The Young and the Restless 10-10-24 (Y&R 10th October 2024) 10-10-2024

  • yesterday
00:00I got here as soon as I could, so you know that I fired all the jars, right?
00:20She gave me an earful, throwing some shots about how she's going to retake La Sade, not
00:24that there's any chance of that happening under my watch.
00:28She has a real problem accepting defeat.
00:32Yeah, well, this is not about Audra Charles, this is about why I wanted to tell you that
00:41I have met my half of the bargain.
00:44Have you met yours?
00:46It's already in the works.
00:48You want to improve, Gloucester is about to make headlines.
00:51But your beau won't know what hit them.
01:05Well if it isn't a beautiful bride to be.
01:08Uncle Jack, hi.
01:09Have you heard from your mother lately?
01:11I did.
01:12I talked to her this morning and she sounds great.
01:14She's super excited to get home for the wedding.
01:16Nothing in the world I want more than to have Ashley back where she belongs.
01:20I assume you know that Aunt Tracy is back with her beau.
01:24I heard, and it sounds like there's love in the air.
01:29You know, if I had known that you'd be joining Diane, I would have had a martini waiting
01:33for you.
01:34I'm not sure Diane wants my company these days.
01:39Is there anything I can do to help?
01:41Bottle of champagne on the house?
01:43I'm not sure bubbles are going to do it.
01:45Wish me luck.
01:51May I join you?
01:57Hey, pretty lady.
02:03This is a nice surprise.
02:05How are you?
02:08Yeah, so far so good.
02:09What are we talking about?
02:13Jack and Diane, it seems like there's trouble in paradise.
02:17Well, it doesn't look like it's anything too serious.
02:20Yeah, whatever it is, I hope they work it out before our wedding.
02:24Right, the wedding.
02:26About that, we have bigger problems.
02:46Well, this is lovely.
03:12Thank you so much for arranging it.
03:14And I love spending time with you.
03:16And it's not every day that we get to just talk one-on-one.
03:20Well, you've been very busy.
03:22I understand the entire family had a writing lesson yesterday.
03:26It was so much fun.
03:28I don't really picture myself doing all of the crazy jumps and moves that they all do,
03:33but I'm very good at feeding carrots and grooming.
03:37Important skills.
03:41There is actually something that I want to discuss with you.
03:44Okay, I'm listening.
03:47I've been offered another position.
03:51Mariah and Tessa lost their nanny,
03:53so they've asked if I would take care of Aria on the weekdays with Harrison back in school.
03:58Obviously, my hours there have been cut back.
04:01Is that something that you would be interested in doing?
04:05I told them I would consider it.
04:07I know we've spoken about me joining you at Newman in some capacity,
04:10so I hope that doesn't upset you.
04:12Oh, no, no, just the opposite.
04:16I'm happy for you and proud that you are in such demand.
04:21That is a great place to be.
04:24And now you can negotiate an even higher salary with me.
04:32You have questions about Heather?
04:37Did I catch you at a bad time?
04:39No, no.
04:40I just came home from dinner with Nick.
04:44How's Nick?
04:46He's good.
04:50So, about those questions.
04:52Yeah, right.
04:53Come on in.
04:56You and Heather were once close,
05:01so it's only natural that you would want answers about what happened.
05:09Yeah, this whole thing has really shocked a lot of people.
05:12It's a tragedy, especially for someone who knew her as well as you did.
05:19But I don't know how I can help.
05:22But I don't know how I can help.
05:25Maybe you should ask some of your friends on the force.
05:30Find out how the investigation is going.
05:33I'm actually back on the job.
05:36I'm here in an official capacity.
05:45Our wedding venue was canceled because of structural damage?
05:50They said the foundation shifted and cracked, and they're closed long term now.
05:56What are we going to do?
05:57Our wedding is barely a month away.
05:59I know.
