ARY News Special Transmission | SCO Summit 2024 Pakistan Part - 3 | 16th Oct

  • 7 hours ago
#scosummit2024 #specialtransmission #pmshehbazsharif

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ARY News is a leading Pakistani news channel that promises to bring you factual and timely international stories and stories about Pakistan, sports, entertainment, and business, amid others.
00:00I would like to welcome you to the concluding session of our transmission.
00:05The SCO has also concluded and its joint announcement has also come.
00:09We will try to talk about it from different angles in a simple and general way.
00:14We have with us Mr. Mohammad Malik, Senior Journalist, Anchorperson of Ayurveda News.
00:20Thank you very much.
00:21Mr. Shahid Haqqan Abasi is also with us.
00:31He is a former Prime Minister of Pakistan.
00:34He is very relevant in terms of the economy.
00:37A joint announcement has also come regarding the SCO.
00:41We have discussed 2-3 points in it.
00:43The first point is that this forum has criticized the one-sided trade ban and said that it is against the World Trade Organization.
00:52Not to forget, of course, that Iran and Russia are very critical in this regard.
00:56Both are engaged in a kind of war at the moment.
01:00Both are also subject to restrictions at the moment.
01:03So, this criticism was also coming earlier that Iran will try to include something in this announcement regarding Israel.
01:14But anyway, this is definitely one thing that Iran, which is called experts in international success, put this.
01:22In the presence of India, which is a big ally of Israel, one-sided trade restrictions should not be imposed.
01:28China's BRI Belt Road Initiative, which is a grand project of China,
01:33through which they want to connect the world with roads,
01:37which is the flagship project of Pakistan, CPEC,
01:40has also been discussed.
01:42Then I will go to the guests.
01:44It has been said that while reaffirming support for the People's Republic of China's One Belt One Road Initiative,
01:51ongoing work on joint implementation of the project, including efforts to bridge the Eurasian Economic Union and OBOR.
01:59We have with us Mr. Mohammad Malik and Mr. Shahid Khakhan Abbasi.
02:04I am very grateful to both of them.
02:06Sir, Mr. Khakhan, first of all, generally,
02:10in an environment where there are many challenges on various fronts,
02:16on the front of the economy, on the front of security,
02:19where we keep talking about isolation,
02:21that the country has become a victim in the recent past,
02:24the inauguration of a conference, the arrival of the leaders of the country,
02:27the arrival of about 100 or so delegations from Russia,
02:30then the Prime Minister of Russia, the Prime Minister of China,
02:33the Deputy President of Iran, the Foreign Minister of India,
02:36this arrival and the success of its inauguration,
02:38the security of any leader of the country,
02:41the foundation of security,
02:43not participating in this,
02:45this is a good breeze in this situation.
02:49Mr. Khakhan, as a former Prime Minister, what would you say?
02:54Look, this conference is held every year in a member country.
02:59This time it was held in Pakistan.
03:01So, this is certainly a good sign for Pakistan
03:05that the leaders of so many countries have come,
03:09a conference has been held,
03:11but it should be seen in this context.
03:13If you try to read more in this,
03:17then I don't think it will be right.
03:20Look at it in the context of the SCO.
03:22This is not a matter of bilateral relations.
03:25This is the organization of SCO security, regional security, regional connectivity, regional economy.
03:32This is an organization.
03:33This should be seen in its own context.
03:35Mr. Shahid, if I can ask you precisely,
03:37then I will go to Mr. Mali.
03:38You have taken care of this country as the Prime Minister.
03:42And when the Prime Minister was not there,
03:44then for a long time you have been very relevant
03:46in the industries related to the economy and energy.
03:49Whenever we talk about economic prosperity,
03:52it seems that the flagship that has been planned is CPEC,
03:55which is part of China's BRI Belt Road Initiative, One Belt One Road.
04:00It is also written in this announcement that it should be accelerated.
04:03And of course, we hear a lot that
04:05the United States is not particularly satisfied with this plan
04:08or with all such plans.
04:12Do we face a lot of challenges practically
04:15to advance this plan?
04:17I am not talking about terrorism and that.
04:20I am talking about the Western bloc.
04:22If the pace of the CPEC plan is not what it should be,
04:25then is there a reason why the West is not happy with this plan?
04:33CPEC was the biggest economic opportunity in Pakistan's history.
04:39There has never been a bigger economic opportunity than this.
04:42In the basic period, this was more than 50 billion dollars.
