The Young and the Restless 10-15-24 (Y&R 15th October 2024) 10-15-2024

  • 22 hours ago
00:34You're awfully quiet.
00:38Are you not hungry?
00:41No, that's, uh, that's not it.
00:45Is it Heather's case?
00:48It's a little frustrating.
00:50Are you any closer to figuring out what happened?
00:54I wish Daniel would let me search the apartment.
00:57Maybe I could find a lead there.
00:59At the very least, just rule some things out.
01:02Like what?
01:04Well, standard theories in a case like this.
01:06Money issues, affairs.
01:09You don't actually think that Heather was in an affair, do you?
01:12I don't think it matters what I think.
01:14I have to let the evidence rule it out.
01:16Has the investigation turned up anything new?
01:20No. No, no, no. Not yet.
01:22We're still canvassing for witnesses near the river where she was found.
01:27Full autopsy report should be back soon.
01:29That's not going to tell us much more, though.
01:31That's why we can't stop there.
01:32And why you want to search the apartment?
01:36I'd rather do it with Daniel's cooperation.
01:39It's just going to make it easier on everyone.
01:41Chance, you've got to understand this suggestion that Heather could have been seeing someone behind his back.
01:47I mean, that's extremely painful for Daniel.
01:50I completely get it. Trust me.
01:53But I cannot leave any stone unturned.
01:55That's basic police procedure.
01:57And it's the only way that I can even hope to get your family the answers that they deserve.
02:03So, is there any new information?
02:07Did Chance let you know anything new?
02:09Not really.
02:11He did have one wild new theory, though.
02:15What is that?
02:17He suggested that Heather might have had a lover and that that may have somehow tied into what happened that night.
02:25I told him that it was absurd and it was disrespectful to her memory.
02:29And then on top of all that, though, now he wants permission to search the apartment.
02:34But if he wants to search the apartment, what on earth would they be looking for?
02:38I don't care. I told him no.
02:40Well, you told him no? Why would you do that?
02:42Because Heather wasn't having an affair.
02:44Uh, no. You need to let him search your apartment.
02:47Are you serious right now?
02:49Yes, I am. So you listen to me.
02:51Daniel, it is a huge mistake to preclude him from searching this apartment.
04:04Hey, I just got to Crimson Lights. I was hoping to run into you.
04:09Well, that's why I was calling. I was hoping to run into you, too.
04:13Um, are you busy this afternoon? What are you doing?
04:17Um, I've got some time between meetings.
04:21Can you meet me at the park?
04:49Esther, can you get Don and Sayles on the line, please? I am sick and tired of him missing his deadlines.
05:04Hey, Mom. Good to see you. How are you feeling?
05:22I wouldn't be smiling if I were you, Billy. This is not going to be pleasant.
05:34You really think I should let Chance do this search?
05:37Uh, yes, I do.
05:41Daniel, Chance is a trained professional. He knows what to look for.
05:46Something that you and Lucy maybe, you know, you don't think is very important.
05:53You need to do this.
05:56You don't actually think that it's possible that Heather was seeing someone else, do you?
06:00I don't think that's possible. I don't believe it for a second.
06:05All right? But you need to let Chance find that out. You do.
06:12I mean, maybe there is some clue. Maybe she wrote something on a piece of paper that will tell us where she was going.
06:21Are you serious? Really?
06:22Yes, really. It's an investigation, Daniel. Let him do his job.
06:30Or, I don't know. I mean, you and me could just start searching the apartment right now.
06:38I mean, I'll help you. How about your bedroom?
06:41I'll start in there.
06:54I'm sorry for losing it like that.
07:01I just can't seem to stop bursting into tears.
07:06No need to apologize. I am so sorry that this happened, Lucy.
07:12I can't even begin to imagine how devastating this must be for you.
07:19I just can't believe my mom's gone.
07:24I miss her so much.
07:28Of course you do.
07:33I just, I never thought that she'd ever not be here, you know?
07:42Your mom's like the person that you think is always going to be there for you.
07:47Bugging you about stuff, getting on your nerves.
07:51But also just loving you, no matter what.
07:56I just wish that I could take back all the horrible things that I said to her.
08:02I would give anything to tell her how sorry I am and how much I love her.
08:09And to just see her one more time.
08:12One more time.
08:16You know, I'd crawl into her lap and I would hold her and never let her go.
08:26Do you know any more about what happened?
08:32I have no idea.
08:34I really don't know what to think or believe. Everything is just so crazy.
08:40I know what you're going through is tough.
08:45The hardest thing that you have ever had to face.
08:48But you've got to promise me one thing.
