And he does just that, into the cover yet again
00:37:58to try to win the United States championship.
00:38:01And AJ's able to roll the shoulder out.
00:38:03Watch the beautiful athleticism of Humberto Carrillo.
00:38:07Amazing body control right on target,
00:38:10driving the wind out of the champion.
00:38:15A lot of times, you take a high risk like that,
00:38:17you don't take into account the fact,
00:38:19the time it takes to get your opponent back into the ring.
00:38:21They can recover, as Styles did to an extent.
00:38:28Look at the hurricane roar from the top rope.
00:38:30And Styles now, he's got Carrillo in position, maybe,
00:38:32for a Styles clash.
00:38:34And Carrillo reaches for the top rope.
00:38:35And he's got a Styles clash.
00:38:37And Carrillo realizing that, fighting out of it.
00:38:39Sunset flip rolls through, shoulders down now.
00:38:43Carrillo now, with a pinning combination.
00:38:47And Styles to the right, to the left, now the kicks.
00:38:49And here is Styles.
00:38:50That is vintage Styles.
00:38:51Cover now, on Carrillo, to retain the United States title.
00:38:55And Carrillo kicks out.
00:38:59Lightning quick combination by AJ Styles.
00:39:03Take a look at this phenomenal blitz
00:39:05by the champion.
00:39:07The exclamation point at the end.
00:39:10The clothesline takes down the challenger.
00:39:12But Styles still unable to finish the job.
00:39:14Yeah, you've got to give Carrillo credit, too, man.
00:39:17Being able to kick out after that, stay in this match,
00:39:19his dream still alive.
00:39:24Styles can taste the victory.
00:39:27Wants the Styles clash.
00:39:30And Carrillo hanging on to the ropes.
00:39:32Carrillo able to shift his weight toward the ropes.
00:39:35To avoid the Styles clash.
00:39:40Carrillo going to launch himself up top, caught by AJ.
00:39:46Uh-oh, a tweak his knee.
00:39:47Carrillo landed on his knee, and you could tell it was hurt.
00:39:50Did you see how quickly Styles attempted to capitalize?
00:39:53AJ threw a kick right at Carrillo's knee.
00:39:56And Humberto is down.
00:39:57Yeah, and then he grabbed the bad knee for the takedown.
00:40:01AJ bounced face first off the turnbuckle.
00:40:04Well, you can see, heavily favoring the left knee now
00:40:06as Humberto Carrillo.
00:40:07Here it comes, here it comes, once again.
00:40:08Look at the calf crusher.
00:40:09Carrillo tapped to this on Monday night.
00:40:12AJ Styles was looking for it.
00:40:13The opportunity presented itself.
00:40:15Look at Styles cranking on the knee of Carrillo.
00:40:18Carrillo trying to stretch and make his way to the bottom rope
00:40:21to force the break.
00:40:22But AJ Styles has got the calf crusher locked in.
00:40:25Carrillo trying to pull himself there, and he does.
00:40:27And it'll force a break.
00:40:28But how much damage has been done?
00:40:30Certainly some damage has been done.
00:40:32The credit to Carrillo for having the wherewithal
00:40:34to make it to the bottom rope, to fight through the pain
00:40:36just a little longer.
00:40:38The credit to AJ Styles to put the calf
00:40:40crusher on the already injured leg of Humberto Carrillo.
00:40:44We're going to learn a lot about this young man
00:40:46in the next matter of moments.
00:40:48I think AJ Styles has learned a lot about Carrillo
00:40:50between Monday and tonight.
00:40:51I think the WWE universe continues
00:40:54to learn a lot about this amazing young athlete.
00:40:56Caught him with an enziguri, Miss Wildey.
00:40:58This time he caught him again.
00:40:59AJ Styles is down.
00:41:00Carrillo with an opportunity.
00:41:08Carrillo making the long climb to the top on one good leg.
00:41:13Went for the moonsault.
00:41:14Oh, and he landed.
00:41:15Landed hard and hurt the knee again.
00:41:22You can hear Carrillo, and you can hear the pain.
00:41:24AJ Styles launched out to the apron.
00:41:27Oh, and he caught him.
00:41:28And AJ Styles is going to lock and load now.
00:41:31Carrillo back to his feet.
00:41:32AJ Styles, phenomenal forearm.