06:00And I spent the whole day reaching out to all of our backup venues,
06:03and every single one of them are booked because it's such short notice.
06:07Well, that's just great.
06:10Maybe we will be getting married on a hot air balloon.
06:15I don't want to, but do we need to start thinking about changing the date?
06:19No. No, no. We cannot do that.
06:22My mom has set our wedding date as her goal to come home,
06:26and part of this whole celebration is her homecoming.
06:29I know. I agree with you, and it's your birthday.
06:34And the last thing I want to do is mess with the wedding date of your dreams.
06:38Well, maybe it's not anymore.
06:43Have you ordered already? The special looks good.
06:47It's chicken. There's nothing special about that.
06:50You know what? I'm not even hungry.
06:52I'm surprised to hear that after you stormed out of lunch at the athletic club.
06:56I didn't storm out.
06:58Our conversation, if that's what you want to call it, ruined my appetite,
07:02and there was nothing more to say.
07:03You know what? I think I'll skip it.
07:06So you're just going to run away without anything resolved at all?
07:09I'm not running away, Jack.
07:11But until you acknowledge that our son, not us, not Victor, is responsible for his actions,
07:18there's really no point in trying to resolve anything.
07:24It's from our publicity department.
07:27A Glissade press release?
07:29I don't know why they're alerting us about that.
07:32Read more.
07:34Glissade has stolen our product.
07:42Very impressive, Kyle.
07:46Thought you'd like it?
07:48My goodness.
07:50You're stealing Jabal's product right out from under them.
07:53This is going to put your parents into a frenzy.
07:57That is the plan.
07:59You shot the first salvo. Good for you.
08:02I want my parents to know I'm coming for them, as promised.
08:06You've stepped up in every way.
08:08The pleasure has been all mine. Believe me.
08:11Now we will see if you're up to running the damn thing, no matter what the stakes are,
08:19no matter what the obstacles are.
08:22Are you ready?
08:24There is nothing I want more.
08:27I, Kyle, you show the world what you're made of.
08:33That you're stronger than your father will ever be.
08:39You're back on the police force?
08:43I thought that you were enjoying your work at Chancellor.
08:49Turns out it's not for me.
08:53Well, I guess you're right where you belong then.
08:58But promise me you won't get shot again.
09:01Because seeing you in that hospital bed, not knowing if you would live or die,
09:07that was really hard on everyone who loves you.
09:11Trust me, Sharon. That is not part of the game plan.
09:16So, you're investigating Heather's death.
09:22Does that mean that it wasn't an accident?
09:26Well, we haven't determined anything concrete just yet.
09:29We're still gathering the facts.
09:31Well, the idea that it wasn't accidental, that Heather may have been murdered,
09:39the killer's still out there somewhere, that is so frightening.
09:44So, of course, I'll help in any way I can.
09:53I swear I didn't organize this get-together as a negotiating tactic.
09:58Oh, I know that, darling.
10:00But it's never too soon to learn how to stand up for yourself.
10:05Professionally or in general?
10:09Knowing your value and not working for less than what you're worth
10:13are very important steps to learn in life.
10:16This family, your love, the way you've all accepted me,
10:19I think I pretty much have everything I could ever want in life.
10:22Well, we are all so lucky to have such a loving family.
10:26But there's nothing wrong with wanting more and going for it.
10:31Well, in that case, I would like to hear more about this job that you've proposed.
10:36Benefits, salary, vacation time.
10:39Vacation time, very important.
10:41That's the spirit, and we will get to that.
10:45But right now, things are a little bit up in the air.
10:48But there should be some movement soon, and then things will happen very quickly.
10:53You want to hit the ground running, fully staffed?
10:55Yes, hopefully with you by my side.
10:59And knowing how in demand you are, I am prepared to be generous.
11:05Well, I don't know. My talk with Mariah and Tessa went really well.
11:10The competition's pretty darn fierce.
11:14What am I up against?
11:16They offered me free food and drinks from society.
