No One Asked You Documentary Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Comedian, disruptor-extraordinaire Lizz Winstead (co-creator of The Daily Show), and Abortion Access Front crisscross the U.S. to support abortion clinic staff and bust stigma. Pop culture icons and next-gen comics fuel this six-year road film activating small-town folks to rebuild vandalized clinics, exposing wrongdoer politicians, anti-abortion extremists, media neglect as the race to the bottom ensues and our rights burn down. 'No One Asked You' is a bold call to action driven by the power of humor in social change, where joy prevails.
NO ONE ASKED YOU hits theaters October 18, 2024.
NO ONE ASKED YOU hits theaters October 18, 2024.
Short filmTranscript
00:00Everybody please make some noise right now for Liz Winstead!
00:04I created The Daily Show and I was the head writer there for three years.
00:07Joining us now is my old friend Liz Winstead.
00:09You can't get birth control pills anyplace because if you menstruate you're having an abortion.
00:13I would like get people outraged and then I couldn't give people a call to action.
00:18You don't make a ton of friends being the abortion comedian.
00:21So I formed Abortion Access Firm.
00:25First winner of this group!
00:29Happy Rallo anniversary!
00:30Things are going great.
00:3316 shows in 8 weeks and a van.
00:36Very Hunger Games for your vagina.
00:39What are we calling it? The Magical Mystery Tour.
00:43We're not used to anybody offering to do something for us.
00:47I'm the protest whisperer. That's sport to me.
00:50Here I can laugh about it but in the courtroom I can't.
00:55If they overturn Roe vs. Wade we are closed immediately.
01:03All around the country they're influencing legislation.
01:07This is what it means to be on the front lines.
01:12You become a target.
01:14He's spitting on me girl.
01:16This is the clinic that's in the middle of the Supreme Court case that's going to overturn Roe v. Wade.
01:20America where are you?
01:22We can't check out.
01:28At the end of their day they plot how they're going to terrorize us tomorrow.
01:33At the end of our day we celebrate joy.
01:41We're not just here tonight. We're going to be causing trouble all week.
01:45We'll be ready to fight and continue to fight.
01:48This is not a march. This is a movement.
01:52This is a movement.