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00:00What's up Wolfpack Fam, it's your boy Kid back at it again. I'll be doing well continue my journey with my boys Louie and Briggs
00:16What adventures are gonna lie? You know what ventures gonna be happening on this week's episode?
00:20I got a stay tuned to find out ladies and gentlemen snacks is not included damn it
00:24You got to bring your own don't forget to Like comment subscribe
00:27Helps out the channel tremendously I'll shout out to the patches as well. Thank you so much for your support
00:31Let's get this journey started. Let's get it
00:34Snacks not included. Let's freaking go
01:36And the barmaid leans across and says a word if it wasn't for the bloody
01:52His name is chief lazy
01:56What's another
02:02Same again is it let's so he goes out of his teepee. That's two points. I've got a tooth bitter and a bit of shame
02:08No, just start with me. I've got the most. I'll tell you what make my appeals
02:12One and a half a lager to bitter and a pill. Anyway, he goes out of his teepee. He sees this
02:30Told you
02:45While you're on sir, have you heard the one about the red Indian?
02:51Give it up bro. Yeah, he told it to me
02:57What do you mean nobody likes you exactly what I say
03:02You saw back there in the pub
03:05Nobody listens to
03:09Well, who doesn't like nobody likes me
03:14You name one single person down the neck who likes who really really likes
03:32The trick was no, give me a chance. There must be somebody
03:45You know the traffic warden comes in the canteen
03:49Well, she's written to you, isn't she?
03:51How did you find out about that?
03:54Have you been going through my private correspondence?
03:57Well, it wasn't exactly private was it she left it in a little plastic bag on your windscreen
04:06There's nothing between me and Dorothy now anyway, she's married to a job
04:12Can't even take it out in me car since we taxed this
04:15nice door Dorothy
04:17nice legs
04:19Well, she's got one nice leg
04:25Well, we'll see I'm checking her to the division darts match tonight
04:30Get her to sit down for two minutes. I might be in with a chance
04:34It's a message from Dorothy
04:41Dear Dave can't make the darts tonight as I'm Lansing me Veruca's
04:51Strike out
04:56Even Dorothy doesn't like me. What's the matter with you? Anyway, why do you suddenly think nobody likes you?
05:06Nobody likes me. That's all
05:09When you say nobody likes you I mean I
05:13You know
05:18Go on you you was
05:26What it is you don't like the idea that I'm vaguely glamorous
05:34Always well turned out and they don't like the idea that I'm not a beer swilling moron like the rest of them
05:41I'm not a beer swilling moron. Hey
06:13They hate us
06:15They don't know lighters. Yes, they do
06:18The super likes us. Yeah. Yes, he does this super hates us
06:24What have we ever done to make the super hate us
06:59Keep showing that shit
07:13Told you they hated us
07:39You see Louie DC Briggs me brother Ryan
07:45What's he done
07:48Witness the only witness we have to the murder of this fella
07:54Harry the horse. He was a mule did all the donkey work for an international drugs
07:59And paid the price
08:01The lads at Scotland Yard say his murder bore all the hallmarks of a classic mafia hit
08:06That's why we've got to guard this fella night and day
08:09His life is in mortal danger
08:22Didn't expect that
08:29If this thing is handled properly we can put some of the biggest names in the mob behind bars for years
08:35I hardly need to tell you they'll stop at nothing to bump him off
08:40Could be the bullet from a sniper bomb in the car
08:45Lethal dose of poison in his teeth
08:49We think the safest place for him is his monastery in Cumbria
08:53So I want you to to go with him undercover and keep an eye on
09:00Now I'm not gonna hide it from you too, this is a highly dangerous assignment
09:06If they get to him
09:09They could probably kill you too as well, so if you want to back out say the word now
09:19There is just one other thing brother Ryan is from a silent order
09:23He hasn't spoken a word to another human being for 30 years and while you're there
09:28You'll be expected to follow the same rules
09:30Think you can manage that
09:52Why does it always have to be I told you nobody likes us
09:59Wow nice assortment two weeks in a monastery in Cumbria have a good time. Oh, yeah twig lit
10:09Would you like a pot of tea Terry
10:16Take that prick take that you prick
10:32Twig lit what
10:46What flavor
10:57That was cool
11:00Right which way now
11:04Hang on that's mr. Navigator
11:12Second right
11:15Straight over the roundabout
11:20And first left
11:24At the Prince of Wales pub
11:53She's it
12:14No stay with your Frank
12:16I just popped in to find out how our precious witness is getting on
12:20Important case this you know not to worry sir. He's well out of harm's way
12:24We got Briggs and Louie looking after him good good
12:28One of our usual safe houses is it no sir. They've taken extra special precautions in this case really
12:35So we got him stashed in your garden shed
12:39No, we've sent him home back to his monastery
12:43And where's that then exactly little place called Brecon Moore?