00:41:38AJ Styles retains the United States championship.
00:41:43Here is your winner and still the United States champion,
00:41:48the phenomenal AJ Styles.
00:41:53It was a hard-fought battle, for sure.
00:41:57Humberto Carrillo brought the biggest fight
00:42:00he could possibly muster tonight at Crown Jewel.
00:42:03But in the end, the power continues
00:42:06to shift to Styles, Gallows, and Anderson, the OC.
00:42:13AJ Styles in the OC, the United States champion
00:42:18and the best in the world.
00:42:20Quite the night for the OC, the official, the original,
00:42:29the only club that matters.
00:42:32Humberto Carrillo brought his A-game.
00:42:35Everything left after a grueling 20-man over-the-top
00:42:39rope battle royal to earn this opportunity.
00:42:41But in the end, Styles was just a little too fresh,
00:42:44a little too much better than the rest of the crowd.
00:42:47AJ Styles was just a little too fresh, a little too much
00:42:51better in instinct.
00:42:53And AJ would slam the door shut with a phenomenal forearm
00:42:59on a very, very hungry challenger.
00:43:01The future's certainly bright for Humberto Carrillo.
00:43:05But if Humberto wants to make it to the top,
00:43:07he's going to have to go through Styles in the OC.
00:43:13A too-sweet night for the OC.
00:43:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:43:23no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:43:27no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:43:30no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:43:33no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:43:36no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:43:39what fits you at WWE shop.com tonight only buy one t-shirt and get one for
00:43:45$1 only at WWE shop.com.
00:43:50As we saw AJ Styles still the United States champion.
00:43:55Well, my next guest knows a thing or two about winning championships.
00:43:58He is a WWE legend and Hall of Famer the immortal.
00:44:05Hulk Hogan.
00:44:07Well, let me tell you something brother.
00:44:09No, that doesn't work.
00:44:12You start over.
00:44:13Well, let me tell you something double B beautiful Byron brother.
00:44:18That's your name from now on.
00:44:19Okay, man.
00:44:20I am really pumped up tonight right here in Riyadh dog.
00:44:24We're going to make history man because after 35 years of Ric Flair
00:44:29flapping his gums, I'm finally going to put that to rest.
00:44:33He's never beat me before and he's not going to beat team Hogan.
00:44:36Now, we've been hanging and banging training saying our prayers brother.
00:44:40And when I leave the crown jewel tonight, my team is going to have their
00:44:44hand raised in victory brother.
00:44:47You know, we've been training day and night.
00:44:49We've been doing one sprints in the desert and every time my team gets
00:44:55I make them drink a glass of sand brother.
00:44:57We're ready for total destruction.
00:44:59We're ready to take team fire out.
00:45:01So I guess I just get one question for Ric Flair.
00:45:06What you're going to do Ric Flair when team Hogan runs wild on you right
00:45:11here tonight in the crown jewel.
00:45:13What you're going to do?
00:45:35Ladies and gentlemen, you cannot overstate the importance of this matchup
00:46:04here tonight.
00:46:05It is the first time there has ever been a women's match in Saudi Arabia
00:46:10and Natalia and Lacey Evans have the opportunity to perform here tonight in
00:46:16Natalia called this life-changing.
00:46:18She said, I can't believe it.
00:46:20I have the opportunity to be a part of history.
00:46:22I'm so excited for the fans and women in Saudi Arabia and around the world.
00:46:28Spoke to Natalia earlier today.
00:46:29She said, Cory, I haven't been this nervous in years.
00:46:33This may be the most important match of my career.
00:46:37I am excited for Natalia.
00:46:38I'm excited for her opponent.
00:46:40I'm excited for our entire women's division.
00:46:42I talked to Natalia's husband, Tyson Kidd earlier on today.
00:46:45And he said Natalia doing what she usually does.
00:46:48She smashes barriers and this smashing barrier matchup is a take in the world
00:46:54by storm.
00:46:55It has become global news.
00:46:56Everyone is talking about it.
00:46:58Talking about the history that is being made here tonight.
00:47:03Natalia and Lacey Evans, certainly no strangers to one another.
00:47:06And that's quite the rivalry in WWE, bringing it to this grand stage, to this
00:47:12historic event.
00:47:19It just feels special inside this stadium right now.
