Is this Patriots season already a wash?

  • 2 days ago
Is this Patriots season already a wash? Can they win in London against Jaguars? 6 weeks in, what do you predict their record to be, by end of season?
00:00and first appearance as QB1 on the afternoon show yesterday here at WEI and I thought he did a
00:08pretty good job and that was a lengthy explanation, more than you ever got from Mac Jones, a lengthy
00:14explanation on what he felt like he did well on Sunday. And he looked good like for his first
00:22thought. I mean he looked like at times he looked like a rookie but yeah. That's to be expected
00:28I think you're excited if you're a Pats fan. Well you're excited for the future. Yes. I mean I
00:34you know I don't know. The season's awash. Yeah. The season's awash. Yeah I mean he's not,
00:39you don't expect him to, do you expect him to win a game for you? Yeah. This NFL season. I think you
00:45could. With what's around him there's nothing around, there's absolutely nothing around him.
00:50Like I think you could beat Jacksonville and I think you could beat Tennessee. You know so I
00:58think it's not like. Probably four turnovers you can't. No no it's not like you're gonna win. But
01:02I don't expect four turnovers every single game. Because your thing is you just want to see him
01:07grow. Yeah. Grow from the mistakes he's made and as long as he does that throughout the season
01:11then I'm okay. Yeah I don't expect him to have four turnovers a game or the team to have four
01:16turnovers a game. But when I look at their their schedule like you know I don't think they're gonna
01:21beat the Bears in Chicago. Maybe at the beginning of the year I was like oh maybe that could be
01:25a winnable game. But I don't see, I could see them beating the Dolphins if they don't have Tua.
01:30Greg's under though, him hammering the under, it was such a good call. Yeah that's a smart move.
01:36I would say the one thing that bothered me most about the reaction to Drake May's performance is
01:40the rewriting of history regarding expectations entering the game. There was a wide swath of
01:46analysts especially in this market yesterday who said I thought the goal was to win the game.
01:52And it's like no it wasn't. I mean nobody here thinks this team is a playoff team correct? Nope.
01:57So the only thing you're doing if you win games is getting a worst draft pick. And you had Drake
02:03May enter a game and perform from my view better than I expected. So with the awful offensive line,
02:11with the center who was just released by the Raiders, with all the same issues
02:15Jacoby Brissette had, he threw more touchdown passes in one game. It was the first time a
02:20quarterback had thrown touchdown passes in consecutive quarters, three consecutive quarters
02:26since the opener where they raised their last and final Super Bowl banner against the Steelers in
02:312019. Tom Brady is the last quarterback to throw a touchdown pass in three consecutive quarters.
02:37Drake May did it in his debut. Yeah if the good defense can show up, you could sneak out a few
02:42wins. You might be able to get it over that over number if the good defense shows up. If the good
02:48defense shows up against some of the teams. Okay but what's giving you an indication that it's going
02:52to? I mean going into the season you and others were talking about this being a top five, top
02:59ten defense. Yes. It has not been. Not at all. And so that is you know that is something and that you
03:08would think is Gerard Mayo's bread and butter. Yes but they and but Mayo. Your bread and butter
03:16is just bread and butter. Bread and butter. But you could see when we had Mayo on yesterday he talked about
03:21the injuries. Barmore, Juwan Bentley, the two safeties you know and not having them and how he
03:31felt like when he had the two safeties they were the two best safeties in the league. So he he is
03:36saying that some of our issues defensively were because of injuries and at points in times within
03:42games they show up and they look good. So all I'm saying is if you can get the good defense to show
03:48up against teams that are not very good, Tennessee, maybe the Dolphins without Tua, the Titans, the Jets,
03:58maybe you can sneak out a couple wins. Well and the way that Gerard Mayo speaks you're going to
04:01think that there's going to be some swing in a positive direction like him bringing up Ben Brown.
04:06How many times did you bring up Ben Brown during the interview yesterday and how he was playing
04:10pretty well after only being with us for five days? Like so at center I think that you're going
04:15to see an improvement there too if you believe what Gerard Mayo was telling us. And I'm on board.
04:19I don't want the good defense to show up. I mean truly in don't win another game. I'm ready by the
04:25way for Sunday shootout against the Jaguars. Their defense is horrendous. You've been pretty bad on
04:31the defensive side of the football. The way I think Drake May can score is far different than
04:37Jacoby Percet could get a bit of a shootout on Sunday morning. Do we get to see Mac Jones at all?
04:41Uh probably not. Doubt it. Second half maybe? Doubt it. Trevor Lawrence is struggling? No.
04:47Unlikely. Not at all. They paid Trevor $250. Saw Mac last week? For a pass.
04:54How happy will Greg be if Mac Jones enters that game and they win?
