• 2 months ago
It became official last Friday night that Brian Schottenheimer will be the next Cowboys' coach. With all the hemming & hawing from fans about the hire, what are the real positives and negatives of elevating Schotty from the OC to the HC? Bobby Belt goes over his research on Schotty's history as an offensive mind and where it could lead the 'Boys over the next few years.
00:15Was just gonna go that for and then against but would you like me to reverse would you like me to list the case against
00:20first or the case for first
00:22Let's go with the case against cuz that's what people probably want the most
00:26Okay, so this is this is generally my overview of why I think you have to be critical of the higher
00:31There's reasons to be critical of it. There's reasons to be positive about it critical
00:35Whether he's a good coach or not
00:37We talked about the about this whether he turns out to be a good or bad coach is kind of irrelevant because the hiring process
00:42The cowboys used was really flawed and and you know a problem
00:47I think overall like we mentioned Dak Prescott good quarterback became an MVP candidate one year
00:53But you picked him at the back end of the fourth after three guys that you were interested in like Paxton Lynch and you know
00:59Connor cook and different guys like that
01:01Got snatched right before you and then you ended up with him. You didn't know he was going to be that guy
01:07So it's not like oh we knew is gonna do this all along. You don't get credit for that
01:10It just happened to turn out that way. That's the thing. I can't give you props for stumbling wall Chuck and
01:17Chia follow had said it like two weeks ago. Who are you gonna fall into if you fall into it again?
01:23If you had interviewed Aaron Glenn and Ben Johnson and done your due diligence everyone you're like, you know what?
01:27We really think we have a feeling about Schottenheimer then I can give you some credit
01:32I cannot give you credit for
01:36Seemingly not doing work. Yeah, and sorry
01:39This is once more an incredibly narrow search that they did and it calls him a question how the Cowboys can have certainty about his qualifications
01:46How can you be sure he is the best candidate when you don't?
01:49Expand the search at all