08:54You can't let this tragedy lead you to doing something stupid.
09:01Me drinking.
09:02Me drinking.
09:07I'm not going to lie. I've been tempted.
09:19I'm not keeping you from work, am I?
09:24What is all this?
09:26This is how we are going to spend our afternoon.
09:33Mom, give me a second. I want to pull you up on the monitor.
09:43Hi. There you are.
09:46So when you say that this is not going to be pleasant, I hope you're not talking about your health.
09:54Are you okay?
09:56Everything is decidedly not okay.
09:59But it has nothing to do with my health. I'm doing much, much better.
10:05Okay. Well, that's good. But I know you. Don't overdo it. All right?
10:10No, I won't. As a matter of fact, I'm expecting a very clean bill of health from your Uncle Slapper soon.
10:17Really? Mom, that's amazing. I'm really happy to hear that.
10:22I know the kids will be very excited to hear that too. We're all looking forward to seeing you.
10:27You know, they ended up staying in town for the school year. They're going to go to Walnut Grove.
10:33They're excited to be around their family and friends.
10:36I've talked to them. I know all about it. As a matter of fact, I hear more from them than from you.
10:43Well, that's because I'm here, you know, busy at work. Nose to the grindstone and all that.
10:48Yeah. So I've heard. And that is exactly why I'm calling.
10:55Okay. Something wrong with the company?
11:01Oh, you bet there's something wrong. There is plenty wrong.
11:14No, no. I appreciate the offer, but no.
11:18I don't think I'm really ready to go through Heather's things, and I don't think that you are either.
11:29I mean, I get that. When I was helping Lucy find that necklace and going through Heather's jewelry box, it was, it was so horrific.
11:40All the memories came flooding back for her.
11:49You know, all I can do every day is just to walk past her things.
12:00You know, I can still smell her perfume on our sheets in the bed.
12:07Her slippers are right there in the bathroom where she left them. I look at them every day, but I can't pick them up. I can't bring myself to pick them up.
12:16I know. It's, it's, it's too hard for us to do it on our own. I get that.
12:22Which is all the more reason we need Chance to come here because he knows what he's looking for.
12:27He's not going to find anything here. He's not going to find anything. What happened to Heather was an accident. It has to be an accident.
12:34I know.
12:37It's like, you know, even if the worst did happen, what do the police expect to find here in our home?
12:42I mean, see, what do they expect to find? Seriously?
12:46Whatever the truth turns out to be, the answer is that they're looking for. They're not here. They are looking in the wrong place.
12:54But see, that's why it's an investigation. You need to let them figure that out.
13:01What about Lucy? Huh? What about Lucy? Does she deserve to be put through this too?
13:07No, she doesn't. This will be horrific for her.
13:12Like throwing salt in a wound. I get that. And you need to protect your daughter. Right?
13:18Especially if there's nothing incriminating in your apartment. It's a waste of time, right?
13:23That is my point exactly.
13:26But Daniel, I just want you to consider this on the other hand. On the other hand, I mean, if there's nothing here, let Chance figure that out.
13:39Okay? Because he might be able to find something. Just some little thing that will tell him about Heather's last moments.
13:48Something that can help him. Wouldn't that help you in the grieving process, Daniel?
13:55Wouldn't it?
13:58I mean, just consider what I'm saying.
14:09I just feel so helpless. I mean, it's hard enough watching Daniel and Lucy go through all of this, but just to add a whole investigation on top of it, it makes it a million times worse.
14:26I know. It's devastating. Unfortunately, in situations like this, getting to the truth is always painful.
14:34Yeah, but how much more can they take?
14:36That's why I'm trying to solve this as quickly as possible. Trust me.
14:40Yeah, I know. And if anybody can solve this, it's you. I wish there was something more that I could do.
14:47You mean?
14:49My brother. I just know how alone he must feel. I see him trying to be so strong for Lucy. I just...
14:57Hey. He's got you by his side. That's gonna go a long way, okay?
15:05Just help him face whatever comes next.
15:17That's interesting.
15:19What is it?
15:21It's your brother. He wants me to come over.
15:27You were tempted, but you didn't actually drink, right?
15:32Right. That's huge, you know.
15:37I didn't do it by myself, though.
15:40You didn't?
15:42I had help.
15:45You wanna know how I fought the urge?
15:48You learned your lesson.
15:50Yeah. That and, um...
15:55I knew my mom would've hated it.
15:57It's weird, but, um...
16:02Even though she's gone, it feels like she sees everything now.
16:11The last thing I wanna do is disappoint her.
16:16I did too much of that while she was here, and I would hate to make her sad again.
