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00:00:30Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the acting general manager of Monday Night Raw, Baron Corbin!
00:00:44Well there is a reason for Baron Corbin to be here for this matchup.
00:00:49First there is Michael Coley, the acting general manager of Monday Night Raw.
00:00:53The point I'm trying to make is the Universal Championship was vacated
00:01:00by Roman Reigns a few weeks ago because Roman Reigns is battling leukemia.
00:01:07So now we have this matchup.
00:01:12I had the pleasure of flying all the way here next to Baron Corbin.
00:01:17It was an absolutely glorious flight. The acting general manager is so
00:01:22excited to have a brand new Universal Champion to represent Monday Night Raw.
00:01:42And Baron Corbin looking at the Universal title of course being displayed here
00:01:46at ringside. Either Brock Lesnar or Braun Strowman, one of those men guaranteed to become
00:01:51the new Universal Champion here tonight at Crown Jewel. This past Monday, Baron Corbin had the
00:01:56Universal title over his own shoulder and seemed to take quite a liking to it. Yeah, sure he did.
00:02:02A power slam a number of times by Braun Strowman. Unfortunately for him, the beast incarnate is
00:02:08Brock Lesnar.
00:02:28What we are about to witness will not be for the faint of heart.
00:02:33One of the most celebrated athletes in the history of combat sports making his way to the ring in an
00:02:41attempt to reclaim the Universal Championship Lesnar once held so proudly. Brock Lesnar held
00:02:49the Universal title for 504 days. An incredible reign by the beast and it was this past Monday
00:03:02after an unprovoked assault by Braun Strowman on Baron Corbin. We actually saw the beast incarnate
00:03:08deliver a ring shaking f5 to the monster among men. Will the past repeat itself?
00:03:21Brock Lesnar is the most terrifying man I have ever crossed paths with. I mean there's so many
00:03:27stars are back here and Brock Lesnar's out. It changes the entire feel of everything through
00:03:32WWE. I think a stadium full of people would agree with you Renee. The minute his guitar
00:03:36riff hits in his music, the energy changes in the building. I felt the wrath of that man.
00:03:44Now that's some old stuff I'm okay with you bringing up.
00:03:57This is a very important night in the career of Braun Strowman to say the least.
00:04:04Braun Strowman with an opportunity to win his first Universal Championship here in WWE.
00:04:14A monster among men surveying the scene of what could be a defining moment in his career.
00:04:28We are moments away from finding out if in fact Brock Lesnar will get these hands.
00:04:35Braun Strowman looks focused, more ready than ever, so confident.
00:04:45Either way tonight we have a new Universal Champion. A guaranteed one of these two men.
00:04:53Strowman's eyes have not broken the gaze of Brock Lesnar.
00:04:58These two foals are set to clash. He's like a T-Rex versus a great white shark.
00:05:17The following contest scheduled for one fall is for the Universal Champion.
00:05:25Introducing first, weighing in at 385 pounds, Braun Strowman.
00:05:40And his opponent, Brock Lesnar.
00:05:55Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. Let's just get this out of the way.
00:06:04You'll hear this in just a few minutes. Your winner and new reigning, defending, undisputed
00:06:13Universal Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar. That was not a prediction. That was a spoiler.
00:06:25Acting General Manager Corbin going to present the championship to the official and to obviously the competitors.
00:06:33One of these two men will be the Universal Champion after this match tonight.
00:06:45Corbin just blasted Strowman with a championship and told the referee to ring the bell.
00:06:52This is ridiculous. And now Lesnar with an F5 to Braun Strowman.
00:06:57And the cover by Lesnar. Not like this. Oh my god, Strowman takedown.
00:07:02You gotta be kidding me. What the hell is Corbin doing?
00:07:08Well, it's obvious Baron Corbin believes Brock Lesnar is best suited to represent Monday Night Raw.
00:07:12Oh, come on, Corbin. That's ridiculous. I'm not saying I agree with it.
00:07:16And now Lesnar again lifting Strowman up by the shoulders and looking for a massive F5 a second time.
00:07:23This is an assault. No one survives two. Cover again by Lesnar. Strowman kicks out again. What?
00:07:34Brock cannot believe it. Brock in disbelief. No one here can believe that Strowman has kicked out
00:07:41of two F5s. Paul Heyman is beside himself at ringside. These men are not human. Neither one of them.
00:07:50Strowman struggling to make it to his feet. Lesnar once again stalking Braun Strowman.
00:07:54Lift Strowman up by the shoulders and now looking for a third F5 in this match.
00:07:59And he delivers it. Strowman is down after a third F5 and a cover by Brock. Hook to the leg.
00:08:06And Strowman kicked out a third time. What is it gonna take? Are you kidding me?
00:08:16Three straight F5s. Three straight kickouts. I don't want to see what Brock Lesnar wants to do
00:08:23if Braun Strowman survives three F5s. I've never seen that look on the face of Brock Lesnar,
00:08:28but it's as close to doubt as I think I've ever seen. Strowman struggling back to his feet and
00:08:34now Brock Lesnar. What does he do? He goes for a fourth F5. Lift Strowman up by the shoulders.
00:08:40And now Strowman up and down the ring. All the way to the outside. The body bag. Strowman is F5 out of the ring.
00:08:52And now the official has begun to count and this is odd because normally a championship doesn't
00:08:56won't change hands on a count out. I'd agree with you, but there's no champion's advantage
00:09:00tonight, Cole. Whoever wins this match is champion. This is winner take all. Oh my god,
00:09:04Brock Lesnar might become the new universal champion via countdown? Yeah, but was that a
00:09:08desperate Lesnar? An F5 Strowman out of the ring hoping for a count out victory. Lesnar will take
00:09:13it any way he can get it, but he won't get it there. Strowman is back in the ring. What's next?
00:09:21What? That's four F5s. Four F5s. One of them all the way to the outside to the floor.
00:09:28That has never been done before and now Lesnar taking the gloves off. Going bare knuckles.
00:09:36Lesnar's got it. He's trying to figure out what does he have to do to put this monster away?
00:09:43Strowman back to his feet. Brock Lesnar going for F5 number five. Strowman though
00:09:50with a boot to the face looking to rally. How is Strowman even in this? Lesnar with him up again.