04:46And this amount was more than that,
04:48which you can use on any project that is economically viable
04:53and environmentally sustainable.
04:55These were the two conditions.
04:57You could do it.
04:59We did some projects successfully,
05:02some of which were of power, some of which were of communication.
05:05But after that, the pace of this CPEC project
05:09was significantly reduced.
05:11And what were the reasons for that?
05:15Yes, we can blame some of it,
05:17that it was the pressure of the West.
05:19It was definitely the pressure of the West.
05:21But these are the constraints that you have to face.
05:24You have to counter them.
05:26But there is no doubt that after 2018,
05:29the pace of the CPEC project was significantly reduced.
05:34I now hope that the people of China,
05:38who have spoken,
05:40I hope that this CPEC project moves forward
05:44and reaches its previous pace of progress.
05:48But I personally think
05:50that now there will not be that way of projects in the past.
05:55Now there will be a different type,
05:57which is called smart intervention,
06:00which will be of short duration and will be more focused.
06:06I think this will happen.
06:08And apart from that, you will see that
06:10perhaps Chinese companies in Pakistan
06:13will invest in the already existing projects.
06:16I think the shape and quality of the CPEC will change.
06:19Okay, I am going to go to Mr. Malik.
06:22Mr. Naib Wazir Azam wants to speak.
06:25Let's show him and then come back.
06:46With His Excellency, Mr. Zhang Ming,
06:49the Secretary General of the SCO,
06:51I am here to share with you
06:53the highlights of the important SCO meeting of today.
07:00Ladies and gentlemen, let me start by saying
07:03that it was a great honor for Pakistan
07:06to organize the 23rd meeting
07:09of the Council of the Heads of Government
07:12of SCO member states in Islamabad.
07:17We are very pleased to host the honorable leaders
07:21from the brotherly countries of SCO
07:23and have made our best efforts
07:26to make their stay in Pakistan
07:29as comfortable and productive as we could.
07:35We hope that they will take with them good memories
07:38of their stay in Pakistan.
07:42We are also grateful
07:44for their very constructive engagement
07:47and positive contributions during this meeting.
07:51Ladies and gentlemen,
07:52during the past one year of Pakistan Presidency,
07:55we made every effort
07:57not only to work on the priority areas
08:01identified by Pakistan,
08:03which include enhancing regional connectivity,
08:07environmental protection,
08:09poverty alleviation,
08:11youth empowerment, etc.,
08:14but also collaborated actively
08:17with all member states
08:19to adopt all forward-looking proposals
08:22for the sustainable development of the region.
08:26As a result,
08:27I am happy to share
08:29that several new areas of cooperation
08:31have been approved
08:33by the relevant forums of SCO,
08:36which inter alia include
08:38a. Concept on creation of SCO economic preferences base
08:45b. Concept on cooperation among the trade promotion organizations
08:52c. Framework for cooperation in the development of creative economy
08:58d. Program of new economic dialogue of the SCO
09:04Ladies and gentlemen,
09:05the outcomes of today's meetings
09:07are grounded in a year-long hard work
09:11by the relevant experts,
09:14as well as continuous support
09:17by the SCO Secretariat.
09:21this year-long process
09:24re-emphasizes the commitment by all SCO member states
09:28to uphold the values of the Shanghai spirit.
09:34It was in this same spirit
09:36that Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif
09:38in his statement today
09:40reiterated Pakistan's clear commitment
09:44to the goals and principles of SCO Charter.
09:48Highlighting the effectiveness and utility
09:52of SCO mechanisms
09:54in the face of unprecedented regional and global challenges,
09:59Prime Minister Sharif also stressed
10:02that SCO was ideally placed
10:04to serve as a vital platform
10:07for fostering cooperation
10:09to ensure sustainable development,
10:13and prosperity in the region.
10:16copies of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif's speech
10:20and statement are available
10:22for any media friend who would like to take it.
10:25Ladies and gentlemen,
10:26The joint communique of the Council of Heads of Government
10:30signed just now
10:32by the leaders of the SCO member states
10:35is a comprehensive document
10:37covering a wide area of cooperation
10:40in the fields of economy,
10:45technology development,
10:47transport and connectivity,
10:50climate change,
10:51public health,
10:54poverty alleviation,
10:55women and youth empowerment, etc.