16:23I would hate to make her sad again.
16:26So I did it for her.
16:30I know, does that sound crazy?
16:33No, Lucy, it doesn't.
16:36It's a good thing and comforting to know that your mom is always with you.
16:43It's just not fair that I never get to see her again.
16:49Never get to talk to her.
16:53Hear her laugh, see her smile.
16:56That's why you have to keep her alive in your heart.
17:01Why my mom?
17:04Why did my mom have to die, Faith?
17:10And now the police are investigating, and it's starting to feel like it wasn't an accident.
17:17I mean, I can't imagine someone would ever want to hurt her.
17:22I mean, who would do such a horrible thing?
17:25And why?
17:29Look at the spread. You went all out.
17:34I wanted to do something special for you.
17:38Me? Why?
17:41To thank you for dinner the other night.
17:44I got all of your favorites. Are you surprised?
17:48Uh, yeah, definitely.
17:52You have been so supportive of me lately and such an amazing father to Faith during my struggles.
18:00We're both really lucky to have you always looking out for us.
18:04I'm the lucky one.
18:07You did not need to go to all this trouble.
18:10Well, I wanted to.
18:12Plus, now that I'm feeling better, it's about time I do something for you.
18:17All right. Well, remind me to invite you to dinner more often.
18:22Okay, I will.
18:25I'm just honestly glad that you were able to get away for even an hour just to forget about everything that you've been going through this past few months.
18:33As usual, you were right.
18:36As usual, you were right.
18:39That dinner, it was exactly what I needed.
18:43Can I interest you in some Prosecco?
18:47Are you going to have some?
18:50Um, no, just sparkling water for me.
18:54I'm going to avoid alcohol with my new medication, especially now that I've finally got the right balance.
19:03Okay, so you're feeling good about the new meds?
19:08Yeah, can't you tell? I mean, I can't get over how much better I feel these last few days.
19:15But it's not just the medication.
19:18I attribute a lot of it to that dinner.
19:22So here's to you, Nick, for once again coming to my rescue.
19:33Did you really think I wouldn't hear about all these outrageous actions you've taken without my input or consent?
19:44Okay, hold on a second. There have not been any outrageous moves. I'm making sound business decisions for the benefit of the company.
19:51Oh, and how is firing Lily a sound business decision when she knows way more about this company than you will ever know?
20:00Mom, you gave me full power to make the final decisions as I see fit.
20:07And you immediately saw fit to get rid of Lily and let Chance walk and replace them with Phyllis Summers of all people?
20:17I understand dismissing Phyllis straight off the bat. Okay, I get that.
20:22But she has a wealth of experience and so far her input has been invaluable.
20:26Are you out of your mind? Are you on a one-man mission to bring down the whole Chancellor Empire?
20:41You remembered all my favorites.
20:44How could I forget?
20:46Hey, remember the first time I made you my famous chocolate chip cookies?
20:52How could I forget?
20:53How could I forget?
20:56I thought I died and gone to heaven. In fact, I think I'll have some more cookies. Are you cool with that?
21:03So, how's your week going? Are you still happy with your position at Newman?
21:10Well, you know, family biz. It's never a dull moment.
21:14It's always an adventure working for Victor.
21:17That it is.
21:18Hey, this reminds me of another picnic we had when we first started dating.
21:26Another picnic?
21:30Were there cookies there?
21:32You don't remember. It was a beautiful day, like today.
21:39And you had laid out delicacies from every exquisite shop in town.
21:44And just when we were about to start eating...
21:47I remember now. Yes. Picnic. Then the clouds rolled in and it just started to pour.
21:57And we got drenched. We had to run underneath the oak tree.
22:02We just stood there watching your expensive picnic get washed away.
22:07Yeah. The birds and the ants dined high in the hog once the sun came out that day.
22:14And then you kissed me.
22:19The rain coming down around us. I was smitten.
22:26Young and dumb in love.
22:30You'd think we would have had the sense to get out of the rain.
22:33You'd think we would have had the sense to get out of the rain.
22:38I wouldn't have changed a thing.
22:47Thank you for coming.
22:50I've got to admit, man, I was surprised to hear from you.
22:53Well, after the way I reacted earlier, I can't blame you.
23:00But, you know, I had some time to think about it and I reconsidered.
23:05And if you think that it's necessary, I'm willing to let you search the apartment.
23:11Look, I understand this is a tough ask. Okay? I get it. There's nothing easy about this situation.
23:17That's an understatement.
23:19I just hope you know, Daniel, I'm doing whatever I can to get you the answers that you need to have any kind of closure.
