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00:00:00Al-Nisa, The Women With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
00:00:07the Ever Merciful O you people, take as a shield your Lord who
00:00:13created you from a single being, and from the same stock from which He created the man,
00:00:20He created his spouse, and through them both He caused to spread a large number of men
00:00:27and women. O people, regard Allah with reverence in whose
00:00:33name you appeal to one another, and be regardful to the ties of relationship, particularly
00:00:39from the female side. Verily, Allah ever keeps watch over you.
00:00:46And give the orphans their property, and substitute not your worthless things for their good one,
00:00:52or consume their property, mingling it along with your own property, for this indeed is
00:00:58a great sin. And if you wish to marry them and you fear
00:01:03that you will not be able to do justice to the orphan girls, then marry them not, rather
00:01:08marry of women other than these, as may be agreeable to you. You may marry two or three
00:01:15or four, provided you do justice to them. But if you fear that you will not be able
00:01:22to deal with all of them equitably, then confine yourselves only to one, or you may
00:01:27marry that whom your right hands possess, your female captives of war. That is the best
00:01:34way to avoid doing injustice. And give the women their dowers unasked, willingly
00:01:42and as agreed, gift. But if they be pleased to remit you a portion thereof, of their own
00:01:49free will, then take it with grace and pleasure. And do not make over to the weak of understanding
00:01:57your property which Allah has made a means of subsistence for you, but provide for them
00:02:03their maintenance, and clothe them out of its profits, and speak to them words of kind
00:02:09advice. And keep on testing the orphans until they
00:02:14attain the age of marriage. Then if you perceive in them sound judgment, deliver to them their
00:02:20property, and do not consume it extravagantly and hastily as they grow up, fearing lest
00:02:27they should claim it when they attain the age of marriage. And let him, the guardian,
00:02:33who can afford to do without, let him avoid remuneration. But he who is needy may charge
00:02:40reasonable remuneration with equity. And when you hand over to them, the orphans, their
00:02:47property, let there be some witnesses to attest. And Allah is enough as a reckoner and call
00:02:54you to account. As the basis of law of inheritance, for men
00:03:00is a share in the property that the parents and near relations leave behind, and the women
00:03:06shall have a share in the property that the parents and the near relations leave behind,
00:03:11whether it, the property, be small or large, a determined share ordained by Allah.
00:03:19And when they are present at the division of the heritage, other relatives, and the
00:03:24orphans, and the needy, then give them something out of it, and speak to them kind words.
00:03:32And let the persons who divide the heritage be afraid of Allah, for if they leave behind
00:03:38them their own weak offspring, they would be anxious on their account. Let them, therefore,
00:03:44keep their duty to Allah, and let them say the right thing. Verily, those who consume
00:03:51the property of the orphans unjustly, as a matter of fact, feed their bellies with fire,
00:03:58and they shall certainly burn in a blazing fire.
00:04:04Allah prescribes the following law of inheritance for your children. For male is the equal of
00:04:10the portion of two females, but if they be all females, two or more than two, for them
00:04:17is two-thirds of what he, the deceased, has left. And if there be only one, for her is
00:04:24the half, and for his parents, for each one of the two is a sixth of what he has left,
00:04:32if he, the deceased, has a child. But if he has no child, and his parents only be his
00:04:40heirs, then for the mother is one-third, and the rest two-thirds is for the father. But
00:04:47if there be in addition to his parents his brothers and sisters, then there is one-sixth
00:04:54for the mother after the payment of any bequest he may have bequeathed, or still more important,
00:05:00of any debt, bequest made by the testator, and his debts shall however be satisfied first.
00:05:08Your fathers and your children, you do not know which of them deserve better to benefit
00:05:13from you. This fixing of portions is from Allah. Surely Allah is all-knowing, all-wise.
00:05:21And for you is half of that which your wives leave behind if they have no child. But if
00:05:28they have a child, then for you is one-fourth of what they leave behind, after the payment
00:05:34of any bequest that may be bequeathed, or still more important, of any of their debt.
00:05:41And for them, your wives, is one-fourth of what you leave behind if you have no child.
00:05:48But if you leave a child, then for them is an eighth of what you leave after the payment
00:05:54of any bequest you have bequeathed, or still more important, of any debt.
00:06:00And if there be a man or a woman whose heritage is to be divided and he or she the deceased
00:06:06has no child, and he or she has left behind a brother or a sister, then for each one of
00:06:14the twain is a sixth. But if they be more than one, then they are equal sharers in one-third
00:06:22after the payment of any bequest bequeathed, or still more important, of any debt, provided
00:06:30such bequest made by the testator and the debt shall be without any intent of being
00:06:36harmful to the interest of the heirs. This is an injunction from Allah, and Allah is
00:06:44all-knowing, most forbearing. These are the limits of the law imposed by
00:06:50Allah, and who obeys Allah and His messenger, he will admit them into gardens served with
00:06:57running streams. Therein they shall abide forever, and that is a great achievement.
00:07:04But whoso disobeys Allah and His messenger, and transgresses the limits imposed by him,
00:07:12he will make him enter fire, where he shall abide long, and for him is a humiliating punishment.
00:07:22As to those of your women who commit sexual perversity, call in four of you to witness
00:07:28against them. And if they bear witness, then confine them to their houses until death overtakes
00:07:35them, or Allah makes for them a way out. And if two of your males commit the same act
00:07:41of indecency, then punish them both. So if they repent and amend, keeping their conduct
00:07:49good, then turn aside from them. Verily Allah is oft-returning with compassion, ever merciful.
00:07:58Verily Allah undertakes to accept the repentance of only those who do evil through lack of
00:08:04knowledge, then repent soon after. Such are the person towards whom Allah turns with mercy.
00:08:12And Allah is all-knowing, all-wise. But repentance is of no avail to those who
00:08:21go on doing evil deeds until when death visits one of them, he says, I do repent now.
