• 2 days ago


00:00Get ready for a game changer tonight's guests making his game changer debut. It's Luke field
00:09Left from right who cares when all directions point to Jess Ross
00:15And a monker totally and sunker. It's a rake a shunker
00:21And your host me I've been here the whole time
00:25This is game changer the only game show where the game changes every show I am your host Sam Reich
00:32I'm joined today by these three lovely contestants now
00:38You all understand how the game works. No, that's right
00:41Our players have no idea what game it is
00:43They're about to play the only way to learn is by playing the only way to win is by learning and the only way to
00:49Begin is by beginning. So without further ado
00:52Let's begin players. There is one rule of our game and one rule only don't
01:10Without further ado, let's begin by giving each of you ten points to start out with players first up
01:16I'd like to see you chop an onion
01:19Chop an onion. This is so easy. I work at a kitchen Luke taught me how to chop an onion to not cry
01:26What's the technique? I'm off the greener
01:31The technique is you stick it in your eyeball
01:35So that the tears stay players if you would each take a position in front of your respective onions
01:41Hmm. Hmm go for it. All right
01:44Mm-hmm. Do you have a technique for cutting onions Luke? I'll explain it at the end after I've won
01:52This is like a top chef quickfire
01:57Top chef, I think we have a similar technique. Yeah, I have one magic trick though that works all the time
02:06Dice what do you want? I want a nice dice not a mince. We don't need to go that far
02:10Luke looking like he's got a very even cut over there
02:14Completely dry. I'm not done but I'll show pretty nice guys
02:19Go ahead and head back to your podiums. Will we be able to wash our hands? No
02:24I'm getting misty eyed, but getting a little misty. I cry cams. What do we got? They're each zooming in on you right now
02:31I see some redness and rake. There's definitely something happening. They were zesty for
02:38Glasses so do you are you trying to fucking trick me?
02:46Think all of you managed to get through that unscathed
02:49Would you like to know the secret to chopping? I would very much
02:52So most people at home in their kitchens will chop the ends off of an onion, but you don't do that
02:57Do you slice through the middle of the top where the little thing is because by chopping that off?
03:03That is the thing that releases the juices that makes you cry. Oh
03:07Yeah, I know and you almost screwed us all
03:12Up next receive a little something from a secret admirer. Oh my god
03:20We've got flowers for each of you and chocolates for each of you
03:30Each of those boxes do in fact come from someone in your life
03:35No, I thought this in particular would be nice
03:39I know the Cape take this
03:42And my favorite kind of flowers and then the other day she was like you like sunflowers
03:49Yeah, great games
03:53It's really cute, it's really nice. Nobody knows anything about I'm so alone that I'm not afraid that this actually came from a real person
04:03Look that's pretty sad. Thank you, but nothing I'm asked it with humor
04:08Would you mind laying those down at the feet of your podiums next up players?
04:13Someone's coming on to fuck us till we cry
04:28Each of you is gonna get a laptop instead of headphones. Oh
04:33My god
04:35Every laptop. I think I will cry
04:38There's go ahead and hit the spacebar in three two one go
04:43they are watching the first four or five minutes of
04:49Disney's oh
04:50My god, obviously we could not show you at home up because it is a Disney property
04:55But in case it's been a while for you, let me tell you what our players are looking at right now a
05:00Young couple buying their first home. It's a fixer-upper
05:03So plenty of work is required, but the couple still makes plenty of time for themselves and their lives
05:09They wander up a hill toward a tree underneath which they have regular picnics as time goes by the couple gets older and they end
05:16Up wanting a child. It's only natural
05:19Sadly the woman cannot and so no matter they turn their sights toward a happy rest of their lives
05:26Before you know it they're old and gray living in that same house
05:29And as that woman follows that man up their hill one last time who treat the picnic underneath
05:36She falls over and ends up in the hospital
05:39He kisses her on the forehead in her hospital bed as we cross fade
05:44into her funeral
05:46The husband broken ends up wandering back home and shutting the door on the house
05:52That he and his wife built together
06:03Definitely cheered up. Yeah, Jess definitely teared up I have
06:09You know breath in my lungs that is moving, but I haven't cried heart of stone Rika. I
06:16have not cried but
06:18Feeling a lot of feelings
06:21That is a point away from Jess Ross
06:24as emotional as that up sequences like I think it's important on a human level because
06:31You know, it's about how quick the time goes by. Yeah, speaking of which here's some childhood photos of all of you
06:49You still make this face
07:08That was beautiful
07:37Think I might have got you there Luke does a quiver count as a team
07:41I'm gonna say a quiver counts. I'm gonna take a point away from you Luke. I quivered. Sorry. I quivered
07:46Here's a question. Are all of your parents still with us or have any of them passed? Yes, they are with Luke. I
07:52Want you to look into your camera and I want you to tell one of your parents what they mean to you
07:58I'll do the easier one dad
08:03Dad you're good old reliable, you know, I can always count on you for ride from the airport
08:11You worked really hard your whole life
08:14and I think that's gone unnoticed in our family and I want to tell you that I noticed and that
08:20I'm proud to have you as my dad
08:25Very sincere Luke very soon you asked, you know without breaking I gotta hand it to you. Thank you
08:31I'll let you hold on to all those points
08:33Jess same from you pick a parent Harry or Coco. I'm going Coco
08:39Mom, well, you would never watch this. How can you ever figure out how to find this?