04:59I would say the thing for me out of yesterday was the dueling commentaries of what we played
05:07earlier with Robert Kraft and the talking about giving too much power to Bill Belichick and Gerard
05:13Mayo refusing to say his name but basically saying they suck because of Bill. And that was probably
05:19within a half hour of each other yesterday. For the first time we got an actual reaction from Mayo
05:24about Bill by not saying his name. Not going there. And to me that revealed the hypocrisy
05:31of the owner in that so you entered this offseason you had the firing you had the team
05:38if I'm to believe you Robert you finally had possession of the team for the first time in a
05:43generation and you elected not to spend to the cap. So what are we talking about then? Yeah I mean you
05:49can't blame Bill for the roster without simultaneously blaming Elliot Wolfe. I just want to
05:54remind Gerard Mayo and everybody else that. Remember Gerard told us though
05:58are kind of he he didn't tell us by telling us but he kind of made it seem like there weren't
06:06good enough guys out there that were worthy enough to spend money on and that's why I believe the
06:11Courtney hey they wanted to keep Drake May on the bench as long as they could till the end of the
06:16season and then maybe get them a couple games in at the end of the season knowing that they weren't
06:20going to be very good. I just don't buy that as an excuse. I know you're trying to make excuses for
06:25it's not an excuse I think it's a reality it doesn't make any sense no disrespect it just
06:29doesn't make well they said it with Ridley their plan the plan is not to keep Drake May on the
06:35bench all season I didn't say all season for the majority of the season I think it was okay well
06:39then I I would argue why why did they not uh bring in a veteran quarterback as a backup for Jacoby
06:47Brissett like why do they have two rookie quarterbacks as their backup if their plan was
06:52that they're not expecting that if they have to break glass because of emergency I get it okay but
06:58their plan was to ride out your so every people want you to have these these exact simultaneous
07:04beliefs one the offensive line is awful and Drake May is going to get injured immediately
07:09but Jacoby was going to play the whole season behind that offensive line even though he was
07:13the backup make it make sense he's injury prone exactly yeah it doesn't I mean has Jacoby Brissett
07:19ever played a full season um it's a nice it's a nice excuse for them but it does it just doesn't
07:25work with me doesn't work with you no it doesn't I mean I'm cool with it win one game and now you
07:30get the clearly you'd be the number one overall pick yeah and now you have so much stuff that you
07:34could do with that number one overall pick you could trade you can go get the guy you want and
07:38then let's see yeah they're gonna win more than one game but but Greg isn't it amazing when it
07:42comes to spending money so it was always Bill's fault according to Robert Robert wanted to spend
07:46but Bill said no no no no I don't want to spend well you know there were no checks and balances
07:51right but now we finally get the offseason you know you finally get behind the car it's yours
07:55to drive you can do whatever you want and it just so happens there was nobody good enough to sign
08:00what are the odds well they did go they were going to sign um Brandon I you said yesterday
08:05they weren't you just said that yesterday no I'm saying for all the people out there you flip
08:10fuck yesterday when you were in on the plan thing you two sound like hypocrites they don't
08:16they don't want to spend money but when I bring up they were they they didn't they gave Brandon
08:22I you said that you don't really think that no no no I was I was showing the sweatshirt they gave
08:27you it's great no no I was showing these two the hypocrisy because if they didn't want to spend
08:33money why were those reports out there they were offering Brandon the same reason the Red Sox are
08:37always in on everybody until they're not I said that to you yesterday right and you said well
08:42maybe that was smoke and mirrors what am I saying you don't include I'm not what you you said or
08:51maybe Curtis said that that was all smoke and mirrors I didn't say that well I said Curtis
08:55said that Curtis did so do you believe that they were willing to pay Brandon and I the most amount
09:00of money so they were willing to spend I think they fumbled the football because they didn't
09:05want to spend when it came to offensive line but he told us why he doesn't believe there was
09:12anybody out there worth spending on the old line he said we paid the most money for the best
09:18offensive line and that was out there and that was our guy and that's what he said so do you
09:22and he's sucked by the way well I'm not saying he's been great but they're based on what mayo
09:27was leading us to believe was there was nobody out there worth spending money on but just think
09:33about the odds of this wiggy the odds of this actually being the reality that for 24 years
09:39Bill didn't want to spend even though Robert Kraft did Robert finally has control of the purse
09:44strings of his organization and it just so happens that there wasn't guys good enough for them to
09:50sign until camp was about to break and they tried to trade for IU I mean at the very least they
09:55could have kept Trent Brown am I right about that or any left tackle could have signed Robert Hunt
10:00and free agency who went to the Carolina Panthers one of the highest rated linemen in football
10:04right now listen to Mayo he said that and they believe that those guys weren't worthy enough
10:11in their opinion to pay them to come here I don't know a top five lineman in football
10:16would be pretty good right now all right