00:09:55Wow. Unbelievable. The rally. That's it. That's gotta be it. A fifth F5 on Strowman
00:10:03and Brock Lesnar wins the universal championship. Here is your winner and the new universal champion
00:10:14Brock Lesnar. Braun Strowman never had a chance to get out of the gate. Yeah because Baron Corbin
00:10:24attacked him with the universal championship right in the back of the neck. Well listen you're right
00:10:29Renee. He did do that. Braun Strowman survived four F5s. One out of the ring. The final one
00:10:37was it. Brock Lesnar is again representing Monday Night Raw. Brock Lesnar is again your universal
00:10:45champion and it's going to be a lot of people that don't like it but Brock Lesnar won the title here
00:10:50tonight. You don't have to like it but you have no choice but to accept it. We have re-entered the
00:10:56era of the beast and watch Corbin with the championship right to the back of the neck.
00:11:03An approval advantage for Brock Lesnar. Lesnar's like whatever I'll take the opportunity and here's
00:11:08the first F5 and this one here a normal man would have been taken out but he wasn't. Strowman kicked
00:11:16out. Brock wasn't dealing with a normal man he was dealing with the monster among men and had to
00:11:22kick things up to a whole other level. Launching Strowman to the outside but as Braun finally
00:11:28attempted to get back in the fight a fifth fifth F5 would finally fell. Braun Strowman for three.
00:11:38So the story tonight the headline is this. The beast is back. The beast is universal champion
00:11:46but there is a headline below the upper court and that headline is this. If you're acting Raw
00:11:53general manager Barrett Corbin you better watch your back because the monster among men Braun
00:11:58Strowman will not forget what happened to him tonight. Tonight Brock Lesnar celebrates.
00:12:08I'm shocked at what has transpired here tonight and the way that it's transpired.
00:12:23There's going to be a lot of questions asked. There's going to be a lot of conspiracy theories
00:12:29raised. I'll tell you what man it's undisputable indisputable the universal champion is Brock
00:12:37Lesnar once again. There's one man that's not going to ask any questions and that man is lying
00:12:41right in front of our announce table now because when he figures out what the heck is going on
00:12:45when he figures out what Barrett Corbin did to him there's going to be hell to pay
00:12:49but Brock Lesnar is once again universal champion.
00:12:54Who rules this universe? One is the Monday night monster. The other the Tuesday night tornado.
00:13:11Raw is a who's who of greatness. Smackdown larger than life lion. The one night a year Raw and
00:13:18Smackdown compete in head-to-head competition. Survival is everything.
00:13:30It is the one night a year that Smackdown and Raw superstars go head-to-head in competition and
00:13:35that happens at Survivor Series two weeks from Sunday streaming live on the WWE network. Of
00:13:41course we know now who's the universal champion will be. We also know who the WWE champion is
00:13:47going to be when they clash at Survivor Series. It will be from representing Monday Night Raw the
00:13:53brand new universal champion the beast Brock Lesnar one-on-one with the phenomenal AJ Styles.
00:14:02This one is going to be unforgettable for sure. And what about this dream matchup? It is the
00:14:07intercontinental champion from Monday Night Raw the Kingslayer Seth Rollins against the United
00:14:13States champion from Smackdown Shinsuke Nakamura. Rollins versus Nakamura two weeks from Sunday
00:14:21at Survivor Series. And take a look at this two of the most talked about women in all of WWE.
00:14:28The self-proclaimed the man Becky Lynch taking on the baddest woman on the planet Rowdy Ronda
00:14:34Rousey Raw Women's Champion versus the Smackdown Women's Champion. That's at Survivor Series two
00:14:40weeks from Sunday. But tonight we still have to crown the best in the world. It's the finals
00:14:45of the World Cup tournament right now. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the
00:14:55commissioner of Smackdown Live Shane McMahon. Of course, Commissioner Shane McMahon
00:15:09here tonight representing Smackdown and remember what he said and it pertains to the Miz, Corey.
00:15:18Miz has got to win tonight or he's not going to have a show to go to. He's going to be fired from
00:15:22Smackdown. There was a decree made this past week on Smackdown Live that if you were the Smackdown
00:15:27representative and you made it to the finals but you came up short you would be quote crawling
00:15:33away from Smackdown. And there's the acting general manager from Monday Night Raw Baron Corbin
00:15:39with a huge smile on his face. He's already affected the outcome of the Universal Championship
00:15:44match moments ago. The following is the finals of the WWE World Cup tournament to determine who
00:15:59is the best in the world.
00:16:20Well, we're going to show you the Miz's path to the finals of the World Cup tournament to
00:16:26determine the best in the world in WWE. And Miz's first round matchup, Corey, he was one-on-one with
00:16:38Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy brought everything he could to the battle but the Miz with a well-countered
00:16:46skull-crushing finale toppling the dreams of the Charismatic Enigma and moving the A-lister to the
00:16:52next round. And then Miz in action against a previously injured Rey Mysterio who had been
00:16:58battling rib injuries throughout the entire match. But it's not like it wasn't inspirational in his
00:17:03own right with a possibly bruised trachea. The Miz would overcome the odds and advance to the finals
00:17:11where we could now be moments away from crowning an A-list best in the world. Is there pressure on
00:17:17Miz tonight considering he might be out of a job? He just, uh, mouthed the words to Shane McMahon,
00:17:23I got this. Miz is as confident as ever. I don't think Shane McMahon has anything to worry about
00:17:30to be totally honest. I'll take care of it, boss. Michael Konat was acting
00:17:47general manager of Barrett Corbin demanding us we let the WWE universe that Monday Night Raw is
00:17:53taking at home. Well, listen, you said that Miz has nothing to worry about. I'm unbiased. Perhaps
00:17:57he does. Drew McIntyre accompanied Dolph. We're going to show you why. First, first round matchup
00:18:02Ziggler and Kurt Angle. Ziggler was in the ring with one of his heroes and Angle lived up to the
00:18:09Hall of Fame hype but just could not seal the deal despite coming incredibly close and inflicting a
00:18:15great deal of damage to the ankle of Dolph Ziggler. Dolph would overcome on an overzealous Kurt Angle
00:18:23nail a zigzag boom and move to round number two but then in round number two it would be
00:18:29Dolph Ziggler taking out Seth Rollins, an old rival, and this is where the McIntyre factor
00:18:35would come into play. Well, it could be argued that Seth Rollins caused his own defeat
00:18:41causing a distraction allowing McIntyre to actually interfere allowing Dolph to land a
00:18:47super kick regardless of the McIntyre interference. Dolph is in the finals. You're like a spin doctor.
00:18:54McIntyre clearly got involved and cost Seth the mat after Seth attacked Drew without provocation.
00:19:01Introducing first, weighing in at 221 pounds and residing in Hollywood, California, The Miz!