12:47Just outside Carlisle, and it's just Briggs and Louie is it?
12:51Yeah, that's a point
12:53Think we ought to send reinforcements. No no
12:56No Briggs and Louie will be
12:59Just fine
13:01Thanks anyway Frank
13:23Come to bed right now they bring the mattresses in
13:28They don't have mattresses in a monastery
13:32It's not the bloody post house. You know that's the whole idea people come to monasteries to suffer
13:38Through hardship shall cometh understanding
13:41sit Paul
13:43Through denial shall cometh forth wisdom
13:45All the tickets through sitting on a cold stone bench shall come forth pilots
13:52My mom
13:58For me this is an opportunity to get in touch with my inner self
14:04Just for one minute will you leave Ninja Turtle heroes alone?
14:09This is God's house with it
14:12Yeah, well if it's God's ass wasn't he stick up some shelves and plug in some central eating
14:18Anyway, where's all the motor man?
14:20He's next door
14:26Two knocks means he's all right three knocks. He's in trouble who are not displaying squash
16:08Ha ha
16:39Don't you didn't like chicken I don't but I don't know the sign for mince
16:48Fair enough, I think you're already doing it
18:57It's a bit difficult actually sir Margaret doesn't left you again as she
19:05Come on Frank you can talk to me
19:08Well, I don't like to go behind anybody's back, sir, but it's about Chief Superintendent Lomax. What about him? I
19:14Think he may be involved in that murder at the railway station
19:17Involved. Oh, it's only a hunch at the moment, sir
19:20But it's just that well
19:21I really just hold it right there Frank Ken Lomax has given 25 years of fine and dedicated service to this division
19:27Got that
19:30Yes, sir, so if you really do want to climb the greasy pole to the position of chief superintendent
19:36There are more honorable ways of going about it than spreading unfounded rumors about your fellow officers
19:42Understood. Yes, sir
19:46God this is boring. Is this all they do all day? Try and dig the garden boy
19:56This isn't boring, how can this possibly be boring?
20:01Communing with Mother Earth
20:03Planting a seed deep inside her second warmth and watching me as she takes it to a bosom and nurtures it
20:13This isn't
20:19Word just touch me
20:29But I still wanted God's creatures, yeah, well, it's two of God's creatures
20:42Out in the open
20:45No, I'm speckled sitting in a smoke-filled pub full of muggers and crack dealers and blokes pretending
20:50They used to be members of the SAS. My back's killing me. What's the matter Bob? Not used to all this hard work
20:56No, I'm not used to sleeping on Fred Flintstone's Zed bed
21:01Look at this lot. You don't hear them complaining. Do you see you I bloody would if they were allowed to
21:13Got no
21:16What's the word what you got no
21:19No, what no
21:21What no what no soul you got no soul Bob. I lose you think you are James Brown
21:32He is a man without vices
21:34For 30 years. He has been tilling that same bit of soil. He reaps and he sows he rakes and he mows
21:43He never goes out and go to the pub. He knows not of the pleasures of the flesh
21:51You don't go to the shops doesn't watch the telly never reads the newspapers doesn't buy mucky magazines doesn't go to the match
21:59And for 30 years he hasn't spoken a single word
22:10Probably hasn't got anything to say exactly. Should we go to the pub?