00:08:29Nor is it of any use to those who die, whilst they are disbelievers. It is for such people
00:08:36that we have prepared a woeful punishment. O you who believe, it is not lawful for you
00:08:45to treat women of your deceased relatives as inherited property by force, nor shall
00:08:51you detain them that you may take away part of that which you had given them, except that
00:08:57they commit flagrant indecency. But consort with them in peace. Then if you have a dislike
00:09:05for them, it may be that you dislike a thing, but Allah has placed a good deal of good in
00:09:12it. And if you desire to take one wife in place
00:09:16of another wife, and you have given one of them a huge treasure, then take nothing from
00:09:23that which you have given. Would you take it by false accusation and by committing an
00:09:29open sin? And how can you take it when you have already lain with one another, and they
00:09:36have bound you down to a firm and solemn covenant by marriage? And marry not those women whom
00:09:44your fathers had married, except what had already passed. For it is a thing highly indecent
00:09:52and repugnant, and an evil practice. Forbidden to you for marriage are your mothers,
00:10:01your daughters, your sisters, your paternal aunts and your maternal aunts, and the daughters
00:10:07of a brother, and the daughters of a sister, and your foster mothers who have given suck
00:10:13to you, and your foster sisters, and the mothers of your wives, and your stepdaughters who
00:10:20are being brought up under your care and have been born of your wives by their former
00:10:24husbands, unto whom you have gone in. But if you have not gone in unto them, then there
00:10:31is no blame on you in marrying their daughters. And the wives of your sons who are from your
00:10:37own loins, and it is forbidden to you to keep in wedlock two sisters at one and the same
00:10:44time, except what has already passed. Surely Allah is most protector against false, ever
00:10:53merciful. And you are also forbidden to marry already
00:10:58married women who are in wedlock. Yet those captors in war, whom your right hands possess,
00:11:05are permitted to you for marriage, even if not formally divorced by their former husbands,
00:11:11since their captivity is equivalent to divorce. This is the law prescribed to you by Allah.
00:11:19All women beyond those mentioned above are lawful to you, provided you seek their hands
00:11:25by means of your wealth, by granting dowers, marrying them properly, and not committing
00:11:31fornication to pursue your lust. You shall for the benefits you draw from them by regular
00:11:37marriage, pay them such of their dowers as has been fixed. There is, however, no blame
00:11:44on you in increasing or decreasing the amount of dower, which you, husband and wife, mutually
00:11:50agree upon. After it has been once fixed, surely Allah is all-knowing, all-wise.
00:11:59And those of you who have not the means, social or financial, to marry free-believing women,
00:12:05may marry such of your believing bondswomen as your right hands own. Allah knows very
00:12:11well the state of your faith. You are all sprung one from another. So marry them with
00:12:18the permission of their guardians, and give them their dowers with equity, they being
00:12:23properly married, not committing fornication, to pursue their lust, nor taking secret paramours.
00:12:31And if after they are married they commit adultery, then they incur the punishment of
00:12:37fifty strips, which is half of that punishment prescribed for free women. This permission
00:12:43to marry a bondswoman is for him among you who fears that otherwise he will fall into
00:12:49sin. But it is better for you to exercise restraint. Allah is indeed Great Protector,
00:12:57ever-merciful. Allah desires to make clear His commandments,
00:13:04and guide you to the righteous ways of your predecessors, and to turn to you with mercy.
00:13:11Verily Allah is all-knowing, all-wise. Whereas Allah desires to turn to you with mercy, those
00:13:19who follow the dictates of their lusts want you to drift far away from the right path.
00:13:27Allah desires that He should lighten the burden of bindings on you, for a human being has
00:13:33been created weak. O you who believe, do not consume your property
00:13:41amongst yourselves by unlawful means. Rather it be a trade based on free mutual consent.
00:13:49And do not kill your people. Surely Allah has been ever-merciful to you. But whoever
00:13:55does any such thing aggressively and unjustly, we shall certainly cast him into fire. And
00:14:02this is ever easy for Allah. If you keep away from major prohibitions to
00:14:08you, we will wipe off your preliminary evil, and we will admit you to a place and state
00:14:15of great honor. And do not covet the favors which Allah has bestowed on some of you to
00:14:22excel others. Men shall have the share of the fruit of their labor, and for women is
00:14:28the share of the fruit of their labor. You had better seek from Allah His bounty. Verily
00:14:36Allah has perfect knowledge of all things. We have appointed heirs to everyone, respecting
00:14:44that which the parents and the near relatives leave behind. And those with whom you have
00:14:49entered into a solemn covenant, so give them their due. Surely Allah is ever a witness
00:14:56over everything. Men are the full maintainers of women, because
00:15:02Allah has made one of them excel the other, and because men spend out of their wealth
00:15:07on them. So virtuous women are those who are obedient to Allah and guard their own
00:15:14chastity as well as the rights and secrets of their husbands, even in their absence,
00:15:20as Allah has guarded the women's rights. As for those women on whose part you apprehend
00:15:26disobedience and bad behavior, you may admonish them first lovingly, and then refuse to share
00:15:34their beds with them, and as a last resort punish them mildly. If they then obey you,
00:15:42you shall seek no other way against them. Indeed Allah alone is high and great.
00:15:51But if you apprehend a breach between the two, then appoint one arbiter from his people
00:15:56and one arbiter from her people. If the two have a mind to effect reconciliation, Allah
00:16:03will bring it about between them. Verily, Allah is all-knowing, all-aware.
00:16:11And worship Allah and associate not with him, and be good to parents and near of kin, and
00:16:18orphans and the needy, and to the neighbor who is related to you, and the neighbor who
00:16:24is an alien, and to the companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your
00:16:30right hands possess. Surely Allah does not love those who are arrogant and boastful.