00:19:22And his opponent accompanied by Drew McIntyre residing in Hollywood, Florida and weighing in
00:19:29at 218 pounds, Dolph Ziggler!
00:19:40Ziggler and Miz, long time rivals.
00:19:46They've battled for years over many championships including the
00:19:50Intercontinental title and tonight they square off to determine who is the best in the world.
00:20:00It's a one-on-one. He needs to go in the back.
00:20:16Let's go out. Let's go.
00:20:20Well, I love this decision. Good.
00:20:29Seth Rollins.
00:20:35Great decision by official Ryan Tran to put Dolph Ziggler on an even playing
00:20:41field with Miz. And Miz attacks Ziggler. Matchup has not started yet. Bell is not wrong.
00:20:47Miz will stop at nothing. And again,
00:20:53the referee still hasn't called for the bell to begin the matchup.
00:20:57Well, Miz doesn't care. Trying to take every advantage he can and
00:21:04so we've said ad nauseum that Miz will do anything it takes to emerge. Oh, wait a minute.
00:21:26Well, Dolph Ziggler now hammering away on the Miz. But this match hasn't started yet, folks.
00:21:32And Miz apparently came up lame when he came out of the ring. Ziggler driven,
00:21:36shoulder first into the steps. And somebody's got to get some control here.
00:21:41I think Miz needs help. I wouldn't go that far. There's a lot at stake.
00:21:46Get off me. You got to get in the ring.
00:21:55Come on. The official forcing of Ziggler and Miz back into the ring before he can start this. But
00:22:00yeah, but Miz is a big game competitor. He wants to be the best in the world.
00:22:04I'm fine. I'm fine. Come on. You can get in. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:22:22You got to show me you can get in the ring. Come on.
00:22:29Miz can't even stand.
00:22:36Give me some referees. Referees.
00:22:44I can't let him compete.
00:22:46You can't even get in the ring. I've never been injured.
00:22:53I've never been injured. Leave me alone.
00:23:20We're not doing it. It's got to be a forfeit now.
00:23:24Unfortunately, the Miz cannot compete in the finals of the WWE World Cup Tournament. Therefore.
00:23:36It's not going down like that. It's not going down like that. I don't know.
00:23:40Not going to go down like that. This is the finals. This is the finals
00:23:44for the best in the world. The best in the world. Absolutely not compete.
00:23:48He can't compete. Therefore, you're a winner by forfeit.
00:24:01He can't go. He can't go. He can't go. I'm going to go.
00:24:04I'm going to compete. You tell him. You tell him. I'm going to take his place.
00:24:12You just threw that right.
00:24:23Ladies and gentlemen, taking the place of the Miz in the finals of the WWE World Cup
00:24:29Tournament to determine the best in the world, SmackDown Live Commissioner Shane McMahon.
00:24:36Wait a minute. How is this okay? I don't know how it's okay, but it's unprecedented.
00:24:41I'll tell you that. What about the acting Raw General Manager Baron Corbin? He doesn't
00:24:50have any say in this? Oh, not for nothing. It is a SmackDown referee in the ring.
00:24:59And Ziggler's irate. You can't blame the guy.
00:25:04Dolph Ziggler's been through two matches tonight. Just got beaten up by Miz.
00:25:11You're not going to go. He's not in this.
00:25:16What's happening? I cannot believe what's transpired here over the past 20 minutes.
00:25:21Is that a saving man who's in this match officially against Ziggler to determine the
00:25:25best in the world? The finals of the World Cup is going right after Ziggler.
00:25:29Punches and bunches from the Commissioner of SmackDown. Well, maybe the official to step in
00:25:33here. And Shane with a big elbow. How is this even right? I have no idea what's happening right now.
00:25:42And then Baron Corbin getting involved. This is insanity.
00:25:50Oh, come on now. This referee's clearly biased. He clearly works for Shane. He's worried about
00:25:55his job. And now he's sending Corbin to the back. And Ziggler from behind with a zigzag.
00:26:01Get in and count, ref. Do your job. Oh, Shane kicked out. If the official was in the ring where
00:26:10he was supposed to be. This is insanity. And now Dolph Ziggler is just teeing off on Shane McMahon.
00:26:20Dolph Ziggler earned his place in the finals. Of course he did. He's also spending all day
00:26:24getting ready to scout for the Miz. Not Shane McMahon, but it's working for him now. I can't
00:26:29believe how the commissioner and the acting general manager over the last two matches
00:26:34have affected the outcome of what's going on here. It's all self-serving. This is insane.
00:26:40First Lesnar, now this.
00:26:47Dolph is raking at the face of Shane McMahon.
00:26:52Yeah, he's supposed to be the Miz representing SmackDown. He got hurt.
00:26:55A forfeit was supposed to give Ziggler the victory. Shane McMahon has inserted himself
00:26:59into this match. And now Shane is going one-on-one with Dolph Ziggler. Shane wants
00:27:03to bring that pride. Shane's bringing that pride back to the blue brand.
00:27:12That's a good commissioner. And now Shane whipping Ziggler into the turnbuckle.
00:27:20Grand supremacy at an all-time high. Now where is he going? How is this grand supremacy? This
00:27:25is highway robbery. It's ridiculous is what it is. It's unprecedented. I've never seen anything
00:27:31like this in WWE history. No way. Don't do it, Shane. And now Shane going toe to toe.
00:27:38Are you kidding me?
00:27:42Not like this. Not this way.
00:27:50Here is the winner of the WWE World Cup tournament and the best in the world,
00:27:59Shane McMahon. I have no idea how he's going to be proud about that.
00:28:09I'm sure Miz is watching from somewhere in the back.
00:28:14Miz probably doesn't have any idea what just went down.
00:28:16I guess Shane McMahon did what he had to do to bring the best in the World Cup to SmackDown.
00:28:36Well, look at this. This is incredible. No matter how you look at it,
00:28:38a coast to coast from Shane McMahon to Dolph Ziggler.
00:28:41I don't know.
00:28:55There goes the man, now crowned the best in the world.
00:28:58I just, I cannot, I cannot put into words what the last 20 to 30 minutes,
00:29:06what's happened here. 20 to 30 minutes. The whole night has just gone up in smoke.
00:29:11And now, I mean, I'm talking about first acting general manager, Baron Corbin,
00:29:16and what happened with Brock and Braun. And now the commissioner of SmackDown putting himself
00:29:21into this match when Miz got hurt only to win the match against Ziggler. Stop being so biased,
00:29:26Cole. It happened. It happened on both sides, but with all is fair in love and war.