22:30All right, what's this place
22:38Brecon more brandy
22:40brewed by the monks of Brecon more monastery for 500 years
22:45from a blend of traditional
22:50What do you do drink it all rub it in
22:59Hmm that has a nose faintly reminiscent of a fine amontillado
23:06Smells like deep eat
23:23No wonder they're all bloody silent
23:59You see there was this bloke chief lazybones and he was out hunting elk
24:21Damn who has it?
24:33This this is the lovely lovely
24:46What it is
24:49What it is is nobody understands the real me
24:56Nobody knows the real David Briggs
25:00Thing is I might I might seem to you to be uncompromising
25:06Uncaring tough and
25:12Underneath this hard veneer
25:16I'm really vulnerable
25:20And it hurts when people don't like me
25:31Like you
25:59Think I've eaten me socks
27:23Oh my goodness
27:51Very own chief superintendent Lomax
27:56Naughty boy
27:58Drives and handouts since his first day on the beat. Oh, you've been a very naughty boy
28:04Nothing. I hate more than a bent copper
28:12This chief lazybones if that's a bison god knows what they've done with the totem pole
28:37Dope episode Super Nintendo
28:43Should I have it on anything to drink guys, I promise man
28:47Superintendent was badass taking out that mofo right there at the end, man
28:52He has some Chuck Norris some Bruce Lee moves there again
28:56I promise I haven't had any drinks
28:58But man, if I ever did man, I want to like to have some drinks with Louie and Briggs man. They make drunk
29:05We got to talk about it. Thank you so much for hanging out really enjoyed this episode
29:09Hopefully you guys did you'll have to let me know in a comment sound below. Thank you. Thank you
29:13Ladies and gentlemen, the boys have done it again Louie and Briggs do not disappoint man. These two goofballs
29:20Crack me up. You got a feel for my boys almost nobody likes them
29:26You know, but let's say we like them. They're so funny. They're so cool
29:31You know, I would have loved to have a drink with these two guys man. They're a freaking trip right here. We got to say
29:38Dope episode really an engaging episode really cool
29:43There was so many strong moments in this episode very funny moments on this episode
29:48But we got to give which I just called Super Nintendo real quick the superintendent some credit in
29:56Going with his hunch
29:59Going against essentially
30:02the chief
30:04superintendent who's been there for
30:0525 years so for him to go to a higher-up and try to say something when
30:12You know ideally somebody that's working that long
30:15You know, you would not think it's gonna be, you know corrupt or a bad guy
30:19And I'm obviously we see it in movies. We see it in shows, you know the corruption shit and we see it in real life
30:26you know with people in power and shit, but um, I
30:30Gotta give the chief
30:32Some damn, you know, excuse me the superintendent some damn credit. That guy was a badass having a Chuck Norris moment
30:40You know shit karate kid you want to say Bruce Lee moments, man
30:44I did not know he had those gangster moves in him. That was so impressive
30:50So some of the scenes that we really enjoyed
30:53has to be
30:57Where everyone is sitting down at the table, you know, you got the you know, the chicken or the mince
31:04moments there and
31:06You know you had I think it was I think it was Briggs that would have had no
31:10No, I think it might have been Louie. You guys can correct me
31:13It was either Louie or Briggs that was like man. I would have did mince, but I didn't know the sign for it
31:19So that was a great moment there, but that best moment there was on the table
31:29He passed it, you know, you wanted to you know, we knew what he fully wanted to say
31:37Oh man, all that shit, oh shit, excuse me, I got so excited here all that moment there, you know
31:43It passed us all the guy
31:46Kept waving at him and stuff. This guy's a nice guy man, but he ain't getting a memo on it
31:51all that shit and then you got Briggs taking the damn salt and
31:57Then she goes right back away
31:59So I felt so bad for for for Louie on that you got to feel a little sad for my boy Briggs, too
32:05Nobody freaking likes him. He's so unlike that even the canine
32:10Unit dog, you know didn't like it was freaking attacking him. Like he's a damn postman and shit. So
32:17Incredible moments there. We want to give