00:16:38Regarding those who practice niggardliness, and counsel human beings to be niggardly,
00:16:44and conceal that which Allah has given them out of His bounty and grace, we have in store
00:16:50a humiliating punishment for such thankless people.
00:16:55As well as for those who spend their wealth for public show, and do not believe in Allah
00:17:01in the last day. And whoso has Satan for his companion, let him bear in mind that an evil
00:17:08companion he is. Why, what harm could come to them if they believed in Allah and in the
00:17:15last day, and spent from that which Allah had provided them? Indeed, Allah knows them
00:17:22full well. Verily, Allah does not do injustice, not even
00:17:29so much as the weight of an atom. And if there be a single good deed, he multiplies it, and
00:17:36gives from himself a great reward. How then shall these wrongdoers fare, when
00:17:42we call a witness from every nation, and when we call you, O Prophet, to stand witness
00:17:48over these followers of yours? On that day those who disbelieved and disobeyed the messenger
00:17:55would wish that the earth were made level with them. They shall not be able to conceal
00:18:01anything from Allah. O you who believe, do not go near prayer when
00:18:08you are not in full possession of your senses, until you understand all that you say. Nor
00:18:15occupy yourselves in prayer when you are unclean and under an obligation to have a bath, until
00:18:21you have bathed yourselves. But if you can do without a bath, when you are traveling
00:18:27along a way, if you are taken ill, or are on a journey, or if one of you comes from
00:18:35the privy, or if you have had sexual contact with women and you find no water for bathing
00:18:41or ablution, then have recourse to pure and clean dust, and wipe your faces and your hands
00:18:48therewith. Indeed, Allah is most benign, great protector.
00:18:55Have you not considered the case of those who were given a portion of the scripture?
00:19:00They prefer to go astray and desire that you too go astray from the right path. And
00:19:07Allah knows your enemies full well, and Allah suffices as a patron, and Allah suffices as
00:19:14a helper. These enemies of yours are of those who are Judaized. They tear the words from
00:19:22their context and say, we hear and we disobey, and say, lend us an ear, or give us a tongue.
00:19:30O you to whom no one would lend an ear, and say, ra'ina, giving a slight twist to their
00:19:37tongues while pronouncing the word, and thereby slandering the true meanings, and thus making
00:19:43a play with the word, and seeking to injure the faith. It would have been better and more
00:19:50upright on their part to have said, we hear and we obey, and lend us an ear, and unzirna,
00:19:58we beg your attention. Allah has disapproved of them because of their disbelief, so that
00:20:07they will not believe, excepting a few of them.
00:20:12O you who have been given the scripture, believe in the Quran, which we have now revealed fulfilling
00:20:18such prophecies as you have, before we make extinct and destroy some of your leaders,
00:20:24and deprive them of the glory, or we condemn them as we condemned the people of the Sabbath
00:20:30breakers, and remember the decree of Allah is bound to be executed.
00:20:38Surely Allah does not forgive unless a sinner turns to him in repentance, that a partner
00:20:44be associated with him, but he forgives everything short of it to whomsoever he will. And whoso
00:20:51associates a partner with Allah has indeed committed a very great sin.
00:21:00Have you not considered those who assert themselves to be pure? Nay, only Allah purifies whom
00:21:07he will, and they shall not be treated unjustly, not even a whit.
00:21:14Behold how they forge lies against Allah, and sufficient is that as a very flagrant
00:21:22sin to prove their sinfulness.
00:21:27Have you not considered the case of those who were given a portion of the scripture?
00:21:31They believe in nonsensical things, devoid of good, and follow those who transgress,
00:21:38and they say of those who disbelieve, these are better guided in the right way than those
00:21:43who believe in Islam. It is these whom Allah has deprived of his blessings, and he whom
00:21:51Allah deprives of his blessings, you will never find for him any helper.
00:21:58They have no share in the kingdom, if they had, they would not give the people even so
00:22:03much as the little groove in a date stone.
00:22:08Or do they feel jealous of the people for which Allah has granted them out of his bounty
00:22:13and grace? Let them remember, we surely gave the children of Abraham the scripture and
00:22:19the wisdom, and we also gave them a grand kingdom. There are some among them who believe
00:22:26in it, and there are others among them who turn away from it, and Jahanna shall suffice
00:22:33for burning those who turn away.
00:22:36We shall soon cast into fire all those who deny our messages. As often as their skins
00:22:44are burnt up, we will replace them with other new skins, that they may continually taste
00:22:50agony of punishment. Surely Allah is almighty, all-wise.
00:22:58And those who believe and do righteous deeds, we shall certainly admit them to gardens served
00:23:04with running streams. They shall abide therein forever. There shall be for them to keep them
00:23:12company therein, spiritually and physically purified companions, and we shall admit them
00:23:18to a place of thick and pleasant shades of our mercy and protection.
00:23:25Surely Allah commands you to make over the trust, such as the affairs of the state, to
00:23:31those who are competent to it, and that when you judge between people, you should judge
00:23:37with justice. That which Allah exhorts you to do is best indeed. Allah is all-hearing,
00:23:49O you who believe, obey Allah and obey his messenger and those who are in authority among
00:23:56you. And should you differ among yourselves in anything, refer it to Allah and his messenger.
00:24:04If indeed you believe in Allah in the last day, that is in your best interest and most
00:24:11commendable in the long run.
00:24:15Have you not considered the case of those who assert that they believe in what has been
00:24:20revealed to you and what has been revealed before you? On the contrary, they desire to
00:24:26refer their disputes for judgment to the transgressor, whereas they were commanded to reject him,
00:24:33and Satan desires to lead them astray, to a far-off strain.
00:24:40And when it is said to them, Come to follow that which Allah has revealed and to the perfect
00:24:45measure, you can see the hypocrites turn away from you with aversion.