00:29:31It happened from Raw. It happened from SmackDown. It's fine.
00:29:35Wait a minute. It's not fine. It is fine. I'm on both shows. It's fine.
00:29:39You were just critical of what Jay did. And now because he won,
00:29:42you have his bandwagon? What is wrong with you? I know where my friends are.
00:29:49I'd be careful. Shane might take that from you too. I know who signs my paychecks. Both of them.
00:29:55Oh, my God. Wait a minute. Seriously. He didn't win the whole tournament. He's acting like he
00:30:04just ran. He ran through everybody. Possession is nine tenths of the law. Who's got the cup?
00:30:09He must feel heroic. I mean, he stepped in there, represent for SmackDown Live,
00:30:14bringing the championship home. The cup, you called it?
00:30:18I mean, I don't necessarily think Shane let the WWE Universe down. I mean,
00:30:27that would have been accepting a forfeit. We at least got an action-packed finale to the
00:30:32best in the world tournament. Maybe it's a little unorthodox, but I'm okay with it.
00:30:39I can learn to like it. Keep talking. You'll talk yourself into enjoying it. He already has.
00:30:48I can't believe it. I can't believe it. SmackDown rules. SmackDown rules.
00:30:57This is for SmackDown. SmackDown rules tonight. SmackDown. Yes. Yes.
00:31:06This is the second longest running event in WWE Survivor Series.
00:31:21The Royal Rumble is a night to witness history where opportunity is everything.
00:31:51What did we all just witness?
00:32:06Yep. The WWE Network where you can see all the controversy as it went down tonight at Crown
00:32:10Jewel. Shane McMahon is the best in the world. Commissioner Shane McMahon from SmackDown Live.
00:32:18But it's also on the WWE Network where you can see this, something we never thought we'd see
00:32:24because for the first time ever, D-Generation X versus the Brothers of Destruction. Plus
00:32:30the in-ring return of the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels,
00:32:35a story which exploded at Super Showdown in Australia.
00:32:4025 years is a long time to climb a mountain. Shawn Michaels will be in Triple H's corner
00:32:51and The Undertaker's corner will be his brother Kane. The Undertaker, Triple H for the last time
00:32:57ever. No disqualifications now in this match. Oh my goodness. She had a chair bend and now
00:33:04Shawn Michaels pleading and a spine buster. Both of these men have given it everything they have
00:33:10and then some. The Undertaker had his sights fixed on the sledgehammer of the game. Yeah,
00:33:16but Shawn Michaels has it in hand and now Kane coming to the aid of his brother.
00:33:24And now Shawn Michaels, Triple H with a sledgehammer off the face of The Undertaker.
00:33:31Swing, chin, music. Into a corner throw.
00:33:39The guy with the win. In Melbourne, Australia, we made it to the summit of that mountain.
00:33:46You have witnessed history. More men who have made our industry what it is today.
00:33:52But the avalanche that fell on us after we made it to the top of that mountain.
00:34:01Oh my God. Makes us both question whether that mountain was just a lie the whole time.
00:34:21I've stayed retired out of respect for The Undertaker.
00:34:26A respect that never existed at all. I was about to walk off that plane. You walked up to me
00:34:35and said three words that I never thought I'd hear again. Are you ready? D-Generation X is ready.
00:34:47I say this with absolutely no respect. And if you're not down with that, we got two.
00:35:03Respect. Triple H and Shawn Michaels want to lecture us about respect.
00:35:10Shawn knows that what kept him in the shadows for eight and a half years was nothing but fear.
00:35:18When the brothers of destruction reunite to unleash hell on D-Generation X, all of Shawn
00:35:25Michaels' fears will come true. Triple H may have won a battle. He started a war. And when it ends,
00:35:35Triple H can slink back to the comfort of the boardroom. You can't survive the brothers of
00:35:41destruction. We will put you down. But we will own your black and blistered souls for eternity.
00:35:51And you will never rest in peace.
00:36:02A lot of big words being thrown around lately, Shawn. One of them being fear. Somehow it was
00:36:09fear that kept me from taking off the suit and stepping out of the boardroom.
00:36:14That somehow it was fear that kept you from stepping out of retirement. But I got news for
00:36:22you. It's going to take a lot more to instill fear in us. We bring this X the crown jewel.
00:36:34We ain't coming to make you laugh. We ain't coming for nostalgia. We are coming to kick your ass.
00:36:44Well, wait a minute. Somebody's missing. Oh, wait a minute. Shawn Michaels.
00:36:50Superkick to the Undertaker. DX up to their old tricks.
00:37:00Oh, and the Undertaker. And D-Generation X realizes what they face at Crown Jewel.
00:37:09For the first time ever, two of the most powerful duos in WWE will clash.
00:37:19Four all-time greats in the ring at the same time. D-Generation X versus the brothers of destruction.
00:37:28Are you ready?
00:37:47You think that you're better?
00:37:58Break it down.
00:38:29You think you can tell me what to do?
00:38:34Do you know who you're talking to?
00:38:35The following contest is a tag team match.
00:38:50Introducing first, The King, Triple H, and WWE Hall of Famer, The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels, D-Generation X.
00:39:07I can't believe it. DX thrives once again. For the first time in over eight years,
00:39:16Shawn Michaels returns to in-ring competition. It was back at WrestleMania 26 in 2010.
00:39:25Michaels versus The Undertaker, streak versus career. Since then, Shawn Michaels has not
00:39:31stepped foot back in a WWE ring for a match until tonight. There it is.
00:39:38I think the only thing in the world that could bring Shawn Michaels back was The Undertaker.
00:39:47Do you know who you're talking to?
00:40:02One of the most controversial groups in the history of WWE.
00:40:06The things that these two men have accomplished in their careers is unparalleled.
00:40:11Triple H, a 14-time world champion.
00:40:19Shawn Michaels, a multi-time champion.
00:40:41And their opponents, first weighing in at 323 pounds, The King.
00:41:00The Big Red Monster.
00:41:09Multi-time world champion. Former Money in the Bank contract winner.
00:41:15And one of the most fearsome superstars in WWE history. How massive, how thick, how big Kane is.
00:41:26Him and Triple H have had some unbelievable battles over the years.
00:41:33It's actually a match between Shawn Michaels and his brother Kane,
00:41:36or his brother Undertaker, where Kane was first seen in a WWE match.
00:41:40Yeah, hell in a cell with bad blood.
00:41:59I can't help but feel that here comes hell.
00:42:04What a scene.
