Best Cartoon - Hoppity Hooper Episode 4 Ring-A-Ding Spring Pt4 #classiccartoons

  • il y a 12 heures


00:23When last we saw Hoppity, he was in a bit of a decline and going downhill fast.
00:30You said it!
00:31Trapped in the back of Waldo Wigglesworth's snake oil van, he was approaching Hairpin Corner at tremendous speed.
00:38That's right!
00:39It looks as if Hoppity is doomed.
00:41Can't you say anything pleasant?
00:43Uh, well, it's a nice day for it.
00:46Then suddenly the truck came up behind another car on the road ahead.
00:50A car driven by none other than One-Way Windrip, the meanie who had started the whole thing.
00:55On seeing the truck approach, Windrip swore a mighty oath.
00:59Oh, fudge.
01:01Too late.
01:03The next thing Windrip knew, he was a reluctant truck driver.
01:06Quickly, he applied the brakes.
01:08The truck slid sideways to the very edge of the cliff and stopped just in time.
01:14Boy, that was close, mister.
01:16Oh, it's you!
01:17You bet it's me, Lippy, and we got a little unfinished business to attend to.
01:21And Windrip started out of the cab to attack our hero.
01:24Unfortunately, he forgot how close he was to the edge.
01:29But now I remember.
01:32My boy, you're safe!
01:34Yeah, but I wonder why that fellow was out to get us.
01:37Probably after our money, Hoppity.
01:39But that's wrong, isn't it?
01:41Hoppity, my boy.
01:43As you grow older, you will learn that as soon as you have any money at all,
01:47somebody's always going to try to take it away from you.
01:50And you know what we call that?
01:53No, income tax.
01:55Well, next morning, a dispirited Windrip was being dressed down by that mean miser, Cyrus Flugelhorn.
02:02And you call yourself a thug, letting yourself be outwitted by a frog.
02:07He got the jump on.
02:09Confound it, Windrip, I want to see results!
02:12Such as?
02:13Three heads on a platter might be nice.
02:16Now get going!
02:17And again, Windrip slithered off.
02:19This time to intercept our friends at the source of Cubald Hair Restorer, Ringading Spring.
02:25Easy old Rick, you don't have to fill the bottle so full.
02:29Scamp a little.
02:30Gee, Uncle Waldo, it's just water and there's plenty of it.
02:33But Hoppity, that'd mean giving the suckers an even break.
02:37Well, what's wrong with that?
02:38Nothing, I suppose, but it just goes against the grain somehow.
02:43But just then, Windrip rolled a strange-looking object into Fillmore's view.
02:47Hey, hey, Waldo, I found a pineapple.
02:50Is it ripe?
02:51I think so, it's ticking.
02:53Kick it?
02:54Pembroke, that's a live grenade!
02:56Get down, everybody!
03:01Hoppity's quick action saved his friends, but ruined the spring.
03:04All the water was blown straight up into the air.
03:07Hoppity, there's a fortune up there, we've got to catch it!
03:11But Waldo was too late, and the miraculous hair-growing water fell untouched to the ground.
03:17Oh, I wouldn't say that.
03:19So, a short time later in the Flugelhorn Mansion,
03:22Mr. Flugelhorn...
03:24Is that you, Windrip?
03:26Good heavens, Windrip, what happened to you?
03:29I got the large economy-sized treatment with Cubald.
03:33You must have used up all the Cubald in the world.
03:36All except this bottle, Mr. Flugelhorn.
03:39Oh, Windrip, you'll pay for that!
03:42And the irascible Flugelhorn began to chase his hairy partner in crime down the street.
03:48Watch where you're going, young fella.
03:52What did you say?
03:54Dad blamed kids got no respect for your elders.
03:59And Cyrus Flugelhorn looked at his reflection in a nearby store window.
04:03By Gadfrey, I do look like a young sprout.
04:07Does your mother know you're out, kiddo?
04:10Well, that was the beginning of a new life for Cyrus Flugelhorn.
04:14He became a bon vivant, a big spender, a sparkling wit.
04:1923 skidoo, chicken and spritzer.
04:23Oh, Cy, you're a cud.
04:26Well, all's well that ends well, Uncle Waldo.
04:29Don't you have one too many wells in there?
04:32What next?
04:33Well, I thought we might go into business in a small way with just a pea and three walnut shells.
04:39Now, you just keep your eye on the little pea, young man.
04:43Well, our friends are off on a brand new story.
04:47Be sure you see the beginning of it next time in the adventures of Hoppity Hooper.
04:56© BF-WATCH TV 2021
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