08:44But mom, I love you so much you are my best friend
08:49You're my favorite person in the entire world
08:52You put everybody before
08:55Yourself you allowed me and my brother to like do the things that we wanted to do and gave up so much and I just love
09:01You so much
09:02That's beautiful. Jess. Yeah break up dad
09:07You will also never find this you don't know what this is and you don't know what college humor is
09:14I appreciate everything you've done. You've taught me so much about
09:18Responsibility about hard work you sacrifice everything for the family and you ask for nothing in return
09:24You provide levity to any situation and I am
09:28Immensely lucky to have had you as such a stabilizing force in my life
09:32That is so beautiful all three of you, you know something you should be writers. You can hire me my
09:41Next up it's time for the mailbag. Oh
09:46Rica fresh off the presses it is warm
10:00Let's begin with Jess, would you open that letter up and read it aloud to us, please?
10:11My god, my mom wrote a letter for this this is crazy
10:15How do I put 35 years of your life into a hundred words or less?
10:19Well here goes when you were little you wore flower tops with checkered pants
10:24Liked your shoes on the rock feet and always kept a bird's nest in your hair
10:29Growing up you liked Princess Bride and Braveheart. I love Lucy
10:37Wally and Seven
10:44That is quite the spread Jess
11:02And find the good in everyone even if it's only a little
11:07You treat everyone with kindness and respect whether they're walking down Hollywood Boulevard without
11:13Oh my god, mom. All right, or a celebrity you run into at the Gelson's. I love that
11:22You have a great sense of humor you are genuine honest and sincere you care about human rights
11:29And the planet we live on you're an absolute great listener
11:34I have called you for many therapy sessions over the years. You love acting writing exercising very weird cooking
11:43You're Kate a poppy. I think you are one of those very rare people who enjoys the journey
11:52So many people have
11:54Complimented daddy of me on how you were raised and I always honestly tell them it wasn't us
12:00You just came that way you're a blessing and a joy to me. I love you more than 1 million words could ever say
12:06love Coco
12:15You blew it we'll take a point away from Jess
12:19Rekha let's open your letter
12:23Shaking dear
12:26Yes, I've never had a creative partner before
12:30Because I usually prefer writing alone, but when I write with you, it feels like there's magic in the air
12:36You are such a talented inspiring person and they're so deeply generous with your time
12:42Car rides feedback and vegan treats
12:45I think comedy would be a lot better place with more justice who have really killer points of view and are also somehow
12:52Genuine funny smart excited for other people and just all-around good
12:57I feel really lucky to have met you and gotten to do so many sexy projects with you
13:03You're one of the people that makes me feel like I do have a community and a home in LA
13:07I'm sorry, I introduced you to the bachelor franchise
13:22Point away from Jess Luke, I think it's time for your letter. So about a year and a half ago
13:27I was supposed to be the best man at a wedding
13:30And that due to circumstances beyond our control didn't happen, but I have the best man speech
13:39For reference my friend who I was supposed to be best man
13:42proposed to their fiance during a game of D&D so thematically this
13:47Place an adventurer lies bloodied and broken on the ground
13:51Looming above him five serpentine heads of an enormous feral Hydra gnash their teeth and flick their forked tongues
13:58The adventure braces himself as the Hydra lunges at him
14:01However, the monsters teeth find a purchase with a flash of a blade
14:05One of the heads falls to the ground next to him a voice rings out back foul beast
14:10The adventure returns to see the most resplendent
14:13Armored warrior to ever stride across the multiverse the adventure watches in all as the hero deftly dispatches the Hydra
14:20The beast slain she turns and extends a hand of aid to her battered companion the adventure kneels and addresses her Lady Jessica Ross
14:29Pledge myself to you and promise always to be your humble servant and friend all good things in my life spring forth from your positive
14:36Influence I wish for everything good to happen for you, and I love you very much
14:40Lady Jessica pulls the adventure to his feet and brings him in close staring intently seriously into his eyes. She addresses him
14:51And she was right as always and together they ride into the sunset two friends continuing their journey together
14:58Honored bound to always be there for each other with mutual respect and love PS if it wasn't clear. I was the adventurer
15:08That's definitely a point away from Luke and Grant O'Brien
15:18I started crying
15:25Dear Jess, I have a Google Doc where I jot down ideas for sketches and comedy bits
15:29What have you about a month after you joined the writing staff?