00:42:34And his tag team partner, from Death Valley, The Undertaker.
00:43:04Please fear the Reaper. The Phenom is here.
00:43:35How many times in their careers have Shawn Michaels and Triple H stood in the ring and
00:43:53glanced down the aisle away to see this awe-inspiring, yet frightening entrance.
00:44:02His intimidation in its finest form.
00:44:09You have to imagine Triple H and Shawn Michaels right now feeling a couple of cowboys
00:44:14standing at the O.K. Corral, waiting for a shootout with Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday.
00:44:25JBL would tell the story that the only time that he was scared in his career
00:44:30was when he stood in the ring and watched The Undertaker approach before their many battles.
00:44:36So many superstars have said that over the years.
00:44:40A man who once won 21 straight matches at WrestleMania.
00:44:50A streak that, albeit broken, will live in the mythology of sports entertainment forever.
00:44:56The greatest presence in WWE history.
00:45:07Awe-inspiring and bone-chilling.
00:45:15And to think about the storied history between these four men.
00:45:19Yet tonight marks the first time ever that D-Generation X and the Brothers of Destruction
00:45:27will meet in a tag team match. Think about that. We've never witnessed this. It's almost implausible.
00:45:37Everything that the four of these men have accomplished in sports entertainment,
00:45:49there is almost nothing that hasn't happened when you talk about these four men. Yet here we are,
00:45:55moments away from witnessing a first time ever clash. We heard from The Undertaker on Monday
00:46:01night, Rod. They will take the beaten, battered soul of DX to the fiery gates of hell. I know
00:46:09Shawn Michaels said he was showing up tonight with absolutely no respect. I wonder if HBK's
00:46:15changed his tune at all. You have to wonder what DX has up their sleeve. You know they've got a
00:46:25plan. You know they've been conspiring. They've been thinking about this for a very long time.
00:46:30They better have something. There's a dead man and a demon await.
00:46:49Undertaker and Kane are ready. Triple H and Shawn Michaels taking their time. The world
00:46:55is talking about. The world is witnessing this match of four icons, four legends,
00:47:03four all-time greats about to do battle in a tag team match for the very first time at the
00:47:09sold-out King Saud Stadium at WWE Crown Jewel. History happening now.
00:48:09Indeed it is and it'll be the big red machine Kane starting for his team.
00:48:19Triple H will start things off for D-Generation X.
00:48:32Kane with a stoic stare has not taken his eyes off the game. The cerebral assassin Triple H.
00:48:40Triple H meets his gaze head-on.
00:49:00And Triple H trying to draw Undertaker in playing mind games already.
00:49:06Carl Triple H the cerebral assassin for nothing.
00:49:24Not a right hand by Triple H.
00:49:28And it doesn't even phase Kane. I don't know if that was the wisest decision the game could have
00:49:34made and perhaps not and Triple H sent into the corner. Triple H for the crotch chop and paid.
00:49:42Right hand by Kane floors the game. I think it's fair to assume we're going to see DX rely on the
00:49:47mind games and their quickness because you are not going to overpower the big red machine or
00:49:52the dead man. No way it's going to happen. Kane now follows up in the corner down goes Triple H.
00:49:57Got to wonder standing on the outside of the ring if Shawn Michaels feels any trepidation right now
00:50:02being this close to the action once again watching Kane dismantle his friend the game.
00:50:07Well Cole did you talk to Shawn Michaels at all? I know you guys have a personal relationship about
00:50:10coming out of retirement. Yeah Shawn Michaels is concerned. He was concerned about this match
00:50:14tonight because he's coming out of retirement against the Kane and against Undertaker.
00:50:19Shawn Michaels said I hope I'm ready. I think I'm ready and we're going to find out.
00:50:23Shawn Michaels off the top rope and it's interesting to me that Michaels goes right
00:50:27to the top rope where he made much of his career Corey and his first move of the match. I think
00:50:32Shawn's fully aware of what he's dealing with right now on the big red machine. You want as
00:50:36much impact on everything as humanly possible or superhumanly possible. Another chop by Shawn
00:50:41Michaels trying to drive Kane back. Kane now whips Shawn across the ring. Shawn Michaels with a neck
00:50:47breaker and HBK fired up saying hey I still got it. Ring roughed out of the equation.
00:50:54Oh turn around. He better turn around. HBK got caught up in the moment for a second. Nearly paid
00:51:02for it. Another chop by Shawn Michaels. Shawn whipped into the ropes up over the top. Wait for
00:51:07the sunset flip. Kane though. Kane's got it. Kane's got it. Kane's got it. Kane's got it. Kane's got
00:51:13ropes up over the top. Wait for the sunset flip. Kane though trying not to allow this to happen
00:51:19using his power. Shawn's in trouble. Nearly seven feet tall over 300 pounds you're not
00:51:24going to bring down Kane that easily but wait for some sweet chin music setup could have got you there.
00:51:38Glad to see Shawn hasn't lost his sense of humor.
00:51:40I don't think Undertaker's ever had one.
00:51:43Or a smile.
00:51:50And here we go.
00:51:52The man who ended Shawn Michaels' career eight and a half years ago.
00:51:57Undertaker and Shawn Michaels.
00:52:01Undertaker retired Shawn Michaels eight years ago.
00:52:05The street versus career.
00:52:08With lack of respect is what's taunted Shawn Michaels to return to the ring.
00:52:13One of the most memorable matches in WrestleMania history.
00:52:16And Undertaker says it's over here again.
00:52:20Rest in peace, Shawn Michaels.
00:52:29The rebellious Michaels.
00:52:31The heartbreak kid.
00:52:35HBK bringing the fight to the Deadman Hall.
00:52:38What a big boot and down goes Shawn.
00:52:40And he hit hard.
00:52:48The Phenom standing over his fallen prey.
00:52:51Undertaker might tear Shawn's shoulder clean out of the socket.
00:53:09Oh and a shoulder tackle by Undertaker.
00:53:13And now Shawn Michaels is in trouble.
00:53:15Undertaker looks to overpower the heartbreak kid.
00:53:22Undertaker looking for the ropes.
00:53:24Looking to go old school.
00:53:28And now Triple H gets involved.
00:53:31And here comes Kane to the right.
00:53:38All four men in the ring now.
00:53:40Remember Undertaker and Shawn Michaels are legal.
00:53:43Shawn hit him off the corner and he's hung up.
00:53:45Shawn hung up in the tree of woe.
00:53:47Not somewhere you want to be.
00:53:52And Triple H.
00:53:53Oh my God!
