• last year
00:00Mark Davis never talks to anybody and there's a reason because he just he shouldn't be talking
00:07that's really what it comes down to uh with Mark Davis and the Raiders so he actually did
00:13they must have found him at this couch uh at the meetings and they're asking him about Brady
00:18and Adams getting traded that guy is so lost uh here he is uh giving you a couple minutes on
00:25Brady being one of his new owners. Do you expect Tom Brady to play in your organization?
00:30You know it's uh kind of putting the cart before the horse um we wanted to get to this point first
00:35before we started defining anything of that nature and all that but it's just exciting
00:40what I was going to say is uh we uh traded Devontae Adams for uh Tom Brady
00:48and although Tom can't play I think he can help us select a quarterback in the future
00:52and potentially train him as well you know so it's like he's benefited the organization.
00:58I'm sure they love the fans love that right we traded Devontae you hear him go we traded
01:02Devontae Adams for Tom Brady. Tom doesn't play Mark uh Tom's not playing like that's just I'm
01:08sure the fans love hearing that I would be furious if I was a Raider fan. Listen the bottom line of
01:14all this is I just frankly don't understand how this guy can own a piece of the Las Vegas Raiders
01:21and then still be on Fox doing games. I just yeah he can't do anything with broadcast meetings
01:28he can't uh go to practices of other teams or anything can't do anything I just don't see how
01:34he can hold that job I really don't but I explain that to me like because I have no answers for that
01:40like how is that possible how can you be an owner and then be calling games on Fox? So this is all
01:47the stuff that he cannot do now as a minority owner now they also say he has been following
01:52these rules since the season started because he knew that this was going to come he's not permitted
01:57to be in another team's facility he's not permitted to witness any practices he's not permitted to
02:02attend broadcast production meetings he's prohibited from publicly criticizing game officials
02:07and other clubs he's subject to the NFL's gambling policy he's subject to the NFL's anti-tampering
02:12policy but he's been apparently doing all that for the first six weeks it sounds like it makes
02:17his job a little bit harder on Fox not being able to do all those things. You can't criticize
02:24officials and yet that's what he's doing on Sundays like how do you how do you have that job
02:31what they need to do is end it and put Olsen back in the number one spot and that'll be the end of
02:37it he can't I just don't see how this this works I mean what's next he's gonna uh run the United
02:43States like this guy what doesn't he do honestly?
