• yesterday


00:00I will reach where you will reach, loving kindness in my heart.
00:25I will reach where you will reach, loving kindness in my touch.
00:32I'll be his healing hands to everyone.
00:41My feet are the Lord's feet.
00:47Without me, how can he walk with a cool?
00:54I will go where he would go, blessing others as I do.
01:01For him, I'll walk where I've never walked before.
01:10Help me, Lord, let me give to my neighbor what you would give if you were here.
01:22Help me, Lord, let me live so my neighbor would know that you are always near.
01:35My mouth is the Lord's mouth.
01:41Without me, how can his voice be heard?
01:48I will say what he would say, speaking lovingly like this day.
01:56And everyone who's near will hear these words.
02:19Blessed are you, for many prophets and kings wished to see the things you have seen.
02:26I'll ask him a question.
02:27I want to see if he can answer.
02:30But they did not see or hear.
02:32Excuse me, Master.
02:35Can I ask you a question?
02:38What should I do to inherit eternal life?
02:43You are a lawyer.
02:45What is written in the law?
02:48How do you read it?
02:50The law says, love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your understanding.
03:04And love your neighbor as yourself.
03:10You answered correctly.
03:12Do it.
03:14Do it and you will live.
03:16Ah, but who is my neighbor?
03:20I've heard.
03:22Do you want to hear?
03:25A man was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho.
03:38It's for one of the men in that corner, Josh.
03:41Yes, Dad.
03:4416, 17, 18, 19, 20.
03:51Excuse me, sir.
03:54Your soup.
03:56Thank you, little boy.
04:01Thank you, little boy.
04:04You fool.
04:06He did not even bring his plate yet.
04:09Where is it?
04:11I'll bring it right now, sir.
04:14The bar is so much fun that it also makes a lot of money.
04:20How much am I going to win, Kiss?
04:23Well, let's split it evenly.
04:30Thank you, Kiss.
04:32Now I'm as rich as you, right?
04:38When are we going to steal again?
04:40I have a new plan.
04:42From now on, we'll steal the travelers before they get to Jericho.
04:48So we'll take all their gold before they can spend any here at the Gaal.
04:55And I can crush them.
04:58It's your job, kid.
05:00Crush them to death.
05:04A dead merchant does not count the soldiers who robbed him.
05:08How do I know when he's dead, Kiss?
05:12When he stops moving, Nadab.
05:16You're so stupid.
05:19I do not like to be called stupid.
05:24I said it by accident, Nadab.
05:27I wanted to say smart.
05:31Smart. You are very smart.
05:43Get out of my house.
05:45I do not want thieves and murderers here.
06:01Run, my son. Call the soldiers.
06:04Soldiers? No, no, no.
06:06Soldiers, no.
06:07Soldiers, no.
06:08We're going. We're going.
06:10Come on, we're going.
06:11But I haven't eaten yet, Kiss.
06:14We're on our way out, Nadab.
06:16Come on, we don't want trouble, do we?
06:19But I'm hungry, Kiss.
06:21I want my food.
06:24I was afraid, Dad.
06:27They're not going to cause any trouble here in Jericho.
06:31But I feel sorry for the people who travel alone...
06:35on the road from Jerusalem to here.
06:45What are you grinding today, Dad?
06:48Manjericão, for the emperor's kitchen.
06:58This is the pepper of the kingdom of Java, isn't it?
07:02Very good, Rebecca.
07:04You are in fact the daughter of a spice merchant.
07:07I know all the spices.
07:10Cumin and Indian mint.
07:13Incense and cinnamon from Sabah.
07:17Red pepper, very hot from Kat.
07:21Oh, no, Dad.
07:23Aaron is playing with the pepper of the kingdom of Java.
07:34Don't leave.
07:44Why do you travel to Jericho...
07:46if Mom doesn't want you to go?
07:49If I buy spices in Jericho...
07:51I can choose first in the caravans.
07:53I have a fresher Jericho and a stronger pepper.
07:59Hurry, Rebecca, bring water.
08:12Never, never eat spices again.
08:17Never, never, never.
08:19I've arranged everything for your trip, Ezra.
08:22Did you behave, Aaron?
08:27Then why are you wet and covered in pepper of the kingdom?
08:33Well, eating pepper of the kingdom is not foolish...
08:36more than traveling to Jericho alone...
08:38like your father with a bag full of money.
08:40But this trip will make us rich, love.
08:43I prefer to be a poor wife than a rich widow.
08:48All right.
08:50So no one will see that I take the money...
08:52and they won't steal it from me.
08:54Goodbye, love.
09:00Dad, can I go with you?
09:03Stay at home, Rebecca, and help your mother.
09:07When it gets dark, I'll be in Jericho...
09:09at the garage.
09:12Be careful, Ezra.
09:14See you soon, Dad.
09:16See you soon.
09:20My son, are you sure you don't want me to serve you?
09:23Take this horse to Moab.
09:25This horse is the last part of my sister's dowry, Mom.
09:28I'll deliver it personally.
09:30Well, promise me you won't talk to any Jew.
09:36Don't worry, Mom.
09:38Not all Jews hate Samaritans.
09:40They do, Caleb.
09:42All of them.
09:45See you soon, Mom.
09:47I'll be in Jericho before it gets dark.
09:50God be with you, my son.
10:06I'm ready, sir.
10:10Take this parchment to the synagogue in Damascus...
10:13and don't let anything hold you back.
10:15I won't stop for anything, sir.
10:18I'm at God's service.
10:20You're a priest.
10:22Everything you do is at God's service.
10:25Oh, yes.
10:27Well, see you soon, sir.
10:29I'll be in Jericho before it gets dark.