15:33I put a pitch in the document that read goddammit Jess is stealing my brand
15:37The thesis of the video would be that you'd come in and taken the mantle of horny bisexual theater kid from me
15:43Everyone liked you better
15:44But I never pitched it because the more I thought about it and thought about you
15:48The more I realized that you and I aren't as similar as I first thought what I was experiencing was your ability to make everyone
15:54You're with feel invited and feel seen what my comedy brain initially read as Jess
15:59And I have the same vibe was in fact a misread of your gift of making everyone feel welcome exactly as they are
16:05What I was experiencing was your kindness and your grace on behalf of the people that you've worked with professionally
16:11Let me say thank you for bringing that kindness and grace and warmth and good humor and empathy and just general good sportedness to the workplace
16:18I think that might be rarer than you know on days when we start to work at 5 in the morning or when we got
16:23Behind and had to play catch-up or when I was hanging around in a Napoleon costume with my dick out
16:32You always
16:34Always made everyone's day easier by bringing that vibe
16:38It's appreciated by everyone and it's especially appreciated by horny bisexual theater kids. You don't always feel as welcome as
16:48You invite everyone in what a fantastic brand
16:59Lovely moment, but that's another point
17:02My crap Jessica Ross
17:14Always admired your courageous honesty
17:17You're truthful at the times when it's hardest the moments when it's easier to stay silent or agree with the group and I'm
17:23Consistently odd by it how you're willing to be vulnerable when others are guarded earnest when others are cynical
17:29Empathetic when others are flippant. I've watched it change groups
17:32It's an openness so authentic and enthusiastic that others have to join you like the crowd following the first dancer on the dance floor
17:39I always have the feeling that I'm seeing the real you with no artifice or secrets
17:44And I'm glad the person I see is my friend
17:46I'm sorry, I didn't get to say this at your wedding have to say it at a game show behind a paywall
18:01That's another point away from Jess got her got her daughter got her Jess you're blowing
18:13Lily do
18:17Okay, this letter is to wake up
18:20Jess ever since I moved to LA you have been nothing but kind and generous to me
18:25You have given me countless rides hosted Game of Thrones nights and painted this small painting of my dog
18:32For absolutely no reason but out of the kindness of your heart
18:36You are genuinely such a talented writer and performer and I cannot lie when I say that so I can't say that to everyone else
18:44And I will do everything in my power of which I currently have none to make sure you get to do the kind of
18:50Work you want to do? I'm not great at heartfelt words. So instead I'm gonna vemo you 200
19:06Katie Marovitch
19:13A lot of grieving
19:17Yeah, let me ruin this
19:18Yes, I want to start by saying don't you dare cry and if you are already crying you better stop because Sam's not gonna give
19:26you any prizes
19:29You are truly a delightful friend our first time meeting was six or seven years ago when we were put on the same improv team
19:36I don't remember much from this time, but I do have a
19:40fucking drunk
19:43Just kidding
19:43But I do have a vivid memory of getting to your house a little early for practice one day
19:49Right after learning that a close childhood friend had died. I
19:54Doubt you even remember this but the way you comforted me basically a stranger made a big impression
19:59Years later, you were the perfect writing partner while we developed. Sorry and wrote Kingpin Katie together. I
20:06Loved how silly we both got on that fourth-floor office
20:10You were kind and generous and talented beyond belief and absolutely everyone loves you as soon as they meet you
20:18You're the kind of person
20:20It makes me want to be a better friend so that people talk about me the same way they talk about you
20:26Anyway, I love you and let's get lunch
20:39As it turns out when you give people the opportunity there are lots of folks who'd like to
20:51Dear Jess
20:54So grateful that I just get to share how I feel about you and what you've meant to me over the past years
20:59Jess is cackling laughter sweet potatoes and vegan egg. Jay is for just the funniest person possible
21:07You're like a sister to me. You're honest
21:09Talented thoughtful you're talented. You're funny. You're smart. You're effortlessly funny and talented
21:15You are one of the funniest kindest most supportive people. I have ever met
21:19So great at everything you put your mind to and now you're so much fun to be around
21:23Most of my favorite memories are from high school and they include you he is for everybody feels happier when you're around
21:29Jess is a fucking comedy machine. You are
21:34supremely talented and
21:36Outrageously funny. You're one of the most talented comedy writers that I've ever had the pleasure of working with