00:47:22Everyone on their feet, fascination, curiosity, excitement.
00:47:27Cory, we've done every one of these shows and we never thought this moment
00:47:30was going to happen.
00:47:31I never thought this moment was going to happen and it does here tonight at
00:47:34WWE Crown Jewel.
00:47:36I keep thinking about comments I heard from Mansoor yesterday after this
00:47:40announcement was made.
00:47:41The implications culturally for his country, for his sisters, for his nieces,
00:47:47how excited Mansoor was for this particular matchup and what it means.
00:47:51He called the change astronomical.
00:48:01And here it is, the sassy southern belle, Lacey Evans.
00:48:17Lacey Evans said she was numb when she heard the news.
00:48:21She said she's honored to be a part of history, to open doors that have never
00:48:25been opened before.
00:48:26But more importantly, she said, is she has the opportunity to show her little
00:48:31girl that hard work can bring you to history-making heights.
00:48:37That is what this is about for Lacey Evans.
00:48:39It's what it's about for Natalya.
00:48:41It's what it's about for all the women in Saudi Arabia, in the Middle East,
00:48:45and throughout the entire world.
00:48:49Now comes the hard work.
00:48:51Both of these women have arrived on the stage.
00:48:54The stage is set.
00:48:55The magnitude of the moment has been explained.
00:48:59Now, which one of these two competitors will be able to say they were
00:49:03victorious in the first ever women's match in Saudi Arabia?
00:49:07Hey, let's talk about this complicated relationship between Natalya and Lacey
00:49:12They began as bitter enemies.
00:49:14They ended up tagging together.
00:49:15And now they've found this mutual respect for one another.
00:49:18And tonight, an opportunity to make history, one-on-one, in Riyadh,
00:49:23Saudi Arabia, at Crown Jewel.
00:49:28And here we go, Natalya, former women's champion, Lacey Evans,
00:49:32looking for her first crack at the title.
00:49:34She had an opportunity over the summer.
00:49:37She will be a champion one day, there's no doubt about that, and Lacey
00:49:40Evans will start things off with a side headlock.
00:49:43And a shoulder tackle to Natalya.
00:49:45Strong as Natalya is, I don't know if anyone in the women's division can
00:49:49match raw power with Lacey Evans.
00:49:51And Natalya went for the hip toss, Lacey Evans went for a counter of her own.
00:49:55Natalya with an arm drag takes her down.
00:49:58You know, it is a, for Natalya, and I for one have known Natalya for her
00:50:03entire career, and I'm so proud that she is a part of this matchup, because
00:50:06Natalya, perhaps more than anyone else, on the current roster in WWE, has been
00:50:11more responsible for the women's evolution than anyone else, Corey.
00:50:14She's really been a leader of the locker room.
00:50:16She deserves to be in this spotlight here tonight against Lacey Evans.
00:50:19You'd be hard pressed to find, wow, great technique by Lacey Evans.
00:50:22You'd be hard pressed to find a more respected member of the women's
00:50:26locker room than Natalya.
00:50:28From top to bottom, every woman that comes through the doors understands,
00:50:31look, look at this, and a kick out.
00:50:33Look at what Natalya did for Ronda Rousey when she appeared on the scene
00:50:36here in WWE.
00:50:38Took her under her wing, helped train her, helped her get to where she was as
00:50:41the Raw Women's Champion.
00:50:44Natalya has truly set the standard of what it means to be a female superstar
00:50:48in WWE.
00:50:49That said, with the respect that comes with that, now Natalya's got everybody
00:50:52looking to knock her off that perch.
00:50:54Lacey Evans wants to be that woman.
00:50:57Every woman wants to be that woman.
00:50:59Almost, Corey, a feeling out process in the early part of this matchup.
00:51:02Perhaps some nerves for both of these superstars who admitted they'd have
00:51:05butterflies coming into tonight.
00:51:09And this is awesome chant ringing throughout the King Fahd International
00:51:12Stadium here in Riyadh.
00:51:16And, oh, shoulders are down.
00:51:17Natalya, great bridge out, the great core strength of Natalya.
00:51:22And a nice side headlock takedown.
00:51:24Natalya trained in the legendary Hart family dungeon.
00:51:28Oh, kip out.
00:51:29Comes to technical wrestling, you do it better than Natalya.
