• 2 days ago
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00:00Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the acting general manager of Monday Night Raw, Barron
00:09Well, there is a reason for Barron Corbin to be here for this matchup.
00:17First there is Michael Coley, the acting general manager of Monday Night Raw.
00:24The point I'm trying to make is, uh, the Universal Championship was vacated by Roman Reigns a
00:30few weeks ago because Roman Reigns is battling leukemia.
00:36So now we have this matchup.
00:40I had the pleasure of flying all the way here next to Barron Corbin.
00:46It was an absolutely glorious flight.
00:49And the acting general manager is so excited to have a brand new Universal Champion to
00:55represent Monday Night Raw.
01:11And Barron Corbin looking at the Universal title of course being displayed here at ringside.
01:16Either Brock Lesnar or Braun Strowman, one of those men guaranteed to become the new
01:20Universal Champion here tonight at Crown Jewel.
01:23And this past Monday, Barron Corbin had the Universal title over his own shoulder and
01:27seemed to take quite a liking to it.
01:30Sure he did.
01:31A power slam a number of times by Braun Strowman.
01:33Unfortunately for him, the beast incarnate is here, Brock Lesnar.
01:46What we are about to witness will not be for the faint of heart.
02:02One of the most celebrated athletes in the history of combat sports making his way to
02:09the ring in an attempt to reclaim the Universal Championship Lesnar once held so proudly.
02:17Brock Lesnar held the Universal title for 504 days.
02:25An incredible reign by the beast.
02:29And it was this past Monday after an unprovoked assault by Braun Strowman on Barron Corbin.
02:34We actually saw the beast incarnate deliver a ring shaking F5 to the monster among men.
02:42Will the past repeat itself?
02:47Brock Lesnar is the most terrifying man I have ever crossed paths with.
02:54I mean, there's so many superstars in the back here.
02:56When Brock Lesnar's out, it changes the entire feel of everything through WWE.
03:01I think a stadium full of people would agree with you, Renee.
03:04The minute his guitar riff hits in his music, the energy changes in the building.
03:09I felt the wrath of that man.
03:12Now that's some old stuff I'm okay with you bringing up.
03:15Ha ha.
03:27This is a very important night in the career of Braun Strowman to say the least.
03:33Braun Strowman with an opportunity to win his first Universal Championship here in WWE.
03:45A monster among men surveying the scene at what could be a defining moment in his career.
04:03We are moments away from finding out if in fact Brock Lesnar will get these hands.
04:10Braun Strowman looks focused, more ready than ever.
04:14So confident.
04:20Either way, tonight we have a new Universal Champion.
04:24Guaranteed. One of these two men.
04:29Strowman's eyes have not broken the gaze of Brock Lesnar.
04:34These two foals are set to clash.
04:37It's like a T-Rex versus a great white shark.
04:44The following contest scheduled for one fall is for the Universal Championship.
05:00Introducing first, weighing in at 385 pounds, Braun Strowman!
05:15And his opponent.
05:23Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman.
05:29Let's just get this out of the way.
05:32You'll hear this in just a few minutes.
05:35Your winner and new reigning, defending, undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar!
05:50That was not a prediction, that was a spoiler.
05:54Acting General Manager Corbin going to present the championship to the official and to obviously the competitors.
06:01One of these two men will be the Universal Champion after this match tonight.
06:10Oh my God, what the heck is he doing?
06:14Corbin just blasted Strowman with the championship and told the referee to ring the bell.
06:18What the hell?
06:19You've got to be kidding me!
06:20This is ridiculous!
06:21And now Lesnar with an F5 to Braun Strowman!
06:26And the cover by Lesnar!
06:27Not like this!
06:28Oh my God, Strowman kicked out!
06:31You've got to be kidding me!
06:32What the hell is Corbin doing?
06:37Well, it's obvious, Baron.
06:38Corbin believes Brock Lesnar is best suited to represent Monday Night Raw.
06:41Oh, come on, Corbin!
06:42That's ridiculous!
06:43I'm not saying I agree with it!
06:45And now Lesnar again, lifting Strowman up on his shoulders!
06:49And looking for a massive F5 a second time!
06:53This is an assault!
06:54No one survives two!
06:55Cover again by Lesnar!
06:58Strowman kicks out again!
07:02Brock cannot believe it!
07:04Brock in disbelief!
07:06No one here can believe that Strowman is kicked out of two F5s!
07:11Paul Heyman is beside himself in ringside!
07:14These men are not human, neither one of them.
07:18Strowman struggling to make it to his feet.
07:20Lesnar once again stalking Braun Strowman.