00:24:51Then how is it that when a calamity befalls them because of their own misdoings, they
00:24:57come to you swearing by Allah, saying, We meant nothing but to do good and to effect
00:25:03concord and reconciliation. It is they to whom Allah knows what is in their hearts.
00:25:11So turn aside from them and admonish them and speak to them with regard to their own
00:25:17selves an effective word.
00:25:22And we have sent no messenger but that he should be obeyed by the leave of Allah. Had
00:25:28they, when they had acted contrary to their own interest, come to you and sought the protection
00:25:33of Allah, and had this perfect messenger also sought protection for them, they would have
00:25:39surely found Allah oft-returning with compassion, ever-merciful.
00:25:45But no, not so as they have asserted, by your Lord. They are no believers at all, unless
00:25:53they refer all their disputes to you for judgment. Then they do not find any demur in their minds
00:25:59about the propriety of your judgment, and they submit to your decisions with entire
00:26:05submission. If we had made it binding on them, lay down
00:26:10your lives or go out of your homes, they would not have done it, excepting a few of them.
00:26:17And if they had done what they are exalted to do, it would surely have been better for
00:26:22them and conducive to a greater strength in their faith.
00:26:28And in that case we could certainly have bestowed upon them from ourself a great reward.
00:26:35And we would have surely guided them to the exact right path.
00:26:41And those who obey Allah and this perfect messenger, it is these who are with those
00:26:47upon whom Allah has bestowed His blessings in this life and the hereafter, the prophets,
00:26:53the truthful in their belief, words and deeds, and the bearers of testimony to the truth
00:26:59of the religion of Allah by their words and deeds, as well as the martyrs and the righteous
00:27:07who stick to the right course under all circumstances and how excellent companions they are.
00:27:14This is the grace from Allah, and Allah suffices as one who is all-knowing.
00:27:22O you who believe, take your precautions always by way of security, then either march forward
00:27:29in separate companies or march forward in a body according to the requirement of the
00:27:35war situation.
00:27:37And indeed there is among you who tarries behind and does not leave to fight in the
00:27:43cause of Allah.
00:27:45Even if a calamity befalls you, he says, Allah has been gracious to me indeed since
00:27:51I was not present with them.
00:27:54And if some good fortune comes to you from Allah, he would cry as if there were no friendship
00:28:00between you and him.
00:28:02With that I had been with them, had it been so I should have indeed achieved a great success.
00:28:10Let those who would prefer the hereafter to the present life fight in the cause of Allah.
00:28:19And whoso fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or conquers, we shall soon grant
00:28:25him a great reward.
00:28:28What excuse have you to offer that you would not fight in the cause of Allah and for the
00:28:33rescue of the weak and the downtrodden men and women and the children who all say, Our
00:28:38Lord, take us out of this town of which the people are tyrants and grant us a defender
00:28:45who comes from you and a helper by your own grace.
00:28:50Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah and those who choose disbelief fight in the
00:28:56cause of the transgressor.
00:28:58Fight you therefore against the friends of Satan.
00:29:01Surely the stratagem of Satan is ever weak.
00:29:07Have you not considered those to whom it was said, Withhold your hands from fighting
00:29:13and keep up prayer and go on presenting the zakat?
00:29:17But now when fighting has been made binding upon them, a section of them, the hypocrites,
00:29:24begin to fear the people as they should fear Allah, or with a still stronger fear.
00:29:30And they say, Our Lord, why have you made fighting binding upon us?
00:29:36Would you not defer us to a near term and grant us a little respite?
00:29:41Say, The enjoyment of this world is short and negligible its pleasures, and the hereafter
00:29:48is better for him who guards against evil and keeps his duty to Allah, and you shall
00:29:54not be done injustice to, not even a whit.
00:29:59Death will overtake you wherever you may be, even if you be in strongly built castles.
00:30:06And if any good occurs to them, they say, This is from Allah.
00:30:12And if evil befalls them, they say, This is from you.
00:30:17Say, Everything is from Allah.
00:30:20What is the matter with these people that they hardly understand?
00:30:25Whatever good comes to you, O people, is from Allah, and whatever evil befalls you
00:30:30is from your own selves, and we have sent you, O Muhammad, as a great messenger for
00:30:36the good of all humankind, and Allah suffices as a witness.
00:30:42He that obeys this perfect messenger surely has obeyed Allah.
00:30:48As for those who turn away, then we have not sent you as a guardian over them.
00:30:55And they, the hypocrites, say in your presence, We stand for obedience.
00:31:01But when they sally forth from your presence, a party of them spend the night scheming contrary
00:31:06to what you say, and Allah is keeping a record of whatever they scheme by night.
00:31:13So turn away from them and put your trust in Allah, and Allah suffices as a disposer
00:31:20of affairs.
00:31:23Why do they not ponder over the Quran?
00:31:26Had it been from anyone other than Allah, they would surely have found a good deal of
00:31:32inconsistency therein.
00:31:35And when there comes to them news, be it a matter of peace or of fear, they spread it
00:31:43But had they referred it to the perfect messenger and to those in authority among them, surely
00:31:49those of them who can elicit the truth from it would have understood it and could make
00:31:54correct deductions.
00:31:57And had it not been for the grace of Allah upon you and His mercy, you would have all
00:32:03followed Satan, excepting a few.
00:32:07Prophet, fight, therefore, in the cause of Allah.
00:32:12You are made responsible only for your own self, and urge on the faithful to fight a
00:32:19war in self-defense.
00:32:21It may be Allah will restrain the fury of those who have chosen disbelief.
00:32:27Allah is mightier in prowess and stronger in inflicting exemplary punishment.
00:32:34And he who participates with others in doing good, there shall be for him a share in its
00:32:42And he who participates with anyone in doing evil and intercedes for a wrongful cause has
00:32:48a like portion in its evil consequences.