10:33Remember, Joshua...
10:35you're a Levite.
10:37Don't touch anything impure...
10:39or you'll have to spend weeks...
10:41waiting for the return of Galilee.
10:43To tell you the truth...
10:45I'd like to go straight to Capernaum...
10:47instead of having to walk so much...
10:49to get around Samaria.
10:52You mean you'd cross Samaria?
10:54That's a very wild place.
10:56You wouldn't be able to purify yourself.
10:59But I think it's very inconvenient...
11:01to have to go around to get to Jericho.
11:04That's better than dealing with Samaritans.
11:07Remember that, Joshua.
11:09And be careful.
11:14Don't get distracted on the way, Joshua.
11:25Have a good trip.
11:27Thank you, sir.
11:38Excuse me.
11:39Who are you?
11:40And what brings you to Jerusalem?
11:42I wanted to buy food and wine...
11:44before going to Moab.
11:46I'm from Samaria.
11:47A Samaritan?
11:49That's exactly what I want to be.
11:51A Samaritan?
11:53We don't want Samaritans in Jerusalem.
11:55Get out of Samaria!
11:57We don't want you in Judea!
12:08Get out of here!
12:10Get out of here!
12:12Get out of here!
12:14Get out of here!
12:16Get out of here!
12:18Get out of here!
12:20Get out of here!
12:28What was that all about?
12:30They were screaming because of a Samaritan.
12:34Those Samaritans.
12:36I'm sure he tried to start a fight.
12:38Why don't they stay in Samaria?
12:42I agree with you.
12:44Good morning, friend.
12:54We're close, Kish.
12:56It's hot.
12:58And I'm tired.
13:00Not at all.
13:02Do you want to be a thief or not?
13:04Yes, I do, Kish.
13:06Then stop complaining.
13:10This seems to be a very good place.
13:12Come on, Nadab.
13:14Let's go behind those rocks
13:16to wait for the first traveler
13:18who's worth stealing.
13:20Let's go.
13:22So I'll be able to crush him, Kish?
13:26Yes, Nadab.
13:28You'll be able to crush him whole.
13:32Oh, son.
13:34Here it is.
13:40That's it.
13:42I think this is better.
13:44Do you feel better now?
13:48We'd better go.
13:54Maybe Mom's right.
13:58Maybe all Jews hate Samaritans.
14:02Let's go.
14:32Let's go.
15:50Calm down.
15:52What is it?
15:54Calm down.
15:56We have to get to Jericho before it gets dark.
18:32Oh, God.
18:35Poor man.
18:37If I were not at God's service, I would have time to stop.
18:45Oh, God. Please help this poor man.
18:52Help me, please.
19:02Oh, God.
19:35Oh, please.
19:37Help me.
19:39You've been robbed?
19:41That means there are thieves around here.
19:44I'm a Levite. I don't have any money.
19:48Forgive me. I'm starting to realize it's not safe around here.
20:03Eating pepper from the kingdom is no better than traveling to Jericho...
20:07alone with your father and a bag full of money.
20:14But this trip will make us rich, love.
20:17I'd rather be a poor wife than a rich widow.
20:26Be careful, Ezra.
20:28See you later, Dad.
20:33Oh, God.
20:37Have mercy on my family after my death.
20:55He's still breathing.
20:59He's alive.
21:03He looks badly wounded.
21:06But who could have done this?
21:18Thank you, sir.
21:20Thank you for stopping.
21:23This will burn, my friend.
21:25But these cuts need to be cleaned.
21:30Drink this.
21:42They'll come back.
21:44They'll come back.
21:46You're right. They'll come back.
21:49That's why I have to take you to Jericho.
21:52Do you think you can sit on my horse?
21:55I... I'll try.
22:00Come on.
22:22The food here is good.
22:25Even if it were horrible, I'd be grateful to have it.
22:30The road to Jericho is very dangerous.
22:38He's in the barn.
22:40Help me.
22:41This man is badly wounded.
22:43Give him to me.
22:48Josh, quick.
22:49Bring hot water and clean clothes.
22:53Unfortunately, I only had my cloak.
22:56Do you know...
22:58No, no. You did well, young man.
23:01And you were brave.
23:03But the thieves could have attacked you while you took care of him.
23:07But I couldn't leave him dying there, could I?
23:11These two men got to Jericho in just an hour.
23:15He must have been robbed and beaten right after they passed.
23:19I thought he was dead.
23:21I think he'll live.
23:23Thanks to you.
23:25Where did you come from?
23:28A Samaritan?
23:32Josh, make a bed for this man near the fire so he doesn't feel cold.
23:37Yes, Papa.
23:46He was lucky you passed.
23:49No, I did what anyone else would do.
23:57Let's go.
24:13Sir, are these the men?
24:20Yes, it's them.
24:23You liar!
24:26I beat him ten times, just like you told me to.
24:30You idiot!
24:33Let's go.
24:38Well, they're not going to rob us again.
24:42Yeah, the food's good.
24:44But Samaritans?
24:47Let's go.
25:08How do you feel today?
25:11I feel much better, sir.
25:14Well, that's good.
25:17Here's the money for my expenses.
25:20And here's the payment for the man's bed and food until he gets better.
25:24And if it's not enough, I'll pay you the rest when I get back here...
25:27after my business in Moab.
25:30Thank you, sir.
25:32I hope my son will grow up to be as good as you.
25:36I only did what anyone else would do.
25:39Peace be with you.
25:41And peace be with you, sir.
25:49Well, which one of them was the closest to the man attacked by the robbers?
25:59It was Sam...
26:05He was the one who showed mercy to get in with him.
26:08Go and do the same.
26:11Then you too will inherit eternal life.
26:38THE END