11:21Oh, they are playing hardball.
11:25But I think I can offer a pretty competitive package.
11:30I really am torn.
11:32I love what I do. I love working with children.
11:35But the idea of being part of the family business,
11:39being a part of something that makes such a big impact,
11:43I mean, it's a really exciting prospect.
11:48Well, you would make the same kind of impact working with those children.
11:53And I know how important that is to you, so I won't keep badgering you to come work with me.
12:01I appreciate that.
12:03But it doesn't mean I won't keep trying.
12:06But what I want most for you is your happiness.
12:10And whatever path you have to take to find that, you have my full support.
12:18A sneak peek at the unveiling of the new Glissade's first major product.
12:24A revolutionary sunscreen moisturizer only needs to be applied once a day
12:29and offers the same protection as sunscreens applied every few hours.
12:34This is exactly what we were planning to launch next month.
12:37Our anchor product for a whole new line. Now what?
12:40Well, we can't pull it. We can't delay it.
12:44After all the time and energy we spent on R&D, all the money we spent on the launch.
12:48And now this will be seen as Glissade's new breakout product.
12:52This was your baby. I mean, you worked hard on developing this.
12:56But now we'll be seen as copycats instead of innovators,
13:00which is what Jabot has always stood for.
13:02Innovation and beauty, not imitating our competition,
13:06which is exactly what people will think.
13:09Okay, there is only one possibility as to how this happened.
13:14And you and I both know it.
13:17No, no, I will not believe that.
13:20Well, I don't want to believe it either.
13:22But this project was top secret. Only you and I and our chem team knew about it.
13:29It just means Kyle did this.
13:31He somehow broke into our system and stole the formula.
13:35Oh my God, Jack, our son has sunk to a whole new low.
13:41I don't see what I could possibly know that would help you get to the truth of what happened to Heather.
13:50Well, why don't we start with your relationship with the Romilatis?
13:54Now, I understand that you confronted Heather, Lucy and Daniel recently more than once.
14:01They told you that?
14:03While I'm not proud of what I did, I don't understand what a private matter has to do with the investigation.
14:14Well, apparently she was upset enough to want some time on her own.
14:20And I think a lot of that centered around these confrontations.
14:25They mentioned Lucy and Faith's car accident.
14:28I'm afraid that triggered some horrible memories of the time when we lost Cassie.
14:38Although, Faith and Lucy were fine, I completely overreacted.
14:45I said some very unkind things to Daniel and Heather and Lucy.
14:50She's just a child.
14:52I said some very unkind things to Daniel and Heather and Lucy.
14:57She's just a child.
14:58It was so wrong of me to upset her like that.
15:01All of them.
15:02Which is why I apologized to Daniel.
15:08I think that's around the time when I realized there was some real tension between Heather and Daniel.
15:18It surprised me.
15:19What kind of tension?
15:49Father and son.
15:52I really don't know how to describe the tension between Daniel and Heather.
16:00Did you see anything?
16:03It was really more the things that Daniel had mentioned.
16:09So, Daniel spoke to you about the issues that they were having?
16:15No. No, Daniel never confided in me.
16:20But it was the trouble that they were having with Lucy and that both of them were struggling to find jobs.
16:28I just got the sense that there was some friction there.
16:33Especially when Daniel mentioned that Heather was upset enough that she wanted to leave Genoa City.
16:38With Daniel and Lucy, right?
16:40I really can't be sure.
16:44There just seemed to be some real conflict between them.
16:52You seem a little nervous.
16:56Well, it's very difficult to talk about.
17:00There's nothing easy about an innocent woman's death.
17:11Give me one second. I gotta take this, okay?
17:14Yeah, sure.
17:26Nice work with the nerves.
17:29You did great.
17:32You planted just the right seed to send Detective Dreamy there in Daniel's direction.
17:41We already put so much work into this. It was gonna be beautiful.