32:20The monk was fantastic for a guy that hasn't spoke for 30 years
32:26You know, he ain't got none as he just doesn't have anything to say
32:31God I was impressed with his performance and stuff like that because again, you know him describing
32:38Where they gotta go, you know first left second, right, whatever, etc, etc
32:43And Louie is understanding to the teak man highly impressive
32:47This comes a long way from guys that you assume essentially that would get lost shit even in the first episode
32:55When they're going to a hotel it took them a while to get there
32:57So, you know, it's it was very impressive of Louie in this situation
33:03But man, this was such a banger episode so many great moments, you know, these guys going back and forth with each other
33:11Louie had me dying with that worm bit, you know
33:14Briggs is like yeah, this is one of God's creatures and stuff. Well, you know creatures. Yeah now he's too, you know, he's too crazy
33:22And he's just going hammy and all that shit man god damn man these boys
33:26Deliver this is great comedy a lot of funny moments within these serious moments
33:32You know, I am having an absolute blast watching this show. It's been great to just
33:38experience and see
33:40You know new characters new actors and actresses. This is what drives me to do these things because
33:47I've always been a fan of watching shows
33:50So because you know, it takes a lot more to develop characters and you know
33:56There's more stories potentially that happen as opposed to watching movies movies. I love to I love movies, too
34:01But there's something special about watching a TV show and especially, you know
34:05It's gonna be over a course of years and it becomes a part of you watching it, you know enjoyment
34:11So obviously I did not watch this show growing up, but man
34:15We are enjoying it now, you know, so this is really this is really cool
34:20I definitely feel this is another banger show. This was another banger episode really enjoyed it
34:24I just really look forward to see what the hell they're gonna get into
34:28You know, the superintendent is always putting them into some
34:34Adventures so as as this is a journey for me
34:37It's very exciting to see what adventures these guys are going to get into, you know
34:41Every week and I was loving
34:45Louie playing with his Gameboy and shit
34:49greatest one of the greatest moments and
34:52most memorable moments of for myself
34:55during a Christmas time was opening up a Gameboy having a Tetris because I think it came with it and
35:01A Super Mario. I think it was Super Mario land one or something
35:05Whatever this first Super Mario game that came out on the Gameboy man
35:09We eventually had that Turtles game too, so a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I know
35:15It was called something different. I remember
35:18when my boy lost
35:21Made us check out
35:24one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the comparison from the US version and the
35:29The UK version and stuff as far as like what they were called, you know little differences and stuff like that
35:34So it was very interesting checking that out. So just hearing the Turtles brought some smile to my face
35:39I don't know. He was playing it that good. I
35:42Freaking enjoyed it the drinking scenes them being drunk
35:47You know going around. Oh man going on the bell thing going up and down
35:52Oh, man, that shit was great. I'm singing, you know, these guys going up
35:56This guy's putting his feet up on the essentially like how you put your feet up on the sofa and show your guests there
36:04What the hell you doing, you know, oh my god
36:07I really had a blast watching it
36:09Hopefully you did the only way to really let me know is if you actually comment down below
36:13So, you know take some take a moment give a smiling face. I don't give a heart. I don't know
36:19Anything let a brother know if you enjoying this and as always just thanks for hanging out
36:25Again, don't forget to Like comment subscribe
36:27It does a lot helps out the channel tremendously and it's free to do shout out to the patrons as well
36:33Thank you so much for your support. We'll see you on the next one
36:35We got more adventures with my boys Louie and Briggs. I can't wait to see another episode. See you soon. Peace out
36:40Take care. Be well and have a good rest of your week. Peace