Surprise! A delicious dish || Acharya Prashant (2019)

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Full Video: Is eating animals the same as eating plants, as plants too have life? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
Video Link : • Is eating animals the same as eating ...


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Video Information: Month of Awakening, 25.06.2019, Naukuchiatal, India

~ Is eating animals same as eating plants?
~ Do animals have more value than plants?
~ What is that one reason that makes me take plants over animals?
~ Eating Apples and animals is the same thing?
~ Are human beings cannibals?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00In general, human beings are not cannibals. We do not eat other men and
00:08women, do we? Why don't we ask ourselves, why don't we eat other men and women? If
00:14flesh is what we want to eat, then why kill only animals? There are many who say
00:21you know, eating flesh is alright. If eating flesh is alright, why is it not
00:25alright to eat human flesh? It is not alright to eat human flesh. A line is
00:35drawn. A line is drawn between the human being and the animal. You say, no, the
00:45human being cannot be eaten because he is highly conscious. No, I want you to
00:50draw the line between apple and the animal. You are anyway drawing a line. It
00:58is not that you eat flesh wherever it is available. A newborn has no defenses at
01:08all. You can easily kill it and eat it, can't you? I'm talking of a newborn human
01:15baby. Why don't you kill a human baby if flesh is all that you want? Why don't
01:22even habitual flesh eaters eat human babies or human beings? It does not occur
01:30to them, right? I'm asking them to introspect. Why don't you eat human
01:35beings? You don't eat human beings because human beings are conscious.
01:43Because human beings are hungry of liberation and consciousness is your
01:49only hope and consciousness is their only savior. Therefore you do not want to
01:53disrespect consciousness by killing a conscious being. So even the most ardent
01:59supporters of flesh-eating do not become cannibals. They do not eat human beings.
02:06They do draw a line. I'm asking if you are drawing a line, why must only human
02:15beings be beyond the line? Why cannot you be more discreet in keeping somebody
02:27out of bounds? Right now you are drawing the line in such a way that animals
02:36are within the edible territory and human beings are outside the line. They
02:43have been exempted. No, draw the line with more discretion, more compassion,
02:50more consciousness. Keep even animals outside the line. Which means that you
02:59will still be killing someone to eat. And who would that be? You'd probably be
03:05killing plants, you'd probably be killing grass. And now that you are
03:15killing creatures, beings, things that are less conscious, see whether you can still
03:24keep being more discreet. Is it really impossible to eat without killing a
03:39plant? It is possible. At least it must be tried. If you cannot altogether avoid
03:49killing plants, see whether you can minimize it. I understand that even the
03:56best of your efforts would not fully succeed. Some plants would probably
04:04always need to be killed for human consumption and that would mean that
04:10something conscious is still being killed. But that is the maximum you can
04:17do. Now in fact it is not violence because it is the very constitution of
04:27your body that is acting. Violence is only when you deliberately kill. If
04:36killing is happening because it is unavoidable then it is not violence. Your
04:45entire intestine is home to countless fungi and bacteria. And even as they are
05:03taking birth there, they must be getting killed as well. Some food that you are
05:08taking might be acidic or alkaline and it is killing a lot of microorganisms
05:14in your system. You are not responsible for those deaths because your very body
05:23is designed in such a way that those deaths are going to happen. So you cannot
05:27call that as violence. You cannot feel guilty about those things. In the Bhagavad
05:35Gita, Shri Krishna calls all that as Akarm. He says it is not even action. It
05:40is Akarm. It is something you didn't do. It just happened. So how are you to feel
05:45guilty over it? You breathe in and certain microorganisms travel into your
05:59respiratory tract, get trapped and get killed. You are not responsible and that
06:13is non-violence. So let nobody say that because somebody eats an apple hence
06:23somebody else is entitled to eat an animal. No, eating an apple and eating an
06:27animal are not the same thing. And if eating an animal and eating an apple are
06:32the same thing, then eating an animal and eating a human being are the same thing
06:37by the same logic, extending the same logic. So if someone comes to you quoting
06:47this kind of a logic that you know if I'm eating the goat or the chicken then
06:53you too are eating the rice grain and the wheat grain and the rice plant and
06:59the wheat plant have been slaughtered. So if I am guilty of violence then you too
07:03are guilty of violence because you have killed rice and wheat and if you'll
07:08continue to eat rice and wheat then I'll continue to eat goat and chicken. Then
07:14ask the fellow to extend this logic. If apple and animal are the same thing then
07:25animal and human being are the same thing. Eat the human being as well and if
07:30you do not eat the human being then extend the same logic to not to eat the
07:34animal as well. Getting it?