23:25I know it seems impossible right now, but I've seen it. Knowing what happened, no matter what it is, can help people move on.
23:34Well, more than anything, I want that too, but you're not going to find whatever answers you're looking for in here.
23:39You must have decided it's not going to hurt for me to look.
23:42My mother convinced me.
23:48Gloss, is that necessary?
23:52I'm afraid so.
23:56Look, I don't know, man. Now that you're here, it just feels wrong. You know, it feels like a violation of Heather's privacy.
24:03Okay, well, hey, let me just get this done as quickly as possible, okay?
24:08Lucy did text and she said that she wasn't going to be here for a while, so just hurry up.
24:15Please, get it over with and let's put this part of the investigation behind us.
24:25I did everything I could to convince Daniel to let Chance search the apartment.
24:32Well, something you said must have gotten through to him because he missed his chance to come over.
24:38What? Oh, I'm glad he did that.
24:43That must have been hard for him.
24:45This whole idea that Heather could have been seeing someone behind his back, it's outrageous, right?
24:51Yeah, that is definitely outrageous.
24:56Yeah, I don't think they're going to find anything to support that theory.
25:02But hopefully he finds some clue that will help him unravel what happened with Heather.
25:11You don't think it's possible, do you?
25:15Think what's possible?
25:16Think what's possible?
25:18That Chance could actually find something incriminating.
25:22Something that would change everything Daniel believed about Heather before she died.
25:30Listen to me, Lucy, don't even go there.
25:34I know that you are hurting, but don't let your mind go to those stark places.
25:37From what I understand, your mom just had a terrible accident.
25:40But why does Chance have so many questions about what happened?
25:43I am sure that he is just being thorough, looking into every possibility. It's what a good detective does.
25:51You really think so?
25:57Thank you for being so kind.
26:02I know I took advantage of your kindness before, and I have a million regrets about that.
26:10So I really hope that you can forgive me.
26:13Of course I can. I already have, so just forget about all of that.
26:20I just think I never really had any real friends.
26:26It's pretty obvious I don't really know how to make them.
26:31So my mom was always my best friend.
26:39Honestly, for most of my life, she was my only friend.
26:44It's hard enough to accept that I'll never see her again, but the idea that someone genuinely wanted her dead.
26:59The thought of what those last moments of her life were like.
27:06Please, please don't let that be how my mom died.
27:21I don't, I don't believe that Heather was having an affair. I don't believe that.
27:28I mean, Daniel and Lucy were her world.
27:31You're right. And Chance is, Chance is gonna solve this.
27:38I mean, he is. I know what he's like when he's investigating a crime.
27:41He does not give up. That's how he was when he was investigating your disappearance.
27:46Oh, that's good to know.
27:48My point is that he knew that something was off, and he didn't stop until he uncovered the truth.
27:56That's just the way that he works.
27:58That's the kind of determination we need.
28:00You know a little bit about that, don't you?
28:04Yeah, I do.
28:06I mean, he's gonna work on that. I'll let Chance work on this, then I'm gonna work on Billy.
28:12Billy has to hire Daniel Abbott Chancellor. He has to.
28:17I mean, this is the thing that Daniel needs to get his life back on track again.
28:22Do you really believe that I want to see this company fail?
28:26Well, from what I'm hearing, it sure looks that way.
28:29And let me guess, you got your information from Lily?
28:33Yes, I did.
28:35And that in itself is infuriating. I should have gotten that information directly from you.
28:42Come on, Mom. I've been worried about your health, okay?
28:46I didn't want to bombard you with a bunch of work updates and distract you from what is most important, and that is you getting better.
28:54Oh, so now you're admitting that what you were doing, you knew you were flat out wrong.
29:00No, I'm not gonna admit that, because that's not right, and you don't have the full story.
29:03Okay, suppose you tell it to me right now.
29:06Okay, well, your darling Lily was screwing me over the entire time, secretly planning to stab me in the back to get me out of the company so she could run it on her own.
29:18Is that so?
29:20She didn't get to that part of the story, did she?
29:23And as far as Chance, well, he threatened to walk unless I made him an equal partner, and yet he's been at the company for five minutes.
29:33So while you and everyone else assumed that my every move was gonna send Abbott Chancellor up in flames, I was here, making sound business decisions, decisions that I honestly thought you would be proud of, maybe even agree with.
29:48Yet I was mistaken once again for the amount of faith that you actually have in me.
29:55I'm so sorry, Faith. I can't seem to stop bursting into tears.
29:58No, go ahead. Cry all you want. You have nothing to be sorry for.
30:28Is it your phone? I'm on silent.
30:40No, it's not mine.