10:59Through this joint communique,
11:01the SCO leaders have affirmed
11:04their resolve to further strengthen
11:06their cooperation
11:08in these spheres
11:10to build
11:11a peaceful,
11:14and environmentally friendly planet Earth.
11:18The communique also stresses
11:20the importance
11:22of improving the global economic governance system
11:25and establishing a multilateral trading system
11:29that is open,
11:33and non-discriminatory,
11:35promoting the growth of a global economy
11:38for a shared and equitable future.
11:42The SCO leaders also expressed
11:45concern on the escalation of various challenges
11:49resulting in diminishing investment flows,
11:53disruption of supply chains,
11:56and generating uncertainties
11:59in global financial markets
12:01through adoption of unlawful,
12:04and protectionist measures
12:06to end trade.
12:09Sharing the collective desire
12:11of the international community
12:13to strengthen
12:16the SCO leaders welcomed
12:18the initiatives of the SCO countries
12:20in the creation of effective
12:22transport corridors
12:24and development of ports
12:26and logistics centers.
12:28Ladies and gentlemen,
12:30also recalling the SCO decision
12:32on financial support mechanisms
12:34for project activities,
12:36the communique instructed
12:39the authorized departments of Member States
12:42to intensify efforts
12:44on the establishment of the SCO Development Bank,
12:47SCO Development Fund,
12:49and the SCO Investment Fund.
12:52Amongst the decisions taken
12:54by the Council today,
12:56the budget of SCO for 2025
12:59and the human resource allocation
13:01at the two permanent bodies,
13:03i.e. SCO Secretariat
13:06and SCO Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure
13:10were also approved.
13:12But more importantly,
13:14ladies and gentlemen,
13:15the outcome of today's meeting
13:17is not only the joint communique
13:19or the host of other documents adopted,
13:22but the renewed resolve
13:26of the SCO leadership
13:28that by working together
13:31with the spirit of mutual respect
13:33and cooperation,
13:34we can overcome the challenges
13:37and can create hope
13:39for a better
13:40and a sustainable future
13:42to be equally shared by all.
13:45Let me also share
13:47with pleasure that today's meeting
13:49was conducted
13:50in the traditional atmosphere
13:52of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,
13:56which is characterized
13:57by goodwill and understanding,
13:59cooperation and collaboration,
14:02mutual respect,
14:03and mutual benefit.
14:05With the successful conclusion
14:07of this meeting,
14:08Pakistan has ably discharged
14:10its responsibilities
14:12as the chair of the CHG
14:15for the period 23-24
14:18and has passed on the baton
14:20of responsibility
14:21to the Russian Federation.
14:23While congratulating
14:25Russian Prime Minister Mishustin
14:28on assuming the chair
14:31of the Council of Heads of Government,
14:41I would like to assure
14:43the incoming President,
14:45which is the Russian Prime Minister,
14:48of the full assurance
14:49of Pakistan's continued
14:51constructive engagement
14:54and full support
14:55to their presidency.
14:56To conclude,
14:57I must say
14:58that cooperation
14:59in the interconnected region of SCO
15:02is a natural phenomenon
15:03which will lead
15:05to the further strengthening
15:06of friendship
15:07and good neighborly relations
15:09among SCO countries.
15:11I thank you all.
15:16Your Excellency,
15:18Deputy Prime Minister,
15:20Foreign Minister,
15:21dear friends from the media,
15:24good afternoon.
15:26It's an honor for me
15:28to attend the 23rd meeting
15:31of the Council of Heads of Government
15:35of the SCO Member States
15:37hosted by Pakistan.
15:40As noted by Deputy Prime Minister
15:43and Foreign Minister,
15:44Mr. Ishaq Dar,
15:46the Pakistani side
15:48has made tremendous
15:50constructive efforts
15:52for hosting
15:55such a high-quality meeting
15:59and a significant contribution
16:01to its success.
16:03Here, I'd like to extend
16:05my warmest congratulations
16:09and heartiest gratitude
16:15to the Pakistani side
16:18for successfully hosting
16:20the SCO meeting
16:22of the Council of Heads of Government
16:25for the first time.
16:31Mr. Ishaq Dar,
16:33Deputy Prime Minister
16:36and Foreign Minister,
16:37already gave a detailed briefing
16:40about the meeting.
16:42So here, I'd like to
16:45add a few points.
16:47Number one,
16:49the meeting focused
16:51on practical cooperation.
16:54It has a systemic summary
16:57of all the meetings
16:59of heads of ministries,
17:04responsible for practical areas
17:07over the past year.