00:53:54Up over the top.
00:53:55Hunter hit hard.
00:53:57Hunter hit hard.
00:53:58Shawn was able to free himself.
00:54:00But look at this.
00:54:02It isn't any better.
00:54:03Right into the clutches of the Undertaker.
00:54:05The power of the Phenom.
00:54:07I think Triple H hurt his ribs when he came over the top.
00:54:11A long way down.
00:54:12And now the Brothers of Destruction send Shawn Michaels over the top rope.
00:54:16And D-Generation X are in deep, deep trouble.
00:54:20Deep trouble.
00:54:29D-Generation X may not be getting back in the ring.
00:54:31I wouldn't blame them.
00:54:46Taking so much to get Shawn Michaels out of retirement.
00:54:49There's not going to be any quit in HBK tonight.
00:54:56Shawn Michaels, Undertaker and Kane are hell bent on finding it.
00:54:59No question.
00:55:04And now DX battling back, fighting back.
00:55:09Double Axe Handle sends Kane over.
00:55:11And now the Brothers of Destruction outside the ring, landing on their feet.
00:55:22To this point, it's like HBK and Triple H have been stuck in an endless labyrinth of destruction.
00:55:28Everything they've done, Undertaker and Kane have been there.
00:55:43And now Shawn Michaels sent back in the ring.
00:55:45Undertaker now in pursuit.
00:55:56And now Undertaker looking to go old school once again.
00:56:03Heading up to the top rope.
00:56:05Undertaker walking the tightrope.
00:56:08Old school to the Heartbreak Kid!
00:56:11Heartbreak Kid!
00:56:19I think Shawn Michaels is re-contemplating coming out of retirement.
00:56:24Sure life at home was a little nicer than this.
00:56:27Yeah, he is being punished right now by the Brothers of Destruction.
00:56:35You can almost hear Shawn Michaels gurgling.
00:56:42Undertaker hung up on the top rope.
00:56:44And this could be the opening that D-Generation X meets.
00:56:47Can Shawn Michaels make it to Triple H?
00:56:50Here's the question.
00:56:52Can Shawn Michaels make it to Triple H?
00:56:54And this could be the opening that D-Generation X meets.
00:56:57Can Shawn Michaels make it to Triple H?
00:57:00Here comes the game.
00:57:07And Triple H now unloading with a chop to the Undertaker.
00:57:10COO proven he's not just about board meetings anymore.
00:57:20The boot from Triple H had practically no effect on the Phenom.
00:57:35And here comes Kane.
00:57:36And now it's Kane and the Undertaker beating down Triple H.
00:57:39Taking apart the game.
00:57:55Elbow right to the jaw of the game.
00:57:58Triple H is in dire straits at this point.
00:58:01And now Kane lifting Triple H up and slamming him down.
00:58:04And this is the game the Brothers of Destruction want to play.
00:58:07To the elbow.
00:58:08Triple H rolled out of harm's way for now.
00:58:10Shawn Michaels looking on helplessly.
00:58:22Oh, and a right by Kane.
00:58:23Right to the ear.
00:58:35Triple H building up steam.
00:58:38Kick to the midsection.
00:58:39And he plants.
00:58:41Kane with a DDT.
00:58:43Both men down.
00:58:46This could be the opening that Triple H needed.
00:58:49Shawn Michaels anxious to get back in this battle.
00:58:53You can imagine the Big Red Machine's gonna be looking for his brother, the Undertaker.
00:59:03Here comes Shawn Michaels.
00:59:05And the Heartbreak Kid now unloading on Kane.
00:59:13Both men down.
00:59:15Shawn kicked out.
00:59:17He still got it.
00:59:18HBK, oh my god.
00:59:20Kane set up too.
00:59:21Inverted Atomic Drop.
00:59:23Chopped by Michaels.
00:59:26A big, big treat for HBK to chop down.
00:59:33Kane just too much for Shawn.
00:59:37And you still got a chance from the WWE Universe.
00:59:40Now the double team.
00:59:44And D-Generation X is in control.
00:59:48The size of Kane, as you mentioned, Graves.
00:59:50Get him up and over.
00:59:51What strength.
00:59:52We need two of them.
00:59:53Wait, wait, wait.
00:59:54Are we gonna see what I think we're gonna see?
00:59:56I think so.
00:59:57Shawn Michaels is going up top.
00:59:59Shades of yesteryear for the Hulk.
01:00:02Shawn Michaels is going up top.
01:00:04Shades of yesteryear for the Hulk.
01:00:06Kane drops the elbow to the heart of Kane.
01:00:13Do you hear it, Cole?
01:00:15Oh, I hear it.
01:00:16They're tuning up the band.
01:00:23It's time for some music.
01:00:33Kane back to his feet.
01:00:35Shawn Michaels with her sweet chin music.
01:00:37Blocked by Kane.
01:00:38Kane with a chop slam.
01:00:48And here comes The Undertaker.
01:00:52And Shawn Michaels in deep, deep trouble now.
01:01:03Straight rights from The Phenom.
01:01:06And a headbutt as well.
01:01:08Unbelievable strikes from Undertaker.
01:01:11One of the best to ever do it.
01:01:26Shawn has no idea where he is.
01:01:28A big leg drop right across the face.
01:01:32Here's the cover for the win and Michaels kicks out.
01:01:36The Deadman was half a second away from spoiling the return of Shawn Michaels.
01:01:44Shawn Michaels has so much to prove.
01:01:46He's in a lot of trouble.
01:01:48Triple H ran right into a right hand.
01:01:52Oh, he caught it.
01:01:53Sweet chin music to the jaw.
01:01:55From out of nowhere, the super kick by Michaels.
01:01:59But HBK doesn't have enough left to capitalize.
01:02:03Undertaker's down.
01:02:04Kane's down.
01:02:05Shawn's down.
01:02:06Triple H is hurt.
01:02:23Undertaker just sat up.
01:02:25And that could be the death knell for D-Generation X.
01:02:33Undertaker sends Shawn right outside the ring.
01:02:35Right here in front of us.
01:02:40Undertaker clear in house here.
01:02:42Undertaker is clear in house.
01:02:49What could the Deadman possibly have in mind?
01:02:58This is not good.
01:03:00Undertaker has that look in his eye.
01:03:02Undertaker has that look in his eye.
01:03:05And now Shawn Michaels.
01:03:11Shawn Michaels sat up on the announced table.
01:03:14HBK is about to regret ever stepping foot in a ring again.
01:03:20Shawn Michaels up top.
01:03:21Triple H goes from behind.