30:49Where's that coming from?
30:50Where's that coming from?
30:56Hey, Dad. Mom.
31:00Hey, girls. Lucy, how you doing?
31:06To be honest, I'm not doing too great right now.
31:11Well, of course not at a time like this.
31:17Here you go.
31:22I guess I should start carrying these around with me now.
31:26Where's your dad?
31:28He's at home. I just needed to get out. I came for a coffee, but I ran into Faith. It's been great.
31:37How's your dad doing?
31:39He's still in shock.
31:42You know, I think we both are. It's the worst thing that's ever happened to us.
31:51Did Lucy leave her phone here?
31:54No, she couldn't have. She texted me earlier.
31:56Was it a guest? Somebody else?
31:58My mom was here. I'll try calling her.
32:21You recognize this?
32:28It looks like Heather's phone.
32:34Oh, Billy. I wish I could believe you. I really do.
32:38Oh, go ahead. I know there's a but coming.
32:40But? I know you.
32:42And I suspect that you're just overreacting to some imaginary plot you think that Lily has going against you.
32:48Right. So now I'm paranoid.
32:51I also think you could have tried harder to keep Chance in the company.
32:55I did try hard, Mom. Believe me.
32:58Here's the bottom line, all right?
33:00If you had consulted me, these things would have gone so much worse.
33:05Here's the bottom line, all right?
33:07If you had consulted me, these things would have gone so differently.
33:12Differently how? I was worried about your health.
33:16My health be damned. You and I both know that's just an excuse.
33:22Okay, so first I want the company to fail. Then you call me paranoid.
33:26Now you're accusing me of not caring about you?
33:28Stop deflecting. That is not what this is about.
33:32What is this about?
33:33It is about you making disastrous decisions.
33:40You could have consulted me before bringing Phyllis in.
33:44You gave me power to run this company. I didn't realize you meant run every decision by you.
33:49Not every decision. Just the really important ones.
33:52Like the hiring of C-suite executives.
33:55Especially when it concerns somebody as controversial as Phyllis.
33:58Phyllis is a very savvy business person. She's got a wealth of experience.
34:03Why wouldn't she fit in in this company?
34:05Why? I will tell you why. Because she is her own worst enemy.
34:10Wherever Phyllis goes, disaster follows.
34:14Okay, well I don't agree. And I think that's an exaggeration.
34:17Not one smidge.
34:20The last person on earth we need is Phyllis Summers messing up things at Abbott Chancellor.
34:28Abbott Chancellor
34:35Mom, Phyllis just walked in.
34:38Hmm. Would you excuse us? My son and I are having a private conversation.
34:43Uh, yeah, sure.
34:46Um, we'll get together later when we can actually talk.
34:54Alright. I'm gonna be back in Genoa City for Devon and Abby's wedding.
35:00That gives you just long enough to clean up your act and clean up this mess that you've made.
35:06Or what, Mom?
35:09Or believe me, you do not want to know.
35:12No, I do want to know. I want you to be very clear. What do you mean by that?
35:15Do I really have to spell this out for you?
35:18So there's no misunderstanding? Yeah, you do.
35:21Alright. Right the ship, Billy.
35:25Fire Phyllis. Make up with Lily.
35:29You get her back or I swear I will get rid of you and I will take back control of the company myself.
35:43When I woke up this morning, I thought it was all just a bad dream.
35:49That my mom was in the kitchen making her famous peanut butter and banana pancakes.
35:55I could almost smell them.
35:59But then it hit me.
36:02My mom would never get to make me pancakes ever again.
36:08It's okay. Go ahead and let it out.
36:12Lucy, listen to me.
36:18Losing someone that close to you is the most unbearable thing in the world.
36:24Trust me, we know that. We've all been there, but you are going to get through it.
36:32All the people who love and care about you will make sure that you do.
36:37You really think so?
36:40I know so.
36:44You know now, it's more than that.
36:48The police are starting to investigate what happened.
36:52I mean, what are they trying to find out?
36:55Why do I feel like Chance is trying to blame my dad for what happened?
36:59Why would he do that?
37:02Why would Chance pursue anything like that?
37:05I know, it all sounds crazy.
37:08It's just, it just feels like one big nightmare.
37:13Except I am wide awake.
37:19Hold on. This is Heather's phone.
37:23Yes, that's Heather's phone.
37:25Did you get it back from whoever found it?
37:27No, I didn't get it back from whoever found it, Chance. I would have told you that.
37:30And what is this doing here?
37:32I have no idea.
37:49What the hell is this, man?
37:51I mean, it looks like our towels, but the...
37:58Is that blood?