17:10In particular,
17:11regarding the implementation
17:14of outcomes
17:15of the meeting of ministers
17:17responsible for foreign economic
17:20and foreign trade activities
17:24and the results
17:26of the SCO Interbank Consortium
17:28and the SCO Business Council.
17:31All in-depth discussion
17:34was carried out
17:37on SCO cooperation plans
17:40and prospects
17:42in priority areas
17:44such as trade,
17:51local currency settlement,
17:56education and culture.
17:58The meeting reaffirmed
18:00the consensus among Member States
18:03on the concrete follow-through
18:06of outcomes
18:08of the Astana Summit
18:10and on maintaining
18:12close cooperation
18:14in the establishment
18:15of the Association
18:17of Investors
18:19and the project financing mechanism
18:21of the SCO.
18:23Number two,
18:25the concept of cooperation
18:27on the development
18:28of a new economic dialogue
18:31among the SCO Member States
18:33was adopted at the meeting.
18:36It is aimed
18:40to strengthen the momentum
18:42of SCO economic
18:44and trade cooperation
18:51by further improving
18:53the efficacy
18:55of existing cooperation mechanisms
18:58and stepping up
19:00more platforms
19:02that facilitate
19:04mutually beneficial cooperation
19:06among the business community
19:09of the SCO Member States.
19:15the meeting discussed
19:17the modernization
19:19and reform of the SCO.
19:22It drew up
19:25a blueprint
19:27for action
19:29on the practical implementation
19:31of the recommendations
19:34approved at the Astana Summit
19:39on improving
19:40the operational mechanisms
19:42of the SCO
19:44and saw substantive
19:46exchanges of views
19:48on specific effective measures
19:51to improve the efficiency
19:53of SCO ministerial
19:57and expert mechanisms
19:59and to make the SCO
20:01permanent executive body
20:05more efficient,
20:07more operational
20:09and more flexible.
20:13the meeting paid attention
20:15to internal functioning
20:19of the SCO.
20:21In light of new situations
20:24and needs,
20:26such as the increased number
20:28of member states,
20:30the meeting adopted documents
20:32on final accounts
20:37of the previous year
20:39and the budget for the next year
20:41and on adjustments
20:43of the staffing
20:45of permanent bodies.
20:48This will ensure
20:50higher operational efficiency
20:52and better fulfillment
20:54of duties of our organization.
20:57In the context
20:59of intensifying
21:01global geopolitical conflicts,
21:04the participants
21:07also exchanged views
21:09on regional and international
21:11hotspot issues
21:14and reaffirmed
21:16the determination
21:18and readiness of the SCO
21:21to consolidate peace,
21:23security and stability
21:26in the region and the world
21:29through the joint endeavor
21:31of multilateral cooperation.
21:34Dear friends from the media,
21:36today is the last time for me
21:39that I take part
21:41in the SCO high-level
21:43institutional meeting
21:46as Secretary-General.
21:49I would like to thank all of you
21:52for your interest in
21:54and support for myself,
21:56the Secretariat and the SCO
22:00over the past three years.
22:04I hope that you will continue
22:07to closely follow
22:09and actively participate
22:11in the work of our organization
22:14and learn more about,
22:17publicize and support
22:19various SCO activities
22:22so as to facilitate
22:24the steady and long-term
22:27development and new achievements
22:30of the SCO
22:32In conclusion,
22:34once again,
22:36I would like to express
22:38the sincere gratitude
22:41to Pakistan,
22:43its people and government
22:46for the warm hospitality
22:51and the amazing preparation
22:54and the organization
22:56of such a high-level
22:59and high-quality event.
23:31I am departing from Islamabad.
23:33Thank you, Shehbaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar
23:35and the government of Pakistan
23:37for the hospitality and courtesies.
23:39Jai Shankar.
23:41We have left a few moments ago
23:43after the SCO conference.
23:45Mohammad Malik and Shahid Khakar
23:47are not with us.
23:49Malik, can you hear me?
23:51Yes, I can hear you.
23:55I would like to thank
23:57all of you
23:59Yes, I can hear you.
24:01Your voice can be heard
24:03even from hell.
24:05Sir, can you tell us
24:07a general comment
24:09and then we will go into detail.
24:11Can you tell us
24:13more than just good optics
24:15that a conference was held
24:17at an international level.
24:19It was a key conference.
24:21People from major countries came.
24:23Businessmen came.