00:32:51And Allah controls the distribution of all things.
00:32:56And whenever you are greeted with a prayer, greet with a better prayer, or at least return
00:33:02the same.
00:33:04Verily Allah takes account of everything.
00:33:08Allah is He, there is no other, cannot be, and will never be one worthy of worship but
00:33:16He will most certainly continue to assemble you till the day of resurrection.
00:33:21There is no doubt about the advent of it, and there is none more truthful to His word
00:33:27than Allah.
00:33:30How is it then with you that you are divided into two parties regarding the hypocrites,
00:33:37while Allah has overthrown them for their sins, which they committed knowingly?
00:33:42Do you desire to guide him whom Allah has forsaken?
00:33:47And he whom Allah forsakes, you shall not find for him a way of his deliverance.
00:33:56They would like you to reject the faith as they have done themselves, that you may be
00:34:01all alike.
00:34:04Therefore make no friends with them until they emigrate in the cause of Allah.
00:34:10But if they turn back to hostility, then capture them and kill them wherever you find them.
00:34:16And do not take any of them as a friend or as a helper.
00:34:22Different however is the case of those who join a people with whom you have a pact, or
00:34:28of those who come over to you whilst their hearts are constricted from fighting against
00:34:32you or fighting against their own people.
00:34:36If Allah had so willed he would have given them power over you, then they certainly would
00:34:41have fought against you.
00:34:45If they leave you alone and do not fight against you, but make you an offer of peace, then
00:34:51Allah allows you no way of fighting against them.
00:34:56You will find others among these hypocrites who desire to be secure from you, as well
00:35:01as safe from their own people, but whenever they are made to have a recourse to hostility
00:35:07towards the Muslims, they fall headlong into it as if under compulsion.
00:35:13For if they do not leave you alone, nor make an offer of peace to you, nor withhold their
00:35:19hands from being hostile, then capture them and kill them wherever you find them.
00:35:25And it is these against whom we have given you absolute authority.
00:35:33It is not befitting for a believer to kill another believer, except what happens by mistake.
00:35:39And he who kills a believer by mistake, let him set a believing captive of war free and
00:35:46pay blood money to be handed over to the heirs of the deceased, unless they, the heirs, forgo
00:35:53it as a freewill offering.
00:35:57But if he, the slain, is a believer belonging to a people hostile to you, then there is
00:36:04still only the penance of freeing a believing captive of war.
00:36:08And if he, the slain, belongs to a people with whom you have a pact, then there is the
00:36:14payment of blood money to be handed over to his heirs, and also the freeing of a believing
00:36:20captive of war.
00:36:22But he who does not find the means to set free a captive of war shall fast two consecutive
00:36:27months, a method of penance devised by Allah.
00:36:32And Allah is all-knowing, all-wise.
00:36:37And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Jahannah.
00:36:42He shall abide therein.
00:36:45Allah has shown his displeasure against him and has also deprived him of his blessings
00:36:50and prepared for him a great punishment.
00:36:55O you who believe!
00:36:57When you set forth in the cause of Allah, then make proper investigations before you
00:37:02dub anyone as a disbeliever, and do not say to him who offers you Salaam, You are not
00:37:10a believer.
00:37:12You seek the transitory goods of this life, but Allah has good things in plenty with him.
00:37:20You were such disbelievers before that, but Allah has conferred his special favor on you.
00:37:26Hence, do make proper investigations.
00:37:30Surely Allah is well aware of what you do.
00:37:34Such of the disbelievers as stay at home, excepting the disabled ones, and those who
00:37:41strive in the cause of Allah with their substance and their lives, are not equal.
00:37:47Allah has exalted in rank those who strive in his cause with their substance and their
00:37:52lives above those who stay at home.
00:37:56And yet to each one Allah has promised good, but Allah has indeed granted eminence to those
00:38:03who strive in his cause over those who stay at home by giving them much better reward.
00:38:11It will consist of exalted ranks bestowed by him and his protection and mercy, for Allah
00:38:18is great protector, ever merciful.
00:38:23Surely the angels will ask those whom they caused to die while they were acting unjustly
00:38:29towards themselves, What circumstances were you in that you did not avow Islam openly?
00:38:37They will reply, We were treated as weak in the country.
00:38:41They the angels will say, Was not Allah's earth spacious enough for you to have emigrated
00:38:49It is these whose abode shall be Jahannah, and an evil destination it is.
00:38:56Different however is the case of those actually weak men, women and children who can find
00:39:02no device nor means to emigrate.
00:39:06As to these Allah may pardon them for their helplessness, for Allah is the effacer of
00:39:11sins, most forgiving.
00:39:15And whoso emigrates in the cause of Allah will find in the earth an abundant place of
00:39:21refuge and plenty of resources.
00:39:23And whoso sets forth from his home, emigrating in the cause of Allah and his messenger, then
00:39:29death overtakes him, he shall have his reward with Allah for sure.
00:39:34Allah is great protector, ever merciful.
00:39:39And when you are journeying in the land, there is no blame on you that you shorten the prayer.
00:39:44If you fear that those who disbelieve may give you trouble, verily the disbelievers
00:39:50are your open enemies.
00:39:53And Prophet, when you are amongst them, leading the prayer for them, let a party of them join
00:39:59you in prayer, retaining their arms.
00:40:03When they have performed their prostrations, let them take their positions at the rear
00:40:08of the main body for protection and let another party who have not yet said prayer come forward
00:40:14and join prayer with you, taking their necessary precautions of defense and retaining their
00:40:22Those who have disbelieved would wish you to be heedless of your arms and stores so
00:40:28that they may fall upon you united and all of a sudden.
00:40:33And there is no blame on you if you are suffering inconvenience on account of rain or if you
00:40:38are taken ill, that you lay aside your arms, relieving yourselves, but even then you must
00:40:45take your necessary precautions of defense.