17:47Well, the wedding's still gonna be beautiful. It's just gonna be in a different place.
17:51I know, baby. I understand that you're disappointed. I'm disappointed, too.
17:56But I promise you we have enough time to figure something out.
17:59I don't want to figure it out. I want the wedding that we had...
18:05I'm sorry. I know I'm...
18:07I'm sorry. I know I'm sounding like a bridezilla.
18:11Look at that.
18:12It's really all that matters is... is us.
18:17Our vows, our commitment to each other, and our future with our son.
18:21I know, but I do understand how you feel.
18:25I would marry you in a rundown shack if I had to.
18:30I promise you I will not let it come to that, okay?
18:45Well, then.
18:49It was.
18:50If you'll excuse me, I was just leaving.
18:53Was it your husband this time who stormed out of here?
18:55You know what, Victor? I don't have the time or the patience for this.
18:58It was a hell of a show you put on at lunch.
19:01You know what you're up to, and it needs to stop.
19:06You know, instead of pointing your finger at me, blaming me for your upset,
19:10why don't you look at yourself?
19:12I mean it, Victor. Stop trying to destroy my family.
19:16You won't get away with it.
19:22Hi, Dad.
19:25My goodness, my goodness, my goodness. How are you?
19:28I'm okay. What did you say to Diane to make her leave so quickly?
19:33Sweetheart, I haven't seen you for a while. What do you care?
19:36I just said good evening, that's all.
19:39Did she and Jack have another row?
19:43Oh, you should have seen them at lunch. They put on quite a performance.
19:46Well, no. Uncle Jack was here, but...
19:48I mean, things seemed tense, but there was no scene.
19:51What's the matter with you, sweetheart? You trouble?
19:54It's nothing.
19:55It's nothing.
19:57No, actually, it is kind of a big deal.
19:59Hi, Deval.
20:01Our wedding venue is no longer available.
20:04And we haven't been able to find a new one.
20:10No problem.
20:12Well, that's easy for you to say.
20:13Of course it is.
20:15Because I have a solution.
20:17You do?
20:18I find a perfect place where you can get married.
20:21Wait, how is that possible?
20:25I make it possible.
20:26All right?
20:27It'll be a wonderful surprise.
20:29I promise.
20:38Good, you're here.
20:41Can I pour you a drink?
20:42Looks like you need it.
20:43How could you do this to us?
20:45I have no idea what you're talking about.
20:47Don't insult me.
20:49Wouldn't dream of that.
20:50And don't use that tone with me.
20:52I am trying to celebrate, and you're really killing the vibe.
20:57Celebrate what?
20:58Your new Glissade product?
21:00Oh, you heard about it.
21:01It's revolutionary, isn't it?
21:03A single application, sunscreen, and moisturizer is really going to put Glissade on the map.
21:09Blow the competition away.
21:11Sorry about that, but not really.
21:14You know that product was in R&D at Chabot.
21:18I know no such thing.
21:19You stole it!
21:21What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
21:24I don't know how you got your hands on that formula, but I can tell you, corporate theft is a serious crime.
21:30Am I supposed to be scared?
21:32You could find yourself facing charges, Kyle.
21:35You really want Harrison to lose another parental prison?
21:38Oh, instead of accusing me of theft, maybe you should praise me for hiring some of the best chemists in the world, for thinking big and ahead of the curve.
21:47Thinking big?
21:48You stole the formula.
21:50And maybe my chemist just got lucky.
21:53You shouldn't have underestimated me.
21:55Oh, boy, did I underestimate you.
21:57I never in my wildest imagination thought my own son could do something so despicable.
22:03Yeah, well, I'll take the win.
22:06No matter how you got it.
22:08Isn't business just about whoever crosses the finish line first?
22:14You really have the perfect place for us to get married.
22:17I do.
22:19Perfect place for the two of you to start your new life together.
22:23Daddy, you are amazing. Thank you so much.
