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FOR OUR CHILDREN Documentary Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Streaming on Netflix on May 10, 2024, FOR OUR CHILDREN unites maternal voices of resilience and solidarity in a poignant cinematic journey. Directed, produced and co-written by Débora Souza Silva, this emotional documentary chronicles the powerful convergence of two mothers, Reverend Wanda Johnson and Angela Williams, whose lives were forever altered by the scourge of police brutality against young Black men.
00:00 You have to turn your pain into purpose.
00:04 My son was Eric Garzon.
00:07 I am a mother of 10 plans.
00:09 Justice wasn't served with Oscar.
00:11 He was murdered!
00:13 It's a call to action for all mothers to come together.
00:18 We laugh, we cry, we're going to continue to fight.
00:22 I want you to know we are a fighting people.
00:28 We have to save someone else's child.
00:30 I plan to continue to travel the world with mothers who have lost their loved ones.
00:39 You want to give up sometimes, but I refuse to.
00:43 We come together to encourage one another to be there for each other.
00:48 I'm going to fight it all the way to the end.
00:52 Come on and fight for justice!
00:55 Come on and fight for your son!
00:57 Because nobody's going to know your child's name unless you say something.
01:01 If you don't say nothing about it, they will not know.
01:05 They will not know.
01:07 [Music]