00:51:33Of course, the Hart family logo emblazoned on her T-shirt.
00:51:37Her dad, of course, the late, great Jim the Anvil Neidhart.
00:51:40Her uncle, Bret Hart.
00:51:42We mentioned her husband, Tyson Kidd.
00:51:45Elbow right to the chin.
00:51:46Breaks the waist lock.
00:51:49Lacey into the corner.
00:51:50Natalya now uses the ropes to her advantage.
00:51:53But Lacey with a great counter.
00:51:54And now an off-drag takedown of her own.
00:51:58Double leg, Natalya could be looking for the Hart family sharpshooter.
00:52:02They're gonna step through, and Lacey able to counter.
00:52:07And we've talked about the rivalry between these two women.
00:52:09They know each other so well.
00:52:10Lacey sent outside the ring.
00:52:14Nasty split.
00:52:15Lacey landing hard on the shoulder on the outside.
00:52:19Oh, right to the back of the knee.
00:52:21And Natalya landed hard on the apron.
00:52:23And now, the sassy southern belle, Lacey Evans, with an opportunity to take over.
00:52:30Great impact.
00:52:31You could hear the impact as Natalya hit the apron.
00:52:33Cover by Evans.
00:52:34Kick out at two.
00:52:38Take another look at this.
00:52:40Lacey propelling herself up into a wrecking ball-style dropkick.
00:52:45Both feet firmly implanted in the face of Natalya.
00:52:51And we've seen this in the past from Lacey Evans.
00:52:53Likes to use this submission to just grind her opponents down.
00:52:56Just to wear Natalya out.
00:52:58Until she can implement the next step in her game plan.
00:53:01Yeah, uses that powerful right hand.
00:53:04As Natalya is whipped into the corner.
00:53:07Lacey lands on the apron.
00:53:12Natalya telegraphing that one.
00:53:13And Lacey took advantage.
00:53:15Lacey's new to this game for you.
00:53:16But man, as she matured quickly.
00:53:20Off the elbow.
00:53:21Is it enough to win this matchup?
00:53:22Kick out.
00:53:23I've heard it from many of the women in the WWE locker rooms.
00:53:26That Lacey Evans has ruffled a lot of feathers since she arrived here in WWE.
00:53:31But just about everyone will admit she is one of the quickest learners that we have seen in some time.
00:53:36She does.
00:53:37She only cares about herself and promoting herself.
00:53:39I mean, I go back to there was a live event in Trenton, New Jersey a couple of weeks ago.
00:53:42And there's a big picture of The Rock that's on the wall there.
00:53:44She took one of her own pictures and covered up The Rock's face with it.
00:53:47And said, Lacey Evans belongs here.
00:53:50That is the attitude of what Lacey Evans is all about.
00:53:53Here's the cover now.
00:53:54I thought she was going for the cover.
00:53:56But again, continuing to work on the left arm of Natalya.
00:53:59I do have to question Lacey's motives.
00:54:01I don't know why you'd want to picture yourself anywhere in New Jersey.
00:54:07Once again, right back to this same submission hold.
00:54:11Very wise decision, Natalya having to battle out.
00:54:14But, ah!
00:54:15Nice neck breaker.
00:54:19The knees got up.
00:54:21Lacey tried to put a little style on it and got caught.
00:54:26And that's what you always have to be aware of when you're dealing with a veteran like Natalya.
00:54:32Natalya into the corner.
00:54:33Hit hard.
00:54:34Lacey Evans, though, off the sidestep by Natalya.
00:54:36Now, Natalya, again, this time, this time to her advantage.
00:54:39And Lacey landed hard.
00:54:40May have hurt her ankle.
00:54:41Or her tailbone.
00:54:42And that right there is classic Natalya.
00:54:44That basement dropkick.
00:54:47And now going to step through and look for the sharpshooter.
00:54:50Could this be the opportunity?
00:54:59Could this be the opportunity?
00:55:01And again, Lacey.
00:55:03Rolls up Natalya.
00:55:04Shoulders down.
00:55:05Kick out at two.
00:55:10Lacey Evans.
00:55:11Nice suplex.
00:55:13Fisherman suplexed to Natalya.
00:55:15And can she put Natalya away?
00:55:19Whatever Lacey's dreaming up right now has that very, very intention in mind.