00:40:49Verily Allah has prepared a humiliating punishment for the disbelievers.
00:40:56And when you have finished the prayer, then remember Allah standing and sitting and lying
00:41:02on your sides.
00:41:04And when you feel secure from danger, then observe prayer in the normal prescribed form.
00:41:12Verily, prayer is enjoined on the believers to be performed at the fixed times.
00:41:20And do not be slack in pursuing these hostile people.
00:41:24If you have suffered hardships, they too have suffered as you did, but the superiority you
00:41:30have over them is that you hope from Allah what they do not.
00:41:34And Allah is all-knowing, all-wise.
00:41:38We have surely revealed to you this perfect book, comprising the truth, that you judge
00:41:44between the people enlightened by that knowledge which Allah has given you, and do not become
00:41:49a partisan of the dishonest.
00:41:53And do not plead on behalf of those who act dishonestly towards themselves.
00:42:07Surely Allah does not love him who is given to dishonest ways, and is a great sinner.
00:42:14They seek to hide their crimes from the people, but they cannot hide from Allah.
00:42:20And He is present with them when they pass the night in holding discourses which does
00:42:25not please Him.
00:42:27And Allah encompasses all that they do.
00:42:31Behold, you are of those who may plead on their behalf in the present life.
00:42:37But who will plead on their behalf with Allah on the day of resurrection?
00:42:41Or who will be a disposer of their affairs?
00:42:45But whoever commits evil and does injustice to himself and then asks forgiveness of Allah
00:42:53will find Allah most forgiving, ever-merciful.
00:42:58And whoever commits a sin deliberately commits it only against himself.
00:43:04Allah is all-knowing, all-wise.
00:43:08But one who commits a fault or a sin and imputes it to another innocent person for the sake
00:43:14of his own defense, he certainly bears the burden of calumny, along with that of a flagrant
00:43:22Prophet, a party of those who are false to themselves had certainly made up their minds
00:43:29to ruin you, but for the grace of Allah and His mercy upon you they ruin none but themselves,
00:43:36and they can do you no harm.
00:43:39And Allah has revealed to you this perfect book and the wisdom, and has taught you that
00:43:45which you did not know.
00:43:48Allah's favor upon you is great indeed, and you enjoy His protection in temporal as well
00:43:54as in spiritual matters.
00:43:58There is no good in many of their secret conferences, but good lies only in the secret deliberations
00:44:05of those who enjoy charity, equitable dealings, or making peace between people.
00:44:11And whoso does that, seeking the pleasure of Allah, we shall bestow a great reward on
00:44:19And as to him who opposes the messenger in a hostile manner, after true guidance has
00:44:24become clear to him and follows a way other than that of the believers, we will let him
00:44:30pursue the way which he is himself pursuing, and shall cast him into Jahannam, and an evil
00:44:37destination it is.
00:44:41Allah does not forgive without repentance on the part of the sinner that a partner should
00:44:46be associated with him, though he forgives everything short of that to whomsoever he
00:44:53And he who associates a partner with Allah has strayed indeed a far-off strain.
00:45:01Whatever they, the polytheists, call on besides him are none but lifeless objects and false
00:45:08In fact, they call on none but Satan, the rebellious.
00:45:14Whom Allah has deprived of his blessings, and who had said, I shall certainly take from
00:45:20your servants an appointed portion.
00:45:24And certainly I will lead them astray, and assuredly I will arouse vain desires in them,
00:45:30and I will incite them to polytheistic practices, and they will slit the ears of cattle, as
00:45:36a mark of their dedication to the deities, and I will most assuredly make them change
00:45:42for the worse the things created by Allah.
00:45:47And he who takes this Satan to him for a friend rather than Allah has of course suffered an
00:45:54evident loss.
00:45:56He, Satan, holds out promises to them, and arouses false hopes in them, but Satan promises
00:46:04nothing but vain things to them.
00:46:08It is these his dupes, whose abode is Jahannah, and they shall find no way of escape from
00:46:16And those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, we will certainly admit them into gardens
00:46:22served with running streams.
00:46:25There they shall abide for ever.
00:46:28Allah's promise is unfailing, and who is more truthful than Allah in word?
00:46:35O people, it shall not be according to your vain desires, nor according to the vain desires
00:46:43of the people of the scripture.
00:46:45He who does evil shall be recompensed accordingly, and he shall find for himself no patron nor
00:46:52a helper besides Allah.
00:46:55But whosoever does deeds of righteousness, be it male or female, provided he or she is
00:47:02a believer, it is these then who shall enter paradise, and shall not be treated unjustly
00:47:10even so much as the groove in a date stone.
00:47:15And who is better in faith than one who submits his whole attention to Allah, and he is a
00:47:22doer of good to others, and follows the religion of Abraham the upright?
00:47:28And Allah had taken Abraham for a special friend.
00:47:33And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and Allah encompasses
00:47:40each and everything.
00:47:44And they seek your ruling with regard to marrying women having no husbands.
00:47:49Say, Allah gives you his ruling about them, and he reminds you the ruling as has already
00:47:55been mentioned to you in this book regarding women without husbands, to whom you do not
00:48:00give their rights prescribed for them, yet you feel inclined to get them in marriage
00:48:06with a mind to take over their belongings, and the ruling is also regarding the helpless
00:48:13He enjoins you to stand firm in observing equity towards the orphans, and remember whatever
00:48:20good you do, Allah knows it very well.
00:48:24And if a woman fears high-handedness or indifference on the part of her husband, then there is
00:48:29no blame on them both that they may be amicably reconciled to each other, and reconciliation
00:48:35is the best.
00:48:37And covetousness and greed is ever present in human minds, but if you do good and guard
00:48:44against this evil, you will find that Allah is well aware of what you do.