24:25It was held in peace.
24:27A good news for Pakistan?
24:35No news is good news also.
24:37It was held peacefully.
24:39It was a good show.
24:41It was good.
24:43After a long time,
24:45there was news of an international event.
24:47I agree with Mr. Abbasi
24:49that there is no need to get over excited.
24:51We get emotional.
24:53This conference is held every year.
24:55It was held in Pakistan.
24:57We know the conditions
24:59in which it was held.
25:01The city was shut down
25:03and everything.
25:05But having said that,
25:07at least the optics are good.
25:09I am happy that
25:11the Indian Foreign Secretary
25:13and the Minister
25:15did not come and
25:17say anything bad.
25:19I am not giving credit
25:21because I don't want to be generous.
25:23The Indian people
25:25are hiding
25:27what happened in Canada.
25:29They will be happy
25:31that Pakistan's Foreign Office
25:33was busy with the SCO.
25:35They did not want to create
25:37any controversy.
25:39But what happened with India
25:41and the high pressure.
25:43You continue.
25:45We will be busy.
25:47But we are giving proof
25:49of generosity and responsibility.
25:51If the conference was being held
25:53in India
25:55and the SCO was being held
25:57in Pakistan.
25:59If the head of a small country
26:01had given a statement
26:03about Pakistan
26:05and not intervened
26:07any high commissioner
26:09that Pakistan does cross-border terrorism
26:11in our country,
26:13would India have let us go?
26:15We would have been burnt at the stake.
26:17The Foreign Office should
26:19have said that the conference was held.
26:21They should have
26:23raised the issue aggressively.
26:25This is not a small thing.
26:27It did not happen in a small country.
26:29It happened in Canada.
26:31The Canadian Prime Minister
26:33is on record.
26:35Yesterday I was listening to
26:37the White House briefing.
26:39They categorically said
26:41that India should listen
26:43and cooperate with them.
26:45This is not a small incident.
26:47It is clear that
26:49Indian Home Minister Amit Shah
26:51is also clearly
26:53indicted for authorizing
26:55operations of harassment,
26:57killing and intelligence gathering.
26:59At the highest level,
27:01India is involved
27:03as a terrorist state.
27:05They are committing assassinations.
27:07I was watching the speech
27:09of the Indian Foreign Secretary.
27:11He said that
27:13when things are happening across borders
27:15and when sovereignty is not respected,
27:17then what will happen to trade?
27:19You are going across borders.
27:21You are committing assassinations
27:23in other countries.
27:25Why is Canada so important?
27:27Waseem, please show the profile of Canada.
27:29The highest number
27:31of foreign naturalized citizens
27:33and immigration
27:35is India as a terrorist state.
27:37The highest number of students
27:39are there.
27:41It is a very large community.
27:43It was not easy
27:45for Trudeau to take this decision.
27:47I have been to Canada
27:51It has become a joke
27:53that our Sikh Prime Minister
27:55will be Canada's Prime Minister
27:57for 3-4 years.
27:59There is so much influence.
28:01How compelling evidence
28:03will it be that
28:05despite all these pressures
28:07and influence,
28:09Canadians had to take this stance?
28:11Pakistan should take this issue
28:13very aggressively at all fora.
28:15Today, he was sitting
28:17and yesterday,
28:19he said
28:21in his speech
28:23that he was talking
28:25about the permanent seat
28:27of the National Security Council.
28:29This is a time when Pakistan
28:31has to oppose it.
28:33The country that is committing
28:35assassinations of its political opponents
28:37in other countries,
28:39India has been caught
28:41with blood on its hands.
28:43There is no ambiguity in this.
28:45Now, the Foreign Office
28:47has shown us
28:49that this was an
28:51organizational event.
28:53We have shown
28:55a lot of courtesy and
28:59This is a big issue.
29:01Pakistan should take this
29:03very aggressively.
29:05Mr. Shahid,
29:07I am sure
29:09that if the
29:11Deputy Foreign Minister of Uganda
29:13had made such a statement against Pakistan,
29:15and if this was happening in India,
29:17he would have slapped us.
29:19Here, Canada, America,
29:21Justin Trudeau,
29:23their Foreign Ministry
29:25has thrown out the High Commissioner.
29:27There is an impression
29:29that we do not respond
29:33What is behind this?
29:35Or do we want to behave
29:37responsibly like them?
29:39Or do we become over apologetic?