01:03:24Saving his D-Generation X buddy.
01:03:26And now Kane.
01:03:29Driven into the steps by Triple H.
01:03:35And now Undertaker into the barricade.
01:03:38Triple H out of the way.
01:03:39Able to reverse at the last possible second.
01:03:42And just like that, DX is back in the game.
01:03:45Or maybe not.
01:03:47Oh my god.
01:03:52A choke slam through the table.
01:03:55Monitors and all.
01:04:04Triple H and Shawn Michaels are motionless.
01:04:10This is incredible.
01:04:11Kane driving Triple H through our monitors, through our entire announced table.
01:04:18What lengths are the Brothers of Destruction willing to go to
01:04:23to put DX down forever?
01:04:27I think we're seeing it right now, Corey.
01:04:28It's like the scene of a crime.
01:04:30I don't think there's any doubt about it.
01:04:36The onslaught just continues.
01:04:41Triple H is hurt.
01:04:43Shawn Michaels is helpless.
01:04:45Undertaker is going for a vintage leg drop on the apron.
01:04:50Right across the chest of Shawn Michaels.
01:04:54D-Generation X.
01:04:59And look at this.
01:05:00Look at this.
01:05:01Undertaker crawling right over to Triple H.
01:05:04And now staring right into the eyes of the game.
01:05:11The Deadman's cold, icy stare.
01:05:19You guys are finished.
01:05:21The words of the Phenom.
01:05:28Triple H, I have no idea how...
01:05:32I mean the punishment that these two men have taken in this match.
01:05:36And now Undertaker with the cover on Shawn Michaels who kicks out.
01:05:41Undertaker again, this time with a forearm in the face.
01:05:43And another kick out by Michaels.
01:05:45It's almost like Taker's punishing Shawn Michaels for even attempting to stay in the fight.
01:05:50Punishing him for coming out of retirement.
01:05:58You gotta believe Undertaker's upset that Michaels returned.
01:06:03Here comes Kane.
01:06:04Here comes Kane.
01:06:12Shawn Michaels is being decimated by both members of the Brothers of Destruction.
01:06:19Triple H is left down here at ringside through the announce table.
01:06:27The Big Red Machine now just teeing off on Shawn Michaels in the corner.
01:06:32You just saw Triple H.
01:06:34The look on his face, his body destroyed.
01:06:39Barely moving at ringside as Kane continues the assault on Shawn Michaels.
01:06:45You know what, it sounded fun.
01:06:47It sounded all well and good for D-Generation X to reunite and ride one more time.
01:06:52Right now this has turned into a horror movie come to life.
01:06:55The Brothers of Destruction could stay here doing this all night.
01:06:58And Kane now in the cover.
01:07:00And Shawn still has fight in him.
01:07:05Frequent tags now from Kane and The Undertaker.
01:07:07It's almost as if they're enjoying this.
01:07:09Just taking turns destroying Shawn Michaels.
01:07:15And that's what it is, is complete destruction.
01:07:23Undertaker now with a suplex to Michaels.
01:07:26Into the cover again on Shawn.
01:07:28And somehow Michaels has still got fight.
01:07:30I'm wondering if this is just pure instinct alone.
01:07:32I don't think Shawn even realizes it.
01:07:34Muscle memory has got to be coming into play for Shawn Michaels tonight.
01:07:37Corey, I think it has to do with pride too.
01:07:39I mean, Shawn Michaels is a very proud man.
01:07:41He talked a lot to me in the weeks leading up to this about his comeback to the ring.
01:07:45How he wanted to be good.
01:07:46He wanted to be 100%.
01:07:47He didn't want to lose his step.
01:07:49It means so much to him to be involved here tonight.
01:07:51But now he's being pummeled.
01:07:53And he's being destroyed by the Brothers of Destruction.
01:07:55Unfortunately for Shawn Michaels, his pride could be the worst thing in the entire world.
01:07:59Because of what we're seeing right now.
01:08:01I mean, Triple H is now a non-factor in this match.
01:08:04Ringside Doctor is here with Triple H.
01:08:07Meanwhile, Shawn Michaels has no one to tag.
01:08:10No one to go to.
01:08:11He's been left alone.
01:08:12And it's no fault of anybody's.
01:08:14Except the Brothers of Destruction.
01:08:16They caused all this.
01:08:17And now they are just going to have to deal with it.
01:08:19Except the Brothers of Destruction.
01:08:21They caused all this.
01:08:22And now they are just continuing to punish and pummel Shawn Michaels.
01:08:26To make Shawn Michaels regret that he returned to this grand stage.
01:08:30To come back to the ring for the first time in 8 years to suffer this.
01:08:37Cover here.
01:08:38Again a cover.
01:08:39And Shawn again kicks out.
01:08:40But Corey and Renee, at some point, Shawn's just got to stay down.
01:08:43I know it's not in his instinct.
01:08:45I know it's not in his blood.
01:08:47But he's got to stay down.
01:08:48Because this is getting bad.
01:08:49Paul, you talked about that pride before.
01:08:51I think that's the main thing that's in effect here for Shawn Michaels tonight.
01:08:54But pride's fueling something in Shawn Michaels.
01:08:57HBK firing rights.
01:08:59Fighting his way back into this.
01:09:01Kane with a vintage sidewalk slam.
01:09:03Cover now.
01:09:04I'm Shawn.
01:09:05Who again gets the shoulder up.
01:09:07Somehow Shawn Michaels.
01:09:10Deeping down way back into years.
01:09:13The resilience that made him a multi-time champion.
01:09:16That made him one of the greatest in-ring performers in history.
01:09:19On display here again tonight.
01:09:21Big red machine headed up top.
01:09:23Michaels though.
01:09:25Buys himself some time.
01:09:27Kane is down.
01:09:29Undertaker is down.
01:09:31Shawn Michaels is down.
01:09:33Triple H is down.
01:09:35Both members of D-Generation X.
01:09:38Their bodies have to be racked with pain right now.
01:09:41After the suffering they've endured at the hands of the Brothers of Destruction.
01:09:45There's a reason that these four men are considered the greatest of all time.
01:09:56It's the heart and the display of emotion that they're showing here tonight.
01:10:04And now Undertaker back to his feet.
01:10:06And he is not done punishing Shawn Michaels.
01:10:09But take her out of the post.
01:10:11And Michaels has life.
01:10:15I don't know so much that Michaels has life as he averted certain disaster.
01:10:21I don't even think Shawn Michaels knows where he is right now.
01:10:28Take another look at this.