00:48:50It is not within your power, as far as natural feelings of love and devotion are concerned,
00:48:56to maintain perfect balance between wives and to treat them with equal justice, even
00:49:02though you be ever so eager.
00:49:04But do not incline with a total inclination towards one so that you completely sever your
00:49:10relations with the other, so as to leave her like something suspended as virtually deserted.
00:49:18And if you keep things right and guard against evil, then surely Allah is great protector,
00:49:25or merciful.
00:49:28And if they, the husband and the wife, choose to separate through divorce obtained by either
00:49:33of them, Allah will make both independent and free from want, out of His bounty, and
00:49:39Allah is all-bountiful, ever wise.
00:49:45And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth.
00:49:50And we enjoined those who were given the scripture before you, and we enjoin you also
00:49:55to take Allah as a shield, and keep your duty to Him.
00:50:00But if you disobey, then remember that to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and
00:50:06whatever is in the earth, and Allah is self-sufficient, praiseworthy.
00:50:12And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and sufficient
00:50:19is Allah as a disposer of affairs.
00:50:23If He so will, He can make you pass away, O people, and bring in another people in your
00:50:30stead, and Allah is possessor of power to do all this.
00:50:36Whosoever seeks the reward of this world, let him know that the reward of this world
00:50:41and that of the hereafter is with Allah, Allah is all-hearing, all-seeing.
00:50:48O you who believe, be strict observers of justice, bearers of true evidence for the
00:50:54sake of Allah, even though it be against yourselves or against your parents or near of kin.
00:51:01Let neither of the parties, whether the one against whom or the one in favor of whom you
00:51:07bear evidence, be rich or poor.
00:51:11Bear in mind Allah is more regardful of them both than you are.
00:51:16Therefore do not follow your low desires in order to be able to do justice.
00:51:21And if you distort or evade true evidence, remember Allah is well aware of what you do.
00:51:29O you who believe, maintain faith in Allah and in His messenger and in this perfect book
00:51:36which He has revealed to His perfect messenger and in the scripture He revealed before.
00:51:43And whoso denies Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers and the last
00:51:49day, he has indeed strayed far away from the truth.
00:51:55Verily those who believed and then disbelieved, again believed, again disbelieved and then
00:52:02became worse in disbelief, it is not for Allah to pardon them nor to guide them in the right
00:52:11Tell the hypocrites clearly that a woeful punishment awaits them.
00:52:16Do those who hold the disbelievers for friends to the exclusion of the believers seek honor
00:52:22at their hands?
00:52:24Let them remember that all honor truly belongs to Allah alone.
00:52:30And He has already revealed to you in this book the commandment that when you hear Allah's
00:52:35messages being denied and being ridiculed, you should not sit with such absurd people
00:52:41unless they engage in a topic other than that, for in case you do not leave their company,
00:52:48you will indeed be like them.
00:52:51Allah is going to assemble the hypocrites and the disbelievers in Jahanna one and all.
00:52:59Those hypocrites who await news about you, then if you win a victory by the grace of
00:53:05Allah, they say, is it not that we were with you and on your side?
00:53:10But should there be for the disbelievers a share of it, they will say, did we not go
00:53:17to you to wage war?
00:53:19And did we not save you from the harm of the faithful?
00:53:23Then Allah will judge between you on the day of resurrection, and Allah will never let
00:53:28the disbelievers have a way to prevail against the believers.
00:53:34Verily the hypocrites abandon Allah, but He will abandon them.
00:53:39And when they stand up for prayer, they stand listlessly to show off to the people that
00:53:46they worship, yet they remember Allah but little.
00:53:51Wavering between that, belonging neither to these nor to those, and he whom Allah causes
00:53:59to be ruined, you shall not find a way of escape for him.
00:54:04O you who believe, do not take disbelievers for friends to the exclusion of believers.
00:54:11Do you mean to provide Allah with clear plea against yourselves?
00:54:16The hypocrites shall surely be in the lowest reaches of the fire.
00:54:20You shall never find any helper for them.
00:54:24Yet such of these who turn with sincere repentance, and amend themselves, and hold fast to Allah,
00:54:32and become sincere in their allegiance to Allah, it is these who are with the believers
00:54:37and Allah will soon grant these believers a great reward.
00:54:42What Allah has to do with punishing you, if you be grateful to Him and believe in Him,
00:54:48Allah is ever appreciative, all-knowing.
00:54:54Allah does not like the public utterance of the hurtful speech, except it is by one who
00:55:00has been done injustice to, and Allah is all-hearing, all-knowing.
00:55:07If you do a good deed openly, or do it in private, or pardon an injury done to you,
00:55:14Allah is ever-pardoning, all-powerful.
00:55:19Verily those who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers, or while believing choose to make
00:55:25a distinction between Allah and His messengers, and say we believe in some and disbelieve
00:55:31in others, intending to strike a course in between, it is these who are veritable disbelievers,
00:55:40and we have prepared a humiliating punishment for such disbelievers.
00:55:45On the other hand, those who believe in Allah and all of His messengers, and while believing
00:55:52make no distinction between any of them, it is to these whom we will soon give their rewards,
00:55:58indeed Allah is great protector, ever-merciful.
00:56:04The people of the scripture ask you to bring down upon them a book from the heaven.
00:56:09They made a more wicked and greater demand than that from Moses, when they said,
00:56:14Show us Allah openly, face to face.
00:56:19Then a destructive punishment overtook them for their wrongdoing.
00:56:24Then they took the calf for worship, after clear commandments had come to them, but we
00:56:29pardoned them even after that, and we gave Moses an undisputed authority, and we raised
00:56:38the mount above them, while taking their covenant at the foot of the mount, and we
00:56:43said to them, Enter the gate of the town submissively, and we said to them, Do not violate the law
00:56:50of Sabbath, and we took from them a solemn covenant.