21:41I knew that you were the best writer out there and I made it my mission to take you down
21:46And I would read on that script written by Jessica Ross
21:48I'll get so excited because I know it's gonna be an amazing idea and I get to act a fool
21:52I continue to be in awe of your
21:55Versatility sheer talent and just what a beautiful human being you are to be around you can take the flimsiest
22:01Turd of an idea and turn it seemingly effortlessly into something
22:08Everyone wrote the same number of good sketches, but you were the only writer who never wrote any bad sketches
22:14Jess is a North Star without her. We're a little lost s is for sweetie pie
22:19We bought tickets in the Arclight Dome believe it hit us both way harder than we expected
22:25It makes me want to laugh
22:26But at the same time it also makes my eyes well up you always make sure that everyone around you is getting a chance to
22:31Be heard. I'm so lucky to call you my friend. I think she calls me her friend
22:36or asshole
22:38Is for so amazing that I feel comfortable starting a group chat alone in my apartment. We love Jess
22:45You can't never leave LA ever ever we're allowed to leave but you guys can't
22:51Thank you for all the trips the lasagna the baked goods and help throughout the past seven years
22:57I tell you this all the time that I'm so happy that we're friends much love
23:07That's another point away from Jess
23:09I'm at a hard year
23:14Because a normal person would have remained so
23:18And now someone without whom this episode wouldn't have been remotely possible Kate Thompson
23:28You can go ahead and join Jess at her podium
23:32I know why it's been a hard year
23:35But for the benefit of our viewers at home, maybe the two of you could talk about why it's been a hard year
23:38Yeah, well, we're supposed to get married in
23:422020 which of course couldn't happen because of quarantine everything and Jess you had back surgery. Yeah very recently
23:49Yeah, I had a herniated disc in my back and I couldn't walk for a while for like yeah, like for months
23:55We're like almost a year. Yeah, she couldn't like walk around the block when you're like off your feet for six months
24:01What do you do right?
24:04Watch the live TV
24:06Watching RuPaul's Drag Race right now. Yeah, it's really good. Well right now but like the whole quarantine basically gives me an idea
24:13I would never ask you to have a wedding but just so that you're not rusty
24:19What about like a little practice? Oh, just like by the time you have a wedding, you know, you're you're well-prepared
24:28Bow ties everyone Kate and Jess. Let's put you right here in front of the arch
24:33Katie and Rekha and Luke on this side. Let's put the three of you on the other side. Very nice
24:39You look so cute. You know what? I just realized is we're missing an officiant
25:02I think you're so beautiful and amazing
25:07Really remarkable things about you and I know that you two have been
25:11Engaged since 2018 and I know that 2020 took a lot away from a lot of people
25:16I know that just recently you were able to start walking again taking poppy on some
25:24Joy and a lot of laughter to a lot of people's lives make a lot of people's lives happy
25:29So we're just trying to bring a little bit of that
25:33Practice run not all cried out. Let's see if we can squeeze some more tears. Yeah, so dearly beloved. The category is matrimony
25:44Marriage is a wonderful thing to show people how much you love each other and more importantly
25:48Show the person you love and spend a wonderful time with them. Okay, please repeat after me. Mm-hmm
25:54I I Kate take you Jess Kate take you Jess to be my wife to be my wife to live together in gorgeous
26:02fierce and lesbian
26:05Together in gorgeous fierce lesbian match
26:10You purse first
26:18To put you purse first to keep you in sickening miss and then
26:24Sickness and in health forsaking all others forsaking all others unless you're into that sort of thing
26:33Please repeat after me. I just take you Kate. I just take you Kate to be my wife
26:39To be my wife to live together in gorgeous fierce and lesbians
26:45Gorgeous fierce lesbian matrimony you purse first to put you purse first to keep you in sickening miss and in health
26:53To keep you in sickness
26:56Forsaking all others forsaking all others unless you're into that sort of thing
27:00Unless you're into that sort of thing
27:03And about the power invested into me by college
27:09May the best women
27:17Good luck and don't fuck it
27:23That's the end of our game, but we can take another point away from Jess bringing her to zero
27:29The winner of this episode of Game Changer is clearly Rekha
27:33I don't want this. It feels bad to take a prize for not crying. I feel like I gotta do some introspection
27:41Fine Kate and Jess you win a National Park honeymoon, which we set up for you
27:55Doesn't for us here at Game Changer, I'm Sam Rice reminding you that sometimes laughter is the second best medicine. Good night