22:26Wow, wow, wow.
22:27Oh, I love you.
22:28This is extremely generous, Mr. Newman. Thank you very much.
22:32You're very welcome.
22:34Well, this looks like some sort of celebration.
22:36Look who's here.
22:37My goodness.
22:38Dad just gave me the best wedding and birthday present ever.
22:43Without telling me?
22:45Well, I just came up.
22:46Our wedding venue fell through.
22:48Oh, no.
22:49It's only a month away.
22:51I know, and I was totally freaking out.
22:53But then Dad said that he had the perfect location for us.
22:57Well, leave it to your father to make the impossible happen.
23:01So, where is it?
23:02You'll find out in due time.
23:05He's not telling us either.
23:07Victor, this is a wedding.
23:10Caterers, florists, logistics.
23:13And what about all the guests?
23:15You can't tell them where the location is.
23:17I'll give it to them.
23:18Don't you worry about a thing.
23:20You're not even going to give us a hint?
23:22That's all you're going to get.
23:23Are you renting a private island?
23:27It's going to take place right here in General City.
23:30Okay, but where?
23:31You'll find out.
23:33Dad, there is so much to plan.
23:35I don't care.
23:37Okay, and what about the guest list?
23:38I have it all under control.
23:39Don't you worry about a thing.
23:43I don't even know if this new location can hold all of these people.
23:46I mean, can we see it first?
23:48You know, if I were you, I would stop trying to get it out of him
23:51because nobody keeps a secret like your father.
23:54And he has been full of surprises lately.
23:58What does that mean?
24:02Yeah, what does that mean?
24:04What other surprises have you pulled off lately?
24:07Okay, you need to calm down and get a hold of yourself.
24:11Calm down?
24:14How am I supposed to do that?
24:16The police are at my door asking me questions about Heather
24:20and not just any policeman.
24:22Chance, a man who I respect and I admire and I'm lying to him.
24:28You're lying to everybody.
24:32I can't do this.
24:33Yeah, you can.
24:34And you will, because you know it's for your own good.
24:38I didn't think that it would be like this.
24:42Yeah, yeah, it's definitely a downer after your big date night with Nick.
24:46But I told you, there's more work to be done.
24:49So no more mooning over Nick until you finish the business at hand.
24:56And that starts with getting your detective ex to sign you up.
25:00And that starts with getting your detective ex to stop sniffing around here and sick him on Daniel.
25:06Because honey, your future doesn't begin until Daniel is in prison where he belongs.
25:14What about Lucy, that poor child? Her mother is dead.
25:19And your daughter is dead.
25:23I can't do it. I can't frame Daniel for a crime that he didn't commit.
25:28Look at me.
25:31Daniel may not have killed Heather.
25:34But Sharon, he has committed crimes.
25:37And this is the cosmic justice that we have been waiting for.
25:42That you had the guts to set it in motion.
25:46Maybe I should get into Daniel's apartment again and collect that phone and those towels.
25:52Are you insane?
25:54Are you insane?
25:56After all the hard work, all the planning?
26:00You know what, I'm tired of this conversation.
26:02Why don't you just go ahead, go ahead and just confess.
26:06Get it over with.
26:07Can you imagine the look on Chance's face when you tell him that you killed Heather and your family?
26:15How do you think Nick is going to see you?
26:18Your kids.
26:20You ready for that?
26:22The humiliation.
26:24The shame.
26:26The end of your life as you know it.
26:31Just when you were so close to finally getting the future that you dreamed of.
26:37Maybe they would understand.
26:39I didn't mean to kill Heather.
26:42I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to wring your hands over that.
26:46After they toss you into the can for the rest of your life.
26:54Lie to him, Sharon.
26:56Lie like a rug, lie like you have never lied to anyone in your life.
27:07Let's just say that Victor has promised me an amazing gift that I couldn't refuse.
27:14What's the occasion?