29:41What is the mindset of the rulers
29:43when there is such an incident
29:45and there is a need to respond?
29:49This is a very different matter.
29:51If there is a war
29:53between two countries,
29:55if there is a dispute,
29:57there are cross-border
29:59allegations against each other.
30:03They cross-border
30:05each other.
30:07But if a country
30:09is killing someone
30:11in another part of the world,
30:13and is using
30:15criminal organizations
30:17to kill,
30:19and if that country
30:21takes action against it,
30:23India has become
30:25very exposed in front of the world
30:27about India's
30:29thoughts and intentions.
30:31We should highlight
30:33this point
30:35very aggressively.
30:37The allegations
30:39that India is putting on us
30:41are not at all false.
30:43Today, India itself
30:45has committed international terrorism.
30:47As a state,
30:49it has committed international terrorism.
30:51Do you think that
30:53whether it is Kalbhushan
30:55or Abhinandan,
30:57we are not able to highlight
31:01You have done Kalbhushan,
31:03but it has a plausible
31:05element of deniability.
31:07The state can deny
31:09that we were not involved
31:11in this.
31:13Here, a country
31:15has arrested your people,
31:17put allegations on you,
31:19removed your high commissioner
31:21and your entire staff.
31:23There is nothing left in this.
31:25It is the responsibility of the
31:27state to expose
31:29this in front of the world.
31:57India is committing international terrorism,
31:59which is being facilitated
32:01at the state level.
32:03Let's see how much
32:05SEO has been used
32:07to convince Afghanistan
32:09to stay away from such activities.
32:11In this context,
32:13can we be hopeful
32:15or do you feel more
32:17tension in the coming days?
32:19The issue in your western border
32:21is that you have two-sided
32:23relations with Afghanistan
32:25and I don't understand
32:27why there is a lack
32:29in this.
32:31The cross-border issues
32:33will be resolved
32:35in two-sided relations.
32:37The SEO platform will
32:39talk in a generalized way
32:41that terrorism should not
32:43happen in the region.
32:45These issues will be resolved
32:47in two-sided relations.
32:49There is a lesson
32:51for us in the
32:53Indian border.
32:55When India had
32:57amended its constitution
32:59and annexed Kashmir,
33:01at that time,
33:03Pakistan should have
33:05sealed its borders
33:07and called back
33:09its High Commissioner
33:11and removed him.
33:13You have to take such
33:15tough steps and then
33:17the world takes notice.
33:19If Canada had not taken
33:23Pakistan would not
33:25have been in this situation.
33:27You have to take
33:29tough steps.
33:31Malik sir,
33:33concluding remarks.
33:35I see only one problem
33:37with Afghanistan.
33:39We take tactical decisions.
33:41We have to
33:43clear the strategic
33:45road map.
33:47We have to decide
33:49whether to treat Pakistan
33:51as a hostile neighbor
33:53or to treat it
33:55in a lesser degree.
33:57It is not possible
33:59for the civilian government
34:01to say something else
34:03and the military generals
34:05to come and
34:07strike us.
34:09This is a mixed message.
34:11You and your regional
34:13partners do not have
34:15a clear message.
34:17How is Rawalpindi
34:19viewing Kabul?
34:21How is Islamabad viewing Kabul?
34:23Are they on the same page
34:25or not?
34:27We need to be very clear.
34:29Our road map should be clear.
34:31Tactics come out of strategy.
34:33Here, it is the opposite.
34:35Strategy comes out of tactics.
34:37Today, this incident happened
34:39and there was a reaction.
34:41These small incidents will keep
34:45If there was a 370 issue,
34:47you would have messaged
34:49the High Commissioner.
34:51It would have been an unambiguous
34:55Mr. Mian's statement
34:57has created a lot of confusion
34:59vis-a-vis India.
35:01He said that
35:03it would have been better
35:05if Mr. Modi had come.
35:07We need to find other ways.
35:09Mr. Bilawal gave a bold statement.
35:11He said that
35:13we should look at it in a larger framework.
35:15We should not look at it bilaterally.
35:17This is in its place.
35:19At the same time,
35:21we hear that India
35:23is heavily financing BLA
35:25and others.
35:27Where are we clear?
35:29Is India a hostile nation?
35:31If it is hostile,
35:33we need to look at it in that paradigm.
35:35If it is not hostile,
35:37you are right,
35:39I am not wrong.
35:41We need to have
35:43very clear strategic goals
35:45and tactics.