07:23Lifts Strowman up on his shoulders.
07:25And now looking for a third F5 in this match!
07:27And he delivers it!
07:29Strowman is down after a third F5!
07:32And a cover by Brock!
07:34Hook to the leg!
07:35And Strowman kicked out a third time!
07:38What is it gonna take?
07:41Are you kidding me?
07:45Three straight F5s!
07:48Three straight kickouts!
07:50I don't want to see what Brock Lesnar wants to do if Braun Strowman survives three F5s.
07:54I've never seen that look on the face of Brock Lesnar,
07:57but it's as close to doubt as I think I've ever seen.
08:01Strowman struggling back to his feet,
08:03and now Brock Lesnar.
08:04What does he do?
08:05He goes for a fourth F5!
08:07Lifts Strowman up on his shoulders!
08:09And now Strowman up and down the ring!
08:11All the way to the outside!
08:13The body bag!
08:14Strowman is F5 out of the ring!
08:20And now the official has begun to count,
08:22and this is odd because normally a championship doesn't change hands on a count-out.
08:26I'd agree with you, but there's no champion's advantage tonight, Cole!
08:29Whoever wins this match is champion!
08:31This is winner take all!
08:32Oh my God, Brock Lesnar might become the new Universal Champion via count-out?
08:36Yeah, but was that a desperate Lesnar?
08:38An F5 Strowman out of the ring, hoping for a count-out victory!
08:41Lesnar will take it any way he can get it, but he won't get it there!
08:44Strowman is back in the ring!
08:46What's next?
08:50That's four F5s!
08:52Four F5s!
08:53One of them all the way to the outside to the floor!
08:57That has never been done before, and now Lesnar taking the gloves off!
09:00Going bare knuckles!
09:05Lesnar's gotta...
09:07He's trying to figure out what does he have to do to put this monster away!
09:12Strowman back to his feet!
09:14Brock Lesnar going for F5 number 5!
09:17Strowman though!
09:19With a boot to the face looking to rally!
09:21How is Strowman even in this?
09:23Lesnar with him up again!
09:28That's it, that's gotta be it!
09:30A fifth F5 on Strowman!
09:31And Brock Lesnar wins the Universal Championship!
09:36Here is your winner, and the new Universal Champion!
09:42Brock Lesnar!
09:47Braun Strowman never had a chance to get out of the gate!
09:52Yeah, because Baron Corbin attacked him with the Universal Championship right in the back of the neck!
09:57Listen, you're right Renee, he did do that!
09:59Braun Strowman survived four F5s!
10:03One out of the ring!
10:05The final one was it!
10:07Brock Lesnar is again representing Monday Night Raw!
10:11Brock Lesnar is again your Universal Champion!
10:14And there's gonna be a lot of people that don't like it!
10:16But Brock Lesnar won the title here tonight!
10:19You don't have to like it, but you have no choice but to accept it!
10:23We have re-entered the era of the beast!
10:27And watch Corbin, with the championship right to the back of the neck!
10:31What a brutal advantage for Brock Lesnar!
10:33And Lesnar's like, whatever, I'll take the opportunity!
10:36And here's the first F5!
10:39And this one here, a normal man would have been taken out!
10:42But he wasn't!
10:43Strowman kicked out!
10:45Brock wasn't dealing with a normal man, he was dealing with the monster among men!
10:49And had to kick things up to a whole other level!
10:53Launching Strowman to the outside!
10:55But as Braun finally attempted to get back in the fight!
10:59A fifth, fifth F5 would finally fell Braun Strowman for three!
11:07So the story tonight, the headline is this!
11:10The Beast is back!
11:12The Beast is Universal Champion!
11:14But there is a headline below the upper third!
11:18And that headline is this!
11:20If you're acting Raw General Manager Baron Corbin, you better watch your back!
11:25Because the monster among men, Braun Strowman, will not forget what happened to him tonight!
11:30Well tonight Brock Lesnar celebrates!
11:41I'm shocked at what has transpired here tonight!
11:46And the way that it's transpired!
11:51I'm so proud of you!
11:52There's going to be a lot of questions asked!
11:55There's going to be a lot of conspiracy theories raised!
11:59I'll tell you what man, it's undisputable, indisputable!
12:03The Universal Champion is Brock Lesnar once again!
12:07There's one man that's not going to ask any questions!
12:09And that man is lying right in front of our announce table now!
12:12Because when he figures out what the heck is going on!
12:14When he figures out what Baron Corbin did to him!
12:16There's going to be hell to pay!
12:18But Brock Lesnar is once again Universal Champion!