27:15Come on, let me give you a piece of advice.
27:18Don't ever wait for a special occasion to give your wife a special gift.
27:24Do we know this?
27:26Well, Victor has always been very romantic and there is no one more generous.
27:31I know, for sure, but I mean, what is this gift?
27:34Is it a new car, a new horse?
27:37How could it possibly top that gorgeous ruby necklace he gave you at the anniversary party?
27:42Well, you know, some things you can't put a price on.
27:48Business is about a lot more than who crosses the finish line first.
27:53It's about respect, it's about teamwork, it's about integrity.
27:56Have I taught you nothing?
27:57Well, you taught me not to cry over spilled milk, not to be a sore loser.
28:01No, this isn't about winning or losing.
28:04It goes straight to Jabot's inability to keep up with the competition.
28:08It's embarrassing, isn't it?
28:10Falling behind a, what did you call Gosad, a pitiful little startup that's doomed to fail.
28:16You know, if I were you, I would take a look at your R&D team that missed the opportunity to capitalize on new science.
28:22Maybe then, maybe then you will find someone who is worth giving the axe to.
28:28I know you're hurt, I know you're upset.
28:30No, I have moved on.
28:32You wanted to make a point, you wanted to hit back.
28:35You went too far.
28:37This is the anchor product.
28:39Anchor product for a whole new line.
28:42All because your pride was hurt?
28:44All because you wanted to throw a public tantrum and take Jabot down with you?
28:48Yeah, it's just business.
28:49Isn't that what they say?
28:50Oh, no, no, you made this very, very personal.
28:53You honed your rage, you sharpened your anger, and you made quite a weapon out of this.
28:58No, I plunged it into your back.
29:00Isn't that a bit melodramatic?
29:01You went too far.
29:05Jabot has not had a new product launch at this scale in a decade.
29:11I don't know if I can forgive you for this.
29:14Now you see what it's like when your so-called family does something unforgivable.
29:23Everything okay?
29:25Sharon, your life, your love, the future you deserve, everything hinges on what happens right now.
29:33It's your choice.
29:35I'm sorry.
29:38Where are my manners?
29:40I wish I had been a better hostess here.
29:45Can I get you something?
29:47You know, I still have some of your favorite tea in the cupboard.
29:52I'm good, thanks.
29:55That call, was there news about Heather?
30:00I'm afraid I can't say.
30:02I didn't mean to overstep just an old habit from the days when you used to talk to me about your work,
30:12usually over a glass of wine.
30:15Things have changed.
30:17I hope I'm not making things awkward by bringing up the past.
30:24You know, I am genuinely happy for you and Summer.
30:31I think of you so fondly.
30:34Thank you, Sharon.
30:36And I want the best for you too.
30:38Yeah, I think you're very special.
30:41Oh, I don't know about that.
30:44Oh no, no, no, I mean it.
30:46Your compassion, the way you're always ready to help.
30:50I'm very lucky to call you my friend.
30:53That's very nice of you to say.
30:56You okay? What's wrong?
30:59Uh, I'm sorry.
31:04I have been keeping something from you, Chance.
31:10And it has been weighing very heavily on me.
31:14I just, I don't know what to do.
31:19Well, you can start by talking to me.
31:26I was with Heather the night she died.
31:33I honestly cannot thank you enough. This is the most amazing gift.
31:36Listen to me.
31:38Nothing is ever enough for the family I love and the daughter I adore.
31:44I love you so much. Thank you.
31:48You're welcome, my man.
31:49Yes, sir. Thank you.
31:51You're cool.
31:54Appreciate you very much.
32:01Uh-oh. What's wrong?
32:06Is it this whole surprise venue thing?
32:08Because I can totally tell my dad that we changed our minds.
32:10No, no, no, no, not at all.
32:12I'm very grateful for it.
32:14It's going to be the perfect day.
32:16Any day marrying you is going to be the perfect day.