01:10:29Undertaker with malicious intentions of driving Shawn into the steel post.
01:10:36And Kane driving Shawn back into the turnbuckle yet again.
01:10:42The Big Red Machine picking up right where the Undertaker left off.
01:10:49Continuing inflicting so much damage on the heartbreak kid.
01:10:53And now an uppercut by Kane.
01:10:58Shawn trying to cover up now.
01:11:02Fighting back with everything he has left.
01:11:05Right to the ribs.
01:11:07And now Kane.
01:11:09Shawn Michaels hit Kane so hard that Kane's mask came off his face.
01:11:17Shawn Michaels bought himself some valuable time.
01:11:20Now looking down almost unable to capitalize.
01:11:26Where the hell is Shawn going?
01:11:28What is he thinking?
01:11:29What are you doing?
01:11:30Don't do this.
01:11:31You've got to be kidding me.
01:11:32Get down.
01:11:33What are you doing?
01:11:36Shawn Michaels up to the top rope.
01:11:38Michaels moonsault.
01:11:41God almighty.
01:11:44Shawn Michaels shades of old.
01:11:48Is he smiling?
01:11:49Shades of 96.
01:11:51The moonsault by Michaels.
01:11:54Absolutely incredible.
01:11:57He said what the hell.
01:11:58And delivers the moonsault to the Undertaker and Kane.
01:12:03This wreck's right up there with one of the most insane moments I've ever been a part of.
01:12:09Huge boot to the face of Kane.
01:12:12Makes you think of the Eagles song, Desperado.
01:12:15Why don't you come to your senses?
01:12:17Shawn, what are you doing?
01:12:19Meanwhile, Triple H has somehow managed to crawl back up the steps
01:12:26and up to the apron of the ring.
01:12:28Shawn has somebody back.
01:12:30We don't know what Triple H's condition is, but Shawn Michaels has somebody back on his side.
01:12:36Somebody back in his corner.
01:12:45Shawn Michaels desperately trying to will himself to the corner.
01:12:50Triple H trying to get the WWE fans behind the heartbreak kid.
01:12:55Can't imagine the pain in Shawn's body from that moonsault.
01:12:59Shawn trying to drag himself to the corner.
01:13:01He makes a tag.
01:13:03Here comes the game.
01:13:04Triple H, after being choked, slammed to a table, is back in this match.
01:13:13Triple H looks like he's fighting with one good arm right now.
01:13:16Certainly the effects.
01:13:17I think he really injured his ribs early on in the match when he hit the turnbuckle hard and went over the top rope.
01:13:23But Triple H is still in this with the knee.
01:13:25And now a spinebuster from Triple H.
01:13:28And the game is back in it.
01:13:33D-Generation X somehow able to build a rally.
01:13:36But Undertaker sat right up.
01:13:40And Triple H looking for the pedigree.
01:13:43But a belt drop.
01:13:50Blocks the choke slam.
01:13:54Another attempt at a tombstone from the dead man.
01:13:57Pedigree on its way.
01:13:58Undertaker looking to block.
01:14:00Pedigree from the game.
01:14:05McCain back to his feet.
01:14:09A big red machine launched to the outside.
01:14:12These men are absolutely exhausted.
01:14:15This is DX's chance.
01:14:17Looking for the Hell's Gate.
01:14:18Looking for Hell's Gate.
01:14:19Hell's Gate.
01:14:20The submission hold.
01:14:21Locked in.
01:14:22Locked in on Triple H.
01:14:26Triple H trying to fight out of it.
01:14:28The game beginning to fade.
01:14:30Fighting with everything he's got left.
01:14:32But Hell's Gate is locked in.
01:14:34Is Triple H going to tap?
01:14:37Shawn Michaels back in the ring.
01:14:39Kane back in the ring.
01:14:42Went for the choke slam.
01:14:44He landed on Undertaker and broke Hell's Gate.
01:14:48All four men down in the ring.
01:14:50A desperation super kick from Shawn Michaels.
01:14:53May have saved the match for DX.
01:14:59One of the luckiest turns of events of all time.
01:15:04Super kick.
01:15:05Sending Kane on top of the Undertaker.
01:15:08Forcing Undertaker to break the Hell's Gate submission.
01:15:11We are back at zero.
01:15:13And did you hear the rumble in this stadium when the super kick landed?
01:15:18And now the Brothers of Destruction sit up again.
01:15:22How much do these four men have left?
01:15:32This is an incredible performance no matter what happens.
01:15:40Shawn and Triple H.
01:15:42Brothers of Destruction looking for a double tombstone.
01:15:46Shawn went to the eye.
01:15:49Shawn put his fingers in Kane's eye.
01:15:51Super kick again.
01:15:53Undertaker driven across the ring.
01:15:58Super kick to Kane.
01:16:00Half-blinded Kane.
01:16:01Triple H with a pedigree.
01:16:06The game has nothing left.
01:16:08But was that enough?
01:16:09It is.
01:16:11D-Generation X wins.
01:16:14Here are your winners, D-Generation X.
01:16:21I saw it with my very own eyes and I still don't know if I believe it.
01:16:28Ladies and gentlemen, stand up and applaud.
01:16:34Stand up and give these men the ovation they deserve.
01:16:39Everybody here at Crown Jewel is on their feet, Michael Cole.
01:16:43The four greatest of all time in one ring tonight with an epic performance
01:16:49that no one will ever, ever forget.
01:16:55Take a look at this, the closing moments.
01:16:57Watch Shawn Michaels reach across Triple H's body.
01:17:00And boom, a finger right in the eye of Kane.
01:17:04Shawn Michaels would escape, opening the door for not one, boom.
01:17:10The two sets of sweet chin music and a pedigree from the game.
01:17:16Face first goes the Big Red Machine.
01:17:20And DX at Crown Jewel reigns supreme.
01:17:25I want you to think about what we witnessed tonight.
01:17:28These are four men who have not been, by any stretch of the imagination,
01:17:33regular performers for years, superstars for years in WWE.
01:17:40Shawn Michaels retired and hasn't had a match in eight and a half years.
01:17:46And the performance that these four men put on for us tonight is historic.
01:17:53It is absolutely incredible.
01:17:56The passion, the emotion that was displayed tonight.
01:18:01D-Generation X rise again.
01:18:12Indeed, there should be a celebration.
01:18:15A celebration of the greats of all time.
01:18:19Congratulations to D-Generation X.
01:18:23Thank you for joining us.
01:18:25Good night, everybody.
01:18:27From Crown Jewel.
