• 2 days ago
Bobby Belt discusses the trend between successful head coaches and former players.
00:00And he was asked about, hey, you know, you're you're coaching now.
00:04Did you always or were you one of these players who always wanted to be a coach?
00:07Like you got in the game.
00:08You're like man as soon as I get out of the game.
00:09I want to coach and he gave a what I thought was a fantastic answer about his evolution
00:15to become wanting to become a head coach.
00:17I thought was really cool story.
00:18I want to play it.
00:19Yeah, it was it was really late in my career.
00:21I remember early in my career saying why would I want to do that?
00:25You know, you'd look at coaches faces by the end of the week and be like has he slept?
00:30You know, and I was like that's craziness and and later in my career year seven or eight
00:35wherever it was we had we had drafted Patrick Willis and safe to say I didn't beat him out.
00:43You know, so I became the backup and in doing so I spent a lot of time with them
00:48and we watched a lot of tape together.
00:51We did a lot of extra on the field and I still remember it was just like yesterday.
00:56We're playing the Cardinals and I'm on the sideline looking on.
01:00At that point in my career.
01:01I was a four-course special teamer and the supporter of Patrick Willis is what I was
01:05and and the probably the assistant coach to Patrick Willis and I remember he makes a play
01:10in the Cardinals game and and he snaps his eyes to me and I look at him
01:13and I was like and it was something we had worked on it focused on that particular week
01:17and I was like that felt better than any play I've ever made for myself,
01:22you know, and it was like I'm hooked.
01:25I think that's awesome.
01:26Yeah, I gotta say I don't I don't like him.
01:30I was just doing some getting ready for the show and Sarah said,
01:33oh, that's a daddy.
01:35Oh, I mean, yeah, he definitely looks like he's a good-looking guy.
01:37He looks like he could be Sam Hartman staff.
01:39He does.
01:39He really does.
01:40I look I'll be honest with you.
01:41I you know, I was looking at some like old game photos that I don't think
01:45because he had a mohawk.
01:46Oh, that's a you don't you don't have a mohawk to become a head coach in the NFL.
01:50Typically, right?
01:50It's not like that.
01:51That's not typically the look they cultivate.
01:53I mean Belichick may have had one.
01:54Yeah, I can see that right, you know, and there's the guys were reverse Mohawks.
01:58Sure, right?
01:59Yeah, you do the wash.
02:01Ron Washington haircut, but I mean, look, I you've mentioned this before.
02:06I do think the league is going to go to more player coaches and you just got
02:10a hat but they can be what their walk around coaches more often than not.
02:13A lot of times.
02:14I mean some of it is steam based and Campbell's not coaching position
02:17Campbell isn't but I mean, there are other guys who are so I look at it
02:20this way.
02:21Think just right now without thinking very much about it chop.
02:25Just start listing off to me the guys that you think of like man, that's
02:27a great coach.
02:28Just start listing off the head coach is currently in the NFL.
02:31Start listing them off.
02:32Just the guys you think really highly of across the NFL.
02:35Dan Campbell one Campbell former player and oh former players.
02:38Oh, no, no.
02:38No, just listen mom.
02:39We're going to identify which was obviously Campbell Shanahan Shanahan
02:43college player, but not really wouldn't count that play.
02:45I don't even know Texas.
02:46I'm a big they played in college.
02:49McDaniel did not know but I think really highly of him.
02:54Oh, yeah, I think really highly Raheem Morris former player.
02:58Kevin O'Connell former player.
03:00D'Amico Ryan's got about that.
03:02D'Amico Ryan's former player.
03:04People are up.
03:04Rod Mayo people think highly of him.
03:06People are either loving to rub it.
03:07Things have gone sideways a little bit, but people were all in on Antonio
03:11Pierce at the end of last year former player.
03:13They were I think what you're starting to Tomlin like, yeah, like we like
03:16we see you're starting to see players who are because we would see that
03:19in the past, right?
03:19Dungey was a great head coach.
03:20Dungey was a former player, but it's a lot of times.
03:24It felt like the guys who would become coaches and have success with it.
03:28We're role player careers.
03:29Maybe they spent a year or two or they were a special teamer for three
03:33years and then fell out of the league and got into coaching.