32:20I love it when you sweet talk me, especially when you're trying to distract from what you're really thinking about.
32:28It's it's just this mystery gift that your dad's giving Nikki.
32:36And the way she said it and then how she tried to cover it like she wasn't supposed to say anything at all.
32:41I noticed that, too. Yeah.
32:44Just wonder what it could be.
32:46With my dad, it could be anything.
32:49Yeah, right.
32:51What did he say about it? It's a gift that you can't put a price on.
32:58Interesting choice of words.
33:05I'm sorry I let it slip that you're going to be giving me an incredible gift.
33:09It's all right.
33:12No problem. There's no way that either Abby or Duvall would know.
33:18And I'm about to take over transfer industries.
33:22And give it to my beautiful wife.
33:24I can't wait.
33:27And I have some news on that front as well.
33:30Yeah, I met Claire.
33:33And it seems that she is leaning toward joining me.
33:39Well, then everything is falling into place.
33:42I love it.
33:47I don't even recognize you.
33:50Maybe I finally see the truth about everything I was supposed to hold sacred and threw the hell up.
33:58Do you know nothing of your history?
34:00Oh, I have been force fed it since I could walk.
34:02So, yes, I'm very familiar with the great family.
34:05And, you know, other members of the family have left.
34:08But how many of them were fired?
34:10That's a pretty elite club.
34:12No matter the terms in which they left, there was always a respect for what John Abbott built.
34:18The foundational principles of decency and hard work that made the company what it is today.
34:23This scorched earth thing that you have, this determination to destroy what this family built has no place here.
34:32And I am not going to let you disrespect your grandfather's legacy.
34:36What does that even mean?
34:38What do you intend to do?
34:39Oh, stop with all the chest thumping.
34:41You are blinded by your ego, by your hubris.
34:45You don't realize that you're just a pawn in Victor's game.
34:48I am no pawn.
34:50Oh, you keep telling yourself while you jump through hoops for a man with no compunction at all.
34:56No conscience.
34:58I thought I instilled one in you.
35:00Apparently I failed.
35:01Maybe a conscience isn't all it's cracked up to be.
35:04So if you're done, I'm going to go kiss my son goodnight.
35:07I am not done.
35:08Of course you're not.
35:09So please continue.
35:13Kyle, these last few months have been horrible for all of us.
35:20I honestly thought that we could put things back together.
35:24I believed that as a family we could survive this.
35:28We can survive this now.
35:31I don't know what I believe.
35:35But I will leave you with a warning.
35:38If I find proof that you accessed or used sensitive Jeboah material,
35:46I will not hesitate to hit you with every legal action that is necessary.
35:53So you let Mom fire me.
35:56Now you want to arrest me.
35:57Oh, I don't want to.
35:59But I will if I have to.
36:05Whatever you have to say.
36:07I'm here.
36:12I went to Daniel and Heather's apartment that night.
36:21I had already apologized to Daniel, as I told you.
36:26And I wanted to apologize to Heather and Lucy for the way that I treated them.
36:34And what happened?
36:36Heather was alone.
36:39And she seemed agitated and on edge.
36:44So I asked her if she was alright and she told me that she and Daniel had just had a big fight.
36:54Did she say what about?
36:56No, I didn't ask. We are not that close. I didn't want to pry.
37:02Did she mention anything about a trip?
37:07She didn't have a bag, a suitcase, anything that would suggest that she was trying to leave town?
37:18Is there anything else you want to tell me?
37:22No, that's it.
37:25I went there and apologized. She mentioned the fight and I left.
37:32Why are you just now saying something about this?
37:37Because Daniel is already grieving.
37:43And imagine how tortured he'd be if he knew how upset Heather was with him in her final hours.
37:51The guilt. He's already suffering enough as it is.
37:56I'm sure that my information is not significant, but now that there is an investigation into her death, I felt I needed to be honest.