00:55:23Put Natalya away.
00:55:25Cement your name in history as the victor of the first ever women's match in Saudi Arabia.
00:55:32Off the top rope by herself.
00:55:35Enough to win.
00:55:36Is it enough to win?
00:55:38Two and a half!
00:55:41There's the frustration on the face of Lacey Evans.
00:55:50Even Lacey getting some fanfare from the WWE Universe here in Riyadh
00:55:54with appreciation for the athleticism that she possesses.
00:55:58Another picture perfect suplex to Natalya.
00:56:11Natalya from...
00:56:12Got a little too caught up in the moment.
00:56:14Natalya made Lacey pay.
00:56:20Whiskas Lariat takes down Lacey Evans.
00:56:23Shades of her dad, Jim and Bill Neidhardt.
00:56:27And now once again, Natalya looking for the sharpshooter submission.
00:56:32Can Natalya step through?
00:56:34She does!
00:56:35Center of the ring, Natalya with Lacey in the sharpshooter.
00:56:38Can Lacey make it to the bottom rope to force a break here?
00:56:41Can Lacey hang on?
00:56:43Back to the middle of the ring.
00:56:44Natalya's got it locked in.
00:56:46Lacey Evans.
00:56:47Is she gonna tap?
00:56:48Is she gonna tap?
00:56:49She does!
00:56:50Natalya makes history.
00:56:53Here is your winner by submission,
00:57:01What a moment here tonight
00:57:04at WWE Crown Jewel.
00:57:10A very emotional Natalya.
00:57:13It has been an emotional couple of days for her.
00:57:17She told the story of how she got off our charter in Riyadh
00:57:21to learn the news that she was going to have a match here in Saudi Arabia.
00:57:26And she had that match.
00:57:27And she won a victory over Lacey Evans here tonight.
00:57:34This is an even bigger victory.
00:57:37You know exactly what I mean.
00:57:47The women's evolution
00:57:50takes another step tonight.
00:57:55Not only at WWE,
00:57:58but here in Saudi Arabia and around the world.
00:58:02An historic and emotional night
00:58:05for not only Natalya and Lacey Evans,
00:58:10but for women worldwide.
00:58:13Those two women accomplished something tonight
00:58:16that we never thought we'd see.
00:58:18Congratulations to not only Natalya.
00:58:21Congratulations as well to Lacey Evans.
00:58:49A moment for the ages.
00:59:10You know, if you push and you push and you push enough,
00:59:14change is going to happen.
00:59:16Change is going to happen.
00:59:18And it happened here tonight, ladies and gentlemen,
00:59:20at Crown Jewel.
00:59:21Corey Graves and I, the honor of calling that match up,
00:59:23the honor of sitting here through so many of these nights over the years.
00:59:27And this was truly a goosebump moment.
00:59:30I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a little lump in my foot right now.
00:59:33I agree.
00:59:38Nonetheless, ladies and gentlemen,
00:59:40tomorrow night, Friday Night SmackDown returns to Fox
00:59:45with an incredible match between the Big Dog Roman Reigns
00:59:49and the King Baron Corbin.
00:59:52That's not all.
00:59:53The SmackDown Tag Team Championships will be on the line
00:59:57as The Revival defend against The New Day,
01:00:01who look to make a seventh reign as Tag Team Champion.
01:00:05Also tomorrow night on Friday Night SmackDown,
01:00:08a massive six-woman tag team match.
01:00:10Nikki Cross, Carmella, and Dana Brooke
01:00:13take on the SmackDown Women's Champion,
01:00:15Bayley Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville.
01:00:18And a must-see episode of Miz TV
01:00:22with a very special guest, Bray Wyatt.
01:00:25Cole, there's a potential that Bray Wyatt
01:00:27could be Universal Champion tomorrow night
01:00:29come SmackDown.
01:00:30We'll have to see when he's on Miz TV.
01:00:33Earlier this month, Riyadh sees it launched
01:00:37a way to showcase the city, create jobs, and bring visitors.
01:00:40Already millions of people have visited
01:00:43since the celebration kicked off earlier this month.
01:00:45The grand opening parade attracted 400,000,
01:00:49including our own legend, The Undertaker.
01:00:54It is a very comfortable night here in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
01:00:58as Crown Jewel continues.