00:56:56Then because of their breaking the covenant, and their denial of the messages of Allah,
00:57:02and their antagonizing the prophets without a just cause, and their saying, Our hearts
00:57:08are uncircumcised and so cannot hear, nay the truth however is, Allah has set a seal
00:57:16upon their hearts because of their disbelief, so that they believe but a little.
00:57:23And the Lord has done this because of their denying Jesus, and because of their uttering
00:57:28a great calumny against Mary, and because of their falsely claiming, We did kill the
00:57:35Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the false messenger of Allah, whereas they killed him not, nor
00:57:42did they cause his death by crucifixion, but he was made to them to resemble one crucified
00:57:48to death.
00:57:50Verily those who differ therein are certainly in a state of confusion about it.
00:57:56They have no definite knowledge of the matter, but are only following a conjecture.
00:58:02They did not kill him, this much is certain.
00:58:07Rather Allah exalted him with all honor to his presence, and Allah is almighty, all-wise.
00:58:17And there is none from among the people of the scripture but most certainly will believe
00:58:22in this incident that Jesus died on the cross before his death, while as a matter of fact
00:58:28they have no sure knowledge about Jesus dying on the cross, and on the day of resurrection
00:58:34he Jesus will be a witness against them.
00:58:39Then by way of punishing them on account of the transgression of those who Judaized, we
00:58:45made unlawful to them certain of the good and pure things which had been allowed to
00:58:50them before, and that too on account of their causing hindrances to many, from Allah's way,
00:58:57and also on account of their taking interest and usury, though they were forbidden it,
00:59:03and because of their misappropriating people's belongings, and we have prepared a woeful
00:59:09punishment for those among them who disbelieve.
00:59:13But those from among them who are firmly grounded in knowledge, and the faithful who believe
00:59:18in that divine message which has been revealed to you, and that which was revealed before
00:59:24you, and especially the observers of prayers, and those who go on presenting the zakat,
00:59:31and believe in Allah in the last day, it is they we will certainly bestow on them a great reward.
00:59:40Surely we have sent down our revelation to you, as we sent it down to Noah and the prophets
00:59:46who came after him, and we sent revelation to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his
00:59:55children, and to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and we gave David a scripture.
01:00:06And there are some messengers whom we have mentioned to you before, and many messengers
01:00:11we have not mentioned them to you, and Allah spoke to you as he spoke to Moses in explicit
01:00:17words at great length.
01:00:20All these messengers were bearers of good tidings to the believers, and warners to the
01:00:25disbelievers, and were sent so that people may have no plea against Allah after the advent
01:00:31of the messengers.
01:00:32And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.
01:00:36They deny the Quran, but Allah Himself bears witness through His revelation to you that
01:00:42He has revealed it, with His knowledge, and the angels bear witness as well.
01:00:49Yet Allah suffices for a witness.
01:00:54Those who disbelieve and hinder others from following Allah's way have indeed strayed
01:01:00a far-off strain.
01:01:04Those who have disbelieved and have associated partners with Him, it is not for Allah to
01:01:09protect them, nor will He show them any way, other than the way leading to Jahannah, wherein
01:01:16they shall live for long.
01:01:19Indeed, that would be easy for Allah.
01:01:22O people, this messenger has indeed come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe,
01:01:30it will be better for you.
01:01:32But if you disbelieve, know that whatever is in the heavens and in the earth belongs
01:01:39to Him.
01:01:40Allah is ever All-Knowing, All-Wise.
01:01:46O people of the scripture, do not go beyond the limits of propriety in the matter of your
01:01:52religion, nor say anything regarding Allah except that which is perfectly true.
01:01:58The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and a fulfillment of
01:02:06His word which He communicated to Mary, and a mercy from Him.
01:02:13Believe therefore in Allah and in all His messengers, and do not say there are three.
01:02:21Refrain from following this doctrine, it will be better for you.
01:02:25Verily, Allah is the one and only worthy of worship.
01:02:30He is holy, far above having a son.
01:02:34To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and Allah suffices
01:02:41as a disposer of affairs.
01:02:45The Messiah never disdains to be looked upon as a servant of Allah, nor do the angels who
01:02:51are nearest to Him consider the fact degrading for themselves.
01:02:57And whoever disdains from His service and behaves arrogantly, the day will come when
01:03:02He will gather them all together to Himself.
01:03:07On that day, as to those who believed and did deeds of righteousness, He will give them
01:03:13their rewards in full and will add to them even more out of His bounty.
01:03:18But as for those who disdained to worship God and acted arrogantly, He will inflict
01:03:24a woeful punishment on them all.
01:03:28And apart from Allah, they will find for themselves no patron nor helper.
01:03:34O you people, a manifest proof has indeed come to you from your Lord, and we have sent
01:03:42down a clear light to you, which distinguishes the right from the wrong.
01:03:50Now as to those who believe in Allah and hold fast to Him, He will surely admit them to
01:03:56His mercy and to His grace and will guide them along a straight and right path leading
01:04:01to Himself.
01:04:04They ask you of your ruling, say, Allah gives you His ruling concerning Kalala, one who
01:04:11has neither parents left nor a child.
01:04:14If a man dies, he has no child, but leaves only a sister behind, then she shall inherit
01:04:21half of what he leaves.
01:04:23Likewise, he, the brother who is Kalala, shall inherit her whole property.
01:04:30If she, the sister, has no child and dies.
01:04:34But if there be two sisters or more, then they shall receive two-thirds of what he,
01:04:40the brother who is Kalala, leaves.
01:04:43And if they, the survivors, be brethren, men and women, then for the male is the equal
01:04:49of the portion of two females.
01:04:52Allah makes His commandments clear to you, lest you should err.
01:04:56And Allah knows all things well.
